Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_list_problem_responses(self):
        def result_factory(result_id):
            Return a dummy StudentModule object that can be queried for
            relevant info (student.username and state).
            result = Mock(spec=['student', 'state'])
            result.student.username.return_value = u'user{}'.format(result_id)
            result.state.return_value = u'state{}'.format(result_id)
            return result

        # Ensure that UsageKey.from_string returns a problem key that list_problem_responses can work with
        # (even when called with a dummy location):
        mock_problem_key = Mock(return_value=u'')
        mock_problem_key.course_key = self.course_key
        with patch.object(UsageKey, 'from_string') as patched_from_string:
            patched_from_string.return_value = mock_problem_key

            # Ensure that StudentModule.objects.filter returns a result set that list_problem_responses can work with
            # (this keeps us from having to create fixtures for this test):
            mock_results = MagicMock(
                return_value=[result_factory(n) for n in range(5)])
            with patch.object(StudentModule, 'objects') as patched_manager:
                patched_manager.filter.return_value = mock_results

                mock_problem_location = ''
                problem_responses = list(

                # Check if list_problem_responses called UsageKey.from_string to look up problem key:
                # Check if list_problem_responses called StudentModule.objects.filter to obtain relevant records:

                # Check if list_problem_responses returned expected results:
                self.assertEqual(len(problem_responses), len(mock_results))
                for mock_result in mock_results:
                            'username': mock_result.student.username,
                            'state': mock_result.state
                        }, problem_responses)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _build_student_data(
        cls, user_id, course_key, usage_key_str_list, filter_types=None,
        Generate a list of problem responses for all problem under the
        ``problem_location`` root.
            user_id (int): The user id for the user generating the report
            course_key (CourseKey): The ``CourseKey`` for the course whose report
                is being generated
            usage_key_str_list (List[str]): The generated report will include these
                blocks and their child blocks.
            filter_types (List[str]): The report generator will only include data for
                block types in this list.
              Tuple[List[Dict], List[str]]: Yields a list of dictionaries
                containing the student data which will be included in the
                final csv, and the features/keys to include in that CSV.
        usage_keys = [
            for usage_key_str in usage_key_str_list
        user = get_user_model().objects.get(pk=user_id)

        max_count = settings.FEATURES.get('MAX_PROBLEM_RESPONSES_COUNT')
        store = modulestore()
        user_state_client = DjangoXBlockUserStateClient()

        student_data_keys = set()

        batch_no = 1

        with store.bulk_operations(course_key):
            for usage_key in usage_keys:
                if max_count is not None and max_count <= 0:
                course_blocks = get_course_blocks(user, usage_key)
                base_path = cls._build_block_base_path(store.get_item(usage_key))
                for title, path, block_key in cls._build_problem_list(course_blocks, usage_key):
                    # Chapter and sequential blocks are filtered out since they include state
                    # which isn't useful for this report.
                    if block_key.block_type in ('sequential', 'chapter'):

                    if filter_types is not None and block_key.block_type not in filter_types:

                    block = store.get_item(block_key)
                    generated_report_data = defaultdict(list)

                    # Blocks can implement the generate_report_data method to provide their own
                    # human-readable formatting for user state.
                    if hasattr(block, 'generate_report_data'):
                            user_state_iterator = user_state_client.iter_all_for_block(block_key)
                            for username, state in block.generate_report_data(user_state_iterator, max_count):
                        except NotImplementedError:

                    responses = []

                    for response in list_problem_responses(course_key, block_key, max_count):
                        response['title'] = title
                        # A human-readable location for the current block
                        response['location'] = ' > '.join(base_path + path)
                        # A machine-friendly location for the current block
                        response['block_key'] = str(block_key)
                        # A block that has a single state per user can contain multiple responses
                        # within the same state.
                        user_states = generated_report_data.get(response['username'], [])
                        if user_states:
                            # For each response in the block, copy over the basic data like the
                            # title, location, block_key and state, and add in the responses
                            for user_state in user_states:
                                user_response = response.copy()
                                student_data_keys = student_data_keys.union(user_state.keys())

                    # Keep the keys in a useful order, starting with username, title and location,
                    # then the columns returned by the xblock report generator in sorted order and
                    # finally end with the more machine friendly block_key and state.
                    student_data_keys_list = (
                        ['username', 'title', 'location'] +
                        sorted(student_data_keys) +
                        ['block_key', 'state']

                    yield responses, student_data_keys_list, batch_no

                    batch_no += 1
                    if max_count is not None:
                        max_count -= len(responses)
                        if max_count <= 0: