async def __get_reg_id(self, vid_data): """ Get video's register id Args: vid_data: like following dictionary { "F": 2, "V": "c00231h58yj", "E": 1 } """ _, vid, number = [value for key, value in vid_data.items()] jquery_id = f"jQuery_{str(int(time.time()))}" response = await self.__async_session.get( f"{jquery_id}&otype=json&vid={vid}&cid=p69wlzli02uqwms&lid=&g_tk=1115548900&_={str(int(time.time()))}" ) targetid = json.loads(response.text[len(jquery_id) + 1:-1]).get("targetid") if targetid: success(f"targetid [{targetid}]") self.__results[vid] = { "number": number, "targetid": targetid, "datas": {}, "single_max_count": 0 if not conf.max_time else conf.max_time, }
async def GetItem(item, point=0): async with self.__limits: try: single_max_count = item["single_max_count"] url = f"{jquery_id}×tamp={point}&target_id={item['targetid']}&count=80&second_count=5&session_key=45094%2C118%2C{str(int(time.time()))}&_={str(int(time.time()))}" addupdate() warning(url) response = await self.__async_session.get(url) assert response.status_code == 200 jsondata = json.loads(response.text[len(jquery_id) + 1:-1], strict=False) assert jsondata["comments"] for item in jsondata["comments"]: self.__results[key]["datas"][item["commentid"]] = item addtotal() if single_max_count == 0: self.__results[key].update({ i: jsondata[i] for i in ["tol_up", "single_max_count"] }) self.__results[key]["single_max_count"] = jsondata[ "single_max_count"] addsucess() success(url) except Exception as e: addfailed()
def getPkgOpen(subpkgs): """获取open 模块 模块地址 """ targetfolder = os.path.join( conf.getConfig()['path'] , 'static' , 'js' ) utils.createfolder(TEMP_FOLDER) if not os.path.exists( targetfolder ): utils.createfolder(targetfolder) subpkgs = subpkgs or conf.getConfig()['PKG_OPEN'] subpkgs.insert(0 , 'common') os.system('git clone ' + os.path.join(TEMP_FOLDER , 'open')) successpkg = [] for pkg in subpkgs: source = os.path.join( TEMP_FOLDER , 'open' , pkg ) if not os.path.exists(source): log.warn('Sub package ' + pkg + ' not exist in Open.') continue utils.copyfiles( source , os.path.join( targetfolder , 'open' , pkg ) ) successpkg.append( pkg ) utils.removefolder(TEMP_FOLDER) log.success( 'Adding Open package include ' + ','.join(successpkg) + ' success!' )
def telegram_with_pic(pics, details, sid, rid): try: target = pics[0] gps_data = None for pic in pics: try: gps_data = read_exif_gps(copy.deepcopy(pic)) if gps_data: success(f"find gps data: {gps_data}") target = pic break except Exception as e: error(e) bot.sendPhoto( rid, target, details + (f"\nEXIF GPS: {gps_data}" if gps_data else "")) if gps_data: bot.sendLocation(rid, *gps_data[::-1]) query = DarkNet_Notice.update({ "telegram": True }).where(DarkNet_Notice.sid == sid) query.execute() except Exception as e: error(f"telegram_with_pic: {e}")
def update_cookie_domain(self): jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() for key, value in self.session.cookies.items(): jar.set(key, value, domain=self.domain) self.session.cookies = jar success( f"update all cookies to current domain: {self.session.cookies}")
def __login(self): try: """ ### 再次尝试 1.因为网络问题重试 ### 重新注册 2.因为账户被封重试 3.因为账户认证错误重试 """ warning(f"Login -> [{self.usr}:{self.pwd}]") self.__login_payload.update({ "password": self.pwd, "username": self.usr }) resp = self.__refresh_new_target( self.__login_url, data=self.__login_payload, verify=False, timeout=120, )) if self.usr in resp.text and "暗网欢迎您" in resp.text: success("Auth Success") self.types = Parser.get_current_type(resp) # assert self.types != {} else: error(f"Auth Faild: {self.__clean_log(resp)}") self.__save_error("__login.html", resp) if "已被封禁" in resp.text: Cursor.ban_user(self.usr) self.__reg() raise ValueError except KeyboardInterrupt: exit()
def mail_to( content: str, subject: str = "", usr: str = Config.mail_usr, pwd: str = Config.mail_pwd, host: str = Config.mail_host, port: int = Config.mail_port, targets: list = None, ) -> None: targets = Config.mail_targets if not targets: targets = [usr] warning( f"收到邮件发送任务 发件人: [{usr}] 主机: [{host}:{port}] 目标: [{targets}] 内容: [{len(content)}]" ) with yagmail.SMTP( user=usr, password=pwd, port=port, smtp_ssl=False, smtp_skip_login=False if pwd else True, soft_email_validation=False, host=host if host else "smtp." + usr.split("@")[-1], ) as client: client.send(to=targets, subject=subject, contents=content) success( f"成功发送 发件人: [{usr}] 主机: [{host}:{port}] 目标: [{targets}] 内容: [{len(content)}]" )
