Exemplo n.º 1
class DataGenClient:
    """This class is used to connect to the DataGenServer and build chunks.

    host : str
        Name of the server's host.
    port : int
        Server's port number.
    target_dir : str, optional
        The client's working directory. Clients must have different working
    chunks_per_req : int, optional
        The number of chunks wanted per request from the server.

    This class is used to connect to the DataGenServer and uses the information
    the server provides to generate appropriate fake chunks while reporting
    what chunks have been created and registered with the ingest system back to
    the server.
    def __init__(self,
        self._host = host
        self._port = port
        self._name = "-1"
        self._retry = retry  # Retry connection if true
        self._target_dir = os.path.abspath(target_dir)
        self._chunksPerReq = chunks_per_req
        self._gen_arg_str = None  # Arguments from the server for the generator.
        self._cl_conn = None  # DataGenConnection
        self._cfg_file_name = 'gencfg.py'  # name of the local config file for the generator
        self._cfg_file_contents = None  # contents of the config file.
        self._pt_cfg_dir = os.path.join(
            'partitionCfgs')  # sub-dir for partitioner configs
        self._pt_cfg_dict = None  # Dictionary that stores partioner config files.
        self._pregen_dir = os.path.join(
            'pregenerated')  # sub-dir for pre-generated files

        # Values set from transferred self._cfgFileContents (see _readDatagenConfig)
        self._spec = None  # spec from exec(self._cfgFileContents)
        self._directors = None  # directors from exec(self._cfgFileContents)
        self._chunker = None  # chunker from exec(self._cfgFileContents)
        self._edge_width = None  # float Width of edges in edge only generation.
        # DataGenerator, cannot be initialized until '_spec' received from server
        self._data_gen = None
        self._objects = None  # int number of objects set
        self._visits = None  # int number of visits
        self._seed = None  # int random number seed

        # Ingest values
        self._ingest = None
        self._skip_ingest = True
        self._db_name = ''
        self._transaction_id = -1
        self._keep_csv = True  # keep intermediate files for debugging

        # timing information
        self._timing_dict = TimingDict()

    def _setIngest(self, ingest_dict):
        """Create ingest object from ingest_dict values.

        ingest_dict : dictionary
            Dictionary containing information about the ingest system.
            'host' : str, ingest system host name.
            'port' : int, ingest port number.
            'auth' : str, ingest authorization.
            'db'   : str, name of the databse being created
            'skip' : bool, true if ingest is being skipped.
            'keep' : bool, true if intermediate files should be kept.

        The keys in ingest_dict should match those in servRespInit and clientRespInit.
        ingd = ingest_dict
        self._ingest = DataIngest(ingd['host'], ingd['port'], ingd['auth'])
        self._skip_ingest = ingd['skip']
        self._db_name = ingd['db']
        self._keep_csv = ingd['keep']

    def createFileName(self,
        """Create a consistent file name given the input parameters.

        chunk_id : int
            Chunk id number.
        table_name : str
            Name of the table related to this file.
        ext : str
            Extension of the file.
        edge_only : bool, optional
            If True, the name indicates the file only contains information
            about objects near the edges of the chunk needed for overlap.
            If False, the name indicates the file contains all objects in
            the chunk.
        use_targ_path : bool, optional
            If True, the file name will start with self._target_dir

        Return :
            fn : str
            The name to use for the file.
        typeStr = "EO_" if edge_only else "CT_"
        # If the tabelName is a wildcard, don't use typeStr
        if table_name == '*':
            typeStr = ''
        fn = 'chunk' + str(chunk_id) + '_' + typeStr + table_name + '.' + ext
        if use_targ_path:
            fn = os.path.join(self._target_dir, fn)
        return fn

    def makeDir(self, dir_name):
        """Make a directory catching the already exists exception.

        dir_name : str
            Name of the directory to create.

        sucess : bool
            True if directory was created or already existed.
        except OSError as err:
            if err.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                print("ERROR directory creation", dir_name, err)
                return False
        return True

    def removeFile(self, f_name):
        """Return True if the file f_name was removed, false otherwise.
        print("removing file", f_name)
        except OSError as err:
            print("ERROR remove failed", f_name, err)
            return False
        return True

    def runProcess(self, cmd, cwd=None):
        """Run a process.

        cmd : str
            The command to be run. This includes all command line arguments.
        cwd : str, optional
            The current working directory for the command.
            If this is None, cwd will be set to self._target_dir before
            running cmd.

