def main(): global template_image_dir_name global target_images_dir_name source_path = None logo.banner() print("\n") try: import argparse import sys except ImportError: print("[-] Error importing argparse or sys module") exit(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A program which given a source image and a set of target images ' 'will match the source image to the target images to find its matches') parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', help=' Path of source image') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0.0(beta)', help='Prints the version ' 'of Photoroid') parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', help=' Path of target images directory', default=target_images_dir_name_default) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Path of template images directory', default=template_image_dir_name_default) if len(sys.argv) > 1: args = parser.parse_args() source_path = args.path template_image_dir_name = args.output target_images_dir_name = if source_path is None: source_path = str( input("[ {}!{} ] Enter path of source image: {}".format(colors.white, colors.end, colors.lightgreen))) print("\n") # Some serious end of line, for UI purpose LOL ... # Getting the image to be searched source = cv2.imread(source_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) colors.process("Creating template sections of source image.") start_dir = os.getcwd() # Saving the start directory # Creating template sections of source image. template_images(source) colors.success("12 template sections of source image created.") os.chdir(start_dir) colors.process("Setting 'Core' as current directory.") check_match() print("{}\nThank you for using my tool\n".format(
def bruteforce(self, mylist): for i in mylist: if self.passwordexits == "True": break if i.split(":")[0] == self.password: self.passwordexits = "True" self.lastone = "Now" self.passinfo = "Password : %s" % i.split(":")[1] self.timeinfo = "Finished %d lines in %s second .." % (self.cacheinfo,str(( - self.startime))[0:7]) banner( "print") print self.timeinfo break del mylist if self.lastone == "Now": self.timeinfo = "Finished %d lines in %s second .." % (self.cacheinfo,str(( - self.startime))[0:7]) logger( self.passwordexits, self.timeinfo, self.passinfo)
def logger( passwordexits, time, password): if passwordexits == "True": name = "%s.txt" % str(randint(0, 999999999)) if path.isfile(name): name = "%s.txt" % str(randint(0, 99999999)) else: name = name logs = open(name, "w") logs.write(banner( "")+"\n") logs.write("\n"+password) logs.write("\n"+time) logs.close() exit("LogFile : %s saved !" % (name)) else: banner( "print") print time exit("Password not found in text !")
thresh = 0.9 loc = np.where(result > thresh) if str(loc[0]) == str(loc[1]): checked.append("False") break else: checked.append("True") pos+= 1 if "False" not in checked: print("Image : {}".format(path)) if __name__ == '__main__': logo.banner() print("\n") try: import argparse import sys except: print("[-] Error importing module") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-p','--path',help =' Path of template image') if len(sys.argv)>1: args = parser.parse_args() template_path = args.path else: template_path = str(input("[ {}!{} ] Enter Template path : {}".format(colors.white,colors.end,colors.lightgreen)))