Exemplo n.º 1
    def test___init__(self):
        print(">> LogicProgram.__init__(self, variables, values, rules)")

        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            variables = [
                "x" + str(i)
                for i in range(random.randint(1, self.__nb_variables))
            values = []
            rules = []

            for var in range(len(variables)):
                    for val in range(0, random.randint(2, self.__nb_values))

            for j in range(random.randint(0, self.__nb_rules)):
                r = self.random_rule(variables, values, self.__body_size)

            p = LogicProgram(variables, values, rules)

            self.assertEqual(p.get_variables(), variables)
            self.assertEqual(p.get_values(), values)
            self.assertEqual(p.get_rules(), rules)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_precision(self):
        print(">> LogicProgram.precision(expected, predicted)")

        self.assertEqual(LogicProgram.precision([], []), 1.0)

        # Equal programs
        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            nb_var = random.randint(1, self.__nb_variables)
            nb_values = random.randint(2, self.__nb_values)
            nb_states = random.randint(1, 100)

            expected = []
            predicted = []

            for j in range(nb_states):
                s1 = [random.randint(0, nb_values) for var in range(nb_var)]
                s2 = [random.randint(0, nb_values) for var in range(nb_var)]
                s2_ = [random.randint(0, nb_values) for var in range(nb_var)]

                expected.append((s1, s2))
                predicted.append((s1, s2_))

            precision = LogicProgram.precision(expected, predicted)

            error = 0
            for i in range(len(expected)):
                s1, s2 = expected[i]

                for j in range(len(predicted)):
                    s1_, s2_ = predicted[j]

                    if s1 == s1_:
                        for var in range(len(s2)):
                            if s2_[var] != s2[var]:
                                error += 1

            #for i in range(len(expected)):
            #    s1, s2 = expected[i]
            #    s1_, s2_ = predicted[j]

            #    for k in range(len(s2)):
            #        if s2[k] != s2_[k]:
            #           error += 1

            total = nb_states * nb_var

            self.assertEqual(precision, 1.0 - (error / total))

            # error of size
            state_id = random.randint(0, len(expected) - 1)
            modif = random.randint(1, len(expected[state_id]))
            expected[state_id] = (expected[state_id][0][:-modif],

            self.assertRaises(ValueError, LogicProgram.precision, expected,
Exemplo n.º 3
    def fit(variables, values, time_series):
        Preprocess transitions and learn rules for all variables/values.

            variables: list of string
                variables of the system
            values: list of list of string
                possible value of each variable
            time_series: list of list (list of int, list of int)
                sequences of state transitions of the system

                A logic program whose rules:
                    - explain/reproduce all the input transitions
                        - are minimals
        #eprint("Start LFkT learning...")

        # Nothing to learn
        if len(time_series) == 0:
            return LogicProgram(variables, values, [])

        rules = []

        # Learn rules for each variable/value
        for var in range(0, len(variables)):
            for val in range(0, len(values[var])):
                positives, negatives, delay = LFkT.interprete(
                    variables, values, time_series, var, val)

                # Extend Herbrand Base
                extended_variables = variables.copy()
                extended_values = values.copy()
                for d in range(1, delay):
                    extended_variables += [
                        var + "_" + str(d) for var in variables
                    extended_values += values

                rules += GULA.fit_var_val(extended_variables, extended_values,
                                          var, val, positives, negatives)

        # Instanciate output logic program
        output = LogicProgram(variables, values, rules)

        return output
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: lf1t.py Projeto: fukaf/pylfit
    def fit(variables, values, transitions):
        Preprocess transitions and learn rules for all observed variables/values.
        Assume deterministics transitions: only one future for each state.

            variables: list of string
                variables of the system
            values: list of list of string
                possible value of each variable
            transitions: list of tuple (list of int, list of int)
                state transitions of a the system

                A logic program whose rules:
                    - explain/reproduce all the input transitions
                        - are minimals
        #eprint("Start LF1T learning...")

        rules = []

        # Learn rules for each variable/value
        for var in range(0, len(variables)):
            for val in range(0, len(values[var])):
                rules += LF1T.fit_var_val(variables, values, transitions, var, val)

        # Instanciate output logic program
        output = LogicProgram(variables, values, rules)

        return output
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: gula.py Projeto: fukaf/pylfit
    def fit(variables, values, transitions, program=None):
        Preprocess transitions and learn rules for all observed variables/values.

            variables: list of string
                variables of the system
            values: list of list of string
                possible value of each variable
            transitions: list of tuple (list of int, list of int)
                state transitions of dynamic system
            program: LogicProgram
                A logic program to be fitted (kind of background knowledge)

                A logic program whose rules:
                    - explain/reproduce all the input transitions
                    - are minimals
        #eprint("Start GULA learning...")

        rules = []

        # Learn rules for each observed variable/value
        for var in range(0, len(variables)):
            for val in range(0, len(values[var])):
                positives, negatives = GULA.interprete(transitions, var, val)
                rules += GULA.fit_var_val(variables, values, var, val,
                                          positives, negatives, program)

        # Instanciate output logic program
        output = LogicProgram(variables, values, rules)

        return output
Exemplo n.º 6
    def fit(variables, values, transitions):
        Preprocess transitions and learn rules for all observed variables/values.

            transitions: list of tuple (list of int, list of int)
                state transitions of dynamic system

                A logic program whose rules:
                    - are minimals
                    - explain/reproduce all the input transitions
        #eprint("Start PRIDE learning...")

