Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_tbw_bits(self):
        """Test getting the data bits from a TBW file."""

        fh = open(tbwFile, 'rb')
        # File contains 12-bit data, two ways
        self.assertEqual(tbw.get_data_bits(fh), 12)
        frame1 = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        self.assertEqual(frame1.data_bits, 12)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(args):
    # Set the station
    if args.metadata is not None:
        station = stations.parse_ssmif(args.metadata)
        ssmifContents = open(args.metadata).readlines()
        station = stations.lwa1
        ssmifContents = open(os.path.join(dataPath,
    antennas = station.antennas

    # Length of the FFT
    LFFT = args.fft_length

    # Make sure that the file chunk size contains is an integer multiple
    # of the FFT length so that no data gets dropped
    maxFrames = int((30000 * 260) / float(LFFT)) * LFFT
    # It seems like that would be a good idea, however...  TBW data comes one
    # capture at a time so doing something like this actually truncates data
    # from the last set of stands for the first integration.  So, we really
    # should stick with
    maxFrames = (30000 * 260)

    fh = open(args.filename, "rb")
    nFrames = os.path.getsize(args.filename) // tbw.FRAME_SIZE
    dataBits = tbw.get_data_bits(fh)
    # The number of ant/pols in the file is hard coded because I cannot figure out
    # a way to get this number in a systematic fashion
    antpols = len(antennas)
    nChunks = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nFrames / maxFrames))
    if dataBits == 12:
        nSamples = 400
        nSamples = 1200

    # Read in the first frame and get the date/time of the first sample
    # of the frame.  This is needed to get the list of stands.
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    beginDate = junkFrame.time.datetime

    # File summary
    print("Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Date of First Frame: %s" % str(beginDate))
    print("Ant/Pols: %i" % antpols)
    print("Sample Length: %i-bit" % dataBits)
    print("Frames: %i" % nFrames)
    print("Chunks: %i" % nChunks)

    nChunks = 1

    # Skip over any non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file
    i = 0
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    while not junkFrame.header.is_tbw:
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        except errors.SyncError:
            while True:
                    junkFrame = tbn.read_frame(fh)
                    i += 1
                except errors.SyncError:
            fh.seek(-2 * tbn.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        i += 1
    fh.seek(-tbw.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
    print("Skipped %i non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file" % i)

    # Setup the window function to use
    if args.pfb:
        window = fxc.null_window
    elif args.bartlett:
        window = numpy.bartlett
    elif args.blackman:
        window = numpy.blackman
    elif args.hanning:
        window = numpy.hanning
        window = fxc.null_window

    base, ext = os.path.splitext(args.filename)
    base = os.path.basename(base)
    if (not os.path.exists("%s.npz" % base)) or args.force:
        # Master loop over all of the file chunks
        masterSpectra = numpy.zeros((nChunks, antpols, LFFT))
        for i in range(nChunks):
            # Find out how many frames remain in the file.  If this number is larger
            # than the maximum of frames we can work with at a time (maxFrames),
            # only deal with that chunk
            framesRemaining = nFrames - i * maxFrames
            if framesRemaining > maxFrames:
                framesWork = maxFrames
                framesWork = framesRemaining
            print("Working on chunk %i, %i frames remaining" %
                  ((i + 1), framesRemaining))

            data = numpy.memmap('temp.mmap',
                                       2 * 30000 * 260 * nSamples // antpols))
            # If there are fewer frames than we need to fill an FFT, skip this chunk
            if data.shape[1] < 2 * LFFT:
            # Inner loop that actually reads the frames into the data array
            for j in range(framesWork):
                # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                    cFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
                except errors.EOFError:
                except errors.SyncError:
                    print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" %
                          (int(fh.tell()) // tbw.FRAME_SIZE - 1))
                if not cFrame.header.is_tbw:

                stand = cFrame.header.id
                # In the current configuration, stands start at 1 and go up to 10.  So, we
                # can use this little trick to populate the data array
                aStand = 2 * (stand - 1)
                if cFrame.header.frame_count % 10000 == 0 and args.verbose:
                    print("%3i -> %3i  %6.3f  %5i  %i" %
                          (stand, aStand, cFrame.time,
                           cFrame.header.frame_count, cFrame.payload.timetag))

                # Actually load the data.  x pol goes into the even numbers, y pol into the
                # odd numbers
                count = cFrame.header.frame_count - 1
                data[aStand, count * nSamples:(count + 1) *
                     nSamples] = 1 * cFrame.payload.data[0, :]
                data[aStand + 1, count * nSamples:(count + 1) *
                     nSamples] = 1 * cFrame.payload.data[1, :]
                del cFrame

