Exemplo n.º 1
    def testPlateScale(self):
        """Test that we can measure the area of a pixel"""

        p00 = afwGeom.Point2D(10, 10)
        p00 = afwGeom.Point2D(self.metadata.getAsDouble("CRPIX1"), self.metadata.getAsDouble("CRPIX2"))

        sky00 = self.wcs.pixelToSky(p00)
        cosdec = math.cos(sky00[1])

        side = 1e-3
        icrs = afwCoord.ICRS
        degrees = afwCoord.DEGREES
        sky10 = afwCoord.makeCoord(icrs, sky00 + afwGeom.Extent2D(side/cosdec, 0), degrees)
        sky01 = afwCoord.makeCoord(icrs, sky00 + afwGeom.Extent2D(0,side),         degrees)
        p10 = self.wcs.skyToPixel(sky10) - p00
        p01 = self.wcs.skyToPixel(sky01) - p00

        area = side*side/abs(p10.getX()*p01.getY() - p01.getX()*p10.getY())

        self.assertAlmostEqual(math.sqrt(self.wcs.pixArea(p00)), math.sqrt(area))
        # Now check that the area's the same as the CD matrix gives.
        cd = [self.metadata.get("CD1_1"), self.metadata.get("CD1_2"),
              self.metadata.get("CD2_1"), self.metadata.get("CD2_2")]
        area = math.fabs(cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2])

        self.assertAlmostEqual(math.sqrt(self.wcs.pixArea(p00)), math.sqrt(area))
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: wcs1.py Projeto: ziggyman/afw
    def testPlateScale(self):
        """Test that we can measure the area of a pixel"""

        p00 = afwGeom.Point2D(10, 10)
        p00 = afwGeom.Point2D(self.metadata.getAsDouble("CRPIX1"), self.metadata.getAsDouble("CRPIX2"))

        sky00 = self.wcs.pixelToSky(p00)
        cosdec = math.cos(sky00[1])

        side = 1e-3
        icrs = afwCoord.ICRS
        sky10 = afwCoord.makeCoord(
            icrs, sky00.getPosition(afwGeom.degrees) + afwGeom.Extent2D(side/cosdec, 0), afwGeom.degrees
        sky01 = afwCoord.makeCoord(
            icrs, sky00.getPosition(afwGeom.degrees) + afwGeom.Extent2D(0,side), afwGeom.degrees
        p10 = self.wcs.skyToPixel(sky10) - p00
        p01 = self.wcs.skyToPixel(sky01) - p00

        area = side*side/abs(p10.getX()*p01.getY() - p01.getX()*p10.getY())

        self.assertAlmostEqual(math.sqrt(self.wcs.pixArea(p00)), math.sqrt(area))
        # Now check that the area's the same as the CD matrix gives.
        cd = [self.metadata.get("CD1_1"), self.metadata.get("CD1_2"),
              self.metadata.get("CD2_1"), self.metadata.get("CD2_2")]
        area = math.fabs(cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2])

        self.assertAlmostEqual(math.sqrt(self.wcs.pixArea(p00)), math.sqrt(area))
Exemplo n.º 3
def localMakeCoord(coordSys, posDeg, equinox):
    """Make a coord, ignoring equinox if necessary
    if coordSys in (afwCoord.ICRS, afwCoord.GALACTIC):
        return afwCoord.makeCoord(coordSys, posDeg[0] * afwGeom.degrees,
                                  posDeg[1] * afwGeom.degrees)
    return afwCoord.makeCoord(coordSys, posDeg[0] * afwGeom.degrees,
                              posDeg[1] * afwGeom.degrees, equinox)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testPythonLevelMakeWcs(self):
        """Verify that we can make a Wcs by providing the CD matrix elements in python."""

        m = self.metadata
        crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS,
                                   m.getDouble("CRVAL1") * afwGeom.degrees,
                                   m.getDouble("CRVAL2") * afwGeom.degrees)
        crpix = afwGeom.Point2D(m.getDouble("CRPIX1"), m.getDouble("CRPIX2"))
        cd11, cd12 = m.getDouble("CD1_1"), m.getDouble("CD1_2")
        cd21, cd22 = m.getDouble("CD2_1"), m.getDouble("CD2_2")
        print 'CRVAL:', crval

        # this is defined at the c++ level in src/image/makeWcs.cc
        wcsMade = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, cd11, cd12, cd21, cd22)

        # trivial test ... verify that we get back what we put in.
        for wcs in [wcsMade]:
            crvalTest = wcs.getSkyOrigin().getPosition(afwGeom.degrees)
            crpixTest = wcs.getPixelOrigin()
            CD = wcs.getCDMatrix()

            self.assertAlmostEqual(crpixTest[0], crpix[0])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(crpixTest[1], crpix[1])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(CD[0, 0], cd11)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(CD[0, 1], cd12)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(CD[1, 0], cd21)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(CD[1, 1], cd22)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def testPythonLevelMakeWcs(self):
     """Verify that we can make a Wcs by providing the CD matrix elements in python."""
     m = self.metadata
     crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, m.getDouble("CRVAL1") * afwGeom.degrees, m.getDouble("CRVAL2") * afwGeom.degrees)
     crpix = afwGeom.Point2D(m.getDouble("CRPIX1"), m.getDouble("CRPIX2"))
     cd11, cd12 = m.getDouble("CD1_1"), m.getDouble("CD1_2")
     cd21, cd22 = m.getDouble("CD2_1"), m.getDouble("CD2_2")
     print 'CRVAL:', crval
     # this is defined at the c++ level in src/image/makeWcs.cc
     wcsMade = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, cd11, cd12, cd21, cd22)
     # trivial test ... verify that we get back what we put in.
     for wcs in [wcsMade]:
         crvalTest = wcs.getSkyOrigin().getPosition(afwGeom.degrees)
         crpixTest = wcs.getPixelOrigin()
         CD = wcs.getCDMatrix()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(crvalTest[0], crval.getLongitude().asDegrees())
         self.assertAlmostEqual(crvalTest[1], crval.getLatitude().asDegrees())
         self.assertAlmostEqual(crpixTest[0], crpix[0])
         self.assertAlmostEqual(crpixTest[1], crpix[1])
         self.assertAlmostEqual(CD[0,0], cd11)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(CD[0,1], cd12)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(CD[1,0], cd21)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(CD[1,1], cd22)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def testInvalidRaDec(self):
        """Test a conversion for an invalid position.  Well, "test" isn't
        quite right as the result is invalid, but make sure that it still is"""
        raDec = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 1 * afwGeom.degrees,
                                   2 * afwGeom.degrees)

