Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_eq(self):
        Test that __eq__ in Sed works correctly
        sed_dir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_sed_library'), 'starSED',
        list_of_seds = os.listdir(sed_dir)
        sedname1 = os.path.join(sed_dir, list_of_seds[0])
        sedname2 = os.path.join(sed_dir, list_of_seds[1])
        ss1 = Sed()
        ss2 = Sed()
        ss3 = Sed()

        self.assertFalse(ss1 == ss2)
        self.assertTrue(ss1 != ss2)
        self.assertTrue(ss1 == ss3)
        self.assertFalse(ss1 != ss3)


        self.assertFalse(ss1 == ss3)
        self.assertTrue(ss1 != ss3)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_eq(self):
        Test that __eq__ in Sed works correctly
        sed_dir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_photUtils'), 'tests',
                               'cartoonSedTestData', 'starSed', 'kurucz')
        list_of_seds = os.listdir(sed_dir)
        sedname1 = os.path.join(sed_dir, list_of_seds[0])
        sedname2 = os.path.join(sed_dir, list_of_seds[1])
        ss1 = Sed()
        ss2 = Sed()
        ss3 = Sed()

        self.assertFalse(ss1 == ss2)
        self.assertTrue(ss1 != ss2)
        self.assertTrue(ss1 == ss3)
        self.assertFalse(ss1 != ss3)


        self.assertFalse(ss1 == ss3)
        self.assertTrue(ss1 != ss3)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def calcMagNorm(self,
        This will find the magNorm value that gives the closest match to the magnitudes of the object
        using the matched SED. Uses scipy.optimize.leastsq to find the values of fluxNorm that minimizes
        the function: ((flux_obs - (fluxNorm*flux_model))/flux_error)**2.

        @param [in] objectMags are the magnitude values for the object with extinction matching that of
        the SED object. In the normal case using the selectSED routines above it will be dereddened mags.

        @param [in] sedObj is an Sed class instance that is set with the wavelength and flux of the
        matched SED

        @param [in] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict class instance with the Bandpasses set to those
        for the magnitudes given for the catalog object

        @param [in] mag_error are provided error values for magnitudes in objectMags. If none provided
        then this defaults to 1.0. This should be an array of the same length as objectMags.

        @param [in] redshift is the redshift of the object if the magnitude is observed

        @param [in] filtRange is a selected range of filters specified by their indices in the bandpassList
        to match up against. Used when missing data in some magnitude bands.

        @param [out] bestMagNorm is the magnitude normalization for the given magnitudes and SED

        import scipy.optimize as opt

        sedTest = Sed()
        sedTest.setSED(sedObj.wavelen, flambda=sedObj.flambda)
        if redshift is not None:
        imSimBand = Bandpass()
        zp = -2.5 * np.log10(3631)  #Note using default AB zeropoint
        flux_obs = np.power(10, (objectMags + zp) / (-2.5))
        flux_model = sedTest.manyFluxCalc(bandpassDict.phiArray,
        if filtRange is not None:
            flux_obs = flux_obs[filtRange]
            flux_model = flux_model[filtRange]
        if mag_error is None:
            flux_error = np.ones(len(flux_obs))
            flux_error = np.abs(flux_obs * (np.log(10) / (-2.5)) * mag_error)
        bestFluxNorm = opt.leastsq(
            lambda x: ((flux_obs - (x * flux_model)) / flux_error), 1.0)[0][0]
        bestMagNorm = sedTest.calcMag(imSimBand)
        return bestMagNorm
Exemplo n.º 4
    def calcMagNorm(self, objectMags, sedObj, bandpassDict, mag_error = None,
                    redshift = None, filtRange = None):

        This will find the magNorm value that gives the closest match to the magnitudes of the object
        using the matched SED. Uses scipy.optimize.leastsq to find the values of fluxNorm that minimizes
        the function: ((flux_obs - (fluxNorm*flux_model))/flux_error)**2.

        @param [in] objectMags are the magnitude values for the object with extinction matching that of
        the SED object. In the normal case using the selectSED routines above it will be dereddened mags.

        @param [in] sedObj is an Sed class instance that is set with the wavelength and flux of the
        matched SED

        @param [in] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict class instance with the Bandpasses set to those
        for the magnitudes given for the catalog object

        @param [in] mag_error are provided error values for magnitudes in objectMags. If none provided
        then this defaults to 1.0. This should be an array of the same length as objectMags.

        @param [in] redshift is the redshift of the object if the magnitude is observed

        @param [in] filtRange is a selected range of filters specified by their indices in the bandpassList
        to match up against. Used when missing data in some magnitude bands.

        @param [out] bestMagNorm is the magnitude normalization for the given magnitudes and SED

        import scipy.optimize as opt

        sedTest = Sed()
        sedTest.setSED(sedObj.wavelen, flambda = sedObj.flambda)
        if redshift is not None:
        imSimBand = Bandpass()
        zp = -2.5*np.log10(3631)  #Note using default AB zeropoint
        flux_obs = np.power(10,(objectMags + zp)/(-2.5))
        flux_model = sedTest.manyFluxCalc(bandpassDict.phiArray, bandpassDict.wavelenStep)
        if filtRange is not None:
            flux_obs = flux_obs[filtRange]
            flux_model = flux_model[filtRange]
        if mag_error is None:
            flux_error = np.ones(len(flux_obs))
            flux_error = np.abs(flux_obs*(np.log(10)/(-2.5))*mag_error)
        bestFluxNorm = opt.leastsq(lambda x: ((flux_obs - (x*flux_model))/flux_error), 1.0)[0][0]
        bestMagNorm = sedTest.calcMag(imSimBand)
        return bestMagNorm
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_TotalMags(result, bandpasses=('u','g','r','i','z','y')):
    datadir = os.environ.get("SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR")
    tpath = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_DEFAULT')
    bands = {"u":None, "g":None, "r":None, "i":None, "z":None, "y":None}
    for k in bands:
        bands[k] = Bandpass()
        bands[k].readThroughput(os.path.join(tpath, "total_%s.dat"%k))
    # Set up phi, the wavelength-normalized system response for each filter,
    # for each bandpass for manyMagCalc method.
    bplist = []
    for f in ['u','g','r','i','z','y']:
    ids = result['galid']
    diskfile = result['sedFilenameDisk']
    bulgefile = result['sedFilenameBulge']
    agnfile = result['sedFilenameAgn']

    diskmn = result['magNormDisk']
    bulgemn = result['magNormBulge']
    agnmn = result['magNormAgn']

    bulgeAv = result['internalAvBulge']
    diskAv = result['internalAvDisk']

    redshift = result['redshift']

    imsimband = Bandpass()
    sedDict = {}
    retMags = dict([(k, []) for k in bands])
    a_int = None
    b_int = None
    tmpwavelen = None
    for id, df, dm, dav, bf, bm, bav, af, am, z in zip(ids, diskfile, diskmn, diskAv, 
            bulgefile, bulgemn, bulgeAv, agnfile, agnmn, redshift):
        tmpflux = None
        for comp in ((df, dm, dav, 'galaxySED', False), (bf, bm, bav, 'galaxySED', False), (af, am, None, 'agnSED', True)):
        #Zero out the AGN contribution
        #for comp in ((df, dm, dav, 'galaxySED', False), (bf, bm, bav, 'galaxySED', False), (af, 99.99, None, 'agnSED', True)):
            if not comp[0] == u'None':
                if sedDict.has_key(comp[0]):
                    sed = copy.deepcopy(sedDict[comp[0]])
                    sed = Sed()
                    print os.path.join(datadir,comp[3],comp[0])
		    if comp[4]:
                    sedDict[comp[0]] = sed
                if a_int is None:
                    phiarray, dlambda = sed.setupPhiArray(bplist)
                    a_int, b_int = sed.setupCCMab()
		    #Careful, this assumes that a disk or bulge sed is read
		    #before any agn sed
		    tmpwavelen = sed.wavelen
                fNorm = sed.calcFluxNorm(comp[1], imsimband)
                #I guess this assumes rv=3.1??
                if comp[2]:
                    sed.addCCMDust(a_int, b_int, A_v=comp[2])
		if tmpflux is None:
		    tmpflux = sed.flambda
	            tmpflux += sed.flambda
	newgal = Sed(wavelen=wavelenArr, flambda=tmpflux)
        #a_mw, b_mw = sed.setupCCMab()
        #sed.addCCMDust(a_mw, b_mw, A_v=mwav)
        newgal.redshiftSED(z, dimming=True)
        mags = newgal.manyMagCalc(phiarray, dlambda)
        for i,k in enumerate(['u','g','r','i','z','y']):
    return retMags
Exemplo n.º 6
# Calculate dust extinction a_x and b_x vectors.
a_mw, b_mw = stars[starlist[0]].setupCCMab()
# Set up dictionary + arrays to hold calculated magnitude information. 
mags1 = {}
for f in filterlist:
    mags1[f] = numpy.zeros(num_star, dtype='float')
# For each star (in num_star's), apply apply MW dust, fluxnorm & calculate mags. 
for i in range(num_star):
    starname = starlist[star_name[i]]
    tmpstar = Sed(wavelen=stars[starname].wavelen, flambda=stars[starname].flambda)
    tmpstar.addCCMDust(a_mw, b_mw, ebv=ebv_mw[i])
    # Note that the stars have already been matched to the bandpass wavelength grid.
    # Just want to be sure that fnu is already calculated.
    for f in filterlist:
        mags1[f][i] = tmpstar.calcMag(lsstbp[f])
dt, t = dtime(t)
print "Calculating dust/fluxnorm/%d magnitudes with some smart usage for %d stars took %f s" \
      %(len(filterlist), num_star, dt)