            # Calculate the spectra for this block of data and then weight the results by
            # the total number of frames read.  This is needed to keep the averages correct.
            # NB:  The weighting is the same for the x and y polarizations because of how
            # the data are packed in TBW
            for j in xrange(0, masterSpectra.shape[1], 4):
                tempData = numpy.zeros((4, data.shape[1]), dtype=data.dtype)
                tempData = data[j:j + 4, :]

                freq, tempSpec = fxc.SpecMaster(tempData,
                masterSpectra[i, j:j + 4, :] = tempSpec

            # Compute the 1 ms average power and the data range within each 1 ms window
            subSize = 1960
            nsegments = data.shape[1] // subSize

                "Computing average power and data range in %i-sample intervals"
                % subSize)
            pb = ProgressBar(max=data.shape[0])
            avgPower = numpy.zeros((antpols, nsegments), dtype=numpy.float32)
            dataRange = numpy.zeros((antpols, nsegments, 3), dtype=numpy.int16)
            for s in xrange(data.shape[0]):
                for p in xrange(nsegments):
                    subData = data[s, (p * subSize):((p + 1) * subSize)]
                    avgPower[s, p] = numpy.mean(numpy.abs(subData))
                    dataRange[s, p, 0] = subData.min()
                    dataRange[s, p, 1] = subData.mean()
                    dataRange[s, p, 2] = subData.max()

                    ### This little block here looks for likely saturation events and save
                    ### the raw time series around them into individual NPZ files for stand
                    ### number 14.
                    #if (dataRange[s,p,0] < -1000 or dataRange[s,p,0] > 1000) and antennas[s].stand.id == 14:
                    #subData = data[s,((p-1)*1960):((p+2)*1960)]
                    #satFileName = 'stand-14-pol-%i-%i.npz' % (antennas[s].pol, (p-1)*1960)
                    #numpy.savez(satFileName, start=(p-1)*1960, data=subData)
                if pb.amount != 0 and pb.amount % 10 == 0:
                    sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')
            sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')

            # We don't really need the data array anymore, so delete it
            del (data)

        # Apply the cable loss corrections, if requested
        if True:
            for s in xrange(masterSpectra.shape[1]):
                currGain = antennas[s].cable.gain(freq)
                for c in xrange(masterSpectra.shape[0]):
                    masterSpectra[c, s, :] /= currGain

        # Now that we have read through all of the chunks, perform the final averaging by
        # dividing by all of the chunks
        spec = masterSpectra.mean(axis=0)

        # Estimate the dipole resonance frequencies
        print("Computing dipole resonance frequencies")
        pb = ProgressBar(max=spec.shape[0])
        resFreq = numpy.zeros(spec.shape[0])
        toCompare = numpy.where((freq > 31e6) & (freq < 70e6))[0]
        for i in xrange(spec.shape[0]):
            bestOrder = 0
            bestRMS = 1e34
            for j in xrange(3, 12):
                coeff = numpy.polyfit(freq[toCompare] / 1e6,
                                      numpy.log10(spec[i, toCompare]) * 10, j)
                fit = numpy.polyval(coeff, freq[toCompare] / 1e6)
                rms = ((fit - numpy.log10(spec[i, toCompare]) * 10)**2).sum()
                if rms < bestRMS:
                    bestOrder = j
                    bestRMS = rms

            coeff = numpy.polyfit(freq[toCompare] / 1e6,
                                  numpy.log10(spec[i, toCompare]) * 10,
            fit = numpy.polyval(coeff, freq[toCompare] / 1e6)
                resFreq[i] = freq[toCompare[numpy.where(
                    fit == fit.max())[0][0]]] / 1e6

            if pb.amount != 0 and pb.amount % 10 == 0:
                sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')
        sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')

        numpy.savez("%s.npz" % base,
        dataDict = numpy.load("%s.npz" % base)
        freq = dataDict['freq']
        masterSpectra = dataDict['masterSpectra']
        resFreq = dataDict['resFreq']

        # Now that we have read through all of the chunks, perform the final averaging by
        # dividing by all of the chunks
        spec = masterSpectra.mean(axis=0)

    # Create a good template spectra
    specTemplate = numpy.median(spec, axis=0)
    specDiff = numpy.zeros(spec.shape[0])
    toCompare = numpy.where((freq > 32e6) & (freq < 50e6))[0]
    for i in xrange(spec.shape[0]):
        specDiff[i] = (spec[i, toCompare] / specTemplate[toCompare]).mean()
    specDiff = numpy.where(specDiff < 2, specDiff, 2)

    # Get the station
    standPos = numpy.array([[ant.stand.x, ant.stand.y, ant.stand.z]
                            for ant in antennas if ant.pol == 0])

