def train(epoch, iter_start=0): global global_step, kt netHg.train() pbar = tqdm.tqdm(train_loader, desc='Epoch %02d' % epoch, dynamic_ncols=True) pbar_info = tqdm.tqdm(bar_format='{bar}{postfix}') for it, sample in enumerate(pbar, start=iter_start): global_step += 1 if FLAGS.debug: image, masks, keypoints, heatmaps, img_ids = sample else: image, masks, keypoints, heatmaps = sample image = Variable(image) masks = Variable(masks) keypoints = Variable(keypoints) heatmaps = Variable(heatmaps) if FLAGS.cuda: image = image.cuda(async=FLAGS.pinMem) masks = masks.cuda(async=FLAGS.pinMem) keypoints = keypoints.cuda(async=FLAGS.pinMem) heatmaps = heatmaps.cuda(async=FLAGS.pinMem) outputs = netHg(image) push_loss, pull_loss, detection_loss = calc_loss( outputs, keypoints, heatmaps, masks) image_s = nn.functional.avg_pool2d(image, 4) inp_real =[image_s, heatmaps], dim=1) d_real = netD(inp_real) loss_d_real = criterion_D(d_real, heatmaps) pred_heatmaps = outputs[:, -1, :17].squeeze( dim=1 ) # Notice: manually assign the dimension to avoid unexcepted freeze inp_fake =[image_s, pred_heatmaps], dim=1) d_fake = netD(inp_fake) loss_d_fake = criterion_D(d_fake, pred_heatmaps) loss_hg = 0 toprint = '' sum_dict = {} for loss, weight, name in zip( [push_loss, pull_loss, detection_loss], [1e-3, 1e-3, 1], ['push_loss', 'pull_loss', 'detection_loss']): loss_temp = torch.mean(loss) sum_dict[name] = getValue(loss_temp) loss_temp *= weight loss_hg += loss_temp toprint += '{:.8f} '.format(getValue(loss_temp)) loss_d = loss_d_real - kt * loss_d_fake loss_hg = loss_hg + FLAGS.lambda_G * loss_d_fake optimD.zero_grad() loss_d.backward(retain_graph=True) optimD.step() optimHg.zero_grad() loss_hg.backward() optimHg.step() # update kt loss_d_real_ = getValue(loss_d_real) loss_d_fake_ = getValue(loss_d_fake) balance = FLAGS.gamma * loss_d_real_ - loss_d_fake_ kt = kt + FLAGS.kt_lr * balance kt = min(1, max(0, kt)) measure = loss_d_real_ + abs(balance) # Summary sumWriter.add_scalar('loss_hg', loss_hg, global_step) for key, value in sum_dict.items(): sumWriter.add_scalar(key, loss_temp, global_step) sumWriter.add_scalar('loss_d', loss_d, global_step) toprint += ', loss_d: {:.8f}'.format(getValue(loss_d)) sumWriter.add_scalar('loss_d_real', loss_d_real, global_step) sumWriter.add_scalar('loss_d_fake', loss_d_fake, global_step) sumWriter.add_scalar('measure', measure, global_step) sumWriter.add_scalar('kt', kt, global_step) pbar_info.set_postfix_str(toprint) pbar_info.update() del outputs, push_loss, pull_loss, detection_loss, loss_hg, \ d_real, d_fake, loss_d_real, loss_d_fake, loss_d pbar.close() pbar_info.close()
for x, y in train_loader: x, y =, #If want to get the input images with their Augmentation - To check the data flowing in net #input_images(x, y, i, n_iter, k) # grid_img = torchvision.utils.make_grid(x) #writer1.add_image('images', grid_img, 0) # grid_lab = torchvision.utils.make_grid(y) opt.zero_grad() y_pred = model_test(x) lossT = calc_loss(y_pred, y) # Dice_loss Used train_loss += lossT.item() * x.size(0) lossT.backward() # plot_grad_flow(model_test.named_parameters(), n_iter) opt.step() x_size = lossT.item() * x.size(0) scheduler(opt, c, i) c = c + 1 k = 2 # for name, param in model_test.named_parameters(): # name = name.replace('.', '/') # writer1.add_histogram(name,, i + 1) # writer1.add_histogram(name + '/grad',, i + 1)