        self.assertRaises(lsst.pex.exceptions.Exception, self.wcs.skyToPixel,
Exemplo n.º 7
def coordFromVec(vec, defRA=None):
    """Convert an ICRS cartesian vector to an ICRS Coord
    @param[in] vec: an ICRS catesian vector as a sequence of three floats
    @param[in] defRA: the RA to use if the vector is too near a pole (an afwGeom Angle);
                ignored if not near a pole
    @throw RuntimeError if vec too near a pole and defRA is None
    if abs(vec[0]) < _TinyFloat and abs(vec[1]) < _TinyFloat:
        if defRA is None:
            raise RuntimeError("At pole and defRA==None")
        if vec[2] > 0:
            dec = 90.0
            dec = -90.0
        return afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, defRA, afwGeom.Angle(dec, afwGeom.degrees))
    return afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, afwGeom.Point3D(*vec))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def testTicket1394(self):
        """Ticket #1394 bug: coord within epsilon of RA=0 leads to negative RA and fails bounds check. """

        # the problem was that the coordinate is < epsilon close to RA==0
        # and bounds checking was getting a -ve RA.
        c = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS,
                               afwGeom.Point3D(0.6070619982, -1.264309928e-16, 0.7946544723))

        self.assertEqual(c[0], 0.0)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: wcs1.py Projeto: ziggyman/afw
 def testAffineTransform(self):
     sky00g = afwGeom.Point2D(10, 10)
     sky00c = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, sky00g, afwGeom.degrees)
     a = self.wcs.linearizeSkyToPixel(sky00c)
     pix00g = self.wcs.skyToPixel(sky00c)
     pix00gApprox = a(sky00g);
     self.assertAlmostEqual(pix00g.getX(), pix00gApprox.getX())
     self.assertAlmostEqual(pix00g.getY(), pix00gApprox.getY())
     b = a.invert()
     self.assertAlmostEqual(self.wcs.pixArea(sky00g), abs(b[b.XX]* b[b.YY] - b[b.XY]*b[b.YX]))
Exemplo n.º 10
def coordFromVec(vec, defRA=None):
    """Convert an ICRS cartesian vector to an ICRS Coord

    @param[in] vec: an ICRS catesian vector as a sequence of three floats
    @param[in] defRA: the RA to use if the vector is too near a pole (an afwGeom Angle);
                ignored if not near a pole

    @throw RuntimeError if vec too near a pole and defRA is None
    if abs(vec[0]) < _TinyFloat and abs(vec[1]) < _TinyFloat:
        if defRA is None:
            raise RuntimeError("At pole and defRA==None")
        if vec[2] > 0:
            dec = 90.0
            dec = -90.0
        return afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, defRA,
                                  afwGeom.Angle(dec, afwGeom.degrees))
    return afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, afwGeom.Point3D(*vec))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def testAffineTransform(self):
     sky00g = afwGeom.Point2D(10, 10)
     sky00c = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, sky00g, afwGeom.degrees)
     a = self.wcs.linearizeSkyToPixel(sky00c)
     pix00g = self.wcs.skyToPixel(sky00c)
     pix00gApprox = a(sky00g)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(pix00g.getX(), pix00gApprox.getX())
     self.assertAlmostEqual(pix00g.getY(), pix00gApprox.getY())
     b = a.invert()
                            abs(b[b.XX] * b[b.YY] - b[b.XY] * b[b.YX]))
Exemplo n.º 12
def makeitLsst(prefs, context, saveWcs=False, plot=dict()):
    """This is the python wrapper that reads lsst tables"""
    # Create an array of PSFs (one PSF for each extension)
    if prefs.getVerboseType() != prefs.QUIET:
        print("----- %d input catalogues:" % prefs.getNcat())

    if saveWcs:  # only needed for making plots
        wcssList = []

    fields = psfexLib.vectorField()
    for cat in prefs.getCatalogs():
        field = psfexLib.Field(cat)
        wcss = []
        with pyfits.open(cat):
            # Hack: I want the WCS so I'll guess where the calexp is to be found
            calexpFile = guessCalexp(cat)
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(calexpFile)
            wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md)

            if not wcs:
                crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS,
                                           0.0 * afwGeom.degrees,
                                           0.0 * afwGeom.degrees)
                wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, afwGeom.PointD(0, 0), 1.0, 0, 0,

            naxis1, naxis2 = md.get("NAXIS1"), md.get("NAXIS2")
            # Find how many rows there are in the catalogue
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(cat)

            field.addExt(wcs, naxis1, naxis2, md.get("NAXIS2"))
            if saveWcs:
                wcss.append((wcs, naxis1, naxis2))


    fields[0].getNext()  # number of extensions


    sets = psfexLib.vectorSet()
    for set in load_samplesLsst(prefs, context, plot=plot):

    psfexLib.makeit(fields, sets)

    ret = [[f.getPsfs() for f in fields], sets]
    if saveWcs:

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 13
    def runMeasurement(self, algorithmName, imageid, x, y, v):
        """Run the measurement algorithm on an image"""
        # load the test image
        imgFile = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "image.%d.fits" % imageid)
        img = afwImage.ImageF(imgFile)
        img -= self.bkgd
        nx, ny = img.getWidth(), img.getHeight()
        msk = afwImage.Mask(afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny), 0x0)
        var = afwImage.ImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny), v)
        mimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(img, msk, var)
        msk.getArray()[:] = np.where(np.fabs(img.getArray()) < 1.0e-8, msk.getPlaneBitMask("BAD"), 0)

        # Put it in a bigger image, in case it matters
        big = afwImage.MaskedImageF(self.offset + mimg.getDimensions())
        subBig = afwImage.MaskedImageF(big, afwGeom.Box2I(big.getXY0() + self.offset, mimg.getDimensions()))
        subBig <<= mimg
        mimg = big

        exposure = afwImage.makeExposure(mimg)
        exposure.setWcs(afwImage.makeWcs(afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 0. * afwGeom.degrees, 0. * afwGeom.degrees),
                                         afwGeom.Point2D(1.0, 1.0),
                                         1.0/(2.53*3600.0), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0/(2.53*3600.0)))

