Exemplo n.º 1
def verify_admin(shapeu, admins):
    Check that all administrative area are closed.

    Also search for inner ring and update 'admins'.

    logo.starting("Verify admin area", len(admins))
    for adm in admins:
        logo.DEBUG("Area level=%(level)d '%(name)s'" % admins[adm])

        # Administrative areas read from the shapefile are also checked
        # and dispatched into outer/inner ring, even if technically only
        # the upper and reconstructed admin level need it (the shapefile
        # already knows what's outer and inner, but we avoid a special
        # case and it cannot fail unless something was really wrong).
        closedrings = FindClosedRings(shapeu, admins[adm]["outer"])
        if closedrings.getLineDiscarded():
            logo.ERROR("Area '%s' ring not closed\n"
                       % (admins[adm]["name"]) )
            for line in closedrings.getLineDiscarded():
                coords = shapeu.getLineCoords(line)
                logo.DEBUG("Line in ring with %d points still open %s -> %s"
                           % (len(coords), coords[0], coords[-1]) )

        # Moving lineids from outer to inner and compute envelope
        for outer, inner in closedrings.iterPolygons():
            for ring in inner:
                lineids = closedrings.getLineRing(ring)

Exemplo n.º 2
def admin_UGANDA_OSM(filename, shapeu, admins):
    logo.starting("Attributes read", parseosm.getNbRelation())
    for relationid in parseosm.getIterRelation():
        relation = parseosm.getRelation(relationid)

        admins[relationid] = { "name" : relation['tags']['name'],
                               "level" : int(relation['tags']['admin_level']),
                               "inner" : set(),
                               "outer" : set(),
        if 'old_name' in relation['tags']:
            admins[relationid]["old_name"] = relation['tags']['old_name']

        wayids = [ data[1] for data in relation['members']
                   if data[0] == 'way' and data[2] in ('outer', 'inner') ]
        lineset = set()
        for wayid in wayids:
            pntinring = []
            linegeometry = parseosm.getGeometryWay(wayid)
            for lon, lat in linegeometry:
                pointid = shapeu.getPoint(lon, lat)
                if pointid is not None:

            for pnt in xrange(1, len(pntinring)):
                if pntinring[pnt-1] ==  pntinring[pnt]:
                    # If 2 coordinates after rounding give the same point id
                segment = shapeu.getSegment(pntinring[pnt-1], pntinring[pnt])

        # Update each administrative level
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_UGANDA(filename, shapeu):
    Read the shapefile and build the geometry.

    We expect only 1 layer of type polygon, coordinates are reprojected
    to WGS84.

    shapefile = ogr.Open(filename)
    layer = shapefile.GetLayer(0)
    layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn()

    # Verify field and geometry type
    for possiblefields in [ ("DNAME_2010", "SUBREGION"), ("region", "place") ]:
        for field in possiblefields:
            if layerDef.GetFieldIndex(field) == -1:
        raise logo.ERROR("Important field missing, where is the admin area name ?")
    if layerDef.GetGeomType() != ogr.wkbPolygon:
        raise logo.ERROR("Not a POLYGON file")

    # Reproject on the fly
    srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef()
    dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef)

    # Read each polygon and build the connection arrays (point, segment, line)
    logo.starting("Geometry read", layer.GetFeatureCount())
    for featnum in xrange(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
        feature = layer.GetFeature(featnum)
        geometry  = feature.GetGeometryRef()
        newgeometry = geometry.Clone()

        # MultiPolygon: only deal with first polygon
        # Polygon: Outer Ring (1) followed by Inner Rings (n-1)
        # we create all segments for outer ring only, drop
        # inner rings (very exotic ...)
        if newgeometry.GetGeometryType() == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon:
            logo.DEBUG("Feature %d with %d polygons" % (featnum,
            ring = newgeometry.GetGeometryRef(0).GetGeometryRef(0)
            logo.DEBUG("Feature %d with %d rings" % (featnum,
            ring = newgeometry.GetGeometryRef(0)
        lon1, lat1 = ring.GetPoint_2D(0)
        for pnt in xrange(1, ring.GetPointCount()):
            lon2, lat2 = ring.GetPoint_2D(pnt)
            shapeu.makeSegment(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)
            lon1, lat1 = lon2, lat2
Exemplo n.º 4
def read_CAOP(filename, shapeu):
    Read the shapefile and build the geometry.

    We expect only 1 layer of type polygon, coordinates are reprojected
    to WGS84.

    shapefile = ogr.Open(filename)
    layer = shapefile.GetLayer(0)
    layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn()

    # Verify field and geometry type
    for field in ( "DICOFRE", "MUNICIPIO", "FREGUESIA" ):
        if layerDef.GetFieldIndex(field) == -1:
            raise logo.ERROR("Field '%s' not found" % field)
    if (layerDef.GetFieldIndex("DISTRITO") == -1
      and layerDef.GetFieldIndex("ILHA") == -1):
        raise logo.ERROR("Field 'DISTRITO' or 'ILHA' not found")
    if layerDef.GetGeomType() != ogr.wkbPolygon:
        raise logo.ERROR("Not a POLYGON file")

    # Reproject on the fly
    srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef()
    dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef)

    # Read each polygon and build the connection arrays (point, segment, line)
    logo.starting("Geometry read", layer.GetFeatureCount())
    for featnum in xrange(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
        feature = layer.GetFeature(featnum)
        geometry  = feature.GetGeometryRef()
        newgeometry = geometry.Clone()

        # Outer Ring (1) followed by Inner Rings (n-1)
        # we create all segments for each ring to find the topology ...
        logo.DEBUG("Feature %d with %d rings" % (featnum,
        for i in xrange(newgeometry.GetGeometryCount()):
            ring = newgeometry.GetGeometryRef(i)
            lon1, lat1 = ring.GetPoint_2D(0)
            for pnt in xrange(1, ring.GetPointCount()):
                lon2, lat2 = ring.GetPoint_2D(pnt)
                shapeu.makeSegment(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)
                lon1, lat1 = lon2, lat2
Exemplo n.º 5
def read_CAOP(filename, shapeu):
    Read the shapefile and build the geometry.

