Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, detectorFileName, ampFileNameList, inAmpCoords=True, plateScale=1., 
              radialCoeffs=(0., 1.), clobberMetadata=False, doRaise=True):
     ''' @param[in] detectorFileName  FITS file containing the detector description. 
                                      May use [] notation to specify an extension in an MEF.
         @param[in] ampFileNameList   List of FITS file names to use in building the amps.
                                      May contain duplicate entries if the raw data are assembled.
         @param[in] inAmpCoords       Boolean, True if raw data are in amp coordinates, False if raw data
                                      are assembled into pseudo detector pixel arrays
         @param[in] plateScale        Nominal platescale (arcsec/mm)
         @param[in] radialCoeffs      Radial distortion coefficients for a radial polynomial in normalized
         @param[in] clobberMetadata   Clobber metadata from input files if overridden in the _sanitizeMetadata method
         @param[in] doRaise           Raise exception if not all non-defaulted keywords are defined?  Default is True.
     self.inAmpCoords = inAmpCoords
     self.defaultAmpMap = self._makeDefaultAmpMap()
     self.defaultDetectorMap = self._makeDefaultDetectorMap()
     self.detectorMetadata = afwImage.readMetadata(detectorFileName)
     self._sanitizeHeaderMetadata(self.detectorMetadata, clobber=clobberMetadata)
     self.ampMetadataList = []
     self.detector = None
     self.doRaise = doRaise
     for fileName in ampFileNameList:
         self._sanitizeHeaderMetadata(self.ampMetadataList[-1], clobber=clobberMetadata)
     self.plateScale = plateScale
     self.focalPlaneToPupil = self._makeRadialTransform(radialCoeffs)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self,
              radialCoeffs=(0., 1.),
     ''' @param[in] detectorFileName  FITS file containing the detector description.
                                      May use [] notation to specify an extension in an MEF.
         @param[in] ampFileNameList   List of FITS file names to use in building the amps.
                                      May contain duplicate entries if the raw data are assembled.
         @param[in] inAmpCoords       Boolean, True if raw data are in amp coordinates, False if raw data
                                      are assembled into pseudo detector pixel arrays
         @param[in] plateScale        Nominal platescale (arcsec/mm)
         @param[in] radialCoeffs      Radial distortion coefficients for a radial polynomial in normalized
         @param[in] clobberMetadata   Clobber metadata from input files if overridden in the _sanitizeMetadata method
         @param[in] doRaise           Raise exception if not all non-defaulted keywords are defined?  Default is True.
     self.inAmpCoords = inAmpCoords
     self.defaultAmpMap = self._makeDefaultAmpMap()
     self.defaultDetectorMap = self._makeDefaultDetectorMap()
     self.detectorMetadata = afwImage.readMetadata(detectorFileName)
     self.ampMetadataList = []
     self.detector = None
     self.doRaise = doRaise
     for fileName in ampFileNameList:
     self.plateScale = plateScale
     self.focalPlaneToPupil = self._makeRadialTransform(radialCoeffs)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _get_catalog(self, dataset, **kwargs):
        """Load the catalogs from the butler."""
        filenames = (self.butler.get(dataset + "_filename",
                                     dataId, immediate=True)[0]
                     for dataId in self.dataIds[dataset])
        try:  # In recent stack version, metadata are in HDU 1
            headers = (afwimage.readMetadata(fn, 1) for fn in filenames)
            size = sum(md.get("NAXIS2") for md in headers)
        except:  # Older stack version
            headers = (afwimage.readMetadata(fn, 2) for fn in filenames)
            size = sum(md.get("NAXIS2") for md in headers)
        cat = self.butler.get(dataset, self.dataIds[dataset][0],
                              flags=afwtable.SOURCE_IO_NO_FOOTPRINTS, immediate=True)
        self.from_butler['schema'] = cat.schema
        catadic = {k: [] for k in sorted(self.dataIds[dataset][0].keys())}
        catalog = afwtable.SourceCatalog(self.from_butler['schema'])
#        pbar = cutils.progressbar(len(self.dataIds[dataset]))
        print("INFO: Looping over the dataids")
        for i, dataid in enumerate(self.dataIds[dataset]):
            cat = self.butler.get(dataset, dataid,
            catalog.extend(cat, deep=True)
            for newkey in catadic:
                catadic[newkey].extend([dataid[newkey]] * len(cat))
#            pbar.update(i + 1)
#        pbar.finish()
        print("INFO: Merging the dictionnaries")
                                                       copy=True, ordered=True))
        return catadic
Exemplo n.º 4
    def bypass_raw_visitInfo(self, datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId):
        """Work around for reading metadata from multi-HDU files.

        afwImage.readMetadata() doesn't honour [hdu] suffixes in filenames.

        datasetType : anything, unused
        pythonType : anything, unused
        location : `lsst.daf.persistence.ButlerLocation`
            Butler location
        dataId : anything, unused

        visitInfo : `lsst.afw.image.visitInfo`
            The visitInfo
        import re
        import lsst.afw.image as afwImage

        fileName = location.getLocationsWithRoot()[0]
        mat = re.search(r"\[(\d+)\]$", fileName)
        if mat:
            hdu = int(mat.group(1))
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(fileName, hdu=hdu)
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(fileName)  # or hdu = INT_MIN; -(1 << 31)

        return afwImage.VisitInfo(md)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _get_catalog(self, dataset, **kwargs):
     """Load the catalogs from the butler."""
     filenames = (self.butler.get(dataset + "_filename",
                                  dataId, immediate=True)[0]
                  for dataId in self.dataids[dataset])
     try:  # In recent stack version, metadata are in HDU 1
         headers = (afwimage.readMetadata(fn, 1) for fn in filenames)
         size = sum(md.get("NAXIS2") for md in headers)
     except:  # Older stack version
         headers = (afwimage.readMetadata(fn, 2) for fn in filenames)
         size = sum(md.get("NAXIS2") for md in headers)
     cat = self.butler.get(dataset, self.dataids[dataset][0],
                           flags=afwtable.SOURCE_IO_NO_FOOTPRINTS, immediate=True)
     self.from_butler['schema'] = cat.schema
     catadic = {k: [] for k in sorted(self.dataids[dataset][0].keys())}
     catalog = afwtable.SourceCatalog(self.from_butler['schema'])
     pbar = cutils.progressbar(len(self.dataids[dataset]))
     print("INFO: Looping over the dataids")
     for i, dataid in enumerate(self.dataids[dataset]):
         cat = self.butler.get(dataset, dataid,
         catalog.extend(cat, deep=True)
         for newkey in catadic:
             catadic[newkey].extend([dataid[newkey]] * len(cat))
         pbar.update(i + 1)
     print("INFO: Merging the dictionnaries")
                                                    copy=True, ordered=True))
     # Clean memory before going further
     # gc.collect()
     return catadic
Exemplo n.º 6
    def getInfo(self, filename):
        """Get information about the image from the filename and its contents

        Here, we open the image and parse the header, but one could also look at the filename itself
        and derive information from that, or set values from the configuration.

        @param filename    Name of file to inspect
        @return File properties; list of file properties for each extension
        md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename, self.config.hdu)
        phuInfo = self.getInfoFromMetadata(md)
        if len(self.config.extnames) == 0:
            # No extensions to worry about
            return phuInfo, [phuInfo]
        # Look in the provided extensions
        extnames = set(self.config.extnames)
        extnum = 1
        infoList = []
        while len(extnames) > 0:
            extnum += 1
                md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename, extnum)
                self.log.warn("Error reading %s extensions %s" % (filename, extnames))
            ext = self.getExtensionName(md)
            if ext in extnames:
                infoList.append(self.getInfoFromMetadata(md, info=phuInfo.copy()))
        return phuInfo, infoList
Exemplo n.º 7
    def getInfo(self, filename):
        """Get information about the image from the filename and its contents

        Here, we open the image and parse the header, but one could also look at the filename itself
        and derive information from that, or set values from the configuration.

        @param filename    Name of file to inspect
        @return File properties; list of file properties for each extension
        md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename, self.config.hdu)
        phuInfo = self.getInfoFromMetadata(md)
        if len(self.config.extnames) == 0:
            # No extensions to worry about
            return phuInfo, [phuInfo]
        # Look in the provided extensions
        extnames = set(self.config.extnames)
        extnum = 0
        infoList = []
        while len(extnames) > 0:
            extnum += 1
                md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename, extnum)
                self.log.warn("Error reading %s extensions %s" % (filename, extnames))
            ext = self.getExtensionName(md)
            if ext in extnames:
                hduInfo = self.getInfoFromMetadata(md, info=phuInfo.copy())
                # We need the HDU number when registering MEF files.
                hduInfo["hdu"] = extnum
        return phuInfo, infoList
Exemplo n.º 8
    def getInfo(self, filename, filetype):
        The science pixels, mask, and weight (inverse variance) are
        stored in separate files each with a unique name but with a
        common unique identifier EXPNUM in the FITS header.  We have
        to aggregate the 3 filenames for a given EXPNUM and return
        this information along with that returned by the base class.