# Test Sed.manyMagCalc : 

# First: (re) calculate internal a/b on wavelength range required for dust extinction.
a_mw, b_mw = stars[starlist[0]].setupCCMab()  
# Also: set up phi for each bandpass - ahead of time. And set up a list of bandpasses, then create phiarray 
# and dlambda to set up for manyMagCalc method.
bplist = []
for f in filterlist:
Exemplo n.º 7
class Telescope(Throughputs):
    def __init__(self,
        Throughputs.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        print("**** Telescope.__init__******")

        params = [
            'mag_sky', 'm5', 'FWHMeff', 'Tb', 'Sigmab', 'zp', 'counts_zp',
            'Skyb', 'flux_sky'

        self.data = {}
        for par in params:
            self.data[par] = {}

        self.data['FWHMeff'] = dict(
            zip('ugrizy', [0.92, 0.87, 0.83, 0.80, 0.78, 0.76]))

        self.atmos = atmos
        self.libradtran = libradtran

        self.sed = None
        self.sedAB0 = None

        self.Set_SED_AB0()  # set a AB reference source

    def FWHMeff(self):
        return self.data['FWHMeff']

    def mag_sky(self):
        return self.data['mag_sky']

    def m5(self):
        return self.data['m5']

    def Tb(self):
        return self.data['Tb']

    def Sigmab(self):
        return self.data['Sigmab']

    def zp(self):
        return self.data['zp']

    def ADU_zp(self):
        return self.data['counts_zp']

    def flux_sky(self):
        return self.data['flux_sky']

    def Inputs(self):

        for filtre in self.filterlist:
            myup = self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.darksky, self.system[filtre])
            self.data['Tb'][filtre] = self.Calc_Integ(self.atmosphere[filtre])
            self.data['Sigmab'][filtre] = self.Calc_Integ(self.system[filtre])
            self.data['mag_sky'][filtre] = -2.5 * np.log10(
                myup / (3631. * self.Sigmab[filtre]))

    def Sky(self):

        for filtre in self.filterlist:

    def Calc_m5(self, filtre):
        Compute m5 or SNR at five sigma
        Tool function implemented by Phillie Gris (IN2P3)
        # get telescope passband (no atmosphere)
        filtre_trans = self.system[filtre]
        wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step = filtre_trans.getWavelenLimits(
            None, None, None)

        bandpass = Bandpass(wavelen=filtre_trans.wavelen, sb=filtre_trans.sb)
        # create a Flat sed S_nu from the sky brightness magnitude
        flatSedb = Sed()
        flatSedb.setFlatSED(wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step)
        flux0b = np.power(10., -0.4 * self.mag_sky[filtre])

        # Get LSST photometric parameters
        photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=filtre)
        norm = photParams.platescale**2 / 2. * photParams.exptime / photParams.gain

