Exemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        '''Create two calibs, one with a valid zero-point and one without. Use these to create two UnitSystem
        self.mag2Flux = lambda m: 10.0**(m/2.5)
        self.flux2Mag = lambda f: 2.5*np.log10(f)

        photoCalibNoZero = afwImage.PhotoCalib()
        photoCalibWithZero = afwImage.makePhotoCalibFromCalibZeroPoint(self.mag2Flux(25))

        scale = 0.2 * geom.arcseconds
        wcs = afwGeom.makeSkyWcs(crpix=geom.Point2D(),
                                 crval=geom.SpherePoint(45.0, 45.0, geom.degrees),

        self.unitNoZero = measModel.UnitSystem(wcs, photoCalibNoZero)
        self.unitWithZero = measModel.UnitSystem(wcs, photoCalibWithZero)
    def setUp(self):
        '''Create two calibs, one with a valid zero-point and one without. Use these to create two UnitSystem
        self.mag2Flux = lambda m: 10.0**(m / 2.5)
        self.flux2Mag = lambda f: 2.5 * np.log10(f)

        calibNoZero = afwImage.Calib()
        calibWithZero = afwImage.Calib()

        cdelt = (0.2 * afwGeom.arcseconds).asDegrees()
        position = afwCoord.IcrsCoord(45.0 * afwGeom.degrees,
                                      45.0 * afwGeom.degrees)
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(position, afwGeom.Point2D(), cdelt, 0.0, 0.0,

        self.unitNoZero = measModel.UnitSystem(wcs, calibNoZero)
        self.unitWithZero = measModel.UnitSystem(wcs, calibWithZero)
def reconstructCModel(exposure, record, config):
    """ Reconstruct the CModel for the given record

    exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
        Exposure object that contains the source which was  modeled
    record : `lsst.afw.table.SourceRecord`
        Record object which contains the measurements made on the source
    config : `lsst.meas.modelfit.CModel(SingleFrame/Forced)Config`
        Configuration object of the CModel plugin used in the measurement

    devShapelet : `lsst.shapelet.MultiShapeletFunction`
        Multi-component shapelet model of the dev component of CModel
    expShapelet : `lsst.shapelet.MultiShapeletFunction`
        Multi-component shapelet model fo the exp component of CModel
    devJointShapelet : `lsst.shapelet.MultiShapeletFunction`
        Multi-component shapelet model of the dev component of CModel jointly
        fit with the exp component
    expJointShapelet : `lsst.shapelet.MultiShapeletFunction`
        Multi-component shapelet model of the exp component of Cmodel jointly
        fit with the dev component

    # build a unit system transformation object
    center = record.getCentroid()
    position = exposure.getWcs().pixelToSky(center)
    measSys = measMod.UnitSystem(exposure)
    approxFlux = record.get("base_PsfFlux_flux")
    fitSys = measMod.UnitSystem(position, exposure.getCalib(), approxFlux)
    fitSysToMeasSys = measMod.LocalUnitTransform(center, fitSys, measSys)

    # Build the Shapelet objects
    ctrl = config.makeControl()
    baseName = "modelfit_CModel"
    nonlinearKeys = [
        "{}_{{model}}_nonlinear_{p}".format(baseName, p=p) for p in range(3)
    fixedKeys = [
        "{}_{{model}}_fixed_{p}".format(baseName, p=p) for p in range(2)
    fluxKey = "{}_{{model}}_flux".format(baseName)

    # fetch the aperture corrections, if this fails set it to one
        apCorr = record.get("{}_apCorr".format(baseName))
    except Exception:
        print("Warning, problem retrieving aperture correction, using a value"
              " of 1")
        apCorr = 1

    # Get parameters for the dev model
    devNonLinearParams = np.array(
        [record.get(key.format(model="dev")) for key in nonlinearKeys])
    devFixedParams = np.array(
        [record.get(key.format(model="dev")) for key in fixedKeys])
    devAmp = np.array([record.get(fluxKey.format(model="dev"))])
    devAmp /= apCorr
    devShapelet = ctrl.dev.getModel().makeShapeletFunction(
        devNonLinearParams, devAmp, devFixedParams)

    # Get parameters for the exp model
    expNonLinearParams = np.array(
        [record.get(key.format(model="exp")) for key in nonlinearKeys])
    expFixedParams = np.array(
        [record.get(key.format(model="exp")) for key in fixedKeys])
    expAmp = np.array([record.get(fluxKey.format(model="exp"))])
    expAmp /= apCorr
    expShapelet = ctrl.exp.getModel().makeShapeletFunction(
        expNonLinearParams, expAmp, expFixedParams)

    # Get joint shapelet model
    fracDev = record.get("{}_fracDev".format(baseName))
    jointFlux = np.array([record.get("{}_flux".format(baseName))])
    jointFlux /= apCorr
    devJointShapelet = ctrl.dev.getModel()\
        .makeShapeletFunction(devNonLinearParams, jointFlux*fracDev,

    expJointShapelet = ctrl.exp.getModel()\
        .makeShapeletFunction(expNonLinearParams, jointFlux*(1-fracDev),

    return devShapelet, expShapelet, devJointShapelet, expJointShapelet