Exemplo n.º 1
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name):

    def generic_handler(event, context):
        raise Exception(('Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". ' +
            'Note that Node.js and .NET Core Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker') % lambda_name)

    lambda_cwd = None
    arn = func_arn(lambda_name)
    lambda_details = arn_to_lambda[arn]
    runtime = lambda_details.runtime
    handler_name = lambda_details.handler
    lambda_environment = lambda_details.envvars
    if not handler_name:
        handler_name = LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER

    # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses.
    zip_file_content = None
    is_local_mount = code.get('S3Bucket') == BUCKET_MARKER_LOCAL

    if is_local_mount:
        # Mount or use a local folder lambda executors can reference
        # WARNING: this means we're pointing lambda_cwd to a local path in the user's
        # file system! We must ensure that there is no data loss (i.e., we must *not* add
        # this folder to TMP_FILES or similar).
        lambda_cwd = code['S3Key']
        # Save the zip file to a temporary file that the lambda executors can reference
        zip_file_content = get_zip_bytes(code)
        if isinstance(zip_file_content, Response):
            return zip_file_content
        tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid())
        tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME)
        save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content)
        lambda_cwd = tmp_dir

    # Set the appropriate lambda handler.
    lambda_handler = generic_handler
    if runtime == LAMBDA_RUNTIME_JAVA8:
        # The Lambda executors for Docker subclass LambdaExecutorContainers,
        # which runs Lambda in Docker by passing all *.jar files in the function
        # working directory as part of the classpath. Because of this, we need to
        # save the zip_file_content as a .jar here.
        if is_jar_archive(zip_file_content):
            jar_tmp_file = '{working_dir}/{file_name}'.format(
                working_dir=tmp_dir, file_name=LAMBDA_JAR_FILE_NAME)
            save_file(jar_tmp_file, zip_file_content)

        lambda_handler = get_java_handler(zip_file_content, handler_name, tmp_file)
        if isinstance(lambda_handler, Response):
            return lambda_handler
        handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime)
        handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime)

        if not is_local_mount:
            # Lambda code must be uploaded in Zip format
            if not is_zip_file(zip_file_content):
                raise Exception(
                    'Uploaded Lambda code for runtime ({}) is not in Zip format'.format(runtime))
            unzip(tmp_file, lambda_cwd)

        main_file = '%s/%s' % (lambda_cwd, handler_file)
        if os.path.isfile(main_file):
            # make sure the file is actually readable, then read contents
            with open(main_file, 'rb') as file_obj:
                zip_file_content = file_obj.read()
            # Raise an error if (1) this is not a local mount lambda, or (2) we're
            # running Lambdas locally (not in Docker), or (3) we're using remote Docker.
            # -> We do *not* want to raise an error if we're using local mount in non-remote Docker
            if not is_local_mount or not use_docker() or config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER:
                file_list = run('ls -la %s' % lambda_cwd)
                LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list)
                return error_response(
                    'Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive.', 400,

        if runtime.startswith('python') and not use_docker():
                lambda_handler = exec_lambda_code(
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception('Unable to get handler function from lambda code.', e)

    add_function_mapping(lambda_name, lambda_handler, lambda_cwd)

    return {'FunctionName': lambda_name}
Exemplo n.º 2
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name):
    def generic_handler(event, context):
        raise Exception((
            'Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". ' +
            'Note that Node.js and .NET Core Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker'
        ) % lambda_name)

    lambda_cwd = None
    arn = func_arn(lambda_name)
    runtime = arn_to_lambda[arn].runtime
    handler_name = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).handler
    lambda_environment = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).envvars
    if not handler_name:
        handler_name = LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER

    # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses.

    # Save the zip file to a temporary file that the lambda executors can reference.
    zip_file_content = get_zip_bytes(code)
    if isinstance(zip_file_content, Response):
        return zip_file_content
    tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid())
    tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME)
    save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content)
    lambda_cwd = tmp_dir

    # Set the appropriate lambda handler.
    lambda_handler = generic_handler
    if runtime == LAMBDA_RUNTIME_JAVA8:
        # The Lambda executors for Docker subclass LambdaExecutorContainers,
        # which runs Lambda in Docker by passing all *.jar files in the function
        # working directory as part of the classpath. Because of this, we need to
        # save the zip_file_content as a .jar here.
        if is_jar_archive(zip_file_content):
            jar_tmp_file = '{working_dir}/{file_name}'.format(
                working_dir=tmp_dir, file_name=LAMBDA_JAR_FILE_NAME)
            save_file(jar_tmp_file, zip_file_content)

        lambda_handler = get_java_handler(zip_file_content, handler_name,
        if isinstance(lambda_handler, Response):
            return lambda_handler
        handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name,
        handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name,

