def closed_statuses_for_all_types(self):
        """Returns a dictionary where the keys are tickets types and the associated
        values are statuses from workflow status groups where closed='True'. 

        Essentially if a ticket is in one of these statuses, we consider it closed
        and from this infer that no more work is required to complete the ticket.

        controller = LogicaOrderController(self.env)
        closed_statuses = controller.type_and_statuses_for_closed_statusgroups()
        types_and_statuses = []
        for type_, statuses in closed_statuses.iteritems():

        return closed_statuses, types_and_statuses
    def _get_ticket_data(self, req, results):
        ats = AgileToolsSystem(self.env)
        loc = LogicaOrderController(self.env)
        closed_statuses = loc.type_and_statuses_for_closed_statusgroups()

        # TODO calculate which statuses are closed using the query system
        # when it is able to handle this
        tickets = []
        for result in results:
            if result['status'] not in closed_statuses[result['type']]:
                filtered_result = dict((k, v)
                                   for k, v in result.iteritems()
                                   if k in self.fields)

                if "remaininghours" in filtered_result:
                        hours = float(filtered_result["remaininghours"])
                    except (ValueError, TypeError):
                        hours = 0
                    del filtered_result["remaininghours"]
                    hours = 0

                if "effort" in filtered_result:
                        storypoints = float(filtered_result['effort'])
                    except (ValueError, TypeError):
                        storypoints = 0
                    storypoints = 0

                reporter = filtered_result["reporter"]
                session = DetachedSession(self.env, reporter)

                    'id': result['id'],
                    'position': ats.position(result['id']),
                    'hours': hours,
                    'effort': storypoints,
                    'reporter': session.get('name', reporter),
                    'changetime': to_utimestamp(filtered_result['changetime'])


        return tickets
        def _capture(db):
            def calculate_initial_values_for_ticket(ticket_id):
                # first seen changes will be from the very first information we have about this ticket
                initial_values_cursor = db.cursor()
                initial_values_cursor.execute("SELECT time FROM ticket WHERE id = %s", (ticket_id,))
                ticket_created = from_utimestamp(initial_values_cursor.fetchone()[0])
                history_date =

                # find original values for the ticket
                for column in ticket_values.keys():
                    initial_values_cursor.execute("SELECT oldvalue FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket = %s AND field = %s ORDER BY time LIMIT 1",  
                                   (ticket_id, column))
                    result = initial_values_cursor.fetchone()
                    if result is None:
                        if column in built_in_fields:
                            initial_values_cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM ticket WHERE id = %%s" % column, (ticket_id,))
                            result = initial_values_cursor.fetchone()
                            ticket_values[column] = encode_and_escape(result[0])
                            initial_values_cursor.execute("SELECT value FROM ticket_custom WHERE ticket = %s AND name = %s", (ticket_id, column))
                            result = initial_values_cursor.fetchone()
                            if result:
                                ticket_values[column] = encode_and_escape(result[0])
                                ticket_values[column] = r'\N'
                        ticket_values[column] = encode_and_escape(result[0])

                ticket_values['id'] = str(ticket_id)
                ticket_values['time'] = str(ticket_created)
                ticket_values['changetime'] = str(ticket_created)
                ticket_values['_resolutiontime'] = r'\N'
                # assumption that you cannot create a ticket in status closed
                # so we give isclosed a false value from the off
                ticket_values['isclosed'] = "0"

                # PROBLEM: How can we detect when a milestone was renamed (and
                # tickets updated) - this isn't mentioned in the ticket_change
                # table.
                # Maybe we have to search the log file for strings?!  
                # source:trunk/trac/trac/ticket/

                return ticket_values, ticket_created, history_date

            last_snapshot_cursor = db.cursor()
            last_snapshot_cursor.execute("SELECT _snapshottime FROM ticket_bi_historical ORDER BY _snapshottime DESC LIMIT 1")
            last_snapshot_result = last_snapshot_cursor.fetchone()
            del last_snapshot_cursor
            if last_snapshot_result:
                last_snapshot = last_snapshot_result[0]
                print "Last successful run was at %s" % last_snapshot

                if until <= last_snapshot:
                    print "Already have data for %s, so can't run with until=%s" % (last_snapshot, until)
                    return False
                last_snapshot = None
                print "No previous runs"