    # Plots
    if args.verbose:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
        ax1.scatter(standPos[:, 0],
                    standPos[:, 1],
        ## Add the fence as a dashed line
        ax1.plot([-59.827, 59.771, 60.148, -59.700, -59.827],
                 [59.752, 59.864, -59.618, -59.948, 59.752],
        ## Add the shelter
        ax1.plot([55.863, 58.144, 58.062, 55.791, 55.863],
                 [45.946, 45.999, 51.849, 51.838, 45.946],
        ## Set the limits to just zoom in on the main stations
        ax1.set_xlim([-65, 65])
        ax1.set_ylim([-65, 65])

        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
        ax2.plot(freq / 1e6, numpy.log10(specTemplate) * 10, alpha=0.50)

        print("RBW: %.1f Hz" % (freq[1] - freq[0]))
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(args):
    # Set the station
    if args.metadata is not None:
        station = stations.parse_ssmif(args.metadata)
        ssmifContents = open(args.metadata).readlines()
        station = stations.lwa1
        ssmifContents = open(os.path.join(dataPath,
    antennas = station.antennas

    toKeep = []
    for g in (1, 10, 54, 248, 251, 258):
        for i, ant in enumerate(antennas):
            if ant.stand.id == g and ant.pol == 0:
    for i, j in enumerate(toKeep):
        print(i, j, antennas[j].stand.id)

    # Length of the FFT
    LFFT = args.fft_length

    # Make sure that the file chunk size contains is an integer multiple
    # of the FFT length so that no data gets dropped
    maxFrames = int((30000 * 260) / float(LFFT)) * LFFT
    # It seems like that would be a good idea, however...  TBW data comes one
    # capture at a time so doing something like this actually truncates data
    # from the last set of stands for the first integration.  So, we really
    # should stick with
    maxFrames = (30000 * 260)

    fh = open(args.filename, "rb")
    nFrames = os.path.getsize(args.filename) // tbw.FRAME_SIZE
    dataBits = tbw.get_data_bits(fh)
    # The number of ant/pols in the file is hard coded because I cannot figure out
    # a way to get this number in a systematic fashion
    antpols = len(antennas)
    nChunks = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nFrames / maxFrames))
    if dataBits == 12:
        nSamples = 400
        nSamples = 1200

    # Read in the first frame and get the date/time of the first sample
    # of the frame.  This is needed to get the list of stands.
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    beginTime = junkFrame.time
    beginDate = junkFrame.time.datetime

    # File summary
    print("Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Date of First Frame: %s" % str(beginDate))
    print("Ant/Pols: %i" % antpols)
    print("Sample Length: %i-bit" % dataBits)
    print("Frames: %i" % nFrames)
    print("Chunks: %i" % nChunks)

    nChunks = 1

    # Skip over any non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file
    i = 0
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    while not junkFrame.header.is_tbw:
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        except errors.SyncError:
            while True:
                    junkFrame = tbn.read_frame(fh)
                    i += 1
                except errors.SyncError:
            fh.seek(-2 * tbn.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        i += 1
    fh.seek(-tbw.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
    print("Skipped %i non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file" % i)

    # Master loop over all of the file chunks
    masterSpectra = numpy.zeros((nChunks, antpols, LFFT))
    for i in range(nChunks):
        # Find out how many frames remain in the file.  If this number is larger
        # than the maximum of frames we can work with at a time (maxFrames),
        # only deal with that chunk
        framesRemaining = nFrames - i * maxFrames
        if framesRemaining > maxFrames:
            framesWork = maxFrames
            framesWork = framesRemaining
        print("Working on chunk %i, %i frames remaining" %
              ((i + 1), framesRemaining))

        data = numpy.zeros((12, 12000000), dtype=numpy.int16)
        # If there are fewer frames than we need to fill an FFT, skip this chunk
        if data.shape[1] < 2 * LFFT:
        # Inner loop that actually reads the frames into the data array
        for j in range(framesWork):
            # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                cFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
            except errors.EOFError:
            except errors.SyncError:
                #print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" % (int(fh.tell())/tbw.FRAME_SIZE-1))
            if not cFrame.header.is_tbw:

            stand = cFrame.header.id
            # In the current configuration, stands start at 1 and go up to 10.  So, we
            # can use this little trick to populate the data array
            aStand = 2 * (stand - 1)
            #if cFrame.header.frame_count % 10000 == 0 and config['verbose']:
            #print("%3i -> %3i  %6.3f  %5i  %i" % (stand, aStand, cFrame.time, cFrame.header.frame_count, cFrame.payload.timetag))

            # Actually load the data.  x pol goes into the even numbers, y pol into the
            # odd numbers
            count = cFrame.header.frame_count - 1
            if aStand not in toKeep:

            # Convert to reduced index
            aStand = 2 * toKeep.index(aStand)

            data[aStand, count * nSamples:(count + 1) *
                 nSamples] = cFrame.payload.data[0, :]
            data[aStand + 1, count * nSamples:(count + 1) *
                 nSamples] = cFrame.payload.data[1, :]