        # Use LSST sims (SignalToNoise) to calculate M5 with atmosphere or without atmosphere
        if self.atmos:
            self.data['m5'][filtre] = SignalToNoise.calcM5(
            adu_int = flatSedb.calcADU(bandpass=self.atmosphere[filtre],
            self.data['flux_sky'][filtre] = adu_int * norm
            self.data['m5'][filtre] = SignalToNoise.calcM5(
            adu_int = flatSedb.calcADU(bandpass=self.system[filtre],
            self.data['flux_sky'][filtre] = adu_int * norm

    def ZP(self):

        for filtre in self.filterlist:
        #print 'zeropoints',self.data['zp'],self.data['counts_zp']

    def ZP_filtre(self, filtre):
        ZP_filtre() : Compute zero point in filter band
        - platescale is 0.2 arcsec per pixel
        Tool function implemented by Phillie Gris (IN2P3)
        # extract parameters from lsst_sims
        photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=filtre)
        # compute Diameter in meters : D=2*R = 2*sqrt(S/pi)
        Diameter = 2. * np.sqrt(
            photParams.effarea * 1.e-4 / np.pi)  # diameter in meter
        # AB flux is 3.6307805477e-20 erg/cm2/s/Hz or 3.6307805477e-16 erg/m2/s/Hz
        #   or 3.6307e-23 J/m2/s/Hz, h=6.626e-34 J.s
        # What is the meaning of this Cte ????
        # especcialy what is 1e36 ?
        Cte = 3631. * np.pi * Diameter**2 * 2. * photParams.exptime / 4 / h / 1.e36
        #print('Telescope::ZP_filtre: hello Cte=',Cte, ' Diam=',Diameter, 'h=',h,' exptime=',photParams.exptime)

        # What is the meaning of Skyb ?????
        self.data['Skyb'][filtre] = Cte * np.power(
            Diameter / 6.5, 2.) * np.power(
                2. * photParams.exptime / 30., 2.) * np.power(
                    photParams.platescale, 2.) * np.power(
                        10., 0.4 *
                        (25. - self.mag_sky[filtre])) * self.Sigmab[filtre]

        #What is the meaning of Sigmab, Tb, Zb   such Zb is used to calculate zero point
        Zb = 181.8 * np.power(Diameter / 6.5, 2.) * self.Tb[filtre]
        mbZ = 25. + 2.5 * np.log10(Zb)
        #filter without atmosphere
        filtre_trans = self.system[filtre]
        wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step = filtre_trans.getWavelenLimits(
            None, None, None)

        bandpass = Bandpass(wavelen=filtre_trans.wavelen, sb=filtre_trans.sb)

        flatSed = Sed()
        flatSed.setFlatSED(wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step)
        flux0 = np.power(10., -0.4 * mbZ)
        photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=filtre)
        counts = flatSed.calcADU(
            bandpass, photParams=photParams)  #number of counts for exptime
        self.data['zp'][filtre] = mbZ
        #print('Telescope::ZP_filtre hello',counts/self.photParams.exptime)
        self.data['counts_zp'][filtre] = counts / 2. * photParams.exptime

    def Calc_Integ(self, bandpass):
        Compute sum  F(lambda).dlambda/lambda in band (no unit)
             - F(lamba) : pass band
             - lambda   : wavelength
        Tool function implemented by Phillie Gris (IN2P3)
        resu = 0.
        dlam = 0
        for i, wave in enumerate(bandpass.wavelen):
            if i < len(bandpass.wavelen) - 1:
                dlam = bandpass.wavelen[i + 1] - wave
                resu += dlam * bandpass.sb[i] / wave

        return resu

    def Calc_Integ_Sed(self, sed, bandpass, wavelen=None, fnu=None):
        Calc_Integ_Sed(self,sed,bandpass,wavelen=None, fnu=None)
        Compute sum of  S_nu*F(lambda).dlambda/lambda in band units in erg/cm2/s/Hz
             - S_nu     : SED in erg/cm2/s/Hz
             - F(lamba) : pass band
             - lambda   : wavelength
             - force to use the SED S_nu (erg/cm2/s/Hz) instead of S_lamba (erg/cm2/s/nm)
        Tool function implemented by Phillie Gris (IN2P3)

        use_self = sed._checkUseSelf(wavelen, fnu)
        # Use self values if desired, otherwise use values passed to function.
        if use_self:
            # Calculate fnu if required.
            if sed.fnu is None:
                # If fnu not present, calculate. (does not regrid).
            wavelen = sed.wavelen
            fnu = sed.fnu
        # Make sure wavelen/fnu are on the same wavelength grid as bandpass.