def getMetaData(fullname, playlists):'accessing metadata...') index = 0 tagInfo = [] for track in playlists: name= playlists[track] if os.path.isfile(name): try: filename = os.path.basename(name) log.success('-------------------------') tag = TinyTag.get(name) if tag.title != '' or tag.artist != '': song = str(tag.title+':'+tag.artist) tagInfo.append(song) log.warn('tag info:', filename.encode("ascii", "ignore"))'Artist:', tag.artist)'Album:', tag.album)'Title:', tag.title.encode("ascii", "ignore"))'Track number:', tag.track) index += 1 else: log.warn('WARN: no id3 info provide') except Exception as e: log.err("An error occurred while getting metadata of the file:", name) log.err("Error:", e) else: log.err("The file: %s does not exist, check the path or filename" % (name)) print log.err('track processing:', str(index)) saveMetaData(fullname, tagInfo, index) return tagInfo
def create_json(datas, filename="res.json"): if not datas: return with check_times(): with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(datas, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) success(f"Saved {filename}")
def ProcessImages(documents_to_process, documents, tempDir): if len(documents_to_process) == 0: return 0 idx = 0 for docID in documents_to_process: idx += 1'[%i/%i] Processing images for docdb %i' % (idx, len(documents_to_process), docID)) document = next((doc for doc in documents if doc['id'] == docID), None) tempDocDir = tempDir + str(document['id']) + '/' thumDir = tempDocDir + '/thumbs/' os.mkdir(thumDir) for aFile in document['files']: base = aFile['base'] exts = aFile['exts'] # Favoured versions to make a thumbnail version from srcs = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'eps', 'pdf', 'ps'] for src in srcs: if src in exts: # Create thumbnail opt = '' opt2 = None if src == 'pdf': opt = ' -define pdf:use-cropbox=true -transparent-color white ' opt2 = ' -transparent-color white ' # sometimes the cropbox is trouble cmd = 'convert ' + opt + tempDocDir + base + '.' + src + ' -resize 400 -quiet ' + thumDir + base + '_thumb.png' cmd2 = None if opt2: cmd2 = 'convert ' + opt2 + tempDocDir + base + '.' + src + ' -resize 400 -quiet ' + thumDir + base + '_thumb.png' # In case of tarballs etc there can be subdirs required # in the thumbs directory. Maybe we should have made # them up-front? try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(thumDir + base)) except: pass if cmd2: os.system(cmd + ' || ' + cmd2) else: os.system(cmd) log.success('Created thumbnail from ' + base + '.' + src + ': ' + thumDir + base + '_thumb.png') break os.system('cp -rpf ' + tempDir + '* ' + config.WEB_PATH + config.PLOT_SUBDIR) shutil.rmtree(tempDir) return 0
def register(self): try: warning("register confirm") resp = self.refresh_new_target( self.session.get( self.register_url, headers={ "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": self.register_url, }, ) ) token, creation_time = Parser.get_token_and_creation_time(resp) warning("start register") resp = self.register_url, data={ "agreed": "===好的,我已明白,请跳转到下一页继续注册====", "autim": self.autim, "change_lang": "", "creation_time": creation_time, "form_token": token, }, headers=self.make_reg_headers(resp), ) token, creation_time = Parser.get_token_and_creation_time(resp) confirm_code, confirm_id = Parser.get_captcha(self.get_pic, resp) self.create_random_author() data = { "username": self.usr, "new_password": self.pwd, "password_confirm": self.pwd, "email": "*****@*****.**", "lang": "zh_cmn_hans", "tz_date": "UTC+08:00 - Antarctica/Casey - " +"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"), "tz": "Asia/Hong_Kong", "agreed": "true", "change_lang": "0", "confirm_code": confirm_code, "confirm_id": [confirm_id, confirm_id], "creation_time": creation_time, "form_token": token, "submit": " 用户名与密码已填好, 点此提交 ", "autim": self.autim, } resp = self.register_url, data=data, headers=self.make_reg_headers(resp) ) assert "感谢注册" in resp.text success("register success") Cursor.create_new_user({"user": self.usr, "pwd": self.pwd}) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() except AssertionError as e: error("register failed") error(self.clean_log(resp)) raise e
def doArchive(manager, archiveDir, filePath, size, md5): """ 执行归档操作,记录数据库、拷贝文件等 """ relativePath = file_utils.resolveSavePath(archiveDir, filePath) manager.insertRecord(relativePath, size, md5) copyfile(filePath, f'{archiveDir}/{relativePath}') log.success(f'doArchive, filePath={filePath}, size={size}, md5={md5}')
def CreateXLSX(datas, columns, filename='res.xlsx'): with checkTimes(): xlsx = pandas.DataFrame(datas) xlsx.rename(columns=columns, inplace=True) writer = pandas.ExcelWriter( filename, options={'strings_to_urls': False}) xlsx.to_excel(writer, "data") success('Created {filename}')