        # load the corresponding test psf
        psfFile = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "psf.%d.fits" % imageid)
        psfImg = afwImage.ImageD(psfFile)
        psfImg -= self.bkgd

        kernel = afwMath.FixedKernel(psfImg)
        kernelPsf = algorithms.KernelPsf(kernel)

        # perform the shape measurement
        msConfig = base.SingleFrameMeasurementConfig()
        alg = base.SingleFramePlugin.registry[algorithmName].PluginClass.AlgClass
        control = base.SingleFramePlugin.registry[algorithmName].PluginClass.ConfigClass().makeControl()
        msConfig.algorithms.names = [algorithmName]
        # Note: It is essential to remove the floating point part of the position for the
        # Algorithm._apply.  Otherwise, when the PSF is realised it will have been warped
        # to account for the sub-pixel offset and we won't get *exactly* this PSF.
        plugin, table = makePluginAndCat(alg, algorithmName, control, centroid="centroid")
        center = afwGeom.Point2D(int(x), int(y)) + afwGeom.Extent2D(self.offset + afwGeom.Extent2I(self.xy0))
        source = table.makeRecord()
        source.set("centroid_x", center.getX())
        source.set("centroid_y", center.getY())
        plugin.measure(source, exposure)

        return source
    def runMeasurement(self, algorithmName, imageid, x, y, v):
        """Run the measurement algorithm on an image"""
        # load the test image
        imgFile = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "image.%d.fits" % imageid)
        img = afwImage.ImageF(imgFile)
        img -= self.bkgd
        nx, ny = img.getWidth(), img.getHeight()
        msk = afwImage.MaskU(afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny), 0x0)
        var = afwImage.ImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny), v)
        mimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(img, msk, var)
        msk.getArray()[:] = np.where(np.fabs(img.getArray()) < 1.0e-8, msk.getPlaneBitMask("BAD"), 0)

        # Put it in a bigger image, in case it matters
        big = afwImage.MaskedImageF(self.offset + mimg.getDimensions())
        subBig = afwImage.MaskedImageF(big, afwGeom.Box2I(big.getXY0() + self.offset, mimg.getDimensions()))
        subBig <<= mimg
        mimg = big

        exposure = afwImage.makeExposure(mimg)
        exposure.setWcs(afwImage.makeWcs(afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 0. * afwGeom.degrees, 0. * afwGeom.degrees),
                                         1.0/(2.53*3600.0), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0/(2.53*3600.0)))

        # load the corresponding test psf
        psfFile = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "psf.%d.fits" % imageid)
        psfImg = afwImage.ImageD(psfFile)
        psfImg -= self.bkgd

        kernel = afwMath.FixedKernel(psfImg)
        kernelPsf = algorithms.KernelPsf(kernel)

        # perform the shape measurement
        msConfig = base.SingleFrameMeasurementConfig()
        alg = base.SingleFramePlugin.registry[algorithmName].PluginClass.AlgClass
        control = base.SingleFramePlugin.registry[algorithmName].PluginClass.ConfigClass().makeControl()
        msConfig.algorithms.names = [algorithmName]
        # Note: It is essential to remove the floating point part of the position for the
        # Algorithm._apply.  Otherwise, when the PSF is realised it will have been warped
        # to account for the sub-pixel offset and we won't get *exactly* this PSF.
        plugin, table = makePluginAndCat(alg, algorithmName, control, centroid="centroid")
        center = afwGeom.Point2D(int(x), int(y)) + afwGeom.Extent2D(self.offset + afwGeom.Extent2I(self.xy0))
        source = table.makeRecord()
        source.set("centroid_x", center.getX())
        source.set("centroid_y", center.getY())
        plugin.measure(source, exposure)

        return source
Exemplo n.º 15
    def testFactory(self):
        """Test the Factory function makeCoord()"""

        # make a (eg galactic) coord with the constructor, and with the factory
        # and see if they agree.
        for constructor, enum, cast, stringName in self.coordList:
            con = constructor(self.l * afwGeom.degrees, self.b * afwGeom.degrees)
            self.assertEqual(con.getCoordSystem(), enum)
            factories = []
            factories.append(afwCoord.makeCoord(enum, self.l * afwGeom.degrees, self.b * afwGeom.degrees))
            factories.append(afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.makeCoordEnum(stringName), self.l * afwGeom.degrees, self.b * afwGeom.degrees))
            factories.append(afwCoord.makeCoord(enum, afwGeom.Point2D(self.l, self.b), afwGeom.degrees))

            print("Factory: ")
            for fac in factories:
                self.assertEqual(fac.getCoordSystem(), enum)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(con[0], fac[0])
                self.assertAlmostEqual(con[1], fac[1])
                print(" tried ", fac[0], fac[1],
                     "(expected ", con[0], con[1], ")")

            # can we create an empty coord, and use reset() to fill it?
            c = afwCoord.makeCoord(enum)
            c.reset(1.0 * afwGeom.degrees, 1.0 * afwGeom.degrees, 2000.0)
            myCoord = cast(c)
            self.assertEqual(myCoord.getLongitude().asDegrees(), 1.0)
            self.assertEqual(myCoord.getLatitude().asDegrees(), 1.0)

        # verify that makeCoord throws when given an epoch for an epochless system
                          lambda: afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.GALACTIC, self.l * afwGeom.degrees, self.b * afwGeom.degrees, 2000.0))
                          lambda: afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, self.l * afwGeom.degrees, self.b * afwGeom.degrees, 2000.0))
def makeitLsst(prefs, context, saveWcs=False, plot=dict()):
    """This is the python wrapper that reads lsst tables"""
    # Create an array of PSFs (one PSF for each extension)
    if prefs.getVerboseType() != prefs.QUIET:
        print "----- %d input catalogues:" % prefs.getNcat()

    if saveWcs:                         # only needed for making plots
        wcssList = []

    fields = psfex.vectorField()
    for cat in prefs.getCatalogs():
        field = psfex.Field(cat)
        wcss = []
        with pyfits.open(cat) as pf:
            # Hack: I want the WCS so I'll guess where the calexp is to be found
            calexpFile = guessCalexp(cat)
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(calexpFile)
            wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md)

            if not wcs:
                crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 0.0*afwGeom.degrees, 0.0*afwGeom.degrees)
                wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, afwGeom.PointD(0, 0), 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0)
            naxis1, naxis2 = md.get("NAXIS1"), md.get("NAXIS2")
            # Find how many rows there are in the catalogue
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(cat)

            field.addExt(wcs, naxis1, naxis2, md.get("NAXIS2"))
            if saveWcs:
                wcss.append((wcs, naxis1, naxis2))


    next = fields[0].getNext()          # number of extensions

    psfstep = prefs.getPsfStep()

    sets = psfex.vectorSet()
    for set in load_samplesLsst(prefs, context, plot=plot):

    psfex.makeit(fields, sets)

    ret = [[f.getPsfs() for f in fields], sets]
    if saveWcs:

