Exemplo n.º 1
    def validate_infrastructure_flags(self):
        """Validates flags corresponding to cloud infrastructures.

      BadConfigurationException: If the value given to us for
        infrastructure-related flags were invalid.
        if not self.args.infrastructure:
            # Make sure we didn't get a machine flag, since that's infrastructure-only
            if self.args.machine:
                raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot specify a machine image " + \
                  "when infrastructure is not specified.")

            # Also make sure they gave us a valid availability zone.
            if self.args.zone:
                raise BadConfigurationException(
                    "Cannot specify an availability zone " +
                    "when infrastructure is not specified.")

            # Fail if the user is trying to use AWS Spot Instances on a virtualized
            # cluster.
            if self.args.use_spot_instances or self.args.max_spot_price:
                raise BadConfigurationException("Can't run spot instances when " + \
                  "when infrastructure is not specified.")

            # Fail if the user is trying to use persistent disks on a virtualized
            # cluster.
            if self.args.disks:
                raise BadConfigurationException("Can't specify persistent disks " + \
                  "when infrastructure is not specified.")

            # Fail if the user is trying to use an Elastic IP / Static IP on a
            # virtualized cluster.
            if self.args.static_ip:
                raise BadConfigurationException("Can't specify a static IP " + \
                  "when infrastructure is not specified.")


        # Make sure the user gave us an ami/emi if running in a cloud.
        if not self.args.machine:
            raise BadConfigurationException(
                "Need a machine image (ami) " +
                "when running in a cloud infrastructure.")

        # Also make sure they gave us an availability zone if they want to use
        # persistent disks.
        if self.args.disks and not self.args.zone:
            raise BadConfigurationException(
                "Need an availability zone specified " +
                "when persistent disks are specified.")

        # In Google Compute Engine, we have to specify the availability zone.
        if self.args.infrastructure == 'gce' and not self.args.zone:
            self.args.zone = GCEAgent.DEFAULT_ZONE

        # If the user wants to use spot instances in a cloud, make sure that it's
        # EC2 (since Euca doesn't have spot instances).
        if self.args.infrastructure != 'ec2' and (self.args.use_spot_instances or \
            raise BadConfigurationException("Can't run spot instances unless " + \
              "Amazon EC2 is the infrastructure used.")

        # If the user does want to set a max spot price, make sure they told us that
        # they want to use spot instances in the first place.
        if self.args.max_spot_price and not self.args.use_spot_instances:
            raise BadConfigurationException("Can't have a max spot instance price" + \
              " if --use_spot_instances is not set.")

        # If the user does want to use persistent disks, make sure they specified
        # them in the right format, a dictionary mapping node IDs to disk names.
        if self.args.disks:
            self.args.disks = yaml.safe_load(base64.b64decode(self.args.disks))

            if not isinstance(self.args.disks, dict):
                raise BadConfigurationException("--disks must be a dict, but was a " \

        if not self.args.instance_type:
            raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot start a cloud instance without " \
                                            "the instance type.")

        if self.args.instance_type in self.DISALLOWED_INSTANCE_TYPES and \
            not (self.args.force or self.args.test):
            LocalState.confirm_or_abort("The {0} instance type does not have " \
              "enough RAM to run Cassandra in a production setting. Please " \
              "consider using a larger instance type.".format(

        if self.args.infrastructure == 'azure':
            if not self.args.azure_subscription_id:
                raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot start an Azure instance without " \
                                                "the Subscription ID.")
            if not self.args.azure_app_id:
                raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot authenticate an Azure instance " \
                                                "without the App ID.")
            if not self.args.azure_app_secret_key:
                raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot authenticate an Azure instance " \
                                                "without the App Secret Key.")
            if not self.args.azure_tenant_id:
                raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot authenticate an Azure instance " \
                                                "without the Tenant ID.")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def down(self, clean=False, terminate=False):
        """ 'down' provides a nicer experience for users than the
    appscale-terminate-instances command, by using the configuration options
    present in the AppScalefile found in the current working directory.

      clean: A boolean to indicate if the deployment data and metadata
        needs to be clean. This will clear the datastore.
      terminate: A boolean to indicate if instances needs to be terminated
        (valid only if we spawn instances at start).

