Exemplo n.º 1
def make_movie_auto(variableName,
   Function for making a movie
   :param variableName                  Name of the variable
   :param boundaryBox                   Box for collecting min and max threshold (The movie will focus on that area)
   :param vlsvFileName                  Name of a vlsv file where the function collects the threshold for the boundary box
   :param inputDirectory                Path to input vlsv/silo files
   :param inputFileName                 Name of the file(s) so for example if the filenames are bulk.0000.silo, bulk.0001.silo, .. then inputFileName=\"bulk.*.silo\""
   :param outputDirectory               Path to output directory
   :param outputFileName                Name of the output file
   :param colorTableName="hot_desaturated"  Color table for the plots
   :param thresholdCoefficient          Sets the coefficient for a covariant collected from the values from boundary box. The lower this is, the more focused the movie will be on the boundary box area
   :param startFrame=-1                 Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals 0)
   :param endFrame=-1                   Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals last frame)
    if thresholdCoefficient < 0:
        print("thresholdCoefficient must be non-negative!")
    # Input frame properties
    _startFrame = startFrame  # Note: if _startFrame is set to -1 the start frame gets set to 0
    _endFrame = endFrame  # Note: if _endFrame is set to -1 the _endFrame is automatically the number of frames in the database

    # Input variable
    _variableName = variableName

    # Input directory and file names
    #_outputDir = "/home/hannukse/MOVINGFRAME_MOVIES/AAJ_BZ_REMAKE/" # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved)
    _outputDir = outputDirectory
    #_outputFileName = "BZ_FORESHOCK_2_" # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, ..
    _outputFileName = outputFileName  # The file names for the png files.
    #databaseName = "localhost:/home/hannukse/meteo/stornext/field/vlasiator/2D/AAJ/silo_files/bulk.*.silo database" # For navigating to the silo files
    databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName + " database"  # For navigating to the silo files
    # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically

    # Get the min and max values:
    # Get all cell ids within the boundary box:
    vlsvReader = VlsvReader(vlsvFileName)
    # Get global boundaries:
    # Get xmax, xmin and xcells_ini
    xmax = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="xmax")
    xmin = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="xmin")
    xcells = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="xcells_ini")
    # Do the same for y
    ymax = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="ymax")
    ymin = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="ymin")
    ycells = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="ycells_ini")
    # And for z
    zmax = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="zmax")
    zmin = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="zmin")
    zcells = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="zcells_ini")
    #Calculate cell lengths:
    cell_lengths = np.array([(xmax - xmin) / (float)(xcells),
                             (ymax - ymin) / (float)(ycells),
                             (zmax - zmin) / (float)(zcells)])
    # Get cell indices:
    cell_indice_bounds = np.array([
        (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[0]) - xmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[0])),
        (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[1]) - xmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[0])),
        (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[2]) - ymin) / (float)(cell_lengths[1])),
        (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[3]) - ymin) / (float)(cell_lengths[1])),
        (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[4]) - zmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[2])),
        (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[5]) - zmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[2]))
    # Get every cell id within the boundary box:
    cellids = []
    cell_indice = np.array(
        [cell_indice_bounds[0], cell_indice_bounds[2], cell_indice_bounds[4]])
    while True:
        cellids.append(cell_indice[0] + cell_indice[1] * xcells +
                       cell_indice[2] * xcells * ycells + 1)
        if cell_indice[0] < cell_indice_bounds[1]:
            cell_indice[0] = cell_indice[0] + 1
        elif cell_indice[1] < cell_indice_bounds[3]:
            cell_indice[1] = cell_indice[1] + 1
            cell_indice[0] = cell_indice_bounds[0]
        elif cell_indice[2] < cell_indice_bounds[5]:
            cell_indice[2] = cell_indice[2] + 1
            cell_indice[1] = cell_indice_bounds[1]
            cell_indice[0] = cell_indice_bounds[0]
            # Indice out of bounds -- got all cell ids
    # Convert cell ids into set:
    cellids = Set(cellids)
    cellidlocations = []
    # Get all of the cell ids locations:
    allcellids = vlsvReader.read(name="SpatialGrid", tag="MESH")
    for i in range(len(allcellids)):
        if allcellids[i] in cellids:
            #This cell id is within the user-given boundary
    # Get all of the values:
    allvalues = vlsvReader.read_variables(name=_variableName)
    values = []
    # Get the values of the cell ids within the boundary
    for i in cellidlocations:
    # We now have all the cell ids (and their locations in the arrays) from the area, set min and max thresholds:
    meanValue = np.mean(values)
    standardDeviationValue = np.std(values)
    maxValue = meanValue + (
        float)(thresholdCoefficient) * standardDeviationValue
    minValue = meanValue - (
        float)(thresholdCoefficient) * standardDeviationValue
    # Put threshold values:
    minVariableValue = minValue
    maxVariableValue = maxValue

    # LaunchNowin(vdir=visitBinDirectory)
    #dx = speedX * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
    #dy = speedY * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
    #Set up window and annotations
    vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)

    #Load settings

    vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1)  #CONTINUE
    vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable

    vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
    vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
    vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
    vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
    vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
    vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
    vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
    vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
    vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
    vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
    vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
    vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)

    if _endFrame == -1:
        _endFrame = vis.TimeSliderGetNStates() - 1

    if _startFrame == -1:
        _startFrame = 0

    # Iterate through frames
    for i in range(_startFrame, _endFrame + 1):
        frame = i - _startFrame
        vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 300
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
    # Make the movie:
    #subprocess.call("./moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
    pyVisitPath = "pyVisit/"
    #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh")
    #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
    frameRate = "10"
        pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh",
        _outputDir, _outputFileName, frameRate
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_movie( variableName, minValue, maxValue, inputDirectory, inputFileName, outputDirectory, outputFileName, colorTable="hot_desaturated", startFrame=-1, endFrame=-1 ):
   Function for making a movie
   :param variableName                  Name of the variable
   :param minValue                      Minimum value of the variable
   :param maxValue                      Maximum value of the variable
   :param inputDirectory                Path to input vlsv/silo files
   :param inputFileName                 Name of the file(s) so for example if the filenames are bulk.0000.silo, bulk.0001.silo, .. then inputFileName=\"bulk.*.silo\""
   :param outputDirectory               Path to output directory
   :param outputFileName                Name of the output file
   :param colorTable="hot_desaturated"  Color table for the plots
   :param startFrame=-1                 Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals 0)
   :param endFrame=-1                   Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals last frame)
   # Input frame properties
   _startFrame = startFrame # Note: if _startFrame is set to -1 the start frame gets set to 0
   _endFrame = endFrame # Note: if _endFrame is set to -1 the _endFrame is automatically the number of frames in the database
   # Input variable
   _variableName = variableName
   minVariableValue = minValue
   maxVariableValue = maxValue
   colorTableName = colorTable
   # Input directory and file names
   #_outputDir = "/home/hannukse/MOVINGFRAME_MOVIES/AAJ_BZ_REMAKE/" # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved)
   _outputDir = outputDirectory
   #_outputFileName = "BZ_FORESHOCK_2_" # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, ..
   _outputFileName = outputFileName # The file names for the png files.
   #databaseName = "localhost:/home/hannukse/meteo/stornext/field/vlasiator/2D/AAJ/silo_files/bulk.*.silo database" # For navigating to the silo files
   databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName + " database" # For navigating to the silo files
   # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically

   # LaunchNowin(vdir=visitBinDirectory)
   #dx = speedX * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
   #dy = speedY * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
   #Set up window and annotations
   vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)

   #Load settings

   vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1) #CONTINUE
   vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable

   vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
   vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
   vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
   vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
   vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
   vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
   vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
   vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)
   if _endFrame == -1:
      _endFrame = vis.TimeSliderGetNStates() - 1
   if _startFrame == -1:
      _startFrame = 0
   # Iterate through frames
   for i in xrange(_startFrame, _endFrame+1):
      frame = i - _startFrame
      vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 3000
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
   # Make the movie:
   #subprocess.call("./moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
   pyVisitPath = "pyVisit/"
   #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh")
   #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
   framerate = "10"
   subprocess.call([pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh", _outputDir, _outputFileName, framerate])
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_distribution_movie(cellids, rotated, inputDirectory, outputDirectory, outputFileName, zoom=1.0, viewNormal=[0.488281, 0.382966, -0.784167], minThreshold=1e-18, maxThreshold=1e37):
   '''Makes a distribution movie of some given distribution data
      Example usage:
      make_distribution_movie(cellids=[18302, 19432, 19042], rotated=True, inputDirectory=\"/home/hannukse/meteo/stornext/field/vlasiator/2D/AAJ/silo_files/\", outputDirectory=\"/home/hannukse/MOVIES/\", outputFileName=\"testmovie\", zoom=0.8, viewNormal=[0.488281, 0.382966, -0.784167], minThreshold=1e-17, maxThreshold=1.2e37)
      Note: viewNormal determines the angle of view (straight from visit)
   if len(viewNormal) != 3:
   for cell in sorted(cellids):
      # OPTIONS
      cellid = str(cell)
      #databaseName = "localhost:/home/hannukse/meteo/lustre/tmp/hannuksela/AAM/velgrid.rotated." + cellid + ".*.silo database"
      if rotated == True:
         rotateFix = "rotated."
         rotateFix = ""
      inputFileName = "velgrid." + rotateFix + cellid + ".*.silo"
      databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName + " database"
      outputDir = outputDirectory
      fileName = outputFileName + "_" + cellid + "_"
      WIDTH = 3000
      HEIGHT = 3000
      # Threshold values:
      minimumThreshold = minThreshold
      maximumThreshold = maxThreshold
      vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)
      #Load settings
      #Make a plot
      vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "avgs", 1, 1)
      vis.AddOperator("Threshold", 1)
      vis.ThresholdAtts = vis.ThresholdAttributes()
      vis.ThresholdAtts.outputMeshType = 0
      vis.ThresholdAtts.listedVarNames = ("default")
      vis.ThresholdAtts.zonePortions = (1)
      vis.ThresholdAtts.lowerBounds = (minimumThreshold)
      vis.ThresholdAtts.upperBounds = (maximumThreshold)
      vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarName = "avgs"
      vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarIsScalar = 1
      vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.ThresholdAtts, 1)
      # Begin spontaneous state
      vis.View3DAtts = vis.View3DAttributes()
      vis.View3DAtts.viewNormal = (viewNormal[0], viewNormal[1], viewNormal[2])
      vis.View3DAtts.focus = (-634.56, 91.3781, -13.7891)
      vis.View3DAtts.viewUp = (-0.102795, 0.917551, 0.3841)
      vis.View3DAtts.viewAngle = 30
      vis.View3DAtts.parallelScale = 1.45614e+06
      vis.View3DAtts.nearPlane = -2.91228e+06
      vis.View3DAtts.farPlane = 2.91228e+06
      vis.View3DAtts.imagePan = (0, 0)
      vis.View3DAtts.imageZoom = zoom
      vis.View3DAtts.perspective = 1
      vis.View3DAtts.eyeAngle = 2
      vis.View3DAtts.centerOfRotationSet = 0
      vis.View3DAtts.centerOfRotation = (-634.56, 91.3781, -13.7891)
      vis.View3DAtts.axis3DScaleFlag = 0
      vis.View3DAtts.axis3DScales = (1, 1, 1)
      vis.View3DAtts.shear = (0, 0, 1)
      # End spontaneous state
      vis.ViewCurveAtts = vis.ViewCurveAttributes()
      vis.ViewCurveAtts.domainCoords = (0, 1)
      vis.ViewCurveAtts.rangeCoords = (0, 1)
      vis.ViewCurveAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95)
      vis.ViewCurveAtts.domainScale = vis.ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
      vis.ViewCurveAtts.rangeScale = vis.ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
      vis.View2DAtts = vis.View2DAttributes()
      vis.View2DAtts.windowCoords = (0, 1, 0, 1)
      vis.View2DAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95)
      vis.View2DAtts.fullFrameActivationMode = vis.View2DAtts.Auto  # On, Off, Auto
      vis.View2DAtts.fullFrameAutoThreshold = 100
      vis.View2DAtts.xScale = vis.View2DAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
      vis.View2DAtts.yScale = vis.View2DAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
      vis.View2DAtts.windowValid = 0
      vis.View3DAtts = vis.View3DAttributes()
      vis.View3DAtts.viewNormal = (viewNormal[0], viewNormal[1], viewNormal[2])
      vis.View3DAtts.focus = (-634.56, 91.3781, -13.7891)
      vis.View3DAtts.viewUp = (-0.102795, 0.917551, 0.3841)
      vis.View3DAtts.viewAngle = 30
      vis.View3DAtts.parallelScale = 1.45614e+06
      vis.View3DAtts.nearPlane = -2.91228e+06
      vis.View3DAtts.farPlane = 2.91228e+06
      vis.View3DAtts.imagePan = (0, 0)
      vis.View3DAtts.imageZoom = zoom
      vis.View3DAtts.perspective = 1
      vis.View3DAtts.eyeAngle = 2
      vis.View3DAtts.centerOfRotationSet = 0
      vis.View3DAtts.centerOfRotation = (-634.56, 91.3781, -13.7891)
      vis.View3DAtts.axis3DScaleFlag = 0
      vis.View3DAtts.axis3DScales = (1, 1, 1)
      vis.View3DAtts.shear = (0, 0, 1)
      vis.ViewAxisArrayAtts = vis.ViewAxisArrayAttributes()
      vis.ViewAxisArrayAtts.domainCoords = (0, 1)
      vis.ViewAxisArrayAtts.rangeCoords = (0, 1)
      vis.ViewAxisArrayAtts.viewportCoords = (0.15, 0.9, 0.1, 0.85)
      for i in range(0, vis.GetDatabaseNStates()):
         vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = outputDir
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = fileName
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = WIDTH
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = HEIGHT
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
      # Make the movie:
      framerate = 5
      subprocess.call([pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh", outputDir, fileName, framerate])
Exemplo n.º 4
def make_movie_auto( variableName, boundaryBox, vlsvFileName, inputDirectory, inputFileName, outputDirectory, outputFileName, colorTableName="hot_desaturated", startFrame=-1, endFrame=-1, thresholdCoefficient=0.6 ):
   Function for making a movie
   :param variableName                  Name of the variable
   :param boundaryBox                   Box for collecting min and max threshold (The movie will focus on that area)
   :param vlsvFileName                  Name of a vlsv file where the function collects the threshold for the boundary box
   :param inputDirectory                Path to input vlsv/silo files
   :param inputFileName                 Name of the file(s) so for example if the filenames are bulk.0000.silo, bulk.0001.silo, .. then inputFileName=\"bulk.*.silo\""
   :param outputDirectory               Path to output directory
   :param outputFileName                Name of the output file
   :param colorTableName="hot_desaturated"  Color table for the plots
   :param thresholdCoefficient          Sets the coefficient for a covariant collected from the values from boundary box. The lower this is, the more focused the movie will be on the boundary box area
   :param startFrame=-1                 Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals 0)
   :param endFrame=-1                   Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals last frame)
   if thresholdCoefficient < 0:
      print "thresholdCoefficient must be non-negative!"
   # Input frame properties
   _startFrame = startFrame # Note: if _startFrame is set to -1 the start frame gets set to 0
   _endFrame = endFrame # Note: if _endFrame is set to -1 the _endFrame is automatically the number of frames in the database
   # Input variable
   _variableName = variableName