        process.returncode : int
            Process depenedant, but non-zero usually indicates failure.
        out_str : str
            Process terminal output.
        if not cwd:
            cwd = self._target_dir
        print("cwd", cwd, "cmd=", cmd)
        process = subprocess.run(cmd,
        out_str = str(process.stdout)
        if process.returncode != 0:
            print("out=", out_str)
        return process.returncode, out_str

    def _readDatagenConfig(self):
        """ Create a Chunker and spec using the same configuration file as the datagen.py.
        # Load the python configuration file used to generate the synthetic data.
        # spec defines tables and columns.
        # chunker defines the partitioning scheme
        # edge_width should be at least as wide as the partitioning overlap.
        spec_globals = {}
        exec(self._cfg_file_contents, spec_globals)
        assert 'spec' in spec_globals, "Specification file must define a variable 'spec'."
        assert 'directors' in spec_globals, "Specification file must define a variable 'directors'."
        assert 'chunker' in spec_globals, "Specification file must define a variable 'chunker'."
        assert 'edge_width' in spec_globals, "Specification file must define a variable 'edge_width'."
        self._spec = spec_globals['spec']
        self._directors = spec_globals['directors']
        self._chunker = spec_globals['chunker']
        self._edge_width = spec_globals['edge_width']
        print("_cfgFileContents=", self._cfg_file_contents)
        print("_spec=", self._spec)
        self._data_gen = DataGenerator(self._spec,

    def findCsvInTargetDir(self, chunk_id, neighbor_chunks):
        """Find files required csv to generate overlap for chunk_id.

        chunk_id : int
            The chunk which needs an overlap table.
        neighbor_chunks : list of int
            A list of all the chunk_ids for the chunks next to chunk_id.

            success : bool
                True, there are the required csv files for chunk_id.
            foundCsv : list of str
                A list of csv files for chunkId and neighborChunks.
            neededEdgeOnly : list of int
                A list chunk ids that need to be generated edgeOnly.

            To generate the overlap file, there needs to be the
            complete csv file for chunk_id and either complete
            or edge only csv files for all of its neighbors.
        success = True
        foundCsv = []
        neededEdgeOnly = []
        # Find the relevant files in self._targetDir.
        findCsv = self.createFileName(chunk_id, '*', 'csv', use_targ_path=True)
        # TODO: python3 has better version of glob that would make this code cleaner.
        chunkCsvPaths = glob.glob(findCsv)
        print("findCsv=", findCsv, " paths=", chunkCsvPaths)
        # Remove the path and add the files to a list
        chunkCsvFiles = []
        for fn in chunkCsvPaths:
        print("chunkCsvFiles=", chunkCsvFiles)
        # These cannot be edgeOnly, and there must be one for
        # each entry in self._spec['spec']
        for tblName in self._spec:
            if "from_file" in self._spec[tblName]:
                print("skipping pregenerated", tblName)
            fn = self.createFileName(chunk_id,
            if fn not in chunkCsvFiles:
                print("Failed to find ", fn, "in", chunkCsvFiles)
                success = False
                return success, foundCsv, neededEdgeOnly
        # remove chunkId from neighborChunks, if it is there
        nbChunks = [val for val in neighbor_chunks if val != chunk_id]
        # See if the neighbor chunk csv files exist. They can be complete or edge only.
        for nbCh in nbChunks:
            allTablesFound = True
            completeFound = False
            eOFound = False
            for tblName in self._spec:
                fn = self.createFileName(nbCh,
                fnEO = self.createFileName(nbCh,
                if fn in chunkCsvFiles:
                    completeFound = True
                elif fnEO in chunkCsvFiles:
                    eOFound = True
                    allTablesFound = False
            if completeFound and eOFound:
                    "WARN both complete and edgeOnly files found for neighbor chunk=",
                # That shouldn't have happened, maybe left over from previous run.
                # Remove all of the files for nbCh and make sure it is added
                # to neededEdgeOnly.
                if not self.removeFilesForChunk(
                        nbCh, edge_only=True, complete=True):
                    print("WARN failed to remove files for nbCh=", nbCh)
                allTablesFound = False
            if not allTablesFound:
        return success, foundCsv, neededEdgeOnly

    def removeFilesForChunk(self, chunk_id, edge_only=False, complete=False):
        """Remove files for chunk_id from the target directory.

        chunk_id : int
            Chunk id number for the csv and parquet files to remove.
        edge_only : bool
            When True, remove edge only csv and parquet files.
        complete : bool
            When True, remove complete csv and parquet files

        success : bool
            True if all files were removed.
        print("removeFilesForChunk", chunk_id, edge_only, complete)
        for tblName in self._spec:
            fList = []
            if edge_only:
            if complete:
            for fn in fList:
                if os.path.exists(fn):
                    print(f"chunk_id={chunk_id} removing fn={fn}")
                    if not self.removeFile(fn):
                        print("ERROR remove failed", fn)
                        return False
        return True

    def _fillChunkDir(self, chunk_id, neighbor_chunks):
        """Create and fill a directory with all the csv files needed for the
        partitioner to make chunk_id.

        chunk_id : int
            Chunk id for the chunk that needs an overlap table.
        neighbor_chunks : list of int
            Chunk id numbers for the chunks next to chunk_id.

        success : bool
            True indicates success.

