Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        # specify the dimension of observation space and action space
        self.observation_space = 44
        self.action_space = 4  # joint efforts
        # We assume that a ROS node has already been created before initialising the environment

        self.running_step = rospy.get_param("/running_step")

        self.weight_r1 = rospy.get_param("/weight_r1")
        self.weight_r2 = rospy.get_param("/weight_r2")
        self.weight_r3 = rospy.get_param("/weight_r3")
        # self.inr_r3 = rospy.get_param("/inr_r3")

        # stablishes connection with simulator
        self.gazebo = GazeboConnection()

        self.mrm_state_object = MrmState(weight_r1=self.weight_r1,

        self.mrm_joint_pubisher_object = JointPub()


        self.reset_controller_pub = rospy.Publisher('/reset_controller',
        self.pause_sim_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pause_sim', Bool, queue_size=1)

        # list for recording the minimal value from the laser
        self.mini_laser = []

        self.moco = model_control()

        self.pipe_angle = 0.0
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        # specify the dimension of observation space and action space
        self.observation_space = 22
        self.action_space = 4
        # We assume that a ROS node has already been created before initialising the environment

        # gets training parameters from param server
        self.desired_target = Point()
        self.running_step = rospy.get_param("/running_step")

        self.done_reward = rospy.get_param("/collision_reward")

        self.weight_r1 = rospy.get_param("/weight_r1")
        self.weight_r2 = rospy.get_param("/weight_r2")
        self.weight_r3 = rospy.get_param("/weight_r3")

        # stablishes connection with simulator
        self.gazebo = GazeboConnection()

        self.controllers_object = ControllersConnection(namespace="")

        self.mrm_state_object = MrmState(weight_r1=self.weight_r1,

        self.mrm_joint_pubisher_object = JointPub()


        self.reset_controller_pub = rospy.Publisher('/reset_controller',
        self.pause_sim_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pause_sim', Bool, queue_size=1)

        self.moco = model_control()

        self.pipe_angle = 0.0
        # these parameters should stay the same
        "task": "Mrm-v0",
        "n_steps": 2400,
        "gamma": 0.98,
        0.975,  # Best lambda value is lower than gamma, empirically lambda introduces far less bias than gamma for a reasonably accruate value function'
        "vf_constraint": 0.01,
        "max_kl": .01,
        "coef_en": 0.01,  # coefficient for entropy bonus, only used in PPO
        "lr_ph": 0.0006,  # learning rate for adam, only used in PPO
        "cg_damping": 0.001,
        "max_pathlength": 90,
        "n_validation": 120

    moco = model_control()
    # Create the Gym environment
    env = gym.make('Mrm-v0')
    env = env.unwrapped
    rospy.loginfo("Gym environment done")

    # position and orientation of the end-effector
    global end_pos

    def end_effector_pos_callback(msg):
        global end_pos
        end_pos = msg

    # Get the position of end-effector
    rospy.Subscriber("/end_effector_pos", Transform, end_effector_pos_callback)