Exemplo n.º 1
def eq_assoc(u, v, eq=core.eq, n=None):
    """ Goal for associative equality

    >>> from logpy import run, var, fact
    >>> from logpy.assoccomm import eq_assoc as eq

    >>> fact(commutative, 'add')    # declare that 'add' is commutative
    >>> fact(associative, 'add')    # declare that 'add' is associative

    >>> x = var()
    >>> run(0, x, eq(('add', 1, 2, 3), ('add', 1, x)))
    (('add', 2, 3),)
    op = var()
    if isinstance(u, tuple) and isinstance(v, tuple):
        return conde([(core.eq, u, v)],
                     [(heado, op, u), (heado, op, v), (associative, op),
                      lambda s: assocunify(u, v, s, eq, n)])

    if isinstance(u, tuple) or isinstance(v, tuple):
        if isinstance(v, tuple):
            v, u = u, v
        return conde([(core.eq, u, v)],
                     [(heado, op, u), (associative, op),
                      lambda s: assocunify(u, v, s, eq, n)])

    return (core.eq, u, v)
Exemplo n.º 2
def eq_assoc(u, v, eq=core.eq, n=None):
    """ Goal for associative equality

    >>> from logpy import run, var, fact
    >>> from logpy.assoccomm import eq_assoc as eq

    >>> fact(commutative, 'add')    # declare that 'add' is commutative
    >>> fact(associative, 'add')    # declare that 'add' is associative

    >>> x = var()
    >>> run(0, x, eq(('add', 1, 2, 3), ('add', 1, x)))
    (('add', 2, 3),)
    uop, uargs = op_args(u)
    vop, vargs = op_args(v)
    if uop and vop:
        return conde([(core.eq, u, v)],
                     [(eq, uop, vop), (associative, uop),
                      lambda s: assocunify(u, v, s, eq, n)])

    if uop or vop:
        if vop:
            uop, vop = vop, uop
            uargs, vargs = vargs, uargs
            v, u = u, v
        return conde([(core.eq, u, v)],
                     [(associative, uop),
                      lambda s: assocunify(u, v, s, eq, n)])

    return (core.eq, u, v)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_run():
    x, y, z = map(var, "xyz")
    assert run(1, x, eq(x, 1)) == (1,)
    assert run(2, x, eq(x, 1)) == (1,)
    assert run(0, x, eq(x, 1)) == (1,)
    assert run(1, x, eq(x, (y, z)), eq(y, 3), eq(z, 4)) == ((3, 4),)
    assert set(run(2, x, conde([eq(x, 1)], [eq(x, 2)]))) == set((1, 2))
Exemplo n.º 4
def eq_assoccomm(u, v):
    """ Associative/Commutative eq

    Works like logic.core.eq but supports associative/commutative expr trees

    tree-format:  (op, *args)
    example:      (add, 1, 2, 3)

    State that operations are associative or commutative with relations

    >>> from logpy.assoccomm import eq_assoccomm as eq
    >>> from logpy.assoccomm import commutative, associative
    >>> from logpy import fact, run, var

    >>> fact(commutative, 'add')    # declare that 'add' is commutative

    >>> x = var
    >>> e1 = ('add', 1, 2, 3)
    >>> e2 = ('add', 1, x)
    >>> run(0, x, eq(e1, e2))
    (('add', 2, 3), ('add', 3, 2))
    op = var()
    return conde(((eq, u, v),),
                 ((opo, u, op), (opo, v, op),
                        ((commutative, op), (eq_comm, u, v)),
                        ((associative, op), (eq_assoc, u, v)))))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_run():
    x, y, z = map(var, 'xyz')
    assert run(1, x, eq(x, 1)) == (1, )
    assert run(2, x, eq(x, 1)) == (1, )
    assert run(0, x, eq(x, 1)) == (1, )
    assert run(1, x, eq(x, (y, z)), eq(y, 3), eq(z, 4)) == ((3, 4), )
    assert set(run(2, x, conde([eq(x, 1)], [eq(x, 2)]))) == set((1, 2))
Exemplo n.º 6
def opo(x, op):
    """ Operation of a tuple

    op((add, 1, 2), x) --> {x: add}
    h = var()
    return conde(((heado, h, x), (operation, h), (eq, h, op)))
Exemplo n.º 7
def eq_assoc(u, v, eq=core.eq):
    """ Goal for associative equality

    >>> from logpy import run, var
    >>> from logpy.assoccomm import eq_assoc as eq

    >>> fact(commutative, 'add')    # declare that 'add' is commutative
    >>> fact(associative, 'add')    # declare that 'add' is associative

    >>> x = var()
    >>> run(0, eq(('add', 1, 2, 3), ('add', 1, x)))
    (('add', 2, 3),)
    op = var()
    return conde([(core.eq, u, v)],
                 [(heado, op, u), (heado, op, v), (associative, op),
                  lambda s: assocunify(u, v, s, eq)])
Exemplo n.º 8
def unify_assoccomm(u, v, s, ordering=None):
    u = walk(u, s)
    v = walk(v, s)
    res = unify(u, v, s)
    if res is not False:
        yield res

    if isinstance(u, tuple) and isinstance(v, tuple):
        uop, u = u[0], u[1:]
        vop, v = v[0], v[1:]

        s = unify(uop, vop, s)
        if s is False:
            raise StopIteration()

        op = walk(uop, s)

        sm, lg = (u, v) if len(u) <= len(v) else (v, u)
        for part in kbins(range(len(lg)), len(sm), ordering):
            lg2 = makeops(op, partition(lg, part))
            # TODO: we use logpy code within python within logpy
            # There must be a more elegant way
            for res in conde((eq_assoccomm, a, b) for a, b in zip(sm, lg2))(s):
                yield res
Exemplo n.º 9
 def grandparent(x, z):
     y = var()
     return conde((parent(x, y), parent(y, z)))
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_conde():
    x = var("x")
    assert results(conde([eq(x, 2)], [eq(x, 3)])) == ({x: 2}, {x: 3})
    assert results(conde([eq(x, 2), eq(x, 3)])) == ()
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_conde():
    x = var('x')
    assert tuple(conde([eq(x, 2)], [eq(x, 3)])({})) == ({x: 2}, {x: 3})
    assert tuple(conde([eq(x, 2), eq(x, 3)])({})) == ()
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_conde():
    x = var('x')
    assert results(conde([eq(x, 2)], [eq(x, 3)])) == ({x: 2}, {x: 3})
    assert results(conde([eq(x, 2), eq(x, 3)])) == ()
Exemplo n.º 13
def operation(op):
    """ Either an associative or commutative operation """
    return conde([commutative(op)], [associative(op)])
Exemplo n.º 14
 def grandparent(x, z):
     y = var()
     return conde((parent(x, y), parent(y, z)))