   # Input directory and file names
   #_outputDir = "/home/hannukse/MOVINGFRAME_MOVIES/AAJ_BZ_REMAKE/" # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved)
   _outputDir = outputDirectory
   #_outputFileName = "BZ_FORESHOCK_2_" # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, ..
   _outputFileName = outputFileName # The file names for the png files.
   #databaseName = "localhost:/home/hannukse/meteo/stornext/field/vlasiator/2D/AAJ/silo_files/bulk.*.silo database" # For navigating to the silo files
   databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName + " database" # For navigating to the silo files
   # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically

   # Get the min and max values:
   # Get all cell ids within the boundary box:
   vlsvReader = VlsvReader(vlsvFileName)
   # Get global boundaries:
   # Get xmax, xmin and xcells_ini
   xmax = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="xmax")
   xmin = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="xmin")
   xcells = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="xcells_ini")
   # Do the same for y
   ymax = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="ymax")
   ymin = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="ymin")
   ycells = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="ycells_ini")
   # And for z
   zmax = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="zmax")
   zmin = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="zmin")
   zcells = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="zcells_ini")
   #Calculate cell lengths:
   cell_lengths = np.array([(xmax - xmin)/(float)(xcells), (ymax - ymin)/(float)(ycells), (zmax - zmin)/(float)(zcells)])
   # Get cell indices:
   cell_indice_bounds = np.array([(int)(((float)(boundaryBox[0]) - xmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[0])),(int)(((float)(boundaryBox[1]) - xmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[0])), (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[2]) - ymin) / (float)(cell_lengths[1])), (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[3]) - ymin) / (float)(cell_lengths[1])), (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[4]) - zmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[2])), (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[5]) - zmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[2]))])
   # Get every cell id within the boundary box:
   cellids = []
   cell_indice = np.array([cell_indice_bounds[0], cell_indice_bounds[2], cell_indice_bounds[4]])
   while True:
      cellids.append(cell_indice[0] + cell_indice[1] * xcells + cell_indice[2] * xcells * ycells + 1)
      if cell_indice[0] < cell_indice_bounds[1]:
         cell_indice[0] = cell_indice[0] + 1
      elif cell_indice[1] < cell_indice_bounds[3]:
         cell_indice[1] = cell_indice[1] + 1
         cell_indice[0] = cell_indice_bounds[0]
      elif cell_indice[2] < cell_indice_bounds[5]:
         cell_indice[2] = cell_indice[2] + 1
         cell_indice[1] = cell_indice_bounds[1]
         cell_indice[0] = cell_indice_bounds[0]
         # Indice out of bounds -- got all cell ids
   # Convert cell ids into set:
   cellids = Set(cellids)
   cellidlocations = []
   # Get all of the cell ids locations:
   allcellids = vlsvReader.read(name="SpatialGrid",tag="MESH")
   for i in xrange(len(allcellids)):
      if allcellids[i] in cellids:
         #This cell id is within the user-given boundary
   # Get all of the values:
   allvalues = vlsvReader.read_variables(name=_variableName)
   values = []
   # Get the values of the cell ids within the boundary
   for i in cellidlocations:
   # We now have all the cell ids (and their locations in the arrays) from the area, set min and max thresholds:
   meanValue = np.mean(values)
   standardDeviationValue = np.std(values)
   maxValue = meanValue + (float)(thresholdCoefficient) * standardDeviationValue
   minValue = meanValue - (float)(thresholdCoefficient) * standardDeviationValue
   # Put threshold values:
   minVariableValue = minValue
   maxVariableValue = maxValue

   # LaunchNowin(vdir=visitBinDirectory)
   #dx = speedX * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
   #dy = speedY * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
   #Set up window and annotations
   vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)

   #Load settings

   vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1) #CONTINUE
   vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable

   vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
   vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
   vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
   vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
   vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
   vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
   vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
   vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)
   if _endFrame == -1:
      _endFrame = vis.TimeSliderGetNStates() - 1
   if _startFrame == -1:
      _startFrame = 0
   # Iterate through frames
   for i in xrange(_startFrame, _endFrame+1):
      frame = i - _startFrame
      vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 300
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
   # Make the movie:
   #subprocess.call("./moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
   pyVisitPath = "pyVisit/"
   #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh")
   #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
   frameRate = "10"
   subprocess.call([pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh", _outputDir, _outputFileName, frameRate])
Exemplo n.º 5
def draw_point_picture(variableName,
   Function for making a visit plot with a point
   :param variableName                  Name of the variable
   :param minValue                      Minimum value of the variable
   :param maxValue                      Maximum value of the variable
   :param inputDirectory                Path to input vlsv/silo files
   :param inputFileName                Name of the file, for example \"bulk.00000.silo\"
   :param coordinates                   Coordinates corresponding to the files so for example [ [[0,0,0], [0,1,0]], [[2,1,2], [2,1,4]] ]
   :param outputDirectory               Path to output directory
   :param outputFileName                Name of the output file
   :param colorTable="hot_desaturated"  Color table for the plots

    # Input variable
    _variableName = variableName
    minVariableValue = minValue
    maxVariableValue = maxValue
    colorTableName = colorTable