import torchvision.utils as vutils from losses import calc_loss, dice_loss, threshold_predictions_v,threshold_predictions_p model=U_Net(3,1) model.load_state_dict(torch.load("")) model=model.cuda() TrainData=CaptchaData("D:\\UnetData\\img\\") dataload=DataLoader(TrainData,38,4,drop_last=False) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=5e-4)#定义优化器 criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() for epoch in range(3000): for img,label in dataload: img=img.cuda() label=label.cuda() pred=model(img) optimizer.zero_grad() loss=calc_loss(pred,label.view(-1,1,256,256)) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if(epoch%10==0): print(loss) pred=pred*255 vutils.save_image(,"img.jpg",) vutils.save_image(,"Result.jpg",) vutils.save_image(label.view(-1,1,256,256).data,"Label.jpg",),"") x=torch.rand(1,3,256,256,device="cuda") torch.onnx._export(model, x,"unet.onnx",export_params=True)
def loss_function(self, y_pre, y, **kwargs) -> dict: lossT = calc_loss(y_pre, y) return {'loss': lossT}
valid_loss = 0.0 sum_precies = 0.0 sum_recall = 0.0 since = time.time() scheduler.step(i) lr = scheduler.get_lr() ####################################################### # Training Data ####################################################### model_test.train() k = 1 for x, y in train_loader_1: x, y =, opt.zero_grad() y_pred = model_test(x) lossT = calc_loss(y_pred, y) # Dice_loss Used train_loss += lossT.item() CE_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(y_pred, y) crossen_loss += CE_loss.item() y_0_1 = F.sigmoid(y_pred) precies, recall = precies_recall(y_0_1, y) # print(lossT.item(),CE_loss.item(),precies,recall) sum_precies += precies sum_recall += recall # print(lossT.item()) lossT.backward() # plot_grad_flow(model_test.named_parameters(), n_iter) opt.step() # y_pred=torch.tensor(y_pred,dtype=torch.long) # y=torch.tensor(y,dtype=torch.long) #
### single loss implementation #y_pred = model_test(x) #lossT = calc_loss(y_pred, y) # Dice_loss Used ### supervision training implementation pred5, pred4, pred3, pred = model_test(x) y3 = F.interpolate(y, scale_factor=0.5) #print("inside train") y4 = F.interpolate(y, scale_factor=0.25) y5 = F.interpolate(y, scale_factor=0.125) #print(y3.shape) #print(y4.shape) #print(y5.shape) lossMain = calc_loss(pred, y) loss3 = calc_loss(pred3, y3) loss4 = calc_loss(pred4, y4) loss5 = calc_loss(pred5, y5) ### weight parameters need to be finetune ### apply a weight decay strategy !!! ?? lossT = 0.35 * lossMain + 0.25 * loss3 + 0.25 * loss4 + 0.15 * loss5 train_loss += lossT.item() * x.size(0) lossT.backward() # plot_grad_flow(model_test.named_parameters(), n_iter) opt.step() x_size = lossT.item() * x.size(0) scheduler(opt, c, i) c = c + 1 #k = 2
def Net_Train(train_i=0): # NAME = 'fold'+str(train_i+1)+'_25ATT-UNet' NAME = 'fold'+str(train_i+1)+'_25NEST-UNet' mylog = open('logs/' + NAME + '.log', 'w') print(NAME) print(NAME, file=mylog, flush=True) # model = AttU_Net(img_ch=1, output_ch=1).cuda() model = NestedUNet(in_ch=1, out_ch=1).cuda() # print(model) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=range(torch.cuda.device_count())) # model = FPN_Net(1, 1) # print(model) folds = data2() test_data=folds[train_i] batch_size1 = 4 batch_size = 2 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = load_numpy(folds, train_i) dataset =, y_train) data_loader = dataset, batch_size=batch_size1, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) # data_test =, y_test) # loader_test = # data_test, # batch_size=batch_size, # shuffle=True, # num_workers=4) no_optim = 0 lr = 2e-4 total_epoch=250 train_epoch_best_loss=10000 best_test_score = 0 decay_factor = 1.5 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=lr) for epoch in range(1, total_epoch + 1): tic = time() data_loader_iter = iter(data_loader) # data_test_iter = iter(loader_test) train_epoch_loss = 0 train_score = 0 test_epoch_loss = 0 test_score = 0 test_sen = 0 test_ppv = 0 for img, mask in data_loader_iter: img = Variable(img.cuda(), volatile=False) mask = Variable(mask.cuda(), volatile=False) optimizer.zero_grad() pre = model.forward(img) loss = calc_loss(pre, mask) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_epoch_loss += train_score_b = dice_coeff(mask, pre, False) train_score +=*batch_size1 train_score /= x_train.size(0) train_score = train_score.cpu().data.numpy() train_epoch_loss /= len(data_loader_iter) train_epoch_loss = train_epoch_loss.cpu().data.numpy() # print('epoch:', epoch, ' time:', int(time() - tic), 'train_loss:', train_epoch_loss, 'train_score:', train_score) with torch.no_grad(): # for img, mask in data_test_iter: img = Variable(x_test.cuda(), volatile=True) mask = Variable(y_test.cuda(), volatile=True) pre = model.forward(img) test_epoch_loss = calc_loss(pre, mask) # test_epoch_loss += test_score = dice_coeff(mask, pre, False) # test_score +=*batch_size pre[pre>0.5]=1 pre[pre<=0.5]=0 test_sen = sensitive(mask, pre) # test_sen +=*batch_size test_ppv = positivepv(mask, pre) # test_ppv +=*batch_size # test_score /= x_test.size(0) test_score = test_score.cpu().data.numpy() # test_sen /= x_test.size(0) test_sen = test_sen.cpu().data.numpy() # test_ppv /= x_test.size(0) test_ppv = test_ppv.cpu().data.numpy() # test_epoch_loss /= len(data_test_iter) test_epoch_loss = test_epoch_loss.cpu().data.numpy() # x_test = Variable(x_test.cuda(), volatile=True) # pre_test = model.forward(x_test).cpu().data # loss_test = calc_loss(y_test, pre_test) # # loss_test = loss_test.cpu().data.numpy() # test_score = dice_coeff(y_test, pre_test, False) # # test_score = test_score.cpu().data.numpy() print('********', file=mylog, flush=True) print('epoch:', epoch, train_i, ' time:', int(time() - tic), 'train_loss:', train_epoch_loss, 'train_score:', train_score, end=' ', file=mylog, flush=True) print('test_loss:', test_epoch_loss, 'test_dice_score: ', test_score, 'test_sen: ', test_sen, 'test_ppv: ', test_ppv, 'best_score is ', best_test_score, file=mylog, flush=True) print('********') print('epoch:', epoch, train_i, ' time:', int(time() - tic), 'train_loss:', train_epoch_loss, 'train_score:', train_score, end=' ') print('test_loss:', test_epoch_loss, 'test_dice_score: ', test_score, 'test_sen: ', test_sen, 'test_ppv: ', test_ppv, 'best_score is ', best_test_score) if test_score > best_test_score: print('1. the dice score up to ', test_score, 'from ', best_test_score, 'saving the model', file=mylog, flush=True) print('1. the dice score up to ', test_score, 'from ', best_test_score, 'saving the model') best_test_score = test_score, './weights/' + NAME + '.pkl') if best_test_score>0.75: with torch.no_grad(): for test in test_data: img = test[0].reshape(1, 1, 256, 256).astype('float32') img = torch.from_numpy(img) img = Variable(img.cuda()) pre = model.forward(img).cpu().data.numpy() plt.imsave('../../model/fold/png_constract/'+test[-1]+'_fold_z5_nest.png', pre[0,0,:,:], cmap='gray') if train_epoch_loss >= train_epoch_best_loss: no_optim += 1 else: no_optim = 0 train_epoch_best_loss = train_epoch_loss if no_optim > 10: if lr < 1e-7: break if lr > 1e-5: # model.load_state_dict(torch.load('./weights/' + NAME + '.th')) lr /= decay_factor print ('update learning rate: %f -> %f' % (lr*decay_factor, lr), file=mylog, flush=True) print ('update learning rate: %f -> %f' % (lr*decay_factor, lr)) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr print('Finish!', file=mylog, flush=True) print('Finish!') mylog.close()