Exemplo n.º 1
def clone_column(column, new_workflow=None, new_name=None):
    Function that given a column clones it and changes workflow and name
    :param column: Object to clone
    :param new_workflow: New workflow object to point
    :param new_name: New name
    :return: Cloned object
    # Store the old object name before squashing it
    old_id = column.id
    old_name = column.name

    # Clone
    column.id = None

    # Update some of the fields
    if new_name:
        column.name = new_name
    if new_workflow:
        column.workflow = new_workflow

    # Update

    # Add the column to the table and update it.
    data_frame = pandas_db.load_from_db(column.workflow.id)
    data_frame[new_name] = data_frame[old_name]
    ops.store_dataframe_in_db(data_frame, column.workflow.id)

    return column
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: ops.py Projeto: Lukahm/ontask
def reposition_column_and_update_df(workflow, column, to_idx):

    :param workflow: Workflow object for which the repositioning is done
    :param column: column object to relocate
    :param to_idx: Destination index of the given column
    :return: Content reflected in the DB

    df = pandas_db.load_from_db(workflow.id)
    reposition_columns(workflow, column.position, to_idx)
    column.position = to_idx
    ops.store_dataframe_in_db(df, workflow.id)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: ops.py Projeto: Lukahm/ontask
def clone_column(column, new_workflow=None, new_name=None):
    Function that given a column clones it and changes workflow and name
    :param column: Object to clone
    :param new_workflow: New workflow object to point
    :param new_name: New name
    :return: Cloned object
    # Store the old object name before squashing it
    old_name = column.name
    old_position = column.position

    # Clone
    column.id = None

    # Update some of the fields
    if new_name:
        column.name = new_name
    if new_workflow:
        column.workflow = new_workflow

    # Set column at the end
    column.position = column.workflow.ncols + 1

    # Update the number of columns in the workflow
    column.workflow.ncols += 1

    # Reposition the columns above the one being deleted
    reposition_columns(column.workflow, column.position, old_position + 1)

    # Set the new column in the right location
    column.position = old_position + 1

    # Add the column to the table and update it.
    data_frame = pandas_db.load_from_db(column.workflow.id)
    data_frame[new_name] = data_frame[old_name]
    ops.store_dataframe_in_db(data_frame, column.workflow.id)

    return column
Exemplo n.º 4
def row_create(request):
    Receives a POST request to create a new row in the data table
    :param request: Request object with all the data.

    # If there is no workflow object, go back to the index
    workflow = get_workflow(request)
    if not workflow:
        return redirect('workflow:index')

    # If the workflow has no data, the operation should not be allowed
    if workflow.nrows == 0:
        return redirect('dataops:list')

    # Create the form
    form = RowForm(request.POST or None, workflow=workflow)

    if request.method == 'GET' or not form.is_valid():
        return render(
            request, 'dataops/row_create.html', {
                'workflow': workflow,
                'form': form,
                'cancel_url': reverse('table:display')

    # Create the query to update the row
    columns = workflow.get_columns()
    column_names = [c.name for c in columns]
    field_name = field_prefix + '%s'
    row_vals = [
        form.cleaned_data[field_name % idx] for idx in range(len(columns))

    # Load the existing df from the db
    df = pandas_db.load_from_db(workflow.id)

    # Perform the row addition in the DF first
    # df2 = pd.DataFrame([[5, 6], [7, 8]], columns=list('AB'))
    # df.append(df2, ignore_index=True)
    new_row = pd.DataFrame([row_vals], columns=column_names)
    df = df.append(new_row, ignore_index=True)

    # Verify that the unique columns remain unique
    for ucol in [c for c in columns if c.is_key]:
        if not ops.is_unique_column(df[ucol.name]):
                None, 'Repeated value in column ' + ucol.name + '.' +
                ' It must be different to maintain Key property')
            return render(
                request, 'dataops/row_create.html', {
                    'workflow': workflow,
                    'form': form,
                    'cancel_url': reverse('table:display')

    # Restore the dataframe to the DB
    ops.store_dataframe_in_db(df, workflow.id)

    # Log the event
    log_payload = zip(column_names, [str(x) for x in row_vals])
    logs.ops.put(request.user, 'tablerow_create', workflow, {
        'id': workflow.id,
        'name': workflow.name,
        'new_values': log_payload

    # Done. Back to the table view
    return redirect('table:display')
Exemplo n.º 5
def trck(request):
    Receive a request with a token from email read tracking
    :param request: Request object
    :return: Reflects in the DB the reception and (optionally) in the data 
    table of the workflow
    if request.method != 'GET':
        raise Http404

    # Detected attempt to track event
    track_id = request.GET.get('v', None)
    if not track_id:
        raise Http404

    # If the track_id is not correctly signed, out.
        track_id = signing.loads(track_id)
    except signing.BadSignature:
        raise Http404

    # The request is legit and the value has been verified. Track_id has now
    # the dictionary with the information included in the tracking

    # Get the objects related to the ping
        user = get_user_model().objects.get(email=track_id['sender'])
        action = Action.objects.get(pk=track_id['action'])
    except Exception:
        raise Http404

    # If the track comes with column_dst, the event needs to be reflected
    # back in the data frame
    column_dst = track_id.get('column_dst', '')

    if column_dst:
        # Load the dataframe
        data_frame = pandas_db.load_from_db(action.workflow.id)

        # Extract the relevant fields from the track_id
        column_to = track_id['column_to']
        msg_to = track_id['to']
        track_col_name = track_id['column_dst']
        # New val in DF: df.loc[df['a']==1,'b'] = VAL
        data_frame.loc[data_frame[column_to] == msg_to, track_col_name] += 1

        # Save DF
        ops.store_dataframe_in_db(data_frame, action.workflow.id)

        # Get the tracking column and update all the conditions in the
        # actions that have this column as part of their formulas
        track_col = action.workflow.columns.get(name=track_col_name)
        for action in action.workflow.actions.all():

    # Record the event
            'to': track_id['to'],  # The destination of the email
            track_id['column_to'],  # The column used to get the
            'column_dst': column_dst

    return HttpResponse(settings.PIXEL, content_type='image/png')
Exemplo n.º 6
def send_messages(user, action, subject, email_column, canvas_id_column,
                  from_email, send_to_canvas, send_confirmation, track_read):
    Performs the submission of the emails for the given action and with the
    given subject. The subject will be evaluated also with respect to the
    rows, attributes, and conditions.
    :param user: User object that executed the action
    :param action: Action from where to take the messages
    :param subject: Email subject
    :param email_column: Name of the column from which to extract emails
    :param from_email: Email of the sender
    :param send_confirmation: Boolean to send confirmation to sender
    :param track_read: Should read tracking be included?
    :return: Send the emails

    # Evaluate the action string, evaluate the subject, and get the value of
    # the email colummn.
    result = evaluate_action(action,
    # this is for canvas inbox
    recipients_list = []
    result_2nd = evaluate_action_canvas(action,

    # Check the type of the result to see if it was successful
    if not isinstance(result, list):
        # Something went wrong. The result contains a message
        return result

    track_col_name = ''
    data_frame = None
    if track_read:
        data_frame = pandas_db.load_from_db(action.workflow.id)
        # Make sure the column name does not collide with an existing one
        i = 0  # Suffix to rename
        while True:
            i += 1
            track_col_name = 'EmailRead_{0}'.format(i)
            if track_col_name not in data_frame.columns:

    # CC the message to canvas conversation Api if the box send_to_canvas is ticked
    if send_to_canvas:
        msgs = []
        for msg_body, msg_subject, msg_to in result_2nd:

            # Get the plain text content and bundle it together with the HTML in
            # a message to be added to the list.
            text_content = strip_tags(msg_body)
            #msg.attach_alternative(msg_body + track_str, "text/html")

            # send a plain text copy to canvas inbox
            p = post_to_canvas_api()
            p.set_payload(True, '', '', recipients_list, msg_subject,
            r = p.post_to_conversation(p.access_token, p.payload)
            # extracting response text
            pastebin_url = r.text

        except Exception as e:
            # Something went wrong, notify above
            return str(e)

    # Update the number of filtered rows if the action has a filter (table
    # might have changed)
    filter = action.conditions.filter(is_filter=True).first()
    if filter and filter.n_rows_selected != len(result):
        filter.n_rows_selected = len(result)