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 17
    def testRaDecUnits(self):
        # LSST decrees radians.
        # In the setUp() above, the RAs set could reasonably be interpreted as radians.

        sources = self.dsv2.getSources()

        # check that getRa() returns in radians
        # MAGIC 0.349... = math.radians(20.)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sources[1].getRa().asRadians(), 0.3490658503988659)

        # These tests don't make so much sense now that we use Angle!

        # check that setRaDec() getRaDec() round-trips.
        ra,dec = 100., 50.
        # makeCoord takes degrees.
        c1 = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, ra * afwGeom.degrees, dec * afwGeom.degrees)
        # (test that by using degrees explicitly)
        c2 = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, afwGeom.Point2D(ra, dec),
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c1.toIcrs().getRa().asDegrees(), c2.toIcrs().getRa().asDegrees())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c1.toIcrs().getDec().asDegrees(), c2.toIcrs().getDec().asDegrees())

        src = afwDet.Source()
        # get it back in ICRS by default
        c1b = src.getRaDec()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c1.toIcrs().getDec().asDegrees(), c1b.toIcrs().getDec().asDegrees())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c1.toIcrs().getRa().asDegrees(),  c1b.toIcrs().getRa().asDegrees())

        self.assertAlmostEqual(src.getRa().asDegrees(), ra)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(src.getDec().asDegrees(), dec)

        src.setRa(math.pi * afwGeom.radians)
        src.setDec(math.pi / 4. * afwGeom.radians)
        c1c = src.getRaDec()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c1c.getLongitude().asDegrees(), 180.)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c1c.getLatitude().asDegrees(), 45.)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def testAffineTransform(self):
        a = self.wcs.getLinearTransform()
        l = self.wcs.getCDMatrix()
        #print print a[a.XX], a[a.XY], a[a.YX], a[a.YY]

        sky00g = afwGeom.Point2D(10, 10)
        sky00i = afwGeom.Point2D(sky00g.getX(), sky00g.getY())
        sky00c = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, sky00i, afwCoord.DEGREES)
        a = self.wcs.linearizeSkyToPixel(sky00c)
        pix00i = self.wcs.skyToPixel(sky00c)
        pix00g = afwGeom.Point2D(pix00i.getX(), pix00i.getY())
        sky00gApprox = a(pix00g);
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sky00g.getX(), sky00gApprox.getX())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sky00g.getY(), sky00gApprox.getY())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.wcs.pixArea(sky00i), abs(a[a.XX]* a[a.YY] - a[a.XY]*a[a.YX]))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def testAffineTransform(self):
        a = self.wcs.getLinearTransform()
        l = self.wcs.getCDMatrix()
        #print print a[a.XX], a[a.XY], a[a.YX], a[a.YY]

        sky00g = afwGeom.Point2D(10, 10)
        sky00i = afwGeom.Point2D(sky00g.getX(), sky00g.getY())
        sky00c = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, sky00i, afwCoord.DEGREES)
        a = self.wcs.linearizeSkyToPixel(sky00c)
        pix00i = self.wcs.skyToPixel(sky00c)
        pix00g = afwGeom.Point2D(pix00i.getX(), pix00i.getY())
        sky00gApprox = a(pix00g);
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sky00g.getX(), sky00gApprox.getX())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sky00g.getY(), sky00gApprox.getY())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.wcs.pixArea(sky00i), abs(a[a.XX]* a[a.YY] - a[a.XY]*a[a.YX]))
Exemplo n.º 20
    def testXyToRaDecArguments(self):
        """Check that conversion of xy to ra dec (and back again) works"""
        xy = afwGeom.Point2D(110, 123)
        raDec = self.wcs.pixelToSky(xy)
        xy2 = self.wcs.skyToPixel(raDec)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(xy.getX(), xy2.getX())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xy.getY(), xy2.getY())

        raDec = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 245.167400 * afwGeom.degrees, +19.1976583 * afwGeom.degrees)
        xy = self.wcs.skyToPixel(raDec)
        raDec2 = self.wcs.pixelToSky(xy)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(raDec[0].asDegrees(), raDec2[0].asDegrees())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(raDec[1].asDegrees(), raDec2[1].asDegrees())
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: wcs1.py Projeto: ziggyman/afw
    def testXyToRaDecArguments(self):
        """Check that conversion of xy to ra dec (and back again) works"""
        xy = afwGeom.Point2D(110, 123)
        raDec = self.wcs.pixelToSky(xy)
        xy2 = self.wcs.skyToPixel(raDec)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(xy.getX(), xy2.getX())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xy.getY(), xy2.getY())

        raDec = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 245.167400 * afwGeom.degrees, +19.1976583 * afwGeom.degrees)

        xy = self.wcs.skyToPixel(raDec)
        raDec2 = self.wcs.pixelToSky(xy)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(raDec[0].asDegrees(), raDec2[0].asDegrees())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(raDec[1].asDegrees(), raDec2[1].asDegrees())
Exemplo n.º 22
    def testIdentity(self):
        """Convert from ra, dec to col, row and back again"""
        raDec = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 244 * afwGeom.degrees, 20 * afwGeom.degrees)
        print 'testIdentity'
        print 'wcs:'
        for x in self.wcs.getFitsMetadata().toList():
            print '  ', x
        print 'raDec:', raDec
        print type(self.wcs)
        rowCol = self.wcs.skyToPixel(raDec)
        print 'rowCol:', rowCol
        raDec2 = self.wcs.pixelToSky(rowCol)
        print 'raDec2:', raDec2

        p1 = raDec.getPosition()
        p2 = raDec.getPosition()
        print 'p1,p2', p1,p2
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[0], p2[0])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[1], p2[1])
Exemplo n.º 23
def findWcsCoveringSkyTile(skyPixelization, skyTileId, imageRes):
    """Computes and returns a TAN WCS such that a 2D image with the
    given WCS and the following properties completely covers the
    sky-tile with the given pixel id:

    - NAXIS1/NAXIS2 >= imageRes
    - CRPIX1 = NAXIS1 / 2 + 0.5
    - CRPIX2 = NAXIS2 / 2 + 0.5
    if not isinstance(imageRes, (int, long)):
        raise TypeError("Image resolution must be an integer")
    if imageRes < 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Image resolution must be at least 1")
    crpix = afwGeom.Point2D(0.5 * (imageRes + 1), 0.5 * (imageRes + 1))
    crval = geom.sphericalCoords(skyPixelization.getCenter(skyTileId))
    crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, crval[0] * afwGeom.degrees,
                               crval[1] * afwGeom.degrees)
    skyTile = skyPixelization.getGeometry(skyTileId)
    # Start with a huge TAN image centered at the sky-tile center,
    # then shrink it using binary search to determine suitable
    # CD matrix coefficients
    scale = 1000.0  # deg/pixel, ridiculously large
    delta = 0.5 * scale
    frac = 0.01  # desired relative accuracy of CD matrix coeffs
    wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale)
    imagePoly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs, imageRes, imageRes)
    # Make sure the initial guess really is too large
    if not imagePoly.contains(skyTile):
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to construct image WCS covering sky-tile")
    # Search for a WCS with a tight fit to the sky-tile. Note that the
    # tightness of fit could be further improved by searching for a rotation
    # and not just a pixel scale.
    while delta >= frac * scale:
        tmp = scale - delta
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, tmp, 0.0, 0.0, tmp)
        imagePoly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs, imageRes, imageRes)
        delta *= 0.5
        if imagePoly.contains(skyTile):
            scale = tmp
    return afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale)
Exemplo n.º 24
def findWcsCoveringSkyTile(skyPixelization, skyTileId, imageRes):
    """Computes and returns a TAN WCS such that a 2D image with the
    given WCS and the following properties completely covers the
    sky-tile with the given pixel id:

    - NAXIS1/NAXIS2 >= imageRes
    - CRPIX1 = NAXIS1 / 2 + 0.5
    - CRPIX2 = NAXIS2 / 2 + 0.5
    if not isinstance(imageRes, (int, long)):
        raise TypeError("Image resolution must be an integer")
    if imageRes < 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Image resolution must be at least 1")
    crpix = afwGeom.Point2D(0.5*(imageRes + 1), 0.5*(imageRes + 1))
    crval = geom.sphericalCoords(skyPixelization.getCenter(skyTileId))
    crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, crval[0] * afwGeom.degrees, crval[1] * afwGeom.degrees)
    skyTile = skyPixelization.getGeometry(skyTileId)
    # Start with a huge TAN image centered at the sky-tile center,
    # then shrink it using binary search to determine suitable
    # CD matrix coefficients
    scale = 1000.0  # deg/pixel, ridiculously large
    delta = 0.5*scale
    frac = 0.01 # desired relative accuracy of CD matrix coeffs
    wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale)
    imagePoly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs, imageRes, imageRes)
    # Make sure the initial guess really is too large
    if not imagePoly.contains(skyTile):
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to construct image WCS covering sky-tile")
    # Search for a WCS with a tight fit to the sky-tile. Note that the
    # tightness of fit could be further improved by searching for a rotation
    # and not just a pixel scale.
    while delta >= frac * scale:
        tmp = scale - delta
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, tmp, 0.0, 0.0, tmp)
        imagePoly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs, imageRes, imageRes)
        delta *= 0.5
        if imagePoly.contains(skyTile):
            scale = tmp
    return afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def std_raw(self, item, dataId):
     Added because there are no valid Wcs in fits headers
     Convert the raw DecoratedImage to an Exposure, set metadata and wcs.
     exp = exposureFromImage(item)
     md = exp.getMetadata()
     rawPath = self.map_raw(dataId).getLocations()[0]
     headerPath = re.sub(r'[\[](\d+)[\]]$', "[0]", rawPath)
     md0 = afwImage.readMetadata(headerPath)
     crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 0 * afwGeom.degrees,
                                0 * afwGeom.degrees)
     crpix = afwGeom.PointD(0, 0)
     wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, crpix, 1, 0, 0, 1)
     exposureId = self._computeCcdExposureId(dataId)
     visitInfo = self.makeRawVisitInfo(md=md0, exposureId=exposureId)
     return self._standardizeExposure(self.exposures['raw'],
Exemplo n.º 26
    def testIdentity(self):
        """Convert from ra, dec to col, row and back again"""
        raDec = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 244 * afwGeom.degrees, 20 * afwGeom.degrees)
        if verbose:
            print 'testIdentity'
            print 'wcs:'
            for x in self.wcs.getFitsMetadata().toList():
                print '  ', x
            print 'raDec:', raDec
            print type(self.wcs)
        rowCol = self.wcs.skyToPixel(raDec)
        raDec2 = self.wcs.pixelToSky(rowCol)

        if verbose:
            print 'rowCol:', rowCol
            print 'raDec2:', raDec2

        p1 = raDec.getPosition()
        p2 = raDec.getPosition()
        if verbose:
            print 'p1,p2', p1,p2
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[0], p2[0])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[1], p2[1])
Exemplo n.º 27
    def apply_cutout(self,
        """Return an image centered on ra and dec (in degrees) with dimensions
        height and width (in arcseconds by default).