        The directory is self._targetDir/<chunkId> and should contain
        all the csv files needed for the partioner to build chunk and
        overlap files for ingest. One file for each table in each chunk.
        print("fillChunkDir chunkId=", chunk_id, neighbor_chunks)
        # If the chunk directory already exists, empty it.
        if not os.path.exists(self._target_dir):
            print("ERROR targetDirectory does not exist.")
            return False
        chunkIdStr = str(chunk_id)
        if chunkIdStr == "":
            print("ERROR chunkIdStr is empty")
            return False
        dirName = os.path.join(self._target_dir, str(chunk_id))
        if os.path.exists(dirName):
            # It shouldn't exist, delete it
        if not self.makeDir(dirName):
            print("ERROR directory creation", dirName)
            return False
        cList = neighbor_chunks.copy()
        if chunk_id not in cList:
        for cId in cList:
            # Only the 'CT' or 'EO' csv files should exist, so hard link
            # all csv files for the chunks.
            pattern = 'chunk' + str(cId) + '_*.csv'
            pattern = os.path.join(self._target_dir, pattern)
            fList = glob.glob(pattern)
            for fn in fList:
                linkName = os.path.basename(fn)
                linkName = os.path.join(self._target_dir, str(chunk_id),
                    os.link(fn, linkName)
                except OSError as err:
                    if err.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                        print("ERROR fillChunkDir link failed", fn, linkName)
                        return False
        return True

    def _datGenChunk(self, chunk_id, edge_only):
        row_counts = {"CcdVisit": self._visits, "Object": self._objects}

        # ForcedSource count is defined by visits and objects.
        if ("ForcedSource" in self._spec):
            row_counts["ForcedSource"] = None

        self._data_gen.timingdict = TimingDict()
        tables = self._data_gen.make_chunk(chunk_id,
        print("tables=", tables)

        for table_name, table in tables.items():
            edge_type = "EO" if edge_only else "CT"
            fname = "chunk{:d}_{:s}_{:s}.csv".format(chunk_id, edge_type,
            fname = os.path.join(self._target_dir, fname)
            table.to_csv(fname, header=False, index=False)

    def _generateChunk(self, chunk_id, edge_only=False):
        """Generate the csv files for a chunk.

        edge_only : bool
            True - will cause an edge only Chunk to be generated. The edge
                only chunks will not be created if there is an existing
                complete chunk.
            False - will cause a complete chunk to be created and will result
                in existing csv files for that chunk id to be deleted.

        status : str
            'success' if the chunk was made successfully
            'failed'  if a valid version of the chunk could not be made
            'existed' if a valid complete version of the chunk already existed
                      and edgeOnly=True
        print(f"generateChunk chunk_id={chunk_id} edge_only={edge_only}")
        if edge_only:
            # Check for existing csv files. If a full set of complete files are found or
            # a full set of edge only files are found, return 'existed'
            # If there is a full set of complete files, delete the edge only files and return.
            edgeOnlyCount = 0
            completeCount = 0
            spec = self._spec
            for tblName in spec:
                fn = self.createFileName(chunk_id,
                if os.path.exists(fn):
                    edgeOnlyCount += 1
                fn = self.createFileName(chunk_id,
                if os.path.exists(fn):
                    completeCount += 1
            spec_count = 0
            for sp in spec:
                if "from_file" not in spec[sp]:
                    spec_count += 1
                f"spec_count={spec_count} edgeOnlyCount={edgeOnlyCount} completeCount={completeCount}"
            if completeCount == spec_count or edgeOnlyCount == spec_count:
                    "All expected tables already exist, will not generate. chunkid=",
                if completeCount == spec_count:
                    print("Removing extraneous edgeOnly files")
                    if not self.removeFilesForChunk(
                            chunk_id, edge_only=True, complete=False):
                        print("WARN failed to remove extraneous csv for",
                else:  # Not a full set of complete files
                    print("Removing extraneous complete files")
                    if not self.removeFilesForChunk(
                            chunk_id, edge_only=False, complete=True):
                        print("WARN failed to remove incomplete csv for",
                return 'exists'
            # Delete files for this chunk if they exist.
            if not self.removeFilesForChunk(
                    chunk_id, edge_only=True, complete=True):
                print("WARN failed to remove all files for chunk=", chunk_id)
        # Genrate the chunk csv files.
            self._datGenChunk(chunk_id, edge_only)
        except IndexError as ie:
            print(f"ERROR Generator failed for {chunk_id} error={ie}")
            return 'failed'
        except RuntimeError as re:
            print(f"ERROR Generator failed for {chunk_id} error={re}")
            return 'failed'
        return 'success'

    def _createRecvChunks(self, chunk_recv_set):
        """Create csv files for all tables in chunk_recv_set.

        chunk_recv_set : set of int
            Set of chunk ids most recently received from the server.

        created_chunks : list of int
            List of chunk ids where all csv tables were created.
        created_chunks = []
        for chunk_id in chunk_recv_set:
            # Generate the csv files for the chunk
            if self._generateChunk(chunk_id, edge_only=False) != 'failed':
                self._timing_dict.increment()  # increment the count of chunks
        return created_chunks

    def _createNeighborChunks(self, created_chunks):
        """Create neighbor chunks for all created chunks as needed.

        created_chunks : list of int
            List of chunk ids that have been created from the most recent
            list sent by the server.

        have_all_csv_chunks : list of int
            List of chunk ids from created_chunks where all the neccessary
            neighbor chunks could be created or already existed.

