Exemplo n.º 1
 def enqueue(self, method, args):
     with log_yield(measure="queue.enqueue"):
         args = json.dumps(args)
         with self.conn_adapter.connection.cursor(cursor_factory=LoggingCursor) as curs:
                 'INSERT INTO "queue_classic_jobs" (q_name, method, args) ' "VALUES (%s, %s, %s) RETURNING id",
                 [self.name, method, args],
             return curs.fetchone()[0]
Exemplo n.º 2
 def lock(self, top_bound=None):
     with log_yield(measure="queue.lock"):
         if top_bound is None:
             top_bound = self.top_bound
         with self.conn_adapter.connection.cursor(cursor_factory=LoggingRealDictCursor) as curs:
             curs.execute("SELECT * FROM lock_head(%s, %s)", [self.name, top_bound])
             if not curs.rowcount:
                 return None
             job = curs.fetchone()
         # NOTE: JSON in args is parsed automatically
         #       timestamptz columns are converted automatically to datetime
         if job["created_at"]:
             now = datetime.datetime.now(job["created_at"].tzinfo)
             ttl = now - job["created_at"]
             _logger.info("measure#qc.time-to-lock=%sms source=%s" % (int(ttl.microseconds / 1000), self.name))
         return job
Exemplo n.º 3
 def count(self):
     with log_yield(measure="queue.count"):
         with self.conn_adapter.connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extensions.cursor) as curs:
             curs.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "queue_classic_jobs" ' "WHERE q_name = %s", [self.name])
             return curs.fetchone()[0]
Exemplo n.º 4
 def delete_all(self):
     with log_yield(measure="queue.delete_all"):
         return self.conn_adapter.execute('DELETE FROM "queue_classic_jobs" WHERE q_name = %s', [self.name])
Exemplo n.º 5
 def delete(self, id):
     with log_yield(measure="queue.delete"):
         return self.conn_adapter.execute('DELETE FROM "queue_classic_jobs" WHERE id = %s', [id])
Exemplo n.º 6
 def unlock(self, id):
     with log_yield(measure="queue.unlock"):
         return self.conn_adapter.execute('UPDATE "queue_classic_jobs" ' "SET locked_at = NULL WHERE id = %s", [id])