Exemplo n.º 1
def loadLocaleMap(doc, language_map, script_map, country_map,
    result = {}

    for locale_elt in eachEltInGroup(doc.documentElement, "localeList",
        locale = Locale.fromXmlData(lambda k: firstChildText(locale_elt, k),
        language_id = languageNameToId(locale.language, language_map)
        if language_id == -1:
            sys.stderr.write("Cannot find a language id for '%s'\n" %
        script_id = scriptNameToId(locale.script, script_map)
        if script_id == -1:
            sys.stderr.write("Cannot find a script id for '%s'\n" %
        country_id = countryNameToId(locale.country, country_map)
        if country_id == -1:
            sys.stderr.write("Cannot find a country id for '%s'\n" %

        if language_id != 1:  # C
            if country_id == 0:
                sys.stderr.write("loadLocaleMap: No country id for '%s'\n" %

            if script_id == 0:
                # find default script for a given language and country (see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags)
                for key in likely_subtags_map.keys():
                    tmp = likely_subtags_map[key]
                    if tmp["from"][0] == locale.language and tmp["from"][
                            1] == "AnyScript" and tmp["from"][
                                2] == locale.country:
                        locale.script = tmp["to"][1]
                        script_id = scriptNameToId(locale.script, script_map)
            if script_id == 0 and country_id != 0:
                # try with no country
                for key in likely_subtags_map.keys():
                    tmp = likely_subtags_map[key]
                    if tmp["from"][0] == locale.language and tmp["from"][
                            1] == "AnyScript" and tmp["from"][
                                2] == "AnyCountry":
                        locale.script = tmp["to"][1]
                        script_id = scriptNameToId(locale.script, script_map)

        result[(language_id, script_id, country_id)] = locale

    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def loadLocaleMap(doc, language_map, script_map, country_map, likely_subtags_map):
    result = {}

    for locale_elt in eachEltInGroup(doc.documentElement, "localeList", "locale"):
        locale = Locale.fromXmlData(lambda k: firstChildText(locale_elt, k))
        language_id = languageNameToId(locale.language, language_map)
        if language_id == -1:
            sys.stderr.write("Cannot find a language id for '%s'\n" % locale.language)
        script_id = scriptNameToId(locale.script, script_map)
        if script_id == -1:
            sys.stderr.write("Cannot find a script id for '%s'\n" % locale.script)
        country_id = countryNameToId(locale.country, country_map)
        if country_id == -1:
            sys.stderr.write("Cannot find a country id for '%s'\n" % locale.country)

        if language_id != 1: # C
            if country_id == 0:
                sys.stderr.write("loadLocaleMap: No country id for '%s'\n" % locale.language)

            if script_id == 0:
                # find default script for a given language and country (see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags)
                for key in likely_subtags_map.keys():
                    tmp = likely_subtags_map[key]
                    if tmp["from"][0] == locale.language and tmp["from"][1] == "AnyScript" and tmp["from"][2] == locale.country:
                        locale.script = tmp["to"][1]
                        script_id = scriptNameToId(locale.script, script_map)
            if script_id == 0 and country_id != 0:
                # try with no country
                for key in likely_subtags_map.keys():
                    tmp = likely_subtags_map[key]
                    if tmp["from"][0] == locale.language and tmp["from"][1] == "AnyScript" and tmp["from"][2] == "AnyCountry":
                        locale.script = tmp["to"][1]
                        script_id = scriptNameToId(locale.script, script_map)

        result[(language_id, script_id, country_id)] = locale

    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def _generateLocaleInfo(path, language_code, script_code, country_code, variant_code=""):
    if not path.endswith(".xml"):
        return {}

    if language_code == 'root':
        # just skip it
        return {}

    # we do not support variants
    # ### actually there is only one locale with variant: en_US_POSIX
    #     does anybody care about it at all?
    if variant_code:
        raise xpathlite.Error('we do not support variants ("%s")' % variant_code)

    language_id = enumdata.languageCodeToId(language_code)
    if language_id <= 0:
        raise xpathlite.Error('unknown language code "%s"' % language_code)

    script_id = enumdata.scriptCodeToId(script_code)
    if script_id == -1:
        raise xpathlite.Error('unknown script code "%s"' % script_code)

    # we should handle fully qualified names with the territory
    if not country_code:
        return {}
    country_id = enumdata.countryCodeToId(country_code)
    if country_id <= 0:
        raise xpathlite.Error('unknown country code "%s"' % country_code)

    # So we say we accept only those values that have "contributed" or
    # "approved" resolution. see http://www.unicode.org/cldr/process.html
    # But we only respect the resolution for new datas for backward
    # compatibility.
    draft = DraftResolution.contributed

    result = dict(
        language_code=language_code, language_id=language_id,
        script_code=script_code, script_id=script_id,
        country_code=country_code, country_id=country_id,