        We expect a directory structure that looks like the following:

          dqmask/ instcal/ wtmap/

        The user creates the registry by running

          ingestImagesDecam.py outputRepository --mode=link instcal/*fits
        if filetype == "instcal":
            if self.expnumMapper is None:

            # Note that phuInfo will have
            #   'side': 'X', 'ccd': 0
            phuInfo, infoList = super(DecamParseTask, self).getInfo(filename)
            expnum = phuInfo["visit"]
            phuInfo[self.instcalPrefix] = self.expnumMapper[expnum][self.instcalPrefix]
            phuInfo[self.dqmaskPrefix]  = self.expnumMapper[expnum][self.dqmaskPrefix]
            phuInfo[self.wtmapPrefix]   = self.expnumMapper[expnum][self.wtmapPrefix]
            for idx, info in enumerate(infoList):
                expnum = info["visit"]
                info[self.instcalPrefix] = self.expnumMapper[expnum][self.instcalPrefix]
                info[self.dqmaskPrefix]  = self.expnumMapper[expnum][self.dqmaskPrefix]
                info[self.wtmapPrefix]   = self.expnumMapper[expnum][self.wtmapPrefix]
        elif filetype == "raw":
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename, self.config.hdu)
            phuInfo = self.getInfoFromMetadata(md)
            extnames = set(self.config.extnames)
            extnum = 1
            infoList = []
            while len(extnames) > 0:
                extnum += 1
                    md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename, extnum)
                    self.log.warn("Error reading %s extensions %s" % (filename, extnames))
                ext = self.getExtensionName(md)
                if ext in extnames:
                    info = self.getInfoFromMetadata(md, info=phuInfo.copy())
                    info['hdu'] = extnum - 1
                    info[self.instcalPrefix] = ""
                    info[self.dqmaskPrefix] = ""
                    info[self.wtmapPrefix] = ""
        return phuInfo, infoList
Exemplo n.º 9
def makeitLsst(prefs, context, saveWcs=False, plot=dict()):
    """This is the python wrapper that reads lsst tables"""
    # Create an array of PSFs (one PSF for each extension)
    if prefs.getVerboseType() != prefs.QUIET:
        print("----- %d input catalogues:" % prefs.getNcat())

    if saveWcs:  # only needed for making plots
        wcssList = []

    fields = psfexLib.vectorField()
    for cat in prefs.getCatalogs():
        field = psfexLib.Field(cat)
        wcss = []
        with pyfits.open(cat):
            # Hack: I want the WCS so I'll guess where the calexp is to be found
            calexpFile = guessCalexp(cat)
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(calexpFile)
            wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md)

            if not wcs:
                crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS,
                                           0.0 * afwGeom.degrees,
                                           0.0 * afwGeom.degrees)
                wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, afwGeom.PointD(0, 0), 1.0, 0, 0,

            naxis1, naxis2 = md.get("NAXIS1"), md.get("NAXIS2")
            # Find how many rows there are in the catalogue
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(cat)

            field.addExt(wcs, naxis1, naxis2, md.get("NAXIS2"))
            if saveWcs:
                wcss.append((wcs, naxis1, naxis2))


    fields[0].getNext()  # number of extensions


    sets = psfexLib.vectorSet()
    for set in load_samplesLsst(prefs, context, plot=plot):

    psfexLib.makeit(fields, sets)

    ret = [[f.getPsfs() for f in fields], sets]
    if saveWcs:

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 10
def makeitLsst(prefs, context, saveWcs=False, plot=dict()):
    """This is the python wrapper that reads lsst tables"""
    # Create an array of PSFs (one PSF for each extension)
    if prefs.getVerboseType() != prefs.QUIET:
        print("----- %d input catalogues:" % prefs.getNcat())

    if saveWcs:                         # only needed for making plots
        wcssList = []

    fields = psfexLib.vectorField()
    for cat in prefs.getCatalogs():
        field = psfexLib.Field(cat)
        wcss = []
        with pyfits.open(cat):
            # Hack: I want the WCS so I'll guess where the calexp is to be found
            calexpFile = guessCalexp(cat)
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(calexpFile)
            wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md)

            if not wcs:
                crval = afwCoord.makeCoord(afwCoord.ICRS, 0.0*afwGeom.degrees, 0.0*afwGeom.degrees)
                wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(crval, afwGeom.PointD(0, 0), 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0)

            naxis1, naxis2 = md.get("NAXIS1"), md.get("NAXIS2")
            # Find how many rows there are in the catalogue
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(cat)

            field.addExt(wcs, naxis1, naxis2, md.get("NAXIS2"))
            if saveWcs:
                wcss.append((wcs, naxis1, naxis2))


    fields[0].getNext()          # number of extensions


    sets = psfexLib.vectorSet()
    for set in load_samplesLsst(prefs, context, plot=plot):

    psfexLib.makeit(fields, sets)

    ret = [[f.getPsfs() for f in fields], sets]
    if saveWcs:

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 11
def linearity(directory, infilebase, outfile, amps, x0, y0, boxsize):
	#get list of files
	files = glob.glob(directory+infilebase)
	#write output file header
	f=open(directory+outfile, 'w+')
	for filename in files:
		#get exposure time from header
		hdr = afwImage.readMetadata(filename, 1)
		exptime = hdr.get('EXPTIME')
		for amp in amps:
			#define selected region
			box = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(x0, y0), afwGeom.Extent2I(boxsize, boxsize))  
			#read in selected region of file
			im = afwImage.ExposureF(filename, amp+1, box)
			#get median of region of image
			box_median = afwMath.makeStatistics(im.getMaskedImage(), afwMath.MEDIAN).getValue()
			#write amp, box parameters, region median, and exptime to file
			f.write(str(amp) + '\t' + str(x0) + '\t' + str(y0) + '\t' + str(boxsize) + '\t' + str(box_median) + '\t' + str(exptime) + '\n')
Exemplo n.º 12
def makeCcd(fileName, fromHeader=False, trim=True):
    ccd = cameraGeom.Ccd(cameraGeom.Id(0))

    a = 0                               # one-less than the next HDU
    while True:                         # while there are valid HDUs
        a += 1
        if fromHeader:
                hdu = 1 + a
                md, channelNo = afwImage.readMetadata(fileName, hdu), None
            except lsst.pex.exceptions.LsstCppException:
                if hdu == 1:            # an empty PDU
            if "TTYPE1" in md.names():  # not an image
            md, channelNo = None, a
        # Add amp to the Ccd
            ccd.addAmp(makeAmp(md, channelNo, trim))
        except StopIteration:

    return ccd
Exemplo n.º 13
    def testFitsHeader(self):
        """Test that XY0 and crpix are written to the header as expected"""

        #getPixelOrigin() returns origin in lsst coordinates, so need to add 1 to 
        #compare to values stored in fits headers        
        parentCrpix = self.parent.getWcs().getPixelOrigin()
        #Make a sub-image
        x0, y0 = 20, 30
        llc = afwGeom.Point2I(x0, y0)
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(llc, afwGeom.Extent2I(60, 50))
        deep = False
        subImg = afwImage.ExposureF(self.parent, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL, deep)

        with utilsTests.getTempFilePath(".fits") as outFile:
            hdr = afwImage.readMetadata(outFile)
            def checkLtvHeader(hdr, name, value):
                # Per DM-4133, LTVn headers are required to be floating point
                self.assertTrue(hdr.exists(name), name + " not saved to FITS header")
                self.assertIsInstance(hdr.get(name), numbers.Real, name + " is not numeric")
                self.assertNotIsInstance(hdr.get(name), numbers.Integral, name + " is an int")
                self.assertEqual(hdr.get(name), value, name + " has wrong value")

            checkLtvHeader(hdr, "LTV1", -1*x0)
            checkLtvHeader(hdr, "LTV2", -1*y0)