        Neighbor chunks may be edge only, but the tables in created_chunks
        must be complete chunks.
        chunker = self._chunker
        have_all_csv_chunks = []
        for chunk in created_chunks:
            # Find the chunks that should be next to chunk
            neighborChunks = chunker.getChunksAround(chunk, self._edge_width)
            # Find the output files for the chunk, name must match "chunk<id>_*.csv"
            foundCsv, filesCsv, neededChunks = self.findCsvInTargetDir(
                chunk, neighborChunks)
            print("foundCsv=", foundCsv, "fCsv=", filesCsv, " needed=",
            if not foundCsv:
                    "ERROR Problems with finding essential csv for creating overlap chunk=",
                    chunk, filesCsv)
            # Create edgeOnly neededChunks
            createdAllNeeded = True
            for nCh in neededChunks:
                genResult = self._generateChunk(nCh, edge_only=True)
                if genResult == 'failed':
                    print("ERROR Failed to generate chunk", nCh)
                    createdAllNeeded = False
            if createdAllNeeded:
                print("Created all needed edgeOnly for ", nCh)
                # Put hardlinks to all the files needed for a chunk in
                # a specific directory for the partioner to use to create
                # the overlap tables and so on.
                if self._fillChunkDir(chunk, neighborChunks):
        return have_all_csv_chunks

    def _createOverlapTables(self, chunkId):
        """Create ingest files and pass them to the ingest system.

        chunk_id : int
            Chunk id number for which overlap and ingest files are created.

        chunks_added : bool
            True if chunks were added to the transaction for ingest.

        This needs to be done for each table in the chunk which has a
        matching partitioner configuration file. The partitioner creates
        files for all input chunks, chunk_id and all of its neighbors.
        Once all the ingest and overlap files for the target chunk
        have been made, all the extra files are deleted to prevent the
        possible ingest of duplicate data.
        # Everything happens in the ovlDir directory
        ovlDir = os.path.join(self._target_dir, str(chunkId))
        entries = os.listdir(ovlDir)
        files = []
        for e in entries:
            e_path = os.path.join(ovlDir, e)
            if os.path.isfile(e_path):
                fstats = os.stat(e_path)
                if fstats.st_size > 0:
                    print(f"file {e_path} has size zero {fstats.st_size}")
                print("not a file ", os.path.join(ovlDir, e))
        if not files:
            print("No files with data were found, nothing to partition")
            return False
        # for each configuration file in self._partitionerCfgs something like this for Object chunk 0
        # sph-partition -c (cfgdir)/Object.cfg --mr.num-workers 1 --out.dir outdirObject
        # --in.path chunk0_CT_Object.csv --in.path chunk402_CT_Object.csv
        # --in.path chunk401_CT_Object.csv --in.path chunk400_CT_Object.csv
        # --in.path chunk404_EO_Object.csv --in.path chunk403_CT_Object.csv
        # Determine which tables need to be created first.
        info_list = []
        for director, children in self._directors.items():
            # Make the director table and index
            cfg = self._pt_cfg_dict[director]
            cfg_path = cfg[0]
            index_path = self._callPartitioner(chunkId, director, cfg_path,
                                               ovlDir, files, info_list)
            # create child tables using index_path
            for child in children:
                cfg = self._pt_cfg_dict[child]
                cfg_path = cfg[0]
                if not self._callPartitioner(chunkId, child, cfg_path, ovlDir,
                                             files, info_list, index_path):
                    raise RuntimeError("Error calling partitioner")

        # Add the tables to the ingest transaction
        for info in info_list:
            print("info=", info, "0=", info[0], "1=", info[1])
            st_time = self._timing_dict.start()
            self._addChunkToTransaction(chunkId, table=info[0], f_path=info[1])
            self._timing_dict.end("ingest", st_time)
        return True

    def _callPartitioner(self,
        """ Call sph-partition to create '.txt' files for ingest.

        chunk_id : int
            Chunk id number.
        tbl_name : str
            Table name.
        cfg_fname : str
            Configuration file name
        ovl_dir : str
            Overlap directory.
        files : list of str
            List of generated csv files in the ovl_dir.
        info_list : list of str
            List of files that should be ingested.
        index_path : str (optional)
            Full path of the index.txt file that should be used to determine
            what chunk child table entries belong to.
            If this is None, the current table is a director table and an
            index file should be generated.

        index_path : str
            The Full path to the index file created for this chunk or used to
            determine to which chunk child table rows belong.
        print(f"callPartitioner {chunk_id}, {tbl_name}, {cfg_fname}")
        st_time = self._timing_dict.start()
        # The list of --in.path files needs to be generated. It
        # needs to have all the .csv files for tblName.
        inCsvFiles = []
        reg = re.compile(r"chunk\w*_" + tbl_name + r"\.csv")
        for f in files:
            m = reg.match(f)
            if m:
        inStr = ""
        cfgFPath = os.path.join(self._pt_cfg_dir, cfg_fname)
        outDir = os.path.join(ovl_dir, "outdir" + tbl_name)

        if not inCsvFiles:
            print(f"No files with data for table {tbl_name} were found")
            self._timing_dict.end("overlap", st_time)
            return index_path

        for csv in inCsvFiles:
            inStr += " --in.path " + csv
        # If index_path empty or undefined, this must be a director table.
        index_name = f"chunk_{tbl_name.lower()}_index.txt"
        if not index_path:
            id_url = ""
            index_path = os.path.join(outDir, index_name)
            id_url = f"--part.id-url=file://{index_path}"

