def getTemps(self, sensors): ret = {} try: for sens in sensors: if self.firstSensorLoop: log.debug("found sensor address %r, type=%r" % (sens.address, sens.type)) if sens.type != 'DS18S20': continue try: t = sens.temperature.strip() if t == '85': log.debug( " sensor %s says 85 (C), power-on reset value" % sens.address) continue tFar = float(t) * 9/5 + 32 log.debug(" %s reports temp %r F" % (sens.address, tFar)) except ow.exUnknownSensor, e: log.warn(e) continue ret[sens] = tFar except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc()
def getOk(url, timeout=1): """can we get a successful status from this url in a short time?""" log.debug("testing %s" % url) try: resp = yield getPage(url, timeout=timeout) except Exception, e: log.warn("getPage %s", e) returnValue(False)
def supervisorRestart(cmds, supervisor="http://localhost:9001"): serv = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(supervisor) for c in cmds:"restarting %s", c) try: serv.supervisor.stopProcessGroup(c) except xmlrpclib.ResponseError, e: log.warn("supervisor.stopProcessGroup error %r, ignoring", e) serv.supervisor.startProcess(c)
def updateLcd(self): whole = "%-147s%-21s" % (self.message, self.lastLine) try: restkit.request(url=self.putUrl, method="PUT", body=whole, headers={"content-type":"text/plain"}) except socket.error, e: log.warn("update lcd failed, %s" % e)
def put(self): """ request an immediate load of the remote graphs; the thing we do in the background anyway. No payload. Using PUT because this is idempotent and retryable and everything. todo: this should do the right thing when many requests come in very quickly """ log.warn("immediateUpdate from %s %s - ignored", self.request.headers.get('User-Agent', '?'), self.request.headers['Host']) self.set_status(202)
def getHttpTemps(self): ret = {} for url, name in [("http://star:9014/", "ariroom"), ("http://slash:9080/", "frontDoor"), ]: for tries in range(3): try: res = restkit.Resource(url, timeout=5) temp = json.loads(res.get("temperature").body_string(), )['temp'] log.debug("got http temp %s = %r", name, temp) ret[name] = temp break except Exception, e: log.warn(e)
def barcodeWatch(arduino, postBarcode): arduino.ser.write("\xff\xfb") ret = arduino.readJson() if not ret['barcode']: return if ret['barcode'] == "27 80 48 13 ": return # scanner's beep response arduino.ser.write("\xff\xfc") arduino.readJson() # my beep response s = ''.join(chr(int(x)) for x in ret['barcode'].split()) for code in s.split('\x02'): if not code: continue if not code.endswith('\x03'): log.warn("couldn't read %r", code) return codeType = {'A':'UPC-A', 'B':'JAN-8', 'E':'UPC-E', 'N':'NW-7', 'C':'CODE39', 'I':'ITF', 'K':'CODE128', }[code[0]] code = code[1:-1] body = "%s %s %s ." % ( ROOM['barcodeScan'].n3(), ROOM['read'].n3(), ROOM['barcode/%s/%s' % (codeType, code)].n3()) body = body.encode('utf8') print "body: %r" % body fetch("http://bang:9071/oneShot", method='POST', timeout=1, postdata=body, headers={"content-type" : ["text/n3"]}, ).addErrback(log.error)
def _onStatements(self, stmts): # write rfid to new key, etc. if len(stmts) > 0 and stmts[0][1] == ROOM['keyContents']: return log.warn("ignoring %s", stmts)
loop = ReadLoop(reader, masterGraph, overwrite_any_tag=arg['--overwrite_any_tag']) port = 10012 reactor.listenTCP(port, cyclone.web.Application([ (r"/(|.+\.html)", cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler, { "path": ".", "default_filename": "index.html" }), (r"/graph/rfid", CycloneGraphHandler, { 'masterGraph': masterGraph }), (r"/graph/rfid/events", CycloneGraphEventsHandler, { 'masterGraph': masterGraph }), (r'/output', OutputPage), (r'/rewrite', Rewrite), (r'/stats/(.*)', StatsHandler, { 'serverName': 'rfid' }), ], masterGraph=masterGraph, debug=arg['-v']), interface='::') log.warn('serving on %s', port)
defer.setDebugging(True) masterGraph = PatchableGraph() reader = NfcDevice() if not arg['-n'] else FakeNfc() ie=InfluxExporter(Graph()) ie.exportStats(STATS, ['root.cardReadPoll.count', 'root.cardReadPoll.95percentile', 'root.newCardReads', ], period_secs=10, retain_days=7, ) loop = ReadLoop(reader, masterGraph, overwrite_any_tag=arg['--overwrite_any_tag']) port = 10012 reactor.listenTCP(port, cyclone.web.Application([ (r"/(|.+\.html)", cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": ".", "default_filename": "index.html"}), (r"/graph", CycloneGraphHandler, {'masterGraph': masterGraph}), (r"/graph/events", CycloneGraphEventsHandler, {'masterGraph': masterGraph}), (r'/output', OutputPage), (r'/rewrite', Rewrite), (r'/stats/(.*)', StatsHandler, {'serverName': 'rfid'}), ], masterGraph=masterGraph, debug=arg['-v']), interface='::') log.warn('serving on %s', port)
def step(): try: t.step() except Exception, e: log.warn(e)