    We expect only 1 layer of type polygon, coordinates are reprojected
    to WGS84.

    shapefile = ogr.Open(filename)
    layer = shapefile.GetLayer(0)
    layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn()

    # Verify field and geometry type
    for field in ("DICOFRE", "MUNICIPIO", "FREGUESIA"):
        if layerDef.GetFieldIndex(field) == -1:
            raise logo.ERROR("Field '%s' not found" % field)
    if (layerDef.GetFieldIndex("DISTRITO") == -1
            and layerDef.GetFieldIndex("ILHA") == -1):
        raise logo.ERROR("Field 'DISTRITO' or 'ILHA' not found")
    if layerDef.GetGeomType() != ogr.wkbPolygon:
        raise logo.ERROR("Not a POLYGON file")

    # Reproject on the fly
    srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef()
    dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef)

    # Read each polygon and build the connection arrays (point, segment, line)
    logo.starting("Geometry read", layer.GetFeatureCount())
    for featnum in xrange(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
        feature = layer.GetFeature(featnum)
        geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
        newgeometry = geometry.Clone()

        # Outer Ring (1) followed by Inner Rings (n-1)
        # we create all segments for each ring to find the topology ...
        logo.DEBUG("Feature %d with %d rings" %
                   (featnum, newgeometry.GetGeometryCount()))
        for i in xrange(newgeometry.GetGeometryCount()):
            ring = newgeometry.GetGeometryRef(i)
            lon1, lat1 = ring.GetPoint_2D(0)
            for pnt in xrange(1, ring.GetPointCount()):
                lon2, lat2 = ring.GetPoint_2D(pnt)
                shapeu.makeSegment(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)
                lon1, lat1 = lon2, lat2
Exemplo n.º 6
def verify_admin(shapeu, admins):
    Check that all administrative area are closed.

    Also search for inner ring and update 'admins'.

    logo.starting("Verify admin area", len(admins))
    for dicofre in admins:
        logo.DEBUG("Area level=%(level)d '%(name)s'" % admins[dicofre])

        # Administrative areas read from the shapefile are also checked
        # and dispatched into outer/inner ring, even if technically only
        # the upper and reconstructed admin level need it (the shapefile
        # already knows what's outer and inner, but we avoid a special
        # case and it cannot fail unless something was really wrong).
        closedrings = FindClosedRings(shapeu, admins[dicofre]["outer"])
        if closedrings.getLineDiscarded():
            logo.ERROR("Area '%s' (DICOFRE=%s) ring not closed\n"
                       % (admins[dicofre]["name"], dicofre) )

        # Moving lineids from outer to inner and compute envelope
        for outer, inner in closedrings.iterPolygons():
            for ring in inner:
                lineids = closedrings.getLineRing(ring)

            # Bounding box on outer rings
            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = closedrings.getExtentRing(outer)
            if not admins[dicofre]["bbox"]:
                admins[dicofre]["bbox"] = [ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ]
                if xmin < admins[dicofre]["bbox"][0]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][0] = xmin
                if xmax > admins[dicofre]["bbox"][1]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][1] = xmax
                if ymin < admins[dicofre]["bbox"][2]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][2] = ymin
                if ymax > admins[dicofre]["bbox"][3]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][3] = ymax

Exemplo n.º 7
    def link_caop_osm(self, adminlvl):
        Search the OSM relation fitting the CAOP admin area.

        Link each CAOP relation in 'adminlvl' with the best
        existing OSM relation.

        self.adminlvl = adminlvl
        cursor = self.db.cursor()

        # Search for each caop relation the unlinked osm relation
        # fitting the area
            """SELECT A.caop_id
                          FROM caop_relations A, caop_relation_tags B
                          WHERE A.caop_id = B.caop_id
                          AND B.k = 'admin_level' AND B.v = %s
                          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM matching_relation
                             WHERE associationid = A.caop_id)
        data = cursor.fetchall()

        logo.starting("Searching for admin level %d" % adminlvl, len(data))
        for (caop_id,) in data:
            self.best_match = None
            self.do_search_admin(caop_id)  #  Delegate
            if self.best_match:
                logo.DEBUG("Found for caop %s osm=%s)" % (caop_id, self.best_match))
                if self.best_match.adminlvl != self.adminlvl:
                        "Relation found with unmatched admin level caop=%s (%s), osm=%s (%s)"
                        % (caop_id, self.adminlvl, self.best_match.osm_id, self.best_match.adminlvl)
                self.set_association(caop_id, self.best_match.osm_id)
                logo.DEBUG("No relation found for caop=%s" % caop_id)
Exemplo n.º 8
def read_UGANDA_OSM(filename, shapeu):
    shapeutil.precision = 14  # don't do aggressive rounding
    shapeutil.testnearest = []  # nor neighbour hack

    # Read each polygon and build the connection arrays (point, segment, line)
    logo.starting("Geometry read", parseosm.getNbRelation())
    for relationid in parseosm.getIterRelation():
        relation = parseosm.getRelation(relationid)
        wayids = [ data[1] for data in relation['members']
                   if data[0] == 'way' and data[2] in ('outer', 'inner') ]

        for wayid in wayids:
            linegeometry = parseosm.getGeometryWay(wayid)
            lon1, lat1 = linegeometry[0]
            for lon2, lat2 in linegeometry[1:]:
                shapeu.makeSegment(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)
                lon1, lat1 = lon2, lat2
Exemplo n.º 9
    def link_caop_osm(self, adminlvl):
        Search the OSM relation fitting the CAOP admin area.

        Link each CAOP relation in 'adminlvl' with the best
        existing OSM relation.

        self.adminlvl = adminlvl
        cursor = self.db.cursor()

        # Search for each caop relation the unlinked osm relation
        # fitting the area
        cursor.execute("""SELECT A.caop_id
                          FROM caop_relations A, caop_relation_tags B
                          WHERE A.caop_id = B.caop_id
                          AND B.k = 'admin_level' AND B.v = %s
                          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM matching_relation
                             WHERE associationid = A.caop_id)
                       """, (str(adminlvl),) )
        data = cursor.fetchall()

        logo.starting("Searching for admin level %d" % adminlvl, len(data))
        for (caop_id,) in data:
            self.best_match = None
            self.do_search_admin(caop_id)   #  Delegate
            if self.best_match:
                logo.DEBUG("Found for caop %s osm=%s)" % (caop_id, self.best_match))
                if self.best_match.adminlvl != self.adminlvl:
                    logo.WARN("Relation found with unmatched admin level caop=%s (%s), osm=%s (%s)"
                              % (caop_id, self.adminlvl,
                self.set_association(caop_id, self.best_match.osm_id)
                logo.DEBUG("No relation found for caop=%s" % caop_id)
Exemplo n.º 10
def write_uganda(fileout, shapeu, admins):
    Import with an unique id all nodes, ways, relations.

    logo.starting("Saving nodes, ways, relations",
                  shapeu.nbrPoints() + shapeu.nbrLines() + len(admins))

    out = open(fileout+"_out.osm", "w")
    tmstamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    out.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
    out.write('<osm version="0.6" generator="test">\n')

