Exemplo n.º 1
def run():
    inject_mode = sys.argv[-1]
    if inject_mode == 'randomtriage':
    elif inject_mode == 'pat':
        print "Loading some case data for pat patient"
        careteam = CareTeam.objects.filter(patient__user__username='******')[0]
        num = 10
        assign_interactions(careteam, num)
    elif inject_mode == 'historical':
        for careteam in CareTeam.objects.all().exclude(patient__user__username='******'):
            num_cases= random.randint(0,5)
            print "\tgenerating %d baseline interactions" % (num_cases)
            assign_interactions(careteam, num_cases)
            add_long_cases() #adds the longer commented case
    elif inject_mode == 'initial':
                            ["ashand-question","Patient daily measurements incomplete","Missing data alert: Missing weight and temperature","Home Monitor"])
                            ["ashand-issue","%s has a runny nose","is it bad?","Caregiver"])
                            ["ashand-issue","urgent","What order should I instruct the patient to take their anti nausea meds?","Caregiver"])
                            ["ashand-issue","not feeling well","%s has been reporting severe constipation the past few days","Caregiver"])
                            ["ashand-issue","help","Do I need to fast before my next visit?","patient"])        
                            ["ashand-issue","not a big deal","Do I need to take all these meds you gave me?","Caregiver"])        
                            ["ashand-issue","bleeding gums","was about to brush my teeth when I saw it","patient"],)
                            ["ashand-issue","more skin problems for %s","Thanks for the tip on the last skin issue!","caregiver"],)
                            ["ashand-issue","%s has severe diarrhea","%s was up most of the night, was able to stay hydrated, but am worried.","Caregiver"])
                            ["ashand-issue","fever","at what temperature should I know to call for help?","patient"])
                            ["ashand-issue","is it bad?","not sure if this is hives or a rash","Caregiver"])
    elif inject_mode == 'monitoring':
                            ["ashand-question","Patient has not submitted daily measurements","Missing data alert","Home Monitor"])
                            ["ashand-question","Patient has vomited 2 times in the past 24 hours","Daily reading alert","Home Monitor"])
Exemplo n.º 2
def run():    
    #reset the database
    #call_command('reset_db', interactive=False)    
    #call_command('syncdb', interactive=False)
    #load all the demo categories for cases

    for provarr in provider_arr:
        #firstname, lastname, job_title, affiliation        
        create_provider(provarr[0], provarr[1],provarr[2],provarr[3])
    print "created all providers"

    for pt_cg_list in care_pair_arr:
        ptarr = pt_cg_list[0]        
        cgarr = pt_cg_list[1]
        pt = create_patient(ptarr[0],ptarr[1],ptarr[2],ptarr[3])
        cg = create_caregiver(cgarr[0],cgarr[1],cgarr[2],cgarr[3])
        create_careteam(pt, caregiver_user=cg)
#    #create patients    
#    for ptarr in patient_arr:
#        create_patient(ptarr[0],ptarr[1],ptarr[2],ptarr[3])
#    print "Created test patients.  Total %d" % Patient.objects.all().count()
#    print "Creating care teams..."
#    #create careteam around all patients and link providers to them
#    for patient in Patient.objects.all():
#        create_careteam(patient)
    #before making the case, we need to get all the user objects of the people in the careteam.
    #first the providers:
    revision_no = 0
    for team in CareTeam.objects.all():        
        provs = team.providers.all()
        caregivers = team.caregivers.all()
        users = [team.patient.user]
        #get the user objects from the providers on this careteam
        for prov in provs:
            #when you do an all on the providers, provider objects, so we need to flip over to the User instead.
        for cg in caregivers:
        num_cases= random.randint(0,10)
        print "\tgenerating %d baseline interactions" % (num_cases)
        assign_interactions(team, num_cases)
        #create fictitious cases and case activity by patients and providers.
        #for num in range(0,MAX_INITIAL_CASES):            
            #case = create_case(users[random.randint(0,len(users)-1)], users, num)
            #num_revisions = random.randint(0,MAX_REVISIONS)
            #print "New case created for patient %s, case %d" % (team.patient, num)
            #for rev in range(0,num_revisions):
            #    print "\tApplying revision %d - %d" % (rev, revision_no)
            #    modding_user = users[random.randint(0,len(users)-1)]
            #    if random.random() >= .25:
            #        #let's bias towards doing work on a case
            #        work_case(case,modding_user)
            #    else:
            #        resolve_or_close_case(case, modding_user, revision_no)
            #    revision_no += 1
    print "Generating triage patients"
    print "adding long cases to dorothy day"