Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_drx_block(self):
        """Test finding out how many tunings/pols. per beam are in a DRX file."""

        fh = open(drxFile, 'rb')
        b1, b2, b3, b4 = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
        self.assertEqual(b1, 0)
        self.assertEqual(b2, 0)
        self.assertEqual(b3, 0)
        self.assertEqual(b4, 4)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(args):
    fh = open(args.filename, "rb")
    nFramesFile = os.path.getsize(args.filename) // drx.FRAME_SIZE

    while True:
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
        except ZeroDivisionError:
    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    beams = drx.get_beam_count(fh)
    tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
    tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
    beampols = tunepol

    # Offset in frames for beampols beam/tuning/pol. sets
    offset = int(round(args.offset * srate / 4096 * beampols))
    offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols
    args.offset = 1.0 * offset / beampols * 4096 / srate
    fh.seek(offset * drx.FRAME_SIZE)

    # Make sure that the file chunk size contains is an intger multiple
    # of the beampols.
    maxFrames = int((19144 * 4) / beampols) * beampols

    # Setup the statistics data set
    if args.stats:
        if args.plot_range < 0.1:
            args.plot_range = 0.5

    # Number of frames to integrate over
    nFrames = int(args.plot_range * srate / 4096 * beampols)
    nFrames = int(1.0 * nFrames / beampols) * beampols
    args.plot_range = 1.0 * nFrames / beampols * 4096 / srate

    # Number of remaining chunks
    nChunks = int(math.ceil(1.0 * (nFrames) / maxFrames))

    # File summary
    print("Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Beams: %i" % beams)
    print("Tune/Pols: %i %i %i %i" % tunepols)
    print("Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
    print("Frames: %i (%.3f s)" %
          (nFramesFile, 1.0 * nFramesFile / beampols * 4096 / srate))
    print("Offset: %.3f s (%i frames)" % (args.offset, offset))
    print("Plot time: %.3f s (%i frames; %i frames per beam/tune/pol)" %
          (args.plot_range, nFrames, nFrames // beampols))
    print("Chunks: %i" % nChunks)

    # Sanity check
    if offset > nFramesFile:
        raise RuntimeError("Requested offset is greater than file length")
    if nFrames > (nFramesFile - offset):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Requested integration time+offset is greater than file length")

    # Align the file handle so that the first frame read in the
    # main analysis loop is from tuning 1, polarization 0
    junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
    b, t, p = junkFrame.id
    while 2 * (t - 1) + p != 0:
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        b, t, p = junkFrame.id
    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Master loop over all of the file chuncks
    standMapper = []
    for i in xrange(nChunks):
        # Find out how many frames remain in the file.  If this number is larger
        # than the maximum of frames we can work with at a time (maxFrames),
        # only deal with that chunk
        framesRemaining = nFrames - i * maxFrames
        if framesRemaining > maxFrames:
            framesWork = maxFrames
            framesWork = framesRemaining
        print("Working on chunk %i, %i frames remaining" %
              (i, framesRemaining))

        count = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
        data = numpy.zeros((beampols, framesWork * 4096 // beampols),

        # Inner loop that actually reads the frames into the data array
        print("Working on %.1f ms of data" %
              ((framesWork * 4096 / beampols / srate) * 1000.0))
        t0 = time.time()

        for j in xrange(framesWork):
            # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                cFrame = drx.read_frame(fh, verbose=False)
            except errors.EOFError:
            except errors.SyncError:
                #print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" % (int(fh.tell())/drx.FRAME_SIZE-1))

            beam, tune, pol = cFrame.id
            aStand = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol

            data[aStand, count[aStand] * 4096:(count[aStand] + 1) *
                 4096] = numpy.abs(cFrame.payload.data)**2

            # Update the counters so that we can average properly later on
            count[aStand] += 1

        # Statistics
        print("Running robust statistics")
        means = [robust.mean(data[i, :]) for i in xrange(data.shape[0])]
        stds = [robust.std(data[i, :]) for i in xrange(data.shape[0])]

        if args.stats:
            ## Report statistics
            print("Mean: %s" % ' '.join(["%.3f" % m for m in means]))
            print("StdD: %s" % ' '.join(["%.3f" % s for s in stds]))

            ## Count'em up
            j = 0
            counts = [
            ] * data.shape[0]
            while (means[i] + j * stds[i] <= 98) and max(counts) != 0:
                counts = [
                            numpy.abs(data[i, :] - means[i]) >= j *
                            stds[i])[0]) for i in xrange(data.shape[0])
                print(" %2isigma (%5.1f%%): %s" %
                      (j, 100.0 * (1 - erf(j / numpy.sqrt(2))), ' '.join([
                          "%7i (%5.1f%%)" % (c, 100.0 * c / data.shape[1])
                          for c in counts
                j += 1

            ## Why j-2?  Well, j is 1 more than the last iteration.  So, that last iteration
            ## is j-1,  which is always filled with 0s by construction.  So, the last crazy
            ## bin is j-2.
            jP = j - 2
            if jP > 20:
                counts = [
                            numpy.abs(data[i, :] - means[i]) >= jP *
                            stds[i])[0]) for i in xrange(data.shape[0])
                for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
                    if counts[i] > 0:

                if counts[i] == 1:
                        " -> Clip-o-rama likely occuring with %i %i-sigma detection on tuning %i, pol %i"
                        % (counts[i], jP, i // 2 + 1, i % 2))
                        " -> Clip-o-rama likely occuring with %i %i-sigma detections on tuning %i, pol %i"
                        % (counts[i], jP, i // 2 + 1, i % 2))

            outfile = os.path.splitext(args.filename)[0]
            outfile = '%s.txt' % outfile
            fh = open(outfile, 'w')

            # Plot possible clip-o-rama and flag it
            print("Computing power derivatives w.r.t. time")
            deriv = numpy.zeros_like(data)
            for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
                deriv[i, :] = numpy.roll(data[i, :], -1) - data[i, :]

            # The plots:  This is setup for the current configuration of 20 beampols
            fig = plt.figure()
            figsX = int(round(math.sqrt(beampols)))
            figsY = beampols // figsX

            for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
                ax = fig.add_subplot(figsX, figsY, i + 1)
                ax.plot(args.offset + numpy.arange(0, data.shape[1]) / srate,
                        data[i, :])

                ## Mark areas of crazy derivatives
                bad = numpy.where(
                    deriv[i, :] > 20 * stds[i] * numpy.sqrt(2))[0]
                for j in bad:
                        "Clip-o-rama on tuning %i, pol. %i at %.6f seconds\n" %
                        (i // 2 + 1, i % 2, args.offset + j / srate))
                    print("Clip-o-rama on tuning %i, pol. %i at %.6f seconds" %
                          (i // 2 + 1, i % 2, args.offset + j / srate))
                    ax.vlines(args.offset + j / srate,

                ## Mark areas of crazy power levels
                bad = numpy.where(data[i, :] == 98)[0]
                for j in bad:
                        "Saturation on tuning %i, pol. %i at %.6f seconds\n" %
                        (i // 2 + 1, i % 2, args.offset + j / srate))
                    print("Saturation on tuning %i, pol. %i at %.6f seconds" %
                          (i // 2 + 1, i % 2, args.offset + j / srate))
                    ax.vlines(args.offset + j / srate,

                ax.set_ylim([-10, 100])

                ax.set_title('Beam %i, Tune. %i, Pol. %i' %
                             (beam, i // 2 + 1, i % 2))
                ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')
                ax.set_ylabel('I$^2$ + Q$^2$')

            if args.do_plot:
def main(args):
    fh = open(args.filename, "rb")
    nFramesFile = os.path.getsize(args.filename) // drx.FRAME_SIZE

    while True:
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
        except ZeroDivisionError:
    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    beams = drx.get_beam_count(fh)
    tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
    tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
    beampols = tunepol