        Returns None if no image is found.
        This function assumes the entire image is valid. (no overscan, etc.)
        Sequence of events:
        - dataId is the image id for the butler
        - Use the results of the query to get an image and metadata from the butler.
        - Map ra, dec, width, and height to a box.
        - If a pixel cutout, trim the dimesions to fit in the source image and return.
        -     and return the cutout.
        - Otherwise, the height and width are in arcseconds.
        - Determine approximate pixels per arcsecond in the image by
             calculating the length of line from the upper right corner of
             the image to the lower left corner in pixels and arcseconds.
             (This will fail at or very near the pole.)
        - Use that to define a box for the cutout.
        - Trim the box so it is entirely within the source image.
                the cutout image 
        self._log.debug("getImage %f %f %f %f", ra, dec, width, height)
        img_w = src_img.getWidth()
        img_h = src_img.getHeight()
        self._log.debug("img_w=%d img_h=%d", img_w, img_h)
        wcs = lsst.afw.image.makeWcs(metadata, False)
        ra_dec = afw_coord.makeCoord(afw_coord.ICRS, ra * afw_geom.degrees,
                                     dec * afw_geom.degrees)
        xy_wcs = wcs.skyToPixel(ra_dec)
        x0, y0 = src_img.getX0(), src_img.getY0()
        xy_center_x = xy_wcs.getX() - x0
        xy_center_y = xy_wcs.getY() - y0
            "ra=%f dec=%f xy_wcs=(%f,%f) x0y0=(%f,%f) "
            "xy_center=(%f,%f)", ra, dec, xy_wcs.getX(), xy_wcs.getY(), x0, y0,
            xy_center_x, xy_center_y)
        if cutout_type == 'pixel':
            img = self._cutoutbox_pixels(src_img, xy_center_x, xy_center_y,
                                         width, height, wcs, self._log)
            return img
        # Determine approximate pixels per arcsec - find image corners in RA and Dec
        # and compare that distance with the number of pixels.
        ra_dec_ul = wcs.pixelToSky(afw_geom.Point2D(0, 0))
        ra_dec_lr = wcs.pixelToSky(afw_geom.Point2D(img_w - 1, img_h - 1))
        self._log.debug("ra_dec_ul 0=%f 1=%f", ra_dec_ul[0].asDegrees(),
        self._log.debug("ra_dec_lr 0=%f 1=%f", ra_dec_lr[0].asDegrees(),
        # length of a line from upper left (UL) to lower right (LR)
        dec_dist = ra_dec_ul[1].asArcseconds() - ra_dec_lr[1].asArcseconds()
        ra_lr = self._keep_within_180(ra_dec_ul[0].asDegrees(),
        ra_lr *= 3600.0  # convert degrees to arcseconds
        # Correct distance in RA for the declination
        cos_dec = math.cos(dec * afw_geom.degrees)
        ra_dist = cos_dec * (ra_dec_ul[0].asArcseconds() - ra_lr)
        ra_dec_dist = math.sqrt(
            math.pow(dec_dist, 2.0) + math.pow(ra_dist, 2.0))
        self._log.debug("ra_dec_dist=%f", ra_dec_dist)
        pixel_dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(img_w, 2.0) + math.pow(img_h, 2.0))
        pixel_per_arcsec = pixel_dist / ra_dec_dist
        self._log.debug("pixel_per_arcsec=%f", pixel_per_arcsec)
        # Need Upper Left corner and dimensions for Box2I
        pix_w = width * pixel_per_arcsec
        pix_h = height * pixel_per_arcsec
            "ra=%f dec=%f xy_wcs=(%f,%f) x0y0=(%f,%f) "
            "xyCenter=(%f,%f)", ra, dec, xy_wcs.getX(), xy_wcs.getY(), x0, y0,
            xy_center_x, xy_center_y)
        img = self._cutoutbox_pixels(src_img, xy_center_x, xy_center_y, pix_w,
                                     pix_h, wcs, self._log)
        return img
    def setUp(self):
        width, height = 110, 301

        self.mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwGeom.ExtentI(width, height))
        sd = 3                          # standard deviation of image

        self.FWHM = 5
        self.ksize = 31                      # size of desired kernel

        sigma1 = 1.75
        sigma2 = 2*sigma1

        self.exposure = afwImage.makeExposure(self.mi)
        self.exposure.setPsf(measAlg.DoubleGaussianPsf(self.ksize, self.ksize,
                                                    1.5*sigma1, 1, 0.1))
        crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 0.0*afwGeom.degrees, 0.0*afwGeom.degrees)
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, afwGeom.PointD(0, 0), 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0)

        # Make a kernel with the exactly correct basis functions.  Useful for debugging
        basisKernelList = afwMath.KernelList()
        for sigma in (sigma1, sigma2):
            basisKernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(self.ksize, self.ksize,
                                                 afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(sigma, sigma))
            basisImage = afwImage.ImageD(basisKernel.getDimensions())
            basisKernel.computeImage(basisImage, True)
            basisImage /= np.sum(basisImage.getArray())

            if sigma == sigma1:
                basisImage0 = basisImage
                basisImage -= basisImage0


        order = 1                                # 1 => up to linear
        spFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(order)

        exactKernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(basisKernelList, spFunc)
        exactKernel.setSpatialParameters([[1.0, 0,          0],
                                          [0.0, 0.5*1e-2, 0.2e-2]])

        rand = afwMath.Random()               # make these tests repeatable by setting seed

        addNoise = True

        if addNoise:
            im = self.mi.getImage()
            afwMath.randomGaussianImage(im, rand) # N(0, 1)
            im *= sd                              # N(0, sd^2)
            del im

        xarr, yarr = [], []

        for x, y in [(20, 20), (60, 20),
                     (30, 35),
                     (50, 50),
                     (20, 90), (70, 160), (25, 265), (75, 275), (85, 30),
                     (50, 120), (70, 80),
                     (60, 210), (20, 210),

        for x, y in zip(xarr, yarr):
            dx = rand.uniform() - 0.5   # random (centered) offsets
            dy = rand.uniform() - 0.5

            k = exactKernel.getSpatialFunction(1)(x, y) # functional variation of Kernel ...
            b = (k*sigma1**2/((1 - k)*sigma2**2))       # ... converted double Gaussian's "b"

            #flux = 80000 - 20*x - 10*(y/float(height))**2
            flux = 80000*(1 + 0.1*(rand.uniform() - 0.5))
            I0 = flux*(1 + b)/(2*np.pi*(sigma1**2 + b*sigma2**2))
            for iy in range(y - self.ksize//2, y + self.ksize//2 + 1):
                if iy < 0 or iy >= self.mi.getHeight():

                for ix in range(x - self.ksize//2, x + self.ksize//2 + 1):
                    if ix < 0 or ix >= self.mi.getWidth():