        # Nothing to learn
        if len(transitions) == 0:
            return LogicProgram(variables, values, [])

        rules = []
        nb_variables = len(transitions[0][1])

        # Extract observed values
        values = []
        for var in range(0, nb_variables):
            v = []

            for t1, t2 in transitions:
                if t2[var] not in v:


        #print("Set of values: "+str(values))

        # Learn rules for each observed variable/value
        for var in range(0, nb_variables):
            for val in values[var]:
                positives, negatives = PRIDE.interprete(transitions, var, val)
                rules += PRIDE.fit_var_val(var, val, positives, negatives)

        # Instanciate output logic program
        variables = [var for var in range(nb_variables)]
        output = LogicProgram(variables, values, rules)

        return output
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_compare(self):
        print(">> LogicProgram.compare(other)")

        # Equal programs
        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            p1 = self.random_program(self.__nb_variables, self.__nb_values,
            p2 = LogicProgram(p1.get_variables(), p1.get_values(),
            common, missing, over = p1.compare(p2)

            self.assertEqual(len(common), len(p1.get_rules()))
            self.assertEqual(len(missing), 0)
            self.assertEqual(len(over), 0)

        # Equal programs reverse call
        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            p1 = self.random_program(self.__nb_variables, self.__nb_values,
            p2 = LogicProgram(p1.get_variables(), p1.get_values(),
            common, missing, over = p2.compare(p1)

            self.assertEqual(len(common), len(p1.get_rules()))
            self.assertEqual(len(missing), 0)
            self.assertEqual(len(over), 0)

        # Random programs
        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            p1 = self.random_program(self.__nb_variables, self.__nb_values,
            p2 = self.random_program(self.__nb_variables, self.__nb_values,
            common, missing, over = p1.compare(p2)

            # All rules appear in a one of the set
            for r in p1.get_rules():
                self.assertTrue(r in common or r in missing)
            for r in p2.get_rules():
                self.assertTrue(r in common or r in over)

            # All rules are correctly placed
            for r in common:
                self.assertTrue(r in p1.get_rules() and r in p2.get_rules())
            for r in missing:
                self.assertTrue(r in p1.get_rules()
                                and r not in p2.get_rules())
            for r in over:
                self.assertTrue(r not in p1.get_rules()
                                and r in p2.get_rules())
Exemplo n.º 8
    def random_program(self, nb_variables, nb_values, body_size):
        variables = ["x"+str(i) for i in range(random.randint(1,nb_variables))]
        values = []
        rules = []

        for var in range(len(variables)):
            values.append([val for val in range(0,random.randint(2,nb_values))])

        for j in range(random.randint(0,100)):
            r = self.random_rule(variables, values, body_size)

        return LogicProgram(variables, values, rules)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: lust.py Projeto: fukaf/pylfit
    def fit(variables, values, transitions):
        Preprocess transitions and learn rules for all variables/values.

            variables: list of string
                variables of the system
            values: list of list of string
                possible value of each variable
            transitions: list of (list of int, list of int)
                state transitions of a dynamic system

            list of LogicProgram
                    - each rules are minimals
                    - the output set explains/reproduces only the input transitions
        #eprint("Start LUST learning...")

        # Nothing to learn
        if len(transitions) == 0:
            return [LogicProgram(variables, values, [])]

        rules = []

        # Extract strictly determinists states and separate non-determinist ones
        deterministic_core, deterministic_sets = LUST.interprete(
            variables, values, transitions)

        output = []
        common = GULA.fit(variables, values, deterministic_core)

        # deterministic input
        if len(deterministic_sets) == 0:
            return [common]

        for s in deterministic_sets:
            p = GULA.fit(variables, values, s, common)

        return output
Exemplo n.º 10
sys.path.insert(0, 'src/objects')

from utils import eprint
from logicProgram import LogicProgram
from pride import PRIDE

# 1: Main
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # 0) Example from text file representing a logic program
    eprint("Example using logic program definition file:")

    benchmark = LogicProgram.load_from_file("benchmarks/logic_programs/repressilator.lp")

    eprint("Original logic program: \n", benchmark.logic_form())

    eprint("Generating transitions...")

    input = benchmark.generate_all_transitions()

    eprint("PRIDE input: \n", input)

    model = PRIDE.fit(benchmark.get_variables(), benchmark.get_values(), input)

    eprint("PRIDE output: \n", model.logic_form())

    expected = benchmark.generate_all_transitions()
    predicted = model.generate_all_transitions()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_load_from_file(self):
        print(">> LogicProgram.load_from_file(self, file_path)")

        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            variables = ["x"+str(i) for i in range(random.randint(1,self.__nb_variables))]
            values = []
            rules = []

            for var in range(len(variables)):
                values.append([str(val) for val in range(0,random.randint(2,self.__nb_values))])

            out = ""

