Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_db_sanity_last_n(self):
     db_path = './profile_data/Sin_in-1-out-1/'
     db_name = 'ann.db'
     db.interact.sanity_last_n_commit('meta|ann',db_name=db_name, db_path=db_path)
     db.interact.sanity_last_n_commit(db_name=db_name, db_path=db_path)
     printf('CHECK THE DB YOURSELF TO SEE IF TEST IS PASSED!', type='WARN', separator='*')
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_db_interact(self):
     db_path = './profile_data/Sin_in-1-out-1/'
     db_name = 'ann.db'
     meta_table = 'meta|ann'
     data_table = 'profile_cost|ann'
     db.interact.db_control_dim(meta_table, data_table, 'learn_rate', db_path=db_path, db_name=db_name)
     printf('CHECK THE DB YOURSELF TO SEE IF TEST IS PASSED!', type='WARN', separator='*')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_db_basic(self):
     db_name = 'cool.db'
     table_name = 'stuff'
     db_path = './unittest/db/basic/'
     db.basic.populate_db(['this','is','cool'], ['INTEGER','TEXT','REAL'], 
         0, [['zero',0.],['two',0.2],['one',0.1]],
         db_path=db_path, db_name=db_name, table_name=table_name)
     db.basic.sanity_db('is', ['zero'], 'stuff', db_name=db_name, db_path=db_path)
     db.basic.sanity_db(['is'], 'zero', 'stuff', db_name=db_name, db_path=db_path)
     db.basic.sanity_db('shhhh', 'zero', 'stuff', db_name=db_name, db_path=db_path)
     printf('CHECK THE DB YOURSELF TO SEE IF TEST IS PASSED!', type='WARN', separator='*')
Exemplo n.º 4
def load_as_array(db_fullpath, table, attr_list, size=-1, c=None):
    load data from db as numpy array
    attr name in attr_list may or may not be surrounded by '[' and ']'
    conn = None
    if not c:
        conn = sqlite3.connect(db_fullpath)
        c = conn.cursor()
    attr_list = surround_by_brackets(attr_list)
    table = surround_by_brackets(table)
    tot_num = count_entry(db_fullpath, table, c=c)
    size = (size==-1) and tot_num or size
    if tot_num < size:
        printf('db don\'t have enough entries to load!', type='ERROR')
    c.execute('SELECT {} FROM {} LIMIT {}'.format(','.join(attr_list), table, size))
    ret = np.array(list(c.fetchall()))
    if conn:
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 5
def sanity_last_n_commit(*table, num_run=1, db_name=DB_NAME, db_path=DB_DIR_PARENT, time_attr=TIME_ATTR):
    delete the entries with the latest populate_time, for all tables with the time attr