            self.assertTrue( hdr.exists("CRPIX1"), "CRPIX1 not saved to fits header")
            self.assertTrue( hdr.exists("CRPIX2"), "CRPIX2 not saved to fits header")
            fitsCrpix = [hdr.get("CRPIX1"), hdr.get("CRPIX2")]
            self.assertAlmostEqual(fitsCrpix[0] - hdr.get("LTV1"), parentCrpix[0]+1, 6, "CRPIX1 saved wrong")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(fitsCrpix[1] - hdr.get("LTV2"), parentCrpix[1]+1, 6, "CRPIX2 saved wrong")
Exemplo n.º 14
    def bypass_instcal(self, datasetType, pythonType, butlerLocation, dataId):
        # Workaround until I can access the butler
        instcalMap = self.map_instcal(dataId)
        dqmaskMap = self.map_dqmask(dataId)
        wtmapMap = self.map_wtmap(dataId)
        rawMap = self.map_raw(dataId)
        instcalType = getattr(afwImage,
        rawType = getattr(afwImage, rawMap.getPythonType().split(".")[-1])
        dqmaskType = getattr(afwImage,
        wtmapType = getattr(afwImage, wtmapMap.getPythonType().split(".")[-1])
        instcal = instcalType(instcalMap.getLocations()[0])
        dqmask = dqmaskType(dqmaskMap.getLocations()[0])
        wtmap = wtmapType(wtmapMap.getLocations()[0])
        raw = rawType(rawMap.getLocations()[0])
        mask = self.translate_dqmask(dqmask)
        variance = self.translate_wtmap(wtmap)

        mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwImage.ImageF(instcal.getImage()), mask,
        md = raw.getMetadata()
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md)
        exp = afwImage.ExposureF(mi, wcs)

        # Set the calib by hand; need to grab the zeroth extension
        header = re.sub(r'[\[](\d+)[\]]$', "[0]", rawMap.getLocations()[0])
        md0 = afwImage.readMetadata(header)
        calib = afwImage.Calib()
        calib.setFluxMag0(10**(0.4 * md0.get("MAGZERO")))

        exp.setMetadata(md)  # Do we need to remove WCS/calib info?
        return exp
Exemplo n.º 15
def readRawFile(fileName, dataId={}, detector=None):
    """Read a raw file from fileName, assembling it nicely.

    filename : `str`
        The fully-qualified filename.
    dataId : `lsst.daf.persistence.DataId`
        If provided, used to look up e.g. the filter.
    detector : `lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Detector`
        If provided, add this detector to the returned Exposure

    exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
        The assembled exposure from the supplied filename.

    class Info():
        def __init__(self, obj):
            self.obj = obj

    amps = []
    for hdu in range(1, 16+1):
        exp = afwImage.makeExposure(afwImage.makeMaskedImage(afwImage.ImageF(fileName, hdu=hdu)))

    component_info = {}
    component_info["raw_hdu"] = Info(afwImage.readMetadata(fileName, hdu=0))
    component_info["raw_amp"] = Info(amps)

    exp = assemble_raw(dataId, component_info, None)

    return exp
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _standardizeMasterCal(self, datasetType, item, dataId, setFilter=False):
        """Standardize a MasterCal image obtained from NOAO archive into Exposure

        These MasterCal images are MEF files with one HDU for each detector.
        Some WCS header, eg CTYPE1, exists only in the zeroth extensionr,
        so info in the zeroth header need to be copied over to metadata.

        @param datasetType: Dataset type ("bias" or "flat")
        @param item: The image read by the butler
        @param dataId: Data identifier
        @param setFilter: Whether to set the filter in the Exposure
        @return (lsst.afw.image.Exposure) the standardized Exposure
        mi = afwImage.makeMaskedImage(item.getImage())
        md = item.getMetadata()
        masterCalMap = getattr(self, "map_" + datasetType)
        masterCalPath = masterCalMap(dataId).getLocations()[0]
        headerPath = re.sub(r'[\[](\d+)[\]]$', "[0]", masterCalPath)
        md0 = afwImage.readMetadata(headerPath)
        for kw in ('CTYPE1', 'CTYPE2', 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CUNIT1', 'CUNIT2',
                   'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2'):
            if kw in md0.paramNames() and kw not in md.paramNames():
                md.add(kw, md0.get(kw))
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md, True)
        exp = afwImage.makeExposure(mi, wcs)
        return self._standardizeExposure(self.calibrations[datasetType], exp, dataId, filter=setFilter)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def testFitsHeader(self):
        """Test that XY0 and crpix are written to the header as expected"""

        #getPixelOrigin() returns origin in lsst coordinates, so need to add 1 to
        #compare to values stored in fits headers
        parentCrpix = self.parent.getWcs().getPixelOrigin()

        #Make a sub-image
        x0, y0 = 20, 30
        llc = afwGeom.Point2I(x0, y0)
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(llc, afwGeom.Extent2I(60, 50))
        deep = False
        subImg = afwImage.ExposureF(self.parent, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL, deep)

        outFile = "tmp.fits"
        hdr = afwImage.readMetadata(outFile)

        self.assertTrue(hdr.exists("LTV1"), "LTV1 not saved to fits header")
        self.assertTrue(hdr.exists("LTV2"), "LTV2 not saved to fits header")
        self.assertEqual(hdr.get("LTV1"), -1 * x0, "LTV1 has wrong value")
        self.assertEqual(hdr.get("LTV2"), -1 * y0, "LTV1 has wrong value")

                        "CRPIX1 not saved to fits header")
                        "CRPIX2 not saved to fits header")

        fitsCrpix = [hdr.get("CRPIX1"), hdr.get("CRPIX2")]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fitsCrpix[0] - hdr.get("LTV1"),
                               parentCrpix[0] + 1, 6, "CRPIX1 saved wrong")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fitsCrpix[1] - hdr.get("LTV2"),
                               parentCrpix[1] + 1, 6, "CRPIX2 saved wrong")
Exemplo n.º 18
    def assembleImage(self, gains=None):
        imDict = {}
        hdus = {}
        for i in range(self._namps):
            hdu = i + 1
            filename = '%s[%i]' % (self.infile, hdu)
            md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename)
            imDict[md.get('EXTNAME')] = afwImage.ImageF(filename)
            hdus[md.get('EXTNAME')] = hdu
        det = self.buildDetector()
        assembleInput = {}
        for amp in det:
            im = imDict[amp.getName()]
            oscanim = im.Factory(im, amp.getRawHorizontalOverscanBBox())
            oscan = afwMath.makeStatistics(oscanim, afwMath.MEDIAN).getValue()
            im -= oscan
            if gains is not None:
                im *= gains[hdus[amp.getName()]]
            assembleInput[amp.getName()] = self.makeExposure(im)

        assembleConfig = ipIsr.AssembleCcdTask.ConfigClass()

        assembleConfig.doTrim = True
        assembler = ipIsr.AssembleCcdTask(config=assembleConfig)
        resultExp = assembler.assembleCcd(assembleInput)
        return resultExp.getMaskedImage().getImage()
Exemplo n.º 19
    def testFitsHeader(self):
        """Test that XY0 and crpix are written to the header as expected"""

        # getPixelOrigin() returns origin in lsst coordinates, so need to add 1 to
        # compare to values stored in fits headers
        parentCrpix = self.parent.getWcs().getPixelOrigin()

        # Make a sub-image
        x0, y0 = 20, 30
        llc = afwGeom.Point2I(x0, y0)
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(llc, afwGeom.Extent2I(60, 50))
        deep = False
        subImg = afwImage.ExposureF(self.parent, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL, deep)

        with utilsTests.getTempFilePath(".fits") as outFile:
            hdr = afwImage.readMetadata(outFile)

            def checkLtvHeader(hdr, name, value):
                # Per DM-4133, LTVn headers are required to be floating point
                self.assertTrue(hdr.exists(name), name + " not saved to FITS header")
                self.assertIsInstance(hdr.get(name), numbers.Real, name + " is not numeric")
                self.assertNotIsInstance(hdr.get(name), numbers.Integral, name + " is an int")
                self.assertEqual(hdr.get(name), value, name + " has wrong value")

            checkLtvHeader(hdr, "LTV1", -1 * x0)
            checkLtvHeader(hdr, "LTV2", -1 * y0)

            self.assertTrue(hdr.exists("CRPIX1"), "CRPIX1 not saved to fits header")
            self.assertTrue(hdr.exists("CRPIX2"), "CRPIX2 not saved to fits header")

            fitsCrpix = [hdr.get("CRPIX1"), hdr.get("CRPIX2")]
            self.assertAlmostEqual(fitsCrpix[0] - hdr.get("LTV1"), parentCrpix[0] + 1, 6, "CRPIX1 saved wrong")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(fitsCrpix[1] - hdr.get("LTV2"), parentCrpix[1] + 1, 6, "CRPIX2 saved wrong")
Exemplo n.º 20
    def getInfo(self, filename):
        """Get information about the image from the filename and its contents

