def setupMain(Env): params = logs.parse_args() Env.systemverilog = '-sv' in params Env.params = params if (len(params.keys()) == 1): if (params['fnames'] == []): print_help() logs.log_info('nothing given to do. exiting.') return Fnames = params['fnames'] logs.log_info('fnames: %s' % (str(Fnames))) if ('-rundir' in params): Env.rundir = params['-rundir'][0] if not os.path.exists(Env.rundir): os.mkdir(Env.rundir) else: Env.rundir = '.' if ('-y' in params): Env.SearchDirs.extend(params['-y']) if ('-ext' in params): Env.VerilogExtensions.extend(params['-ext']) Env.GateLevelRead = ('-glv' in params) Env.read_verilog_file = read_verilog_file Env.read_gate_level_verilog_file = read_gate_level_verilog_file Env.params = params for Fname in Fnames: if Env.GateLevelRead: Env.read_gate_level_verilog_file(Fname, Env.rundir) else: Env.read_verilog_file(Fname, Env.rundir, Env) logs.record_directory(Fname, Env.SearchDirs)
def main(): Params = logs.parse_args() print(Params) Dirnames = Params['fnames'] if '-lim' in Params: db.sizeLimit = int(Params['-lim'][0]) if '-ignore' in Params: db.ignores = Params['-ignore'] if '-m' in Params: db.MMM = Params['-m'] db.DONT = '-dont' in Params if Dirnames == []: help() return for Dir in Dirnames: workOn(Dir)
def main(): global LIB_DFF, LIB_ABC if len(sys.argv) == 1: print(helpString) sys.exit() Args = logs.parse_args() print(Args) mvlgFile = Args['fnames'][0] wrds = mvlgFile.split('/') wrds = wrds[-1].split('.') Top = wrds[0] if '-top' in Args: Top = Args['-top'][0] if '-dff' in Args: LIB_DFF = Args['-dff'][0] if '-abc' in Args: LIB_ABC = Args['-abc'][0] STR = INCFILE if '-flat' in Args: STR += FLAT if '-scheme' in Args: STR += SCHEME wrds = mvlgFile.split('.') if wrds[-1] == 'mvlg': os.system(' %s %s.all' % (mvlgFile, Top)) else: os.system('/bin/cp %s %s.all' % (mvlgFile, Top)) INC = STR.replace('ALLRTL', '%s.all' % (Top)) INC = INC.replace('TOP', Top) INC = INC.replace('LIB_DFF', LIB_DFF) INC = INC.replace('LIB_ABC', LIB_ABC) Finc = open('' % Top, 'w') Finc.write(INC) Finc.close() # os.system('/usr/local//Cellar/yosys/0.9_2/bin/yosys -s | tee log.yosys | tee %s.yosys.log '%(Top,Top)) os.system( '~/external_software/tmp/yosys/yosys -s | tee log.yosys | tee %s.yosys.log ' % (Top, Top))
def main(): Params = parse_args() run_main(Params)
def main(): global observer if len(sys.argv)==1: print HELP print PROTOTYPE return Args = logs.parse_args() if '-help' in Args: print HELP print PROTOTYPE return Fnames =Args['fnames'] Fname= Fnames[0] if len(Fnames)>1: Python = Fnames[1] else: Python = False if '-end' in Args: endTime = int(Args['-end'][-1]) else: endTime = -1 if '-start' in Args: startTime = int(Args['-start'][-1]) else: startTime = 0 if Python: if '.py' in Python: Python = Python[:-3] if '/' in Python: ww = string.split(Python,'/') Path = string.join(ww[:-1],'/') Module = ww[-1] else: Path = '.' Module = Python sys.path.append(Path) exec('global observer; from %s import observer,setVar'%Module) File = open(Fname) if '-path' in Args: mainPaths = Args['-path'] else: mainPaths = False read_headers(File,mainPaths) logs.log_info('loaded %d nets and regs'%(len(Codes.keys()))) if '-print' in Args: Whats = Args['-print'] if 'paths' in Whats: for Path in allPaths: logs.log_info('path %s'%Path) if 'nets' in Whats: for Code in Codes: LL = Codes[Code] for Sig in LL: logs.log_info('net %s %s'%(Code,Sig)) return setVar('startTime',startTime) setVar('endTime',endTime) # skip_to_enddefinitions(File) if Python: work(File,startTime,endTime)
def main(): global observer if len(sys.argv) == 1: print HELP print PROTOTYPE return Args = logs.parse_args() if '-help' in Args: print HELP print PROTOTYPE return Fnames = Args['fnames'] Fname = Fnames[0] if len(Fnames) > 1: Python = Fnames[1] else: Python = False if '-end' in Args: endTime = int(Args['-end'][-1]) else: endTime = -1 if '-start' in Args: startTime = int(Args['-start'][-1]) else: startTime = 0 if Python: if '.py' in Python: Python = Python[:-3] if '/' in Python: ww = string.split(Python, '/') Path = string.join(ww[:-1], '/') Module = ww[-1] else: Path = '.' Module = Python sys.path.append(Path) # exec('global observer; from %s import observer,setVar'%Module) exec('global %s; import %s; addMons(%s. Monitors); %s.peek=peek' % (Module, Module, Module, Module)) Dump = '-dump' in Args if Dump: Foutname = Args['-dump'][0] if '.vcd' not in Foutname: Foutname += '.vcd' Dump = open(Foutname, 'w') if '-path' in Args: mainPaths = Args['-path'] else: mainPaths = False File = open(Fname) read_headers(File, mainPaths, Dump) logs.log_info('loaded %d nets and regs' % (len(Codes.keys()))) if '-print' in Args: Whats = Args['-print'] if 'paths' in Whats: for Path in allPaths: logs.log_info('path %s' % Path) if 'nets' in Whats: for Code in Codes: LL = Codes[Code] for Sig in LL: logs.log_info('net %s %s' % (Code, Sig)) return if Python: setVar('startTime', startTime) setVar('endTime', endTime) work(File, startTime, endTime) if Dump: workDump(File, startTime, endTime, Dump) Dump.close()