            # Variables
            for var in range(len(variables)):
                out += "VAR x" + str(var) + " "
                for val in values[var]:
                    out += str(val) + " "
                out = out[:-1] + "\n"

            out += "\n"

            # Rules
            for j in range(random.randint(0,100)):
                r = self.random_rule(variables, values, self.__body_size)
                out += "x"+str(r.get_head_variable()) + "(" + str(r.get_head_value()) + ",T) :- "

                if len(r.get_body()) == 0:
                    out = out[:-4] + ".\n"
                    for var, val in r.get_body():
                        out += "x" + str(var) + "(" + str(val) + ",T-1), "
                    out = out[:-2] + ".\n"

                # Random empty line
                if random.randint(0,1):
                    out += "\n"


            f = open(self.__tmp_file_path, "w")

            p = LogicProgram.load_from_file(self.__tmp_file_path)

            self.assertEqual(p.get_variables(), variables)
            self.assertEqual(p.get_values(), values)

            for r in rules:
                if r not in p.get_rules():
                self.assertTrue(r in p.get_rules())

            for r in p.get_rules():
                self.assertTrue(r in rules)

        if os.path.exists(self.__tmp_file_path):
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_random(self):
        print(">> LogicProgram.random(variables, values, rule_min_size, rule_max_size, delay=1)")

        # No delay
        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            variables = ["x"+str(i) for i in range(random.randint(1,self.__nb_variables))]
            values = []

            for var in range(len(variables)):
                values.append([val for val in range(random.randint(2,self.__nb_values))])

            min_body_size = 0
            max_body_size = random.randint(min_body_size, len(variables))

            p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size, max_body_size)

            self.assertEqual(p.get_variables(), variables)
            self.assertEqual(p.get_values(), values)

            for r in p.get_rules():
                self.assertTrue(len(r.get_body()) >= min_body_size)
                self.assertTrue(len(r.get_body()) <= max_body_size)

            states = p.states()

            for s in states:
                for var in range(len(s)):
                    matched = False
                    conclusion = -1
                    for r in p.get_rules():
                        if r.get_head_variable() == var and r.matches(s):
                            matched = True
                            if conclusion == -1: # stored first conclusion
                                conclusion = r.get_head_value()
                            else: # check conflict
                                self.assertEqual(conclusion, r.get_head_value())

            # No cross-matching
            for r1 in p.get_rules():
                for r2 in p.get_rules():
                    if r1 == r2 or r1.get_head_variable() != r2.get_head_variable():

        # Delay
        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            variables = ["x"+str(i) for i in range(random.randint(1,self.__nb_variables))]
            values = []

            for var in range(len(variables)):
                values.append([val for val in range(random.randint(2,self.__nb_values))])

            min_body_size = 0
            max_body_size = random.randint(min_body_size, len(variables))
            delay = random.randint(1, self.__max_delay)

            p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size, max_body_size, delay)

            extended_variables = variables.copy()
            extended_values = values.copy()
            for d in range(1,delay):
                extended_variables += [var+"_"+str(d) for var in variables]
                extended_values += values

            self.assertEqual(p.get_variables(), variables)
            self.assertEqual(p.get_values(), values)

            for r in p.get_rules():
                self.assertTrue(len(r.get_body()) >= min_body_size)
                #self.assertTrue(len(r.get_body()) <= max_body_size)

            p_ = LogicProgram(extended_variables, extended_values,[])
            states = p_.states()

            for s in states:
                for var in range(len(variables)):
                    matched = False
                    conclusion = -1
                    for r in p.get_rules():
                        if r.get_head_variable() == var and r.matches(s):
                            matched = True
                            if conclusion == -1: # stored first conclusion
                                conclusion = r.get_head_value()
                            else: # check conflict
                                self.assertEqual(conclusion, r.get_head_value())
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_random_LP(algorithm,

    max_body_size = max(0, max_body_size)

    results_time = []
    results_common = []
    results_missing = []
    results_over = []
    results_precision = []

    for run in range(run_tests):

        variables = ["x" + str(i) for i in range(nb_variables)]
        values = []

        for var in range(len(variables)):
            values.append([val for val in range(nb_values)])

        min_body_size = 0

        p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size,
                                max_body_size, delay)
        serie_size = delay + random.randint(delay, 10)
        time_series = p.generate_all_time_series(serie_size)


        train = time_series
        test = []

        if train_size is not None:
            if isinstance(train_size, float):  # percentage
                last_obs = max(int(train_size * len(time_series)), 1)
            else:  # exact number of transitions
                last_obs = train_size
            train = time_series[:last_obs]
            test = time_series[last_obs:]


        if run == 0:
            eprint(">>> Start Training on ", len(train), "/", len(time_series),
                   " time series of size ", len(time_series[0]), " (",
                   round(100 * len(train) / len(time_series), 2), "%)")

        eprint("\r>>> run: ", run + 1, "/", run_tests, end='')
        start = time.time()
        model = algorithm.fit(p.get_variables(), p.get_values(), time_series)
        end = time.time()
        results_time.append(round(end - start, 3))

        common, missing, over = p.compare(model)