        @param filename    Name of file to inspect
        @return File properties; list of file properties for each extension
        #matches = re.search("^PFSA(\d{6})(\d)(\d).fits", filename)
        matches = re.search("PF([JLXIASPF])([ABCDS])(\d{6})(\d)(\d).fits", filename)
        if not matches:
            matches = re.search("PF([JLXIASPF])([ABCDS])-(\d{6})(\d)(\d).fits", filename)
            if not matches:
                raise RuntimeError("Unable to interpret filename: %s" % filename)
        site, category, visit, filterInt, spectrograph = matches.groups()
        if int(spectrograph) > 4:
            spectrograph = '4'
        ccd = int(spectrograph)-1
        filter = ''
        if filterInt == '0':
            filter = 'b'
        elif filterInt == '1':
            filter = 'r'
            ccd += 4
        elif filterInt == '2':
            filter = 'n'
            ccd += 8
            filter = 'm'
            ccd += 4
        arm = filter

        header = afwImage.readMetadata(filename)
        info = dict(site=site, category=category, visit=int(visit), filter=filter, arm=arm, spectrograph=int(spectrograph), ccd=int(ccd))
        info = self.getInfoFromMetadata(header, info=info)
        return info, [info]
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _get_catalog(self, dataset, **kwargs):
     """Load the catalogs from the butler."""
     filenames = (self.butler.get(dataset + "_filename",
                  for dataId in self.dataids[dataset])
     headers = (afwimage.readMetadata(fn, 2) for fn in filenames)
     size = sum(md.get("NAXIS2") for md in headers)
     cat = self.butler.get(dataset,
     self.from_butler['schema'] = cat.schema
     catadic = {k: [] for k in sorted(self.dataids[dataset][0].keys())}
     catalog = afwtable.SourceCatalog(self.from_butler['schema'])
     pbar = progressbar(len(self.dataids[dataset]))
     print "INFO: Looping over the dataids"
     for i, dataid in enumerate(self.dataids[dataset]):
         cat = self.butler.get(dataset,
         catalog.extend(cat, deep=True)
         for newkey, idk in zip(catadic,
             catadic[newkey].extend([dataid[idk]] * len(cat))
         pbar.update(i + 1)
     print "INFO: Merging the dictionnaries"
     # Clean memory before going further
     return catadic
Exemplo n.º 22
    def testFitsHeader(self):
        """Test that XY0 and crpix are written to the header as expected"""

        #getPixelOrigin() returns origin in lsst coordinates, so need to add 1 to 
        #compare to values stored in fits headers        
        parentCrpix = self.parent.getWcs().getPixelOrigin()
        #Make a sub-image
        x0, y0 = 20, 30
        llc = afwGeom.Point2I(x0, y0)
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(llc, afwGeom.Extent2I(60, 50))
        deep = False
        subImg = afwImage.ExposureF(self.parent, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL, deep)
        outFile = "tmp.fits"
        hdr = afwImage.readMetadata(outFile)
        self.assertTrue( hdr.exists("LTV1"), "LTV1 not saved to fits header")
        self.assertTrue( hdr.exists("LTV2"), "LTV2 not saved to fits header")
        self.assertEqual(hdr.get("LTV1"), -1*x0, "LTV1 has wrong value")
        self.assertEqual(hdr.get("LTV2"), -1*y0, "LTV1 has wrong value")

        self.assertTrue( hdr.exists("CRPIX1"), "CRPIX1 not saved to fits header")
        self.assertTrue( hdr.exists("CRPIX2"), "CRPIX2 not saved to fits header")
        fitsCrpix = [hdr.get("CRPIX1"), hdr.get("CRPIX2")]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fitsCrpix[0] - hdr.get("LTV1"), parentCrpix[0]+1, 6, "CRPIX1 saved wrong")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fitsCrpix[1] - hdr.get("LTV2"), parentCrpix[1]+1, 6, "CRPIX2 saved wrong")
Exemplo n.º 23
    def setUp(self):
        maskedImage = afwImage.MaskedImageF(inFilePathSmall)
        maskedImageMD = afwImage.readMetadata(inFilePathSmall)

        self.smallExposure = afwImage.ExposureF(inFilePathSmall)
        self.width = maskedImage.getWidth()
        self.height = maskedImage.getHeight()
        self.wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(maskedImageMD)
        self.psf = DummyPsf(2.0)
        self.detector = DetectorWrapper().detector

        self.exposureBlank = afwImage.ExposureF()
        self.exposureMiOnly = afwImage.makeExposure(maskedImage)
        self.exposureMiWcs = afwImage.makeExposure(maskedImage, self.wcs)
        self.exposureCrWcs = afwImage.ExposureF(
            100, 100, self.wcs)  # n.b. the (100, 100, ...) form
        self.exposureCrOnly = afwImage.ExposureF(afwGeom.ExtentI(
            100, 100))  # test with ExtentI(100, 100) too


        filterPolicy = pexPolicy.Policy()
        filterPolicy.add("lambdaEff", 470.0)
        afwImage.Filter.define(afwImage.FilterProperty("g", filterPolicy))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test1(self):
        # This fails due to #1386
        #wcsfn = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'imsim-v85518312-fu-R43-S12.wcs')
        wcsfn = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'imsim-v85518312-fu-R43-S12.wcs2')
        hdr = afwImage.readMetadata(wcsfn)
        wcs1 = afwImage.makeWcs(hdr)

        crval = wcs1.getSkyOrigin()
        cd = wcs1.getCDMatrix()
        print cd
        crval_p = afwGeom.Point2D(crval.getLongitude().asDegrees(), 
        origin = wcs1.getPixelOrigin()
        print crval_p
        print origin
        wcs2 = afwImage.Wcs(crval_p, origin, cd)

        for wcs in [wcs1,wcs2]:
            print wcs
            print 'x, y, RA, Dec, pixscale("/pix), pixscale2'
            for x,y in [(0,0),(300,0),(350,0),(360,0),(370,0),(380,0),(400,0)]:
                radec = wcs.pixelToSky(x,y)
                ra  = radec.getLongitude().asDegrees()
                dec = radec.getLatitude ().asDegrees()
                pixscale = 3600. * sqrt(wcs.pixArea(afwGeom.Point2D(x,y)))
                ps2 = wcs.pixelScale().asArcseconds()
                print x,y,ra,dec,pixscale,ps2
                self.assertTrue(abs(pixscale - 0.2) < 1e-3)
                self.assertTrue(abs(ps2 - 0.2) < 1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def testReadMetadata(self):
        im = afwImage.DecoratedImageF(self.fileForMetadata)

        meta = afwImage.readMetadata(self.fileForMetadata)
        self.assertIn("NAXIS1", meta.names())
        self.assertEqual(im.getWidth(), meta.get("NAXIS1"))
        self.assertEqual(im.getHeight(), meta.get("NAXIS2"))
Exemplo n.º 26
    def bypass_instcal(self, datasetType, pythonType, butlerLocation, dataId):
        # Workaround until I can access the butler
        instcalMap  = self.map_instcal(dataId)
        dqmaskMap   = self.map_dqmask(dataId)
        wtmapMap    = self.map_wtmap(dataId)
        rawMap      = self.map_raw(dataId)
        instcalType = getattr(afwImage, instcalMap.getPythonType().split(".")[-1])
        rawType     = getattr(afwImage, rawMap.getPythonType().split(".")[-1])
        dqmaskType  = getattr(afwImage, dqmaskMap.getPythonType().split(".")[-1])
        wtmapType   = getattr(afwImage, wtmapMap.getPythonType().split(".")[-1])
        instcal     = instcalType(instcalMap.getLocations()[0])
        dqmask      = dqmaskType(dqmaskMap.getLocations()[0])
        wtmap       = wtmapType(wtmapMap.getLocations()[0])
        raw         = rawType(rawMap.getLocations()[0])
        mask        = self.translate_dqmask(dqmask)
        variance    = self.translate_wtmap(wtmap)

        mi          = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwImage.ImageF(instcal.getImage()), mask, variance)
        md          = raw.getMetadata()
        wcs         = afwImage.makeWcs(md)
        exp         = afwImage.ExposureF(mi, wcs)

        # Set the calib by hand; need to grab the zeroth extension
        header = re.sub(r'[\[](\d+)[\]]$', "[0]", rawMap.getLocations()[0])
        md0 = afwImage.readMetadata(header)
        calib = afwImage.Calib()
        calib.setFluxMag0(10**(0.4 * md0.get("MAGZERO")))
        exp.setMetadata(md) # Do we need to remove WCS/calib info?
        return exp
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _standardizeMasterCal(self,
        """Standardize a MasterCal image obtained from NOAO archive into Exposure

        These MasterCal images are MEF files with one HDU for each detector.
        Some WCS header, eg CTYPE1, exists only in the zeroth extensionr,
        so info in the zeroth header need to be copied over to metadata.