                    I = I0*psfVal(ix, iy, x + dx, y + dy, sigma1, sigma2, b)
                    Isample = rand.poisson(I) if addNoise else I
                    self.mi.getImage().set(ix, iy, self.mi.getImage().get(ix, iy) + Isample)
                    self.mi.getVariance().set(ix, iy, self.mi.getVariance().get(ix, iy) + I)

        bbox = afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(0,0), afwGeom.ExtentI(width, height))
        self.cellSet = afwMath.SpatialCellSet(bbox, 100)

        self.footprintSet = afwDetection.FootprintSet(self.mi, afwDetection.Threshold(100), "DETECTED")

        self.catalog = SpatialModelPsfTestCase.measure(self.footprintSet, self.exposure)

        for source in self.catalog:
                cand = measAlg.makePsfCandidate(source, self.exposure)

            except Exception, e:
                print e
Exemplo n.º 29

# This version seems to get overwritten by fitscopy later on the
# process; just make the correct output file in the first place
print "# id,dbid,raJ2000,decJ2000,glat,glon,uDerived,gDerived,rDerived,iDerived,zDerived,yDerived,isStar,varClass,objClass,redshift,semiMajorBulge,semiMinorBulge,semiMajorDisk,semiMinorDisk,sedFilename,properMotionRa,properMotionDec,parallax,radialVelocity"

for line in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines():
    if not line.startswith("object"):

    obj, oid, ra, decl, rmag, sed, a, b, c, d, e, f, star, g, h = line.split()
    c    = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.FK5, float(ra) * afwGeom.degrees, float(decl) * afwGeom.degrees)
    glat = c.toGalactic()[0].asDegrees()
    glon = c.toGalactic()[1].asDegrees()

    sedKey = sed.split("/")[-1]
    umag = float(rmag) + colors_vs_r[sedKey]["u"]
    gmag = float(rmag) + colors_vs_r[sedKey]["g"]
    imag = float(rmag) + colors_vs_r[sedKey]["i"]
    zmag = float(rmag) + colors_vs_r[sedKey]["z"]
    ymag = float(rmag) + colors_vs_r[sedKey]["y"]

    print ",".join(map(str, (oid, oid, ra, decl, glat, glon,
                             umag, gmag, rmag, imag, zmag, ymag,
                             1, 0, 5, None, None, None, None, None,
                             sed, 0., 0., 0., 0.)))
Exemplo n.º 30
Arquivo: wcs1.py Projeto: ziggyman/afw
    def testInvalidRaDec(self):
        """Test a conversion for an invalid position.  Well, "test" isn't
        quite right as the result is invalid, but make sure that it still is"""
        raDec = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 1 * afwGeom.degrees, 2 * afwGeom.degrees)

        self.assertRaises(lsst.pex.exceptions.Exception, self.wcs.skyToPixel, raDec)
Exemplo n.º 31
Arquivo: wcs1.py Projeto: ziggyman/afw
def localMakeCoord(coordSys, posDeg, equinox):
    """Make a coord, ignoring equinox if necessary
    if coordSys in (afwCoord.ICRS, afwCoord.GALACTIC):
        return afwCoord.makeCoord(coordSys, posDeg[0]*afwGeom.degrees, posDeg[1]*afwGeom.degrees)
    return afwCoord.makeCoord(coordSys, posDeg[0]*afwGeom.degrees, posDeg[1]*afwGeom.degrees, equinox)
        ds9.ds9Cmd("mask transparency 80")

        # Skip the at zenith one
        if suffixI != "C":
            # Epoch of image
            obsDate  = dafBase.DateTime(mjdI, dafBase.DateTime.MJD, dafBase.DateTime.TAI)
            epoch    = obsDate.get(dafBase.DateTime.EPOCH)
            for match in matches:
                refObj = match.first

                #ra       = 79.6892650466
                #decl     = -29.6666669861
                ra       = refObj.getCoord()[0].asDegrees() + 0.003 # Offset a bit
                decl     = refObj.getCoord()[1].asDegrees() + 0.003
                wcs      = diffim.getWcs()
                center   = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.FK5, ra*afwGeom.degrees, decl*afwGeom.degrees, epoch)
                xyc      = wcs.skyToPixel(center)
                raoff    = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.FK5, (ra+0.003)*afwGeom.degrees, decl*afwGeom.degrees, epoch)
                xydra    = wcs.skyToPixel(raoff)
                decoff   = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.FK5, ra*afwGeom.degrees, (decl+0.003)*afwGeom.degrees, epoch)
                xyddec   = wcs.skyToPixel(decoff)
                cmd      = "regions command {line %f %f %f %f # color=magenta width=3}" % (xyc[0], xyc[1], xydra[0], xydra[1])  # East
                ds9.ds9Cmd(cmd, silent=False)
                cmd      = "regions command {line %f %f %f %f # color=yellow width=3}" % (xyc[0], xyc[1], xyddec[0], xyddec[1]) # North
                ds9.ds9Cmd(cmd, silent=False)
                centeraa = center.toTopocentric(lsst, obsDate) # az, alt
                azoff    = afwCoord.TopocentricCoord((centeraa.getAzimuth().asDegrees() + 0.003)*afwGeom.degrees,
                                                     centeraa.getAltitude().asDegrees()*afwGeom.degrees, epoch, lsst)
                altoff   = afwCoord.TopocentricCoord(centeraa.getAzimuth().asDegrees()*afwGeom.degrees,
                                                     (centeraa.getAltitude().asDegrees() + 0.003)*afwGeom.degrees, epoch, lsst)
Exemplo n.º 33
    def getImage(self, ra, dec, width, height, cutoutType="arcsecond"):
        '''Return an image centered on ra and dec (in degrees) with dimensions
        height and width (in arcseconds).
        Returns None if no image is found.
        This function assumes the entire image is valid. (no overscan, etc.)
        Sequence of events:
         - Use ra, dec, width, and height to find an image from the database.
         - Use the results of the query to get an image and metadata from the butler.
         - Map ra, dec, width, and height to a box.
         - If a pixel cutout, trim the dimesions to fit in the source image and return.
         -     and return the cutout.
         - Otherwise, the height and width are inarcseconds.
         - Determine approximate pixels per arcsecond in the image by
             calculating the length of line from the upper right corner of
             the image to the lower left corner in pixels and arcseconds.
             (This will fail at or very near the pole.)
         - Use that to define a box for the cutout.
         - Trim the box so it is entirely within the source image.
         - Make and return the cutout.
        self._log.debug("getImage %f %f %f %f", ra, dec, width, height)
        # Find the nearest image to ra and dec containing at least part of the box.
        qresult = self._findNearestImageContaining(ra, dec, width, height)
        img, butler = self._getImageButler(qresult)
        if img == None:
            # @todo html error handling see DM-1980
            return None
        imgW = img.getWidth()
        imgH = img.getHeight()
        self._log.debug("imgW=%d imgH=%d", imgW, imgH)