        #eprint(">>> Original:")

        #eprint(">>> Learned:")

        #eprint(">>> Logic Program comparaison:")
        #eprint(">>>> Common: "+str(len(common))+"/"+str(len(P.get_rules()))+"("+str(round(100 * len(common) / len(P.get_rules()),2))+"%)")
        #eprint(">>>> Missing: "+str(len(missing))+"/"+str(len(P.get_rules()))+"("+str(round(100 * len(missing) / len(P.get_rules()),2))+"%)")
        #eprint(">>>> Over: "+str(len(over))+"/"+str(len(P.get_rules()))+"("+str(round(100 * len(over) / len(model.get_rules()),2))+"%)")


        if len(test) == 0:
            test = train

        pred = [(s[:-1], model.next_state(s[:-1])) for s in test]
        test = [(s[:-1], s[-1]) for s in test]
        precision = round(LogicProgram.precision(test, pred), 2)


        #eprint(">>> Prediction precision")
        #eprint(">>>> " + str(round(precision * 100,2)) + "%")


    run_time = round(sum(results_time) / run_tests, 3)
    common = sum(results_common) / run_tests
    missing = sum(results_missing) / run_tests
    over = sum(results_over) / run_tests
    precision = sum(results_precision) / run_tests

    eprint(">>> Run time: " + str(run_time) + "s")
    eprint(">>> Logic Program comparaison:")
    eprint(">>>> AVG Common: " + str(common) + "/" + str(len(p.get_rules())) +
           "(" + str(round(100 * common / len(p.get_rules()), 2)) + "%)")
    eprint(">>>> AVG Missing: " + str(missing) + "/" +
           str(len(p.get_rules())) + "(" +
           str(round(100 * missing / len(p.get_rules()), 2)) + "%)")
    eprint(">>>> AVG Over: " + str(over) + "/" + str(len(p.get_rules())) +
           "(" + str(round(100 * over / len(model.get_rules()), 2)) + "%)")

    eprint(">>> Prediction precision")
    eprint(">>>> AVG accuracy: " + str(round(precision * 100, 2)) + "%")

    return round(precision * 100, 2)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_fit(self):
        print(">> LFkT.fit(variables, values, time_series)")

        # No transitions
        variables = [
            "x" + str(i) for i in range(random.randint(1, self.__nb_variables))
        values = []

        for var in range(len(variables)):
                [val for val in range(random.randint(2, self.__nb_values))])

        min_body_size = 0
        max_body_size = random.randint(min_body_size, len(variables))
        delay_original = random.randint(2, self.__max_delay)
        p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size,
                                max_body_size, delay_original)
        p_ = LFkT.fit(p.get_variables(), p.get_values(), [])
        self.assertEqual(p_.get_variables(), p.get_variables())
        self.assertEqual(p_.get_values(), p.get_values())
        self.assertEqual(p_.get_rules(), [])

        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            #eprint("\rTest ", i+1, "/", self.__nb_unit_test, end='')

            # Generate transitions
            variables = [
                "x" + str(i)
                for i in range(random.randint(1, self.__nb_variables))
            values = []

            for var in range(len(variables)):
                    val for val in range(random.randint(2, self.__nb_values))

            min_body_size = 0
            max_body_size = random.randint(min_body_size, len(variables))
            delay_original = random.randint(2, self.__max_delay)

            p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size,
                                    max_body_size, delay_original)
            time_series = p.generate_all_time_series(delay_original * 10)


            p_ = LFkT.fit(p.get_variables(), p.get_values(), time_series)
            rules = p_.get_rules()


            for variable in range(len(p.get_variables())):
                for value in range(len(p.get_values()[variable])):
                    #eprint("var="+str(variable)+", val="+str(value))
                    pos, neg, delay = LFkT.interprete(p.get_variables(),
                                                      time_series, variable,

                    #eprint("pos: ", pos)

                    # Each positive is explained
                    for s in pos:
                        cover = False
                        for r in rules:
                            if r.get_head_variable() == variable \
                               and r.get_head_value() == value \
                               and r.matches(s):
                                cover = True
                        #if not cover:
                        #    eprint(p_)
                        #    eprint(s)
                        self.assertTrue(cover)  # One rule cover the example

                    #eprint("neg: ", neg)

                    # No negative is covered
                    for s in neg:
                        cover = False
                        for r in rules:
                            if r.get_head_variable() == variable \
                               and r.get_head_value() == value \
                               and r.matches(s):
                                cover = True
                        self.assertFalse(cover)  # no rule covers the example

                    # All rules are minimals
                    for r in rules:
                        if r.get_head_variable(
                        ) == variable and r.get_head_value() == value:
                            for (var, val) in r.get_body():
                                r.remove_condition(var)  # Try remove condition

                                conflict = False
                                for s in neg:
                                    if r.matches(
                                            s):  # Cover a negative example
                                        conflict = True

                                # # DEBUG:
                                if not conflict:
                                    eprint("not minimal " + r.to_string())