      AppScalefileException: If there is no AppScalefile in the current working
        contents = self.read_appscalefile()

        # Construct a terminate-instances command from the file's contents
        command = []
        contents_as_yaml = yaml.safe_load(contents)

        if 'verbose' in contents_as_yaml and contents_as_yaml[
                'verbose'] == True:
            is_verbose = contents_as_yaml['verbose']
            is_verbose = False

        if 'keyname' in contents_as_yaml:
            keyname = contents_as_yaml['keyname']
            keyname = 'appscale'

        if "EC2_ACCESS_KEY" in contents_as_yaml:
            os.environ["EC2_ACCESS_KEY"] = contents_as_yaml["EC2_ACCESS_KEY"]

        if "EC2_SECRET_KEY" in contents_as_yaml:
            os.environ["EC2_SECRET_KEY"] = contents_as_yaml["EC2_SECRET_KEY"]

        if "EC2_URL" in contents_as_yaml:
            os.environ["EC2_URL"] = contents_as_yaml["EC2_URL"]

        if clean:
            if 'test' not in contents_as_yaml or contents_as_yaml[
                    'test'] != True:
                    "Clean will delete every data in the deployment.")
            all_ips = LocalState.get_all_public_ips(keyname)
            for ip in all_ips:
                RemoteHelper.ssh(ip, keyname, self.TERMINATE, is_verbose)
                "Successfully cleaned your AppScale deployment.")

        if terminate:
            infrastructure = LocalState.get_infrastructure(keyname)
            if infrastructure != "xen" and not LocalState.are_disks_used(
                    keyname) and 'test' not in contents_as_yaml:
                    "Terminate will delete instances and the data on them.")

        if 'test' in contents_as_yaml and contents_as_yaml['test'] == True:

        # Finally, exec the command. Don't worry about validating it -
        # appscale-terminate-instances will do that for us.
        options = ParseArgs(command, "appscale-terminate-instances").args

        LocalState.cleanup_appscale_files(keyname, terminate)
            "Successfully shut down your AppScale deployment.")
Exemplo n.º 3
  def validate_node_layout(self):
    """Checks to see if this NodeLayout represents an acceptable (new) advanced
    deployment strategy, and if so, constructs self.nodes from it.

      True if the deployment strategy is valid.
      BadConfigurationException with reason if the deployment strategy is not
    if self.input_yaml and not isinstance(self.input_yaml, list):
      return self.invalid("Node layout format was not recognized.")
    if not self.input_yaml and self.infrastructure not in \
      # When running in a cloud, simple formats don't require an input_yaml
      return self.invalid("Node layout format was not recognized.")

    if not self.input_yaml:
      if self.infrastructure in InfrastructureAgentFactory.VALID_AGENTS:
        if not self.min_machines:

        if not self.max_machines:

        # No layout was created, so create a generic one and then allow it
        # to be validated.
        self.input_yaml = self.generate_cloud_layout()

    # Keep track of whether the deployment is valid while going through.
    node_hash = {}
    role_count = {
      'compute': 0,
      'shadow': 0,
      'memcache': 0,
      'taskqueue': 0,
      'zookeeper': 0,
      'login': 0,
      'db_master': 0,
      'taskqueue_master': 0
    node_count = 0
    all_disks = []
    login_found = False
    # Loop through the list of "node sets", which are grouped by role.
    for node_set in self.input_yaml:
      # If the key nodes is mapped to an integer it should be a cloud
      # deployment so we will use node-ids.
      using_cloud_ids = isinstance(node_set.get('nodes'), int)

      # In cloud_ids deployments, set the fake public ips to node-#.
      if using_cloud_ids:
        ips_list = ["node-{}".format(node_count + i) \
                    for i in xrange(node_set.get('nodes'))]
        # Update node_count.
        node_count += len(ips_list)
      # Otherwise get the ips and validate them.
        ip_or_ips = node_set.get('nodes')
        ips_list = ip_or_ips if isinstance(ip_or_ips, list) else [ip_or_ips]
        # Validate that the ips_list are either node-id or ip addresses.
        if any([self.is_cloud_ip(ip) for ip in ips_list]):
          self.invalid("Role(s) {}: using node-id format is not supported"
                       " with the ips_layout format being used. Please "
                       "specify an integer or an ip address."\

        if len(ips_list) - len(set(ips_list)) > 0:

      # Get the roles.
      role_or_roles = node_set.get('roles')
      if len(ips_list) == 0:
        self.invalid("Node amount cannot be zero for role(s) {}."\
      roles = role_or_roles if isinstance(role_or_roles, list) else \

      # Immediately fail if we have more than one node for master.
      if 'master' in roles and (self.master or len(ips_list) > 1):
        self.invalid("Only one master is allowed.")