    # Input directory and file names
    _outputDir = outputDirectory
    _outputFileName = outputFileName  # The file names for the png files.
    databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName  # For navigating to the silo files
    # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically

    inputFileName2 = "point.vtk"
    databaseName2 = "localhost:" + os.getcwd() + "/" + inputFileName2

    currentPlot = 0

    vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)
    #vis.ActiveDatabase("localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName)
    #Load settings
    vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1)  #CONTINUE
    vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable

    vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
    vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
    vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
    vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
    vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
    vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
    vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
    vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
    vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
    vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
    vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
    vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)

    create_point_vtk(fileName=inputFileName2, coordinates=coordinate)
    vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName2, 0)
    currentPlot = currentPlot + 1
    vis.AddPlot("Mesh", "mesh", 1, 1)
    vis.MeshAtts = vis.MeshAttributes()
    vis.MeshAtts.legendFlag = 1
    vis.MeshAtts.lineStyle = vis.MeshAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
    vis.MeshAtts.lineWidth = 0
    vis.MeshAtts.meshColor = (0, 0, 0, 255)
    vis.MeshAtts.outlineOnlyFlag = 0
    vis.MeshAtts.errorTolerance = 0.01
    vis.MeshAtts.meshColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Foreground  # Foreground, MeshCustom
    vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Background  # Background, OpaqueCustom
    vis.MeshAtts.opaqueMode = vis.MeshAtts.Auto  # Auto, On, Off
    vis.MeshAtts.pointSize = 0.05
    vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColor = (255, 255, 255, 255)
    vis.MeshAtts.smoothingLevel = vis.MeshAtts.None  # None, Fast, High
    vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
    vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
    vis.MeshAtts.pointType = vis.MeshAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
    vis.MeshAtts.showInternal = 0
    vis.MeshAtts.pointSizePixels = 25
    vis.MeshAtts.opacity = 1
    vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 3000
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
    vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
    vis.SetActivePlots((0, 1))
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_distribution_movie(cellids,
                            viewNormal=[0.488281, 0.382966, -0.784167],
    '''Makes a distribution movie of some given distribution data
      Example usage:
      make_distribution_movie(cellids=[18302, 19432, 19042], rotated=True, inputDirectory=\"/home/hannukse/meteo/stornext/field/vlasiator/2D/AAJ/silo_files/\", outputDirectory=\"/home/hannukse/MOVIES/\", outputFileName=\"testmovie\", zoom=0.8, viewNormal=[0.488281, 0.382966, -0.784167], minThreshold=1e-17, maxThreshold=1.2e37)
      Note: viewNormal determines the angle of view (straight from visit)
    if len(viewNormal) != 3:
    for cell in sorted(cellids):
        # OPTIONS
        cellid = str(cell)
        #databaseName = "localhost:/home/hannukse/meteo/lustre/tmp/hannuksela/AAM/velgrid.rotated." + cellid + ".*.silo database"
        if rotated == True:
            rotateFix = "rotated."
            rotateFix = ""
        inputFileName = "velgrid." + rotateFix + cellid + ".*.silo"
        databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName + " database"
        outputDir = outputDirectory
        fileName = outputFileName + "_" + cellid + "_"
        WIDTH = 3000
        HEIGHT = 3000
        # Threshold values:
        minimumThreshold = minThreshold
        maximumThreshold = maxThreshold

        vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)
        #Load settings
        #Make a plot
        vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "avgs", 1, 1)
        vis.AddOperator("Threshold", 1)
        vis.ThresholdAtts = vis.ThresholdAttributes()
        vis.ThresholdAtts.outputMeshType = 0
        vis.ThresholdAtts.listedVarNames = ("default")
        vis.ThresholdAtts.zonePortions = (1)
        vis.ThresholdAtts.lowerBounds = (minimumThreshold)
        vis.ThresholdAtts.upperBounds = (maximumThreshold)
        vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarName = "avgs"
        vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarIsScalar = 1
        vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.ThresholdAtts, 1)
        # Begin spontaneous state
        vis.View3DAtts = vis.View3DAttributes()
        vis.View3DAtts.viewNormal = (viewNormal[0], viewNormal[1],
        vis.View3DAtts.focus = (-634.56, 91.3781, -13.7891)
        vis.View3DAtts.viewUp = (-0.102795, 0.917551, 0.3841)
        vis.View3DAtts.viewAngle = 30
        vis.View3DAtts.parallelScale = 1.45614e+06
        vis.View3DAtts.nearPlane = -2.91228e+06
        vis.View3DAtts.farPlane = 2.91228e+06
        vis.View3DAtts.imagePan = (0, 0)
        vis.View3DAtts.imageZoom = zoom
        vis.View3DAtts.perspective = 1
        vis.View3DAtts.eyeAngle = 2
        vis.View3DAtts.centerOfRotationSet = 0
        vis.View3DAtts.centerOfRotation = (-634.56, 91.3781, -13.7891)
        vis.View3DAtts.axis3DScaleFlag = 0
        vis.View3DAtts.axis3DScales = (1, 1, 1)
        vis.View3DAtts.shear = (0, 0, 1)
        # End spontaneous state
        vis.ViewCurveAtts = vis.ViewCurveAttributes()
        vis.ViewCurveAtts.domainCoords = (0, 1)
        vis.ViewCurveAtts.rangeCoords = (0, 1)
        vis.ViewCurveAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95)
        vis.ViewCurveAtts.domainScale = vis.ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
        vis.ViewCurveAtts.rangeScale = vis.ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
        vis.View2DAtts = vis.View2DAttributes()
        vis.View2DAtts.windowCoords = (0, 1, 0, 1)
        vis.View2DAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95)
        vis.View2DAtts.fullFrameActivationMode = vis.View2DAtts.Auto  # On, Off, Auto
        vis.View2DAtts.fullFrameAutoThreshold = 100
        vis.View2DAtts.xScale = vis.View2DAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
        vis.View2DAtts.yScale = vis.View2DAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
        vis.View2DAtts.windowValid = 0
        vis.View3DAtts = vis.View3DAttributes()
        vis.View3DAtts.viewNormal = (viewNormal[0], viewNormal[1],
        vis.View3DAtts.focus = (-634.56, 91.3781, -13.7891)
        vis.View3DAtts.viewUp = (-0.102795, 0.917551, 0.3841)
        vis.View3DAtts.viewAngle = 30
        vis.View3DAtts.parallelScale = 1.45614e+06
        vis.View3DAtts.nearPlane = -2.91228e+06
        vis.View3DAtts.farPlane = 2.91228e+06
        vis.View3DAtts.imagePan = (0, 0)
        vis.View3DAtts.imageZoom = zoom
        vis.View3DAtts.perspective = 1
        vis.View3DAtts.eyeAngle = 2
        vis.View3DAtts.centerOfRotationSet = 0
        vis.View3DAtts.centerOfRotation = (-634.56, 91.3781, -13.7891)
        vis.View3DAtts.axis3DScaleFlag = 0
        vis.View3DAtts.axis3DScales = (1, 1, 1)
        vis.View3DAtts.shear = (0, 0, 1)
        vis.ViewAxisArrayAtts = vis.ViewAxisArrayAttributes()
        vis.ViewAxisArrayAtts.domainCoords = (0, 1)
        vis.ViewAxisArrayAtts.rangeCoords = (0, 1)
        vis.ViewAxisArrayAtts.viewportCoords = (0.15, 0.9, 0.1, 0.85)
        for i in range(0, vis.GetDatabaseNStates()):
            vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = outputDir
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = fileName
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = WIDTH
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = HEIGHT
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
        # Make the movie:
        framerate = 5
            pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh",
            outputDir, fileName, framerate
Exemplo n.º 7
def draw_point_picture( variableName, minValue, maxValue, inputDirectory, inputFileName, coordinate, outputDirectory, outputFileName, colorTable="hot_desaturated"):
   Function for making a visit plot with a point
   :param variableName                  Name of the variable
   :param minValue                      Minimum value of the variable
   :param maxValue                      Maximum value of the variable
   :param inputDirectory                Path to input vlsv/silo files
   :param inputFileName                Name of the file, for example \"bulk.00000.silo\"
   :param coordinates                   Coordinates corresponding to the files so for example [ [[0,0,0], [0,1,0]], [[2,1,2], [2,1,4]] ]
   :param outputDirectory               Path to output directory
   :param outputFileName                Name of the output file
   :param colorTable="hot_desaturated"  Color table for the plots
   # Input variable
   _variableName = variableName
   minVariableValue = minValue
   maxVariableValue = maxValue
   colorTableName = colorTable
   # Input directory and file names
   _outputDir = outputDirectory
   _outputFileName = outputFileName # The file names for the png files.
   databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName # For navigating to the silo files
   # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically

   inputFileName2 = "point.vtk"
   databaseName2 = "localhost:" + os.getcwd() + "/" + inputFileName2

   currentPlot = 0

   vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)
   #vis.ActiveDatabase("localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName)
   #Load settings
   vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1) #CONTINUE
   vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable

   vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
   vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
   vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
   vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
   vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
   vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
   vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
   vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)

   create_point_vtk( fileName=inputFileName2, coordinates=coordinate )
   vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName2, 0)
   currentPlot = currentPlot + 1
   vis.AddPlot("Mesh", "mesh", 1, 1)
   vis.MeshAtts = vis.MeshAttributes()
   vis.MeshAtts.legendFlag = 1
   vis.MeshAtts.lineStyle = vis.MeshAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
   vis.MeshAtts.lineWidth = 0
   vis.MeshAtts.meshColor = (0, 0, 0, 255)
   vis.MeshAtts.outlineOnlyFlag = 0
   vis.MeshAtts.errorTolerance = 0.01
   vis.MeshAtts.meshColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Foreground  # Foreground, MeshCustom
   vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Background  # Background, OpaqueCustom
   vis.MeshAtts.opaqueMode = vis.MeshAtts.Auto  # Auto, On, Off
   vis.MeshAtts.pointSize = 0.05
   vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColor = (255, 255, 255, 255)
   vis.MeshAtts.smoothingLevel = vis.MeshAtts.None  # None, Fast, High
   vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
   vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
   vis.MeshAtts.pointType = vis.MeshAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
   vis.MeshAtts.showInternal = 0
   vis.MeshAtts.pointSizePixels = 25
   vis.MeshAtts.opacity = 1
   vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 3000
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
   vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
Exemplo n.º 8
def create_visit_point_movie(variableName,
   Function for making a movie
   :param variableName                  Name of the variable
   :param minValue                      Minimum value of the variable
   :param maxValue                      Maximum value of the variable
   :param inputDirectory                Path to input vlsv/silo files
   :param inputFileNames                Name of the files for example [\"bulk.00000.silo\", \"bulk.00001.silo\"]
   :param coordinates                   Coordinates corresponding to the files so for example [ [[0,0,0], [0,1,0]], [[2,1,2], [2,1,4]] ]
   :param outputDirectory               Path to output directory
   :param outputFileName                Name of the output file
   :param colorTable="hot_desaturated"  Color table for the plots
    coordinates = [coordinates]

    for i in range(len(inputFileNames)):
        # OPTIONS

        # Input variable
        _variableName = variableName
        minVariableValue = minValue
        maxVariableValue = maxValue
        colorTableName = colorTable

        # Input directory and file names
        #_outputDir = "/home/hannukse/MOVINGFRAME_MOVIES/AAJ_BZ_REMAKE/" # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved)
        _outputDir = outputDirectory
        #_outputFileName = "BZ_FORESHOCK_2_" # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, ..
        _outputFileName = outputFileName  # The file names for the png files.
        #databaseName = "localhost:/home/hannukse/meteo/stornext/field/vlasiator/2D/AAJ/silo_files/bulk.*.silo database" # For navigating to the silo files
        inputFileName = inputFileNames[i]
        databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName  # For navigating to the silo files
        # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically
        # LaunchNowin(vdir=visitBinDirectory)
        #dx = speedX * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
        #dy = speedY * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
        #Set up window and annotations

        inputFileName2 = "point.vtk"
        databaseName2 = "localhost:" + os.getcwd() + "/" + inputFileName2

        vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)
        #vis.ActiveDatabase("localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName)
        #Load settings
        vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1)  #CONTINUE
        vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
        vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable

        vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
        vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
        vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
        vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
        vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
        vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
        vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
        vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
        vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
        vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
        vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
        vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
        vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
        vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
        vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
        vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
        vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
        vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
        vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
        vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)

        for coordinate in coordinates[i]:
            create_point_vtk(fileName=inputFileName2, coordinates=coordinate)
            vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName2, 0)
            vis.AddPlot("Mesh", "mesh", 1, 1)
            vis.MeshAtts = vis.MeshAttributes()
            vis.MeshAtts.legendFlag = 1
            vis.MeshAtts.lineStyle = vis.MeshAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
            vis.MeshAtts.lineWidth = 0
            vis.MeshAtts.meshColor = (0, 0, 0, 255)
            vis.MeshAtts.outlineOnlyFlag = 0
            vis.MeshAtts.errorTolerance = 0.01
            vis.MeshAtts.meshColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Foreground  # Foreground, MeshCustom
            vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Background  # Background, OpaqueCustom
            vis.MeshAtts.opaqueMode = vis.MeshAtts.Auto  # Auto, On, Off
            vis.MeshAtts.pointSize = 0.05
            vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColor = (255, 255, 255, 255)
            vis.MeshAtts.smoothingLevel = vis.MeshAtts.None  # None, Fast, High
            vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
            vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
            vis.MeshAtts.pointType = vis.MeshAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
            vis.MeshAtts.showInternal = 0
            vis.MeshAtts.pointSizePixels = 10
            vis.MeshAtts.opacity = 1
            # Iterate through frames
            vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 3000
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
            vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
    # Make the movie:
    #subprocess.call("./moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
    pyVisitPath = "pyVisit/"
    #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh")
    #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
    framerate = "10"
        pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh",
        _outputDir, _outputFileName, framerate
    # Delete the point vtk file:
    os.remove(os.getcwd() + "/" + inputFileName2)
Exemplo n.º 9
def create_visit_point_movie( variableName, minValue, maxValue, inputDirectory, inputFileNames, coordinates, outputDirectory, outputFileName, colorTable="hot_desaturated"):
   Function for making a movie
   :param variableName                  Name of the variable
   :param minValue                      Minimum value of the variable
   :param maxValue                      Maximum value of the variable
   :param inputDirectory                Path to input vlsv/silo files
   :param inputFileNames                Name of the files for example [\"bulk.00000.silo\", \"bulk.00001.silo\"]
   :param coordinates                   Coordinates corresponding to the files so for example [ [[0,0,0], [0,1,0]], [[2,1,2], [2,1,4]] ]
   :param outputDirectory               Path to output directory
   :param outputFileName                Name of the output file
   :param colorTable="hot_desaturated"  Color table for the plots