                                r.add_condition(var, val)  # Cancel removal
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_interprete(self):
        print(">> LFkT.interprete(transitions, variable, value)")

        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            #eprint("Start test ", i, "/", self.__nb_unit_test)
            # Generate transitions
            variables = [
                "x" + str(i)
                for i in range(random.randint(1, self.__nb_variables))
            values = []

            for var in range(len(variables)):
                    val for val in range(random.randint(2, self.__nb_values))

            min_body_size = 0
            max_body_size = random.randint(min_body_size, len(variables))
            delay_original = random.randint(1, self.__max_delay)

            #eprint("Generating random program")
            #eprint("variables: ", variables)
            #eprint("Values: ", values)
            #eprint("delay: ", delay_original)
            p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size,
                                    max_body_size, delay_original)
            #eprint("Generating series...")
            time_series = p.generate_all_time_series(delay_original)

            var = random.randint(0, len(p.get_variables()) - 1)
            val = random.randint(0, len(p.get_values()[var]) - 1)

            pos, neg, delay = LFkT.interprete(p.get_variables(),
                                              p.get_values(), time_series, var,

            # DBG
            #eprint("variables: ", variables)
            #eprint("values", values)
            #eprint("delay: ", delay_original)
            #eprint("var: ", var)
            #eprint("val: ", val)
            #eprint("pos: ", pos)
            #eprint("neg: ",neg)
            #eprint("delay detected: ", delay)

            # All pos are valid
            for s in pos:
                for serie in time_series:
                    for id in range(len(serie) - delay):
                        s1 = serie[id:id + delay].copy()
                        s1 = [y for x in s1 for y in x]
                        s2 = serie[id + delay]
                        if s1 == s:
                            self.assertEqual(s2[var], val)
            # All neg are valid
            for s in neg:
                for serie in time_series:
                    for id in range(len(serie) - delay):
                        s1 = serie[id:id + delay].copy()
                        s1 = [y for x in s1 for y in x]
                        s2 = serie[id + delay]
                        if s1 == s:
                            self.assertTrue(s2[var] != val)

            # All transitions are interpreted
            #eprint("var/val: ", var, "/", val)
            #eprint("delay: ", delay)
            #eprint("Time serie: ", time_series)
            for serie in time_series:
                #eprint("checking: ", serie)
                for id in range(delay, len(serie)):
                    s1 = serie[id - delay:id].copy()
                    s1 = [y for x in s1 for y in x]
                    s2 = serie[id]
                    #eprint("s1: ", s1, ", s2: ", s2)
                    #eprint("pos: ", pos)
                    #eprint("neg: ", neg)
                    if s2[var] == val:
                        self.assertTrue(s1 in pos)
                        self.assertFalse(s1 in neg)
                        self.assertFalse(s1 in pos)
                        self.assertTrue(s1 in neg)

            # delay valid
            global_delay = 1
            for serie_1 in time_series:
                for id_state_1 in range(len(serie_1) - 1):
                    state_1 = serie_1[id_state_1]
                    next_1 = serie_1[id_state_1 + 1]
                    # search duplicate with different future
                    for serie_2 in time_series:
                        for id_state_2 in range(len(serie_2) - 1):
                            state_2 = serie_2[id_state_2]
                            next_2 = serie_2[id_state_2 + 1]

                            # Non-determinism detected
                            if state_1 == state_2 and next_1[var] != next_2[
                                local_delay = 2
                                id_1 = id_state_1
                                id_2 = id_state_2
                                while id_1 > 0 and id_2 > 0:
                                    previous_1 = serie_1[id_1 - 1]
                                    previous_2 = serie_2[id_2 - 1]
                                    if previous_1 != previous_2:
                                    local_delay += 1
                                    id_1 -= 1
                                    id_2 -= 1
                                global_delay = max(global_delay, local_delay)
                                self.assertTrue(local_delay <= delay)
            self.assertEqual(delay, global_delay)
Exemplo n.º 16
sys.path.insert(0, 'src/objects')

from utils import eprint
from logicProgram import LogicProgram
from lfkt import LFkT

# 1: Main
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # 0) Example from text file representing a logic program
    eprint("Example using logic program definition file:")

    benchmark = LogicProgram.load_from_file(

    eprint("Original logic program: \n", benchmark.logic_form())

    time_serie_size = 10

    eprint("Generating time series of size ", time_serie_size)

    input = benchmark.generate_all_time_series(time_serie_size)

    eprint("LFkT input:")
    for s in input:

    model = LFkT.fit(benchmark.get_variables(), benchmark.get_values(), input)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_interprete(self):
        print(">> LUST.interprete(variables, values, transitions)")

        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            #eprint("test: ", i, "/", self.__nb_unit_test)

            # No transitions
            variables = [
                "x" + str(i)
                for i in range(random.randint(1, self.__nb_variables))
            values = []

            for var in range(len(variables)):
                    val for val in range(random.randint(2, self.__nb_values))

            min_body_size = 0
            max_body_size = random.randint(min_body_size, len(variables))
            p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size,

            var = random.randint(0, len(p.get_variables()) - 1)
            val = random.randint(0, len(p.get_values()[var]) - 1)