    # Points -> Nodes
    logo.DEBUG("Write nodes")
    for pointid, coord in shapeu.iterPoints():
        out.write('  <node id="-%d" lat="%.7f" lon="%.7f" version="0" timestamp="%s"/>\n'
                  % (pointid+1, coord[1], coord[0], tmstamp))

    # Lines -> Ways
    logo.DEBUG("Write ways")
    waylevel = {}
    for adm in admins:
        for lineid in admins[adm]["outer"]:
            level = min(waylevel.get(lineid, 8), admins[adm]["level"])
            waylevel[lineid] = level
    for lineid, pntids in shapeu.iterLines():
        out.write('  <way id="-%d" version="0" timestamp="%s">\n' % (lineid, tmstamp))
        for pointid in pntids:
            out.write('    <nd ref="-%d"/>\n' % (pointid+1))
        out.write('    <tag k="boundary" v="administrative"/>\n')
            out.write('    <tag k="admin_level" v="%s"/>\n' % waylevel[lineid])
        except KeyError:
            pass  # because of inner ring in middle of river and not in any admin area outer
        out.write('  </way>\n')

    # Admins -> Relations
    logo.DEBUG("Write relations")
    for (num,adm) in enumerate(admins):
        out.write('  <relation id="-%d" version="0" timestamp="%s">\n' % (num+1, tmstamp))
        for role in ("outer", "inner"):
            for lineid in admins[adm][role]:
                out.write('    <member type="way" ref="-%d" role="%s"/>\n' % (lineid, role))
        out.write('    <tag k="type" v="boundary"/>\n')
        out.write('    <tag k="boundary" v="administrative"/>\n')
        out.write('    <tag k="admin_level" v="%d"/>\n' % admins[adm]["level"])
        out.write('    <tag k="name" v="%s"/>\n' % admins[adm]["name"])
        if "old_name" in admins[adm]:
            out.write('    <tag k="old_name" v="%s"/>\n' % admins[adm]["old_name"])
        out.write('  </relation>\n')
    out.write('  </osm>\n')
Exemplo n.º 11
    def buildSimplifiedLines(self):
        Grab each segment and build polylines (OSM way compatible).

        Attach a way to its successor/predecessor if there's only 1
        connection, remove useless point (simplify geometry) and make
        sure there's not too much point in a line (limit of 2000 OSM
        nodes per way).

        logo.DEBUG("Before simplification %d points, %d segments" % (
                   len(self.point_pos), self.segment_count/2))
        logo.starting("Line simplification", self.segment_count)
        self.line_seg = array.array('i', [0] * (self.cachemem/2))
        self.line_ends = array.array('i')
        self.line_count = 0
        specialjoinset = set()
        for segmentnum in xrange(0, self.segment_count, 2):
            if self.line_seg[segmentnum/2]:
                # Already attached
            coordpts = self._buildLineFromSegment(segmentnum)
            if coordpts is None:
                # Orphaned segment, happens when a point is simplified
            self._simplifyLineSegment(coordpts, specialjoinset)

        # Special case for merged segment (duplicate segment removed)
        # Redo search+simplify on the longest possible line
        nbpass = 1
        while specialjoinset:
            nbpass += 1
            logo.starting("Line simplification (pass %d)" % nbpass,
            newjoinset = set()
            for lineid in specialjoinset:
                    segmentnum = self.line_seg.index(lineid) * 2
                except ValueError:
                coordpts = self._buildLineFromSegment(segmentnum, lineid)
                self._simplifyLineSegment(coordpts, newjoinset)
            specialjoinset = newjoinset

        logo.starting("Build way with 2000 nodes limit", self.segment_count)
        self.line_seg = array.array('i', [0] * (self.cachemem/2))
        self.line_ends = array.array('i')
        self.line_count = 0
        for segmentnum in xrange(0, self.segment_count, 2):
            if self.line_seg[segmentnum/2]:
                # Already attached
            coordpts = self._buildLineFromSegment(segmentnum)
            if coordpts is None:

            # Split if we are too close to the limit of 2000 nodes
            # and ensure that a new line have more than a few points
            # we also record both extremity of a line for later use
            segmentdir1 = self.point_pos[coordpts[0]]
            segmentdir2 = self.point_pos[coordpts[1]]
            segmentnum = self.getSegment(segmentdir1, segmentdir2)
            if self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] != coordpts[0]:
                segmentnum = segmentnum^1
            while len(coordpts) > 1980:
                # End of previous line and start a new one
                self.line_count += 1
                lineid = self.line_count
                segmentdir1 = self.point_pos[coordpts[1949]]
                coordpts = coordpts[1950:]
                segmentdir2 = self.point_pos[coordpts[0]]
                segmentnum = self.getSegment(segmentdir1, segmentdir2)
                if self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] != coordpts[0]:
                    segmentnum = segmentnum^1
                segmentnum = self.segment_connect[segmentnum]
                for i in xrange(1, min(1980, len(coordpts))):
                    self.line_seg[int(segmentnum/2)] = lineid
                    segmentnum = self.segment_connect[segmentnum^1]
            segmentdir1 = self.point_pos[coordpts[-2]]
            segmentdir2 = self.point_pos[coordpts[-1]]
            segmentnum = self.getSegment(segmentdir1, segmentdir2)
            if self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] != coordpts[-1]:
                segmentnum = segmentnum^1
        logo.DEBUG("After simplification %d points, %d lines" % (
                   len(self.point_pos), self.line_count))
Exemplo n.º 12
def admin_CAOP(filename, shapeu, admins):
    Reread the shapefile and build each administrative entity.

