def main(benchmarks, name, tsp, cores, timeout, sequential, prio_conflicts, debug, verbose, official): if not name: name = f"pc={'T' if prio_conflicts else 'F'}," \ f"ord={'T' if sequential else 'F'}" if not sequential: name = f"tsp={tsp}," + name if official: name += ' (TU)' def prepped_solver(problem: Problem) -> List: return solver(problem, { "tsp": tsp.lower(), "pc": prio_conflicts, "ord": sequential }) api_key = open("api_key.txt", "r").read().strip() benchmark = MapfwBenchmarker(api_key, benchmarks, "A*+OD+ID", name, debug, prepped_solver, cores=cores, timeout=timeout) logger.start(info=debug, debug=verbose) logger.stop()
def shutdown(): if lp_events.timer != None: # cancel any outstanding events lp_events.timer.cancel() scripts.to_run = [] # remove anything from the list of scripts scheduled to run for x in range(9): for y in range(9): if scripts.buttons[x][y].thread != None: scripts.buttons[x][y].thread.kill.set() # request to kill any running threads if window.lp_connected or window.IsStandalone: scripts.Unbind_all() # unbind all the buttons lp_events.timer.cancel() # cancel all the timers if LP != None and LP != -1: launchpad_connector.disconnect(LP) # disconnect from the launchpad window.lp_connected = False logger.stop() # stop logging if window.restart: window.restart = False # don't do this forever if IS_EXE: os.startfile(sys.argv[0]) else: os.execv(sys.executable, ["\"" + sys.executable + "\""] + sys.argv) sys.exit("[LPHK] Shutting down...")
def main(): log.init() my_gui = MainWindow() log.init(my_gui) log.stop()
def shutdown(): if lp_events.timer != None: lp_events.timer.cancel() scripts.to_run = [] for x in range(9): for y in range(9): if scripts.threads[x][y] != None: scripts.threads[x][y].kill.set() if window.lp_connected: scripts.unbind_all() lp_events.timer.cancel() launchpad_connector.disconnect(lp) window.lp_connected = False logger.stop() if window.restart: if IS_EXE: os.startfile(sys.argv[0]) else: os.execv(sys.executable, ["\"" + sys.executable + "\""] + sys.argv) sys.exit("[LPHK] Shutting down...")
t11 = time.perf_counter() log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_INFO, 0, 'Launching calibration plotting') calibration.plot_calib(calibrationResults, programParameters.fileParameters) (days, hours, minutes, seconds) = mm.decompose_time(time.perf_counter() - t11) log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_DEBUG_INFO, 0, f'Done in {seconds:5.2f}s') #close all handles and multiprocessing instances log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_INFO, 0, 'Stopping the program') programParameters.stop_all() (days, hours, minutes, seconds) = mm.decompose_time(time.perf_counter() - t0) log.message( DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_INFO, 0, f'All done in {days:02d}d {hours:02d}h{minutes:02d}m{seconds:04.1f}s') log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_INFO, 0, 'Holding for figures display...') # return True if __name__ == '__main__': log.init() main() log.stop()
def main(): import matplotlib.image as mpimg import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from computeCentroid import compute_centroid as compute_centroid import classConfig # try: # try: # raise OSError # except OSError: # raise errors.CameraError("error1") # try: # raise OSError # except OSError: # raise errors.CameraError("error2") # except Exception as e: # print(e) #Set the default values im_path = os.path.join('Python_garbage', 'garbage.png') nbCentroidsLoop = 1000 ncComputationsPerCentroid = 1 centroids_txt_path = os.path.join('Python_garbage', 'centroids.mat') image_ID = 1 exposure_time = 250 gain = 0.0 black_level = 1.25 gamma = 1.0 ROI = np.zeros(5, dtype=np.uint16) #python "" "..\41000-Matlab-Calibration_and_test\calibration_data_cam1_XY.mat" 1 12345 4 11111 2 2.5 1.5 1.5 nb_args = len(sys.argv) - 1 if nb_args > 0: im_path = sys.argv[1] if nb_args > 1: cam_path = sys.argv[2] if nb_args > 2: camera_ID = int(sys.argv[3]) if nb_args > 3: image_ID = int(sys.argv[4]) if nb_args > 4: nb_images = int(sys.argv[5]) if nb_args > 5: exposure_time = float(sys.argv[6]) if nb_args > 6: gain = float(sys.argv[7]) if nb_args > 7: black_level = float(sys.argv[8]) if nb_args > 8: gamma = float(sys.argv[9]) if im_path != '' or image_ID > -1: centroid = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) try: #create camera instance camera = Camera(cameraType=DEFINES.PC_CAMERA_TYPE_XY, compatibleCameraID=22289804) #22942361 #22994237 #_=os.system('echo Taking picture') camera.setMaxROI() exposure_time = camera.getOptimalExposure(exposure_time) log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_INFO, 0, f'Exposure time is: {exposure_time:.1f}') if exposure_time >= DEFINES.PC_CAMERA_XY_MAX_EXPOSURE: log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_ERROR, 0, f'Max exposure was reached') camera.close() return camera.setProperties(exposure_time, gain, black_level, gamma) if image_ID > -1: config = classConfig.Config() camera.setDistortionCorrection(config) centroids = np.zeros((nbCentroidsLoop, 3)) minimum = 1000000 * np.ones(2) maximum = 0 * np.ones(2) mean = 0 * np.ones(2) std = 0 * np.ones(2) #Get first centroid to set ROI picture = camera.getImage() #Save the image if im_path != '': mpimg.imsave(im_path, picture) #compute the centroid if image_ID > -1: centroid = compute_centroid(picture, camera.parameters, image_ID) if np.isnan(centroid[0]): log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_WARNING, 0, "No centroid detected") return ROI[0] = int(centroid[2]) ROI[1] = int(centroid[3]) ROI[2] = camera.parameters.minCropWindow + 20 ROI[3] = camera.parameters.minCropWindow ROI[4] = np.sqrt(ROI[2]**2 + ROI[3]**2) camera.setROI(ROI) print("camera params", camera.parameters) for i in range(0, nbCentroidsLoop): currentComputation = [] for j in range(0, ncComputationsPerCentroid): t0 = time.perf_counter() picture = camera.getImage() #Save the image if im_path != '': mpimg.imsave(im_path, picture) #compute the centroid t1 = time.perf_counter() if image_ID > -1: currentComputation.append( compute_centroid(picture, camera.parameters, image_ID)) # log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_WARNING, 0, f'Image: {t1-t0:4.3f} s. Centroid: {time.perf_counter()-t1:4.3f} s') if np.isnan(centroid[0]): log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_WARNING, 0, "No centroid detected") raise errors.CameraError("Fiber light went out") currentComputation = np.array(currentComputation) # print(currentComputation) # print(currentComputation[0]) # print(currentComputation[0,0]) centroid = (np.mean(currentComputation[:,0]),\ np.mean(currentComputation[:,1]),\ np.mean(currentComputation[:,2]),\ np.mean(currentComputation[:,3]),\ np.mean(currentComputation[:,4]),\ np.mean(currentComputation[:,5]),\ np.mean(currentComputation[:,6]),\ currentComputation[0,7]) centroids[i, 2] = i for j in range(0, 2): centroids[i, j] = centroid[j] if centroid[j] < minimum[j]: minimum[j] = centroid[j] if centroid[j] > maximum[j]: maximum[j] = centroid[j] mean[j] = np.mean(centroids[0:(i + 1), j]) std[j] = np.std(centroids[0:(i + 1), j]) log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_INFO, 0, f'{centroid[0]:.6f},{centroid[1]:.6f},{centroid[6]:.6f}'+\ f' Centroid {i+1:4}/{nbCentroidsLoop:4}'+\ f' Max diff: {maximum[0]-minimum[0]:.6f},{maximum[1]-minimum[1]:.6f}'+\ f' Mean: {mean[0]:.6f},{mean[1]:.6f}'+\ f' STD: {std[0]:.6f},{std[1]:.6f}') centroids[:, 0] = centroids[:, 0] - np.nanmean(centroids[:, 0]) centroids[:, 1] = centroids[:, 1] - np.nanmean(centroids[:, 1]) except errors.CameraError as e: log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_CRITICAL, 0, str(e)) log.stop() return try: io.savemat(centroids_txt_path, \ {'centroids': centroids}) except OSError as e: log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_CRITICAL, 0, str(e)) log.stop() return camera.close() plt.figure() plt.scatter(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], color='red', marker='x', s=1)
def __send_email_measurement_error(mailto, step): """ Sends an email to the recipient to notify that an execution error has occurred during the measurement. :param mailto: Recipient's email address. :param step: Step where the error has occurred. """ global ERRORTEMPLATEPATH, FROM, LOGFILE_DIR, LOGFILE, attachError, session # Variable attachError = None print(Fore.CYAN + " Sending email to the following email address: " + mailto + " to notify the measurement" " error" + Fore.RESET), # Subject of the email subject = "HYOT - Measurement error - Step: " + step # Message of the email in HTML format try: message = __read_template( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" + ERRORTEMPLATEPATH).substitute(STEP=step) except Exception as templateError: print(Fore.RED + " ✖ Error in the email template. Exception: " + str(templateError) + ".\n" + Fore.RESET) sys.exit(1) time.sleep(0.5) # Creates an instance of MIMEMultipart email_instance = MIMEMultipart() # Constructs the email email_instance["From"] = FROM # Sender's email address email_instance["To"] = mailto # Recipient's email address email_instance["Subject"] = subject # Creates and attaches the message in HTML text email_instance.attach(MIMEText(message, 'html')) try: # Stops the logger and returns print functionality to normal. Also, the log file is closed logger.stop() # Opens the file to attach attachment = open(LOGFILE_DIR + "/" + LOGFILE, "rb") # Creates an instance of MIMEBase part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') # Steps to convert the file into a Base64 part.set_payload( encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename= %s" % LOGFILE) # Closes the open file attachment.close() # Attaches the file email_instance.attach(part) except IOError as attachedError: # Error to open the file attachError = " Could not open the log file so it is not attached to the email. Exception: "\ + str(attachedError) + ".\n" try: # Sends the message via a SMTP server session.sendmail(FROM, mailto, email_instance.as_string()) print(Fore.GREEN + " ✓" + Fore.RESET) if not (attachError is None): print(Fore.YELLOW + attachError + Fore.RESET) except Exception as sendError: print(Fore.RED + " ✖ Error to send the email. Exception: " + str(sendError) + ".\n" + Fore.RESET) sys.exit(1)