   for i in xrange(len(inputFileNames)):
      # OPTIONS
      # Input variable
      _variableName = variableName
      minVariableValue = minValue
      maxVariableValue = maxValue
      colorTableName = colorTable
      # Input directory and file names
      #_outputDir = "/home/hannukse/MOVINGFRAME_MOVIES/AAJ_BZ_REMAKE/" # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved)
      _outputDir = outputDirectory
      #_outputFileName = "BZ_FORESHOCK_2_" # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, ..
      _outputFileName = outputFileName # The file names for the png files.
      #databaseName = "localhost:/home/hannukse/meteo/stornext/field/vlasiator/2D/AAJ/silo_files/bulk.*.silo database" # For navigating to the silo files
      inputFileName = inputFileNames[i]
      databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName # For navigating to the silo files
      # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically
      # LaunchNowin(vdir=visitBinDirectory)
      #dx = speedX * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
      #dy = speedY * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
      #Set up window and annotations

      inputFileName2 = "point.vtk"
      databaseName2 = "localhost:" + os.getcwd() + "/" + inputFileName2

      vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)
      #vis.ActiveDatabase("localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName)
      #Load settings
      vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1) #CONTINUE
      vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
      vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable
      vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
      vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
      vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
      vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
      vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
      vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
      vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
      vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
      vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
      vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
      vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
      vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
      vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
      vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
      vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
      vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
      vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
      vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
      vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
      vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)

      for coordinate in coordinates[i]:
         print str(coordinate)
         create_point_vtk( fileName=inputFileName2, coordinates=coordinate )
         vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName2, 0)
         vis.AddPlot("Mesh", "mesh", 1, 1)
         vis.MeshAtts = vis.MeshAttributes()
         vis.MeshAtts.legendFlag = 1
         vis.MeshAtts.lineStyle = vis.MeshAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
         vis.MeshAtts.lineWidth = 0
         vis.MeshAtts.meshColor = (0, 0, 0, 255)
         vis.MeshAtts.outlineOnlyFlag = 0
         vis.MeshAtts.errorTolerance = 0.01
         vis.MeshAtts.meshColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Foreground  # Foreground, MeshCustom
         vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Background  # Background, OpaqueCustom
         vis.MeshAtts.opaqueMode = vis.MeshAtts.Auto  # Auto, On, Off
         vis.MeshAtts.pointSize = 0.05
         vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColor = (255, 255, 255, 255)
         vis.MeshAtts.smoothingLevel = vis.MeshAtts.None  # None, Fast, High
         vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
         vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
         vis.MeshAtts.pointType = vis.MeshAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
         vis.MeshAtts.showInternal = 0
         vis.MeshAtts.pointSizePixels = 10
         vis.MeshAtts.opacity = 1
         # Iterate through frames
         vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 3000
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
         vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
   # Make the movie:
   #subprocess.call("./moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
   pyVisitPath = "pyVisit/"
   #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh")
   #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
   framerate = "10"
   subprocess.call([pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh", _outputDir, _outputFileName, framerate])
   # Delete the point vtk file:
   os.remove(os.getcwd() + "/" + inputFileName2)
Exemplo n.º 10
def make_moving_frame_of_reference_movie(x_begin,
   Function for making a movie with a moving frame of reference.
   :param x_begin             The starting frame's beginning x-coordinate
   :param x_end               The starting frame's ending x-coordinate
   :param y_begin             The starting frame's beginning x-coordinate
   :param y_end               The starting frame's ending y-coordinate
   :param speed_x             The speed at which the frame moves in the x direction
   :param speed_y             The speed at which the frame moves in the y direction
   :param variable_name       Name of the variable (For ex \"rho\")
   :param minThreshold        Minimum threshold for the variable
   :param maxThreshold        Maximum threshold for the variable
   :param input_directory     The path to the directory where the files are
   :param input_file_name     Name of the files (For ex \"bulk.*.silo\")
   :param output_directory    Directory where to output the movie
   :param output_file_name    Name of the outputted file (For ex \"RHOMOVIE\")
   :param color_table         Name of the color table (\"hot_desaturated\" by default)
   :param start_frame         Starting frame for the movie (if -1, equals 0, -1 by default)
   :param end_frame           Ending frame for the movie (if -1, equals the last frame, -1 by default)
   :param frame_skip_dt       The number of seconds one skip in frame equals (1.0 by default) (Note: This may change depending on the run and should always be checked)
    # Input the boundary box for starting coordinates (Starting values)
    startX = x_begin  # The left x-boundary of the box
    endX = x_end  # The right x-boundary of the box
    startY = y_begin  # The bottom y-boundary of the box
    endY = y_end  # The upper y-boundary of the box

    # Input frame properties
    startFrame = start_frame  # Note: if startFrame is set to -1 the start frame gets set to 0
    endFrame = end_frame  # Note: if endFrame is set to -1 the endFrame is automatically the number of frames in the database
    frameInSeconds = frame_skip_dt  # Set how many seconds one frame skip is

    # Input speed in x and y direction
    speedX = speed_x  # Meters per second
    speedY = speed_y  # Meters per second

    # Input variable
    variableName = variable_name
    minVariableValue = minThreshold
    maxVariableValue = maxThreshold
    colorTableName = color_table

    # Input directory and file names
    outputDir = output_directory  # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved)
    outputFileName = output_file_name  # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, .
    databaseName = "localhost:" + input_directory + input_file_name + " database"  # For navigating to the silo files
    # visitBinDirectory = "/usr/local/visit/bin" #Nevermind this
    # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically

    # Launch visit
    visitBinDirectory = '/home/htest/visit/bin'
    dx = speedX * frameInSeconds  # Note: This is in meters per frame!
    dy = speedY * frameInSeconds  # Note: This is in meters per frame!
    #Set up window and annotations
    vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)
    #Load settings

    vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", variableName, 1, 1)
    vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = color_table
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
    vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable
    vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
    vis.AddOperator("Threshold", 1)
    vis.ThresholdAtts = vis.ThresholdAttributes()
    vis.ThresholdAtts.outputMeshType = 0
    vis.ThresholdAtts.listedVarNames = ("Boundary_type")
    vis.ThresholdAtts.zonePortions = (1)
    vis.ThresholdAtts.lowerBounds = (1)
    vis.ThresholdAtts.upperBounds = (1)
    vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarName = variableName
    vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarIsScalar = 1
    vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.ThresholdAtts, 1)
    vis.ThresholdAtts = vis.ThresholdAttributes()
    vis.ThresholdAtts.outputMeshType = 0
    vis.ThresholdAtts.listedVarNames = ("Boundary_type")
    vis.ThresholdAtts.zonePortions = (1)
    vis.ThresholdAtts.lowerBounds = (1)
    vis.ThresholdAtts.upperBounds = (1)
    vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarName = variableName
    vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarIsScalar = 1
    vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.ThresholdAtts, 1)
    vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
    vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
    vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
    vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
    vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
    vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
    vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
    vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
    vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
    vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
    vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
    vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)