        wavelen, fnu = sed.resampleSED(wavelen,
        fnu = np.nan_to_num(
            fnu)  # SDC(29/06/18) reset to 0 out of band where there are nan

        # Calculate the number of photons.
        nphoton = (fnu / wavelen * bandpass.sb).sum()
        dlambda = wavelen[1] - wavelen[0]

        return nphoton * dlambda

    def CalcMyMagnitudes(self):
        - author : Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
        - affiliation : LAL/IN2P3/CNRS/FRANCE
        - date   : July 4th 2018
        Check how LSST Sim compute the magnitudes.
        Compute here with self.Calc_Integ_Sed() and Sed.calcMag()
        Used just for debug purpose
        all_mag1 = []
        all_mag2 = []

        for i, band in enumerate(self.filterlist):
            filter = self.lsst_atmos[band]
            # resample the wavelength each time for the filter
            wl, fnu = self.sed.getSED_fnu()
            wavelen, fnu = self.sed.resampleSED(wl,
            fnu = np.nan_to_num(
            )  # SDC(29/06/18) reset to 0 out of band where there are nan

            self.sed = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, fnu=fnu, name=self.sed.name)
            mag1 = self.sed.calcMag(bandpass=filter, wavelen=wavelen, fnu=fnu)
            mag2 = -2.5 * np.log10(self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.sed, filter))
            print('CalcMyMagnitudes :: band = {}, mag1= {} , mag2= {}'.format(
                i, mag1, mag2))
        return np.array(all_mag1), np.array(all_mag2)

    def CalcMyZP(self):
        - author : Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
        - affiliation : LAL/IN2P3/CNRS/FRANCE
        - date   : July 5th 2018
        Calculate the Zero Points for all bands.
        This calculation should assume 1 second exposure and unit electronic gain

        for i, band in enumerate(self.filterlist):
            #for filtre in self.filterlist:
            filtre = self.lsst_atmos[band]

            # parameters
            photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band)
            Diameter = 2. * np.sqrt(
                photParams.effarea * 1.e-4 / np.pi)  # diameter in meter
            exptime = 2 * photParams.exptime
            gain = photParams.gain

            # lsst sim calculation
            # by definition Zero point is defined for unit gain and unit exposure
            zp1 = filtre.calcZP_t(photParams) + 2.5 * np.log10(gain / exptime)

            # my calculation : Zero point should be calculated for unit gain and per second of exposure

            # in Jansky divided by J (photon energy E=hc/lambda)
            Snu_Tl_dldivl_AB0 = self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.sedAB0, filtre)

            # in photoelectron per meter squared per meters per second
            # h is the Planck constant h=6.626x 10^-34 J.s
            dN_PhEl_AB0 = Snu_Tl_dldivl_AB0 / h * 1e-26 * np.pi * Diameter**2 / 4.

            zp2 = +2.5 * np.log10(dN_PhEl_AB0)

                "CalcMyZP :: band = {}, zp1(lsst_sim) = {}, zp2(me)= {}, deltaZP= {}"
                .format(i, zp1, zp2, zp1 - zp2))

    def CalcMyPhElMagnitudes(self):
        - author : Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
        - affiliation : LAL/IN2P3/CNRS/FRANCE
        - date   : July 5th 2018
        Calculate the instrumental magnitude (Photoelectrn unit) for all bands.

        all_magPhEl = []

        for i, band in enumerate(self.filterlist):
            filter = self.lsst_atmos[band]

            #typical parameters of the band
            photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band)
            Diameter = 2. * np.sqrt(
                photParams.effarea * 1.e-4 / np.pi)  # diameter in meter
            exptime = 2 * photParams.exptime

            # resample the wavelength each time for the filter
            wl, fnu = self.sed.getSED_fnu()
            wavelen, fnu = self.sed.resampleSED(wl,
            fnu = np.nan_to_num(
            )  # SDC(29/06/18) reset to 0 out of band where there are nan

            #this SED_nu is now in Jansky, units of 10-23 erg/cm2/s/Hz
            # 1 erg=10-7 J
            # 1 cm^-2 = 10^4 m^-2
            # we have to multiply the SED_nu by 10-26 to be in J/m2/s/Hz
            self.sed = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, fnu=fnu, name=self.sed.name)