    # Offset in frames for beampols beam/tuning/pol. sets
    offset = int(round(args.skip * srate / 4096 * beampols))
    offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols
    args.skip = 1.0 * offset / beampols * 4096 / srate
    fh.seek(offset * drx.FRAME_SIZE)

    # Make sure that the file chunk size contains is an intger multiple
    # of the beampols.
    maxFrames = int(19144 / beampols) * beampols

    # Number of frames to integrate over
    toClip = False
    oldAverage = args.plot_range
    if args.plot_range < 4096 / srate:
        toClip = True
        args.plot_range = 4096 / srate
    nFrames = int(args.plot_range * srate / 4096 * beampols)
    nFrames = int(1.0 * nFrames / beampols) * beampols
    args.plot_range = 1.0 * nFrames / beampols * 4096 / srate

    # Number of remaining chunks
    nChunks = int(math.ceil(1.0 * (nFrames) / maxFrames))

    # File summary
    print("Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Beams: %i" % beams)
    print("Tune/Pols: %i %i %i %i" % tunepols)
    print("Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
    print("Frames: %i (%.3f s)" %
          (nFramesFile, 1.0 * nFramesFile / beampols * 4096 / srate))
    print("Offset: %.3f s (%i frames)" % (args.skip, offset))
    print("Plot time: %.3f s (%i frames; %i frames per beam/tune/pol)" %
          (args.plot_range, nFrames, nFrames // beampols))
    print("Chunks: %i" % nChunks)

    # Sanity check
    if offset > nFramesFile:
        raise RuntimeError("Requested offset is greater than file length")
    if nFrames > (nFramesFile - offset):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Requested integration time+offset is greater than file length")

    junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
    b, t, p = junkFrame.id
    while 2 * (t - 1) + p != 0:
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        b, t, p = junkFrame.id
        print(b, t, p)
    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Master loop over all of the file chuncks
    standMapper = []
    for i in range(nChunks):
        # Find out how many frames remain in the file.  If this number is larger
        # than the maximum of frames we can work with at a time (maxFrames),
        # only deal with that chunk
        framesRemaining = nFrames - i * maxFrames
        if framesRemaining > maxFrames:
            framesWork = maxFrames
            framesWork = framesRemaining
        print("Working on chunk %i, %i frames remaining" %
              (i, framesRemaining))

        count = {}
        data = numpy.zeros((beampols, framesWork * 4096 // beampols),

        # Inner loop that actually reads the frames into the data array
        print("Working on %.1f ms of data" %
              ((framesWork * 4096 / beampols / srate) * 1000.0))
        t0 = time.time()

        for j in xrange(framesWork):
            # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                cFrame = drx.read_frame(fh, verbose=False)
            except errors.EOFError:
            except errors.SyncError:
                #print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" % (int(fh.tell())/drx.FRAME_SIZE-1))

            beam, tune, pol = cFrame.id
            aStand = 4 * (beam - 1) + 2 * (tune - 1) + pol
            #print(aStand, beam, tune, pol)
            if aStand not in standMapper:
                oStand = 1 * aStand
                aStand = standMapper.index(aStand)
                    "Mapping beam %i, tune. %1i, pol. %1i (%2i) to array index %3i"
                    % (beam, tune, pol, oStand, aStand))
                aStand = standMapper.index(aStand)

            if aStand not in count.keys():
                count[aStand] = 0
            #if cFrame.header.frame_count % 10000 == 0 and args.verbose:
            #	print("%2i,%1i,%1i -> %2i  %5i  %i" % (beam, tune, pol, aStand, cFrame.header.frame_count, cFrame.payload.timetag))

            #print(data.shape, count[aStand]*4096, (count[aStand]+1)*4096, cFrame.payload.data.shape)
            data[aStand, count[aStand] * 4096:(count[aStand] + 1) *
                 4096] = cFrame.payload.data
            # Update the counters so that we can average properly later on
            count[aStand] += 1

        # The plots:  This is setup for the current configuration of 20 beampols
        fig = plt.figure()
        figsX = int(round(math.sqrt(beampols)))
        figsY = beampols // figsX

        t1X = 1
        t1Y = 1

        offset = 0
        samples = 65536
        for sec in xrange(data.shape[1] // samples):
            if toClip:
                print("Plotting only the first %i samples (%.3f ms) of data" %
                      (samples, oldAverage * 1000.0))

            sortedMapper = sorted(standMapper)
            for k, aStand in enumerate(sortedMapper):
                i = standMapper.index(aStand)

                if standMapper[i] % 2 == 0:
                    ref = data[0, :]
                    t1R = t1X
                    ref = data[1, :]
                    t1R = t1Y

                (lag, cc), junkI, junkQ = crossCorrelate(
                    data[i, sec * samples:(sec + 1) * samples],
                    ref[offset + sec * samples:offset + (sec + 1) * samples])
                best = numpy.where(cc == cc.max())[0][0]
                if args.verbose:
                    print('tune %i pol. %s' %
                          (standMapper[i] % 4 // 2 + 1, standMapper[i] % 2))
                    print(' -> best peak of %.0f at a lag of %i samples' %
                          (cc.max(), lag[best]))
                    print(' -> NCM with tuning 1 of %.3f' % (cc.max() / t1R))

                # Plot
                ax = fig.add_subplot(figsX, figsY, k + 1)
                ax.plot(lag, cc, label='Same', color='blue')

                # Center on the peak
                best = numpy.where(cc == cc.max())[0][0]
                ax.set_xlim([lag[best - 50], lag[best + 50]])

                ax.set_title('Beam %i, Tune. %i, Pol. %i' %
                             (standMapper[i] // 4 + 1,
                              standMapper[i] % 4 // 2 + 1, standMapper[i] % 2))
                ax.set_xlabel('Lag [samples]')
                ax.set_ylabel('Analysis Sets')

                # Save the tuning 1 values for the peak of the CC function
                if standMapper[i] % 4 / 2 + 1 == 1:
                    if standMapper[i] % 2 == 0:
                        t1X = cc.max()
                        t1Y = cc.max()


        # Save image if requested
        if args.output is not None:
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(args):
    LFFT = args.fft_length

    stand1 = 0
    stand2 = int(args.dipole_id_y)
    filenames = args.filename

    # Build up the station
    if args.lwasv:
        site = stations.lwasv
        site = stations.lwa1

    # Get the antennas we need (and a fake one for the beam)
    rawAntennas = site.antennas

    antennas = []

    dipole = None
    xyz = numpy.zeros((len(rawAntennas), 3))
    i = 0
    for ant in rawAntennas:
        if ant.stand.id == stand2 and ant.pol == 0:
            dipole = ant
        xyz[i, 0] = ant.stand.x
        xyz[i, 1] = ant.stand.y
        xyz[i, 2] = ant.stand.z
        i += 1
    arrayX = xyz[:, 0].mean()
    arrayY = xyz[:, 1].mean()
    arrayZ = xyz[:, 2].mean()