      # Create or retrieve the nodes from the node_hash.
      nodes = [node_hash[ip] if ip in node_hash else \
               Node(ip, using_cloud_ids) for ip in ips_list]

      # Validate volume usage, there should be an equal number of volumes to
      # number of nodes.
      if node_set.get('disks', None):
        disk_or_disks = node_set.get('disks')
        disks = disk_or_disks if isinstance(disk_or_disks, list) else \
        self.validate_disks(len(nodes), disks)

        for node, disk in zip(nodes, disks):
          node.disk = disk

      instance_type = node_set.get('instance_type', self.default_instance_type)

      if self.infrastructure:
        if not instance_type:
          self.invalid("Must set a default instance type or specify instance "
                       "type per role.")

      # Check if this is an allowed instance type.
      if instance_type in ParseArgs.DISALLOWED_INSTANCE_TYPES and \
          not (self.force or self.test):
        reason = "the suggested 4GB of RAM"
        if 'database' in roles:
          reason += " to run Cassandra"
        LocalState.confirm_or_abort("The {0} instance type does not have {1}."
                                    "Please consider using a larger instance "
                                    "type.".format(instance_type, reason))
      # Assign master.
      if 'master' in roles:
        self.master = nodes[0]

      # Add the defined roles to the nodes.
      for node in nodes:
        for role in roles:
          if role == 'login':
            node.public_ip = self.login_host or node.public_ip
        node.instance_type = instance_type
        if not node.is_valid():

      # All nodes that have the same roles will be expanded the same way,
      # so get the updated list of roles from the first node.
      roles = nodes[0].roles

      # Check for login after roles have been expanded.
      if 'login' in roles and login_found:
        self.invalid("Only one login is allowed.")
      elif 'login' in roles:
        login_found = True

      # Update dictionary containing role counts.
      role_count.update({role: role_count.get(role, 0) + len(nodes)
                         for role in roles})
      # Update the node_hash with the modified nodes.
      node_hash.update({node.public_ip: node for node in nodes})

    # Make sure disks are unique.
    if all_disks:
      self.validate_disks(len(all_disks), all_disks)

    # Distribute unassigned roles and validate that certain roles are filled
    # and return a list of nodes or raise BadConfigurationException.
    nodes = self.distribute_unassigned_roles(node_hash.values(), role_count)

    if self.infrastructure in InfrastructureAgentFactory.VALID_AGENTS:
      if not self.min_machines:
        self.min_machines = len(nodes)
      if not self.max_machines:
        self.max_machines = len(nodes)

    self.nodes = nodes

    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def validate_node_layout(self):
        """Checks to see if this NodeLayout represents an acceptable (new) advanced
    deployment strategy, and if so, constructs self.nodes from it.

      True if the deployment strategy is valid.
      BadConfigurationException with reason if the deployment strategy is not
        if self.input_yaml and not isinstance(self.input_yaml, list):
            return self.invalid("Node layout format was not recognized.")
        if not self.input_yaml and self.infrastructure not in \
            # When running in a cloud, simple formats don't require an input_yaml
            return self.invalid("Node layout format was not recognized.")

        if not self.input_yaml:
            if self.infrastructure in InfrastructureAgentFactory.VALID_AGENTS:
                if not self.min_machines:

                if not self.max_machines:

                # No layout was created, so create a generic one and then allow it
                # to be validated.
                self.input_yaml = self.generate_cloud_layout()

        # Keep track of whether the deployment is valid while going through.
        node_hash = {}
        role_count = {
            'compute': 0,
            'shadow': 0,
            'memcache': 0,
            'taskqueue': 0,
            'zookeeper': 0,
            'login': 0,
            'db_master': 0,
            'taskqueue_master': 0
        node_count = 0
        all_disks = []
        login_found = False
        # Loop through the list of "node sets", which are grouped by role.
        for node_set in self.input_yaml:
            # If the key nodes is mapped to an integer it should be a cloud
            # deployment so we will use node-ids.
            using_cloud_ids = isinstance(node_set.get('nodes'), int)