            # in Jansky divided by J (photon energy E=hc/lambda)
            Snu_Tl_dldivl = self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.sed, filter)

            # in photoelectron per meter squared per meters per second
            # h is the Planck constant h=6.626x 10^-34 J.s
            dN_el = Snu_Tl_dldivl / h * 1e-26 * np.pi * Diameter**2 / 4. * exptime

            mag_el = -2.5 * np.log10(dN_el)
            print('CalcMyPhElMagnitudes :: band = {}, mag= {}'.format(
                i, mag_el))


        return np.array(all_magPhEl)

    def CalcMyADUMagnitudes(self):
        - author : Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
        - affiliation : LAL/IN2P3/CNRS/FRANCE
        - date   : July 5th 2018
        Calculate the instrumental magnitude (ADU unit) for all bands.

        all_magADU = []

        for i, band in enumerate(self.filterlist):
            filter = self.lsst_atmos[band]

            #typical parameters of the band
            photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band)
            Diameter = 2. * np.sqrt(
                photParams.effarea * 1.e-4 / np.pi)  # diameter in meter
            exptime = 2 * photParams.exptime
            gain = photParams.gain

            # resample the wavelength each time for the filter
            wl, fnu = self.sed.getSED_fnu()
            wavelen, fnu = self.sed.resampleSED(wl,
            fnu = np.nan_to_num(
            )  # SDC(29/06/18) reset to 0 out of band where there are nan

            #this SED_nu is now in Jansky, units of 10-23 erg/cm2/s/Hz
            # 1 erg=10-7 J
            # 1 cm^-2 = 10^4 m^-2
            # we have to multiply the SED_nu by 10-26 to be in J/m2/s/Hz
            self.sed = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, fnu=fnu, name=self.sed.name)

            # in Jansky divided by J (photon energy E=hc/lambda)
            Snu_Tl_dldivl = self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.sed, filter)

            # in photoelectron per meter squared per meters per second
            # h is the Planck constant h=6.626x 10^-34 J.s
            dN_ADU = Snu_Tl_dldivl / h * 1e-26 * np.pi * Diameter**2 / 4. * exptime / gain

            mag_ADU = -2.5 * np.log10(dN_ADU)
            mag_ADU2 = -2.5 * np.log10(

                'CalcMyADUMagnitudes :: band = {}, mag1= {}, mag2={}, deltaM={}'
                .format(i, mag_ADU, mag_ADU2, mag_ADU - mag_ADU2))


        return np.array(all_magADU)

    def CalcMyADUMagnitude_filter(self, band):
        - author : Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
        - affiliation : LAL/IN2P3/CNRS/FRANCE
        - date   : July 5th 2018
        Calculate the instrumental magnitude (ADU unit) for one band.

        filter = self.lsst_atmos[band]

        #typical parameters of the band
        photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band)
        Diameter = 2. * np.sqrt(
            photParams.effarea * 1.e-4 / np.pi)  # diameter in meter
        exptime = 2 * photParams.exptime
        gain = photParams.gain

        # resample the wavelength each time for the filter
        wl, fnu = self.sed.getSED_fnu()
        wavelen, fnu = self.sed.resampleSED(wl,
        fnu = np.nan_to_num(
            fnu)  # SDC(29/06/18) reset to 0 out of band where there are nan

        #this SED_nu is now in Jansky, units of 10-23 erg/cm2/s/Hz
        # 1 erg=10-7 J
        # 1 cm^-2 = 10^4 m^-2
        # we have to multiply the SED_nu by 10-26 to be in J/m2/s/Hz
        self.sed = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, fnu=fnu, name=self.sed.name)

        # in Jansky divided by J (photon energy E=hc/lambda)
        Snu_Tl_dldivl = self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.sed, filter)

        # in photoelectron per meter squared per meters per second
        # h is the Planck constant h=6.626x 10^-34 J.s
        dN_ADU = Snu_Tl_dldivl / h * 1e-26 * np.pi * Diameter**2 / 4. * exptime / gain

        mag_ADU = -2.5 * np.log10(dN_ADU)
        mag_ADU2 = -2.5 * np.log10(

        #print('CalcMyADUMagnitude_filter :: band = {}, mag1(me)= {}, mag2(lsst_sim)={}, deltaM={}'.format(band,mag_ADU,mag_ADU2,mag_ADU-mag_ADU2))

        return mag_ADU

    def CalcMyABMagnitudes(self):
        - author : Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
        - affiliation : LAL/IN2P3/CNRS/FRANCE
        - date   : July 4th 2018
        Calculate the magnitude in AB system unit for all bands.