def login(self): try: """ ### 再次尝试 1.因为网络问题重试 ### 重新注册 2.因为账户被封重试 3.因为账户认证错误重试 """ warning(f"login -> [{self.usr}:{self.pwd}]") self.login_payload.update({ "password": self.pwd, "username": self.usr }) resp = self.login_url, data=self.login_payload, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": f"http://{self.domain}/ucp.php?mode=login", }, allow_redirects=False, ) debug(f"login[1] requests header: {resp.request.headers}") debug(f"login[1] response header: {resp.headers}") if resp.status_code == 302 and "Location" in resp.headers: resp = self.refresh_new_target( self.session.get( resp.headers.get("Location"), headers={ "Referer": f"http://{self.domain}/ucp.php?mode=login&sid={self.sid}", "Cookie": self.get_cookie_string(), }, )) else: Cursor.ban_user(self.usr) self.update_random_user() return debug(f"login[2] requests header: {resp.request.headers}") debug(f"login[2] response header: {resp.headers}") if self.usr in resp.text and "暗网欢迎您" in resp.text: success("Auth Success") self.types = Parser.get_current_type(resp) else: error(f"Auth Faild: {self.clean_log(resp)}") if re.findall("已被封禁|无效的|违规被处理", resp.text): Cursor.ban_user(self.usr) self.update_random_user() # if not self.register(): # return # else: # raise ValueError except KeyboardInterrupt: exit()
def make_new_tor_id(): info("New Tor ID") controller = Controller.from_port(port=9151) controller.authenticate() controller.signal(Signal.NEWNYM) resp = requests.get( "", proxies={"https": "socks5://"}, ) success(f'Current IP: {jq(resp.text)("#Text10 > p > span > b").text()}')
def WriteJSON(documents): os.system('cp -pf ' + config.BLESSED_PLOTS + ' ' + config.WEB_PATH) log.success('Copied ' + config.BLESSED_PLOTS + ' to ' + config.WEB_PATH) jsonSerialized = json.dumps(documents, sort_keys=True, indent=2) jsonFile = open(config.WEB_PATH + config.JSON_FILENAME, 'w') jsonFile.write(jsonSerialized) jsonFile.close() log.success('Wrote ' + config.WEB_PATH + config.JSON_FILENAME)
def create_xlsx(datas, columns, filename="res.xlsx"): if not datas: return with check_times(): xlsx = pandas.DataFrame(datas) xlsx.rename(columns=columns, inplace=True) writer = pandas.ExcelWriter(filename, options={"strings_to_urls": False}) xlsx.to_excel(writer, "data") success("Created {filename}")
def notice(self, data): """ 发起预警 """ if "%m-%d") != data["date"] and not DEBUG: return title, body = self.format_msg(data) success(f"notice {title}") feishu.delay(f"{title}\n\n{body}") mail_to.delay(body, title)
def AcceptConnections(self): log.success("Server", "Server started accepting connections") while self._ServerOn == True: c, addr = self.s.accept()"New connection", "We have a new connection!!") c.settimeout(self._timeout) conn = connection(c, addr, self) new_thread = threading.Thread(target=conn.CheckForData) new_thread.start() self._connections.append(conn) return
def getMetadata(identifier, user=ezidapp.models.AnonymousUser, prefixMatch=False): """ Returns all metadata for a given qualified identifier, e.g., "doi:10.5060/FOO". 'user' is the requestor and should be an authenticated StoreUser object. The successful return is a pair (status, dictionary) where 'status' is a string that includes the canonical, qualified form of the identifier, as in: success: doi:10.5060/FOO and 'dictionary' contains element (name, value) pairs. Unsuccessful returns include the strings: error: forbidden error: bad request - subreason... error: internal server error error: concurrency limit exceeded If 'prefixMatch' is true, prefix matching is enabled and the returned identifier is the longest identifier that matches a (possibly proper) prefix of the requested identifier. In such a case, the status string resembles: success: doi:10.5060/FOO in_lieu_of doi:10.5060/FOOBAR """ nqidentifier = util.normalizeIdentifier(identifier) if nqidentifier == None: return "error: bad request - invalid identifier" tid = uuid.uuid1() if not _acquireIdentifierLock(nqidentifier, user.username): return "error: concurrency limit exceeded" try: log.begin(tid, "getMetadata", nqidentifier, user.username,,,, str(prefixMatch)) si = ezidapp.models.getIdentifier(nqidentifier, prefixMatch) if not policy.authorizeView(user, si): log.forbidden(tid) return "error: forbidden" d = si.toLegacy() util2.convertLegacyToExternal(d) if si.isDoi: d["_shadowedby"] = si.arkAlias log.success(tid) if prefixMatch and si.identifier != nqidentifier: return ("success: %s in_lieu_of %s" % (si.identifier, nqidentifier), d) else: return ("success: " + nqidentifier, d) except ezidapp.models.StoreIdentifier.DoesNotExist: log.badRequest(tid) return "error: bad request - no such identifier" except Exception, e: log.error(tid, e) return "error: internal server error"