    Geometry described by a set of lines, attributes converted to UTF8.

    shapefile = ogr.Open(filename)
    layer = shapefile.GetLayer(0)
    layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn()

    # Detect if we are dealing with Portugal or the autonomous regions
    if layerDef.GetFieldIndex("DISTRITO") != -1:
        logo.DEBUG("Found DISTRITO using admin level 6, 7, 8")
        isregion = False
        toplevel = "DISTRITO"
    elif layerDef.GetFieldIndex("ILHA") != -1:
        logo.DEBUG("Found ILHA using admin level 4, 7, 8")
        isregion = True
        toplevel = "ILHA"

    # Reproject on the fly
    srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef()
    dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef)

    # Reread each polygon and create the right administrative area
    logo.starting("Attributes read", layer.GetFeatureCount())
    for featnum in xrange(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
        feature = layer.GetFeature(featnum)
        geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
        newgeometry = geometry.Clone()
        dicofre = feature.GetField("DICOFRE")
        distrito = convertname(feature.GetField(toplevel))
        municipio = convertname(feature.GetField("MUNICIPIO"))
        freguesia = convertname(feature.GetField("FREGUESIA"))
        logo.DEBUG("Feature %d %s='%s' MUNICIPIO='%s' FREGUESIA='%s'" %
                   (featnum, toplevel, distrito, municipio, freguesia))

        # Distrito or Region
        if isregion:
            dicofre1 = dicofre[0:1]
            if not admins.has_key(dicofre1):
                # Extract archipelago name from island name
                m = re.search("\(([^)]+)\)", distrito)
                if m:
                    distrito = m.group(1)
                admins[dicofre1] = {
                    "name": distrito,
                    "level": 4,
                    "inner": set(),
                    "outer": set(),
                    "bbox": None
            dicofre1 = dicofre[0:2]
            if not admins.has_key(dicofre1):
                admins[dicofre1] = {
                    "name": distrito,
                    "level": 6,
                    "inner": set(),
                    "outer": set(),
                    "bbox": None

        # Municipio
        dicofre2 = dicofre[0:4]
        if not admins.has_key(dicofre2):
            admins[dicofre2] = {
                "name": municipio,
                "level": 7,
                "inner": set(),
                "outer": set(),
                "bbox": None

        # Freguesia
        if not admins.has_key(dicofre):
            admins[dicofre] = {
                "name": freguesia,
                "level": 8,
                "inner": set(),
                "outer": set(),
                "bbox": None

        # Build sets of lineid, don't distinguish outer and inner rings
        # we deal it later when verifying and grouping rings
        lineset = set()
        for i in xrange(newgeometry.GetGeometryCount()):
            ring = newgeometry.GetGeometryRef(i)
            pntinring = []
            for pnt in xrange(ring.GetPointCount()):
                lon, lat = ring.GetPoint_2D(pnt)
                pointid = shapeu.getPoint(lon, lat)
                if pointid is not None:

            if pntinring[0] != pntinring[-1]:
                # Simplification have broken the ring,
                # starting point was in the middle of a simplified line

            for pnt in xrange(1, len(pntinring)):
                if pntinring[pnt - 1] == pntinring[pnt]:
                    # If 2 coordinates after rounding give the same point id
                    # (safety measure, normaly doesn't happen)
                segment = shapeu.getSegment(pntinring[pnt - 1], pntinring[pnt])

        # Update each administrative level
Exemplo n.º 13
def verify_admin(shapeu, admins):
    Check that all administrative area are closed.

    Also search for inner ring and update 'admins'.

    logo.starting("Verify admin area", len(admins))
    verifyinner = {}
    for dicofre in admins:
        logo.DEBUG("Area level=%(level)d '%(name)s'" % admins[dicofre])

        # Administrative areas read from the shapefile are also checked
        # and dispatched into outer/inner ring, even if technically only
        # the upper and reconstructed admin level need it (the shapefile
        # already knows what's outer and inner, but we avoid a special
        # case and it cannot fail unless something was really wrong).
        closedrings = FindClosedRings(shapeu, admins[dicofre]["outer"])
        if not closedrings.isValid():
            logo.ERROR("Area '%s' (DICOFRE=%s) not a valid closed ring\n" %
                       (admins[dicofre]["name"], dicofre))
            for ring, pntid1, pntid2 in closedrings.iterRingDiscarded():
                lineids = closedrings.getLineDiscarded(ring)
                if pntid1 == pntid2:
                        "Ring with %d lines is self-intersecting, still building admin area with this defect"
                        % len(lineids))
                    points = closedrings.getGeometryDiscarded(ring)
                        "Ring with %d lines is open at %s -> %s, still building admin area with this defect"
                        % (len(lineids), points[0], points[-1]))
            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = closedrings.getExtentLineDiscarded()
            admins[dicofre]["bbox"] = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

        # Moving lineids from outer to inner and compute envelope
        for outer, inner in closedrings.iterPolygons():
            for ring in inner:
                lineids = closedrings.getLineRing(ring)
                for line in lineids:
                    # Remember lines used in inner ring for later verification
                    key = (line, admins[dicofre]["level"])
                    verifyinner[key] = [dicofre]

            # Bounding box on outer rings
            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = closedrings.getExtentRing(outer)
            if not admins[dicofre]["bbox"]:
                admins[dicofre]["bbox"] = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
                if xmin < admins[dicofre]["bbox"][0]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][0] = xmin
                if xmax > admins[dicofre]["bbox"][1]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][1] = xmax
                if ymin < admins[dicofre]["bbox"][2]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][2] = ymin
                if ymax > admins[dicofre]["bbox"][3]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][3] = ymax


    # Each inner line on each admin level should be used as outer line
    # in one and only one admin area with the same level
    for dicofre in admins:
        for line in admins[dicofre]["outer"]:
            key = (line, admins[dicofre]["level"])
            if key in verifyinner:
    for key in verifyinner:
        if len(verifyinner[key]) != 2:
            dicofre = verifyinner[key][0]
            if len(verifyinner[key]) == 1:
                    "Inner line in area '%s' (DICOFRE=%s) not present as outer in any admin area with level=%d\n"
                    % (admins[dicofre]["name"], dicofre,
                    "Inner line in area '%s' (DICOFRE=%s) exist as multiple outer in level=%d : %s\n"
                    % (admins[dicofre]["name"], dicofre,
                       admins[dicofre]["level"], ', '.join([
                           "%s (DICOFRE=%s)" % (admins[i]["name"], i)
                           for i in verifyinner[key][1:]
Exemplo n.º 14
def admin_UGANDA(filename, shapeu, admins):
    Reread the shapefile and build each administrative entity.

