Exemplo n.º 1
def get_new_random_salt():
    """ Find a suitable random bit pattern to be used as salt for key derivation, and return it.
     Result is hex encoded for easy transport and/or viewing. It should be hex decoded back down to bytes before 
     getting passed to the cryptography library functions. This module takes care of that. Functions of this module 
     return hex encoded values, and hex decode their argument values whenever suitable.
     Note the salt need not be secret. Just something to be passed to kdf along with 
     user password, to make the encryption keys coming out of kdf, not pre-computable 
     (i.e. an attack against a 2nd repository should start from scratch and not benefit from another attack against 
     a different repository from a different time). 

    result = rand_util.get_new_random_salt().encode('hex')

    log.cmv("get_new_random_salt() returning. result (as hex encoded): ")
    log.cmv(str(result), label=False)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_uvsfp(self, message):
        """ Compute and return the uvs fingerprint for the given message. 
        message is a byte array (str or bytes object)

        log.cmv('get_uvsfp() called.')

        assert isinstance(message, str) or isinstance(message, bytes)

        hash_func = None

        if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA512:
            hash_func = hashes.SHA512()

        if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA256:
            hash_func = hashes.SHA256()

        if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA224:
            hash_func = hashes.SHA224()

        if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA384:
            hash_func = hashes.SHA384()

        if None == hash_func:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'un-supported or not implemented hash choice')

        # cryptography library recommends that the key to the HMAC be same size as the digest_size of the underlying
        # PRF. For detailed discussion read rfc2104. RFC2104 recommends that the key be at least as long as
        # the digest size. It also says if the key is larger than the block size of underlying algo, it will be
        # hashed first and then use the result for HMAC key.
        hmac_func = hmac.HMAC(self._uvsfp_key_bytes,

        uvsfp = hmac_func.finalize()

        uvsfp = uvsfp.encode('hex')

        log.fp('++++++ computed fp: ' + str(uvsfp) +
               '   ++++ for message (repr): \n' + repr(message))

        return uvsfp
Exemplo n.º 3
    def encrypt_bytes(self, message):
        """ Encrypt and return ciphertext for the given message. message is a byte array (bytes or str object) 
         The cipher text includes authentication codes such that in the future it can be both verified 
         and decrypted to recover the original message by someone who posses the key. 

        log.cmv('encrypt_bytes() called, with message: ' + repr(message))

        assert isinstance(message, str) or isinstance(message, bytes)

        # this is just for debugging.
        if sdef.SKIP_ENCRYPTION:
            return message

        fernet_token = self._fernet.encrypt(message)

        log.cmv("fernet ciphertext b64: " + str(fernet_token))

        return fernet_token
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_encryption_algo_desc():
    """ Return a string representation of the system's current default encryption algorithm. """

    log.cmv("get_encryption_algo_desc() called. ")

    if sdef.REPO_ENCRYPTION_ALGO_CHOICE == sdef.EncryptionAlgo.FERNET_0x80:
        return "FERNET_0x80"

    if sdef.REPO_ENCRYPTION_ALGO_CHOICE == sdef.EncryptionAlgo.AES_256_HMAC_SHA256:
        return "AES_256_HMAC_SHA256"

    if sdef.REPO_ENCRYPTION_ALGO_CHOICE == sdef.EncryptionAlgo.AES_256_HMAC_SHA384:
        return "AES_256_HMAC_SHA384"

    if sdef.REPO_ENCRYPTION_ALGO_CHOICE == sdef.EncryptionAlgo.CAMELLIA_256_HMAC_SHA256:
        return "CAMELLIA_256_HMAC_SHA256"

    if sdef.REPO_ENCRYPTION_ALGO_CHOICE == sdef.EncryptionAlgo.CAMELLIA_256_HMAC_SHA384:
        return "CAMELLIA_256_HMAC_SHA384"
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_uvs_fingerprint_size():
    """ returns the size of uvs fingerprints. this is not necessarily the same size as the underlying message
    digest size. 
    uvs fingerprints are a way of producing small fingerprints that identify large objects. They are to be assumed
    collision free in practice, similar to cryptographic hash functions. 
    the main difference between uvs fingerprint of a given object and say for example sha256 or sha512 fingerprint
    of that object is that uvs fingerprints are also dependent on each repository's key and salt. 
    sha512(b'hello world') is always the same universally.
    uvs_fingerprint(b'hello world') is different in two different repositories with diff passwords and salts.
    this helps uvs edvcs hide which files live in each repo. whereas if the non-keyed algorithm was used 
    to fingerprint objects an attacker could tell whether or not some particular plaintext file exists in a repo or
    not. for example an attacker could tell whether or not "react.min.js" is in a repo by looking at the list
    of fingerprints even if he cant access the content of the files which are encrypted.  

    log.cmv("get_uvs_fingerprint_size() called. ")

    return sdef.get_digest_size()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def decrypt_bytes(self, ct):
        """ Decrypt and return the plaintext message that was used to construct the supplied argument.
        The argument is a bytes or str object.
        Raise error if ciphertext has been tampered with (MAC fails) or if the key is invalid. 

        log.cmv('decrypt_bytes() called, with ciphertext: ' + str(ct))

        assert isinstance(ct, str) or isinstance(ct, bytes)

        # this is just for debugging.
        if sdef.SKIP_ENCRYPTION:
            return ct

        original_message = self._fernet.decrypt(ct)

        # this is not really hazard log. running on the client the plaintext is to be checkout to disk.
        # printing keys is hazard log.
        log.cm("Decrypted the token: " + str(original_message))

        return original_message
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_uvs_fingerprinting_algo_desc():
    """ Return a string mentioning the current fingerprinting algorithm in use by the system. """

    log.cmv("get_uvs_fingerprinting_algo_desc() called. ")

    if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA512:
        return "SHA512_HMAC"

    if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA256:
        return "SHA256_HMAC"

    if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA224:
        return "SHA224_HMAC"

    if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA384:
        return "SHA384_HMAC"

    if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA3_256:
        return "SHA3_256"

    if sdef.REPO_HASH_CHOICE == sdef.HashAlgo.SHA3_512:
        return "SHA3_512"

    raise NotImplementedError('unknown or un-implemented hash algo in use. ')