        @param datasetType: Dataset type ("bias" or "flat")
        @param item: The image read by the butler
        @param dataId: Data identifier
        @param setFilter: Whether to set the filter in the Exposure
        @return (lsst.afw.image.Exposure) the standardized Exposure
        mi = afwImage.makeMaskedImage(item.getImage())
        md = item.getMetadata()
        masterCalMap = getattr(self, "map_" + datasetType)
        masterCalPath = masterCalMap(dataId).getLocations()[0]
        headerPath = re.sub(r'[\[](\d+)[\]]$', "[0]", masterCalPath)
        md0 = afwImage.readMetadata(headerPath)
        for kw in ('CTYPE1', 'CTYPE2', 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CUNIT1', 'CUNIT2',
                   'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2'):
            if kw in md0.paramNames() and kw not in md.paramNames():
                md.add(kw, md0.get(kw))
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md, True)
        exp = afwImage.makeExposure(mi, wcs)
        return self._standardizeExposure(self.calibrations[datasetType],
Exemplo n.º 28
def processRaft(raftDir, conn, done, qsp):
    nProcessed = 0
    nSkipped = 0
    nUnrecognized = 0
    for fits in glob.glob(
                raftDir, "S[0-2][0-2]",
        m = re.search(
            r'v(\d+)-f(\w)/E00(\d)/R(\d)(\d)/S(\d)(\d)/' +
            r'imsim_\1_R\4\5_S\6\7_C(\d)(\d)_E00\3\.fits', fits)
        if not m:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Unrecognized file:", fits
            nUnrecognized += 1

        (visit, filter, snap, raft1, raft2, sensor1, sensor2, channel1,
         channel2) = m.groups()
        key = "%s_F%s_E%s_R%s,%s_S%s,%s_C%s,%s" % (visit, filter, snap, raft1,
                                                   raft2, sensor1, sensor2,
                                                   channel1, channel2)
        if key in done:
            nSkipped += 1

        md = afwImage.readMetadata(fits)
        expTime = md.get("EXPTIME")
        mjdObs = md.get("MJD-OBS")
        taiObs = dafBase.DateTime(mjdObs, dafBase.DateTime.MJD,
            """INSERT INTO raw VALUES
            (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
            (visit, filter, snap, "%s,%s" % (raft1, raft2), "%s,%s" %
             (sensor1, sensor2), "%s,%s" %
             (channel1, channel2), taiObs, expTime))

        for row in conn.execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid()"):
            id = row[0]

        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md)
        poly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs,
                                     padRad=0.000075)  # about 15 arcsec
        pix = qsp.intersect(poly)
        for skyTileId in pix:
            conn.execute("INSERT INTO raw_skyTile VALUES(?, ?)",
                         (id, skyTileId))


        nProcessed += 1

    print >>sys.stderr, raftDir, \
        "... %d processed, %d skipped, %d unrecognized" % \
        (nProcessed, nSkipped, nUnrecognized)
def EventFromInputfile(inputfile,
    """generate a new file event for a given FITS file
    @param inputfile       the name of the FITS file
    @param datatyepPolicy  the policy describing the metadata transformation
    @param metadataPolicy  the policy describing the event metadata types
    @param topicName       the name of the topic to send event as
    @param hostName        the event broker hostname
    global exposureCount
    exposureCount += 1

    # For DC3a, inputfile is a .fits file on disk
    metadata = afwImage.readMetadata(inputfile)

    # First, transform the input metdata
    transformMetadata(metadata, datatypePolicy, metadataPolicy, 'Keyword')

    # To be consistent...
    if not validateMetadata(metadata, metadataPolicy):
        logger.log(logger.FATAL, 'Unable to create event from %s' % inputfile)

    # Create event policy, using defaults from input metadata
    event = dafBase.PropertySet()
    event.copy('visitId', metadata, 'visitId')
    event.copy('ccdId', metadata, 'ccdId')
    event.copy('ampId', metadata, 'ampId')
    event.copy('exposureId', metadata, 'exposureId')
    event.copy('datasetId', metadata, 'datasetId')
    event.copy('filter', metadata, 'filter')
    event.copy('expTime', metadata, 'expTime')
    event.copy('ra', metadata, 'ra')
    event.copy('decl', metadata, 'decl')
    event.copy('equinox', metadata, 'EQUINOX')
    event.copy('airmass', metadata, 'airmass')
    event.copy('dateObs', metadata, 'dateObs')

    if event.getInt('exposureId') == 0:
        eventTransmitter = ctrlEvents.EventTransmitter(hostName,
                                                       topicName + '0')
    elif event.getInt('exposureId') == 1:
        eventTransmitter = ctrlEvents.EventTransmitter(hostName,
                                                       topicName + '1')

               'Sending event for %s' % os.path.basename(inputfile))
    if logger.sends(logger.DEBUG):
        logger.log(logger.DEBUG, "Data Event data:\n%s" % event.toString())
    elif logger.sends(VERB3):
            VERB3, "Event data: datasetId=%s; ra=%f, dec=%f" %
            (event.get("datasetId"), event.get("ra"), event.get("decl")))


    return True
Exemplo n.º 30
 def fromDir(cls, root, visit, **kwds):
     ffp = {}
     wcs = {}
     fcrPattern = os.path.join(root, "fcr-%07d-*.fits" %
                               visit)  # meas_mosaic coords
     wcsPattern = os.path.join(root,
                               "wcs-%07d-*.fits" % visit)  # LSST coords
     start = fcrPattern.index("*")
     for filename in glob.glob(fcrPattern):
         ccd = int(filename[start:start + 3])
         md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename)
         ffp[ccd] = FluxFitParams(md)
     for filename in glob.glob(wcsPattern):
         ccd = int(filename[start:start + 3])
         md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename)
         wcs[ccd] = afwImage.makeWcs(md)
     return CorrectionImageSource(ffp, wcs, **kwds)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def std_dark(self, item, dataId):
     exp = afwImage.makeExposure(afwImage.makeMaskedImage(item))
     rawPath = self.map_raw(dataId).getLocations()[0]
     headerPath = re.sub(r'[\[](\d+)[\]]$', "[0]", rawPath)
     md0 = afwImage.readMetadata(headerPath)
     visitInfo = self.makeRawVisitInfo(md0)
     return self._standardizeExposure(self.calibrations["dark"], exp, dataId, filter=False)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def __init__(self, infile, hdu):
     self.header = None
         self.md = afwImage.readMetadata(infile, hdu)
         # This exception occurs when DM stack encounters a "." in
         # a FITS header keyword.
         self.header = fits.open(infile)[hdu-1].header
Exemplo n.º 33
    def checkExtName(self, name, value, extNum):
        filename = DATA + "[%s]" % name

        header = afwImage.readMetadata(filename)
        self.assertEqual(header.get("EXT_NUM"), extNum)
        self.assertEqual(header.get("EXTNAME").strip(), name)

        image = afwImage.ImageI(filename)
        self.assertEqual(image.get(0,0), value)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def testReadWcs(self):
        """Test reading a Wcs directly from a fits file"""

        meta = afwImage.readMetadata(InputImagePath + "_img.fits")
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(meta)

        sky0 = wcs.pixelToSky(0.0, 0.0).getPosition()
        sky1 = self.wcs.pixelToSky(0.0, 0.0).getPosition()
        self.assertEqual(sky0, sky1)
Exemplo n.º 35
 def __init__(self, imfile, mask_files=(), ccdtemp_par=-100):
     self.ccd = MaskedCCD(imfile, mask_files=mask_files)
     self.md = afwImage.readMetadata(imfile, 0)
         ccdtemp = self.md.get('CCDTEMP')
         ccdtemp = ccdtemp_par
     self.fe55_yield = Fe55Yield(ccdtemp).alpha()
     self._footprint_signal = self._footprint_signal_spans
Exemplo n.º 36
Arquivo: wcs1.py Projeto: ziggyman/afw
    def testReadWcs(self):
        """Test reading a Wcs directly from a fits file"""

        meta = afwImage.readMetadata(InputImagePath + ".fits")
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(meta)

        sky0 = wcs.pixelToSky(0.0, 0.0).getPosition()
        sky1 = self.wcs.pixelToSky(0.0, 0.0).getPosition()
        self.assertEqual(sky0, sky1)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def checkExtName(self, name, value, extNum):
        filename = DATA + "[%s]" % name

        header = afwImage.readMetadata(filename)
        self.assertEqual(header.get("EXT_NUM"), extNum)
        self.assertEqual(header.get("EXTNAME").strip(), name)

        image = afwImage.ImageI(filename)
        self.assertEqual(image.get(0,0), value)
Exemplo n.º 38
    def getInfo(self, filename):
        """Get information about the image from the filename and its contents