        table       if table=(), then delete entries for all tables, otherwise only delete for that in *table
        num_run     delete entries with the last (num_run) populate time
        time_attr   the name of the time attribute
    db_fullpath = '{}/{}'.format(db_path, db_name)
    conn = sqlite3.connect(db_fullpath)
    c = conn.cursor()
    if len(table) == 0:
        table = list(c.execute('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\'table\''))
        table = list(map(lambda x: '[{}]'.format(x[0]), table))
        table = list(map(lambda x: '[{}]'.format(x), table))
    # fliter table list to those actually contains the time_attr
    table_flt = []
    for tbl in table:
        tbl_attr = list(get_attr_info(tbl, enclosing=False, db_fullpath=db_fullpath).keys())
        if time_attr in tbl_attr:
            table_flt += [tbl]
    time_attr = surround_by_brackets(time_attr)
    time_set = set()
    for tbl in table_flt:
        cur_time_set = set(c.execute('SELECT DISTINCT {} FROM {}'.format(time_attr, tbl)))
        time_set |= set(map(lambda x: x[0], cur_time_set))
    time_len = len(time_set)
    num_run = (num_run>time_len) and time_len or num_run
    time_list = sorted(list(time_set))[time_len-num_run:]
    for tbl in table_flt:
        for t in time_list:
            sanity_db(time_attr[1:-1], t, tbl[1:-1], db_name=db_name, db_path=db_path)
    printf('Done: cleared last {} commits for {}'.format(num_run, table_flt))
    bad_table = set(table) - set(table_flt)
    if bad_table:
        printf('tables {} don\'t have attr {}', bad_table, time_attr, type='WARN')
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _load_db(self, yaml_model, timestamp, profile=True):
     load data from sqlite3 db: suitable for 1D objective function
     db_dir = conf.TRAINING_DIR
     db_name = yaml_model['data_path']
     db_table = yaml_model['data_table']
     db_fullpath = '{}/{}'.format(db_dir, db_name)
     data_size = yaml_model['data_size']
     test_size = yaml_model['test_size']
     start_time = timeit.default_timer()
     conn = sqlite3.connect(db_fullpath)
     c = conn.cursor()
     end_time = timeit.default_timer()
     printf('time spent on db connection: {:.3f}', end_time-start_time)
     # check table exists
     start_time = timeit.default_timer()
     if not db.util.is_table_exist(db_fullpath, db_table, c=c):
         printf('table not exist: {}\npath: {}', db_table, db_fullpath, type='ERROR')
     # setup x,y attr name list
     data_attr = list(db.util.get_attr_info(db_table, c=c, enclosing=False).keys())
     regex_x = re.compile('^x\d+$')
     regex_y = re.compile('^y\d+$')
     attr_x = sorted([itm for itm in data_attr if regex_x.match(itm)])
     attr_y = sorted([itm for itm in data_attr if regex_y.match(itm)])
     # load from db
     data_entire = db.util.load_as_array(db_fullpath, db_table, attr_x, size=(data_size+test_size), c=c)
     self.data = data_entire[0:data_size]
     self.test_d = data_entire[-test_size::]
     target_entire = db.util.load_as_array(db_fullpath, db_table, attr_y, size=(data_size+test_size), c=c)
     self.target = target_entire[0:data_size]
     self.test_t = target_entire[-test_size::]
     end_time = timeit.default_timer()
     printf('time spent on load data: {:.3f}', end_time-start_time)
     # store raw into profile db
     prof_subdir = yaml_model['obj_name']
     if profile:
         # don't store y: they will be stored when training starts
         start_time = timeit.default_timer()
         regex_xothers = re.compile('^x.*$')
         attr_xothers = [itm for itm in data_attr if regex_xothers.match(itm) and itm not in attr_x]
         xothers = db.util.load_as_array(db_fullpath, db_table, attr_xothers, size=data_size, c=c)
         attr_full = attr_x + attr_xothers
         data_util.profile_input_data(prof_subdir, timestamp, attr_full, self.data, xothers)
         end_time = timeit.default_timer()
         printf('time spent on storing training data into db: {:.3f}', end_time-start_time)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_lin3_lin2_single_tuple(self, verbose=True):
     net = Net_structure([3,2], [Node_linear], Cost_sqr)
     net.set_w_b([array(range(6)).reshape(3,2)], [zeros((1,2))])
     if verbose:
         printf('INITIAL NET')
         printf(net, type=None, separator=None)
     data = array([[11,22,33], [-1, 2, 82]])
     net_op = array([[176., 242.], [332., 415.]])
     target = array([[5.,4.], [2., 5.]])
     test_net_op = net.net_act_forward(data)
     printf('net forward output')
     printf(test_net_op, type=None, separator=None)
     assert_array_equal(net_op, test_net_op, ACT_FORWARD_FAIL)
     self.assertSequenceEqual(net_op.shape, test_net_op.shape, ACT_FORWARD_FAIL)
     assert_array_equal(net.cost.act_forward(net_op, target), [42942.5, 138500.])
     assert_array_equal(net.cost.c_d_y(net_op, target), array([[171., 238.], [330., 410.]]))
     assert_array_equal(net.activ_list[0].yn_d_yn1(net.y_list[1], net.w_list[0]), array([net.w_list[0], net.w_list[0]]))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_conv(self):
        image_path_gs = './test/grayscale.jpg'
        output_path_gs = './test/output_grayscale.jpg'
        image_path_rgb = './test/rgb.jpg'
        output_path_rgb = './test/output_rgb.jpg'
        kernel_core = np.array([[0,-1,0],[-1,5,-1],[0,-1,0]])
        conv_layer = conv.Node_conv

        from PIL import Image
        printf('conv grayscale')
        layer_img_gs = np.asarray(Image.open(image_path_gs))
        Y,X = layer_img_gs.shape
        C = 1
        layer_img_gs = layer_img_gs.reshape(Y,X,C)
        layer_img_gs = layer_img_gs.transpose((2,0,1)).reshape(1,C,Y,X)
        kernel_gs = np.zeros((1,1,3,3))
        kernel_gs[0,0,:,:] = kernel_core

