Exemplo n.º 1
    def testPrintFunction(self):
        test_data = [
            (function.mk_fun_upd(f, a, b), "(f)(a := b)"),
            (function.mk_fun_upd(f, a, b, b, a), "(f)(a := b, b := a)"),

        thy = basic.load_theory('function')
        for t, s in test_data:
            self.assertEqual(printer.print_term(thy, t), s)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testComputeWP(self):
        Q = Var("Q", TFun(natFunT, boolT))

        test_data = [
            (Assign(zero, abs(s, one)), abs(s, Q(mk_fun_upd(s, zero, one)))),
            (Seq(Assign(zero, abs(s, one)),
                 Assign(one, abs(s, nat.to_binary(2)))),
             abs(s, Q(mk_fun_upd(s, zero, one, one, nat.to_binary(2))))),

        for c, P in test_data:
            prf = hoare.compute_wp(thy, natFunT, c, Q).export()
            self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), Thm([], Valid(P, c, Q)))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testMkAssign(self):
        a, b = Var("a", TFun(natT, natT)), Var("b", boolT)
        var_map = {a: 0, b: 1}
        s = Var("s", gcl.stateT)
        test_data = [
                a(one): zero
            }, function.mk_fun_upd(s, Para(Ident(zero), one), NatV(zero))),
                b: one
            }, function.mk_fun_upd(s, Ident(one), NatV(one))),

        for assign, res in test_data:
            self.assertEqual(gcl.mk_assign(var_map, s, assign), res)
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_wp(thy, T, c, Q):
    """Compute the weakest precondition for the given command
    and postcondition. The computation is by case analysis on
    the form of c. Returns the validity theorem.

    if c.head.is_const_name("Assign"):  # Assign a b
        a, b = c.args
        s = Var("s", T)
        P2 = Term.mk_abs(s, Q(function.mk_fun_upd(s, a, b(s).beta_conv())))
        return apply_theorem(thy,
                             inst={"b": b},
                             concl=Valid(T)(P2, c, Q))
    elif c.head.is_const_name("Seq"):  # Seq c1 c2
        c1, c2 = c.args
        wp1 = compute_wp(thy, T, c2, Q)  # Valid Q' c2 Q
        wp2 = compute_wp(thy, T, c1, wp1.prop.args[0])  # Valid Q'' c1 Q'
        return apply_theorem(thy, "seq_rule", wp2, wp1)
    elif c.head.is_const_name("While"):  # While b I c
        _, I, _ = c.args
        pt = apply_theorem(thy, "while_rule", concl=Valid(T)(I, c, Q))
        pt0 = ProofTerm.assume(pt.assums[0])
        pt1 = vcg(thy, T, pt.assums[1])
        return ProofTerm.implies_elim(pt, pt0, pt1)
        raise NotImplementedError
Exemplo n.º 5
def process_file(input, output):
    thy = basic.load_theory('hoare')

    dn = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    with open(os.path.join(dn, 'examples/' + input + '.json'), encoding='utf-8') as a:
        data = json.load(a)

    output = json_output.JSONTheory(output, ["hoare"], "Generated from " + input)
    content = data['content']
    eval_count = 0
    vcg_count = 0
    for run in content:
        if run['ty'] == 'eval':
            com = parse_hoare(run['com'])
            st1 = mk_const_fun(nat.natT, nat.zero)
            for k, v in sorted(run['init'].items()):
                st1 = mk_fun_upd(st1, nat.to_binary(str_to_nat(k)), nat.to_binary(v))
            st2 = mk_const_fun(nat.natT, nat.zero)
            for k, v in sorted(run['final'].items()):
                st2 = mk_fun_upd(st2, nat.to_binary(str_to_nat(k)), nat.to_binary(v))
            Sem = hoare.Sem(natFunT)
            goal = Sem(com, st1, st2)
            prf = ProofTermDeriv("eval_Sem", thy, goal, []).export()
            rpt = ProofReport()
            th = thy.check_proof(prf, rpt)
            output.add_theorem("eval" + str(eval_count), th, prf)
            eval_count += 1
        elif run['ty'] == 'vcg':
            com = parse_hoare(run['com'])
            pre = Term.mk_abs(st, parse_cond(run['pre']))
            post = Term.mk_abs(st, parse_cond(run['post']))
            Valid = hoare.Valid(natFunT)
            goal = Valid(pre, com, post)
            prf = hoare.vcg_solve(thy, goal).export()
            rpt = ProofReport()
            th = thy.check_proof(prf, rpt)
            output.add_theorem("vcg" + str(vcg_count), th, prf)
            vcg_count += 1
            raise TypeError()

Exemplo n.º 6
def mk_assign(var_map, s, assigns):
    """Given a dictionary of assignments, form the corresponding term.

    Example: given var_map {a: 0, b: 1}, where a is a function
    and b is a scalar.

    mk_assign(var_map, s, {a(i): 2}) = (s)(Para (Ident 0) i := 2)
    mk_assign(var_map, s, {b: 1}) = (s)(Ident 1 := 1)

    assign_args = []
    for k, v in assigns.items():
        k2 = convert_term(var_map, s, k)
        assert k2.fun == s, "mk_assign: key is not an identifer."
        assign_args.append(convert_term(var_map, s, v))

    return function.mk_fun_upd(s, *assign_args)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def testProveEvalI(self):
        s = function.mk_fun_upd(function.mk_const_fun(natT, zero), one,

        test_data = [
                       expr.N(nat.to_binary(5))), nat.to_binary(12)),
                       expr.N(nat.to_binary(5))), nat.to_binary(5)),
                        expr.N(nat.to_binary(5))), nat.to_binary(35)),

        for t, n in test_data:
            goal = expr.avalI(s, t, n)
            prf = expr.prove_avalI_macro().get_proof_term(thy, goal,
            self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), Thm([], goal))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def testFunUpdTriv(self):
     thy = basic.load_theory('function')
     Ta = TVar("a")
     Tb = TVar("b")
     f = Var("f", TFun(Ta, Tb))
     a = Var("a", Ta)
     x = Var("x", Ta)
     prop = Term.mk_equals(function.mk_fun_upd(f, a, f(a)), f)
     state = ProofState.init_state(thy, [f, a], [], prop)
     state.apply_backward_step(0, "extension")
     state.introduction(0, names=["x"])
     state.rewrite_goal((0, 1), "fun_upd_eval")
     state.apply_cases((0, 1), Term.mk_equals(x, a))
     state.introduction((0, 1))
     state.rewrite_goal((0, 1, 1), "if_P")
     state.rewrite_goal_with_prev((0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0))
     state.introduction((0, 2))
     state.rewrite_goal((0, 2, 1), "if_not_P")
     self.assertEqual(state.check_proof(no_gaps=True), Thm([], prop))
Exemplo n.º 9
def fun_upd_of_seq(*ns):
    return mk_fun_upd(mk_const_fun(natT, zero),
                      *[nat.to_binary(n) for n in ns])
Exemplo n.º 10
 def testStripFunUpd(self):
     self.assertEqual(strip_fun_upd(f), (f, []))
     self.assertEqual(strip_fun_upd(mk_fun_upd(f, a1, b1)), (f, [(a1, b1)]))
     self.assertEqual(strip_fun_upd(mk_fun_upd(f, a1, b1, a2, b2)),
                      (f, [(a1, b1), (a2, b2)]))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def testMkFunUpd(self):
     self.assertEqual(mk_fun_upd(f, a1, b1, a2, b2),
                      mk_fun_upd(mk_fun_upd(f, a1, b1), a2, b2))