        # Lambda code must be uploaded in the Zip format.
        if not is_zip_file(zip_file_content):
            raise Exception(
                'Uploaded Lambda code for runtime ({}) is not in Zip format'.

        unzip(tmp_file, tmp_dir)
        main_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, handler_file)
        if os.path.isfile(main_file):
            # make sure the file is actually readable, then read contents
            with open(main_file, 'rb') as file_obj:
                zip_file_content = file_obj.read()
            file_list = run('ls -la %s' % tmp_dir)
            LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list)
            return error_response(
                'Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive.',

        if runtime.startswith('python') and not use_docker():
                lambda_handler = exec_lambda_code(
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception(
                    'Unable to get handler function from lambda code.', e)

    add_function_mapping(lambda_name, lambda_handler, lambda_cwd)

    return {'FunctionName': lambda_name}
Exemplo n.º 3
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name, lambda_cwd=None):

    def generic_handler(event, context):
        raise ClientError(('Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". Note that ' +
            'Node.js, Golang, and .Net Core Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker') % lambda_name)

    arn = func_arn(lambda_name)
    lambda_details = arn_to_lambda[arn]
    runtime = lambda_details.runtime
    lambda_environment = lambda_details.envvars
    handler_name = lambda_details.handler or LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER
    code_passed = code
    code = code or lambda_details.code
    is_local_mount = code.get('S3Bucket') == BUCKET_MARKER_LOCAL
    zip_file_content = None

    if code_passed:
        lambda_cwd = lambda_cwd or set_archive_code(code_passed, lambda_name)
        if not is_local_mount:
            # Save the zip file to a temporary file that the lambda executors can reference
            zip_file_content = get_zip_bytes(code_passed)
        lambda_cwd = lambda_cwd or lambda_details.cwd

    # get local lambda working directory
    tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (lambda_cwd, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME)

    if not zip_file_content:
        zip_file_content = load_file(tmp_file, mode='rb')

    # Set the appropriate lambda handler.
    lambda_handler = generic_handler
    if runtime == LAMBDA_RUNTIME_JAVA8:
        # The Lambda executors for Docker subclass LambdaExecutorContainers,
        # which runs Lambda in Docker by passing all *.jar files in the function
        # working directory as part of the classpath. Because of this, we need to
        # save the zip_file_content as a .jar here.
        lambda_handler, zip_file_content = get_java_handler(zip_file_content, handler_name, tmp_file)
        if is_jar_archive(zip_file_content):
            jar_tmp_file = '{working_dir}/{file_name}'.format(
                working_dir=lambda_cwd, file_name=LAMBDA_JAR_FILE_NAME)
            save_file(jar_tmp_file, zip_file_content)

        handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime)
        handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime)

        if not is_local_mount:
            # Lambda code must be uploaded in Zip format
            if not is_zip_file(zip_file_content):
                raise ClientError(
                    'Uploaded Lambda code for runtime ({}) is not in Zip format'.format(runtime))
            unzip(tmp_file, lambda_cwd)

        main_file = '%s/%s' % (lambda_cwd, handler_file)
        if not os.path.exists(main_file):
            # Raise an error if (1) this is not a local mount lambda, or (2) we're
            # running Lambdas locally (not in Docker), or (3) we're using remote Docker.
            # -> We do *not* want to raise an error if we're using local mount in non-remote Docker
            if not is_local_mount or not use_docker() or config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER:
                file_list = run('cd "%s"; du -d 3 .' % lambda_cwd)
                config_debug = ('Config for local mount, docker, remote: "%s", "%s", "%s"' %
                    (is_local_mount, use_docker(), config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER))
                LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list)
                raise ClientError(error_response(
                    'Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive. %s' % config_debug,
                    400, error_type='ValidationError'))

        if runtime.startswith('python') and not use_docker():
                # make sure the file is actually readable, then read contents
                zip_file_content = load_file(main_file, mode='rb')
                # extract handler
                lambda_handler = exec_lambda_code(
            except Exception as e:
                raise ClientError('Unable to get handler function from lambda code.', e)

    add_function_mapping(lambda_name, lambda_handler, lambda_cwd)

    return {'FunctionName': lambda_name}
Exemplo n.º 4
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name):
    def generic_handler(event, context):
        raise Exception((
            'Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". ' +
            'Note that Node.js Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker'
        ) % lambda_name)

    lambda_handler = generic_handler
    lambda_cwd = None
    arn = func_arn(lambda_name)
    runtime = arn_to_lambda[arn].runtime
    handler_name = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).handler
    lambda_environment = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).envvars
    if not handler_name:
        handler_name = LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER
    handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime)
    handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name,

    # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses.