def run_test_number(test_number): info('Running test {}'.format(test_number)) with open('test-{}.txt'.format(test_number), 'r') as f, open('test-{}.log'.format(test_number), 'w') as log_file, open('start-{}.kwld'.format(test_number)) as start_kwld: contents ='\n', ' ') info('Parsing sentence: {}'.format(contents)) try: actions = kjr_parser.parse_sentences(contents, log_file) except Exception: error('Exception while parsing sentence') traceback.print_exc() return 0 robot_pattern = re.compile(r'robot (\d+) (\d+) (\w+) (\d+)') robot = None for line in start_kwld: if 'robot' in line: match = re.match(robot_pattern, line) y = int( x = int( direction = beepers = int( robot = RobotPos(x=x, y=y, direction=direction, beepers=beepers) java_file = 'TestRobot{}.java'.format(test_number) if robot is not None: generate_code(actions, test_number, 'TestRobot.template', java_file, street=robot.y, avenue=robot.x, direction=robot.direction, beepers=robot.beepers) else: generate_code(actions, test_number, 'TestRobot.template', java_file) with open('test-{}.log'.format(test_number), 'a') as log_file: info('Compiling {}'.format(java_file)) ret =['javac', '-cp', '.:KarelJRobot.jar', java_file], stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file) if ret == 0: info('Compiliation succeeded') else: error('Compilation failed. See test-{}.log for details'.format(test_number)) return 0 info('Running {}'.format(java_file)) try: ret =['java', '-cp', '.:KarelJRobot.jar', 'TestRobot{}'.format(test_number)], stdout=log_file, timeout=TIMEOUT_LENGTH) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: error('TestRobot{} timed out'.format(test_number)) return 0 if ret == 0: info('TestRobot{} returned with code {}'.format(test_number, ret)) else: error('TestRobot{} returned with code {}'.format(test_number, ret)) return 0 score = evaluate('end-{}-test.kwld'.format(test_number), 'end-{}.kwld'.format(test_number)) if score == 1: success('Test {} passed'.format(test_number)) else: error('Test {} failed'.format(test_number)) return score
def AcceptConnections(self): log.success("Server", "Server started accepting connections") while self._ServerOn == True: c, addr = self.s.accept()"New connection", "We have a new connection!!") c.settimeout(self._timeout) conn = connection(c, addr, self) new_thread = threading.Thread(target = conn.CheckForData ) new_thread.start() self._connections.append(conn) return
def parse_question_from_file(file): f = open(file, mode="r") q2_raw = f.close() soup2 = BeautifulSoup(q2_raw, 'html.parser') question = parse_question(soup2) log.success(f" question {} parsed", module="parser") return question
def CheckForData(self): while self._server.ServerOn == True: log.success("Connection", "Waiting for data from connection") try: data = self._conn.recv(64) if not data: return self._conn.sendall(self.SendAction(data)) except:"Connection", "Connection has expired") self.Close() return
def add_git_remotes(workspace_path, repo): if 'remotes' not in repo or len(repo['remotes']) == 0: return for remote in repo['remotes']: if not remote_exists(workspace_path, repo, remote):' - adding remote "%s" to %s' % (remote['name'], repo['name'])) repo_path = os.path.join(workspace_path, repo['name']) Process('git remote add %s %s && git fetch %s' % (remote['name'], remote['url'], remote['name']), cwd=repo_path, exit_on_fail=True).run() log.success(' - remote "%s" added to %s' % (remote['name'], repo['name']))
def build_grid(): """ Builds the initial grid within the main map area, then used by the categorization algorithm. s log: When the grid has been correctly built. """ data = _load_data("file:///opt/hdfs/app/data/topics.twitter.json") grid = _compute_grid(data) _save_grid(grid) log.success("grid built")
def saveMetaData (fullname, data, count): log.warn('saving metadata of %s...' % fullname) filename=fullname thefile = open(filename, 'w') thefile.write("[musikker]\n") thefile.write("entries=%s\n" % str(count)) for item in data: thefile.write("tag=%s\n" % item) pass log.success('metadata saved in:', filename)
def get_pic_array(url, path): resp = requests.get(url) success(f"GET PIC From: {url}") with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write(resp.content) new_path = conf.words_background if new_path: if os.path.exists(new_path): path = new_path else: error(f"pic [{new_path}] not found!") return np.array(
def setup_git_workspace(workspace): if not workspace_exists(workspace['path']): os.makedirs(workspace['path']) for repo in workspace['repos']: if not repo_exists(workspace['path'], repo): setup_git_repo(workspace['path'], repo) else: log.success('%s %s' % (u'\u2713', repo['name'])) add_git_remotes(workspace['path'], repo) configure_git_repo(workspace['path'], repo)