    ## Fake one down here...
    beamStand = stations.Stand(0, arrayX, arrayY, arrayZ)
    beamFEE = stations.FEE('Beam', 0, gain1=0, gain2=0, status=3)
    beamCable = stations.Cable('Beam', 0, vf=1.0)
    beamAntenna = stations.Antenna(0,
    beamAntenna.fee = beamFEE
    beamAntenna.feePort = 1
    beamAntenna.cable = beamCable


    ## Dipole down here...
    ### NOTE
    ### Here we zero out the cable length for the dipole since the delay
    ### setup that is used for these observations already takes the
    ### cable/geometric delays into account.  We shouldn't need anything
    ### else to get good fringes.
    dipole.cable.length = 0

    # Loop over the input files...
    for filename in filenames:
        fh = open(filename, "rb")
        nFramesFile = os.path.getsize(filename) // drx.FRAME_SIZE
        #junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        while True:
                junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
                    srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
                    t0 = junkFrame.time
                except ZeroDivisionError:
            except errors.SyncError:
                fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE + 1, 1)

        fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
        srate = junkFrame.sample_rate

        tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
        tunepols = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
        beampols = tunepols

        # Offset in frames for beampols beam/tuning/pol. sets
        offset = int(args.skip * srate / 4096 * beampols)
        offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols
        fh.seek(offset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        # Iterate on the offsets until we reach the right point in the file.  This
        # is needed to deal with files that start with only one tuning and/or a
        # different sample rate.
        while True:
            ## Figure out where in the file we are and what the current tuning/sample
            ## rate is
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
            t1 = junkFrame.time
            tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
            tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
            beampols = tunepol
            fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

            ## See how far off the current frame is from the target
            tDiff = t1 - (t0 + args.skip)

            ## Half that to come up with a new seek parameter
            tCorr = -tDiff / 8.0
            cOffset = int(tCorr * srate / 4096 * beampols)
            cOffset = int(1.0 * cOffset / beampols) * beampols
            offset += cOffset

            ## If the offset is zero, we are done.  Otherwise, apply the offset
            ## and check the location in the file again/
            if cOffset is 0:
            fh.seek(cOffset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        # Update the offset actually used
        args.skip = t1 - t0
        offset = int(round(args.skip * srate / 4096 * beampols))
        offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols

        tnom = junkFrame.header.time_offset
        tStart = junkFrame.time

        # Get the DRX frequencies
        cFreq1 = 0.0
        cFreq2 = 0.0
        for i in xrange(32):
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            b, t, p = junkFrame.id
            if p == 0 and t == 1:
                cFreq1 = junkFrame.central_freq
            elif p == 0 and t == 2:
                cFreq2 = junkFrame.central_freq
        fh.seek(-32 * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        # Align the files as close as possible by the time tags and then make sure that
        # the first frame processed is from tuning 1, pol 0.
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
        pair = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol
        j = 0
        while pair != 0:
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
            pair = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol
            j += 1
        fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
        print("Shifted beam %i data by %i frames (%.4f s)" %
              (beam, j, j * 4096 / srate / 4))

        # Set integration time
        tInt = args.avg_time
        nFrames = int(round(tInt * srate / 4096))
        tInt = nFrames * 4096 / srate

        # Read in some data
        tFile = nFramesFile / 4 * 4096 / srate

        # Report
        print("Filename: %s" % filename)
        print("  Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
        print("  Tuning 1: %.1f Hz" % cFreq1)
        print("  Tuning 2: %.1f Hz" % cFreq2)
        print("  ===")
        print("  Integration Time: %.3f s" % tInt)
        print("  Integrations in File: %i" % int(tFile / tInt))
        print("  Duration of File: %f" % tFile)
        print("  Offset: %f s" % offset)

        if args.duration != 0:
            nChunks = int(round(args.duration / tInt))
            nChunks = int(tFile / tInt)

        print("Processing: %i integrations" % nChunks)

        # Here we start the HDF5 file
        outname = os.path.split(filename)[1]
        outname = os.path.splitext(outname)[0]
        outname = "%s.hdf5" % outname
        outfile = h5py.File(outname)
        group1 = outfile.create_group("Time")
        group2 = outfile.create_group("Frequencies")
        group3 = outfile.create_group("Visibilities")
        out = raw_input("Target Name: ")
        outfile.attrs["OBJECT"] = out
        out = raw_input("Polarization (X/Y): ")
        outfile.attrs["POLARIZATION"] = out
        dset1 = group1.create_dataset("Timesteps", (nChunks, 3),
                                      maxshape=(nChunks, 3))
        dset2 = group2.create_dataset("Tuning1", (LFFT, ),
                                      maxshape=(LFFT, ))
        dset3 = group2.create_dataset("Tuning2", (LFFT, ),
                                      maxshape=(LFFT, ))
        dset4 = group3.create_dataset("Tuning1", (nChunks, 3, LFFT),
                                      maxshape=(nChunks, 3, LFFT))
        dset5 = group3.create_dataset("Tuning2", (nChunks, 3, LFFT),
                                      maxshape=(nChunks, 3, LFFT))

        drxBuffer = buffer.DRXFrameBuffer(beams=[
                                          tunes=[1, 2],
                                          pols=[0, 1])
        data = numpy.zeros((2, 2, 4096 * nFrames), dtype=numpy.complex64)

        pb = ProgressBarPlus(max=nChunks)
        tsec = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=numpy.float64)
        for i in xrange(nChunks):
            j = 0
            while j < nFrames:
                for k in xrange(4):
                        cFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
                    except errors.SyncError:

                cFrames = drxBuffer.get()
                if cFrames is None:

                for cFrame in cFrames:
                    if j == 0:
                        tStart = cFrame.time
                    beam, tune, pol = cFrame.id
                    pair = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol

                    if tune == 1:
                        data[0, pol,
                             j * 4096:(j + 1) * 4096] = cFrame.payload.data
                        data[1, pol,
                             j * 4096:(j + 1) * 4096] = cFrame.payload.data

                j += 1

            # Correlate
            blList1, freq1, vis1 = fxc.FXMaster(data[0, :, :],

            blList2, freq2, vis2 = fxc.FXMaster(data[1, :, :],

            if i == 0:
                tsec = tInt / 2
                outfile.attrs["STANDS"] = numpy.array([stand1, stand2])
                outfile.attrs["SRATE"] = srate
                date = datetime.fromtimestamp(tStart).date()
                outfile.attrs["DATE"] = str(date)
                tsec += tInt

            temp = numpy.zeros(3, dtype=numpy.float64)
            temp[0] = tStart
            temp[1] = tInt
            temp[2] = tsec
            dset1.write_direct(temp, dest_sel=numpy.s_[i])
            dset4.write_direct(vis1, dest_sel=numpy.s_[i])
            dset5.write_direct(vis2, dest_sel=numpy.s_[i])

            sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')

        sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')

        # Plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        i = 0
        for bl, vi in zip(blList1, vis1):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, i + 1)
            ax.plot(freq1 / 1e6, numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(vi)))
            ax.set_title('Stand %i - Stand %i' %
                         (bl[0].stand.id, bl[1].stand.id))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, i + 4)
            ax.plot(freq1 / 1e6, numpy.abs(vi))
            i += 1

            coeff = numpy.polyfit(freq1, numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(vi)), 1)
            #print(coeff[0]/2/numpy.pi*1e9, coeff[1]*180/numpy.pi)

        i = 6
        for bl, vi in zip(blList2, vis2):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, i + 1)
            ax.plot(freq2 / 1e6, numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(vi)))
            ax.set_title('Stand %i - Stand %i' %
                         (bl[0].stand.id, bl[1].stand.id))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, i + 4)
            ax.plot(freq2 / 1e6, numpy.abs(vi))
            i += 1

            coeff = numpy.polyfit(freq2, numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(vi)), 1)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(args):
    filename = args[0]

    fh = open(filename, "rb")
    nFramesFile = os.path.getsize(filename) / drx.FRAME_SIZE
    junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
    beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
    while 2 * (tune - 1) + pol != 0:
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
    fh.seek(fh.tell() - drx.FRAME_SIZE)

    srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
    beams = drx.get_beam_count(fh)
    tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
    tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
    beampols = tunepol

    # File summary
    out = "Filename: %s" % filename
    out += "\nBeams: %i" % beams
    out += "\nTune/Pols: %i %i %i %i" % tunepols
    out += "\nSample Rate: %i Hz" % srate
    out += "\nFrames: %i (%.3f s)" % (nFramesFile, 1.0 * nFramesFile /
                                      beampols * 4096 / srate)
    out += "\n==="

    tuningOffset = numpy.zeros(nFramesFile / 8, dtype=numpy.int64)
        screen = curses.initscr()

        strdict = {'preamble': out}
        for i in xrange(tuningOffset.size):

            beamIDs = [0, 0, 0, 0]
            timetags = numpy.zeros(4, dtype=numpy.int64) - 1
            time_offsets = numpy.zeros(4, dtype=numpy.int64) - 1
            timeValues = numpy.zeros(4, dtype=numpy.float64)
            for j in xrange(4):
                # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                    cFrame = drx.read_frame(fh, verbose=False)
                except errors.EOFError:
                except errors.SyncError:
                    #print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" % (int(fh.tell())/drx.FRAME_SIZE-1))

                ## Save the time time, time offset, and computed time values
                beam, tune, pol = cFrame.id
                aStand = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol
                if timetags[aStand] == -1:
                    beamIDs[aStand] = (beam, tune, pol)
                    timetags[aStand] = cFrame.payload.timetag
                    time_offsets[aStand] = cFrame.header.time_offset
                    timeValues[aStand] = cFrame.time

            k = 0
            for id, tt, to, tv in zip(beamIDs, timetags, time_offsets,
                strdict['b%i' % k] = id[0]
                strdict['t%i' % k] = id[1]
                strdict['p%i' % k] = id[2]

                strdict['tt%i' % k] = tt
                strdict['os%i' % k] = to
                strdict['tv%i' % k] = tv

                k += 1

            t1t = timetags[0] - time_offsets[0]
            t2t = timetags[3] - time_offsets[3]
            tuningOffset[i] = t2t - t1t

            strdict['ttd'] = t2t - t1t
            strdict['tvd'] = (t2t - t1t) / fS

            screen.addstr(0, 0, display.safe_substitute(strdict))

            # Check for keypress and exit if Q
            c = screen.getch()
            if (c > 0):
                if chr(c) == 'q':
                if chr(c) == 'Q':


    except KeyboardInterrupt:

        tuningOffset = tuningOffset[0:i]


        "T2-T1 time tag offset range: %i to %i (based on %i sets of frames)" %
        (tuningOffset.min(), tuningOffset.max(), len(tuningOffset)))
Exemplo n.º 6
def main(args):
    LFFT = args.fft_length

    stand1 = int(args.dipole_id_x)
    stand2 = int(args.dipole_id_y)
    filenames = args.filename

    # Build up the station
    if args.lwasv:
        site = stations.lwasv
        site = stations.lwa1

    # Figure out which antennas we need
    antennas = []
    for ant in site.antennas:
        if ant.stand.id == stand1 and ant.pol == 0:
    for ant in site.antennas:
        if ant.stand.id == stand2 and ant.pol == 0:

    # Loop through the input files...
    for filename in filenames:
        fh = open(filename, "rb")
        nFramesFile = os.path.getsize(filename) // drx.FRAME_SIZE
        #junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        while True:
                junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
                    srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
                    t0 = junkFrame.time
                except ZeroDivisionError:
            except errors.SyncError:
                fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE + 1, 1)

        fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
        srate = junkFrame.sample_rate

        tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
        tunepols = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
        beampols = tunepols

        # Offset in frames for beampols beam/tuning/pol. sets
        offset = int(args.skip * srate / 4096 * beampols)
        offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols
        fh.seek(offset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        # Iterate on the offsets until we reach the right point in the file.  This
        # is needed to deal with files that start with only one tuning and/or a
        # different sample rate.
        while True:
            ## Figure out where in the file we are and what the current tuning/sample
            ## rate is
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
            t1 = junkFrame.time
            tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
            tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
            beampols = tunepol
            fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

            ## See how far off the current frame is from the target
            tDiff = t1 - (t0 + args.skip)

            ## Half that to come up with a new seek parameter
            tCorr = -tDiff / 8.0
            cOffset = int(tCorr * srate / 4096 * beampols)
            cOffset = int(1.0 * cOffset / beampols) * beampols
            offset += cOffset

            ## If the offset is zero, we are done.  Otherwise, apply the offset
            ## and check the location in the file again/
            if cOffset is 0:
            fh.seek(cOffset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        # Update the offset actually used
        args.skip = t1 - t0
        offset = int(round(args.skip * srate / 4096 * beampols))
        offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols

        tnom = junkFrame.header.time_offset
        tStart = junkFrame.time

        # Get the DRX frequencies
        cFreq1 = 0.0
        cFreq2 = 0.0
        for i in xrange(4):
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            b, t, p = junkFrame.id
            if p == 0 and t == 1:
                cFreq1 = junkFrame.central_freq
            elif p == 0 and t == 2:
                cFreq2 = junkFrame.central_freq
        fh.seek(-4 * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        # Align the files as close as possible by the time tags and then make sure that
        # the first frame processed is from tuning 1, pol 0.
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
        pair = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol
        j = 0
        while pair != 0:
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
            pair = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol
            j += 1
        fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
        print("Shifted beam %i data by %i frames (%.4f s)" %
              (beam, j, j * 4096 / srate / 4))

        # Set integration time
        tInt = args.avg_time
        nFrames = int(round(tInt * srate / 4096))
        tInt = nFrames * 4096 / srate

        # Read in some data
        tFile = nFramesFile / 4 * 4096 / srate

        # Report
        print("Filename: %s" % filename)
        print("  Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
        print("  Tuning 1: %.1f Hz" % cFreq1)
        print("  Tuning 2: %.1f Hz" % cFreq2)
        print("  ===")
        print("  Integration Time: %.3f s" % tInt)
        print("  Integrations in File: %i" % int(tFile / tInt))

        nChunks = int(tFile / tInt)
        pb = ProgressBar(max=nChunks)
        for i in xrange(nChunks):
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            tStart = junkFrame.time
            fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

            count1 = [0, 0]
            data1 = numpy.zeros((2, 4096 * nFrames), dtype=numpy.complex64)
            count2 = [0, 0]
            data2 = numpy.zeros((2, 4096 * nFrames), dtype=numpy.complex64)
            for j in xrange(nFrames):
                for k in xrange(4):
                    cFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
                    beam, tune, pol = cFrame.id
                    pair = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol

                    if tune == 1:
                        data1[pol, count1[pol] * 4096:(count1[pol] + 1) *
                              4096] = cFrame.payload.data
                        count1[pol] += 1
                        data2[pol, count2[pol] * 4096:(count2[pol] + 1) *
                              4096] = cFrame.payload.data
                        count2[pol] += 1