    Geometry described by a set of lines, attributes converted to UTF8.

    shapefile = ogr.Open(filename)
    layer = shapefile.GetLayer(0)
    layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn()

    # Reproject on the fly
    srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef()
    dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef)

    # Extract attributes from district or merged file
    if layerDef.GetFieldIndex("SUBREGION") == -1:
        fieldregion = "region"
        fielddistrict = "place"
        fieldregion = "SUBREGION"
        fielddistrict = "DNAME_2010"

    # Change here the admin area level !!!
    LevelSubRegion = 6
    LevelDistrict = 7

    # Reread each polygon and create the right administrative area
    logo.starting("Attributes read", layer.GetFeatureCount())
    for featnum in xrange(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
        feature = layer.GetFeature(featnum)
        geometry  = feature.GetGeometryRef()
        newgeometry = geometry.Clone()
        subregion = feature.GetField(fieldregion)
        district  = feature.GetField(fielddistrict)
        logo.DEBUG("Feature %d SUBREGION='%s' DISTRICT='%s'" % (
                   featnum, subregion, district))

        # Subregion / District
        if district is None:
            # Merged file and polygon is region
            key_admin1 = None
            key_admin2 = "SR_" + subregion.upper()
            if key_admin2 not in admins:
                admins[key_admin2] = { "name" : convertname(subregion),
                                       "level" : LevelSubRegion,
                                       "inner" : set(),
                                       "outer" : set(),
        elif subregion is None:
            # Merged file and polygon is district
            key_admin1 = None
            key_admin2 = "DI_" + district.upper()
            if key_admin2 not in admins:
                admins[key_admin2] = { "name" : convertname(district),
                                       "level" : LevelDistrict,
                                       "inner" : set(),
                                       "outer" : set(),
            # District only file, automagicaly build region from district
            key_admin1 = "SR_" + subregion.upper()
            key_admin2 = "DI_" + district.upper()
            if key_admin1 not in admins:
                admins[key_admin1] = { "name" : convertname(subregion),
                                       "level" : LevelSubRegion,
                                       "inner" : set(),
                                       "outer" : set(),
            if key_admin2 not in admins:
                admins[key_admin2] = { "name" : convertname(district),
                                       "level" : LevelDistrict,
                                       "inner" : set(),
                                       "outer" : set(),

        # Build sets of lineid, deal only outer, inner rings
        # are useless and wrong
        lineset = set()
        if newgeometry.GetGeometryType() == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon:
            ring = newgeometry.GetGeometryRef(0).GetGeometryRef(0)
            ring = newgeometry.GetGeometryRef(0)
        pntinring = []
        for pnt in xrange(ring.GetPointCount()):
            lon, lat = ring.GetPoint_2D(pnt)
            pointid = shapeu.getPoint(lon, lat)
            if pointid is not None:

        if pntinring[0] != pntinring[-1]:
            # Simplification have broken the ring,
            # starting point was in the middle of a simplified line

        for pnt in xrange(1, len(pntinring)):
            if pntinring[pnt-1] ==  pntinring[pnt]:
                # If 2 coordinates after rounding give the same point id
                # (safety measure, normaly doesn't happen)
            segment = shapeu.getSegment(pntinring[pnt-1], pntinring[pnt])

        # Update each administrative level
        if key_admin1 is not None:
Exemplo n.º 15
    def buildSimplifiedLines(self):
        Grab each segment and build polylines (OSM way compatible).

        Attach a way to its successor/predecessor if there's only 1
        connection, remove useless point (simplify geometry) and make
        sure there's not too much point in a line (limit of 2000 OSM
        nodes per way).

        logo.DEBUG("Before simplification %d points, %d segments" %
                   (len(self.point_pos), self.segment_count / 2))
        logo.starting("Line simplification", self.segment_count)
        if self.line_count > 0:
            # Restart build if polylines have already been made
            self.line_seg = array.array('i', [0] * (self.cachemem / 2))
            self.line_ends = array.array('i')
            self.line_count = 0
        specialjoinset = set()
        for segmentnum in xrange(0, self.segment_count, 2):
            if self.line_seg[segmentnum / 2]:
                # Already attached
            coordpts = self._buildLineFromSegment(segmentnum)
            if coordpts is None:
                # Orphaned segment, happens when a point is simplified
                # and the segment is dropped
            self._simplifyLineSegment(coordpts, specialjoinset)

        # Special case for merged segment (duplicate segment removed)
        # Redo search+simplify on the longest possible line
        nbpass = 1
        while specialjoinset:
            nbpass += 1
            logo.starting("Line simplification (pass %d)" % nbpass,
            newjoinset = set()
            for lineid in specialjoinset:
                    segmentnum = self.line_seg.index(lineid) * 2
                except ValueError:
                coordpts = self._buildLineFromSegment(segmentnum, lineid)
                self._simplifyLineSegment(coordpts, newjoinset)
            specialjoinset = newjoinset

        # Renumbering line id, no gap and less than 2000 nodes per line
        logo.starting("Build way with 2000 nodes limit",
                      self.segment_count / 2)
        self.line_seg = array.array('i', [0] * (self.segment_count / 2))
        self.line_count = 0
        for segmentnum in xrange(0, self.segment_count, 2):
            if self.line_seg[segmentnum / 2]:
                # Already attached
            coordpts = self._buildLineFromSegment(segmentnum)
            if coordpts is None:

            # Split if we are too close to the limit of 2000 nodes
            # and ensure that a new line have more than a few points
            # we also record both extremity of a line for later use
            segmentdir1 = self.point_pos[coordpts[0]]
            segmentdir2 = self.point_pos[coordpts[1]]
            segmentnum = self.getSegment(segmentdir1, segmentdir2)
            if self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] != coordpts[0]:
                segmentnum = segmentnum ^ 1
            while len(coordpts) > 1980:
                # End of previous line and start a new one
                self.line_count += 1
                lineid = self.line_count
                segmentdir1 = self.point_pos[coordpts[1949]]
                coordpts = coordpts[1950:]
                segmentdir2 = self.point_pos[coordpts[0]]
                segmentnum = self.getSegment(segmentdir1, segmentdir2)
                if self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] != coordpts[0]:
                    segmentnum = segmentnum ^ 1
                segmentnum = self.segment_connect[segmentnum]
                for i in xrange(1, min(1980, len(coordpts))):
                    self.line_seg[int(segmentnum / 2)] = lineid
                    segmentnum = self.segment_connect[segmentnum ^ 1]
            segmentdir1 = self.point_pos[coordpts[-2]]
            segmentdir2 = self.point_pos[coordpts[-1]]
            segmentnum = self.getSegment(segmentdir1, segmentdir2)
            if self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] != coordpts[-1]:
                segmentnum = segmentnum ^ 1
        logo.DEBUG("After simplification %d points, %d lines" %
                   (len(self.point_pos), self.line_count))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def buildSimplifiedLines(self):
        Grab each segment and build polylines (OSM way compatible).

