Exemplo n.º 1
def create_blocks(database_name):
    # look up database
    # iterate over tables and calc number of rows in each
    # break each table into segments of no more than 1000 rows
    # create block object

    ## grab a list of all databases, only support first for now

    # TODO call this whenever the db changes

    block_size = 1000

    database = Database.objects.filter(name=database_name)[0]
    tables = Table.objects.filter(db=database)
    for table in tables:
        num_rows = ModelGenerator.getModel(database.name, table.name).objects.count()
        for x in range(0, num_rows, block_size):
            Block.objects.create(database=database, table=table, start_row=x, end_row=x + block_size - 1)
        ## do the last few blocks
        if num_rows % block_size:
                database=database, table=table, start_row=num_rows - num_rows % block_size, end_row=num_rows - 1
Exemplo n.º 2
def json_from_block(block):
    model = ModelGenerator.getModel(block.database, block.table)
    return serializers.serialize("json", model.objects.filter()[block.start_row : block.end_row])