    # Everything seemed to work to create the messages.
    msgs = []
    for msg_body, msg_subject, msg_to in result:

        # If read tracking is on, add suffix for message (or empty)
        if track_read:
            # The track id must identify: action & user
            track_id = {
                'action': action.id,
                'sender': user.email,
                'to': msg_to,
                'column_to': email_column,
                'column_dst': track_col_name

            track_str = \
                """<img src="https://{0}{1}{2}?v={3}" alt="" 
                    style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden"/>""".format(
            track_str = ''

        # Get the plain text content and bundle it together with the HTML in
        # a message to be added to the list.
        text_content = strip_tags(msg_body)
        msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(msg_subject, text_content, from_email,
        msg.attach_alternative(msg_body + track_str, "text/html")

    # Mass mail!
        connection = mail.get_connection()
    except Exception as e:
        # Something went wrong, notify above
        return str(e)

    # Add the column if needed
    if track_read:
        # Create the new column and store
        column = Column(name=track_col_name,
                        position=action.workflow.ncols + 1)

        # Increase the number of columns in the workflow
        action.workflow.ncols += 1

        # Initial value in the data frame and store the table
        data_frame[track_col_name] = 0
        ops.store_dataframe_in_db(data_frame, action.workflow.id)

    # Log the events (one per email)
    now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone(ontask_settings.TIME_ZONE))
    context = {
        'user': user.id,
        'action': action.id,
        'email_sent_datetime': str(now),
    for msg in msgs:
        context['subject'] = msg.subject
        context['body'] = msg.body
        context['from_email'] = msg.from_email
        context['to_email'] = msg.to[0]
        logs.ops.put(user, 'action_email_sent', action.workflow, context)

    # Log the event
        user, 'action_email_sent', action.workflow, {
            'user': user.id,
            'action': action.name,
            'num_messages': len(msgs),
            'email_sent_datetime': str(now),
            'filter_present': filter is not None,
            'num_rows': action.workflow.nrows,
            'subject': subject,
            'from_email': user.email

    # If no confirmation email is required, done
    if not send_confirmation:
        return None

    # Creating the context for the personal email
    context = {
        'user': user,
        'action': action,
        'num_messages': len(msgs),
        'email_sent_datetime': now,
        'filter_present': filter is not None,
        'num_rows': action.workflow.nrows,
        'num_selected': filter.n_rows_selected if filter else -1

    # Create template and render with context
        html_content = Template(str(getattr(settings,
        text_content = strip_tags(html_content)
    except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
        return 'Syntax error detected in OnTask notification template (' + \
               e.message + ')'

    # Log the event
        user, 'action_email_notify', action.workflow, {
            'user': user.id,
            'action': action.id,
            'num_messages': len(msgs),
            'email_sent_datetime': str(now),
            'filter_present': filter is not None,
            'num_rows': action.workflow.nrows,
            'subject': str(getattr(settings, 'NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT')),
            'body': text_content,
            'from_email': str(getattr(settings, 'NOTIFICATION_SENDER')),
            'to_email': [user.email]

    # Send email out
        send_mail(str(getattr(settings, 'NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT')),
                  str(getattr(settings, 'NOTIFICATION_SENDER')), [user.email],
    except Exception as e:
        return 'An error occurred when sending your notification: ' + e.message

    return None
Exemplo n.º 7
def clone(request, pk):
    AJAX view to clone a workflow
    :param request: HTTP request
    :param pk: Workflow id
    :return: JSON data

    # JSON response
    data = dict()

    # Get the current workflow
    workflow = get_workflow(request, pk)
    if not workflow:
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = reverse('workflow:index')
        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Initial data in the context
    data['form_is_valid'] = False
    context = {'pk': pk, 'name': workflow.name}

    if request.method == 'GET':
        data['html_form'] = render_to_string(
        return JsonResponse(data)


    # Get the new name appending as many times as needed the 'Copy of '
    new_name = 'Copy of ' + workflow.name
    while Workflow.objects.filter(name=new_name).exists():
        new_name = 'Copy of ' + new_name

    workflow.id = None
    workflow.name = new_name
    except IntegrityError:
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = reverse('workflow:details',
                                        kwargs={'pk': workflow.id})
        messages.error(request, 'Unable to clone workflow')
        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Get the initial object back
    workflow_new = workflow
    workflow = get_workflow(request, pk)

    # Clone the data frame
    data_frame = pandas_db.load_from_db(workflow.pk)
    ops.store_dataframe_in_db(data_frame, workflow_new.id)