        # Get the metadata for the source image.
        metadata = self._getMetadata(butler, qresult)
        wcs = lsst.afw.image.makeWcs(metadata, False)
        raDec = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS,
                                   ra * afwGeom.degrees,
                                   dec * afwGeom.degrees)
        xyWcs = wcs.skyToPixel(raDec)
        x0 = img.getX0()
        y0 = img.getY0()
        xyCenter = afwGeom.Point2D(xyWcs.getX() - x0, xyWcs.getY() - y0)
        if cutoutType == 'pixel':
            imgSub = _cutoutBoxPixels(img, xyCenter, width, height, self._log)
            return imgSub

        self._log.info("ra=%f dec=%f xyWcs=(%f,%f) x0y0=(%f,%f) xyCenter=(%f,%f)", ra, dec,
                       xyWcs.getX(), xyWcs.getY(), x0, y0, xyCenter.getX(), xyCenter.getY())
        # Determine approximate pixels per arcsec - find image corners in RA and Dec
        # and compare that distance with the number of pixels.
        raDecUL = wcs.pixelToSky(afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0))
        raDecLR = wcs.pixelToSky(afwGeom.Point2D(imgW - 1, imgH - 1))
        self._log.debug("raDecUL 0=%f 1=%f", raDecUL[0].asDegrees(), raDecUL[1].asDegrees())
        self._log.debug("raDecLR 0=%f 1=%f", raDecLR[0].asDegrees(), raDecLR[1].asDegrees())
        # length of a line from upper left (UL) to lower right (LR)
        decDist = raDecUL[1].asArcseconds() - raDecLR[1].asArcseconds()
        raLR = _keepWithin180(raDecUL[0].asDegrees(), raDecLR[0].asDegrees())
        raLR *= 3600.0 # convert degrees to arcseconds
        #Correct distance in RA for the declination
        cosDec = math.cos(dec*afwGeom.degrees)
        raDist = cosDec * (raDecUL[0].asArcseconds() - raLR)
        raDecDist = math.sqrt(math.pow(decDist, 2.0) + math.pow(raDist, 2.0))
        self._log.debug("raDecDist=%f", raDecDist)
        pixelDist = math.sqrt(math.pow(imgW, 2.0) + math.pow(imgH, 2.0))
        pixelPerArcsec = pixelDist/raDecDist
        self._log.debug("pixelPerArcsec=%f", pixelPerArcsec)
        # Need Upper Left corner and dimensions for Box2I
        pixW = width*pixelPerArcsec
        pixH = height*pixelPerArcsec
        imgSub = _cutoutBoxPixels(img, xyCenter, pixW, pixH, self._log)
        return imgSub
Exemplo n.º 34
    def setUp(self):
        width, height = 110, 301

        self.mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwGeom.ExtentI(width, height))
        sd = 3                          # standard deviation of image

        self.FWHM = 5
        self.ksize = 31                      # size of desired kernel

        sigma1 = 1.75
        sigma2 = 2*sigma1

        self.exposure = afwImage.makeExposure(self.mi)
        self.exposure.setPsf(measAlg.DoubleGaussianPsf(self.ksize, self.ksize,
                                                    1.5*sigma1, 1, 0.1))
        crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 0.0*afwGeom.degrees, 0.0*afwGeom.degrees)
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, afwGeom.PointD(0, 0), 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0)

        ccd = cameraGeom.Ccd(cameraGeom.Id(1))
                                  afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(0,0), self.exposure.getDimensions()),
                                  afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(0,0), afwGeom.ExtentI(0,0)),
                                  afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(0,0), self.exposure.getDimensions()),
                                  cameraGeom.ElectronicParams(1.0, 100.0, 65535)))
        # Make a kernel with the exactly correct basis functions.  Useful for debugging
        basisKernelList = afwMath.KernelList()
        for sigma in (sigma1, sigma2):
            basisKernel = afwMath.AnalyticKernel(self.ksize, self.ksize,
                                                 afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(sigma, sigma))
            basisImage = afwImage.ImageD(basisKernel.getDimensions())
            basisKernel.computeImage(basisImage, True)
            basisImage /= np.sum(basisImage.getArray())

            if sigma == sigma1:
                basisImage0 = basisImage
                basisImage -= basisImage0


        order = 1                                # 1 => up to linear
        spFunc = afwMath.PolynomialFunction2D(order)

        exactKernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(basisKernelList, spFunc)
        exactKernel.setSpatialParameters([[1.0, 0,          0],
                                          [0.0, 0.5*1e-2, 0.2e-2]])

        rand = afwMath.Random()               # make these tests repeatable by setting seed

        addNoise = True

        if addNoise:
            im = self.mi.getImage()
            afwMath.randomGaussianImage(im, rand) # N(0, 1)
            im *= sd                              # N(0, sd^2)
            del im

        xarr, yarr = [], []

        for x, y in [(20, 20), (60, 20), 
                     (30, 35),
                     (50, 50),
                     (20, 90), (70, 160), (25, 265), (75, 275), (85, 30),
                     (50, 120), (70, 80),
                     (60, 210), (20, 210),

        for x, y in zip(xarr, yarr):
            dx = rand.uniform() - 0.5   # random (centered) offsets
            dy = rand.uniform() - 0.5

            k = exactKernel.getSpatialFunction(1)(x, y) # functional variation of Kernel ...
            b = (k*sigma1**2/((1 - k)*sigma2**2))       # ... converted double Gaussian's "b"

            #flux = 80000 - 20*x - 10*(y/float(height))**2
            flux = 80000*(1 + 0.1*(rand.uniform() - 0.5))
            I0 = flux*(1 + b)/(2*np.pi*(sigma1**2 + b*sigma2**2))
            for iy in range(y - self.ksize//2, y + self.ksize//2 + 1):
                if iy < 0 or iy >= self.mi.getHeight():

                for ix in range(x - self.ksize//2, x + self.ksize//2 + 1):
                    if ix < 0 or ix >= self.mi.getWidth():

                    I = I0*psfVal(ix, iy, x + dx, y + dy, sigma1, sigma2, b)
                    Isample = rand.poisson(I) if addNoise else I
                    self.mi.getImage().set(ix, iy, self.mi.getImage().get(ix, iy) + Isample)
                    self.mi.getVariance().set(ix, iy, self.mi.getVariance().get(ix, iy) + I)
        bbox = afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(0,0), afwGeom.ExtentI(width, height))
        self.cellSet = afwMath.SpatialCellSet(bbox, 100)

        self.footprintSet = afwDetection.FootprintSet(self.mi, afwDetection.Threshold(100), "DETECTED")

        self.catalog = SpatialModelPsfTestCase.measure(self.footprintSet, self.exposure)

        for source in self.catalog:
                cand = measAlg.makePsfCandidate(source, self.exposure)

            except Exception, e:
                print e