def configure_git_repo(workspace_path, repo): if 'gitconfig' not in repo: return repo_path = os.path.join(workspace_path, repo['name']) for key, value in repo['gitconfig'].iteritems(): current_value = Process('git config %s' % key, cwd=repo_path, exit_on_fail=False).run().stdout.strip() if current_value != value:' - setting %s to "%s"' % (key, value)) Process('git config %s "%s"' % (key, value), cwd=repo_path, exit_on_fail=True).run() log.success(' - %s set to "%s"' % (key, value))
def executeSearch( user, constraints, from_, to, orderBy=None, selectRelated=defaultSelectRelated, defer=defaultDefer, ): """ Executes a search database query, returning an evaluated QuerySet. 'user' is the requestor, and should be an authenticated StoreUser object or AnonymousUser. 'from_' and 'to' are range bounds, and must be supplied. 'constraints', 'orderBy', 'selectRelated', and 'defer' are as in formulateQuery above. """ tid = uuid.uuid1() try: _modifyActiveCount(1) qs = formulateQuery(constraints, orderBy=orderBy, selectRelated=selectRelated, defer=defer) log.begin( tid, "search/results", "-", user.username,,,, str(orderBy), str(from_), str(to), *reduce(operator.__concat__, [[k, unicode(v)] for k, v in constraints.items()])) qs = qs[from_:to] c = len(qs) except Exception, e: # MySQL's FULLTEXT engine chokes on a too-frequently-occurring # word (call it a "bad" word) that is not on its own stopword # list. We weed out bad words using our own stopword list, but # not if they're quoted, and unfortunately MySQL chokes on bad # words quoted or not. Furthermore, we are unable to add to # MySQL's stopword list. If MySQL chokes, we retry the query # without any quotes in the hopes that any quoted bad words will # be removed by our own processing. if _isMysqlFulltextError(e) and any('"' in constraints.get(f, "") for f in _fulltextFields): constraints2 = constraints.copy() for f in _fulltextFields: if f in constraints2: constraints2[f] = constraints2[f].replace('"', " ") log.success(tid, "-1") return executeSearch(user, constraints2, from_, to, orderBy, selectRelated, defer) else: log.error(tid, e) raise
def run(port=8150, handler_class=PrHandler): try: httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', port), handler_class) log.success('server in http://localhost:' + str(port)) httpd.serve_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): log.log("^C received, shutting down") httpd.socket.close() except socket.error: log.error('Maybe port ' + str(port) + ' already in use') log.error('You can try another port by use "ursa start 8234"') raise sys.exit(1)
def run(port = 8150 , handler_class = PrHandler): try: httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', port), handler_class) log.success('server in http://localhost:' + str(port) ) httpd.serve_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt , SystemExit): log.log("^C received, shutting down") httpd.socket.close() except socket.error: log.error('Maybe port ' + str(port) + ' already in use') log.error('You can try another port by use "ursa start 8234"') raise sys.exit(1)
def make_new_tor_id(): info("reload tor") try: controller = Controller.from_port(port=9151) controller.authenticate() controller.signal(Signal.NEWNYM) resp = requests.get("", proxies={"https": "socks5://"}) success(f"current ip: {resp.text.strip()}") except Exception as e: raise finally: controller.close()
def entry(host, dry_run): try: local = Context() c = util.connect(host, sudo=True) PASS.unlock() # TODO: only open if needed context = build_context(local) if dry_run: print("DRY RUN") @dataclass class success: ok: bool = True exited: int = 0 stdout: str = "" def just_print(*args, **kwargs): args = " ".join(args) print(f"{args}") return success() = just_print c.sudo = just_print c.put = just_print # TODO: validate context with jsonschema start_time = pre_deploy(c, local, context) deploy(c, context) post_deploy(c, context) # util.print_json(context) end_time = elapsed = end_time - start_time total_seconds = int(elapsed.total_seconds()) hours, remainder = divmod(total_seconds, 60 * 60) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) log.success( f"deployment complete, took {hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}" ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as err: log.error(err)
def run(params , options): ptype = 'mobile' if ( len(params) and params[0]=='mobile') else 'pc' if os.listdir( conf.getConfig()['path'] ): log.warn('Not an empty folder.\nContinue may change your exists files.\nStill Continue?') iscontinue = utils.isyes(raw_input('(y/n):')) if not iscontinue: log.log('User cancel init.') sys.exit(1) log.log('Begin to init current folder') copyfiles(ptype) log.success('Init success.')