    # Clone actions
    action.ops.clone_actions([a for a in workflow.actions.all()], workflow_new)

    # Done!

    # Log event
        request.user, 'workflow_clone', workflow_new, {
            'id_old': workflow_new.id,
            'id_new': workflow.id,
            'name_old': workflow_new.name,
            'name_new': workflow.name

    messages.success(request, 'Workflow successfully cloned.')
    data['form_is_valid'] = True
    data['html_redirect'] = ""  # Reload page

    return JsonResponse(data)
Exemplo n.º 8
def column_add(request):
    # TODO: Encapsulate operations in a function so that is available for the
    #  API
    # Data to send as JSON response
    data = {}

    # Get the workflow element
    workflow = get_workflow(request)
    if not workflow:
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = reverse('workflow:index')
        return JsonResponse(data)

    if workflow.nrows == 0:
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = ''
            _('Cannot add column to a workflow without data')
        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Form to read/process data
    form = ColumnAddForm(request.POST or None, workflow=workflow)

    # If a GET or incorrect request, render the form again
    if request.method == 'GET' or not form.is_valid():
        data['html_form'] = render_to_string(
            {'form': form,
             'add': True},

        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Processing now a valid POST request
    # Access the updated information
    column_initial_value = form.initial_valid_value

    # Save the column object attached to the form
    column = form.save(commit=False)

    # Fill in the remaining fields in the column
    column.workflow = workflow
    column.is_key = False

    # Update the data frame, which must be stored in the form because
    # it was loaded when validating it.
    df = pandas_db.load_from_db(workflow.id)

    # Add the column with the initial value
    df = ops.data_frame_add_column(df, column, column_initial_value)

    # Update the column type with the value extracted from the data frame
    column.data_type = \

    # Update the positions of the appropriate columns
    workflow.reposition_columns(workflow.ncols + 1, column.position)


    # Store the df to DB
    ops.store_dataframe_in_db(df, workflow.id)

    # Log the event
                 {'id': workflow.id,
                  'name': workflow.name,
                  'column_name': column.name,
                  'column_type': column.data_type})

    data['form_is_valid'] = True
    data['html_redirect'] = ''
    return JsonResponse(data)
Exemplo n.º 9
def column_edit(request, pk):
    # TODO: Encapsulate operations in a function so that is available for the
    #  API
    # Data to send as JSON response
    data = {}

    # Get the workflow element
    workflow = get_workflow(request)
    if not workflow:
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = reverse('workflow:index')
        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Get the column object and make sure it belongs to the workflow
        column = Column.objects.get(pk=pk,
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        # Something went wrong, redirect to the workflow detail page
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = reverse('workflow:detail',
                                        kwargs={'pk': workflow.id})
        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Form to read/process data
    form = ColumnRenameForm(request.POST or None,

    old_name = column.name
    # Keep a copy of the previous position
    old_position = column.position
    context = {'form': form,
               'cname': old_name,
               'pk': pk}

    if request.method == 'GET' or not form.is_valid():
        data['html_form'] = render_to_string(

        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Processing a POST request with valid data in the form

    # Process further only if any data changed.
    if form.changed_data:

        # Some field changed value, so save the result, but
        # no commit as we need to propagate the info to the df
        column = form.save(commit=False)

        # Get the data frame from the form (should be
        # loaded)
        df = form.data_frame

        # If there is a new name, rename the data frame columns
        if 'name' in form.changed_data:
            # Rename the column in the data frame
            df = ops.rename_df_column(df,

        if 'position' in form.changed_data:
            # Update the positions of the appropriate columns
            workflow.reposition_columns(old_position, column.position)

        # Save the column information

        # Changes in column require rebuilding the query_builder_ops

        # Save the workflow

        # And save the DF in the DB
        ops.store_dataframe_in_db(df, workflow.id)

    data['form_is_valid'] = True
    data['html_redirect'] = ''

    # Log the event
                 {'id': workflow.id,
                  'name': workflow.name,
                  'column_name': old_name,
                  'new_name': column.name})

    # Done processing the correct POST request
    return JsonResponse(data)
Exemplo n.º 10
def formula_column_add(request):
    # TODO: Encapsulate operations in a function so that is available for the
    #  API
    # Data to send as JSON response, in principle, assume form is not valid
    data = {'form_is_valid': False}