        all_magAB = []

        for i, band in enumerate(self.filterlist):
            filter = self.lsst_atmos[band]

            # resample the wavelength each time for the filter
            wl, fnu = self.sed.getSED_fnu()
            wavelen, fnu = self.sed.resampleSED(wl,
            fnu = np.nan_to_num(
            )  # SDC(29/06/18) reset to 0 out of band where there are nan

            self.sed = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, fnu=fnu, name=self.sed.name)

            mag1 = -2.5 * np.log10(self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.sed, filter))
            mag2 = -2.5 * np.log10(self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.sedAB0, filter))
            all_magAB.append(mag1 - mag2)

            mag3 = self.sed.calcMag(bandpass=filter, wavelen=wavelen, fnu=fnu)

                'CalcMyABMagnitudes :: band = {}, mag1={} , mag2={} , deltaM(me)={}, mag3(lsst)={}'
                .format(i, mag1, mag2, mag1 - mag2, mag3))
        return np.array(all_magAB)

    def CalcMyABMagnitude_filter(self, band):
        - author : Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
        - affiliation : LAL/IN2P3/CNRS/FRANCE
        - date   : July 4th 2018
        Calculate the magnitude in AB system unit for all bands.

        filter = self.lsst_atmos[band]

        # resample the wavelength each time for the filter
        wl, fnu = self.sed.getSED_fnu()
        wavelen, fnu = self.sed.resampleSED(wl,
        fnu = np.nan_to_num(
            fnu)  # SDC(29/06/18) reset to 0 out of band where there are nan

        self.sed = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, fnu=fnu, name=self.sed.name)

        mag1 = -2.5 * np.log10(self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.sed, filter))
        mag2 = -2.5 * np.log10(self.Calc_Integ_Sed(self.sedAB0, filter))
        mag3 = self.sed.calcMag(bandpass=filter, wavelen=wavelen, fnu=fnu)

        #print('CalcMyABMagnitude_filter :: band = {}, mag1={} , mag2={} , deltaM(me)={}, mag3(lsst)={}'.format(band,mag1,mag2,mag1-mag2,mag3))
        return mag3

    def CalcMyABMagnitudesErrors(self):
        - author : Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
        - affiliation : LAL/IN2P3/CNRS/FRANCE
        - date   : July 4th 2018
        Calculate magnitude errors for all bands
        all_magABErr = []

        for i, band in enumerate(self.filterlist):

            filtre_atm = self.lsst_atmos[band]
            filtre_syst = self.lsst_system[band]

            wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step = filtre_syst.getWavelenLimits(
                None, None, None)

            photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band)
            FWHMeff = self.data['FWHMeff'][band]

            # create a Flat sed S_nu from the sky brightness magnitude
            skysed = Sed()
            skysed.setFlatSED(wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step)
            flux0b = np.power(10., -0.4 * self.mag_sky[band])

            #calcMagError filled according doc
            magerr=SignalToNoise.calcMagError_sed( \

        return np.array(all_magABErr)

    def CalcMyABMagnitudesError_filter(self, band, SkyBrightnessMag, FWHMGeom):
        - author : Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
        - affiliation : LAL/IN2P3/CNRS/FRANCE
        - date   : July 5th 2018
        Calculate magnitude errors for one band.
        Input args:
        - band : filter band
        - SkyBrighnessMag : Sky Brighness Magnitude in the band
        - FWHMGeom : Geometrical PSF in the band

        filtre_atm = self.lsst_atmos[band]
        filtre_syst = self.lsst_system[band]

        wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step = filtre_syst.getWavelenLimits(
            None, None, None)

        #calculation of effective PSF
        FWHMeff = SignalToNoise.FWHMgeom2FWHMeff(FWHMGeom)

        photParams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band)

        # create a Flat sed S_nu from the sky brightness magnitude
        skysed = Sed()
        skysed.setFlatSED(wavelen_min, wavelen_max, wavelen_step)
        flux0b = np.power(10., -0.4 * SkyBrightnessMag)