        Attach a way to its successor/predecessor if there's only 1
        connection, remove useless point (simplify geometry) and make
        sure there's not too much point in a line (limit of 2000 OSM
        nodes per way).

        logo.DEBUG("Before simplification %d points, %d segments" % (
                   len(self.point_pos), self.segment_count/2))
        logo.starting("Line simplification", self.segment_count)
        for segmentnum in xrange(0, self.segment_count, 2):
            if self.line_seg[segmentnum/2]:   # Already attached
            segmentdir1 = segmentnum
            segmentdir2 = segmentnum + 1

            # Count predecessors/successors
            nbprev = self.nbrConnection(segmentdir1)
            nbnext = self.nbrConnection(segmentdir2)
            if nbprev == 0 and nbnext == 0:
                # Orphaned segment, happens when a point is simplified

            # Affect a lineid to the current segment
            self.line_count += 1
            lineid = self.line_count
            self.line_seg[segmentdir1/2] = lineid
            coordpts = [ self.coord_pnt[segmentdir1],
                         self.coord_pnt[segmentdir2] ]

            # Join previous segments if it's the only connection
            while nbprev == 1:
                if self.line_seg[self.segment_connect[segmentdir1]/2]:
                    break               # loop on closed ring
                segmentdir1 = self.segment_connect[segmentdir1] ^ 1
                self.line_seg[segmentdir1/2] = lineid
                coordpts.insert(0, self.coord_pnt[segmentdir1])
                nbprev = self.nbrConnection(segmentdir1)

            # Join next segments if it's the only connection
            while nbnext == 1:
                if self.line_seg[self.segment_connect[segmentdir2]/2]:
                    break               # loop on closed ring
                segmentdir2 = self.segment_connect[segmentdir2] ^ 1
                self.line_seg[segmentdir2/2] = lineid
                nbnext = self.nbrConnection(segmentdir2)

            # Find useless points
            coordpts, purgepts = simplifyPoints(coordpts)
            coordpts, purgepts = simplifyShapeZV(coordpts, purgepts)
            coordpts, purgepts = fixSelfIntersect(coordpts, purgepts)

            # Now the *not so* fun part, we change and delete some segments.
            # The ids will change so we work with point coordinates and we
            # keep track of all the dependencies.
            # A simplified point have only 2 segments, the first segment will
            # adopt a new location for its end, the second segment will be
            # entirely dereferenced.
            for coord in purgepts:
                segmentnum  = self.point_pos[coord]
                segmentdir1 = self.segment_connect[segmentnum]
                segmentdir2 = segmentdir1^1
                self.segment_connect[segmentnum] = self.segment_connect[segmentdir2]
                seg = self.segment_connect[segmentdir2]
                while self.segment_connect[seg] != segmentdir2:
                    seg = self.segment_connect[seg]
                self.segment_connect[seg] = segmentnum
                self.segment_connect[segmentdir1] = segmentdir1
                self.segment_connect[segmentdir2] = segmentdir2

                # Update new end point location
                coord2 = self.coord_pnt[segmentdir2]
                self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] = coord2
                if self.point_pos[coord2] == segmentdir2:
                    self.point_pos[coord2] = segmentnum
                del self.point_pos[coord]
                self.coord_pnt[segmentdir1] = None
                self.coord_pnt[segmentdir2] = None
                self.line_seg[segmentdir2/2] = 0

            # Split if we are too close to the limit of 2000 nodes
            # and ensure that a new line have more than a few points
            # we also record both extremity of a line for later use
            segmentdir1 = self.point_pos[coordpts[0]]
            segmentdir2 = self.point_pos[coordpts[1]]
            segmentnum = self.getSegment(segmentdir1, segmentdir2)
            if self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] != coordpts[0]:
                segmentnum = segmentnum^1
            while len(coordpts) > 1980:
                # End of previous line and start a new one
                self.line_count += 1
                lineid = self.line_count
                segmentdir1 = self.point_pos[coordpts[1949]]
                coordpts = coordpts[1950:]
                segmentdir2 = self.point_pos[coordpts[0]]
                segmentnum = self.getSegment(segmentdir1, segmentdir2)
                if self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] != coordpts[0]:
                    segmentnum = segmentnum^1
                segmentnum = self.segment_connect[segmentnum]
                for i in xrange(1, min(1980, len(coordpts))):
                    self.line_seg[segmentnum/2] = lineid
                    segmentnum = self.segment_connect[segmentnum^1]
            segmentdir1 = self.point_pos[coordpts[-2]]
            segmentdir2 = self.point_pos[coordpts[-1]]
            segmentnum = self.getSegment(segmentdir1, segmentdir2)
            if self.coord_pnt[segmentnum] != coordpts[-1]:
                segmentnum = segmentnum^1
        logo.DEBUG("After simplification %d points, %d lines" % (
                   len(self.point_pos), self.line_count))
Exemplo n.º 17
def import_caop(db, shapeu, admins):
    Import with an unique id all nodes, ways, relations.

    cursor = db.cursor()
    logo.starting("Saving nodes, ways, relations",
                  shapeu.nbrPoints() + shapeu.nbrLines() + len(admins))

    # Points -> Nodes
    # - bulk copy to a temp table to get a new unique id
    # - do only one big insert with new ids to the finale table
    logo.DEBUG("Write nodes to database")
    buffcopy = StringIO()
    for pointid, coord in shapeu.iterPoints():
        pointEwkt = "SRID=4326;POINT(%.7f %.7f)" % (coord[0], coord[1])
        buffcopy.write("%d\t%s\n" % (pointid, pointEwkt))
    cursor.copy_from(buffcopy, 'caop_points', columns=('point_id', 'geom'))
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_nodes (caop_id, geom)
                      SELECT caop_id, geom FROM caop_points

    # Lines -> Ways
    # - bulk copy to a temp table to get a new unique id
    # - bulk copy points in lines in a temp table
    # - insert all ways with new ids as administrative level 8
    logo.DEBUG("Write ways to database")
    buffcopy1 = StringIO()
    buffcopy2 = StringIO()
    for lineid, pntids in shapeu.iterLines():
        buffcopy1.write("%d\n" % lineid)
        for orderpntid in enumerate(pntids):
            buffcopy2.write("%d\t" % lineid)
            buffcopy2.write("%d\t%d\n" % orderpntid)
    cursor.copy_from(buffcopy1, 'caop_lines', columns=('line_id', ))
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_ways (caop_id)
                      SELECT caop_id FROM caop_lines
    cursor.copy_from(buffcopy2, 'caop_linepts')
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_way_nodes
                      SELECT A.caop_id, B.caop_id, C.sequence_id
                      FROM caop_lines A, caop_points B, caop_linepts C
                      WHERE A.line_id = C.line_id
                      AND C.point_id = B.point_id
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_way_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'boundary', 'administrative'
                      FROM caop_lines
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_way_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'admin_level', 8
                      FROM caop_lines