            # Correlate
            blList1, freq1, vis1 = fxc.FXMaster(data1,

            blList2, freq2, vis2 = fxc.FXMaster(data2,

            if nChunks != 1:
                outfile = os.path.split(filename)[1]
                outfile = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0]
                outfile = "%s-vis-%04i.npz" % (outfile, i + 1)
                outfile = os.path.split(filename)[1]
                outfile = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0]
                outfile = "%s-vis.npz" % outfile
                        stands=numpy.array([stand1, stand2]))

            del data1
            del data2

            sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')

        sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')

        # Plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        i = 0
        for bl, vi in zip(blList1, vis1):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, i + 1)
            ax.plot(freq1 / 1e6, numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(vi)))
            ax.set_title('Stand %i - Stand %i' %
                         (bl[0].stand.id, bl[1].stand.id))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, i + 4)
            ax.plot(freq1 / 1e6, numpy.abs(vi))
            i += 1

            coeff = numpy.polyfit(freq1, numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(vi)), 1)
            #print(coeff[0]/2/numpy.pi*1e9, coeff[1]*180/numpy.pi)

        i = 6
        for bl, vi in zip(blList2, vis2):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, i + 1)
            ax.plot(freq2 / 1e6, numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(vi)))
            ax.set_title('Stand %i - Stand %i' %
                         (bl[0].stand.id, bl[1].stand.id))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, i + 4)
            ax.plot(freq2 / 1e6, numpy.abs(vi))
            i += 1

            coeff = numpy.polyfit(freq2, numpy.unwrap(numpy.angle(vi)), 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
def main(args):
    filename = args.filename

    fh = open(filename, "rb")
    nFramesFile = os.path.getsize(filename) // drx.FRAME_SIZE
    while True:
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
                srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
            except ZeroDivisionError:
        except errors.SyncError:
            fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE + 1, 1)

    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
    tunepols = max(drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh))

    # Date & Central Frequnecy
    beginDate = junkFrame.time.datetime
    central_freq1 = 0.0
    central_freq2 = 0.0
    for i in xrange(32):
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        b, t, p = junkFrame.id
        if p == 0 and t == 1:
            central_freq1 = junkFrame.central_freq
        elif p == 0 and t == 2:
            central_freq2 = junkFrame.central_freq
    fh.seek(-32 * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Report on the file
    print("Filename: %s" % filename)
    print("Date of First Frame: %s" % str(beginDate))
    print("Beam: %i" % beam)
    print("Tune/Pols: %i" % tunepols)
    print("Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
    print("Tuning Frequency: %.3f Hz (1); %.3f Hz (2)" %
          (central_freq1, central_freq2))
    print(" ")

    # Convert chunk length to total frame count
    chunkLength = int(args.length * srate / 4096 * tunepols)
    chunkLength = int(1.0 * chunkLength / tunepols) * tunepols

    # Convert chunk skip to total frame count
    chunkSkip = int(args.skip * srate / 4096 * tunepols)
    chunkSkip = int(1.0 * chunkSkip / tunepols) * tunepols

    # Output arrays
    clipFraction = []
    meanPower = []

    # Go!
    i = 1
    done = False
    print("   |           Clipping              |          Power          |")
    print("   |      1X      1Y      2X      2Y |    1X    1Y    2X    2Y |")

    while True:
        count = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
        data = numpy.empty((4, chunkLength * 4096 // tunepols),
        for j in xrange(chunkLength):
            # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                cFrame = drx.read_frame(fh, verbose=False)
            except errors.EOFError:
                done = True
            except errors.SyncError:

            beam, tune, pol = cFrame.id
            aStand = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol

                data[aStand, count[aStand] * 4096:(count[aStand] + 1) *
                     4096] = cFrame.payload.data

                # Update the counters so that we can average properly later on
                count[aStand] += 1
            except ValueError:

        if done:

            data = numpy.abs(data)**2
            data = data.astype(numpy.int32)

            for j in xrange(4):
                bad = numpy.nonzero(data[j, :] > args.trim_level)[0]
                clipFraction[-1][j] = 1.0 * len(bad) / data.shape[1]

            clip = clipFraction[-1]
            power = meanPower[-1]
                "%2i | %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %6.2f%% | %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f |"
                % (i, clip[0] * 100.0, clip[1] * 100.0, clip[2] * 100.0,
                   clip[3] * 100.0, power[0], power[1], power[2], power[3]))

            i += 1
            fh.seek(drx.FRAME_SIZE * chunkSkip, 1)

    clipFraction = numpy.array(clipFraction)
    meanPower = numpy.array(meanPower)

    clip = clipFraction.mean(axis=0)
    power = meanPower.mean(axis=0)

    print("%2s | %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %6.2f%% | %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f |" %
          ('M', clip[0] * 100.0, clip[1] * 100.0, clip[2] * 100.0,
           clip[3] * 100.0, power[0], power[1], power[2], power[3]))
Exemplo n.º 8
def main(args):
    filename = args.filename

    sizeB = os.path.getsize(filename)

    # Open the file and get some basic info about the data contained
    fh = open(filename, 'rb')
    nFramesFile = sizeB / drx.FRAME_SIZE

    while True:
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
                srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
                t0 = junkFrame.time
            except ZeroDivisionError:
        except errors.SyncError:
            fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE + 1, 1)

    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    beams = drx.get_beam_count(fh)
    tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
    tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
    beampols = tunepol

    # Offset in frames for beampols beam/tuning/pol. sets
    offset = int(round(args.offset * srate / 4096 * beampols))
    offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols
    fh.seek(offset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Iterate on the offsets until we reach the right point in the file.  This
    # is needed to deal with files that start with only one tuning and/or a
    # different sample rate.
    while True:
        ## Figure out where in the file we are and what the current tuning/sample
        ## rate is
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
        t1 = junkFrame.time
        tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
        tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
        beampols = tunepol
        fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        ## See how far off the current frame is from the target
        tDiff = t1 - (t0 + args.offset)

        ## Half that to come up with a new seek parameter
        tCorr = -tDiff / 2.0
        cOffset = int(tCorr * srate / 4096 * beampols)
        cOffset = int(1.0 * cOffset / beampols) * beampols
        offset += cOffset

        ## If the offset is zero, we are done.  Otherwise, apply the offset
        ## and check the location in the file again/
        if cOffset is 0:
        fh.seek(cOffset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Update the offset actually used
    args.offset = t1 - t0

    nCaptures = nFramesFile / beampols

    print("Filename:     %s" % filename)
    print("Size:         %.1f MB" % (float(sizeB) / 1024 / 1024))
    print("Captures:     %i (%.2f seconds)" %
          (nCaptures, nCaptures * 4096 / srate))
    print("Tuning/Pols.: %i " % tunepol)
    print("Sample Rate: %.2f MHz" % (srate / 1e6))

    if args.count > 0:
        nCaptures = args.count * srate // 4096
        nCaptures -= args.offset * srate // 4096

        args.count = nCaptures * 4096 // srate

    print("Seconds to Skip:  %.2f (%i captures)" %
          (args.offset, offset / beampols))
    print("Seconds to Split: %.2f (%i captures)" % (args.count, nCaptures))