            # In cloud_ids deployments, set the fake public ips to node-#.
            if using_cloud_ids:
                ips_list = ["node-{}".format(node_count + i) \
                            for i in xrange(node_set.get('nodes'))]
                # Update node_count.
                node_count += len(ips_list)
            # Otherwise get the ips and validate them.
                ip_or_ips = node_set.get('nodes')
                ips_list = ip_or_ips if isinstance(ip_or_ips,
                                                   list) else [ip_or_ips]
                # Validate that the ips_list are either node-id or ip addresses.
                if any([self.is_cloud_ip(ip) for ip in ips_list]):
                    self.invalid("Role(s) {}: using node-id format is not supported"
                                 " with the ips_layout format being used. Please "
                                 "specify an integer or an ip address."\

                if len(ips_list) - len(set(ips_list)) > 0:

            # Get the roles.
            role_or_roles = node_set.get('roles')
            if len(ips_list) == 0:
                self.invalid("Node amount cannot be zero for role(s) {}."\
            roles = role_or_roles if isinstance(role_or_roles, list) else \

            # Immediately fail if we have more than one node for master.
            if 'master' in roles and (self.master or len(ips_list) > 1):
                self.invalid("Only one master is allowed.")

            # Create or retrieve the nodes from the node_hash.
            nodes = [node_hash[ip] if ip in node_hash else \
                     Node(ip, using_cloud_ids) for ip in ips_list]

            # Validate volume usage, there should be an equal number of volumes to
            # number of nodes.
            if node_set.get('disks', None):
                disk_or_disks = node_set.get('disks')
                disks = disk_or_disks if isinstance(disk_or_disks, list) else \
                self.validate_disks(len(nodes), disks)

                for node, disk in zip(nodes, disks):
                    node.disk = disk

            instance_type = node_set.get('instance_type',

            if self.infrastructure:
                if not instance_type:
                        "Must set a default instance type or specify instance "
                        "type per role.")

            # Check if this is an allowed instance type.
            if instance_type in ParseArgs.DISALLOWED_INSTANCE_TYPES and \
                not (self.force or self.test):
                reason = "the suggested 4GB of RAM"
                if 'database' in roles:
                    reason += " to run Cassandra"
                    "The {0} instance type does not have {1}."
                    "Please consider using a larger instance "
                    "type.".format(instance_type, reason))
            # Assign master.
            if 'master' in roles:
                self.master = nodes[0]

            # Add the defined roles to the nodes.
            for node in nodes:
                for role in roles:
                    if role == 'login':
                        node.public_ip = self.login_host or node.public_ip
                node.instance_type = instance_type
                if not node.is_valid():

            # All nodes that have the same roles will be expanded the same way,
            # so get the updated list of roles from the first node.
            roles = nodes[0].roles

            # Check for login after roles have been expanded.
            if 'login' in roles and login_found:
                self.invalid("Only one login is allowed.")
            elif 'login' in roles:
                login_found = True

            # Update dictionary containing role counts.
                {role: role_count.get(role, 0) + len(nodes)
                 for role in roles})
            # Update the node_hash with the modified nodes.
            node_hash.update({node.public_ip: node for node in nodes})

        # Make sure disks are unique.
        if all_disks:
            self.validate_disks(len(all_disks), all_disks)

        # Distribute unassigned roles and validate that certain roles are filled
        # and return a list of nodes or raise BadConfigurationException.
        nodes = self.distribute_unassigned_roles(node_hash.values(),

        if self.infrastructure in InfrastructureAgentFactory.VALID_AGENTS:
            if not self.min_machines:
                self.min_machines = len(nodes)
            if not self.max_machines:
                self.max_machines = len(nodes)

        self.nodes = nodes

        return True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def validate_infrastructure_flags(self):
        """Validates flags corresponding to cloud infrastructures.

      BadConfigurationException: If the value given to us for
        infrastructure-related flags were invalid.
        if not self.args.infrastructure:
            # Make sure we didn't get a machine flag, since that's infrastructure-only
            if self.args.machine:
                raise BadConfigurationException(
                    "Cannot specify a machine image " + "when infrastructure is not specified."

            # Also make sure they gave us a valid availability zone.
            if self.args.zone:
                raise BadConfigurationException(
                    "Cannot specify an availability zone " + "when infrastructure is not specified."

            # Fail if the user is trying to use AWS Spot Instances on a virtualized
            # cluster.
            if self.args.use_spot_instances or self.args.max_spot_price:
                raise BadConfigurationException(
                    "Can't run spot instances when " + "when infrastructure is not specified."

            # Fail if the user is trying to use persistent disks on a virtualized
            # cluster.
            if self.args.disks:
                raise BadConfigurationException(
                    "Can't specify persistent disks " + "when infrastructure is not specified."