    if 'S3Bucket' in code:
        s3_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('s3')
        bytes_io = BytesIO()
            s3_client.download_fileobj(code['S3Bucket'], code['S3Key'],
            zip_file_content = bytes_io.getvalue()
        except Exception as e:
            return error_response(
                'Unable to fetch Lambda archive from S3: %s' % e, 404)
    elif 'ZipFile' in code:
        zip_file_content = code['ZipFile']
        zip_file_content = base64.b64decode(zip_file_content)
        return error_response('No valid Lambda archive specified.', 400)

    # save tmp file
    tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid())
    run('mkdir -p %s' % tmp_dir)
    tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME)
    save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content)
    lambda_cwd = tmp_dir

    # check if this is a ZIP file
    is_zip = is_zip_file(zip_file_content)
    if is_zip:
        unzip(tmp_file, tmp_dir)
        main_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, handler_file)
        if not os.path.isfile(main_file):
            # check if this is a zip file that contains a single JAR file
            jar_files = glob.glob('%s/*.jar' % tmp_dir)
            if len(jar_files) == 1:
                main_file = jar_files[0]
        if os.path.isfile(main_file):
            # make sure the file is actually readable, then read contents
            with open(main_file, 'rb') as file_obj:
                zip_file_content = file_obj.read()
            file_list = run('ls -la %s' % tmp_dir)
            LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list)
            return error_response(
                'Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive.',

    # it could be a JAR file (regardless of whether wrapped in a ZIP file or not)
    is_jar = is_jar_archive(zip_file_content)
    if is_jar:

        def execute(event, context):
            result, log_output = lambda_executors.EXECUTOR_LOCAL.execute_java_lambda(
            return result

        lambda_handler = execute

    elif runtime.startswith('python') and not use_docker():
            lambda_handler = exec_lambda_code(
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception('Unable to get handler function from lambda code.',

    if not is_zip and not is_jar:
        raise Exception('Uploaded Lambda code is neither a ZIP nor JAR file.')

    add_function_mapping(lambda_name, lambda_handler, lambda_cwd)

    return {'FunctionName': lambda_name}
Exemplo n.º 5
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name):

    def generic_handler(event, context):
        raise Exception(('Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". ' +
            'Note that Node.js and .NET Core Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker') % lambda_name)

    lambda_handler = generic_handler
    lambda_cwd = None
    arn = func_arn(lambda_name)
    runtime = arn_to_lambda[arn].runtime
    handler_name = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).handler
    lambda_environment = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).envvars
    if not handler_name:
        handler_name = LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER
    handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime)
    handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime)

    # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses.

    if 'S3Bucket' in code:
        s3_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('s3')
        bytes_io = BytesIO()
            s3_client.download_fileobj(code['S3Bucket'], code['S3Key'], bytes_io)
            zip_file_content = bytes_io.getvalue()
        except Exception as e:
            return error_response('Unable to fetch Lambda archive from S3: %s' % e, 404)
    elif 'ZipFile' in code:
        zip_file_content = code['ZipFile']
        zip_file_content = base64.b64decode(zip_file_content)
        return error_response('No valid Lambda archive specified.', 400)

    # save tmp file
    tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid())
    tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME)
    save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content)
    lambda_cwd = tmp_dir

    # check if this is a ZIP file
    is_zip = is_zip_file(zip_file_content)
    if is_zip:
        unzip(tmp_file, tmp_dir)
        main_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, handler_file)
        if not os.path.isfile(main_file):
            # check if this is a zip file that contains a single JAR file
            jar_files = glob.glob('%s/*.jar' % tmp_dir)
            if len(jar_files) == 1:
                main_file = jar_files[0]
        if os.path.isfile(main_file):
            # make sure the file is actually readable, then read contents
            with open(main_file, 'rb') as file_obj:
                zip_file_content = file_obj.read()
            file_list = run('ls -la %s' % tmp_dir)
            LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list)
            return error_response('Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive.', 400, error_type='ValidationError')

    # it could be a JAR file (regardless of whether wrapped in a ZIP file or not)
    is_jar = is_jar_archive(zip_file_content)
    if is_jar:

        def execute(event, context):
            result, log_output = lambda_executors.EXECUTOR_LOCAL.execute_java_lambda(event, context,
                handler=arn_to_lambda[arn].handler, main_file=main_file)
            return result

        lambda_handler = execute

    elif runtime.startswith('python') and not use_docker():
            lambda_handler = exec_lambda_code(zip_file_content,
                handler_function=handler_function, lambda_cwd=lambda_cwd,
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception('Unable to get handler function from lambda code.', e)

    if not is_zip and not is_jar:
        raise Exception('Uploaded Lambda code is neither a ZIP nor JAR file.')

    add_function_mapping(lambda_name, lambda_handler, lambda_cwd)

    return {'FunctionName': lambda_name}