def CloseServer(self): for conn in self._connections: conn.ForceClosing() self._ServerOn = False s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("", self._PORT)) #Find another way #close all services for sr in self._services: self._services[sr].CloseService() log.success("Server", "Server is closed.") self.s.close() return
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): handled = False if not (type and value and traceback): log.success("OK") handled = True elif type == GuardWarning: log.warning("WARNING") log.warning(value) handled = True else: log.error("FAILED") sys.stdout.flush() return handled
def __login(self): try: """ ### 再次尝试 1.因为网络问题重试 ### 重新注册 2.因为账户被封重试 3.因为账户认证错误重试 """ warning(f"Login -> [{self.usr}:{self.pwd}]") self.__login_payload.update({"password": self.pwd, "username": self.usr}) resp = self.__refresh_new_target( self.__login_url, data=self.__login_payload, verify=False, timeout=120, # headers={ # "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3", # "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", # "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8", # "Cache-Control": "no-cache", # "DNT": "1", # "Host": self.__domain, # "Pragma": "no-cache", # "Origin":self.__main_url, # "Referer": f"{self.__main_url}/ucp.php?mode=login&autim={self.__login_payload['autim']}", # "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", # "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0" # } ) ) debug(resp.history) debug(resp.request.headers) if self.usr in resp.text and "暗网欢迎您" in resp.text: success("Auth Success") self.types = Parser.get_current_type(resp) # assert self.types != {} else: error(f"Auth Faild: {self.__clean_log(resp)}") self.__save_error("__login.html", resp) if "已被封禁" in resp.text: Cursor.ban_user(self.usr) self.__reg() raise ValueError except KeyboardInterrupt: exit()
def run(params, options): ptype = 'mobile' if (len(params) and params[0] == 'mobile') else 'pc' if os.listdir(conf.getConfig()['path']): log.warn( 'Not an empty folder.\nContinue may change your exists files.\nStill Continue?' ) iscontinue = utils.isyes(raw_input('(y/n):')) if not iscontinue: log.log('User cancel init.') sys.exit(1) log.log('Begin to init current folder') copyfiles(ptype) log.success('Init success.')
def StartServer(self): self.s = socket.socket() self.s.bind(("", self._PORT)) self.s.listen(5) #self.s.settimeout(self._timeout) self._ServerOn = True self._connections = [] acc_connections_thread = threading.Thread( target = self.AcceptConnections ) acc_connections_thread.start() #initializing services log.success("Server", "Initalizing services") for string in self._services_array: self._services[string] = __import__("{}.service".format(string)).service.service() log.success("Server", "Server is on") return
def generate_next_packet(self): time_delta = distributions.gamma(settings.GAMMA_SHAPE, settings.GAMMA_SCALE) packet = Packet(, Scheduler.time+time_delta) self.packets_generated += 1 if len(self.queue)-1 < settings.BUFFER: # since the queue adds each packet as it # logging # is *decided* when it is generated and log.success(" ".join([str(, "generated packet", str(])) # not as it *is* generated, one element # logging # the queue is not counted self.queue.append(packet) heap_push(, packet) else: # logging log.error(" ".join([str(, "lost packet", str(, "(queue full)"])) # logging self.packets_lost += 1 packet.is_lost = True heap_push(, packet) # the packet is pushed into the event
def step(): # logging log.plain("\n") log.success("stepping") # logging packet = heap_pop( Scheduler.time_previous = Scheduler.time Scheduler.time = packet.time current_node = NODES[packet.sender] # this works because the way the list is if not packet.is_queued: # built introduces a 1:1 relation between current_node.generate_next_packet() # the id and the index; if not packet.is_lost: # if the packet was lost (i.e. the queue current_node.handle_packet(packet) # was full), take no action # logging log.plain(Scheduler())
def eventBattle(player): print("Woaw ! An ennemy ship is here. Get ready for battle !") # generate ennemy ship ennemy = character.Character(5 * player._level, 1 * player._level, 5 * player._level, 0, 0, 10, 0, 1, "ennemy") # Fight ! turn = 0 while ennemy._life != 0 and player._life != 0: order = input("What do you want to do ? [fight - escape - status] \n >>>") if order == "fight": if turn % 2 == 0: # player's turn ennemy.getDamages(player.dealtDamages()) else: player.getDamages(ennemy.dealtDamages()) elif order == "escape": rand_event = random.randint(1, 3) if rand_event == 2: log.success("Escaping suceeded !") return True else: log.failure("failed escape") player.getDamages(ennemy.dealtDamages()) elif order == "status": player.status() ennemy.status() turn = turn + 1 if ennemy._life == 0 and player._life != 0: log.success("You defeated the ennemy !") player.earnXP(10) player.earnCredits(10) player.levelUp() return True elif player._life == 0 and ennemy._life != 0: log.failure("You've been defeated !") return False else: log.debug("Should not happen") return False
def compileHTML( needCompress = False , needHtml = False ): """为所有tpl文件加上时间戳 """ base = os.path.join(PATH , 'build' , 'template') tplfiles = [] for dirpath , dirnames , filenames in os.walk(base): tplfiles.extend([ os.path.join( dirpath , f ) for f in filenames if f.endswith('.tpl') ]) if COMPILE_FOLDER: for dirpath , dirnames , filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(PATH , 'build' , COMPILE_FOLDER)): tplfiles.extend([ os.path.join( dirpath , f ) for f in filenames ]) for tpl in tplfiles: f = parser.compileHTML(tpl , needCompress) utils.writefile(tpl , f) if needHtml: log.log('Render html file.\nIt will under build folder.') files = os.listdir( os.path.join( base ) ) tplfiles = [] for dirpath , dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base): tplfiles.extend( [ os.path.join(dirpath , f) for f in filenames if f.endswith('.tpl') ] ) for fname in tplfiles: token = fname.replace( base + '/' , '' ).replace('.tpl' , '') try:#有强行编译的需求 html = parser.parseTpl(token , isbuild=True) if token.find('/') != -1: subfolder = os.path.join(PATH , 'build' , 'html' , token.split('/')[0]) if not os.path.exists(subfolder): utils.createfolder(subfolder) utils.writefile( os.path.join(PATH , 'build' , 'html' , token + '.html' ) , html ) except Exception as e: log.error(str(e)) if not conf.getConfig().get('html_force_output'): raise log.success('Render html success');
def handle_packet(self, packet): # a new packet, from the point in time if self.is_idle(): # where it *would* have been handled # logging log.success(" ".join([str(, "sent packet", str(])) # logging self._send_packet(packet) elif self.is_sending() and packet.time == Scheduler.time_previous: # the node had multiple packets scheduled # logging # at the same time, so if it is already log.success(" ".join([str(, "queued packet", str(])) # sending it queues the next one(s) # logging self._queue_packet(packet) elif self.is_receiving() and packet.time == Scheduler.time_previous: # two (or more) queued packets are sent # logging # at the same time by neighbouring nodes log.warning(" ".join([str(, "sent packet", str(, "(expect a collision)"])) # logging self._send_packet(packet) else: # logging log.success(" ".join([str(, "queued packet", str(])) # logging self._queue_packet(packet)
def setup_git_repo(workspace_path, repo): repo_path = os.path.join(workspace_path, repo['name'])'cloning "%s" repo (%s) into %s' % (repo['name'], repo['origin'], repo_path)) command = 'git clone %s %s' % (repo['origin'], repo['name']) Process(command, cwd=workspace_path, error_msg='cloning "%s" (%s) failed' % (repo['name'], repo['origin']), exit_on_fail=True).run() log.success('%s repo (%s) cloned into %s' % (repo['name'], repo['origin'], repo_path)) if 'upstream' in repo:'adding upstream to %s' % repo['name']) if not remote_exists(workspace_path, repo, {'name': 'upstream'}): upstream = repo['upstream'] command = 'git remote add upstream %s && git fetch %s' % (upstream, upstream) Process(command, cwd=repo_path, error_msg='adding upstream to %s failed' % repo['name'], exit_on_fail=True).run() log.success('added upstream to %s' % repo['name']) else: log.success('upstream already exists')
def Close(self): self._server.CloseConnection(self) self._conn.close() log.success("Connection", "Connection is closed!") return
def levelUp(self): if self._xp >= self._level * 100: self._xp = 0 self._level = self._level + 1 log.success("You leveled up !")
def run(params, options): """ """ tmbegin = time.time() buildtype = None if params and len(params): if conf.getConfig().get(params[0]): buildtype = params[0] else: log.error("No such build type:" + params[0]) sys.exit(1) utils.removefolder(BUILD_DIR) utils.createfolder(BUILD_DIR) # 直接在build目录操作哦 utils.copyfiles("template", os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "template")) utils.copyfiles("static", os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "static")) if COMPILE_FOLDER: utils.copyfiles(COMPILE_FOLDER, os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, COMPILE_FOLDER)) # 模块分为CSS和js,之前使用require_modules代表js,建议现在使用require_js_modules; # 而require_css_modules代表css。 if conf.getConfig().get("require_modules"): log.warn("'require_modules' is deprecated,you should use 'require_js_modules' instead!") require_modules = conf.getConfig().get("require_js_modules") or conf.getConfig().get("require_modules") or ["main"] require_js_modules = require_modules # [email protected]:历史遗留 require_css_modules = conf.getConfig().get("require_css_modules") or ["main"] # @deprecated # maincss = os.path.join( PATH , BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'css' , conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '' , 'main.css' ) try: log.log("Combine css&js with r.js") for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "js", conf.getConfig().get("js_folder") or "", module + ".js") p = subprocess.Popen( "r.js -o name=" + module + " out=" + js + " optimize=none baseUrl=" + os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "js", conf.getConfig().get("js_folder") or ""), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) # 使用YUICompressor压缩,这里仅合并 (o, e) = p.communicate() print o print e if not p.returncode == 0: raise IOError("Combine js failed") # [email protected]:合并css集合 for module in require_css_modules: css = os.path.join( PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "css", conf.getConfig().get("css_folder") or "", module + ".css" ) p = subprocess.Popen( "r.js -o cssIn=" + css + " out=" + css, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True ) # cssIn参数带.css后缀 (o, e) = p.communicate() print o print e if not p.returncode == 0: raise IOError("Combine css failed") log.success("Combine css&js with r.js success.") except: log.error("Please insure you have installed r.js on your computer") raise log.log("Begin to add Timestamps...", True) # @todo:HTML内部的css或许也需要时间戳 compileCss() log.success("Success!") if options.get("html"): utils.createfolder(os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "html")) log.log("Begin to compile tpls...") compileHTML(options.get("compress"), options.get("html")) log.success("Success!") log.log("Begin to replace all token...", True) compileCommon(buildtype) log.success("Success!") if options.get("compress"): log.log("Begin to compile Js...", True) for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "js", conf.getConfig().get("js_folder") or "", module + ".js") "java -jar " + YCPATH + " --type js --charset " + conf.getConfig()["encoding"] + " " + js + " -o " + js, shell=True, ) log.success("Success!") log.log("Begin to compile Css...", True) for module in require_css_modules: # [email protected]:编辑CSS集合 css = os.path.join( PATH, BUILD_DIR, "static", "css", conf.getConfig().get("css_folder") or "", module + ".css" ) "java -jar " + YCPATH + " --type css --charset " + conf.getConfig()["encoding"] + " " + css + " -o " + css, shell=True, ) # 'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type css --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + maincss + ' -o ' + maincss , shell=True); log.success("Success!") log.success("Compiled successfully.") log.success("Time cost %s s." % (time.time() - tmbegin))
def run(params , options): """ """ tmbegin = time.time() buildtype = None if params and len(params): if conf.getConfig().get(params[0]): buildtype = params[0] else: log.error('No such build type:' + params[0]) sys.exit(1) utils.removefolder(BUILD_DIR); utils.createfolder(BUILD_DIR); #直接在build目录操作哦 utils.copyfiles( 'template' , os.path.join(BUILD_DIR , 'template') ) utils.copyfiles( 'static' , os.path.join(BUILD_DIR , 'static') ) if COMPILE_FOLDER: utils.copyfiles( COMPILE_FOLDER , os.path.join(BUILD_DIR , COMPILE_FOLDER) ) #模块分为CSS和js,之前使用require_modules代表js,建议现在使用require_js_modules; #而require_css_modules代表css。 if conf.getConfig().get('require_modules'): log.warn("'require_modules' is deprecated,you should use 'require_js_modules' instead!") require_modules = conf.getConfig().get('require_js_modules') or conf.getConfig().get('require_modules') or ['main'] require_js_modules=require_modules#[email protected]:历史遗留 require_css_modules = conf.getConfig().get('require_css_modules') or ['main'] #@deprecated #maincss = os.path.join( PATH , BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'css' , conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '' , 'main.css' ) try: log.log( 'Combine css&js with r.js' ) for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'js' , conf.getConfig().get('js_folder') or '' , module + '.js' ) 'node ' + RJSPATH +' -o name=' + module + ' out='+ js + ' optimize=none baseUrl=' + os.path.join(PATH , BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'js' , conf.getConfig().get('js_folder') or '') , shell=True)#使用YUICompressor压缩,这里仅合并 #[email protected]:合并css集合 for module in require_css_modules: css=os.path.join( PATH , BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'css' , conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '' , module + '.css' ) 'node ' + RJSPATH + ' -o cssIn=' + css + ' out=' + css , shell=True)#cssIn参数带.css后缀 log.success( 'Combine css&js with r.js success.' ) except: log.error('Please insure you have installed r.js on your computer') raise log.log('Begin to add Timestamps...' , True) #@todo:HTML内部的css或许也需要时间戳 compileCss(); log.success('Success!') if options.get('html'): utils.createfolder( os.path.join( BUILD_DIR , 'html')) log.log('Begin to compile tpls...' ) compileHTML(options.get('compress') , options.get('html')) log.success('Success!') log.log('Begin to replace all token...', True) compileCommon(buildtype) log.success('Success!') if options.get('compress'): log.log('Begin to compile Js...' , True) for module in require_js_modules: js = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'js', conf.getConfig().get('js_folder') or '' , module + '.js' ) 'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type js --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + js + ' -o ' + js , shell=True ); log.success('Success!') log.log('Begin to compile Css...' , True) for module in require_css_modules:#[email protected]:编辑CSS集合 css = os.path.join(PATH, BUILD_DIR , 'static' , 'css', conf.getConfig().get('css_folder') or '' , module + '.css' ) 'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type css --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + css + ' -o ' + css , shell=True ); # 'java -jar ' + YCPATH + ' --type css --charset ' + conf.getConfig()['encoding'] + ' ' + maincss + ' -o ' + maincss , shell=True); log.success('Success!') log.success('Compiled successfully.') log.success('Time cost %s s.' % (time.time()-tmbegin) )