Exemplo n.º 1
def run_sagemaker_test_in_executor(image, num_of_instances, instance_type):
    Run pytest in a virtual env for a particular image

    Expected to run under multi-threading

    :param num_of_instances: <int> number of instances the image test requires
    :param instance_type: type of sagemaker instance the test needs
    :param image: ECR url
    import log_return

    LOGGER.info("Started running SageMaker test.....")
    pytest_command, path, tag, job_type = sm_utils.generate_sagemaker_pytest_cmd(image, "sagemaker")

    # update resource pool accordingly, then add a try-catch statement here to update the pool in case of failure
        log_return.update_pool("running", instance_type, num_of_instances, job_type)
        context = Context()
        with context.cd(path):
            context.run(f"python3 -m virtualenv {tag}")
            with context.prefix(f"source {tag}/bin/activate"):
                context.run("pip install -r requirements.txt", warn=True)
    except Exception as e:
        return False

    return True
def run_sagemaker_remote_tests(images):
    Function to set up multiprocessing for SageMaker tests
    :param images: <list> List of all images to be used in SageMaker tests
    use_scheduler = os.getenv("USE_SCHEDULER", "False").lower() == "true"
    executor_mode = os.getenv("EXECUTOR_MODE", "False").lower() == "true"

    if executor_mode:
        LOGGER.info("entered executor mode.")
        import log_return

        num_of_instances = os.getenv("NUM_INSTANCES")
        image = os.getenv("DLC_IMAGE")
        job_type = "training" if "training" in image else "inference"
        instance_type = sm_utils.assign_sagemaker_remote_job_instance_type(
        test_succeeded = run_sagemaker_test_in_executor(
            image, num_of_instances, instance_type)

        tag = image.split("/")[-1].split(":")[-1]
        test_report = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "test", f"{tag}.xml")

        # update in-progress pool, send the xml reports
        if test_succeeded:
            log_return.update_pool("completed", instance_type,
                                   num_of_instances, job_type, test_report)
            log_return.update_pool("runtimeError", instance_type,
                                   num_of_instances, job_type, test_report)

    elif use_scheduler:
        LOGGER.info("entered scheduler mode.")
        import concurrent.futures
        from job_requester import JobRequester

        job_requester = JobRequester()
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
                max_workers=len(images)) as executor:
            futures = [
                executor.submit(send_scheduler_requests, job_requester, image)
                for image in images
            for future in futures:
                except Exception as e:
                        f"An error occurred in one of the threads: {e}")
        if not images:
        pool_number = len(images)
        with Pool(pool_number) as p:
            p.map(sm_utils.execute_sagemaker_remote_tests, images)
def run_sagemaker_remote_tests(images, pytest_cache_params):
    Function to set up multiprocessing for SageMaker tests
    :param images: <list> List of all images to be used in SageMaker tests
    use_scheduler = os.getenv("USE_SCHEDULER", "False").lower() == "true"
    executor_mode = os.getenv("EXECUTOR_MODE", "False").lower() == "true"

    if executor_mode:
        LOGGER.info("entered executor mode.")
        import log_return

        num_of_instances = os.getenv("NUM_INSTANCES")
        image = images[0]
        job_type = "training" if "training" in image else "inference"
        instance_type = sm_utils.assign_sagemaker_remote_job_instance_type(image)
        test_succeeded = run_sagemaker_test_in_executor(image, num_of_instances, instance_type)

        tag = image.split("/")[-1].split(":")[-1]
        test_report = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "test", f"{tag}.xml")

        # update in-progress pool, send the xml reports
        if test_succeeded:
            log_return.update_pool("completed", instance_type, num_of_instances, job_type, test_report)
            log_return.update_pool("runtimeError", instance_type, num_of_instances, job_type, test_report)

    elif use_scheduler:
        LOGGER.info("entered scheduler mode.")
        import concurrent.futures
        from job_requester import JobRequester

        job_requester = JobRequester()
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(images)) as executor:
            futures = [executor.submit(send_scheduler_requests, job_requester, image) for image in images]
            for future in futures:
        if not images:
        pool_number = len(images)
        # Using Manager().dict() since it's a thread safe dictionary
        global_pytest_cache = Manager().dict()
            with Pool(pool_number) as p:
                    [[i, images[i], global_pytest_cache, pytest_cache_params] for i in range(pool_number)]
            pytest_cache_util.convert_cache_json_and_upload_to_s3(global_pytest_cache, **pytest_cache_params)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_requester():
    Tests the send_request and receive_logs functions of the Job Requester package.
    How tests are executed:
    - create one Job Requester object, and multiple threads. Perform send_request with the Job Requester object in
      each of these threads.
    - send messages to the SQS queue that the Job Requester object created, to imitate the response logs received back
      from the Job Executor.
    - In each of the threads, perform receive_logs to receive the log correspond to the send_request earlier.
    threads = 10
    request_object = JobRequester()
    identifiers_list = []
    input_list = []

    # creating unique image names and build_context strings
    for _ in range(threads):
        input_list.append((TEST_IMAGE, "PR", 3))

    # sending requests
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
            max_workers=threads) as executor:
        futures = [
            executor.submit(request_object.send_request, x, y, z)
            for (x, y, z) in input_list

    print("Created tickets......")
    for future in futures:
        res = future.result()

    # create sample xml report files
    image_tag = TEST_IMAGE.split(":")[-1]
    report_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f"{image_tag}.xml")
    with open(report_path, "w") as report:

    for identifier in identifiers_list:
        os.environ["TICKET_KEY"] = f"folder/{identifier.ticket_name}"
        log_return.update_pool("completed", identifier.instance_type, 3,
                               identifier.job_type, report_path)

    # receiving logs
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
            max_workers=threads) as executor:
        logs = [
            executor.submit(request_object.receive_logs, identifier)
            for identifier in identifiers_list

    LOGGER.info("Receiving logs...")
    for log in logs:
        assert "XML_REPORT" in log.result(
        ), f"XML Report not found as part of the returned log message."

    # clean up test artifacts
    S3 = boto3.client("s3")
    ticket_names = [item.ticket_name for item in identifiers_list]
    for name in ticket_names:
        S3.delete_object(Bucket=request_object.s3_ticket_bucket, Key=name)

    LOGGER.info("Tests passed.")