if __name__ == "__main__":

    """bucket to hold results"""
    output_bucket = []

    """turn on b64encode for results?: on/off"""
    """b64encode required to export results in csv format"""
    """for troubleshooting turn b64encode off"""

    encode = 'on'
    #encode = 'off'

    """probe for accounts presense by testing regions"""
    regions = get_session.regions()

    if regions:
       """generate output header"""

       """go through each account"""
       multi_thread = []

       """get tuple: account -> dict:, temp role creds -> dict:"""
       for account in accounts_db.accounts:
           """get temp creds from trusting roles"""
           role = assume_role.new_role(account)

           if role:
This program is to collect some AWS stuff 
import boto3
import threading

from local_helpers.config import accounts_db
from local_helpers import assume_role, get_session, misc
from local_helpers import s3_helper

if __name__ == "__main__":
    """bucket to hold results"""
    output_bucket = []
    """probe for accounts presense by testing regions"""
    regions = get_session.regions()

    if regions:
        """generate output header"""
        """go through each account and traverse each region"""
        multi_thread = []
        """get tuple: account -> dict:, temp role creds -> dict:"""
        for account in accounts_db.accounts:
            """get temp creds from trusting roles"""
            role = assume_role.new_role(account)

            if role:
                """make an s3 type client connection"""
                s3 = get_session.connect(role, 's3')