    if endFrame == -1:
        endFrame = vis.TimeSliderGetNStates() - 1

    if startFrame == -1:
        startFrame = 0

    # Iterate through frames
    for i in xrange(startFrame, endFrame + 1):
        frame = i - startFrame
        vis.View2DAtts = vis.View2DAttributes()
        vis.View2DAtts.windowCoords = (startX + frame * dx, endX + frame * dx,
                                       startY + frame * dy, endY + frame * dy)
        vis.View2DAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95)
        vis.View2DAtts.fullFrameActivationMode = vis.View2DAtts.Auto  # On, Off, Auto
        vis.View2DAtts.fullFrameAutoThreshold = 100
        vis.View2DAtts.xScale = vis.View2DAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
        vis.View2DAtts.yScale = vis.View2DAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
        vis.View2DAtts.windowValid = 1
        vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = outputDir
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = outputFileName
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 1024
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 1024
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
    # Make the movie:
    framerate = 7
        pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh",
        outputDir, outputFileName, framerate
Exemplo n.º 11
def make_moving_frame_of_reference_line_plot(point1,
   Function for making a line plot of some variable with a moving frame of reference
   :param point1              The starting point of the line (must be an array of size 3)
   :param point2              The ending point of the line (must be an array of size 3)
   :param velocity            The velocity vector of the frame of reference (must be an array of size 3)
   :param variable_name       Name of the variable (For ex \"rho\")
   :param input_directory     The path to the directory where the files are
   :param input_file_name     Name of the files (For ex \"bulk.*.silo\")
   :param output_directory    Directory where to output the movie
   :param output_file_name    Name of the outputted file (For ex \"RHOMOVIE\")
   :param start_frame         Starting frame for the movie (if -1, equals 0, -1 by default)
   :param end_frame           Ending frame for the movie (if -1, equals the last frame, -1 by default)
   :param frame_skip_dt       The number of seconds one skip in frame equals (1.0 by default) (Note: This may change depending on the run and should always be checked)
    if len(point1) != 3 or len(point2) != 3 or len(velocity) != 3:
        print "BAD INPUT IN make_moving_frame_of_reference_line_plot, POINT1, POINT2 AND VELOCITY MUST BE ARRAYS OF SIZE 3"

    # Input the boundary box for starting coordinates (Starting values)
    startX = point1[0]  # The left x-boundary of the box
    endX = point2[0]  # The right x-boundary of the box
    startY = point1[1]  # The bottom y-boundary of the box
    endY = point2[1]  # The upper y-boundary of the box
    startZ = poin1[2]  # The left z-boundary of the box
    endZ = point2[2]  # The right z-boundary of the box

    # Input frame properties
    startFrame = start_frame  # Note: if startFrame is set to -1 the start frame gets set to 0
    endFrame = end_frame  # Note: if endFrame is set to -1 the endFrame is automatically the number of frames in the database
    frameInSeconds = frame_skip_dt  # Set how many seconds one frame skip is

    screenWidth = 3000
    screenHeight = 3000

    # Input speed in x and y direction
    speedX = velocity[0]  # Meters per second
    speedY = velocity[1]  # Meters per second
    speedZ = velocity[2]  # Meters per second

    # Input variable name
    # Note: needs to have operators/Lineout/ for visit to recognize it as line plot. Additionally, visit does not accept any '/' in the variable name which is why they're removed. The curve definitions are in loadvisitsettings.py and in there the curve expressions are defined so that there's no '/' in the variable name
    variableName = "operators/Lineout/" + variable_name.replace("/", "")

    # Input directory and file names
    outputDir = output_directory  # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved)
    outputFileName = output_file_name  # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, ..
    databaseName = "localhost:" + input_directory + input_file_name + " database"  # For navigating to the silo files
    # visitBinDirectory = "/usr/lvariableNameocal/visit/bin" #Nevermind this
    # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically

    dx = speedX * frameInSeconds  # Note: This is in meters per frame!
    dy = speedY * frameInSeconds  # Note: This is in meters per frame!
    dz = speedZ * frameInSeconds  # Note: This is in meters per frame!

    vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)
    #Load settings

    vis.AddPlot("Curve", variableName, 1, 1)
    vis.LineoutAtts = vis.LineoutAttributes()
    vis.LineoutAtts.point1 = (startX, startY, 0)
    vis.LineoutAtts.point2 = (endX, endY, 0)
    vis.LineoutAtts.interactive = 0
    vis.LineoutAtts.ignoreGlobal = 0
    vis.LineoutAtts.samplingOn = 0
    vis.LineoutAtts.numberOfSamplePoints = 50
    vis.LineoutAtts.reflineLabels = 0
    vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.LineoutAtts, 1)
    vis.CurveAtts = vis.CurveAttributes()
    vis.CurveAtts.showLines = 1
    vis.CurveAtts.lineStyle = vis.CurveAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
    vis.CurveAtts.lineWidth = 2
    vis.CurveAtts.showPoints = 1
    vis.CurveAtts.symbol = vis.CurveAtts.Point  # Point, TriangleUp, TriangleDown, Square, Circle, Plus, X
    vis.CurveAtts.pointSize = 5
    vis.CurveAtts.pointFillMode = vis.CurveAtts.Static  # Static, Dynamic
    vis.CurveAtts.pointStride = 1
    vis.CurveAtts.symbolDensity = 50
    vis.CurveAtts.curveColorSource = vis.CurveAtts.Custom  # Cycle, Custom
    vis.CurveAtts.curveColor = (0, 0, 0, 255)
    vis.CurveAtts.showLegend = 1
    vis.CurveAtts.showLabels = 0
    vis.CurveAtts.designator = ""
    vis.CurveAtts.doBallTimeCue = 0
    vis.CurveAtts.ballTimeCueColor = (0, 0, 0, 255)
    vis.CurveAtts.timeCueBallSize = 0.01
    vis.CurveAtts.doLineTimeCue = 0
    vis.CurveAtts.lineTimeCueColor = (0, 0, 0, 255)
    vis.CurveAtts.lineTimeCueWidth = 0
    vis.CurveAtts.doCropTimeCue = 0
    vis.CurveAtts.timeForTimeCue = 0

    # Iterate through frames
    for i in xrange(startFrame, endFrame + 1):
        frame = i - startFrame
        vis.LineoutAtts = vis.LineoutAttributes()
        vis.LineoutAtts.point1 = (startX + frame * dx, startY + frame * dy, 0)
        vis.LineoutAtts.point2 = (endX + frame * dx, endY + frame * dy, 0)
        vis.LineoutAtts.interactive = 0
        vis.LineoutAtts.ignoreGlobal = 0
        vis.LineoutAtts.samplingOn = 0
        vis.LineoutAtts.numberOfSamplePoints = 50
        vis.LineoutAtts.reflineLabels = 0
        vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.LineoutAtts, 1)
        vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = outputDir
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = outputFileName
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = screenWidth
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = screenHeight
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 80
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
        vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
    # Make the movie:
    framerate = 5
        pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh",
        outputDir, outputFileName, framerate
Exemplo n.º 12
def make_movie( variableName, minValue, maxValue, inputDirectory, inputFileName, outputDirectory, outputFileName, colorTable="hot_desaturated", startFrame=-1, endFrame=-1 ):
   Function for making a movie
   :param variableName                  Name of the variable
   :param minValue                      Minimum value of the variable
   :param maxValue                      Maximum value of the variable
   :param inputDirectory                Path to input vlsv/silo files
   :param inputFileName                 Name of the file(s) so for example if the filenames are bulk.0000.silo, bulk.0001.silo, .. then inputFileName=\"bulk.*.silo\""
   :param outputDirectory               Path to output directory
   :param outputFileName                Name of the output file
   :param colorTable="hot_desaturated"  Color table for the plots
   :param startFrame=-1                 Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals 0)
   :param endFrame=-1                   Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals last frame)
   # Input frame properties
   _startFrame = startFrame # Note: if _startFrame is set to -1 the start frame gets set to 0
   _endFrame = endFrame # Note: if _endFrame is set to -1 the _endFrame is automatically the number of frames in the database
   # Input variable
   _variableName = variableName
   minVariableValue = minValue
   maxVariableValue = maxValue
   colorTableName = colorTable
   # Input directory and file names
   #_outputDir = "/home/hannukse/MOVINGFRAME_MOVIES/AAJ_BZ_REMAKE/" # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved)
   _outputDir = outputDirectory
   #_outputFileName = "BZ_FORESHOCK_2_" # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, ..
   _outputFileName = outputFileName # The file names for the png files.
   #databaseName = "localhost:/home/hannukse/meteo/stornext/field/vlasiator/2D/AAJ/silo_files/bulk.*.silo database" # For navigating to the silo files
   databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName + " database" # For navigating to the silo files
   # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically

   # LaunchNowin(vdir=visitBinDirectory)
   #dx = speedX * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
   #dy = speedY * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
   #Set up window and annotations
   vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)

   #Load settings

   vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1) #CONTINUE
   vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable

   vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
   vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
   vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
   vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
   vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
   vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
   vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
   vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)
   if _endFrame == -1:
      _endFrame = vis.TimeSliderGetNStates() - 1
   if _startFrame == -1:
      _startFrame = 0
   # Iterate through frames
   for i in range(_startFrame, _endFrame+1):
      frame = i - _startFrame
      vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 3000
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
   # Make the movie:
   #subprocess.call("./moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
   pyVisitPath = "pyVisit/"
   #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh")
   #subprocess.call(pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName)
   framerate = "10"
   subprocess.call([pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh", _outputDir, _outputFileName, framerate])
Exemplo n.º 13
def make_moving_frame_of_reference_movie( x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end, speed_x, speed_y, variable_name, minThreshold, maxThreshold, input_directory, input_file_name, output_directory, output_file_name, color_table="hot_desaturated", start_frame=-1, end_frame=-1, frame_skip_dt=1.0 ):
   Function for making a movie with a moving frame of reference.
   :param x_begin             The starting frame's beginning x-coordinate
   :param x_end               The starting frame's ending x-coordinate
   :param y_begin             The starting frame's beginning x-coordinate
   :param y_end               The starting frame's ending y-coordinate
   :param speed_x             The speed at which the frame moves in the x direction
   :param speed_y             The speed at which the frame moves in the y direction
   :param variable_name       Name of the variable (For ex \"rho\")
   :param minThreshold        Minimum threshold for the variable
   :param maxThreshold        Maximum threshold for the variable
   :param input_directory     The path to the directory where the files are
   :param input_file_name     Name of the files (For ex \"bulk.*.silo\")
   :param output_directory    Directory where to output the movie
   :param output_file_name    Name of the outputted file (For ex \"RHOMOVIE\")
   :param color_table         Name of the color table (\"hot_desaturated\" by default)
   :param start_frame         Starting frame for the movie (if -1, equals 0, -1 by default)
   :param end_frame           Ending frame for the movie (if -1, equals the last frame, -1 by default)
   :param frame_skip_dt       The number of seconds one skip in frame equals (1.0 by default) (Note: This may change depending on the run and should always be checked)
   # Input the boundary box for starting coordinates (Starting values)
   startX = x_begin # The left x-boundary of the box
   endX = x_end # The right x-boundary of the box
   startY = y_begin # The bottom y-boundary of the box
   endY = y_end # The upper y-boundary of the box
   # Input frame properties
   startFrame = start_frame # Note: if startFrame is set to -1 the start frame gets set to 0
   endFrame = end_frame # Note: if endFrame is set to -1 the endFrame is automatically the number of frames in the database
   frameInSeconds = frame_skip_dt # Set how many seconds one frame skip is
   # Input speed in x and y direction
   speedX = speed_x # Meters per second
   speedY = speed_y # Meters per second
   # Input variable
   variableName = variable_name
   minVariableValue = minThreshold
   maxVariableValue = maxThreshold
   colorTableName = color_table
   # Input directory and file names
   outputDir = output_directory # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved)
   outputFileName = output_file_name # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, .
   databaseName = "localhost:" + input_directory + input_file_name + " database" # For navigating to the silo files
   # visitBinDirectory = "/usr/local/visit/bin" #Nevermind this
   # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically
   # Launch visit
   visitBinDirectory = '/home/htest/visit/bin'
   dx = speedX * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
   dy = speedY * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame!
   #Set up window and annotations
   vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0)
   #Load settings

   vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", variableName, 1, 1)
   vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes()
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural  # Natural, Nodal, Zonal
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear  # Linear, Log, Skew
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot  # OriginalData, CurrentPlot
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point  # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = color_table
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default"
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID  # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0
   vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit  # Explicit, ColorTable
   vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1)
   vis.AddOperator("Threshold", 1)
   vis.ThresholdAtts = vis.ThresholdAttributes()
   vis.ThresholdAtts.outputMeshType = 0
   vis.ThresholdAtts.listedVarNames = ("Boundary_type")
   vis.ThresholdAtts.zonePortions = (1)
   vis.ThresholdAtts.lowerBounds = (1)
   vis.ThresholdAtts.upperBounds = (1)
   vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarName = variableName
   vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarIsScalar = 1
   vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.ThresholdAtts, 1)
   vis.ThresholdAtts = vis.ThresholdAttributes()
   vis.ThresholdAtts.outputMeshType = 0
   vis.ThresholdAtts.listedVarNames = ("Boundary_type")
   vis.ThresholdAtts.zonePortions = (1)
   vis.ThresholdAtts.lowerBounds = (1)
   vis.ThresholdAtts.upperBounds = (1)
   vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarName = variableName
   vis.ThresholdAtts.defaultVarIsScalar = 1
   vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.ThresholdAtts, 1)
   vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes()
   vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept  # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node
   vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1)
   vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis  # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi
   vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0)
   vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1
   vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid"
   vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0
   vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90
   vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1)
   if endFrame == -1:
      endFrame = vis.TimeSliderGetNStates() - 1
   if startFrame == -1:
      startFrame = 0
   # Iterate through frames
   for i in xrange(startFrame, endFrame+1):
      frame = i - startFrame
      vis.View2DAtts = vis.View2DAttributes()
      vis.View2DAtts.windowCoords = (startX + frame*dx, endX + frame*dx, startY + frame*dy, endY + frame*dy)
      vis.View2DAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95)
      vis.View2DAtts.fullFrameActivationMode = vis.View2DAtts.Auto  # On, Off, Auto
      vis.View2DAtts.fullFrameAutoThreshold = 100
      vis.View2DAtts.xScale = vis.View2DAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
      vis.View2DAtts.yScale = vis.View2DAtts.LINEAR  # LINEAR, LOG
      vis.View2DAtts.windowValid = 1
      vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes()
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = outputDir
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = outputFileName
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.family = 1
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG  # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 1024
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 1024
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.progressive = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits  # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions  # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions
      vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0
   # Make the movie:
   framerate = 7
   subprocess.call([pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "moviecompilescript.sh", outputDir, outputFileName, framerate])