            # Fail if the user is trying to use an Elastic IP / Static IP on a
            # virtualized cluster.
            if self.args.static_ip:
                raise BadConfigurationException("Can't specify a static IP " + "when infrastructure is not specified.")


        # Make sure the user gave us an ami/emi if running in a cloud.
        if not self.args.machine:
            raise BadConfigurationException("Need a machine image (ami) " + "when running in a cloud infrastructure.")

        # Also make sure they gave us an availability zone if they want to use
        # persistent disks.
        if self.args.disks and not self.args.zone:
            raise BadConfigurationException(
                "Need an availability zone specified " + "when persistent disks are specified."

        # In Google Compute Engine, we have to specify the availability zone.
        if self.args.infrastructure == "gce" and not self.args.zone:
            self.args.zone = GCEAgent.DEFAULT_ZONE

        # If the user wants to use spot instances in a cloud, make sure that it's
        # EC2 (since Euca doesn't have spot instances).
        if self.args.infrastructure != "ec2" and (self.args.use_spot_instances or self.args.max_spot_price):
            raise BadConfigurationException(
                "Can't run spot instances unless " + "Amazon EC2 is the infrastructure used."

        # If the user does want to set a max spot price, make sure they told us that
        # they want to use spot instances in the first place.
        if self.args.max_spot_price and not self.args.use_spot_instances:
            raise BadConfigurationException(
                "Can't have a max spot instance price" + " if --use_spot_instances is not set."

        # If the user does want to use persistent disks, make sure they specified
        # them in the right format, a dictionary mapping node IDs to disk names.
        if self.args.disks:
            self.args.disks = yaml.safe_load(base64.b64decode(self.args.disks))

            if not isinstance(self.args.disks, dict):
                raise BadConfigurationException(
                    "--disks must be a dict, but was a " "{0}".format(type(self.args.disks))

        if self.args.instance_type in EC2Agent.DISALLOWED_INSTANCE_TYPES and not (self.args.force or self.args.test):
                "The {0} instance type does not have "
                "enough RAM to run Cassandra in a production setting. Please "
                "consider using a larger instance type.".format(self.args.instance_type)

        if self.args.gce_instance_type in GCEAgent.DISALLOWED_INSTANCE_TYPES and not (
            self.args.force or self.args.test
                "The {0} instance type does not have "
                "enough RAM to run Cassandra in a production setting. Please "
                "consider using a larger instance type.".format(self.args.gce_instance_type)
Exemplo n.º 6
  def validate_infrastructure_flags(self):
    """Validates flags corresponding to cloud infrastructures.

      BadConfigurationException: If the value given to us for
        infrastructure-related flags were invalid.
    if not self.args.infrastructure:
      # Make sure we didn't get a machine flag, since that's infrastructure-only
      if self.args.machine:
        raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot specify a machine image " + \
          "when infrastructure is not specified.")

      # Also make sure they gave us a valid availability zone.
      if self.args.zone:
        raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot specify an availability zone " +
          "when infrastructure is not specified.")

      # Fail if the user is trying to use AWS Spot Instances on a virtualized
      # cluster.
      if self.args.use_spot_instances or self.args.max_spot_price:
        raise BadConfigurationException("Can't run spot instances when " + \
          "when infrastructure is not specified.")

      # Fail if the user is trying to use persistent disks on a virtualized
      # cluster.
      if self.args.disks:
        raise BadConfigurationException("Can't specify persistent disks " + \
          "when infrastructure is not specified.")

      # Fail if the user is trying to use an Elastic IP / Static IP on a
      # virtualized cluster.
      if self.args.static_ip:
        raise BadConfigurationException("Can't specify a static IP " + \
          "when infrastructure is not specified.")


    # Make sure the user gave us an ami/emi if running in a cloud.
    if not self.args.machine:
      raise BadConfigurationException("Need a machine image (ami) " +
        "when running in a cloud infrastructure.")

    # Also make sure they gave us an availability zone if they want to use
    # persistent disks.
    if self.args.disks and not self.args.zone:
      raise BadConfigurationException("Need an availability zone specified " +
        "when persistent disks are specified.")

    # In Google Compute Engine, we have to specify the availability zone.
    if self.args.infrastructure == 'gce' and not self.args.zone:
      self.args.zone = GCEAgent.DEFAULT_ZONE

    # If the user wants to use spot instances in a cloud, make sure that it's
    # EC2 (since Euca doesn't have spot instances).
    if self.args.infrastructure != 'ec2' and (self.args.use_spot_instances or \
      raise BadConfigurationException("Can't run spot instances unless " + \
        "Amazon EC2 is the infrastructure used.")

