Exemplo n.º 1
def get_trans():
    configs = get_configs()
    data = get_data()
    nn, ngram = get_models()
    # if bigram nn, it's from t to t-1, then need to transpose?
    nn_trans_dict = nn.predict_identity()
    nn_trans = nn_trans_dict.values()[0]
    print '...nn_trans type', type(nn_trans), nn_trans.shape
    nn_trans = nn_trans_dict['1']
    print nn_trans_dict.keys()
    print '...nn_trans type', type(nn_trans), nn_trans.shape
    nn_trans = np.exp(nn_trans)
    ngram_trans = ngram.ngram
    return ngram_trans, nn_trans, ngram, nn, configs, data
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_models(data=None, configs=None, save=False):
    if configs is None:
        configs = get_configs()

    if data is None:
        data = get_data(configs)

    # TODO: remove hack
    if configs["bigram"]:
        reduced_keys = [configs["reduced_key"]]
        data.keys = reduced_keys
        test_data = data.get_test_data()
        test_data.keys = reduced_keys

    retrieve_model = configs["retrieve_model"]
    model = SkipGramNN(data, configs)
    print "SkipGramNN, # of syms", len(model.syms)

    if not retrieve_model:
        model_loss = model.train()
        if save:
            model.save("skipgram-%s.pkl" % (configs["corpus"]))
            plt.savefig("losses-%s.png" % configs.name)
        print "=== train loss ==="
        print "loss: %.2f" % model_loss
        loss = model.check_loss()
        if not configs["regularize"]:
            assert np.allclose(loss, model_loss)

        if save:
            model_weights = model.weights.value
            fname = "w1-%s.pkl" % configs.name
            print fname
            with open(fname, "wb") as p:
                pickle.dump(model.W1.value, p)
                pickle.dump(data.syms, p)
                pickle.dump(model_loss, p)
                pickle.dump(model_weights, p)
                pickle.dump(configs, p)

            fname = "skipgram-bach.pkl"
        fname = os.path.join("data", "test_skipgram_model.pkl")
        print fname
        assert fname is not None, "Error: no model to retrieve in the time being"
        with open(fname, "rb") as p:
            w1 = pickle.load(p)
            syms = pickle.load(p)
            model_loss = pickle.load(p)
            model_weights = pickle.load(p)
            configs_reloaded = pickle.load(p)
        for key in configs.keys():
            if key not in configs_reloaded.keys():
                print "no key", key
        for key in configs.keys():
            if key in configs_reloaded.keys():
                if configs[key] != configs_reloaded[key]:
                    print configs[key], configs_reloaded[key]

        # assert configs == configs_reloaded
        model.init_weights(model_weights, model_loss)

    train_seq_data = data.get_train_seqs_data()
    train_seqs = [seq for seq in train_seq_data.seqs]
    syms = data.syms

    # ngram_model = NGram(train_seqs, syms, 2, configs)
    ngram_model = NGram(data.seqs, syms, 2, configs)
    print "\n\nNgram, # of syms", len(ngram_model.syms)
    if save:
        ngram_model.save("bigram-%s.pkl" % (configs["corpus"]))
    print len(ngram_model.syms), len(model.data.syms)
    assert ngram_model.syms == model.data.syms

    return model, ngram_model