            DC, DS = LUST.interprete(p.get_variables(), p.get_values(), [])
            self.assertEqual(DC, [])
            self.assertEqual(DS, [])

            # Regular case
            variables = [
                "x" + str(i)
                for i in range(random.randint(1, self.__nb_variables))
            values = []

            for var in range(len(variables)):
                    val for val in range(random.randint(2, self.__nb_values))

            nb_programs = random.randint(1, self.__max_programs)
            transitions = []

            for j in range(nb_programs):
                # Generate transitions
                min_body_size = 0
                max_body_size = random.randint(min_body_size, len(variables))

                p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size,
                transitions += p.generate_all_transitions()


            var = random.randint(0, len(p.get_variables()) - 1)
            val = random.randint(0, len(p.get_values()[var]) - 1)

            DC, DS = LUST.interprete(p.get_variables(), p.get_values(),
            D = []
            ND = []

            for s1, s2 in transitions:
                deterministic = True
                for s3, s4 in transitions:
                    if s1 == s3 and s2 != s4:
                        ND.append([s1, s2])
                        deterministic = False
                if deterministic:
                    D.append([s1, s2])

            #eprint("DC: ",DC)
            #eprint("DS: ",DS)
            #eprint("D: ",D)
            #eprint("ND: ",ND)

            # All deterministic are only in DC
            for s1, s2 in D:
                self.assertTrue([s1, s2] in DC)
                for s in DS:
                    self.assertTrue([s1, s2] not in s)

            # All DC are deterministic
            for s1, s2 in DC:
                self.assertTrue([s1, s2] in D)

            # All non deterministic sets are set
            for s in DS:
                for s1, s2 in s:
                    occ = 0
                    for s3, s4 in s:
                        if s1 == s3 and s2 == s4:
                            occ += 1
                    self.assertEqual(occ, 1)

            # All input origin state appears in each DS TODO
            for s1, s2 in ND:
                for s in DS:
                    occurs = False
                    for s3, s4 in s:
                        if s1 == s3:
                            occurs = True

            # All DS are deterministic
            for s in DS:
                for s1, s2 in s:
                    for s3, s4 in s:
                        if s1 == s3:
                            self.assertTrue(s2 == s4)
Exemplo n.º 18
def evaluate_on_benchmark(algorithm, benchmark, train_size=None):
        Evaluate accuracy and explainability of an algorithm
        over a given benchmark with a given number/propertion
        of training samples.

            name: String
                Label of the benchmark to be tested
            train_size: float in [0,1] or int
                Size of the training set in proportion (float in [0,1])
                or explicit (int)

    # 0) Extract logic program
    benchmark = benchmarks[benchmark]
    P = LogicProgram.load_from_file(benchmark)

    # 1) Generate transitions
    full_transitions = P.generate_all_transitions()

    # 2) Prepare scores containers
    results_time = []
    results_common = []
    results_missing = []
    results_over = []
    results_precision = []

    # 3) Average over several tests
    for run in range(run_tests):

        # 3.1 Split train/test sets
        train = full_transitions
        test = []

        # Complete, Proportion or explicit?
        if train_size is not None:
            if isinstance(train_size, float):  # percentage
                last_obs = max(int(train_size * len(full_transitions)), 1)
            else:  # exact number of transitions
                last_obs = train_size
            train = full_transitions[:last_obs]
            test = full_transitions[last_obs:]

        # DBG
        if run == 0:
            eprint(">>> Start Training on " + str(len(train)) + "/" +
                   str(len(full_transitions)) + " transitions (" +
                   str(round(100 * len(train) / len(full_transitions), 2)) +

        eprint("\r>>> run: " + str(run + 1) + "/" + str(run_tests), end='')

        # 3.2) Learn from training set
        start = time.time()
        model = algorithm.fit(P.get_variables(), P.get_values(), train)
        end = time.time()
        results_time.append(round(end - start, 3))

        # 3.3) Evaluate model against originals rules

        # LUST special case
        if type(model) == list:
            model = model[0]

        common, missing, over = P.compare(model)

        #eprint(">>> Original:")

        #eprint(">>> Learned:")

        #eprint(">>> Logic Program comparaison:")
        #eprint(">>>> Common: "+str(len(common))+"/"+str(len(P.get_rules()))+"("+str(round(100 * len(common) / len(P.get_rules()),2))+"%)")
        #eprint(">>>> Missing: "+str(len(missing))+"/"+str(len(P.get_rules()))+"("+str(round(100 * len(missing) / len(P.get_rules()),2))+"%)")
        #eprint(">>>> Over: "+str(len(over))+"/"+str(len(P.get_rules()))+"("+str(round(100 * len(over) / len(model.get_rules()),2))+"%)")

        # Collect scores

        # Perfect case: evaluate over all transitions
        if len(test) == 0:
            test = train

        # 3.4) Evaluate accuracy prediction over unseen states
        pred = [(s1, model.next(s1)) for s1, s2 in test]
        precision = round(LogicProgram.precision(test, pred), 2)

        #eprint(">>> Prediction precision")
        #eprint(">>>> " + str(round(precision * 100,2)) + "%")