    # Make sure that the first frame in the file is the first frame of a capture
    # (tuning 1, pol 0).  If not, read in as many frames as necessary to get to
    # the beginning of a complete capture.
    beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id

    skip = 0
    while (2 * (tune - 1) + pol) != 0:
        frame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        beam, tune, pol = frame.id
        skip += 1

    nFramesRemaining = (sizeB - fh.tell()) // drx.FRAME_SIZE
    nRecursions = int(nFramesRemaining // (nCaptures * beampols))
    if not args.recursive:
        nRecursions = 1

    scale = int(math.log10(nRecursions)) + 1
    ifString = "Working on #%%%ii of %i (%%s)" % (scale, nRecursions)

    for r in range(nRecursions):
        if args.date:
            filePos = fh.tell()
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)

            dt = junkFrame.time.datetime
            captFilename = "%s_%s.dat" % (os.path.splitext(
                os.path.basename(filename))[0], dt.isoformat())
            captFilename = "%s_s%04i_p%%0%ii.dat" % (os.path.splitext(
                os.path.basename(filename))[0], args.count, scale)
            captFilename = captFilename % r
            if not args.recursive:
                captFilename = "%s_s%04i.dat" % (os.path.splitext(
                    os.path.basename(filename))[0], args.count)

        print(ifString % (r + 1, captFilename))

        t0 = time.time()
        fhOut = open(captFilename, 'wb')
        split_file(fh, fhOut, nCaptures, beampols)
        t1 = time.time()
        print("  Copied %i bytes in %.3f s (%.3f MB/s)" %
              (os.path.getsize(captFilename), t1 - t0,
               os.path.getsize(captFilename) / 1024.0**2 / (t1 - t0)))

Exemplo n.º 9
def main(args):
    fh = open(args.filename, "rb")
    nFramesFile = os.path.getsize(args.filename) // drx.FRAME_SIZE

    while True:
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
                srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
                t0i, t0f = junkFrame.time
            except ZeroDivisionError:
        except errors.SyncError:
            fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE + 1, 1)

    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    beams = drx.get_beam_count(fh)
    tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
    tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
    beampols = tunepol

    # Offset in frames for beampols beam/tuning/pol. sets
    offset = int(round(args.skip * srate / 4096 * beampols))
    offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols
    fh.seek(offset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Iterate on the offsets until we reach the right point in the file.  This
    # is needed to deal with files that start with only one tuning and/or a
    # different sample rate.
    while True:
        ## Figure out where in the file we are and what the current tuning/sample
        ## rate is
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
        t1i, t1f = junkFrame.time
        tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
        tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
        beampols = tunepol
        fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        ## See how far off the current frame is from the target
        tDiff = t1i - (t0i + args.skip) + (t1f - t0f)

        ## Half that to come up with a new seek parameter
        tCorr = -tDiff / 2.0
        cOffset = int(tCorr * srate / 4096 * beampols)
        cOffset = int(1.0 * cOffset / beampols) * beampols
        offset += cOffset

        ## If the offset is zero, we are done.  Otherwise, apply the offset
        ## and check the location in the file again/
        if cOffset is 0:
        fh.seek(cOffset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Update the offset actually used
    args.skip = t1i - t0i + t1f - t0f
    offset = int(round(args.skip * srate / 4096 * beampols))
    offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols

    # Make sure that the file chunk size contains is an intger multiple
    # of the beampols.
    maxFrames = int(19144 / beampols) * beampols

    # Number of frames to integrate over
    toClip = False
    oldAverage = args.plot_range
    if args.plot_range < 4096 / srate:
        toClip = True
        args.plot_range = 4096 / srate
    nFrames = int(args.plot_range * srate / 4096 * beampols)
    nFrames = int(1.0 * nFrames / beampols) * beampols
    args.plot_range = 1.0 * nFrames / beampols * 4096 / srate

    # Number of remaining chunks
    nChunks = int(math.ceil(1.0 * (nFrames) / maxFrames))

    # File summary
    print("Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Beams: %i" % beams)
    print("Tune/Pols: %i %i %i %i" % tunepols)
    print("Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
    print("Frames: %i (%.3f s)" %
          (nFramesFile, 1.0 * nFramesFile / beampols * 4096 / srate))
    print("Offset: %.3f s (%i frames)" % (args.skip, offset))
    print("Plot time: %.3f s (%i frames; %i frames per beam/tune/pol)" %
          (args.plot_range, nFrames, nFrames // beampols))
    print("Chunks: %i" % nChunks)

    # Sanity check
    if nFrames > (nFramesFile - offset):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Requested integration time+offset is greater than file length")

    # Align the file handle so that the first frame read in the
    # main analysis loop is from tuning 1, polarization 0
    junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
    b, t, p = junkFrame.id
    while 2 * (t - 1) + p != 0:
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        b, t, p = junkFrame.id
    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Master loop over all of the file chuncks
    standMapper = []
    for i in range(nChunks):
        # Find out how many frames remain in the file.  If this number is larger
        # than the maximum of frames we can work with at a time (maxFrames),
        # only deal with that chunk
        framesRemaining = nFrames - i * maxFrames
        if framesRemaining > maxFrames:
            framesWork = maxFrames
            framesWork = framesRemaining
        print("Working on chunk %i, %i frames remaining" %
              (i, framesRemaining))

        count = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
        tt = numpy.zeros(
            (beampols, framesWork // beampols), dtype=numpy.int64) - 1
        data = numpy.zeros((beampols, framesWork * 4096 // beampols),

        # Inner loop that actually reads the frames into the data array
        print("Working on %.1f ms of data" %
              ((framesWork * 4096 / beampols / srate) * 1000.0))
        t0 = time.time()

        for j in xrange(framesWork):
            # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                cFrame = drx.read_frame(fh, verbose=False)
            except errors.EOFError:
            except errors.SyncError:
                #print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" % (int(fh.tell())//drx.FRAME_SIZE-1))

            beam, tune, pol = cFrame.id
            aStand = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol

            tt[aStand, count[aStand]] = cFrame.payload.timetag
            if args.instantaneous_power:
                data[aStand, count[aStand] * 4096:(count[aStand] + 1) *
                     4096] = numpy.abs(cFrame.payload.data)**2
                data[aStand, count[aStand] * 4096:(count[aStand] + 1) *
                     4096] = cFrame.payload.data

