Exemplo n.º 1
    def _delete_record(self,
        Delete record(s) matching the provided params. If there is no match, do
        ids = []

        if identifier:
        elif not identifier and rtype and name:
            records = self._list_records(rtype, name, content)
            if records:
                ids = [record["id"] for record in records]

        if ids:
            LOGGER.debug("delete_records: %s", ids)
            with localzone.manage(self.filename, self.origin,
                                  autosave=True) as zone:
                # TODO: Remove this monkeypatch once upstream Class is fixed.
                for hashid in ids:
                    LOGGER.debug("delete_record: %s", hashid)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def list_records(self, type=None, name=None, content=None):
        Return a list of records matching the supplied params. If no params are
        provided, then return all zone records. If no records are found, return
        an empty list.
        if name:
            name = self._relative_name(name)
        if not type:
            type = "ANY"

        filter = {"rdtype": type, "name": name, "content": content}

        with localzone.manage(self.filename, self.origin, autosave=True) as z:
            records = z.find_record(**filter)  # pylint: disable=no-member

        result = []
        for record in records:
            rdict = {
                "type": record.rdtype,
                "name": self._full_name(record.name),
                "ttl": record.ttl,
                "content": record.content,
                "id": record.hashid,

            if rdict["type"] == "TXT":
                rdict["content"] = rdict["content"].replace('"', "")


        logger.debug("list_records: %s", result)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 3
    def delete_record(self,
        Delete record(s) matching the provided params. If there is no match, do
        ids = []

        if identifier:
        elif not identifier and type and name:
            records = self.list_records(type, name, content)
            if len(records) > 0:
                ids = [record["id"] for record in records]

        if len(ids) > 0:
            logger.debug("delete_records: %s", ids)
            with localzone.manage(self.filename, self.origin,
                                  autosave=True) as z:
                for hashid in ids:
                    z.remove_record(hashid)  # pylint: disable=no-member
                    logger.debug("delete_record: %s", hashid)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _list_records(self, rtype=None, name=None, content=None):
        Return a list of records matching the supplied params. If no params are
        provided, then return all zone records. If no records are found, return
        an empty list.
        if name:
            name = self._relative_name(name)
        if not rtype:
            rtype = "ANY"

        filter_query = {"rdtype": rtype, "name": name, "content": content}

        with localzone.manage(self.filename, self.origin, autosave=True) as zone:
            # TODO: Remove this monkeypatch once upstream Class is fixed.
            records = zone.find_record(**filter_query)

        result = []
        for record in records:
            rdict = {
                "type": record.rdtype,
                "name": self._full_name(record.name),
                "ttl": record.ttl,
                "content": record.content,
                "id": record.hashid,

            if rdict["type"] == "TXT":
                rdict["content"] = rdict["content"].replace('"', "")


        LOGGER.debug("list_records: %s", result)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_zone_update_record():
    with localzone.manage(ZONEFILE, ORIGIN) as z:
        record = z.update_record(HASHID, "")
        assert record.hashid == "117e047a"
        assert record.name == "@"
        assert record.rdtype == "A"
        assert record.content == ""
        assert record.ttl == 3600
Exemplo n.º 6
    def create_record(self, type, name, content):
        Create a resource record. If a record already exists with the same
        content, do nothing.
        result = False
        name = self._relative_name(name)
        ttl = None

        # TODO: shoud assert that this is an int
        if self.ttl:
            ttl = self.ttl

        with localzone.manage(self.filename, self.origin, autosave=True) as z:
            if z.add_record(name, type, content, ttl=ttl):  # pylint: disable=no-member
                result = True

        logger.debug("create_record: %s", result)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _create_record(self, rtype, name, content):
        Create a resource record. If a record already exists with the same
        content, do nothing.
        result = False
        name = self._relative_name(name)
        ttl = None

        # TODO: shoud assert that this is an int
        if self.ttl:
            ttl = self.ttl

        with localzone.manage(self.filename, self.origin, autosave=True) as zone:
            # TODO: Remove this monkeypatch once upstream Class is fixed.
            if zone.add_record(name, rtype, content, ttl=ttl):
                result = True

        LOGGER.debug("create_record: %s", result)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 8
    def update_record(self, identifier, type=None, name=None, content=None):
        Update a record. Returns `False` if no matching record is found.
        result = False

        # TODO: some providers allow content-based updates without supplying an
        # ID, and therefore `identifier` is here optional. If we don't receive
        # an ID, look it up.
        if not identifier and type and name:
            records = self.list_records(type, name)
            if len(records) == 1:
                identifier = records[0]["id"]

        if identifier and content:
            with localzone.manage(self.filename, self.origin,
                                  autosave=True) as z:
                if z.update_record(identifier, content):  # pylint: disable=no-member
                    result = True

        logger.debug("update_record: %s", result)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _update_record(self, identifier, rtype=None, name=None, content=None):
        Update a record. Returns `False` if no matching record is found.
        result = False

        # TODO: some providers allow content-based updates without supplying an
        # ID, and therefore `identifier` is here optional. If we don't receive
        # an ID, look it up.
        if not identifier and rtype and name:
            records = self._list_records(rtype, name)
            if len(records) == 1:
                identifier = records[0]["id"]

        if identifier and content:
            with localzone.manage(self.filename, self.origin, autosave=True) as zone:
                # TODO: Remove this monkeypatch once upstream Class is fixed.
                if zone.update_record(identifier, content):
                    result = True

        LOGGER.debug("update_record: %s", result)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_zone_remove_record_not_found():
    with localzone.manage(ZONEFILE, ORIGIN) as z:
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_zone_remove_record():
    with localzone.manage(ZONEFILE, ORIGIN) as z:
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_zone_add_record_no_content():
    with localzone.manage(ZONEFILE, ORIGIN) as z:
        with pytest.raises((AttributeError, DNSSyntaxError)):
            z.add_record("test", "txt", None)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_zone_add_record_unknown_type():
    with localzone.manage(ZONEFILE, ORIGIN) as z:
        with pytest.raises(UnknownRdatatype):
            z.add_record("test", "err", "testing")
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_zone_add_record():
    with localzone.manage(ZONEFILE, ORIGIN) as z:
        record = z.add_record("test", "txt", "testing")
        assert record.hashid == "28c9e108"
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_zone_update_record_not_found():
    with localzone.manage(ZONEFILE, ORIGIN) as z:
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            z.update_record("deadbeef", "eat mor chikin")
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_manage():
    with localzone.manage(ZONEFILE, ORIGIN) as z:
        assert z.filename == ZONEFILE
        assert z.ttl == TTL
        assert len(z.records) == 16