    # 4) Average scores
    run_time = sum(results_time) / run_tests
    common = sum(results_common) / run_tests
    missing = sum(results_missing) / run_tests
    over = sum(results_over) / run_tests
    precision = sum(results_precision) / run_tests

    eprint(">>> Run time: " + str(run_time) + "s")
    eprint(">>> Logic Program comparaison:")
    eprint(">>>> AVG Common: " + str(common) + "/" + str(len(P.get_rules())) +
           "(" + str(round(100 * common / len(P.get_rules()), 2)) + "%)")
    eprint(">>>> AVG Missing: " + str(missing) + "/" +
           str(len(P.get_rules())) + "(" +
           str(round(100 * missing / len(P.get_rules()), 2)) + "%)")
    eprint(">>>> AVG Over: " + str(over) + "/" + str(len(P.get_rules())) +
           "(" + str(round(100 * over / len(model.get_rules()), 2)) + "%)")

    eprint(">>> Prediction precision")
    eprint(">>>> AVG accuracy: " + str(round(precision * 100, 2)) + "%")

    return round(precision * 100, 2)
Exemplo n.º 19
def evaluate_on_benchmark_with_NN(algorithm,
        Evaluate accuracy and explainability of an algorithm
        over a given benchmark with a given number/propertion
        of training samples.
        Additional artificial transitions are produced by Neural network.

            name: String
                Label of the benchmark to be tested
            train_size: float in [0,1] or int
                Size of the training set in proportion (float in [0,1])
                or explicit (int)

    # 0) Extract logic program
    benchmark = benchmarks[benchmark]
    P = LogicProgram.load_from_file(benchmark)

    # 1) Generate transitions
    full_transitions = P.generate_all_transitions()

    # 2) Prepare scores containers
    results_time = []
    results_common = []
    results_missing = []
    results_over = []
    results_precision_NN = []
    results_precision_algo = []

    # 3) Average over several tests
    for run in range(run_tests):

        # 3.1 Split train/test sets
        train = full_transitions
        test = []

        # Complete, Proportion or explicit?
        if train_size is not None:
            if isinstance(train_size, float):  # percentage
                last_obs = max(int(train_size * len(full_transitions)), 1)
            else:  # exact number of transitions
                last_obs = train_size
            train = full_transitions[:last_obs]
            test = full_transitions[last_obs:]

        # DBG
        if run == 0:
            eprint(">>> Start Training on " + str(len(train)) + "/" +
                   str(len(full_transitions)) + " transitions (" +
                   str(round(100 * len(train) / len(full_transitions), 2)) +
            if artificial_size is None:
                eprint(">>>> Generating all " + str(artificial_size) +
                       " test transitions from NN")
                if artificial_size > len(test):
                        ">>>> Warning given artificial training set size is greater than total unseen transitions: "
                        + str(artificial_size) + "/" + str(len(test)))
                    eprint(">>>> Generating all " + str(len(test)) +
                           " test transitions from NN")
                    eprint(">>>> Generating " + str(artificial_size) +
                           " random artificial transitions from NN")

        eprint("\r>>> run: " + str(run + 1) + "/" + str(run_tests), end='')

        # 3.2) Train Neural Network
        #eprint(">>>> Training NN")
        start = time.time()

        train_X = np.array([s1 for s1, s2 in train])
        train_y = np.array([s2 for s1, s2 in train])

        NN = Sequential()
        NN.add(Dense(128, activation='relu', input_dim=train_X.shape[1]))
        NN.add(Dense(64, activation='relu'))
        NN.add(Dense(32, activation='relu'))
        NN.add(Dense(train_y.shape[1], activation='sigmoid'))

        # Train the model, iterating on the data in batches of 32 samples
        NN.fit(train_X, train_y, epochs=100, batch_size=32, verbose=0)

        # 3.3) Generate artificial data
        generated = []

        # All unobserved transition will be predicted by the NN
        if artificial_size is None or artificial_size >= len(test):
            for s1, s2 in full_transitions:
                unknown = True

                for s1_, s2_ in train:  # predict only unknown transitions
                    if s1 == s1_:
                        unknown = False

                if unknown:
                    prediction = NN.predict(np.array([s1]))
                    prediction = [int(i > 0.5) for i in prediction[0]]
                    generated.append((s1, prediction))
        else:  # generate given number of artificial transition
            while len(generated) < artificial_size:
                s1 = [
                                   len(P.get_values()[var]) - 1)
                    for var in range(len(P.get_variables()))
                ]  # random state
                unknown = True

                for s1_, s2_ in train:  # predict only unknown transitions
                    if s1 == s1_:
                        unknown = False

                if unknown:
                    prediction = NN.predict(np.array([s1]))
                    prediction = [int(i > 0.5) for i in prediction[0]]
                    generated.append((s1, prediction))
                    #eprint("\r"+str(len(generated))+"/"+str(artificial_size), end='')

        #eprint("NN generated: ")

        # Merge raw data + artificial
        train = train + generated

        # 3.4) Learn from extended training set
        model = algorithm.fit(P.get_variables(), P.get_values(), train)
        end = time.time()
        results_time.append(round(end - start, 3))