        The information we want isn't in the headers, but in the filname.

        filename : `str`
            Name of file to inspect

        info : `dict`
            File properties from the PHU.
        infoList : `list` of `dict`
            File properties from the extensions.
        self.log.debug('interpreting filename <%s>' % filename)

        path, name = os.path.split(filename)

        matches = re.search(r"^PF(%s)(%s)-?(\d{6})(\d)(\d)\.fits$" % (self.sites, self.categories), name)
        if not matches:
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to interpret filename: %s" % filename)
        site, category, expId, spectrograph, armNum = matches.groups()

        armNum = int(armNum)
        spectrograph = int(spectrograph)
        expId = int(expId, base=10)

        # spectrograph 2 was called 9 at JHU, at least in the early days, so if we find
        # a spectrograph 9 we re-assign its number to 2
        if spectrograph == 9:
            spectrograph = 2
            self.log.info("Visit %06d has spectrograph == 9" % expId)

        if spectrograph < 1 or spectrograph > self.nSpectrograph + 1:
            raise RuntimeError('spectrograph (=%d) out of bounds 1..%d' % (spectrograph, self.nSpectrograph))

            arm = self.arms[armNum - 1]   # 1-indexed
        except IndexError as exc:
            raise IndexError('armNum=%d out of bounds 1..%d' % (armNum, max(self.arms.keys()))) from exc

        ccd = PfsMapper.computeDetectorId(spectrograph, arm)
        self.log.debug('site = <%s>, category = <%s>, expId = <%s>, spectrograph = <%d>, armNum = <%d>, '
                       'arm = <%s>, ccd = <%d>' %
                       (site, category, expId, spectrograph, armNum, arm, ccd))

        info = dict(site=site, category=category, expId=expId, visit=expId, filter=arm, arm=arm,
                    spectrograph=spectrograph, ccd=ccd)

        if os.path.exists(filename):
            header = afwImage.readMetadata(filename)
            info = self.getInfoFromMetadata(header, info=info)
        return info, [info]
Exemplo n.º 39
 def _listdir(self, path, prefix):
     for file in os.listdir(path):
         fileName = os.path.join(path, file)
         md = afwImage.readMetadata(fileName)
         if "EXPNUM" not in md.names():
         expnum = md.get("EXPNUM")
         if expnum not in self.expnumMapper.keys():
             self.expnumMapper[expnum] = {self.instcalPrefix: None, self.wtmapPrefix: None, self.dqmaskPrefix: None}
         self.expnumMapper[expnum][prefix] = fileName
Exemplo n.º 40
    def testMakeWcs(self):
        path = eups.productDir("afw")
        path = os.path.join(path, "tests", "data", "parent.fits")
        fitsHdr = image.readMetadata(path)

        wcs = image.makeWcs(fitsHdr)

        c = wcs.pixelToSky(0, 0)
        print type(c)
Exemplo n.º 41
    def testMakeWcs(self):
        path= eups.productDir("afw")
        path = os.path.join(path, "tests", "data", "parent.fits")
        fitsHdr = image.readMetadata(path)

        wcs = image.makeWcs(fitsHdr)

        c = wcs.pixelToSky(0,0)
        print type(c)
Exemplo n.º 42
    def testMakeWcs(self):
        afwdataDir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir("afw")
        path = os.path.join(afwdataDir, "tests", "data", "parent.fits")
        fitsHdr = image.readMetadata(path)

        wcs = image.makeWcs(fitsHdr)

        c = wcs.pixelToSky(0, 0)
Exemplo n.º 43
    def testXY0(self):
        """Test that XY0 values are handled correctly when building an exposure and also when
        reading the WCS header directly.  #2205"""
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(1000, 1000),
                             afwGeom.Extent2I(10, 10))

        def makeWcs(crPixPos, crValDeg, projection):
            ps = dafBase.PropertySet()
            ctypes = [
                ("%-5s%3s" % (("RA", "DEC")[i], projection)).replace(" ", "-")
                for i in range(2)
            for i in range(2):
                ip1 = i + 1
                ps.add("CTYPE%1d" % (ip1, ), ctypes[i])
                ps.add("CRPIX%1d" % (ip1, ), crPixPos[i])
                ps.add("CRVAL%1d" % (ip1, ), crValDeg[i])
            ps.add("RADECSYS", "ICRS")
            ps.add("EQUINOX", 2000)
            ps.add("CD1_1", -0.001)
            ps.add("CD2_1", 0.0)
            ps.add("CD1_2", 0.0)
            ps.add("CD2_2", 0.001)
            return afwImage.makeWcs(ps)

        wcs = makeWcs(
            crPixPos=(100.0, 100.0),
            crValDeg=(10.0, 35.0),
            projection="STG",  # also fails for TAN

        exposure = afwImage.ExposureF(bbox, wcs)
        pixPos = afwGeom.Box2D(bbox).getMax()
        if verbose:
            print "XY0=", exposure.getXY0()
            print "pixPos=", pixPos
        skyPos = wcs.pixelToSky(pixPos)

        with utilsTests.getTempFilePath(".fits") as tmpFile:
            for useExposure in (False, True):
                if useExposure:
                    unpExp = afwImage.ExposureF(tmpFile)
                    unpWcs = unpExp.getWcs()
                    md = afwImage.readMetadata(tmpFile)
                    unpWcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md, False)
                unpPixPos = unpWcs.skyToPixel(skyPos)

                if verbose:
                    print "useExposure=%s; unp pixPos=%s" % (useExposure,

                for i in range(2):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(unpPixPos[i], 1009.5)
Exemplo n.º 44
 def testDM882(self):
     """Test that we can write a dotted header unit to a FITS file. See DM-882."""
     self.dimage1.getMetadata().add("A.B.C.D", 12345)
     tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     testfile = os.path.join(tempdir, "test.fits")
         meta = afwImage.readMetadata(testfile)
         self.assertEqual(meta.get("A.B.C.D"), 12345)
Exemplo n.º 45
 def checkEquinoxHeader(coordSysName, writeEquinox):
     coordSys = getattr(afwCoord, coordSysName)
     # We should get the same behaviour with both Wcs and TanWcs: check them both.
     for dummyWcs in (makeWcs(coordSys=coordSys), afwImage.TanWcs.cast(makeWcs(coordSys=coordSys))):
         dummyExposure = afwImage.ExposureF()
         with utilsTests.getTempFilePath(".fits") as tmpFile:
             metadata = afwImage.readMetadata(tmpFile)
             self.assertEqual(metadata.get("RADESYS"), coordSysName)
             self.assertTrue(("EQUINOX" in metadata.names()) == writeEquinox)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def testReadMetadata(self):
        if self.fileForMetadata:
            im = afwImage.DecoratedImageF(self.fileForMetadata)
            print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: afwdata is not set up; not running the FITS metadata I/O tests"

        meta = afwImage.readMetadata(self.fileForMetadata)
        self.assertTrue("NAXIS1" in meta.names())
        self.assertEqual(im.getWidth(), meta.get("NAXIS1"))
        self.assertEqual(im.getHeight(), meta.get("NAXIS2"))
Exemplo n.º 47
 def testDM882(self):
     """Test that we can write a dotted header unit to a FITS file. See DM-882."""
     self.dimage1.getMetadata().add("A.B.C.D", 12345)
     tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     testfile = os.path.join(tempdir, "test.fits")
         meta = afwImage.readMetadata(testfile)
         self.assertEqual(meta.get("A.B.C.D"), 12345)
Exemplo n.º 48
    def testReadMetadata(self):
        if self.fileForMetadata:
            im = afwImage.DecoratedImageF(self.fileForMetadata)
            print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: afwdata is not set up; not running the FITS metadata I/O tests"

        meta = afwImage.readMetadata(self.fileForMetadata)
        self.assertTrue("NAXIS1" in meta.names())
        self.assertEqual(im.getWidth(), meta.get("NAXIS1"))
        self.assertEqual(im.getHeight(), meta.get("NAXIS2"))
Exemplo n.º 49
def makeCcdMosaic(dir, basename, e, c, aList, imageFactory=afwImage.MaskedImageF, verbose=0):
    """Return an image of all the specified amplifiers, aList, for the given CCD