    (dir_name, file_name) = os.path.split(path)
    def from_supplement(tag,
                        path=os.path.join(dir_name, '..', 'supplemental',
        return findTagsInFile(path, tag)
    currencies = from_supplement('currencyData/region[iso3166=%s]' % country_code)
    result['currencyIsoCode'] = ''
    result['currencyDigits'] = 2
    result['currencyRounding'] = 1
    if currencies:
        for e in currencies:
            if e[0] == 'currency':
                t = [x[1] == 'false' for x in e[1] if x[0] == 'tender']
                if t and t[0]:
                elif not any(x[0] == 'to' for x in e[1]):
                    result['currencyIsoCode'] = (x[1] for x in e[1] if x[0] == 'iso4217').next()
        if result['currencyIsoCode']:
            t = from_supplement("currencyData/fractions/info[iso4217=%s]"
                                % result['currencyIsoCode'])
            if t and t[0][0] == 'info':
                result['currencyDigits'] = (int(x[1]) for x in t[0][1] if x[0] == 'digits').next()
                result['currencyRounding'] = (int(x[1]) for x in t[0][1] if x[0] == 'rounding').next()
    numbering_system = None
        numbering_system = findEntry(path, "numbers/defaultNumberingSystem")
    def findEntryDef(path, xpath, value=''):
            return findEntry(path, xpath)
        except xpathlite.Error:
            return value
    def get_number_in_system(path, xpath, numbering_system):
        if numbering_system:
                return findEntry(path, xpath + "[numberSystem=" + numbering_system + "]")
            except xpathlite.Error:
                # in CLDR 1.9 number system was refactored for numbers (but not for currency)
                # so if previous findEntry doesn't work we should try this:
                    return findEntry(path, xpath.replace("/symbols/", "/symbols[numberSystem=" + numbering_system + "]/"))
                except xpathlite.Error:
                    # fallback to default
        return findEntry(path, xpath)

    result['decimal'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/decimal", numbering_system)
    result['group'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/group", numbering_system)
    result['list'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/list", numbering_system)
    result['percent'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/percentSign", numbering_system)
        numbering_systems = {}
        for ns in findTagsInFile(os.path.join(cldr_dir, '..', 'supplemental',
            tmp = {}
            id = ""
            for data in ns[1:][0]: # ns looks like this: [u'numberingSystem', [(u'digits', u'0123456789'), (u'type', u'numeric'), (u'id', u'latn')]]
                tmp[data[0]] = data[1]
                if data[0] == u"id":
                    id = data[1]
            numbering_systems[id] = tmp
        result['zero'] = numbering_systems[numbering_system][u"digits"][0]
    except e:
        sys.stderr.write("Native zero detection problem:\n" + str(e) + "\n")
        result['zero'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/nativeZeroDigit", numbering_system)
    result['minus'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/minusSign", numbering_system)
    result['plus'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/plusSign", numbering_system)
    result['exp'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/exponential", numbering_system).lower()
    result['quotationStart'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/quotationStart")
    result['quotationEnd'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/quotationEnd")
    result['alternateQuotationStart'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/alternateQuotationStart")
    result['alternateQuotationEnd'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/alternateQuotationEnd")
    result['listPatternPartStart'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[start]"))
    result['listPatternPartMiddle'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[middle]"))
    result['listPatternPartEnd'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[end]"))
    result['listPatternPartTwo'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[2]"))
    result['am'] = findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[format]/dayPeriodWidth[wide]/dayPeriod[am]", draft)
    result['pm'] = findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[format]/dayPeriodWidth[wide]/dayPeriod[pm]", draft)
    result['longDateFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[full]/dateFormat/pattern"))
    result['shortDateFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[short]/dateFormat/pattern"))
    result['longTimeFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/timeFormats/timeFormatLength[full]/timeFormat/pattern"))
    result['shortTimeFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/timeFormats/timeFormatLength[short]/timeFormat/pattern"))

    endonym = None
    if country_code and script_code:
        endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s_%s]" % (language_code, script_code, country_code))
    if not endonym and script_code:
        endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s]" % (language_code, script_code))
    if not endonym and country_code:
        endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s]" % (language_code, country_code))
    if not endonym:
        endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s]" % (language_code))
    result['language_endonym'] = endonym
    result['country_endonym'] = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/territories/territory[type=%s]" % (country_code))

    currency_format = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/currencyFormats/currencyFormatLength/currencyFormat/pattern", numbering_system)
    currency_format = parse_number_format(currency_format, result)
    result['currencyFormat'] = currency_format[0]
    result['currencyNegativeFormat'] = ''
    if len(currency_format) > 1:
        result['currencyNegativeFormat'] = currency_format[1]