        # 3.5) Evaluate model against originals rules
        common, missing, over = P.compare(model)

        #eprint(">>> Original:")

        #eprint(">>> Learned:")

        #eprint(">>> Logic Program comparaison:")
        #eprint(">>>> Common: "+str(len(common))+"/"+str(len(P.get_rules()))+"("+str(round(100 * len(common) / len(P.get_rules()),2))+"%)")
        #eprint(">>>> Missing: "+str(len(missing))+"/"+str(len(P.get_rules()))+"("+str(round(100 * len(missing) / len(P.get_rules()),2))+"%)")
        #eprint(">>>> Over: "+str(len(over))+"/"+str(len(P.get_rules()))+"("+str(round(100 * len(over) / len(model.get_rules()),2))+"%)")

        # Collect scores

        # Perfect case: evaluate over all transitions
        if len(test) == 0:
            test = train

        # 3.6) Evaluate accuracy prediction over unseen states

        # NN accuracy
        predictions = NN.predict(np.array([s1 for s1, s2 in test]))
        for s in predictions:
            for i in range(len(s)):
                s[i] = int(s[i] > 0.5)
        pred = []

        for i in range(len(test)):
            pred.append((test[i][0], predictions[i]))
        precision_NN = round(LogicProgram.precision(test, pred), 2)

        # Algorithm accuracy
        pred = [(s1, model.next(s1)) for s1, s2 in test]
        precision_algo = round(LogicProgram.precision(test, pred), 2)

        #eprint(">>> Prediction precision")
        #eprint(">>>> " + str(round(precision * 100,2)) + "%")


    # 4) Average scores
    run_time = sum(results_time) / run_tests
    common = sum(results_common) / run_tests
    missing = sum(results_missing) / run_tests
    over = sum(results_over) / run_tests
    precision_NN = sum(results_precision_NN) / run_tests
    precision_algo = sum(results_precision_algo) / run_tests

    eprint(">>> Scores over " + str(len(test)) + " test samples:")
    eprint(">>> Run time: " + str(run_time) + "s")
    eprint(">>>> Logic Program comparaison:")
    eprint(">>>>> AVG Common: " + str(common) + "/" + str(len(P.get_rules())) +
           "(" + str(round(100 * common / len(P.get_rules()), 2)) + "%)")
    eprint(">>>>> AVG Missing: " + str(missing) + "/" +
           str(len(P.get_rules())) + "(" +
           str(round(100 * missing / len(P.get_rules()), 2)) + "%)")
    eprint(">>>>> AVG Over: " + str(over) + "/" + str(len(P.get_rules())) +
           "(" + str(round(100 * over / len(model.get_rules()), 2)) + "%)")

    eprint(">>>> Prediction precision")
    eprint(">>>>> AVG accuracy NN: " + str(round(precision_NN * 100, 2)) + "%")
    eprint(">>>>> AVG accuracy algorithm: " +
           str(round(precision_algo * 100, 2)) + "%")

    return round(precision_algo * 100, 2)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_fit(self):
        print(">> LUST.fit(variables, values, transitions)")

        # No transitions
        variables = [
            "x" + str(i) for i in range(random.randint(1, self.__nb_variables))
        values = []

        for var in range(len(variables)):
                [val for val in range(random.randint(2, self.__nb_values))])

        min_body_size = 0
        max_body_size = random.randint(min_body_size, len(variables))
        p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size,
        p_ = LUST.fit(p.get_variables(), p.get_values(), [])
        self.assertEqual(len(p_), 1)
        p_ = p_[0]
        self.assertEqual(p_.get_variables(), p.get_variables())
        self.assertEqual(p_.get_values(), p.get_values())
        self.assertEqual(p_.get_rules(), [])

        for i in range(self.__nb_unit_test):
            #eprint("test: ", i, "/", self.__nb_unit_test)

            variables = [
                "x" + str(i)
                for i in range(random.randint(1, self.__nb_variables))
            values = []

            for var in range(len(variables)):
                    val for val in range(random.randint(2, self.__nb_values))

            nb_programs = random.randint(1, self.__max_programs)
            transitions = []

            for j in range(nb_programs):
                # Generate transitions
                min_body_size = 0
                max_body_size = random.randint(min_body_size, len(variables))

                p = LogicProgram.random(variables, values, min_body_size,
                transitions += p.generate_all_transitions()


            P = LUST.fit(p.get_variables(), p.get_values(), transitions)
            #rules = p_.get_rules()

            # Generate transitions
            predictions = []
            for p in P:
                predictions += p.generate_all_transitions()

            # Remove incomplete states
            #predictions = [ [s1,s2] for s1,s2 in predictions if -1 not in s2 ]

            #eprint("Expected: ", transitions)
            #eprint("Predicted: ", predictions)

            # All original transitions are predicted
            for s1, s2 in transitions:
                self.assertTrue([s1, s2] in predictions)

            # All predictions are in original transitions
            for s1, s2 in predictions:
                self.assertTrue([s1, s2] in transitions)