    E.g. sl = makeCcdMosaic("/lsst/DC3root/rlp1173", "v704897", 0, 3, range(8))

    except TypeError:
        aList = [aList]

    for what in ("header", "data"):
        if what == "header":
            bbox = afwGeom.Box2I()
            ampBBox = {}
            wcs = {}
            ccdImage = imageFactory(bbox.getWidth(), bbox.getHeight())

        for a in aList:
            filename = os.path.join(dir, "IPSD", "output", "sci", "%s-e%d" % (basename, e),
                                    "%s-e%d-c%03d-a%02d.sci" % (basename, e, c, a))
            if verbose and what == "header":
                print filename

            if what == "header":
                md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename + "_img.fits")
                xy0 = afwGeom.Point2I(md.get("CRVAL1A"), md.get("CRVAL2A"))
                xy1 = xy0 + afwGeom.Extent2I(md.get("NAXIS1") - 1, md.get("NAXIS2") - 1)

                ampBBox[a] = afwGeom.Box2I(xy0, xy1)
                wcs[a] = afwImage.Wcs(md)
                    data = imageFactory(filename + "_img.fits")
                    data = imageFactory(filename)
                ampImage = ccdImage.Factory(ccdImage, ampBBox[a])
                ampImage[:] = data
                del ampImage

        if wcs.has_key(0):
            ccdImage = afwImage.ExposureF(ccdImage, wcs[0])
    except AttributeError:

    return ccdImage
Exemplo n.º 50
def readout_time(infile):
    Return readout time as an astropy.time.Time object.
    It is computed from the PHDU keyword values as MJD-OBS + EXPTIME
    md = afwImage.readMetadata(infile, 1)
    mjd_obs = astropy.time.Time(md.get('MJD-OBS'), format='mjd', scale='utc')
    t_readout = astropy.time.Time(
        mjd_obs.datetime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=md.get('EXPTIME')),
    return t_readout
Exemplo n.º 51
    def testXY0(self):
        """Test that XY0 values are handled correctly when building an exposure and also when
        reading the WCS header directly.  #2205"""
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(1000, 1000), afwGeom.Extent2I(10, 10))

        def makeWcs(crPixPos, crValDeg, projection):
            ps = dafBase.PropertySet()
            ctypes = [("%-5s%3s" % (("RA", "DEC")[i], projection)).replace(" ", "-") for i in range(2)]
            for i in range(2):
                ip1 = i + 1
                ps.add("CTYPE%1d" % (ip1,), ctypes[i])
                ps.add("CRPIX%1d" % (ip1,), crPixPos[i])
                ps.add("CRVAL%1d" % (ip1,), crValDeg[i])
            ps.add("RADECSYS", "ICRS")
            ps.add("EQUINOX", 2000)
            ps.add("CD1_1", -0.001)
            ps.add("CD2_1", 0.0)
            ps.add("CD1_2", 0.0)
            ps.add("CD2_2", 0.001)
            return afwImage.makeWcs(ps)

        wcs = makeWcs(
            crPixPos = (100.0, 100.0),
            crValDeg = (10.0, 35.0),
            projection = "STG", # also fails for TAN

        exposure = afwImage.ExposureF(bbox, wcs)
        pixPos = afwGeom.Box2D(bbox).getMax()
        if verbose:
            print "XY0=", exposure.getXY0()
            print "pixPos=", pixPos
        skyPos = wcs.pixelToSky(pixPos)

        tmpFile = "temp.fits"
            for useExposure in (False, True):
                if useExposure:
                    unpExp = afwImage.ExposureF(tmpFile)
                    unpWcs = unpExp.getWcs()
                    md = afwImage.readMetadata("temp.fits")
                    unpWcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md, False)
                unpPixPos = unpWcs.skyToPixel(skyPos)

                if verbose:
                    print "useExposure=%s; unp pixPos=%s" % (useExposure, unpPixPos)
                for i in range(2):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(unpPixPos[i], 1009.5)
def processRaft(raftDir, conn, done, qsp):
    nProcessed = 0
    nSkipped = 0
    nUnrecognized = 0
    for fits in glob.glob(os.path.join(raftDir, "S[0-2][0-2]",
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        m = re.search(r'v(\d+)-f(\w)/E00(\d)/R(\d)(\d)/S(\d)(\d)/' +
                r'imsim_\1_R\4\5_S\6\7_C(\d)(\d)_E00\3\.fits', fits)
        if not m:
            print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: Unrecognized file:", fits
            nUnrecognized += 1

        (visit, filter, snap, raft1, raft2, sensor1, sensor2,
                channel1, channel2) = m.groups()
        key = "%s_F%s_E%s_R%s,%s_S%s,%s_C%s,%s" % (visit, filter,
                snap, raft1, raft2, sensor1, sensor2, channel1, channel2)
        if done.has_key(key):
            nSkipped += 1

        md = afwImage.readMetadata(fits)
        expTime = md.get("EXPTIME")
        mjdObs = md.get("MJD-OBS")
        taiObs = dafBase.DateTime(mjdObs, dafBase.DateTime.MJD,
        conn.execute("""INSERT INTO raw VALUES
            (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
            (visit, filter, snap, "%s,%s" % (raft1, raft2),
                "%s,%s" % (sensor1, sensor2),
                "%s,%s" % (channel1, channel2), taiObs, expTime))
        for row in conn.execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid()"):
            id = row[0]

        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md)
        poly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs,
                md.get("NAXIS1"), md.get("NAXIS2"),
                padRad=0.000075) # about 15 arcsec
        pix = qsp.intersect(poly)
        for skyTileId in pix:
            conn.execute("INSERT INTO raw_skyTile VALUES(?, ?)",
                    (id, skyTileId))


        nProcessed += 1

    print >>sys.stderr, raftDir, \
            "... %d processed, %d skipped, %d unrecognized" % \
            (nProcessed, nSkipped, nUnrecognized)
def EventFromInputfile(inputfile, 
    """generate a new file event for a given FITS file
    @param inputfile       the name of the FITS file
    @param datatyepPolicy  the policy describing the metadata transformation
    @param metadataPolicy  the policy describing the event metadata types
    @param topicName       the name of the topic to send event as
    @param hostName        the event broker hostname
    global exposureCount
    exposureCount += 1
    # For mosphot, inputfile is a .fits file on disk
    metadata = afwImage.readMetadata(inputfile)
#    logger.log(logger.INFO,"Original metadata:\n" + metadata.toString())

    # First, transform the input metdata
    transformMetadata(metadata, datatypePolicy, metadataPolicy, 'Keyword')

    # To be consistent...
    if not validateMetadata(metadata, metadataPolicy):
        logger.log(logger.FATAL, 'Unable to create event from %s' % inputfile)

    # Create event policy, using defaults from input metadata
    event = dafBase.PropertySet()
    event.copy('exposureId',  metadata, 'exposureId')
    event.copy('datasetId',   metadata, 'datasetId')
    event.copy('filter',      metadata, 'filter')
    event.copy('expTime',     metadata, 'expTime')
    event.copy('ra',          metadata, 'ra')
    event.copy('decl',        metadata, 'decl')
    event.copy('equinox',     metadata, 'equinox')
    event.copy('airmass',     metadata, 'airmass')
    event.copy('dateObs',     metadata, 'dateObs')

    eventTransmitter = ctrlEvents.EventTransmitter(hostName, topicName)

               'Sending event for %s' % os.path.basename(inputfile))
    if logger.sends(logger.DEBUG):
        logger.log(logger.DEBUG, "Data Event data:\n%s" % event.toString())
    elif logger.sends(VERB3):
                  "Event data: datasetId=%s; ra=%f, dec=%f" %
                  (event.get("datasetId"), event.get("ra"), event.get("decl")))


    return True
Exemplo n.º 54
def fileNames(fileLoop):
    """This function searches for LSST FITS files with associated trimfiles.  obss is a list 
       of the FITS subdirectories in the /astro/net/pogo3/.../obs/ directory.  They start with a v,
       then 9 numbers, then -fu, -fg, -fr, -fi, -fz, or -fy.  Each subdirectory has an E000 path and an 
       E001 path; they simulate consecutive exposures of the same area of sky.  Each of those has
       a subdirectory, R22 (the central raft in the camera) containing one zipped eimage (compressed
       FITS file).  There are 5287 v...-f* directories.  Load each directory in the obs directory 
       that starts with a 'v', name it and add '/E000/R22/' to it and call it the eDir.  For this run
       I only want images from the r filters.  Not all of the files have trim files associated with
       them, so I also skip the ones that don't."""