    # Admins -> Relations
    # - bulk copy to a temp table to get a new unique id
    # - bulk copy lines in admins in a temp table
    # - correct outer ways administrative level
    # - insert all tags for administrative area
    logo.DEBUG("Write relations to database")
    buffcopy1 = StringIO()
    buffcopy2 = StringIO()
    for (num, dicofre) in enumerate(admins):
        buffcopy1.write("%d\t" % num)
        buffcopy1.write("%(name)s\t%(level)d\t" % admins[dicofre])
            "SRID=4326;POLYGON((%(x1).7f %(y1).7f,%(x1).7f %(y2).7f,%(x2).7f %(y2).7f,%(x2).7f %(y1).7f,%(x1).7f %(y1).7f))\n"
            % dict(zip(['x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2'], admins[dicofre]['bbox'])))
        sequenceid = 0
        for role in ("outer", "inner"):
            for lineid in admins[dicofre][role]:
                buffcopy2.write("%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\n" %
                                (num, lineid, role, sequenceid))
                sequenceid += 1
        if admins[dicofre]['level'] < 8:
                """UPDATE caop_way_tags SET v = %(level)s
                              FROM caop_lines A
                              WHERE caop_way_tags.caop_id = A.caop_id
                              AND A.line_id IN %(outer)s
                              AND k = 'admin_level'
                              AND v::int > %(level)s
                           """, admins[dicofre])
                     columns=('admin_id', 'name', 'level', 'bbox'))
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relations (caop_id, bbox)
                      SELECT caop_id, bbox FROM caop_admins
    cursor.copy_from(buffcopy2, 'caop_adminlines')
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_members
                      SELECT A.caop_id, B.caop_id, 'W', C.role, C.sequence_id
                      FROM caop_admins A, caop_lines B, caop_adminlines C
                      WHERE A.admin_id = C.admin_id
                      AND C.line_id = B.line_id
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'type', 'boundary'
                      FROM caop_admins
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'boundary', 'administrative'
                      FROM caop_admins
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'admin_level', level::text
                      FROM caop_admins
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'name', name
                      FROM caop_admins
Exemplo n.º 18
def verify_admin(shapeu, admins):
    Check that all administrative area are closed.

    Also search for inner ring and update 'admins'.

    logo.starting("Verify admin area", len(admins))
    verifyinner = {}
    for dicofre in admins:
        logo.DEBUG("Area level=%(level)d '%(name)s'" % admins[dicofre])

        # Administrative areas read from the shapefile are also checked
        # and dispatched into outer/inner ring, even if technically only
        # the upper and reconstructed admin level need it (the shapefile
        # already knows what's outer and inner, but we avoid a special
        # case and it cannot fail unless something was really wrong).
        closedrings = FindClosedRings(shapeu, admins[dicofre]["outer"])
        if not closedrings.isValid():
            logo.ERROR("Area '%s' (DICOFRE=%s) not a valid closed ring\n"
                       % (admins[dicofre]["name"], dicofre) )
            for ring, pntid1, pntid2 in closedrings.iterRingDiscarded():
                lineids = closedrings.getLineDiscarded(ring)
                if pntid1 == pntid2:
                    logo.WARN("Ring with %d lines is self-intersecting, still building admin area with this defect"
                              % len(lineids))
                    points = closedrings.getGeometryDiscarded(ring)
                    logo.WARN("Ring with %d lines is open at %s -> %s, still building admin area with this defect"
                               % (len(lineids), points[0], points[-1]))
            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = closedrings.getExtentLineDiscarded()
            admins[dicofre]["bbox"] = [ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ]

        # Moving lineids from outer to inner and compute envelope
        for outer, inner in closedrings.iterPolygons():
            for ring in inner:
                lineids = closedrings.getLineRing(ring)
                for line in lineids:
                    # Remember lines used in inner ring for later verification
                    key = (line, admins[dicofre]["level"])
                    verifyinner[key] = [dicofre]

            # Bounding box on outer rings
            xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = closedrings.getExtentRing(outer)
            if not admins[dicofre]["bbox"]:
                admins[dicofre]["bbox"] = [ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ]
                if xmin < admins[dicofre]["bbox"][0]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][0] = xmin
                if xmax > admins[dicofre]["bbox"][1]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][1] = xmax
                if ymin < admins[dicofre]["bbox"][2]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][2] = ymin
                if ymax > admins[dicofre]["bbox"][3]:
                    admins[dicofre]["bbox"][3] = ymax


    # Each inner line on each admin level should be used as outer line
    # in one and only one admin area with the same level
    for dicofre in admins:
        for line in admins[dicofre]["outer"]:
            key = (line, admins[dicofre]["level"])
            if key in verifyinner:
    for key in verifyinner:
        if len(verifyinner[key]) != 2:
            dicofre = verifyinner[key][0]
            if len(verifyinner[key]) == 1:
                logo.ERROR("Inner line in area '%s' (DICOFRE=%s) not present as outer in any admin area with level=%d\n"
                           % (admins[dicofre]["name"], dicofre,
                logo.ERROR("Inner line in area '%s' (DICOFRE=%s) exist as multiple outer in level=%d : %s\n"
                           % (admins[dicofre]["name"], dicofre,
                              ', '.join([ "%s (DICOFRE=%s)" % (
                                             admins[i]["name"], i)
                                          for i in verifyinner[key][1:] ]))
Exemplo n.º 19
def import_caop(db, shapeu, admins):
    Import with an unique id all nodes, ways, relations.

    cursor = db.cursor()
    logo.starting("Saving nodes, ways, relations",
                  shapeu.nbrPoints() + shapeu.nbrLines() + len(admins))

    # Points -> Nodes
    # - bulk copy to a temp table to get a new unique id
    # - do only one big insert with new ids to the finale table
    logo.DEBUG("Write nodes to database")
    buffcopy = StringIO()
    for pointid, coord in shapeu.iterPoints():
        pointEwkt = "SRID=4326;POINT(%.7f %.7f)" % (coord[0], coord[1])
        buffcopy.write("%d\t%s\n" % (pointid, pointEwkt))
    cursor.copy_from(buffcopy, 'caop_points', columns=('point_id', 'geom'))
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_nodes (caop_id, geom)
                      SELECT caop_id, geom FROM caop_points