            # Update the counters so that we can average properly later on
            count[aStand] += 1

        # The plots:  This is setup for the current configuration of 20 beampols
        fig = plt.figure()
        figsX = int(round(math.sqrt(beampols)))
        figsY = beampols // figsX

        samples = int(oldAverage * srate)
        if toClip:
            print("Plotting only the first %i samples (%.3f ms) of data" %
                  (samples, oldAverage * 1000.0))

        sortedMapper = sorted(standMapper)
        for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(figsX, figsY, i + 1)
            if args.instantaneous_power:
                limits = (-10, 100)
                if toClip:
                    ax.plot(args.skip + numpy.arange(0, samples) / srate,
                            data[i, 0:samples])
                    ax.plot(args.skip + numpy.arange(0, data.shape[1]) / srate,
                            data[i, :])
                limits = (-8, 8)
                if toClip:
                    ax.plot(args.skip + numpy.arange(0, samples) / srate,
                            data[i, 0:samples].real,
                    ax.plot(args.skip + numpy.arange(0, samples) / srate,
                            data[i, 0:samples].imag,
                    ax.plot(args.skip + numpy.arange(0, data.shape[1]) / srate,
                            data[i, :].real,
                    ax.plot(args.skip + numpy.arange(0, data.shape[1]) / srate,
                            data[i, :].imag,

            if args.mark_frames:
                for j in xrange(0, samples - 4096, 4096):
                    ax.vlines(float(j) / srate,
                              label='%i' % tt[i, j // 4096])

            ax.set_title('Beam %i, Tune. %i, Pol. %i' %
                         (beam, i // 2 + 1, i % 2))
            ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')
            if args.instantaneous_power:
                ax.set_ylabel('I$^2$ + Q$^2$')
                ax.set_ylabel('Output Level')

        # Save image if requested
        if args.output is not None:
Exemplo n.º 10
def main(args):
    fh = open(args.filename, "rb")
    nFramesFile = os.path.getsize(args.filename) // drx.FRAME_SIZE

    while True:
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
            srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
            t0i, t0f = junkFrame.time
        except ZeroDivisionError:
    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    beams = drx.get_beam_count(fh)
    tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
    tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
    beampols = tunepol

    # Offset in frames for beampols beam/tuning/pol. sets
    offset = int(round(args.skip * srate / 4096 * beampols))
    offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols
    fh.seek(offset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Iterate on the offsets until we reach the right point in the file.  This
    # is needed to deal with files that start with only one tuning and/or a
    # different sample rate.
    while True:
        ## Figure out where in the file we are and what the current tuning/sample
        ## rate is
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
        t1i, t1f = junkFrame.time
        tunepols = drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh)
        tunepol = tunepols[0] + tunepols[1] + tunepols[2] + tunepols[3]
        beampols = tunepol
        fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

        ## See how far off the current frame is from the target
        tDiff = t1i - (t0i + args.skip) + (t1f - t0f)

        ## Half that to come up with a new seek parameter
        tCorr = -tDiff / 2.0
        cOffset = int(tCorr * srate / 4096 * beampols)
        cOffset = int(1.0 * cOffset / beampols) * beampols
        offset += cOffset

        ## If the offset is zero, we are done.  Otherwise, apply the offset
        ## and check the location in the file again/
        if cOffset is 0:
        fh.seek(cOffset * drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Update the offset actually used
    args.skip = t1i - t0i + t1f - t0f
    offset = int(round(args.skip * srate / 4096 * beampols))
    offset = int(1.0 * offset / beampols) * beampols

    # Make sure that the file chunk size contains is an intger multiple
    # of the beampols.
    maxFrames = int(round(args.average * srate / 4096)) * beampols
    if maxFrames < beampols:
        maxFrames = beampols
    args.average = 1.0 * maxFrames / beampols * 4096 / srate

    # Number of remaining chunks
    nChunks = int(round(args.duration / args.average))
    nFrames = maxFrames * nChunks

    # Store the information about the first frame.
    prevTime = junkFrame.payload.timetag
    prevDate = junkFrame.time.datetime

    # File summary
    print("Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Beams: %i" % beams)
    print("Tune/Pols: %i %i %i %i" % tunepols)
    print("Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
    print("Date of first frame: %i -> %s" % (prevTime, str(prevDate)))
    print("Frames: %i (%.3f s)" %
          (nFramesFile, 1.0 * nFramesFile / beampols * 4096 / srate))
    print("Offset: %.3f s (%i frames)" % (args.skip, offset))
    print("Integration: %.4f s (%i frames; %i frames per beam/tune/pol)" %
          (args.average, maxFrames, maxFrames // beampols))
    print("Duration: %.4f s (%i frames; %i frames per beam/tune/pol)" %
          (args.average * nChunks, nFrames, nFrames // beampols))
    print(" ")

    # Sanity check
    if nFrames > (nFramesFile - offset):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Requested integration time+offset is greater than file length")

    # Align the file handle so that the first frame read in the
    # main analysis loop is from tuning 1, polarization 0
    junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
    b, t, p = junkFrame.id
    while 2 * (t - 1) + p != 0:
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh)
        b, t, p = junkFrame.id
    fh.seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)

    # Master loop over all of the file chuncks
    masterTimes = numpy.zeros((nChunks, 4), dtype=numpy.float64)
    masterData = numpy.zeros((nChunks, 4), dtype=numpy.float32)
    masterData2 = numpy.zeros((nChunks, 4), dtype=numpy.float32)
    masterProcessed = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    masterRemoved = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    for i in range(nChunks):
        # Find out how many frames remain in the file.  If this number is larger
        # than the maximum of frames we can work with at a time (maxFrames),
        # only deal with that chunk
        framesRemaining = nFrames - i * maxFrames
        if framesRemaining > maxFrames:
            framesWork = maxFrames
            framesWork = framesRemaining
        #print("Working on chunk %i, %i frames remaining" % (i, framesRemaining))

        count = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
        data = numpy.zeros((4, framesWork * 4096 // beampols),
        data2 = numpy.zeros((4, framesWork * 4096 // beampols),

        ## Inner loop that actually reads the frames into the data array
        #print("Working on %.2f ms of data" % ((framesWork*4096/beampols/srate)*1000.0))
        t0 = time.time()

        for j in xrange(framesWork):
            # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                cFrame = drx.read_frame(fh, verbose=False)
            except errors.EOFError:
            except errors.SyncError:
                #print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" % (int(fh.tell())/drx.FRAME_SIZE-1))

            beam, tune, pol = cFrame.id
            aStand = 2 * (tune - 1) + pol

            if j < 4:
                masterTimes[i, aStand] = cFrame.time

                framePower = numpy.abs(cFrame.payload.data)**2

                # Calculate the clipping
                mask = numpy.where(framePower <= args.trim_level, 1, 0)

                data[aStand, count[aStand] * 4096:(count[aStand] + 1) *
                     4096] = framePower
                data2[aStand, count[aStand] * 4096:(count[aStand] + 1) *
                      4096] = framePower * mask

                masterProcessed[aStand] += mask.size
                masterRemoved[aStand] += (mask.size - mask.sum())

                # Update the counters so that we can average properly later on
                count[aStand] += 1
            except ValueError:

        # Save the data
        masterData[i, :] = data.sum(axis=1)
        masterData2[i, :] = data2.sum(axis=1)

    # Really save the data to a NPZ file
    if args.write_npz:
        outfile = os.path.split(args.filename)[1]
        outfile = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0]
        outfile = '%s-power.npz' % outfile

    # Report on the clipping
    for i in xrange(4):
        print("  Tuning %i, Pol. %s:" % (i / 2 + 1, 'X' if i % 2 else 'Y'))
        print("    Processed: %i samples" % masterProcessed[i])
        print("    Clipped:   %i samples" % masterRemoved[i])
        print("      -> %.1f%% blanked" %
              (100.0 * masterRemoved[i] / masterProcessed[i], ))

