def learn(sat_images, label_images, configuration, SEED, FLAGS, save_model_filepath): # Getting the data on which we are going to train data, labels = preparing_data(sat_images, label_images, configuration.ROTATE_IMAGES, configuration.ROTATED_IMG, configuration.IMG_PATCH_SIZE, configuration.IMG_BORDER) # Seperating our data in three distinct sets (taining, validation, testing) # and normalization (train_set, valid_set, test_set, means, stds) = separate_set(data, labels, configuration.VALIDATION_TRAIN_PERC, configuration.VALIDATION_VAL_PERC) # Balancing data train_set = img_help.balance_data(train_set[0], train_set[1]) print( "******************************************************************************" ) print( "\nWe will train on", len(train_set[0]), "patches of size", str(configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE) + "x" + str(configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE)) print("\nInitializing tensorflow graphs for training and validating") num_epochs = configuration.NUM_EPOCHS # Initialization of placeholders for data and labels train_data_node = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=(configuration.BATCH_SIZE, configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE, configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE, configuration.NUM_CHANNELS)) train_label_node = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(configuration.BATCH_SIZE, configuration.NUM_LABELS)) eval_data_node = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE, configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE, configuration.NUM_CHANNELS)) eval_label_node = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, configuration.NUM_LABELS)) # Define the parameters of the convolutional layers conv_params, last_depth = params_conv_layers(configuration.CONV_ARCH, configuration.CONV_DEPTH, configuration.NUM_CHANNELS, SEED) pool_fact = 2**len(configuration.CONV_ARCH) if configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE % pool_fact != 0: raise "not dividable by pool fact " + str( configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE) + " / " + str(pool_fact) size = int(configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE / pool_fact * configuration.IMG_TOTAL_SIZE / pool_fact * last_depth) fc_params = params_fc_layers(configuration.FC_ARCH, configuration.FC_DEPTH, size, configuration.NUM_LABELS, SEED) # Definition of the complete cnn model. def model(data, train=False): # convolution layers conv_end = init_conv_layers(configuration.CONV_ARCH, conv_params, data) # Reshape the feature map cuboid into a 2D matrix to feed it to the # fully connected layers. conv_end_shape = conv_end.get_shape().as_list() reshape = tf.reshape( conv_end, [-1, conv_end_shape[1] * conv_end_shape[2] * conv_end_shape[3]]) out = init_fc_layers(configuration.FC_ARCH, fc_params, reshape, train, configuration.KEEP_DROPOUT, SEED) return out logits = model(train_data_node, True) # Computes the probability error for each prediction loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, train_label_node)) tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss) # L2 regularization for the fully connected parameters. regularizers = tf.nn.l2_loss(fc_params[0][0]) + tf.nn.l2_loss( fc_params[0][1]) for params in fc_params[1:]: regularizers += tf.nn.l2_loss(params[0]) regularizers += tf.nn.l2_loss(params[1]) # Add the regularization term to the loss. loss += 5e-4 * (regularizers) # Optimizer: set up a variable that's incremented once per batch and # controls the learning rate decay. batch = tf.Variable(0) # Use adam optimizer as it optimises automatically the learning rate. adam_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(configuration.LEARNING_RATE) optimizer = adam_opt.minimize(loss, global_step=batch) # Predictions for the minibatch, validation set and test set. train_prediction_graph = tf.nn.softmax(logits) # Compute predictions for validation and test correct_predictions_train_graph = tf.equal( tf.argmax(train_prediction_graph, 1), tf.argmax(train_label_node, 1)) # Accuracy for training accuracy_train_graph = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(correct_predictions_train_graph, tf.float32)) # Validation / Testing set predictions eval_predictions_graph = tf.nn.softmax(model(eval_data_node)) # Compute predictions for validation and test eval_correct_predictions_graph = tf.equal( tf.argmax(eval_predictions_graph, 1), tf.argmax(eval_label_node, 1)) # Accuracy computation eval_accuracy_graph = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(eval_correct_predictions_graph, tf.float32)) # Will be used later when we need to compute the f1 score threshold_tf = tf.Variable(0, name="threshold_tf", dtype=tf.float32) # Index [0] corresponds to a road, which we will consider as positive therefore 1. pos_predictions_thresh_graph = tf.cast( tf.transpose(eval_predictions_graph)[0] > threshold_tf, tf.int64) # Here for the true labels we have the oposite -> 1 is background, road is 0 so we use argmin to reverse that true_predictions_graph = tf.argmin(eval_label_node, 1) # Here we have a boolean array with true values where instances of the prediction correspond to the labels. correct_predictions_thresh = tf.equal(pos_predictions_thresh_graph, true_predictions_graph) # Add ops to save and restore all the variables. saver = tf.train.Saver() # initialise all varibales operation init = tf.global_variables_initializer() s = tf.Session() if configuration.RESTORE_MODEL: # Restore variables from disk. if not os.path.exists(save_model_filepath + ".index"): raise ValueError("model not found : " + save_model_filepath) saver.restore(s, save_model_filepath) print("Model restored from :", save_model_filepath) else: # run initialisation of variables print('\nInitialized!') train_size = len(train_set[0]) # Loop through training steps. print('\nTotal number of epochs for training :', num_epochs) print('Total number of steps for epoch :', int(train_size / configuration.BATCH_SIZE)) print('Total number of steps :', num_epochs * int(train_size / configuration.BATCH_SIZE)) print("\n") print( "******************************************************************************" ) print(" Training") print( "******************************************************************************" ) try: batch_size = configuration.BATCH_SIZE for epoch in range(num_epochs): print( "\n******************************************************************************" ) print("training for epoch :", epoch + 1, "out of", num_epochs, "epochs") perm_idx = np.random.permutation(train_size) batch_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar( max_value=int(train_size / configuration.BATCH_SIZE)) for step in range(int(train_size / configuration.BATCH_SIZE)): batch_idx = perm_idx[step * batch_size:(step + 1) * batch_size] # Compute the offset of the current minibatch in the data. # Note that we could use better randomization across epochs. batch_data = train_set[0][batch_idx] batch_labels = train_set[1][batch_idx] # This dictionary maps the batch data (as a np array) to the # node in the graph is should be fed to. feed_dict = { train_data_node: batch_data, train_label_node: batch_labels } if step % configuration.RECORDING_STEP == 0: _, l =[optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict) print( "\ncomputing intermediate accuracy and loss at step", step) print("computing train accuracy") acc = batch_sum(s, eval_accuracy_graph, train_set, configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, eval_data_node, eval_label_node) train_acc = acc / int( np.ceil( len(train_set[0]) / configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE)) logger.append_log("Accuracy_training", train_acc) print("computing validation accuracy") acc = batch_sum(s, eval_accuracy_graph, valid_set, configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, eval_data_node, eval_label_node) valid_acc = acc / int( np.ceil( len(valid_set[0]) / configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE)) logger.append_log("Accuracy_validation", valid_acc) logger.append_log("Loss_taining", l) print('\n%.2f' % (float(step) * configuration.BATCH_SIZE / train_size) + '% of Epoch ' + str(epoch + 1)) print("loss :", l) print("training set accuracy :", train_acc) print("validation set accuracy :", valid_acc), FLAGS.train_dir + "/model.ckpt") print("\nContinuing training steps") sys.stdout.flush() else: # Run the graph and fetch some of the nodes. batch_bar.update(step) _, l, predictions_train = [optimizer, loss, train_prediction_graph], feed_dict=feed_dict) batch_bar.finish() # What do here ? nothing normally as done at beginning of each epoch except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Interrupted at epoch ", epoch + 1) print("Restoring model from last evaluation") saver.restore(s, FLAGS.train_dir + "/model.ckpt") pass logger.set_log("Epoch_stop", epoch + 1) print( "\n******************************************************************************" ) print("Finished training") print("\nScoring on validation set") acc = batch_sum(s, eval_accuracy_graph, valid_set, configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, eval_data_node, eval_label_node) accuracy = acc / int( np.ceil(len(valid_set[0]) / configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE)) logger.append_log("Accuracy_validation", accuracy) print("Accuracy rating is :", accuracy) print("\nScoring on testing set") acc = batch_sum(s, eval_accuracy_graph, test_set, configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, eval_data_node, eval_label_node) accuracy = acc / int( np.ceil(len(test_set[0]) / configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE)) logger.set_log("Accuracy_test", accuracy) print("Accuracy rating is :", accuracy) max_thresh = 0.5 # base threshold in case we don't want to fine tune it. if configuration.OPTI_F1: print( "\n******************************************************************************" ) print("Finding best f1_score with different thresholds") # Computing F1 score from predictions with different thresholds thresh_start = 0 thresh_end = 1 thresh_steps = 10 theta_thresh = configuration.THETA_THRESH diff_thresh = 1 while (diff_thresh > theta_thresh): print("\nTesting for threshold between", thresh_start, "and", thresh_end) threshs = np.linspace(thresh_start, thresh_end, thresh_steps) f1_scores = [] for thresh in threshs: print("\nComputing F1-score with threshold :", thresh) f1_score = compute_f1_tf(s, pos_predictions_thresh_graph, correct_predictions_thresh, valid_set, configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, eval_data_node, eval_label_node) f1_scores.append(f1_score) print("F1-score :", f1_score) # Output test with best Threshold logger.append_log("F1-score_validation", f1_scores) logger.append_log("F1-score_threshs_validation", list(threshs)) idx_max_thresh = np.argmax(f1_scores) diff_thresh = f1_scores[idx_max_thresh] - f1_scores[0] thresh_start = threshs[max(idx_max_thresh - 1, 0)] thresh_end = threshs[min(idx_max_thresh + 1, thresh_steps - 1)] print("\nDifference :", diff_thresh) max_thresh = threshs[idx_max_thresh] print("Best threshold found with confidence", theta_thresh, ":", max_thresh) # Test set f1_score print("\nTest set F1-score with best threshold :", max_thresh) f1_score = compute_f1_tf(s, pos_predictions_thresh_graph, correct_predictions_thresh, test_set, configuration.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, eval_data_node, eval_label_node) logger.set_log("F1-score_test", f1_score) print("F1-score:", f1_score) if not configuration.RESTORE_MODEL: print("\nSaving our model"), save_model_filepath) logger.save_log() return s, model, means, stds, max_thresh
def get_contact(Phone): c = annuaire[Phone] logger.save_log(f"Getting contact={c}") return c
def display_all(): for phone_number in annuaire: contact = annuaire[phone_number] print(contact) l.save_log(str(contact))
def get_contact(phone_number): contact = annuaire[phone_number] l.save_log(f'Getting contact={contact}') return contact
def add_contact(contact): cle = contact['phone_number'] annuaire[cle] = contact l.save_log(str(contact))