    # If the user does want to set a max spot price, make sure they told us that
    # they want to use spot instances in the first place.
    if self.args.max_spot_price and not self.args.use_spot_instances:
      raise BadConfigurationException("Can't have a max spot instance price" + \
        " if --use_spot_instances is not set.")

    # If the user does want to use persistent disks, make sure they specified
    # them in the right format, a dictionary mapping node IDs to disk names.
    if self.args.disks:
      self.args.disks = yaml.safe_load(base64.b64decode(self.args.disks))

      if not isinstance(self.args.disks, dict):
        raise BadConfigurationException("--disks must be a dict, but was a " \

    if self.args.instance_type in self.DISALLOWED_INSTANCE_TYPES and \
        not (self.args.force or self.args.test):
      LocalState.confirm_or_abort("The {0} instance type does not have "
        "the suggested 4GB of RAM. Please consider using a larger instance "

    if self.args.infrastructure == 'azure':
      if not self.args.azure_subscription_id:
        raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot start an Azure instance without " \
                                        "the Subscription ID.")
      if not self.args.azure_app_id:
        raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot authenticate an Azure instance " \
                                        "without the App ID.")
      if not self.args.azure_app_secret_key:
        raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot authenticate an Azure instance " \
                                        "without the App Secret Key.")
      if not self.args.azure_tenant_id:
        raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot authenticate an Azure instance " \
                                        "without the Tenant ID.")
    elif self.args.infrastructure in ['euca', 'ec2']:
      if not (self.args.EC2_ACCESS_KEY and self.args.EC2_SECRET_KEY):
        raise BadConfigurationException("Both EC2_ACCESS_KEY and "
                                        "EC2_SECRET_KEY must be specified.")
Exemplo n.º 7
  def down(self, clean=False, terminate=False):
    """ 'down' provides a nicer experience for users than the
    appscale-terminate-instances command, by using the configuration options
    present in the AppScalefile found in the current working directory.

      clean: A boolean to indicate if the deployment data and metadata
        needs to be clean. This will clear the datastore.
      terminate: A boolean to indicate if instances needs to be terminated
        (valid only if we spawn instances at start).

      AppScalefileException: If there is no AppScalefile in the current working
    contents = self.read_appscalefile()

    # Construct a terminate-instances command from the file's contents
    command = []
    contents_as_yaml = yaml.safe_load(contents)

    if 'verbose' in contents_as_yaml and contents_as_yaml['verbose'] == True:
      is_verbose = contents_as_yaml['verbose']
      is_verbose = False

    if 'keyname' in contents_as_yaml:
      keyname = contents_as_yaml['keyname']
      keyname = 'appscale'

    if "EC2_ACCESS_KEY" in contents_as_yaml:
      os.environ["EC2_ACCESS_KEY"] = contents_as_yaml["EC2_ACCESS_KEY"]

    if "EC2_SECRET_KEY" in contents_as_yaml:
      os.environ["EC2_SECRET_KEY"] = contents_as_yaml["EC2_SECRET_KEY"]

    if "EC2_URL" in contents_as_yaml:
      os.environ["EC2_URL"] = contents_as_yaml["EC2_URL"]

    if clean:
      if 'test' not in contents_as_yaml or contents_as_yaml['test'] != True:
        LocalState.confirm_or_abort("Clean will delete every data in the deployment.")
      all_ips = LocalState.get_all_public_ips(keyname)
      for ip in all_ips:
        RemoteHelper.ssh(ip, keyname, self.TERMINATE, is_verbose)
      AppScaleLogger.success("Successfully cleaned your AppScale deployment.")

    if terminate:
      infrastructure = LocalState.get_infrastructure(keyname)
      if infrastructure != "xen" and not LocalState.are_disks_used(
        keyname) and 'test' not in contents_as_yaml:
        LocalState.confirm_or_abort("Terminate will delete instances and the data on them.")

    if 'test' in contents_as_yaml and contents_as_yaml['test'] == True:

    # Finally, exec the command. Don't worry about validating it -
    # appscale-terminate-instances will do that for us.
    options = ParseArgs(command, "appscale-terminate-instances").args

    LocalState.cleanup_appscale_files(keyname, terminate)
    AppScaleLogger.success("Successfully shut down your AppScale deployment.")