        # Time series analysis - mean, std. dev, saturation count
        tsMean = data.mean(axis=1)
        tsStd = data.std(axis=1)
        tsSat = numpy.where((data == 2047) | (data == -2047), 1, 0).sum(axis=1)

        # Time series analysis - percentiles
        p = [50, 75, 90, 95, 99]
        tsPct = numpy.zeros((data.shape[0], len(p)))
        for i in xrange(len(p)):
            for j in xrange(data.shape[0]):
                tsPct[j, i] = percentile(numpy.abs(data[j, :]), p[i])

        # Frequency domain analysis - spectra
        freq = numpy.fft.fftfreq(2 * args.fft_length, d=1.0 / 196e6)
        freq = freq[:args.fft_length]

        delays = numpy.zeros((data.shape[0], freq.size))
        signalsF, validF = FEngine(data,

        # Cleanup to save memory
        del validF, data

        # SK control values
        skM = signalsF.shape[2]
        skN = 1

        # Frequency domain analysis -  spectral kurtosis
        k = numpy.zeros((signalsF.shape[0], signalsF.shape[1]))
        for l in xrange(signalsF.shape[0]):
            for m in xrange(freq.size):
                k[l, m] = kurtosis.spectral_fft(signalsF[l, m, :])
        kl, kh = kurtosis.get_limits(4, skM, skN)
        print(kl, kh)

        # Integrate the spectra for as long as we can
        masterSpectra = (numpy.abs(signalsF)**2).mean(axis=2)
        del signalsF

        # Mask out bad values (high spectral kurtosis) for the plot
        mask = numpy.where((k < kl) | (k > kh), 1, 0)
        mask = expandMask(mask, radius=4, merge=True)

        masterSpectra = numpy.ma.array(masterSpectra, mask=mask)

        # Save the data to an HDF5 file
        outname = os.path.splitext(args.filename)[0]
        outname = "%s-RFI.hdf5" % outname

        f = h5py.File(outname, 'w')
        f.attrs['filename'] = args.filename
        f.attrs['mode'] = 'TBW'
        f.attrs['station'] = 'LWA-1'
        f.attrs['dataBits'] = dataBits
        f.attrs['startTime'] = beginTime
        f.attrs['startTime_units'] = 's'
        f.attrs['startTime_sys'] = 'unix'
        f.attrs['sample_rate'] = 196e6
        f.attrs['sample_rate_units'] = 'Hz'
        f.attrs['RBW'] = freq[1] - freq[0]
        f.attrs['RBW_Units'] = 'Hz'

        f.attrs['SK-M'] = skM
        f.attrs['SK-N'] = skN

        for l in xrange(len(toKeep)):
            antX = antennas[toKeep[l]]
            antY = antennas[toKeep[l] + 1]

            stand = f.create_group('Stand%03i' % antX.stand.id)
            stand['freq'] = freq
            stand['freq'].attrs['Units'] = 'Hz'

            polX = stand.create_group('X')
            polY = stand.create_group('Y')
            polX.attrs['tsMean'] = tsMean[2 * l]
            polY.attrs['tsMean'] = tsMean[2 * l + 1]
            polX.attrs['tsStd'] = tsStd[2 * l]
            polY.attrs['tsStd'] = tsStd[2 * l + 1]
            polX.attrs['tsSat'] = tsSat[2 * l]
            polY.attrs['tsSat'] = tsSat[2 * l + 1]
            for i, v in enumerate(p):
                polX.attrs['ts%02i' % v] = tsPct[2 * l][i]
                polY.attrs['ts%02i' % v] = tsPct[2 * l + 1][i]

            polX['spectrum'] = masterSpectra[2 * l, :]
            polX['spectrum'].attrs['axis0'] = 'frequency'
            polY['spectrum'] = masterSpectra[2 * l + 1, :]
            polY['spectrum'].attrs['axis0'] = 'frequency'

            polX['kurtosis'] = k[2 * l, :]
            polX['kurtosis'].attrs['axis0'] = 'frequency'
            polY['kurtosis'] = k[2 * l + 1, :]
            polY['kurtosis'].attrs['axis0'] = 'frequency'

        # The plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
        for l in xrange(k.shape[0]):
            ant = antennas[toKeep[l / 2]]

            ax1.plot(freq / 1e6,
                     numpy.log10(masterSpectra[l, :]) * 10,
                     label='Stand %i, Pol %i' %
                     (ant.stand.id, ant.pol + l % 2))

            ax2.plot(freq / 1e6,
                     k[l, :],
                     label='Stand %i, Pol %i' %
                     (ant.stand.id, ant.pol + l % 2))

                   freq[0] / 1e6,
                   freq[-1] / 1e6,
                   label='Kurtosis Limit 4$\sigma$')
                   freq[0] / 1e6,
                   freq[-1] / 1e6,
                   label='Kurtosis Limit 4$\sigma$')

        ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency [MHz]')
        ax1.set_ylabel('PSD [arb. dB/RBW]')

        ax2.set_ylim((kl / 2, kh * 2))
        ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency [MHz]')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Spectral Kurtosis')

Exemplo n.º 4
def main(args):
    filename = args[0]
    stands = [int(i) for i in args[1:]]

    antennas = lwa1.antennas
    fh = open(filename, "rb")
    nFrames = os.path.getsize(filename) // tbw.FRAME_SIZE
    dataBits = tbw.get_data_bits(fh)
    # The number of ant/pols in the file is hard coded because I cannot figure out 
    # a way to get this number in a systematic fashion
    antpols = len(antennas)
    if dataBits == 12:
        nSamples = 400
        nSamples = 1200

    # Read in the first frame and get the date/time of the first sample 
    # of the frame.  This is needed to get the list of stands.
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    beginTime = junkFrame.time
    beginDate = junkFrame.time.datetime
    # Figure out which digitizers to keep
    toKeep = []
    for a in antennas:
        if a.stand.id in stands:
            toKeep.append( a.digitizer )

    # File summary
    print("Filename: %s" % filename)
    print("Date of First Frame: %s" % str(beginDate))
    print("Ant/Pols: %i" % antpols)
    print("Sample Length: %i-bit" % dataBits)
    print("Frames: %i" % nFrames)
    print("Keeping Stands:")
    for a in toKeep:
        print(" Stand #%3i, pol %i (digitizer %3i)" % (antennas[a-1].stand.id, antennas[a-1].pol, antennas[a-1].digitizer))

    # Skip over any non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file
    i = 0
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    while not junkFrame.header.is_tbw:
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        except errors.SyncError:
            while True:
                    junkFrame = tbn.read_frame(fh)
                    i += 1
                except errors.SyncError:
            fh.seek(-2*tbn.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        i += 1
    fh.seek(-tbw.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
    print("Skipped %i non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file" % i)
    # Create the HDF5 file
    outname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    outname = "%shdf5" % outname
    f = h5py.File(outname, 'w')
    f.attrs['filename'] = filename
    f.attrs['mode'] = 'TBW'
    f.attrs['station'] = 'LWA-1'
    f.attrs['dataBits'] = dataBits
    f.attrs['startTime'] = beginTime
    f.attrs['startTime_units'] = 's'
    f.attrs['startTime_sys'] = 'unix'
    f.attrs['sample_rate'] = 196e6
    f.attrs['sample_rate_units'] = 'Hz'
    ## Create the digitizer to dataset lookup table and the 
    standLookup = {}
    standData = []
    i = 0
    for a in toKeep:
        if a % 2 == 0:
        s = antennas[a-1].stand.id
        standLookup[a] = i
        temp = f.create_group('Stand%03i' % s)
        ### Combined status code
        temp.attrs['statusCode'] = antennas[a-1].combined_status
        ### Antenna number
        temp.attrs['antennaID'] = antennas[a-1].id
        ### Cable information
        temp.attrs['cableID'] = antennas[a-1].cable.id
        temp.attrs['cableLength'] = antennas[a-1].cable.length
        temp.attrs['cableLength_units'] = 'm'
        ### Stand location information
        temp.attrs['posX'] = antennas[a-1].stand.x
        temp.attrs['posX_units'] = 'm'
        temp.attrs['posY'] = antennas[a-1].stand.y
        temp.attrs['posY_units'] = 'm'
        temp.attrs['posZ'] = antennas[a-1].stand.z
        temp.attrs['posZ_units'] = 'm'
        ### Time series data sets
        temp.attrs['axis0'] = 'time'
        xpol = temp.create_dataset('X', (12000000,), 'i2', chunks=True)
        ypol = temp.create_dataset('Y', (12000000,), 'i2', chunks=True)
        standData.append( (xpol, ypol, temp) )
        i += 1
    # Go!
    while True:
        # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
            cFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        except errors.EOFError:
        except errors.SyncError:
            print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" % (int(fh.tell())/tbw.FRAME_SIZE-1))
        if not cFrame.header.is_tbw:
        # Get the DP "stand" ID and the digitizer number
        stand = cFrame.header.id
        aStand = 2*(stand-1)
        digitizer = aStand + 1
        # If we don't need it, skip it
        if digitizer not in toKeep:
        # Actually load the data.
        ## Frame count
        count = cFrame.header.frame_count - 1
        ## Which data set
        dataset = standLookup[digitizer]
        ## Load
        standData[dataset][0][count*nSamples:(count+1)*nSamples] = cFrame.payload.data[0,:]
        standData[dataset][1][count*nSamples:(count+1)*nSamples] = cFrame.payload.data[1,:]
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(args):
    # Set the station
    if args.metadata is not None:
        station = stations.parse_ssmif(args.metadata)
        station = stations.lwa1
    antennas = station.antennas

    # Make sure that the file chunk size contains is an integer multiple
    # of the FFT length so that no data gets dropped
    maxFrames = int((30000 * 260))
    # It seems like that would be a good idea, however...  TBW data comes one
    # capture at a time so doing something like this actually truncates data
    # from the last set of stands for the first integration.  So, we really
    # should stick with
    maxFrames = (30000 * 260)

    fh = open(args.filename, "rb")
    nFrames = os.path.getsize(args.filename) // tbw.FRAME_SIZE
    dataBits = tbw.get_data_bits(fh)
    # The number of ant/pols in the file is hard coded because I cannot figure out
    # a way to get this number in a systematic fashion
    antpols = len(antennas)
    nChunks = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nFrames / maxFrames))
    if dataBits == 12:
        nSamples = 400
        nSamples = 1200

    # Read in the first frame and get the date/time of the first sample
    # of the frame.  This is needed to get the list of stands.
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    beginDate = junkFrame.time.datetime

    # File summary
    print("Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Date of First Frame: %s" % str(beginDate))
    print("Ant/Pols: %i" % antpols)
    print("Sample Length: %i-bit" % dataBits)
    print("Frames: %i" % nFrames)
    print("Chunks: %i" % nChunks)

    nChunks = 1

    # Skip over any non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file
    i = 0
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    while not junkFrame.header.is_tbw:
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        except errors.SyncError:
            while True:
                    junkFrame = tbn.read_frame(fh)
                    i += 1
                except errors.SyncError:
            fh.seek(-2 * tbn.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        i += 1
    fh.seek(-tbw.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
    print("Skipped %i non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file" % i)

    # Master loop over all of the file chunks
    for i in range(nChunks):
        # Find out how many frames remain in the file.  If this number is larger
        # than the maximum of frames we can work with at a time (maxFrames),
        # only deal with that chunk
        framesRemaining = nFrames - i * maxFrames
        if framesRemaining > maxFrames:
            framesWork = maxFrames
            framesWork = framesRemaining
        print("Working on chunk %i, %i frames remaining" %
              ((i + 1), framesRemaining))

        # NOTE
        # Major change here from tbwSpectra.py/stationMaster.py.  We are only keeping
        # the first 30,000 frames of the TBW file since we don't really need to read
        # in all of it to find bursts
        data = numpy.zeros((antpols, 30000 * nSamples), dtype=numpy.int16)

        # Inner loop that actually reads the frames into the data array
        for j in range(framesWork):
            # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                cFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
            except errors.EOFError:
            except errors.SyncError:
                print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" %
                      (int(fh.tell()) // tbw.FRAME_SIZE - 1))
            if not cFrame.header.is_tbw:

            # Skip frames over 30,000 on all stands
            if cFrame.header.frame_count > 30000:

            stand = cFrame.header.id
            # In the current configuration, stands start at 1 and go up to 10.  So, we
            # can use this little trick to populate the data array
            aStand = 2 * (stand - 1)
            if cFrame.header.frame_count % 5000 == 0 and args.verbose:
                print("%3i -> %3i  %6.3f  %5i  %i" %
                      (stand, aStand, cFrame.time, cFrame.header.frame_count,

            # Actually load the data.  x pol goes into the even numbers, y pol into the
            # odd numbers
            count = cFrame.header.frame_count - 1
            data[aStand, count * nSamples:(count + 1) *
                 nSamples] = cFrame.payload.data[0, :]
            data[aStand + 1, count * nSamples:(count + 1) *
                 nSamples] = cFrame.payload.data[1, :]

        # Compute the power
        data = numpy.abs(data)

        # We need to various time series data to be aligned so we need to do a
        # correction for the cable delays.  Using the various Antenna instances,
        # we create a array of delays (in seconds) and do everything relative to
        # the longest delay.
        # After this, we can align the data from all of the antennas.
        delays = numpy.array([a.cable.delay(30e6) for a in antennas])
        delays = numpy.round(delays * fS).astype(numpy.int32)
        delays = delays.max() - delays

        alignedData = numpy.zeros(
            (data.shape[0], data.shape[1] - delays.max()), dtype=data.dtype)
        for s in xrange(data.shape[0]):
            alignedData[s, :] = data[s, delays[s]:(delays[s] +
        del (data)

        # Using the good antennas (Antenna.combined_status == 33), we need to find the
        # start of the RFI pulses by looking for "large" data values.  To make sure
        # that we aren't getting stuck on a first partial burst, skip the first one
        # and use the second set of "large" data values found.
        # I was using "large" as saturation/clipping (>= 2047), but the new lower
        # value for the ARX gain makes me want to lower to something more like
        inOne = False
        first = 0
        status = numpy.array([ant.combined_status for ant in antennas])
        good = numpy.where(status == 33)[0]
        while first < alignedData.shape[1]:
            mv = alignedData[good, first].max()
            if mv >= args.threshold:
                if not inOne:
                    first += 5000
                    inOne = True
                first += 1
        print("Second burst at %i" % first)

        # Keep only what would be interesting (200 samples before and 2,800 samples
        # afterward) around the burst.  This corresponds to a time range from 1
        # microsecond before the start of the pulse to 14 microseconds later.  Save
        # the aligned data snippet to a NPZ file.
        alignedData = alignedData[:, first - 200:first + 2800]
        standPos = numpy.array([[ant.stand.x, ant.stand.y, ant.stand.z]
                                for ant in antennas])
        junk, basename = os.path.split(args.filename)
        shortname, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
        numpy.savez('%s-burst.npz' % shortname,

        # Make the movie (if needed)
        if args.movie:
            if args.verbose:
                print("Creating movie frames")
                pb = ProgressBar(max=alignedData.shape[1] / 2)
                pb = None

            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
            for i in xrange(0, alignedData.shape[1], 2):
                axX = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
                axY = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)

                colorsX = 1.0 * (alignedData[0::2, i] +
                                 alignedData[0::2, i + 1]) / 2
                colorsY = 1.0 * (alignedData[1::2, i] +
                                 alignedData[1::2, i + 1]) / 2

                axX.scatter(standPos[0::2, 0],
                            standPos[0::2, 1],
                axY.scatter(standPos[1::2, 0],
                            standPos[1::2, 1],

                ## Add the fence as a dashed line
                axX.plot([-59.827, 59.771, 60.148, -59.700, -59.827],
                         [59.752, 59.864, -59.618, -59.948, 59.752],
                axY.plot([-59.827, 59.771, 60.148, -59.700, -59.827],
                         [59.752, 59.864, -59.618, -59.948, 59.752],

                ## Add the shelter
                axX.plot([55.863, 58.144, 58.062, 55.791, 55.863],
                         [45.946, 45.999, 51.849, 51.838, 45.946],
                axY.plot([55.863, 58.144, 58.062, 55.791, 55.863],
                         [45.946, 45.999, 51.849, 51.838, 45.946],

                axX.set_xlim([-65, 65])
                axX.set_ylim([-65, 65])
                axX.set_title('X pol. $\Delta$t = %.1f ns' %
                              (1.0 * i / fS * 1e9, ))
                axX.set_xlabel('$\Delta$ X [m]')
                axX.set_ylabel('$\Delta$ Y [m]')

                axY.set_xlim([-65, 65])
                axY.set_ylim([-65, 65])
                axY.set_title('Y pol.')
                axY.set_xlabel('$\Delta$ X [m]')
                #axY.set_ylabel('$\Delta$ Y [m]')

                fig.savefig('burst-%05i.png' % (i / 2, ))

                if pb is not None:
                    if pb.amount != 0 and pb.amount % 10 == 0:
                        sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')
            del (fig)

            if pb is not None:
                sys.stdout.write(pb.show() + '\r')

            if args.verbose:
                print("Creating movie")
                "mencoder mf://burst-*.png -mf fps=20:type=png -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:aspect=2/1 -o %s-burst.avi -ffourcc DX50 -vf scale=600:1200,expand=600:1200"
                % shortname)
Exemplo n.º 6
def main(args):
    # Set the station
    station = stations.lwa1
    antennas = station.antennas

    fh = open(args.filename, "rb")
    nFrames = os.path.getsize(args.filename) // tbw.FRAME_SIZE
    dataBits = tbw.get_data_bits(fh)
    # The number of ant/pols in the file is hard coded because I cannot figure out
    # a way to get this number in a systematic fashion
    maxFrames = 30000 * 260
    antpols = len(antennas)
    nChunks = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nFrames / maxFrames))
    if dataBits == 12:
        nSamples = 400
        nSamples = 1200

    # Read in the first frame and get the date/time of the first sample
    # of the frame.  This is needed to get the list of stands.
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    beginDate = junkFrame.time.datetime

    # File summary
    print("Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Date of First Frame: %s" % str(beginDate))
    print("Ant/Pols: %i" % antpols)
    print("Sample Length: %i-bit" % dataBits)
    print("Frames: %i" % nFrames)
    print("Chunks: %i" % nChunks)

    nChunks = 1

    # Skip over any non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file
    i = 0
    junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
    while not junkFrame.header.is_tbw:
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        except errors.SyncError:
            while True:
                    junkFrame = tbn.read_frame(fh)
                    i += 1
                except errors.SyncError:
            fh.seek(-2 * tbn.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
            junkFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
        i += 1
    fh.seek(-tbw.FRAME_SIZE, 1)
    print("Skipped %i non-TBW frames at the beginning of the file" % i)

    # Master loop over all of the file chunks
    timetags = numpy.zeros((antpols, 30000), dtype=numpy.int64) - 1
    for i in range(nChunks):
        # Find out how many frames remain in the file.  If this number is larger
        # than the maximum of frames we can work with at a time (maxFrames),
        # only deal with that chunk
        framesRemaining = nFrames - i * maxFrames
        if framesRemaining > maxFrames:
            framesWork = maxFrames
            framesWork = nFrames
        print("Working on chunk %i, %i frames remaining" %
              ((i + 1), framesRemaining))

        # Inner loop that actually reads the frames into the data array
        for j in range(framesWork):
            # Read in the next frame and anticipate any problems that could occur
                cFrame = tbw.read_frame(fh)
            except errors.EOFError:
            except errors.SyncError:
                print("WARNING: Mark 5C sync error on frame #%i" %
                      (int(fh.tell()) / tbw.FRAME_SIZE - 1))
            if not cFrame.header.is_tbw:

            stand = cFrame.header.id
            # In the current configuration, stands start at 1 and go up to 10.  So, we
            # can use this little trick to populate the data array
            aStand = 2 * (stand - 1)
            if cFrame.header.frame_count % 10000 == 0:
                print("%3i -> %3i  %5i  %i" %
                      (stand, aStand, cFrame.header.frame_count,

            # Actually load the data.  x pol goes into the even numbers, y pol into the
            # odd numbers
            count = cFrame.header.frame_count - 1
            timetags[aStand, count] = cFrame.payload.timetag
            timetags[aStand + 1, count] = cFrame.payload.timetag

    # Check for missing frames
    missing = numpy.where(timetags < 0)
    if len(missing) != 0:
        dp1Boards = {}
            "Found %i missing frames (%i missing time tags).  Missing data from:"
            % (len(missing[0]) / 2, len(missing[0])))
        for i, f in zip(missing[0], missing[1]):
                dp1Boards[antennas[i].board] += 1
            except KeyError:
                dp1Boards[antennas[i].board] = 1

            print("  stand %3i, pol. %1i (dig. %3i) @ frame %5i" %
                  (antennas[i].stand.id, antennas[i].pol,
                   antennas[i].digitizer, f + 1))
        print("-> DP1 boards with missing frames:")
        for k in dp1Boards.keys():
            v = dp1Boards[k]
            print("   %2i %6i (%7.3f%%)" % (k, v, 100.0 * v / (30000 * 10)))

    # Check time tags to make sure every ant/pol as the same time as each frame
    for f in xrange(timetags.shape[1]):
        ## For each frame count value, get the median time tag and use this for comparison.
        ## If things are really bad, we will get a lot of errors.
        frameTime = numpy.median(timetags[:, f])

        ## Compare all of the antpols at a particular frame count, ignoring the ones that
        ## are missing.
        missing = numpy.where((timetags[:, f] != frameTime)
                              & (timetags[:, f] >= 0))[0]

        ## Report any errors
        for m in missing:
            print("ERROR: t.t. %i @ frame %i != frame median of %i" %
                  (timetags[m, f], f + 1, frameTime))
            print("       -> difference: %i" % (timetags[m, f] - frameTime, ))

    # Check time tags to make sure the times increment correctly between frames
    for i in xrange(timetags.shape[0]):
        for f in xrange(1, timetags.shape[1]):
            ## Skip missing frames since they always fail
            if timetags[i, f] < 0 or timetags[i, f - 1] < 0:

            ## Compare the current time tag with previous and report an error if there
            ## is a discrepancy between the two modulo the expected skip.
            if timetags[i, f] > (timetags[i, f - 1] + nSamples):
                ## Too far into the future
                print("ERROR: t.t. %i @ frame %i > t.t. %i @ frame %i + skip" %
                      (timetags[i, f], f + 1, timetags[i, f - 1], f))
                print("       -> difference: %i" %
                      (timetags[i, f] - timetags[i, f - 1], ))
            elif timetags[i, f] < (timetags[i, f - 1] + nSamples):
                ## Not far enough into the future
                print("ERROR: t.t. %i @ frame %i < t.t. %i @ frame %i + skip" %
                      (timetags[i, f], f + 1, timetags[i, f - 1], f))
                print("       -> difference: %i" %
                      (timetags[i, f] - timetags[i, f - 1], ))
                ## Everything is good if we make it here