        output_img_gs = conv_layer.act_forward(layer_img_gs, np.swapaxes(kernel_gs,0,1), 1, 1)
        output_img_gs = output_img_gs.reshape(C,Y,X).transpose(1,2,0)
        output_img_gs = output_img_gs.reshape(Y,X)
        printf('conv rgb')
        layer_img_rgb = np.array(Image.open(image_path_rgb))
        Y,X,C = layer_img_rgb.shape
        layer_img_rgb = layer_img_rgb.transpose((2,0,1)).reshape(1,C,Y,X)
        kernel_rgb = np.zeros((3,3,3,3))
        kernel_rgb[0,0,:,:] = kernel_core
        kernel_rgb[1,1,:,:] = kernel_core
        kernel_rgb[2,2,:,:] = kernel_core
        output_img_rgb = conv_layer.act_forward(layer_img_rgb, np.swapaxes(kernel_rgb,0,1), 1, 1)
        output_img_rgb = output_img_rgb.reshape(C,Y,X).transpose(1,2,0)
Exemplo n.º 9
def trainingFunc(funcName, input_size, output_size):
    first class function: return a closure of the actual training function

        funcName        the description of how the training function should behave
        the actual training function
    attr_list = ["x{}".format(i) for i in range(input_size)]
    attr_list += ["y{}".format(i) for i in range(output_size)]

    if funcName == "sigmoid":
        if output_size > 1:
            printf(_OP_SIZE_ERR, funcName, type="ERROR")

        def sigmoid(xList, output_range):
            simple sigmoid function:
                most suitable for neuron of sigmoid activation
                can be treated as baseline
            op_avg = (output_range[0] + output_range[1]) / 2
            op_rag = output_range[1] - output_range[0]
            xAvg = reduce(lambda x1, x2: x1 + x2, xList) / len(xList)
            return xList + [op_rag * (1 / (1 + exp(-xAvg) - 0.5)) + op_avg] + [xAvg]

        attr_list += ["xAvg"]
        return sigmoid, attr_list
    elif funcName == "lin":
        if output_size > 1:
            printf(_OP_SIZE_ERR, funcName, type="ERROR")

        def lin(xList, output_range):
            assert len(xList) >= 1
            x_lin = reduce(lambda x1, x2: xList.index(x1) * x1 + xList.index(x2) * x2, xList)
            return xList + [4 * x_lin] + [x_lin]

        attr_list += ["xLin"]
        return lin, attr_list
    elif funcName == "sin":
        simple sin function
        if output_size > 1:
            printf(_OP_SIZE_ERR, funcName, type="ERROR")

        def sine(xList, output_range):
            assert len(xList) >= 1
            op_avg = (output_range[0] + output_range[1]) / 2
            op_rag = output_range[1] - output_range[0]
            sinAvg = reduce(lambda x1, x2: x1 + x2, xList) / len(xList)
            return xList + [op_rag * sin(sinAvg) + op_avg] + [sinAvg]

        attr_list += ["xAvg"]
        return sine, attr_list
    elif funcName == "random":

        def rand(xList, output_range):
            return xList + [uniform(output_range[0], output_range[1])]

        return rand, attr_list
    elif funcName == "ann":
        output is generated by the ANN,
        and the data is intended to be learned by ANN in return

        def forwardANN(xList, struct, activ_list, cost_type):
            net = Net_structure(struct, [activation_dict[n] for n in activ_list], cost_dict[cost_type])
            w_list = []
            b_list = []
            for l in range(len(struct) - 1):
                w_list += [
                    (array(range(struct[l] * struct[l + 1])).reshape(struct[l], struct[l + 1]) + float(l)) / 100.0
                b_list += [(array(range(struct[l + 1])) - float(l)) / 100.0]

            net.set_w_b(w_list, b_list)
            return xList + list(net.net_act_forward(array(xList)))

        return forwardANN, attr_list
Exemplo n.º 10

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('db analysis, specific for ANN application')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--data_table', type=str, metavar='DATA',
        default=_DATA_TABLE, choices=_DATA_TABLE_CHOICES, help='table containing data info of training')
    parser.add_argument('-atr', '--attr_list', type=str, metavar='ATR',
        nargs='+', choices=_ATTR_RANGE, help='want to control what variables?')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--db_name', type=str, metavar='DB_NAME',
        default='ann.db', help='provide the name of db file. e.g.: ann.b')

    return parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parse_args()
    if args.data_table == 'profile_cost|ann':
        temp_table = ANALYSIS_TABLE_COST
    elif args.data_table == 'output_data|ann':
        temp_table = ANALYSIS_TABLE_OUTPUT
        temp_table = ANALYSIS_TABLE
        printf('table is neither cost nor output. DOUBLE CHECK!', type='WARN')
    db_control_dim(_META_TABLE, args.data_table, *args.attr_list, 
            temp_table=temp_table, db_name=args.db_name)
    if args.data_table == 'output_data|ann':
        join_input_output_table(ANALYSIS_DB, DB_NAME)