    result['currencySymbol'] = ''
    result['currencyDisplayName'] = ''
    if result['currencyIsoCode']:
        result['currencySymbol'] = findEntryDef(path, "numbers/currencies/currency[%s]/symbol" % result['currencyIsoCode'])
        result['currencyDisplayName'] = ';'.join(
            findEntryDef(path, 'numbers/currencies/currency[' + result['currencyIsoCode']
                         + ']/displayName' + tail)
            for tail in ['',] + [
                '[count=%s]' % x for x in ('zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many', 'other')
                ]) + ';'

    def findUnitDef(path, stem, fallback=''):
        # The displayName for a quantified unit in en.xml is kByte
        # instead of kB (etc.), so prefer any unitPattern provided:
        for count in ('many', 'few', 'two', 'other', 'zero', 'one'):
                ans = findEntry(path, stem + 'unitPattern[count=%s]' % count)
            except xpathlite.Error:

            # TODO: epxloit count-handling, instead of discarding placeholders
            if ans.startswith('{0}'):
                ans = ans[3:].lstrip()
            if ans:
                return ans

        return findEntryDef(path, stem + 'displayName', fallback)

    # First without quantifier, then quantified each way:
    result['byte_unit'] = findEntryDef(
        path, 'units/unitLength[type=long]/unit[type=digital-byte]/displayName',
    stem = 'units/unitLength[type=short]/unit[type=digital-%sbyte]/'
    known = [] # cases where we *do* have a given version:
    result['byte_si_quantified'] = ';'.join(unit_quantifiers(findUnitDef, path, stem, 'B', known))
    # IEC 60027-2
    # http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html
    result['byte_iec_quantified'] = ';'.join(unit_quantifiers(findUnitDef, path, stem % '%sbi', 'iB', known))

    # Used for month and day data:
    namings = (
        ('standaloneLong', 'stand-alone', 'wide'),
        ('standaloneShort', 'stand-alone', 'abbreviated'),
        ('standaloneNarrow', 'stand-alone', 'narrow'),
        ('long', 'format', 'wide'),
        ('short', 'format', 'abbreviated'),
        ('narrow', 'format', 'narrow'),

    # Month data:
    for cal in ('gregorian',): # We shall want to add to this
        stem = 'dates/calendars/calendar[' + cal + ']/months/'
        for (key, mode, size) in namings:
            prop = 'monthContext[' + mode + ']/monthWidth[' + size + ']/'
            result[key + 'Months'] = ';'.join(
                findEntry(path, stem + prop + "month[%d]" % i)
                for i in range(1, 13)) + ';'

    # Day data (for Gregorian, at least):
    stem = 'dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/'
    days = ('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat')
    for (key, mode, size) in namings:
        prop = 'dayContext[' + mode + ']/dayWidth[' + size + ']/day'
        result[key + 'Days'] = ';'.join(
            findEntry(path, stem + prop + '[' + day + ']')
            for day in days) + ';'

    return Locale(result)
Exemplo n.º 4
        sys.stderr.write('skipping likelySubtag "%s" -> "%s" (%s)\n' % (tmp[u"from"], tmp[u"to"], str(e)))
    # substitute according to http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags
    if to_country == "AnyCountry" and from_country != to_country:
        to_country = from_country
    if to_script == "AnyScript" and from_script != to_script:
        to_script = from_script

    print "        <likelySubtag>"
    print "            <from>"
    print "                <language>" + from_language + "</language>"
    print "                <script>" + from_script + "</script>"
    print "                <country>" + from_country + "</country>"
    print "            </from>"
    print "            <to>"
    print "                <language>" + to_language + "</language>"
    print "                <script>" + to_script + "</script>"
    print "                <country>" + to_country + "</country>"
    print "            </to>"
    print "        </likelySubtag>"
print "    </likelySubtags>"

print "    <localeList>"

for key in locale_keys:

print "    </localeList>"
print "</localeDatabase>"
Exemplo n.º 5
    # substitute according to http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags
    if to_country == "AnyCountry" and from_country != to_country:
        to_country = from_country
    if to_script == "AnyScript" and from_script != to_script:
        to_script = from_script

    print "        <likelySubtag>"
    print "            <from>"
    print "                <language>" + from_language + "</language>"
    print "                <script>" + from_script + "</script>"
    print "                <country>" + from_country + "</country>"
    print "            </from>"
    print "            <to>"
    print "                <language>" + to_language + "</language>"
    print "                <script>" + to_script + "</script>"
    print "                <country>" + to_country + "</country>"
    print "            </to>"
    print "        </likelySubtag>"
print "    </likelySubtags>"
if skips:
    wrappedwarn('skipping likelySubtags (for unknown language codes): ', skips)
print "    <localeList>"

for key in locale_keys:

print "    </localeList>"
print "</localeDatabase>"