        #calcMagError filled according doc
        mag_err = SignalToNoise.calcMagError_sed(self.sed,

        return mag_err

    def Plot_Filter(self):
        plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
        for i, band in enumerate(self.filterlist):
            filter = self.lsst_atmos[band]
            plt.plot(filter.wavelen, filter.sb, 'k:')
            #plt.plot(filter.wavelen, phinorm, 'r.')

    def flux_to_mag(self, flux, band, zp=None):
        if zp is None:
            zp = self.zero_points(band)
        print('Telescope::flux_to_mag: zp', zp, band)
        m = -2.5 * np.log10(flux) + zp
        return m

    def mag_to_flux(self, mag, band, zp=None):
        if zp is None:
            zp = self.zero_points(band)
        return np.power(10., -0.4 * (mag - zp))

    def zero_points(self, band):
        return np.asarray([self.zp[b] for b in band])

    def mag_to_flux_e_sec(self, mag, band, trans, sed):

        #this should be debugged at some point
        photrams = PhotometricParameters(bandpass=band)
        E_per_sec = sed.calcADU(bandpass=trans, photParams=photParams)
        e_per_sec /= exptime / photParams.gain
        return e_per_sec

    def Set_SEDAB(self):
        Set AB source :
        Enter the SED in erg/cm2/s/nm,

        M0 = 48.6  # magnitude of a AB source
        S_nu0 = 10**(-M0 / 2.5)  # flux in erg/cm2/s/Hz : 3.630780547701003e-20
        c = 2.99792458e10  # speed of light in cm/s in CGS
        nm_to_cm = 1e-7  # conversion nm to cm
        wavelength = np.arange(300., 1151., 1)
        S_lambda0 = S_nu0 * c / (nm_to_cm) / wavelength**2  # in erg/cm2/s/nm

        self.Set_SED(wavel=wavelength, newsed=S_lambda0, name='AB-source')

    def Set_SED_AB0(self):
        Set AB source :
        Enter the SED in erg/cm2/s/nm,

        M0 = 48.6  # magnitude of a AB source
        S_nu0 = 10**(-M0 / 2.5)  # flux in erg/cm2/s/Hz : 3.630780547701003e-20
        c = 2.99792458e10  # speed of light in cm/s in CGS
        nm_to_cm = 1e-7  # conversion nm to cm
        wavelength = np.arange(300., 1151., 1)
        S_lambda0 = S_nu0 * c / (nm_to_cm) / wavelength**2  # in erg/cm2/s/nm

        self.sedAB0 = Sed(wavelen=wavelength,

    def Set_SED(self, wavel, newsed, name='Pickles'):
        Enter the SED in erg/cm2/s/nm,

        self.sed = Sed(wavelen=wavel, flambda=newsed, fnu=None, name=name)

    def Plot_SED(self):
        wl, fnu = self.sed.getSED_fnu()
        plt.plot(wl, fnu, 'b-')
        plt.xlabel("$\lambda$ (nm)")
        plt.ylabel("Flux in Jansky ($10^{-23}erg/cm^2/s/Hz$")
        title = 'SED '
Exemplo n.º 8
# Calculate dust extinction a_x and b_x vectors.
a_mw, b_mw = stars[starlist[0]].setupCCMab()
# Set up dictionary + arrays to hold calculated magnitude information.
mags1 = {}
for f in filterlist:
    mags1[f] = numpy.zeros(num_star, dtype="float")
# For each star (in num_star's), apply apply MW dust, fluxnorm & calculate mags.
for i in range(num_star):
    starname = starlist[star_name[i]]
    tmpstar = Sed(wavelen=stars[starname].wavelen, flambda=stars[starname].flambda)
    tmpstar.addCCMDust(a_mw, b_mw, ebv=ebv_mw[i])
    # Note that the stars have already been matched to the bandpass wavelength grid.
    # Just want to be sure that fnu is already calculated.
    for f in filterlist:
        mags1[f][i] = tmpstar.calcMag(lsstbp[f])
dt, t = dtime(t)
print "Calculating dust/fluxnorm/%d magnitudes with some smart usage for %d stars took %f s" % (

# Test Sed.manyMagCalc :

# First: (re) calculate internal a/b on wavelength range required for dust extinction.
a_mw, b_mw = stars[starlist[0]].setupCCMab()
# Also: set up phi for each bandpass - ahead of time. And set up a list of bandpasses, then create phiarray