    # The plots:  This is setup for the current configuration of 20 beampols
    fig = plt.figure()
    figsX = int(round(math.sqrt(4)))
    figsY = 4 // figsX

    for i in xrange(masterData.shape[1]):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(figsX, figsY, i + 1)
        ax.plot(numpy.arange(0, masterData.shape[0]) * args.average,
                masterData[:, i],
        ax.plot(numpy.arange(0, masterData2.shape[0]) * args.average,
                masterData2[:, i],
        ax.set_ylim([0, masterData.max()])

        ax.set_title('Beam %i, Tune. %i, Pol. %i' % (beam, i // 2 + 1, i % 2))
        ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')
        ax.set_ylabel('Output Power Level')


    # Part 2, polarization stuff
    fig2 = plt.figure()
    ax = fig2.add_subplot(3, 2, 1)
        numpy.arange(0, masterData.shape[0]) * args.average,
        numpy.sqrt(masterData[:, 0]**2 + masterData[:, 1]**2))
    ax.set_title('$\\sqrt{X1^2 + Y1^2}$')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')

    ax = fig2.add_subplot(3, 2, 2)
        numpy.arange(0, masterData.shape[0]) * args.average,
        masterData[:, 1] / masterData[:, 0])
    ax.set_title('$Y1 / X1$')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')

    ax = fig2.add_subplot(3, 2, 3)
        numpy.arange(0, masterData.shape[0]) * args.average,
        numpy.sqrt(masterData[:, 2]**2 + masterData[:, 3]**2))
    ax.set_title('$\\sqrt{X2^2 + Y2^2}$')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')

    ax = fig2.add_subplot(3, 2, 4)
        numpy.arange(0, masterData.shape[0]) * args.average,
        masterData[:, 3] / masterData[:, 2])
    ax.set_title('$Y2 / X2$')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')

    ax = fig2.add_subplot(3, 2, 5)
        numpy.arange(0, masterData.shape[0]) * args.average,
        numpy.sqrt(masterData[:, 2]**2 + masterData[:, 3]**2) /
        numpy.sqrt(masterData[:, 0]**2 + masterData[:, 1]**2))
    ax.set_title('$\\sqrt{X2^2 + Y2^2} / \\sqrt{X1^2 + Y1^2}$')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')

    ax = fig2.add_subplot(3, 2, 6)
        numpy.arange(0, masterData.shape[0]) * args.average,
        (masterData[:, 3] / masterData[:, 2]) /
        (masterData[:, 1] / masterData[:, 0]))
    ax.set_title('$(Y2 / X2) / (Y1 / X1)$')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')


    # Save image if requested
    if args.output is not None:
Exemplo n.º 11
def main(args):
    files = args
    fh = []
    nFramesFile = []
    srate = []
    beams = []
    tunepols = []
    beampols = []
    tnom = []
    tStart = []
    # Open the various files and get basic data information:  beam, number of 
    # frames per obs, T_NOM, time tag of first frame
    for filename in files:
        fh.append( open(filename, "rb") )
        nFramesFile.append( os.path.getsize(filename) / drx.FRAME_SIZE )
        while True:
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh[-1])
                srate = junkFrame.sample_rate
            except ZeroDivisionError:
        fh[-1].seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
        beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
        beams.append( beam )
        tunepols.append( drx.get_frames_per_obs(fh[-1]) )
        tunepols.append( tunepols[-1][0] + tunepols[-1][1] + tunepols[-1][2] + tunepols[-1][3] )
        beampols.append( tunepols[-1] )
        tnom.append( junkFrame.header.time_offset )
        tStart.append( junkFrame.payload.timetag )
    # Align the files as close as possible by the time tags and then make sure that
    # the first frame processed is from tuning 1, pol 0.
    for i in xrange(len(files)):
        junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh[i])
        beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
        pair = 2*(tune-1) + pol
        j = 0
        while junkFrame.payload.timetag < max(tStart):
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh[i])
            beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
            pair = 2*(tune-1) + pol
            j += 1
        while pair != 0:
            junkFrame = drx.read_frame(fh[i])
            beam, tune, pol = junkFrame.id
            pair = 2*(tune-1) + pol
            j += 1
        fh[i].seek(-drx.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
        print("Shifted beam %i data by %i frames (%.4f s)" % (i, j, j*4096/srate[i]/4))
    # Date
    beginDate = junkFrame.time.datetime

    # File summary
    print(" ")
    print("Filenames: %s" % ' '.join([os.path.split(f)[1] for f in files]))
    print("Date of First Frame: ~%s" % str(beginDate))
    print("Beams: %s" % ' '.join([str(b) for b in beams]))
    print("Sample Rate: %s Hz" % ' '.join([str(s) for s in srate]))
    print(" ")

    # Main reader loop - save the data to the `data` list and the raw time tag values
    # to the `times` list.
    nFrames = 2000
    data = numpy.zeros((len(files), 4, 4096*nFrames), dtype=numpy.csingle)
    times = numpy.zeros((len(files), 4, nFrames), dtype=numpy.int64)
    for i in xrange(len(files)):
        for j in xrange(nFrames):
            for k in xrange(4):
                frame = drx.read_frame(fh[i])
                beam, tune, pol = frame.id
                pair = 2*(tune-1) + pol
                data[i,pair,j*4096:(j+1)*4096] = frame.payload.data
                times[i,pair,j] = frame.payload.timetag
                #print(i, j, k, beam, tune, pol, frame.payload.timetag)
    # Cross-correlate
    refs = [0,0,0,0]
    for i in xrange(len(files)):
        for j in xrange(i, len(files)):
            if i != j:
                fig = plt.figure()
            for k in xrange(4):
                lag, cc = crossCorrelate(data[j,k,:], data[i,k,:])
                best = numpy.where( cc == cc.max() )[0][0]
                if i == j:
                    refs[k] = cc.max()
                    ccOffset = lag[best]*fS/srate[i]
                    rtOffset = times[i,k,0] - times[j,k,0]
                    ctOffset = (times[i,k,0] - tnom[i]) - (times[j,k,0] - tnom[j])
                    print("Beams %i & %i, Tuning %i, Pol. %i" % (beams[i], beams[j], k/2+1, k%2))
                    print("  T_NOM%i: %i ticks" % (beams[i], tnom[i]))
                    print("  T_NOM%i: %i ticks" % (beams[j], tnom[j]))
                    print("  -> T_NOM%i - T_NOM%i: %i ticks" % (beams[j], beams[i], tnom[j] - tnom[i]))
                    print("  NCM: %.3f" % (cc.max() / refs[k]))
                    print("  CC Offset: %i ticks" % ccOffset)
                    print("  raw time tag Offset: %i ticks" % rtOffset)
                    print("  cor time tag Offset: %i ticks" % ctOffset)
                    print("  -> CC - raw: %i ticks" % (ccOffset - rtOffset))
                    print("  -> CC - cor: %i ticks" % (ccOffset - ctOffset))
                    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, k+1)
                    ax.plot(lag[best-50:best+50], cc[best-50:best+50])
                    ax.set_title('Beams %i & %i, Tuning %i, Pol. %i' % (beams[i], beams[j], k/2+1, k%2))
                    ax.set_xlabel('Lag [samples]')
                    ax.set_ylabel('Analysis Sets')
            if i != j:
    for f in fh: