Exemplo n.º 1
def llList2Json(kind, lst):
    kind = fs(kind)
    lst = fl(lst)

    if kind == JSON_OBJECT:
        ret = u'{'
        if len(lst) & 1:
            return JSON_INVALID
        for i in xrange(0, len(lst), 2):
            if ret != u'{':
                ret += u','
            ret += InternalJsonQuote(lst[i]) + u':' + InternalElement2Json(
                lst[i + 1], ParseNumbers=False)

        ret += u'}'

    elif kind == JSON_ARRAY:
        ret = u'['
        if lst:
            ret += InternalElement2Json(lst[0], ParseNumbers=False)
            del lst[0]
            for elem in lst:
                ret += u',' + InternalElement2Json(elem, ParseNumbers=False)
        ret += u']'

        ret = JSON_INVALID

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
def llJsonValueType(json, lst):
    json = fs(json)
    lst = fl(lst)
    ret = InternalJsonFindValue(json, lst, ReturnsToken=True)
    if ret == JSON_INVALID:
        return ret
    return ret[2]
Exemplo n.º 3
def llJsonGetValue(json, lst):
    json = fs(json)
    lst = fl(lst)
    return InternalJsonFindValue(json, lst, ReturnsToken=False)
Exemplo n.º 4
def llJson2List(json):
    json = fs(json)
    json = llStringTrim(json, 3)  # STRING_TRIM

    if json == u'':
        return []

    if json[0] == u'[' and json[-1] == u']':
        # Array can of worms. Not all LSL quirks are implemented.
        ret = []
        token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, 1)
        if token[2] == u']' and token[1] == len(json):
            return ret
        if token[2] == u':':
            return [JSON_INVALID]
        if token[2] == u',':
            token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
        while True:
            if token[2] == u']' and token[1] == len(json):
            elif token[2] != u',':
                return [JSON_INVALID]
            token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
            if token[2] == u',' or token[2] == u']' and token[1] == len(json):
                if token[2] == u':':
                    return JSON_INVALID
                token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
        return ret

    if json[0] == u'{' and json[-1] == u'}':
        # Object can of worms. Worse than array. Not all LSL quirks are implemented.

        # Parse this grammar:
        # object: '{' complete_list incomplete_element '}' $
        # complete_list: <empty> | complete_list complete_element ','
        # complete_element: nonempty_string ':' value
        # incomplete_element: <empty> | value | string ':' value
        # string: '"' '"' | nonempty_string
        # That allows:
        # {"a":1,"b":2,} # incomplete_element is empty
        # {"a":1,"b":2} # "b" is an incomplete_element
        # {2} # complete_list empty
        # {} # both empty
        # etc.

        ret = []
        token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, 1)
        if token[2] == u'}' and token[1] == len(json):
            return ret
        if token[2] in (u':', u','):
            return [JSON_INVALID]

        while True:
            k = u''
            if token[2] == u'}' and token[1] == len(json):
                return ret
            if token[2] == JSON_STRING:
                colon = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
                if colon[2] == u':':
                    k = InternalJsonUnquote(json[token[0]:token[1]])
                    token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, colon[1])
            if token[2] in (u',', u':'):
                return [JSON_INVALID]
            token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
            if token[2] == u'}' and token[1] == len(json):
                return ret
            if token[2] != u',' or k == u'':
                return [JSON_INVALID]
            token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])

    return [InternalJson2Elem(json)]
def llGetInventoryPermMask(item, category):
    item = fs(item)
    category = fi(category)
    if category < 0 or category > 4 or item == u'':
        return 0
    raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetInventoryKey(s):
    s = fs(s)
    if s == u'':
        return Key(NULL_KEY)
    raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetHTTPHeader(id, s):
    id = fk(id)
    s = fs(s)
    if not cond(id):
        return u''
    raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetEnv(s):
    s = fs(s)
    if s not in GetEnvSettings:
        return u""
    raise ELSLCantCompute