    # Get the workflow element
    workflow = get_workflow(request)
    if not workflow:
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = reverse('workflow:index')
        return JsonResponse(data)

    if workflow.nrows == 0:
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = ''
            _('Cannot add column to a workflow without data')
        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Form to read/process data
    form = FormulaColumnAddForm(
        data=request.POST or None,

    # If a GET or incorrect request, render the form again
    if request.method == 'GET' or not form.is_valid():
        data['html_form'] = render_to_string(
            {'form': form},

        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Processing now a valid POST request

    # Save the column object attached to the form and add additional fields
    column = form.save(commit=False)
    column.workflow = workflow
    column.is_key = False

    # Save the instance
        column = form.save()
    except IntegrityError as e:
        form.add_error('name', _('A column with that name already exists'))
        data['html_form'] = render_to_string(
            {'form': form},
        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Update the data frame
    df = pandas_db.load_from_db(workflow.id)

        # Add the column with the appropriate computation
        operation = form.cleaned_data['op_type']
        cnames = [c.name for c in form.selected_columns]
        if operation == 'sum':
            df[column.name] = df[cnames].sum(axis=1)
        elif operation == 'prod':
            df[column.name] = df[cnames].prod(axis=1)
        elif operation == 'max':
            df[column.name] = df[cnames].max(axis=1)
        elif operation == 'min':
            df[column.name] = df[cnames].min(axis=1)
        elif operation == 'mean':
            df[column.name] = df[cnames].mean(axis=1)
        elif operation == 'median':
            df[column.name] = df[cnames].median(axis=1)
        elif operation == 'std':
            df[column.name] = df[cnames].std(axis=1)
        elif operation == 'all':
            df[column.name] = df[cnames].all(axis=1)
        elif operation == 'any':
            df[column.name] = df[cnames].any(axis=1)
            raise Exception(
                _('Operand {0} not implemented').format(operation)
    except Exception as e:
        # Something went wrong in pandas, we need to remove the column

        # Notify in the form
            _('Unable to perform the requested operation ({0})').format(
        data['html_form'] = render_to_string(
            {'form': form},
        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Populate the column type
    column.data_type = \

    # Update the positions of the appropriate columns
    workflow.reposition_columns(workflow.ncols + 1, column.position)


    # Store the df to DB
    ops.store_dataframe_in_db(df, workflow.id)

    # Log the event
                 {'id': workflow.id,
                  'name': workflow.name,
                  'column_name': column.name,
                  'column_type': column.data_type})

    # The form has been successfully processed
    data['form_is_valid'] = True
    data['html_redirect'] = ''  # Refresh the page
    return JsonResponse(data)
Exemplo n.º 11
def column_add(request):
    # Data to send as JSON response
    data = {}

    # Get the workflow element
    workflow = get_workflow(request)
    if not workflow:
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = reverse('workflow:index')
        return JsonResponse(data)

    if workflow.nrows == 0:
        data['form_is_valid'] = True
        data['html_redirect'] = ''
        messages.error(request, 'Cannot add column to a workflow without data')
        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Form to read/process data
    form = ColumnAddForm(request.POST or None, workflow=workflow)

    # If a GET or incorrect request, render the form again
    if request.method == 'GET' or not form.is_valid():
        data['html_form'] = render_to_string(
            'workflow/includes/partial_column_add.html', {'form': form},

        return JsonResponse(data)

    # Processing now a valid POST request
    # Access the updated information
    column_initial_value = form.initial_valid_value

    # Save the column object attached to the form
    column = form.save(commit=False)

    # Fill in the remaining fields in the column
    column.workflow = workflow
    column.is_key = False

    # Update the data frame, which must be stored in the form because
    # it was loaded when validating it.
    df = pandas_db.load_from_db(workflow.id)

    # Add the column with the initial value
    df = ops.data_frame_add_empty_column(df, column.name, column.data_type,
    # Store the df to DB
    ops.store_dataframe_in_db(df, workflow.id)

    # Log the event
        request.user, 'column_add', workflow, {
            'id': workflow.id,
            'name': workflow.name,
            'column_name': column.name,
            'column_type': column.data_type

    data['form_is_valid'] = True
    data['html_redirect'] = reverse('workflow:detail',
                                    kwargs={'pk': workflow.id})
    return JsonResponse(data)