            # Get statuses we consider to be closed for each ticket type
            controller = LogicaOrderController(self.env)
            closed_statuses = controller.type_and_statuses_for_closed_statusgroups()

            if only_ticket:
                ticket_ids = [(int(only_ticket),)]
                ticket_ids_c = db.cursor()
                ticket_ids_c.execute("SELECT id FROM ticket ORDER BY id")
                ticket_ids = ticket_ids_c.fetchall()

            insert_cursor = db.cursor()
            copy_data_buffer = StringIO()

            eta_prediction__start_time =
            eta_prediction__done  = 0
            eta_prediction__total = len(ticket_ids)
            for ticket_id, in ticket_ids:
                    eta_prediction = eta_prediction__start_time + (( - eta_prediction__start_time) / eta_prediction__done) * eta_prediction__total
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    eta_prediction = None
      "Working on (after) %s to (end of) %s for ticket %d/%d - ETA %s", 
                eta_prediction__done += 1

                # set up a dictionary to hold the value of the ticket fields, which will change as we step forward in time
                ticket_values = proto_values.copy()
                # populate the "initial" values
                if last_snapshot:
                    history_date = last_snapshot + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
                    last_snapshot_cursor = db.cursor()
                    # we add ticket fields and history columns otherwise 
                    # we don't get previous values such as isclosed
                    columns = ticket_values.keys() + history_columns
                    last_snapshot_cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM ticket_bi_historical "
                                                 "WHERE id = %%s AND _snapshottime = %%s "
                                                 "LIMIT 1 "
                                                 %  ",".join(columns), 
                                                 (ticket_id, last_snapshot))

                    values = last_snapshot_cursor.fetchone()
                    if not values:
                        self.log.warn("No historical data for ticket %s on %s?", ticket_id, last_snapshot)
                        ticket_values, ticket_created, history_date = calculate_initial_values_for_ticket(ticket_id)
                        ticket_values.update(dict(zip(columns, values)))

                        # original storage for custom_fields can only store strings, so pretend we had a string
                        for k, v in ticket_values.items():
                            # everything wants to be a string as we use COPY to insert to the database
                            if k in custom_fields and not v:
                                ticket_values[k] = ''
                                ticket_values[k] = encode_and_escape(v)

                        ticket_values['id'] = str(ticket_id)

                    # first time we've run the history capture script
                    ticket_values, ticket_created, history_date = calculate_initial_values_for_ticket(ticket_id)

                # now we're going to get a list of all the changes that this ticket goes through

                ticket_changes_cursor = db.cursor()
                ticket_changes_cursor.execute("SELECT time, field, newvalue "
                               "FROM ticket_change "
                               "WHERE ticket = %%s AND field in (%s) "
                               "AND time >= %%s AND time < %%s "
                               "ORDER BY time "
                               % db.parammarks(len(ticket_values)),
                               + ticket_values.keys()
                               + [memoized_to_utimestamp(startofday(history_date)),
                ticket_changes =[(from_utimestamp(time), field, newvalue)
                                 for time, field, newvalue in ticket_changes_cursor]

                # and then we'll update 'ticket_values' to make a representation of the ticket for the end of each day, and store that into the history database

                def _calculate_totalhours_on_date(date, cursor):
                    cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(seconds_worked)/3600.0 FROM ticket_time WHERE ticket = %s AND time_started < %s",
                    result = cursor.fetchone()
                    return result[0] if result else 0

                def _calculate_remaininghours_on_date(date, cursor):
                    # find the closest absolute value
                    nextdate = startofnextday(date)
                    cursor.execute("SELECT to_timestamp(time / 1000000), oldvalue FROM ticket_change WHERE "
                              "field = 'remaininghours' AND ticket = %s AND time >= %s ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1",
                    next_known = cursor.fetchone()
                    cursor.execute("SELECT to_timestamp(time / 1000000), newvalue FROM ticket_change WHERE "
                              "field = 'remaininghours' AND ticket = %s AND time < %s ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1",
                    previous_known = cursor.fetchone()
                    cursor.execute("SELECT now(), value FROM ticket_custom WHERE ticket = %s AND name = 'remaininghours'",
                    currently = cursor.fetchone()
                    self.log.debug("Finding remaininghours for end of %s", date)
                    self.log.debug("Previous known value: %s", previous_known)
                    self.log.debug("Current known value: %s", currently)
                    self.log.debug("Next known value: %s", next_known)
                    candidates = []
                        candidates.append((currently[0] - nextdate, currently[0], float(currently[1])))
                    except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
                        self.log.warning("Invalid float in %s for remaininghours on ticket %s", 
                                         currently, ticket_values['id'])
                    if next_known:
                            candidates.append((next_known[0] - nextdate, next_known[0], float(next_known[1])))
                        except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
                            self.log.warning("Invalid float for next_known in %s for remaininghours on ticket %s", 
                                             next_known, ticket_values['id'])
                    if previous_known:
                            candidates.append((nextdate - previous_known[0], previous_known[0], float(previous_known[1])))
                        except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
                            self.log.warning("Invalid float for previous_known in %s for remaininghours on ticket %s", 
                                             previous_known, ticket_values['id'])