Exemplo n.º 1
def sshfunc(job, cmd):
    """Function to mock the throwing of exception for a test."""

    if cmd[0] == "module avail" and job["resource"] == "resource1":

        raise exceptions.SSHError(
            "Err", ("", "bash: module: command not found", 0))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_status_except1(mock_ssh):
    Test if SSH Error is handled.

    job = {"user": "******", "jobid": ""}

    mock_ssh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("OUT", "ERR")

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.SSHError):

Exemplo n.º 3
def test_testhandler_except(mock_ssh):
    Test that the correct exception is raised when nothing can be detected.

    job = {"modules": "", "resource": "test-machine", "handler": ""}

    mock_ssh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("SSH Error", "Error")

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.HandlercheckError):

Exemplo n.º 4
def test_delete_except1(mock_ssh):
    Test if jobdelete exception is triggered based on output from scheduler.

    job = {"jobid": "12345", "replicates": "1"}

    mock_ssh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("Error", ("out", "", 0))

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.JobdeleteError):

Exemplo n.º 5
def test_submit_except2(mock_ssh):
    Check that jobsubmit exception is raised on generic SSH failure.

    job = {"destdir": "/path/to/destdir", "subfile": "submit.file"}

    mock_ssh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("Error", ("out", "err", 0))
    mock_ssh.return_value = ("success", "error", 0)

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.JobsubmitError):

Exemplo n.º 6
def test_submit_except1(mock_ssh):
    Test if Queuemax exception is triggered based on output from scheduler.

    job = {"destdir": "/path/to/destdir", "subfile": "submit.file"}

    mock_ssh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("Error", ("out", "limit", 0))
    mock_ssh.return_value = ("success", "Error", 0)

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.QueuemaxError):

Exemplo n.º 7
def test_testhandler_detection2(mock_ssh):
    Test that a handler can be detected. It is hard to specify exactly which
    to go for due to dictionaries being unordered. Throw in a failure event.

    job = {"modules": "", "resource": "test-machine", "handler": ""}

    mock_ssh.side_effect = [exceptions.SSHError("SSH Error", "Error"), None]


    assert job["handler"] in ["aprun", "mpirun"]
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_submit_except6(mock_ssh):
    Check that the jobsubmit error is triggered based on certain output.

    job = {"destdir": "/path/to/destdir", "subfile": "submit.file"}

    mock_ssh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("Error", ("out", "budget", 0))
    mock_ssh.return_value = ("success", "Error", 0)

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.JobsubmitError):

Exemplo n.º 9
def test_remotedelete_exceptiontest(mock_sendtossh):
    Check that the SSH exception is percolated properly.

    job = {
        "port": "22",
        "user": "******",
        "host": "massive-machine",
        "destdir": "~/source/directory/path"

    mock_sendtossh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("SSHError", "Error")

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.RemotedeleteError):

Exemplo n.º 10
def test_stage_upstream_sshexcept(mock_ssh):
    Test if the SSH exception is raised if passed up from the SSH call.

    jobs = {
        "jobone": {
            "destdir": "/path/to/jobone12484",
            "resource": "test-machine"

    mock_ssh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("SSH Error", "output")

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.SSHError):

Exemplo n.º 11
def test_submit_except1(mock_ssh):

    Test if Queuemax exception is triggered based on output from scheduler.

    job = {
        "destdir": "/path/to/destdir",
        "subfile": "submit.file"

    mock_ssh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError(
        "Error", ("out", "Batch job submission failed: Job violates accounting"
                  "/QOS policy (job submit limit, user's size and/or time "
                  "limits)", 0))
    mock_ssh.return_value = ("success", "Error", 0)

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.QueuemaxError):

Exemplo n.º 12
def test_testapp_except(m_sendtossh):
    Test that modules to be loaded are appended into the executable query

    jobs = {
        "jobone": {
            "resource": "res1",
            "executable": "exec1",
            "modules": "intel, amber",
            "nochecks": "false"

    m_sendtossh.side_effect = ex.SSHError("Error", ("stdout", "stderr", 1))

    with pytest.raises(ex.ExecutableError):

Exemplo n.º 13
def test_remotecopy_exceptiontest(mock_sendtossh):

    Check that the SSH exception is percolated properly.

    job = {
        "port": "22",
        "user": "******",
        "host": "massive-machine",

    src = "~/source/directory/path"
    dst = "~/destination/directory/path"

    mock_sendtossh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("SSHError", "Error")

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.RemotecopyError):

        remotecopy(job, src, dst)
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_testconnections_sshexcept(mock_sendtossh):

    Test to see that if the underlying SSH call fails, the resulting
    SSHError is passed up the chain. This is important!

    jobs = {
        "LongbowJob1": {
            "resource": "resource1"
        "LongbowJob2": {
            "resource": "resource2"
        "LongbowJob3": {
            "resource": "resource1"

    mock_sendtossh.side_effect = exceptions.SSHError("SSH Error", "output")

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.SSHError):

Exemplo n.º 15
def sendtossh(job, args):
    """Construct SSH commands and hand them off to the shell.

    This method constructs a string containing commands to be executed via SSH.
    This string is then handed off to the sendtoshell() method for execution.

    Required arguments are:

    job (dictionary) - A single job dictionary, this is often simply passed in
                       as a subset of the main jobs dictionary.

    args (list) - A list containing commands to be sent to SSH, multiple
                  commands should each be an entry in the list.

    Return parameters are:

    shellout (tuple of strings) - Contains the three strings returned from the
                                  sendtoshell() method. These are standard
                                  output, standard error and the exit code.

    # basic ssh command.
    cmd = ["ssh", "-p " + job["port"], job["user"] + "@" + job["host"]]

    # Source the /etc/profile on machines where problems have been detected
    # with the environment.
    if job["env-fix"] == "true":

        cmd.append("source /etc/profile;")

    # add the commands to be sent to ssh.

    i = 0

    # This loop is essentially so we can do 3 retries on commands that fail,
    # this is to catch when things go wrong over SSH like dropped connections,
    # issues with latency etc.
    while i is not 3:

        # Send to ssh.
        shellout = sendtoshell(cmd)

        errorstate = shellout[2]

        # If no error exit loop, if errorcode is not 0 raise exception unless
        # code is 255
        if errorstate is 0:


        elif errorstate is 255:

            i = i + 1


            raise exceptions.SSHError(
                "SSH failed, make sure a normal terminal can connect to SSH "
                "to be sure there are no connection issues.", shellout)

        # If number of retries hits 3 then give up.
        if i is 3:

            raise exceptions.SSHError(
                "SSH failed, make sure a normal terminal can connect to SSH "
                "to be sure there are no connection issues.", shellout)

        LOG.debug("Retry SSH after 10 second wait.")

        # Wait 10 seconds to see if problem goes away before trying again.

    return shellout