Exemplo n.º 1
def f_reload(bot, trigger):
    """Reloads a module, for use by admins only."""
    if not trigger.admin:

    name = trigger.group(2)
    if name == bot.config.owner:
        return bot.reply('What?')

    if not name or name == '*':
        bot.callables = None
        bot.commands = None
        return bot.reply('Reloading all done!')

    if name not in sys.modules:
        return bot.reply('%s: not loaded, try the `load` command' % name)

    old_module = sys.modules[name]

    old_callables = {}
    for obj_name, obj in iteritems(vars(old_module)):
        if bot.is_callable(obj) or bot.is_shutdown(obj):
            old_callables[obj_name] = obj

    # Also remove all references to willie callables from top level of the
    # module, so that they will not get loaded again if reloading the
    # module does not override them.
    for obj_name in list(old_callables.keys()):
        delattr(old_module, obj_name)

    # Also delete the setup function
    if hasattr(old_module, "setup"):
        delattr(old_module, "setup")

    # Thanks to moot for prodding me on this
    path = old_module.__file__
    if path.endswith('.pyc') or path.endswith('.pyo'):
        path = path[:-1]
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        return bot.reply('Found %s, but not the source file' % name)

    module = imp.load_source(name, path)
    sys.modules[name] = module
    if hasattr(module, 'setup'):

    mtime = os.path.getmtime(module.__file__)
    modified = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(mtime))


    bot.reply('%r (version: %s)' % (module, modified))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _modules(self):
     home = os.getcwd()
     modules_dir = os.path.join(home, 'modules')
     filenames = self.enumerate_modules()
     os.sys.path.insert(0, modules_dir)
     for name, filename in iteritems(filenames):
             module = imp.load_source(name, filename)
         except Exception as e:
             print("Error loading %s: %s (in config.py)"
                   % (name, e), file=sys.stderr)
             if hasattr(module, 'configure'):
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _modules(self):
     home = os.getcwd()
     modules_dir = os.path.join(home, 'modules')
     filenames = self.enumerate_modules()
     os.sys.path.insert(0, modules_dir)
     for name, filename in iteritems(filenames):
             module = imp.load_source(name, filename)
         except Exception as e:
             print("Error loading %s: %s (in config.py)"
                   % (name, e), file=sys.stderr)
             if hasattr(module, 'configure'):
Exemplo n.º 4
    def setup(self):
        stderr("\nWelcome to lpbot. Loading modules...\n\n")
        self.callables = set()
        self.shutdown_methods = set()

        filenames = self.config.enumerate_modules()
        # Coretasks is special. No custom user coretasks.
        this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        filenames['coretasks'] = os.path.join(this_dir, 'coretasks.py')

        modules = []
        error_count = 0
        for name, filename in iteritems(filenames):
                module = imp.load_source(name, filename)
            except Exception as e:
                error_count = error_count + 1
                filename, lineno = tools.get_raising_file_and_line()
                rel_path = os.path.relpath(filename, os.path.dirname(__file__))
                raising_stmt = "%s:%d" % (rel_path, lineno)
                stderr("Error loading %s: %s (%s)" % (name, e, raising_stmt))
                    if hasattr(module, 'setup'):
                except Exception as e:
                    error_count = error_count + 1
                    filename, lineno = tools.get_raising_file_and_line()
                    rel_path = os.path.relpath(
                        filename, os.path.dirname(__file__)
                    raising_stmt = "%s:%d" % (rel_path, lineno)
                    stderr("Error in %s setup procedure: %s (%s)"
                           % (name, e, raising_stmt))

        if modules:
            stderr('\n\nRegistered %d modules,' % (len(modules) - 1))
            stderr('%d modules failed to load\n\n' % error_count)
            stderr("Warning: Couldn't find any modules")

Exemplo n.º 5
def handle_names(bot, trigger):
    """Handle NAMES response, happens when joining to channels."""
    names = trigger.split()

    channels = re.search('(#\S*)', trigger.raw)
    if not channels:
    channel = Identifier(channels.group(1))
    if channel not in bot.privileges:
        bot.privileges[channel] = dict()

    # This could probably be made flexible in the future, but I don't think
    # it'd be worth it.
    mapping = {
        '+': lpbot.module.VOICE,
        '%': lpbot.module.HALFOP,
        '@': lpbot.module.OP,
        '&': lpbot.module.ADMIN,
        '~': lpbot.module.OWNER

    for name in names:
        priv = 0
        for prefix, value in iteritems(mapping):
            if prefix in name:
                priv = priv | value
        nick = Identifier(name.lstrip(''.join(mapping.keys())))
        bot.privileges[channel][nick] = priv

