Exemplo n.º 1
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding=utf-8

from lru import LRUCache, LRUCacheOrdered
from lfu import LFUCache
import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lru = LRUCache(2)
    lru.set(1, '1')
    lru.set(2, '2')
    lru.set(3, '3')
    print lru.get(1)

    n = 10**5
    lru = LRUCache(n / 2)
    start = time.time()
    for i in xrange(n):
        lru.set(i, None)
    end = time.time()
    print 'total time:%.3f' % (end - start)
    print '%.3f / second' % (n / (end - start))

    start = time.time()
    for i in xrange(n):
    end = time.time()
    print 'total time:%.3f' % (end - start)
    print '%.3f / second' % (n / (end - start))
    a = raw_input()
Exemplo n.º 2
class TinyLFU:
    def __init__(self, size=1000000, sample=100000, false_positive=0.01):
        self.__age = 0
        self.__sample = sample
        self.counter = CM4(size)
        self.doorkeeper = Doorkeeper(sample, false_positive)
        if size <= 1:
            size = 2
        # percentage from https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.00727
        lru_percent = 1
        lru_size = (lru_percent * size) / 100
        if lru_size < 1:
            lru_size = 1
        self.lru = LRUCache(cache_size=lru_size)

        slru_size = math.ceil(((100.0 - lru_percent) / 100.0) * size)
        slru20_size = math.ceil(slru_size * 0.2)
        if slru20_size < 1:
            slru20_size = 1
        self.slru = SLRUCache(probation_cap=slru20_size,
                              protect_cap=slru_size - slru20_size)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.lru) + len(self.slru)

    def __contains__(self, key) -> bool:
        return key in self.lru or key in self.slru

    def get(self, key: str):
        # for tinylfu aging, reset only admission
        self.__age += 1
        if self.__age == self.__sample:
            self.__age = 0


        value = self.lru.get(key)
        if value != None:
            # timeout
            return value

        value = self.slru.get(key)
        if value != None:
            # timeout
            return value

    def set(self, key: str, value):
        if key in self.slru:

        old_key, old_value, evicted = self.lru.set(key, value)
        if not evicted:
        victim_key = self.slru.victim()
        if victim_key == None:
            self.slru.set(old_key, old_value)

        if not self.doorkeeper.allow(old_key):
            # on evict
        victim_count = self.counter.estimate(victim_key)
        item_count = self.counter.estimate(old_key)
        if victim_count < item_count:
            self.slru.set(old_key, old_value)
            # on evict

    def remove(self, key: str) -> object:
        value = self.lru.remove(key)
        if value != None:
            return value

        value = self.slru.remove(key)
        if value != None:
            return value
Exemplo n.º 3

f = open('names_2.txt', 'r')
names_2 = f.read().split("\n")  # List containing 10000 names O(n)

duplicates = []  # Return the list of duplicates in this data structure
# Replace the nested for loops below with your improvements

all_names = names_1 + names_2
lrucache = LRUCache(20000)
for name in all_names:
    # if the name is already in the cache add to duplicates
    if lrucache.get(name):
    lrucache.set(name, name)

# for name in names_1:
#     if lrucache.get(name):
#         duplicates.append(name)
#     lrucache.set(name, name)

# for name in names_2:
#     if lrucache.get(name):
#         duplicates.append(name)
#     lrucache.set(name, name)

# 4.5 seconds
# dll = DoublyLinkedListMod()
# for name in names_1:
#     # add item to dll
Exemplo n.º 4
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding=utf-8

from lru import LRUCache, LRUCacheOrdered
from lfu import LFUCache
import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lru = LRUCache(2)
    lru.set(1, '1')
    lru.set(2, '2')
    lru.set(3, '3')
    print lru.get(1)

    n = 10**5
    lru = LRUCache(n/2)
    start = time.time()
    for i in xrange(n):
        lru.set(i, None)
    end = time.time()
    print 'total time:%.3f' % (end - start)
    print '%.3f / second' % (n/(end-start))

    start = time.time()
    for i in xrange(n):
    end = time.time()
    print 'total time:%.3f' % (end - start)
    print '%.3f / second' % (n/(end-start))
    a = raw_input()
Exemplo n.º 5
from lru import LRUCache

if __name__ == '__main__':

    cache_limit = 4
    cache = LRUCache(cache_limit)

    for i in range(0, 10):
        cache.set(i, '{0}00'.format(i))
        if i % 2 == 0:
            print('Get a key', cache.get(0))

# Get a key 000
# OrderedDict([(0, '000')])
# OrderedDict([(0, '000'), (1, '100')])
# Get a key 000
# OrderedDict([(1, '100'), (2, '200'), (0, '000')])
# OrderedDict([(1, '100'), (2, '200'), (0, '000'), (3, '300')])
# Get a key 000
# OrderedDict([(2, '200'), (3, '300'), (4, '400'), (0, '000')])
# OrderedDict([(3, '300'), (4, '400'), (0, '000'), (5, '500')])
# Get a key 000
# OrderedDict([(4, '400'), (5, '500'), (6, '600'), (0, '000')])
# OrderedDict([(5, '500'), (6, '600'), (0, '000'), (7, '700')])
# Get a key 000
# OrderedDict([(6, '600'), (7, '700'), (8, '800'), (0, '000')])
# OrderedDict([(7, '700'), (8, '800'), (0, '000'), (9, '900')])