    # Lines -> Ways
    # - bulk copy to a temp table to get a new unique id
    # - bulk copy points in lines in a temp table
    # - insert all ways with new ids as administrative level 8
    logo.DEBUG("Write ways to database")
    buffcopy1 = StringIO()
    buffcopy2 = StringIO()
    for lineid, pntids in shapeu.iterLines():
        buffcopy1.write("%d\n" % lineid)
        for orderpntid in enumerate(pntids):
            buffcopy2.write("%d\t" % lineid)
            buffcopy2.write("%d\t%d\n" % orderpntid)
    cursor.copy_from(buffcopy1, 'caop_lines', columns=('line_id',))
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_ways (caop_id)
                      SELECT caop_id FROM caop_lines
    cursor.copy_from(buffcopy2, 'caop_linepts')
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_way_nodes
                      SELECT A.caop_id, B.caop_id, C.sequence_id
                      FROM caop_lines A, caop_points B, caop_linepts C
                      WHERE A.line_id = C.line_id
                      AND C.point_id = B.point_id
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_way_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'boundary', 'administrative'
                      FROM caop_lines
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_way_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'admin_level', 8
                      FROM caop_lines

    # Admins -> Relations
    # - bulk copy to a temp table to get a new unique id
    # - bulk copy lines in admins in a temp table
    # - correct outer ways administrative level
    # - insert all tags for administrative area
    logo.DEBUG("Write relations to database")
    buffcopy1 = StringIO()
    buffcopy2 = StringIO()
    for (num,dicofre) in enumerate(admins):
        buffcopy1.write("%d\t" % num)
        buffcopy1.write("%(name)s\t%(level)d\t" % admins[dicofre])
        buffcopy1.write("SRID=4326;POLYGON((%(x1).7f %(y1).7f,%(x1).7f %(y2).7f,%(x2).7f %(y2).7f,%(x2).7f %(y1).7f,%(x1).7f %(y1).7f))\n" % dict(zip(['x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2'], admins[dicofre]['bbox'])) )
        sequenceid = 0
        for role in ("outer", "inner"):
            for lineid in admins[dicofre][role]:
                buffcopy2.write("%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\n" % (
                                num, lineid, role, sequenceid))
                sequenceid += 1
        if admins[dicofre]['level'] < 8:
            cursor.execute("""UPDATE caop_way_tags SET v = %(level)s
                              FROM caop_lines A
                              WHERE caop_way_tags.caop_id = A.caop_id
                              AND A.line_id IN %(outer)s
                              AND k = 'admin_level'
                              AND v::int > %(level)s
                           """, admins[dicofre])
    cursor.copy_from(buffcopy1, 'caop_admins', columns=('admin_id', 'name',
                                                        'level', 'bbox'))
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relations (caop_id, bbox)
                      SELECT caop_id, bbox FROM caop_admins
    cursor.copy_from(buffcopy2, 'caop_adminlines')
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_members
                      SELECT A.caop_id, B.caop_id, 'W', C.role, C.sequence_id
                      FROM caop_admins A, caop_lines B, caop_adminlines C
                      WHERE A.admin_id = C.admin_id
                      AND C.line_id = B.line_id
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'type', 'boundary'
                      FROM caop_admins
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'boundary', 'administrative'
                      FROM caop_admins
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'admin_level', level::text
                      FROM caop_admins
    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO caop_relation_tags
                      SELECT caop_id, 'name', name
                      FROM caop_admins
Exemplo n.º 20
def admin_CAOP(filename, shapeu, admins):
    Reread the shapefile and build each administrative entity.

    Geometry described by a set of lines, attributes converted to UTF8.

    shapefile = ogr.Open(filename)
    layer = shapefile.GetLayer(0)
    layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn()

    # Detect if we are dealing with Portugal or the autonomous regions
    if layerDef.GetFieldIndex("DISTRITO") != -1:
        logo.DEBUG("Found DISTRITO using admin level 6, 7, 8")
        isregion = False
        toplevel = "DISTRITO"
    elif layerDef.GetFieldIndex("ILHA") != -1:
        logo.DEBUG("Found ILHA using admin level 4, 7, 8")
        isregion = True
        toplevel = "ILHA"

    # Reproject on the fly
    srcSpatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef()
    dstSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srcSpatialRef, dstSpatialRef)

    # Reread each polygon and create the right administrative area
    logo.starting("Attributes read", layer.GetFeatureCount())
    for featnum in xrange(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
        feature = layer.GetFeature(featnum)
        geometry  = feature.GetGeometryRef()
        newgeometry = geometry.Clone()
        dicofre   = feature.GetField("DICOFRE")
        distrito  = convertname(feature.GetField(toplevel))
        municipio = convertname(feature.GetField("MUNICIPIO"))
        freguesia = convertname(feature.GetField("FREGUESIA"))
        logo.DEBUG("Feature %d %s='%s' MUNICIPIO='%s' FREGUESIA='%s'" % (
                   featnum, toplevel, distrito,
                   municipio, freguesia))

        # Distrito or Region
        if isregion:
            dicofre1  = dicofre[0:1]
            if not admins.has_key(dicofre1):
                # Extract archipelago name from island name
                m = re.search("\(([^)]+)\)", distrito)
                if m:
                    distrito = m.group(1)
                admins[dicofre1] = { "name" : distrito,
                                     "level" : 4,
                                     "inner" : set(),
                                     "outer" : set(),
                                     "bbox" : None
            dicofre1  = dicofre[0:2]
            if not admins.has_key(dicofre1):
                admins[dicofre1] = { "name" : distrito,
                                     "level" : 6,
                                     "inner" : set(),
                                     "outer" : set(),
                                     "bbox" : None

        # Municipio
        dicofre2  = dicofre[0:4]
        if not admins.has_key(dicofre2):
            admins[dicofre2] = { "name" : municipio,
                                 "level" : 7,
                                 "inner" : set(),
                                 "outer" : set(),
                                 "bbox" : None

        # Freguesia
        if not admins.has_key(dicofre):
            admins[dicofre]  = { "name" : freguesia,
                                 "level" : 8,
                                 "inner" : set(),
                                 "outer" : set(),
                                 "bbox" : None

        # Build sets of lineid, don't distinguish outer and inner rings
        # we deal it later when verifying and grouping rings
        lineset = set()
        for i in xrange(newgeometry.GetGeometryCount()):
            ring = newgeometry.GetGeometryRef(i)
            pntinring = []
            for pnt in xrange(ring.GetPointCount()):
                lon, lat = ring.GetPoint_2D(pnt)
                pointid = shapeu.getPoint(lon, lat)
                if pointid is not None:

            if pntinring[0] != pntinring[-1]:
                # Simplification have broken the ring,
                # starting point was in the middle of a simplified line

            for pnt in xrange(1, len(pntinring)):
                if pntinring[pnt-1] ==  pntinring[pnt]:
                    # If 2 coordinates after rounding give the same point id
                    # (safety measure, normaly doesn't happen)
                segment = shapeu.getSegment(pntinring[pnt-1], pntinring[pnt])

        # Update each administrative level