        # Old op list maintenance is down here, and should be removed at some
        # point
        if '@' in name or '~' in name or '&' in name:
            bot.add_op(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
            bot.add_halfop(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
            bot.add_voice(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
        elif '%' in name:
            bot.add_halfop(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
            bot.add_voice(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
        elif '+' in name:
            bot.add_voice(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
Exemplo n.º 6
def recieve_cap_ls_reply(bot, trigger):
    if bot.server_capabilities:
        # We've already seen the results, so someone sent CAP LS from a module.
        # We're too late to do SASL, and we don't want to send CAP END before
        # the module has done what it needs to, so just return
    bot.server_capabilities = set(trigger.split(' '))

    # If some other module requests it, we don't need to add another request.
    # If some other module prohibits it, we shouldn't request it.
    if 'multi-prefix' not in bot._cap_reqs:
        # Whether or not the server supports multi-prefix doesn't change how we
        # parse it, so we don't need to worry if it fails.
        bot._cap_reqs['multi-prefix'] = (['', 'coretasks', None], )

    for cap, reqs in iteritems(bot._cap_reqs):
        # At this point, we know mandatory and prohibited don't co-exist, but
        # we need to call back for optionals if they're also prohibited
        prefix = ''
        for entry in reqs:
            if prefix == '-' and entry[0] != '-':
                entry[2](bot, entry[0] + cap)
            if entry[0]:
                prefix = entry[0]

        # It's not required, or it's supported, so we can request it
        if prefix != '=' or cap in bot.server_capabilities:
            # REQs fail as a whole, so we send them one capability at a time
            bot.write(('CAP', 'REQ', entry[0] + cap))
        elif reqs[2]:
            # Server is going to fail on it, so we call the failure function
            reqs[2](bot, entry[0] + cap)

    # If we want to do SASL, we have to wait before we can send CAP END. So if
    # we are, wait on 903 (SASL successful) to send it.
    if bot.config.core.sasl_password:
        bot.write(('CAP', 'REQ', 'sasl'))
        bot.write(('CAP', 'END'))
Exemplo n.º 7
def recieve_cap_ls_reply(bot, trigger):
    if bot.server_capabilities:
        # We've already seen the results, so someone sent CAP LS from a module.
        # We're too late to do SASL, and we don't want to send CAP END before
        # the module has done what it needs to, so just return
    bot.server_capabilities = set(trigger.split(' '))

    # If some other module requests it, we don't need to add another request.
    # If some other module prohibits it, we shouldn't request it.
    if 'multi-prefix' not in bot._cap_reqs:
        # Whether or not the server supports multi-prefix doesn't change how we
        # parse it, so we don't need to worry if it fails.
        bot._cap_reqs['multi-prefix'] = (['', 'coretasks', None],)

    for cap, reqs in iteritems(bot._cap_reqs):
        # At this point, we know mandatory and prohibited don't co-exist, but
        # we need to call back for optionals if they're also prohibited
        prefix = ''
        for entry in reqs:
            if prefix == '-' and entry[0] != '-':
                entry[2](bot, entry[0] + cap)
            if entry[0]:
                prefix = entry[0]

        # It's not required, or it's supported, so we can request it
        if prefix != '=' or cap in bot.server_capabilities:
            # REQs fail as a whole, so we send them one capability at a time
            bot.write(('CAP', 'REQ', entry[0] + cap))
        elif reqs[2]:
            # Server is going to fail on it, so we call the failure function
            reqs[2](bot, entry[0] + cap)

    # If we want to do SASL, we have to wait before we can send CAP END. So if
    # we are, wait on 903 (SASL successful) to send it.
    if bot.config.core.sasl_password:
        bot.write(('CAP', 'REQ', 'sasl'))
        bot.write(('CAP', 'END'))
Exemplo n.º 8
def handle_names(bot, trigger):
    """Handle NAMES response, happens when joining to channels."""
    names = trigger.split()

    #TODO specific to one channel type. See issue 281.
    channels = re.search('(#\S*)', trigger.raw)
    if not channels:
    channel = Identifier(channels.group(1))
    if channel not in bot.privileges:
        bot.privileges[channel] = dict()

    # This could probably be made flexible in the future, but I don't think
    # it'd be worth it.
    mapping = {'+': lpbot.module.VOICE,
               '%': lpbot.module.HALFOP,
               '@': lpbot.module.OP,
               '&': lpbot.module.ADMIN,
               '~': lpbot.module.OWNER}

    for name in names:
        priv = 0
        for prefix, value in iteritems(mapping):
            if prefix in name:
                priv = priv | value
        nick = Identifier(name.lstrip(''.join(mapping.keys())))
        bot.privileges[channel][nick] = priv

        # Old op list maintenance is down here, and should be removed at some
        # point
        if '@' in name or '~' in name or '&' in name:
            bot.add_op(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
            bot.add_halfop(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
            bot.add_voice(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
        elif '%' in name:
            bot.add_halfop(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
            bot.add_voice(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))
        elif '+' in name:
            bot.add_voice(channel, name.lstrip('@&%+~'))