        # Put the pieces of the command together and call the partitioner.
        cmd = "sph-partition -c " + cfgFPath + " --mr.num-workers 1 "
        cmd += id_url + " --out.dir " + outDir + " " + inStr
        genResult, genOut = self.runProcess(cmd, cwd=ovl_dir)
        if genResult != 0:
            # Raise exception and leave data for diagnostics.
            raise RuntimeError("ERROR failed to create chunk and overlap " +
                               genOut + " cmd=" + cmd)
        # Delete the .txt files for files other than chunk_id
        # and chunk_index.txt in outDir.
        entries = os.listdir(outDir)
        reg = re.compile(r"^chunk_" + str(chunk_id) + r"(_overlap)?\.txt$")
        for ent in entries:
            fn = os.path.basename(ent)
            full_path = os.path.join(outDir, ent)
            m = reg.match(fn)
            if m:
                print("keeping ", fn, tbl_name, full_path)
                info_list.append((tbl_name, full_path))
                if fn == index_name:
                    print("keeping index ", full_path)
        self._timing_dict.end("overlap", st_time)
        return index_path

    def _addChunkToTransaction(self, chunk_id, table, f_path):
        """ Add chunk-table file to the transaction or raise a RuntimeError.

        chunk_id : int
            Chunk id number of the file to add to the transaction.
        table : str
            Name of the table in the file to add to the transaction.
        f_path : str
            The full path to file to add to the transaction.

        out_str : str
            Output string from program execution.

        The called functions raise RuntimeErrors if they fail.
        if self._skip_ingest:
            print("skipping ingest", chunk_id, table, f_path)
            return 0, 'skip'
        t_id = self._transaction_id
        host, port = self._ingest.getChunkTargetAddr(t_id, chunk_id)
        print("Sending to", host, ":", port, "info", t_id, table, chunk_id,
        out_str = self._ingest.sendChunkToTarget(host, port, t_id, table,
        print("Added to Transaction ", host, ":", port, "info", out_str)
        return out_str

    def _sendIngestedChunksToServer(self, chunks_to_send):
        """Send chunk ids back to the server until the list is empty.

        chunks_to_send : list of int
            List of ingested chunk id numbers to send back to the server to
            indicate that they have been ingested. The list is destroyed as
            it is sent.

        If the initial 'chunks_to_send' list is empty, it is important to send
        it to the server to indicate there was a local problem and that the
        server should abandon this connection.
        while True:
            chunks_to_send = self._cl_conn.clientReportChunksComplete(
            if len(chunks_to_send) == 0:

    def deleteAllKeepConfig(self):
        """Since ingest is complete for this batch, delete everything
        that isn't a configuration file.
        # Remove the chunk files
        path = os.path.join(self._target_dir, 'chunk*.csv')
        print("deleting ", path)
        files = glob.glob(path)
        for f in files:
        # Remove the chunk sub directories, including their files.
        dirs = os.listdir(self._target_dir)
        for dir in dirs:
            full_path = os.path.join(self._target_dir, dir)
            if dir.isdecimal() and os.path.isdir(full_path):
                print("deleting dir", full_path)

    def run(self):
        """Connect to the server and do everything until the server
        runs out of chunks for this client to generate and ingest.
        with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
            print(f"host={self._host} port={self._port}")
            connected = False
            while not connected:
                    s.connect((self._host, self._port))
                    connected = True
                except socket.error:
                        f"socket failed to connect {self._host}:{self._port}")
                    if not self._retry:
            self._cl_conn = DataGenConnection(s)
            cri = self._cl_conn.clientRespInit()
            self._name = cri[0]
            self._objects = cri[1]
            self._visits = cri[2]
            self._seed = cri[3]
            self._cfg_file_contents = cri[4]
            ingest_dict = cri[5]
            print("ingest_dict=", ingest_dict)
            print("cfg_file_contents:\n", self._cfg_file_contents)
                f'name={self._name} objects={self._objects} visits={self._visits} seed={self._seed}'
            # Read the datagen config file to get access to an identical chunker and spec.
            # Write the configuration file
            fileName = os.path.join(self._target_dir, self._cfg_file_name)
            with open(fileName, "w") as fw:
            cfg_success, pCfgDict = self._cl_conn.clientGetFiles(
                "partition cfg")
            if not cfg_success:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Client failed to receive partitioner config files.")
            self._pt_cfg_dict = {}
            for cfg in pCfgDict.items():
                cfg_fname = cfg[1][0]
                # Table name should be config name with extenstion removed.
                ext = PurePosixPath(cfg_fname).suffix
                if ext != ".cfg":
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"Unexpected partitioner config file sent {cfg_fname}")
                table_name = PurePosixPath(cfg_fname).stem
                self._pt_cfg_dict[table_name] = cfg[1]
            # Write those files to the partitioner config directory
            for index, cfg_info in pCfgDict.items():
                pCfgName = os.path.join(self._pt_cfg_dir, cfg_info[0])
                print("writing config", index, "name=", pCfgName)
                with open(pCfgName, "w") as fw:

            # Read in pregenerated files
            pregen_success, pregen_dict = self._cl_conn.clientGetFiles(
                "pregen files")
            if not pregen_success:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Client failed to receive pregenerated files.")
            # Write pregenerated files to their directory
            for index, file_info in pregen_dict.items():
                pregen_name = os.path.join(self._pregen_dir, file_info[0])
                print("writing pregen", index, "name=", pregen_name)
                with open(pregen_name, "w") as fw:

            # Start creating and ingesting chunks.
            loop = True
            while loop:
                transaction_id, chunkListRecv, problem = self._cl_conn.clientRecvChunks(
                self._transaction_id = transaction_id
                print("transaction_id = ", self._transaction_id)
                if problem:
                    print("WARN there was a problem with", chunkListRecv)
                chunkRecvSet = set(chunkListRecv)
                if len(chunkRecvSet) == 0:
                    # no more chunks, close the connection
                    print("No more chunks to create, exiting")
                    loop = False
                withOverlapChunks = []
                ingestedChunks = []
                # Create chunks received in the list
                st_time = self._timing_dict.start()
                createdChunks = self._createRecvChunks(chunkRecvSet)
                self._timing_dict.end("primeChunks", st_time)
                st_time = self._timing_dict.start()
                # Create edge only chunks as needed.
                st_time = self._timing_dict.start()
                haveAllCsvChunks = self._createNeighborChunks(createdChunks)
                self._timing_dict.end("neighborChunks", st_time)
                # Generate overlap tables and files for ingest (happens within
                # the transaction).
                # Start the transaction
                abort = False
                    for chunk in haveAllCsvChunks:
                        print("created overlap for chunk", chunk)
                except Exception as exc:
                    # Abort the transaction if possible.
                    print("ERROR transaction failed ", exc)
                    abort = True
                if not abort:
                    for chunk in withOverlapChunks:
                    print("Failed ingest, transaction failed or aborted ")
                # If no chunks were created, likely fatal error. Asking for more
                # chunks to create would just cause more problems.
                if len(ingestedChunks) == 0:
                        "ERROR no chunks were successfully ingested, ending program"
                    loop = False

                # client sends timing info back to server.
                self._timing_dict = TimingDict()

                # Client sends the list of completed chunks back

                # Remove files and directories if specified
                if not self._keep_csv:
Exemplo n.º 2
class DataGenServer:
    """This class is meant to provide clients with the information needed
    to generate chunks.

    cfg_file_name : string
        The name of the server configuration file
    chunk_logs_in : ChunkLogs
        Data from previously generated log files or user input that identifies
        which chunks should be generated.
    log_dir : str
        Directory where chunk logs will be written. If it is None, no log
        files will be written. Empty string is valid.
    skip_ingest : bool
        When true, do not try to pass generated files to the ingest system.
    skip_schema : bool
        When true, expect attempts to send schemas to ingest to fail.
    keep_csv : bool
        When true, hold onto intermediate files and directories instead of
        deleting them.

    This class is meant to provide clients with names, fake data configuration,
    and chunks that need to be generated. While also keeping track of what has
    been generated where. The replicator should be able to identify duplicate
    chunks and mismatching chunks, so this process will not be concerned
    with that, but will avoid generating duplicates when possible.

    cfg_file_name contains our port number and the command line arguments
    to be sent to the fake data generating program. The contents of
    fake_cfg_file_name will be copied to the clients and passed
    to the fake data genrating program. Failures creating this object
    should terminate the program.
    def __init__(self, cfg_file_name, chunk_logs_in, log_dir, skip_ingest,
                 skip_schema, keep_csv):
        self._cfgFileName = cfg_file_name
        # base directory for other configuration files
        self._base_cfg_dir = os.path.dirname(self._cfgFileName)
        print("base_cfg_dir=", self._base_cfg_dir)
        # Set of all chunkIds to generate. sphgeom::Chunker is used to limit
        # the list to valid chunks.
        self._skip_ingest = skip_ingest
        self._skip_schema = skip_schema
        self._keep_csv = keep_csv
        # Set to false to stop accepting and end the program
        self._loop = True
        # Sequence count, incremented to provide unique client names
        self._sequence = 1
        # lock to protect _sequence, _clients
        self._client_lock = threading.Lock()
        # Store timing data from clients
        self._timing_dict = TimingDict()
        self._times_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Read configuration to set other values.
        with open(self._cfgFileName, 'r') as cfgFile:
            self._cfg = yaml.load(cfgFile)
            print("cfg", self._cfg)
        # The port number the host will listen to.
        self._port = self._cfg['server']['port']

        # The arguments that will be passed from server to
        # clients to dax_data_generator/bin/datagen.py.
        self._visits = self._cfg['fakeDataGenerator']['visits']
        self._objects = self._cfg['fakeDataGenerator']['objects']
        self._seed = self._cfg['fakeDataGenerator']['seed']
            f'port={self._port} objects={self._objects} visits={self._visits}')

        # The name and contents of the configuration file that will be passed
        # from server to clients to dax_data_generator/bin/datagen.py.
        fake_cfg_file_name = os.path.join(
            self._base_cfg_dir, self._cfg['fakeDataGenerator']['cfgFileName'])
        print("fake_cfg_file_name", fake_cfg_file_name)
        with open(fake_cfg_file_name, 'r') as file:
            self._fakeCfgData = file.read()
        print("fake_cfg_data=", self._fakeCfgData)

