Exemplo n.º 1
    def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, root, input, client_mutation_id=None):
        # Call the logout method to remove any locally stored data

        # Remove user's git creds
        git_cred_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.git-credentials'))
        if os.path.exists(git_cred_file):
            logger.info("Removed git credentials on logout")

        # Wipe current user from request context
        flask.g.user_obj = None
        flask.g.id_token = None
        flask.g.access_token = None

        return RemoveUserIdentity(user_identity_edge=UserIdentity())
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_identity_manager_instance(
            self, fixture_working_dir_with_cached_user):
        """Test getting identity manager in a flask app"""

        # Test normal
        mgr = get_identity_manager_instance()
        assert type(mgr) == LocalIdentityManager

        # Test when no mgr is set
        current_app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"] = None
        mgr = get_identity_manager_instance()
        assert mgr is None

        # Test when mgr is missing from the current Flask application config
        del current_app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"]
        with pytest.raises(AuthenticationError):
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_logged_in_user():
    """A method to get the current logged in User object"""
    # Check for user in redis cache
    access_token = flask.g.get('access_token', None)

    if access_token:
        # Build unique key from the bearer token
        key = access_token[0::6]

        # Get a redis client
        client = flask.g.get('redis_client', None)
        if not client:
            client = redis.StrictRedis(db=4)
            flask.g.redis_client = client

        # Check if user data is cached
        if client.exists(key):
            # Load user data from redis
            user = User()
            user.username = client.hget(key, "username").decode()
            user.email = client.hget(key, "email").decode()
            user.given_name = client.hget(key, "given_name").decode()
            user.family_name = client.hget(key, "family_name").decode()

            # User not loaded yet, so get it from the identity manager
            user = get_identity_manager_instance().get_user_profile(

            # Save to redis
            client.hset(key, "username", user.username)
            client.hset(key, "email", user.email)
            client.hset(key, "given_name", user.given_name)
            client.hset(key, "family_name", user.family_name)

            # Set a TTL of 5 minutes. This will auto-delete the key so the identity will be re-queried
            client.expire(key, 60 * 5)
        # No access token, so assume running locally or malformed request and force a full load from manager
        user = get_identity_manager_instance().get_user_profile(access_token)

    return user
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_logged_in_user() -> User:
    """A method to get the current logged in User object"""
    # Check for user in redis cache
    access_token = flask.g.get('access_token', None)
    id_token = flask.g.get('id_token', None)

    request_scoped_user = flask.g.get('user_obj', None)
    if not request_scoped_user:
        request_scoped_user = get_identity_manager_instance().get_user_profile(
            access_token, id_token)
        flask.g.user_obj = request_scoped_user

    return request_scoped_user
Exemplo n.º 5
    def resolve(self, next, root, info, **args):
        if not self.identity_mgr:
            self.identity_mgr = get_identity_manager_instance()

        # On first field processed in request, authenticate
        if not hasattr(info.context, "auth_middleware_complete"):
            # Pull the token out of the header if available
            token = None
            if "Authorization" in info.context.headers:
                token = parse_token(info.context.headers["Authorization"])

            # Save token to the request context for future use (e.g. look up a user's profile information if needed)
            flask.g.access_token = token

            # Check if you are authenticated
            except AuthenticationError:
                raise AuthenticationError("User not authenticated", 401)

            info.context.auth_middleware_complete = True

        return next(root, info, **args)