Exemplo n.º 1
class Dish(object):

    def __init__(self,caller,locu_object ='',searchTime='',**attrs):
        self.venue_client = VenueApiClient(KEY)
        self.locu_object = locu_object

        if caller == 'search':

        elif usage == "menu":

    def get_attr(self,attr):
        self.attrs.get(attr,"Data Not Available")

    def parse_locu(self,locu_object):
        Takes Locu Object and creates attributes dictonary.

            locu_object: a json style dict with dish information
        self.name = self.locu_object.get("name")
        self.description = self.locu_object.get("description")
        self.price = self.locu_object.get("price")
        self.venue = self.locu_object["venue"].get("name")
        self.venue_id = self.locu_object["venue"].get("id")
        self.id = self.locu_object.get("id")

        details = self.venue_client.get_details(self.locu_object["venue"]["id"])

        # if self.searchDay:
        #     hours_today = details["objects"][0]["open_hours"][self.searchDay]
        #     if hours_today:        
        #         self.attrs["available"] = LocuHelper.isOpen(hours_today,self.searchTime)

    def load_rating_from_id(self):
        load the rating and number of ratings from database.

    def load_rating_from_venue(self):
Exemplo n.º 2

global KEY
KEY = '2d36afa81b05f641ec3382d9992b8cec3d64a4e4'

s_type = sys.argv[1].strip()
if s_type =="v" or s_type == 'm':
	print  "in if"
	client = VenueApiClient(KEY)
elif s_type =="d":
	client = MenuItemApiClient(KEY)

raw_in= sys.argv[2].strip()
search_terms = raw_in.split(',')

resp = client.search(name =search_terms[0],locality=search_terms[1],region=search_terms[2])

if s_type == "v" or s_type =="d":
	print json.dumps(resp,indent=4, sort_keys=True)
	dets = client.get_details(resp["objects"][0]["id"])
	print json.dumps(dets,indent=4, sort_keys=True)

Exemplo n.º 3

    def load_rating_from_id(self):
        load the rating and number of ratings from database.

    def load_rating_from_venue(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # dish = Dish()
    venue_client = VenueApiClient(KEY)
    menu_item_client = MenuItemApiClient(KEY)
    menu_items = menu_item_client.search(locality = 'San Francisco', name = 'espresso', price__gte = 6)  
    item =  menu_items['objects'][0]
    venueID = item["venue"]["id"]
    details = venue_client.get_details('dc241e328c5cc445aea5')
    # hours = details["objects"][0]["open_hours"]["Monday"]
    # dish.parse_open_hours(hours)


Exemplo n.º 4
class Venue(object):

    def __init__(self,locu_info,caller,searchTime=None):
        If caller is a search locu_info will just be a 
        json dict if it's a venue it'll be a venue  id

        this is to prevent making a ton of venue detail calls
        self.venue_client = VenueApiClient(KEY)
        self.caller = caller
        self.menu = [] ## Filled by set_menu()

        if caller == 'search':
            self.locu_object = locu_info
        elif caller == "venue":
            self.locu_object = self.venue_client.get_details(locu_info)["objects"][0]

        if searchTime:
            self.searchTime = time.strftime( "%H:%M:%S",searchTime)
            self.searchDay = time.strftime("%A",searchTime)

    def get_attr(self,attr):
        instance_variables = self.__dict__
        return instance_variables.get(attr)

    def set_attrs(self,caller):
        Sets the Venue attrs. It will only set the menu if the caller is a venue page.
        This is for two reasons:
            a) to avoid extraneous venue detail calls
            b) the locu_object will be a json style dict that won't have a menu entry
        dna = "Data Not Available"
        self.name = self.locu_object.get("name",dna)
        self.address = self.locu_object.get("street_address",dna)
        self.postal_code = self.locu_object.get("postal_code",dna)
        self.locality = self.locu_object.get("locality",dna)
        self.region = self.locu_object.get("region",dna)
        self.phone = self.locu_object.get("phone",dna)
        self.venue_id = self.locu_object.get("id",dna)
        self.lat = self.locu_object.get("lat",dna)
        self.long = self.locu_object.get("long",dna)
        self.has_menu = self.locu_object.get("has_menu",dna)
        self.categories = self.locu_object.get("categories")

        if self.has_menu and caller=='venue':

        # if self.searchDay:
        #     hours_today = details["objects"][0]["open_hours"][self.searchDay]
        #     if hours_today:        
        #         self.attrs["available"] = LocuHelper.isOpen(hours_today,self.searchTime)

    def set_menu(self):
        Parse the locu json and creates a list of Dish objects
        Must be called when venue page is loaded. We don't do it in the init
        so we don't have to parse a menu for all the venues in a query.
        venue_query = DishEntry.objects.filter(venue_id=self.venue_id)
        for menu in self.locu_object["menus"]:
            for section in menu["sections"]:
                for sub_section in section["subsections"]:
                    for item in sub_section["contents"]:
                        item["venue"] = self.locu_object
                        if item["type"] == "ITEM":
                            dish = Dish(item,queryset=venue_query)