        # Get the directory containing partioner configuration files.
        partioner_cfg_dir = os.path.join(self._base_cfg_dir,
        print("partioner_cfg_dir=", partioner_cfg_dir)

        # Read all the files in that directory and their contents.
        self._partioner_cfg_dict = self._readPartionerCfgDir(partioner_cfg_dir)

        # Get ingest sytem information
        transaction_size = self._cfg['fakeDataGenerator']['transaction_size']
        self._db_name = self._cfg['ingest']['dbName']
        ingest_host = self._cfg['ingest']['host']
        ingest_port = self._cfg['ingest']['port']
        ingest_auth = self._cfg['ingest']['authKey']
        if ingest_auth is None:
            ingest_auth = ''
        self._ingest_dict = {
            'host': ingest_host,
            'port': ingest_port,
            'auth': ingest_auth,
            'db': self._db_name,
            'skip': self._skip_ingest,
            'keep': self._keep_csv
        # Read ingest config files.
        self._ingest_cfg_dir = os.path.join(self._base_cfg_dir,
        print("ingest addr=", ingest_host, ":", ingest_port)
        print("ingest cfg dir=", self._ingest_cfg_dir)
        self._ingest = DataIngest(ingest_host, ingest_port, ingest_auth)

        # List of client connection threads
        self._client_threads = []
        # Dictionary of clients by client_id
        self._clients = {}

        # Build dictionary of info for chunks to send to workers.
        spec_globals = {}
        exec(self._fakeCfgData, spec_globals)
        assert 'spec' in spec_globals, "Specification file must define a variable 'spec'."
        assert 'chunker' in spec_globals, "Specification file must define a variable 'chunker'."
        # Determine pregenerated file directory
        pregenerated_dir = os.path.join(self._base_cfg_dir,
        # Find all tables that have "from_file" defined and put them in a list so they can be sent.
        self._pregen_file_dict = self._readPreGeneratedFiles(
            pregenerated_dir, spec_globals['spec'])
        # Read in chunker info
        chunker = spec_globals['chunker']
        self._chunk_tracking = ChunkTracking(chunker, chunk_logs_in,
                                             transaction_size, skip_ingest,
                                             skip_schema, log_dir,

        # Track all client connections so it is possible to
        # determine when the server's job is finished.
        self._active_client_count = 0
        self._active_client_mtx = threading.Lock()

    def chunksToSendTotal(self):
        """Return the total number of chunks to send.
        return self._chunk_tracking.get_chunks_to_send_total()

    def _readPartionerCfgDir(self, partioner_cfg_dir):
        """Read in all the files ending with cfg in partioner_cfg_dir.

        partioner_cfg_dir : string
            The directory containing partioner config files.

        dictionary :
            Keys are sequential integers starting at 0
            Values are tuples of file name and file contents.

        All the files ending with '.csv' will be read in and entries
        for them will be put in a dictionary with integer keys, and
        values being a tuple of the file name and file contents. The keys
        must be sequential and start at 0, as the clients ask for them by
        by number starting at 0.
        entries = os.listdir(partioner_cfg_dir)
        files = []
        for e in entries:
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(partioner_cfg_dir, e)):
                ext = os.path.splitext(e)[1]
                if ext == '.cfg':
        print("partitionCfg files=", files, entries)
        file_dict = {}
        index = 0
        for f in files:
            fName = os.path.join(partioner_cfg_dir, f)
            with open(fName, 'r') as file:
                file_data = file.read()
                file_dict[index] = (f, file_data)
                index += 1
        print("file_dict", file_dict)
        return file_dict

    def _readPreGeneratedFiles(self, pregenerated_dir, spec_globals):
        """ Read in pregenerated files.

        pregenerated_dir : str
            Directory where all pregenerated files can be found.
        spec_globals : dictionary
            Configuration dictionary containing the specifications for
            the tables that need to be generated.

        All tables with "from_table" defined in spec_globals will
        get an entry in this dictionary. Any problems finding the
        files will raise an exception and likely crash the server.
        pregen_file_names = []
        for tbl in spec_globals:
            if "from_file" in spec_globals[tbl]:
        file_dict = {}
        index = 0
        for f in pregen_file_names:
            fname = os.path.join(pregenerated_dir, f)
            with open(fname, 'r') as file:
                contents = file.read()
                file_dict[index] = (f, contents)
                index += 1
        print("pregenerated rows=", len(file_dict))
        return file_dict

    def _servAccept(self):
        """Accept connections from clients, spinning up a new thread
        to handle each one. This ends when there are no more chunk ids
        to send and all threads have joined.
        with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
            s.bind(('', self._port))
            while self._loop:
                conn, addr = s.accept()
                print('Connected by', addr)
                if self._loop:
                    # start new thread
                    clientName = 'client' + str(self._sequence)
                    self._sequence += 1
                    print("starting thread", clientName, conn, addr)
                    thrd = threading.Thread(target=self._servToClient,
                                            args=(clientName, conn, addr))
                    with self._active_client_mtx:
                        self._active_client_count += 1
        print("Accept loop shutting down")
        for j, thrd in enumerate(self._client_threads):
            print("joining thread", j)
        print("All threads joined.")

    def _servToClient(self, name, conn, addr):
        """Handle the requests of a single client.

        name : string
            The client's name.
        conn : socket connection
            The socket connection to the client.
        addr : string
            The IP address of the client.