    #ePath = '/astro/net/pogo3/rgibson/testSim/testPM/obs/v858247512-fr/E000/R22/eimage_858247512_R22_S11_E000.fits.gz'
    ePath = '/astro/net/pogo3/rgibson/testSim/testPM/obs/v858903212-fr/E000/R22/eimage_858903212_R22_S11_E000.fits.gz'
    #eFile = 'eimage_858247512_R22_S11_E000.fits.gz'
    eFile = 'eimage_858903212_R22_S11_E000.fits.gz'
    trimPath = None; metaPath = None; eEPath = None
    trimDir = '/astro/net/pogo3/rgibson/testSim/testPM/trim/obsid'
    t0 = eFile.split('_')
    t1 = t0[1][0:-1]
    metaPath = '%s%s/metadata_%s.dat' % (trimDir, t1, t1)
    trimPath = '%s%s/pops/trim_%s_MSSTARS.dat.gz' % (trimDir, t1, t1)
    eEPath = '%s%s/pops/trim_%s_EASTEREGGS.dat.gz' % (trimDir, t1, t1)

    outDir = '/astro/net/pogo3/rgibson/testSim/testPM/out%s/' % eFile
    # [0:-3] removes the ".gz"
    newEFile = 'eImageTANSIPa' + eFile[0:-3]
    newEPath = outDir + newEFile
    fileLoop = 1
    # Get the FITS image and find the positive footprints therein.
    eIm = afwImage.ImageF(newEPath)
    metaData = afwImage.readMetadata(newEPath)
    wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(metaData)
    eHDUList = pyfits.open(newEPath)
    x0 = wcs.pixelToSky(0, 0).getPosition()[0]
    y0 = wcs.pixelToSky(0, 0).getPosition()[1]
    x1 = wcs.pixelToSky(0, 4096).getPosition()[0]
    y1 = wcs.pixelToSky(0, 4096).getPosition()[1]
    x2 = wcs.pixelToSky(4096, 4096).getPosition()[0]
    y2 = wcs.pixelToSky(4096, 4096).getPosition()[1]
    x3 = wcs.pixelToSky(4096, 0).getPosition()[0]
    y3 = wcs.pixelToSky(4096, 0).getPosition()[1]
    # You just want the minimum radius so you don't go off the edge of the image boundary.
    deltax = min(abs(x2-x1), abs(x2-x0), abs(x3-x1), abs(x3-x0))
    deltay = min(abs(y1-y0), abs(y2-y0), abs(y1-y3), abs(y2-y3))
    radius = min(deltax/2., deltay/2.)
    ra_center = wcs.pixelToSky(2048, 2048).getPosition()[0]
    dec_center = wcs.pixelToSky(2048, 2048).getPosition()[1]
    return ra_center, dec_center, radius, eIm, eHDUList, wcs, ePath, fileLoop
Exemplo n.º 55
    def writeDefects(self, maskFile, ccd, format=None):
        """Given a Mask, find the defects for each amp in the specified CCD (0-indexed).
        If format is provided, it's expected to be used as "format % (ccd, amp)" to generate
        a .paf filename to write the defects too.  If it's "-", write to stdout"""

        # Metadata should have validity range keywords, but it doesn't.
        if False:
            metaData = afwImage.readMetadata(maskFile, 0)

        hdu = ccd + 2
        im = afwImage.ImageF(maskFile, hdu)
        im -= 1
        im *= -1
        mask = afwImage.MaskU(im.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT)); mask.set(0x0)
        mask = afwImage.makeMaskedImage(im, mask)

        for amp in self.ampList():
            subMask = mask.Factory(mask, self.getTrimSecBBox(amp), afwImage.LOCAL)

            ds = afwDetection.makeFootprintSet(subMask, afwDetection.Threshold(0.5), "INTRP")

            if False:
                ds9.dot("Amp %d" % amp, 0, 0)

            if not format:

            if format == "-":
                fd = sys.stdout
                fd = open(format % (ccd, amp), "w")

            print >> fd, """\
#<?cfg paf policy ?>
# Defects for CCD%03d amp %02d generated from %s, HDU %d
# Coordinates are trimmed and per-amp not per-CCD.  If you change this, the ISR will have to change
# Generated by $HeadURL$
""" % (ccd, amp, maskFile, hdu),
            for foot in ds.getFootprints():
                afwDetectionUtils.writeFootprintAsDefects(fd, foot)
Exemplo n.º 56
 def testReadMetadata(self):
     with utilsTests.getTempFilePath(".fits") as tmpFile:
         self.exposureCrWcs.getMetadata().set("FRAZZLE", True)
         # This will write the main metadata (inc. FRAZZLE) to the primary HDU, and the
         # WCS to subsequent HDUs, along with INHERIT=T.
         # This should read the first non-empty HDU (i.e. it skips the primary), but
         # goes back and reads it if it finds INHERIT=T.  That should let us read
         # frazzle and the Wcs from the PropertySet returned by readMetadata.
         md = afwImage.readMetadata(tmpFile)
         wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md, True)
         self.assertEqual(wcs.getPixelOrigin(), self.wcs.getPixelOrigin())
         self.assertEqual(wcs.getSkyOrigin(), self.wcs.getSkyOrigin())
         self.assert_(numpy.all(wcs.getCDMatrix() == self.wcs.getCDMatrix()))
         frazzle = md.get("FRAZZLE")
         self.assert_(frazzle is True)
def processBand(filterDir, conn, done, qsp):
    nProcessed = 0
    nSkipped = 0
    nUnrecognized = 0
    print >>sys.stderr, filterDir, "... started"
    for fits in glob.iglob(
            os.path.join(filterDir, "fpC*_ts_coaddNorm_NN.fit.gz")):
        m = re.search(r'/([ugriz])/fpC-(\d{6})-\1(\d)-(\d{4})_ts_coaddNorm_NN.fit.gz', fits)
        if not m:
            print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: Unrecognized file:", fits
            nUnrecognized += 1

        (filter, run, camcol, field) = m.groups()
        camcol = int(camcol)
        run = int(run)
        field = int(field)
        key = "%d_B%s_C%d_F%d" % (run, filter, camcol, field)
        if done.has_key(key):
            nSkipped += 1

        md = afwImage.readMetadata(fits)
        conn.execute("""INSERT INTO raw VALUES
            (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", (run, filter, camcol, field))
        for row in conn.execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid()"):
            id = row[0]

        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(md)
        poly = skypix.imageToPolygon(wcs,
                md.get("NAXIS1"), md.get("NAXIS2"),
                padRad=0.000075) # about 15 arcsec
        pix = qsp.intersect(poly)
        for skyTileId in pix:
            conn.execute("INSERT INTO raw_skyTile VALUES(?, ?)",
                    (id, skyTileId))

        nProcessed += 1
        if nProcessed % 100 == 0:

    print >>sys.stderr, filterDir, \
            "... %d processed, %d skipped, %d unrecognized" % \
            (nProcessed, nSkipped, nUnrecognized)
Exemplo n.º 58
def AssembleImage(input_file, doGainCorrection = False, trim = True):
    import os
    imDict = {}
    afilelist = []
    dfilename = '%s[%s]' % (input_file, 0)
    for i in range(16):
        filename = '%s[%i]' % (input_file, i+1)
        md = afwImage.readMetadata(filename)
        imDict[md.get('EXTNAME')] = afwImage.ImageF(filename)
    db = TestCamDetectorBuilder(dfilename, afilelist, inAmpCoords=True, clobberMetadata=True)
    det = db.buildDetector()
    assembleInput = {}
    for amp in det:
        im = imDict[amp.getName()]
        oscanim = im.Factory(im, amp.getRawHorizontalOverscanBBox())
        oscan = numpy.median(oscanim.getArray())
        imArr = im.getArray()
        imArr -= oscan
        #Calculate and correct for gain
        if doGainCorrection:
            # Buffer so edge rolloff doesn't interfere
            buffImArr = imArr[30:-30][30:-30]
            medCounts = numpy.median(buffImArr)
            stdCounts = numpy.std(buffImArr)
            gain = medCounts/stdCounts**2
            imArr *= gain
        assembleInput[amp.getName()] = db.makeExposure(im)
    assembleConfig = AssembleCcdTask.ConfigClass()

    if trim:
        assembleConfig.doTrim = True
        assembler = AssembleCcdTask(config=assembleConfig)
        resultExp = assembler.assembleCcd(assembleInput)
#         camGeomUtils.showCcd(resultExp.getDetector(), imageSource(resultExp), frame=0)
        return resultExp

        assembleConfig.doTrim = False
        assembler = AssembleCcdTask(config=assembleConfig)
        resultExp = assembler.assembleCcd(assembleInput)
#         camGeomUtils.showCcd(resultExp.getDetector(), imageSource(resultExp), frame=1)
        return resultExp