        The request from the client follow the pattern:
        Initialize - provide client with its name, and command line arguments
            with the configuration files for datagen.py, sph-partition, etc.
        Repeated until the client disconnects-
            Requests for chunkIds to generate -
                The client will disconnect if the server sends
                it an empty list of chunkIds.
            Client responds with successfully generated chunkIds.
        Any chunkIds assigned to the client but not in the list of
        commpleted chunks are put in LIMBO.
        # Connection and communication exceptions are caught so
        # other connections can continue.
        out_of_chunks = False
            print('Connected by', addr, name, conn)
            sv_conn = DataGenConnection(conn)
            with self._client_lock:
                self._clients[name] = addr
            # receive init from client
            # server sending back configuration information
            sv_conn.servRespInit(name, self._objects, self._visits, self._seed,
                                 self._fakeCfgData, self._ingest_dict)
            # client requests partioner configuration files

            # Send the pregenerated files to the client

            # client requesting chunk list
            client_times = None
            transaction_id = -9999999  # Obviously invalid value, must be negative.
            while self._loop and not out_of_chunks:
                clientReqChunkCount = sv_conn.servRecvReqChunks()
                chunksForClient, transaction_id = self._chunk_tracking.get_chunks_for_client(
                    name, addr, clientReqChunkCount)
                sv_conn.servSendChunks(chunksForClient, transaction_id)
                if len(chunksForClient) == 0:
                    print("out of chunks to send, nothing more to send")
                    out_of_chunks = True
                    # receive timing information from client
                    client_times = sv_conn.servRecvTiming()
                    print("client times ", client_times.report())
                    if client_times:
                        with self._times_lock:
                    # receive completed chunks from client
                    completed_chunks = []
                    finished = False
                    while not finished:
                        completedC, finished, problem = sv_conn.servRecvChunksComplete(
                        print("serv got", completedC, finished, problem)
                    # Pass the client results to chunk tracking
                        transaction_id, chunksForClient, completed_chunks)
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            print("breaking connection", addr, name, "socket.gaierror:", e)
        except socket.error as e:
            print("breaking connection", addr, name, "socket.error:", e)
        except DataGenError as e:
            print("breaking connection", addr, name, "DataGenError:", e.msg)

        print("_servToClient loop is done", addr, name)
        # Decrement the number of running client connections and
        # possibly end the program.
        with self._active_client_mtx:
            self._active_client_count -= 1
            if self._active_client_count == 0 and out_of_chunks:
                # Connect to our own socket to get past the accept
                # and break the loop.
                self._loop = False
                with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
                                   socket.SOCK_STREAM) as termSock:
                    termSock.connect(('', self._port))

    def connectToIngest(self):
        """Test if ingest is available and send database info if it is.

        success : bool
            False if required information could not be sent to ingest.
            _skip_ingest and _skip_schema can reduce or eliminate
            the information that needs to be sent.
        if self._skip_ingest:
            print("Skipping ingest connect")
            return True
        if not self._ingest.isIngestAlive():
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to contact ingest", self._ingest)

        if self._skip_schema:
            print("Skipping database and schema file ingest.")
            return True
        db_jfile = self._db_name + ".json"
        db_jpath = os.path.join(self._ingest_cfg_dir, db_jfile)
        print("sending db config to ingest", db_jpath)
        if not self._ingest.registerDatabase(db_jpath):
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to send database to ingest.", db_jpath,
        # Find all of the schema files in self._ingest_cfg_dir while
        # ignoring the database config file and file names ending in '_template'.
        entries = os.listdir(self._ingest_cfg_dir)
        files = []
        for e in entries:
            # Skip '_template.json' files
            reg = re.compile(r".*_template\.json$")
            m = reg.match(e)
            if m:
            full_path = os.path.join(self._ingest_cfg_dir, e)
            if os.path.isfile(full_path):
                ext = os.path.splitext(e)[1]
                if ext == '.json':
                    fname = os.path.basename(e)
                    if not fname == db_jfile:
        # Send each config file to ingest
        for f in files:
            print("Sending schema file to ingest", f)
            if not self._ingest.registerTable(f):
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to send schema file to ingest", f)
        return True

    def start(self):
        """Start the server and print the results.
        print("Registering database and schema with ingest system.")
        print("Done, generated ",

            "chunks failed chunks:",
                [GenerationStage.LIMBO, GenerationStage.ASSIGNED]))

        info_r = self._chunk_tracking.get_chunk_info_report()
        print("\n", self._timing_dict.report())
        # Publish database if all chunks were generated.
        if self._skip_ingest:
            print("skipping publishing")
        if self._chunk_tracking.is_successful_ingest():
            print("All chunks generated and ingested, publishing",
            success, status, r_json = self._ingest.publishDatabase(
            if success:
                print("Published", self._db_name)
                print("ERROR failed to publish", self._db_name, status, r_json)
            print("Not publishing due to incomplete data/creation/ingestion")