Exemplo n.º 1
    def _dePrecess(self, ra_in, dec_in, obs_metadata):
        Transform a set of RA, Dec pairs by subtracting out a rotation
        which represents the effects of precession, nutation, and aberration.


        Calculate the displacement between the boresite and the boresite
        corrected for precession, nutation, and aberration (not refraction).

        Convert boresite and corrected boresite to Cartesian coordinates.

        Calculate the rotation matrix to go between those Cartesian vectors.

        Convert [ra_in, dec_in] into Cartesian coordinates.

        Apply the rotation vector to those Cartesian coordinates.

        Convert back to ra, dec-like coordinates

        @param [in] ra_in is a numpy array of RA in radians

        @param [in] dec_in is a numpy array of Dec in radians

        @param [in] obs_metadata is an ObservationMetaData

        @param [out] ra_out is a numpy array of de-precessed RA in radians

        @param [out] dec_out is a numpy array of de-precessed Dec in radians

        if len(ra_in) == 0:
            return np.array([[], []])

        # Calculate the rotation matrix to go from the precessed bore site
        # to the ICRS bore site
        xyz_bore = cartesianFromSpherical(np.array([obs_metadata._pointingRA]),

        precessedRA, precessedDec = _observedFromICRS(np.array([obs_metadata._pointingRA]),
                                                      obs_metadata=obs_metadata, epoch=2000.0,

        xyz_precessed = cartesianFromSpherical(precessedRA, precessedDec)

        rotMat = rotationMatrixFromVectors(xyz_precessed[0], xyz_bore[0])

        xyz_list = cartesianFromSpherical(ra_in, dec_in)

        xyz_de_precessed = np.array([np.dot(rotMat, xx) for xx in xyz_list])
        ra_deprecessed, dec_deprecessed = sphericalFromCartesian(xyz_de_precessed)
        return np.array([ra_deprecessed, dec_deprecessed])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _icrsFromPhoSim(self, raPhoSim, decPhoSim, obs_metadata):
        This method will convert from the 'deprecessed' coordinates expected by
        PhoSim to ICRS coordinates

        raPhoSim is the PhoSim RA-like coordinate (in radians)

        decPhoSim is the PhoSim Dec-like coordinate (in radians)

        obs_metadata is an ObservationMetaData characterizing the
        telescope pointing

        raICRS in radians

        decICRS in radians

        # Calculate the rotation matrix to go from the ICRS bore site to the
        # precessed bore site
        xyz_bore = cartesianFromSpherical(np.array([obs_metadata._pointingRA]),

        precessedRA, precessedDec = _observedFromICRS(np.array([obs_metadata._pointingRA]),
                                                      obs_metadata=obs_metadata, epoch=2000.0,

        xyz_precessed = cartesianFromSpherical(precessedRA, precessedDec)

        rotMat = rotationMatrixFromVectors(xyz_bore[0], xyz_precessed[0])

        # apply this rotation matrix to the PhoSim RA, Dec-like coordinates,
        # transforming back to "Observed" RA and Dec
        xyz_list = cartesianFromSpherical(raPhoSim, decPhoSim)
        xyz_obs = np.array([np.dot(rotMat, xx) for xx in xyz_list])
        ra_obs, dec_obs = sphericalFromCartesian(xyz_obs)

        # convert to ICRS coordinates
        return _icrsFromObserved(ra_obs, dec_obs, obs_metadata=obs_metadata,
                                 epoch=2000.0, includeRefraction=False)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testRotationMatrixFromVectors(self):
        v1 = np.zeros((3), dtype=float)
        v2 = np.zeros((3), dtype=float)
        v3 = np.zeros((3), dtype=float)

        v1[0] = -3.044619987218469825e-01
        v2[0] = 5.982190522311925385e-01
        v1[1] = -5.473550908956383854e-01
        v2[1] = -5.573565912346714057e-01
        v1[2] = 7.795545496018386755e-01
        v2[2] = -5.757495946632366079e-01

        output = utils.rotationMatrixFromVectors(v1, v2)

        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                v3[i] += output[i][j]*v1[j]

        for i in range(3):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(v3[i], v2[i], 7)

        v1 = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.rotationMatrixFromVectors, v1, v2)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.rotationMatrixFromVectors, v2, v1)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, ra0, dec0, ra1, dec1):
        ra0, dec0 are the coordinates of the original field
        center in degrees
        ra1, dec1 are the coordinates of the new field center
        in degrees
        The transform() method of this class operates by first
        applying a rotation that carries the original field center
        into the new field center.  Points are then transformed into
        a basis in which the unit vector defining the new field center
        is the x-axis.  A rotation about the x-axis is applied so that
        a point that was due north of the original field center is still
        due north of the field center at the new location.  Finally,
        points are transformed back into the original x,y,z bases.

        # find the rotation that carries the original field center
        # to the new field center
        xyz = cartesianFromSpherical(np.radians(ra0), np.radians(dec0))
        xyz1 = cartesianFromSpherical(np.radians(ra1), np.radians(dec1))
        if np.abs(1.0-np.dot(xyz, xyz1))<1.0e-10:
            self._transformation = np.identity(3, dtype=float)

        first_rotation = rotationMatrixFromVectors(xyz, xyz1)

        # create a basis set in which the unit vector
        # defining the new field center is the x axis
        xx = np.dot(first_rotation, xyz)
        rng = np.random.RandomState(99)
        mag = np.NaN
        while np.abs(mag)<1.0e-20 or np.isnan(mag):
            random_vec = rng.random_sample(3)
            comp = np.dot(random_vec, xx)
            yy = random_vec - comp*xx
            mag = np.sqrt((yy**2).sum())
            yy /= mag

        zz = np.cross(xx, yy)

        to_self_bases = np.array([xx,

        out_of_self_bases =to_self_bases.transpose()

        # Take a point due north of the original field
        # center.  Apply first_rotation to carry it to
        # the new field.  Transform it to the [xx, yy, zz]
        # bases and find the rotation about xx that will
        # make it due north of the new field center.
        # Finally, transform back to the original bases.
        d_dec = 0.1
        north = cartesianFromSpherical(np.radians(ra0),

        north = np.dot(first_rotation, north)


        north_true = cartesianFromSpherical(np.radians(ra1),

        north = np.dot(to_self_bases, north)
        north_true = np.dot(to_self_bases, north_true)
        north = np.array([north[1], north[2]])
        north /= np.sqrt((north**2).sum())
        north_true = np.array([north_true[1], north_true[2]])
        north_true /= np.sqrt((north_true**2).sum())

        c = north_true[0]*north[0]+north_true[1]*north[1]
        s = north[0]*north_true[1]-north[1]*north_true[0]
        norm = np.sqrt(c*c+s*s)
        c = c/norm
        s = s/norm

        nprime = np.array([c*north[0]-s*north[1],

        yz_rotation = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                [0.0, c, -s],
                                [0.0, s, c]])

        second_rotation = np.dot(out_of_self_bases,

        self._transformation = np.dot(second_rotation,
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, ra0, dec0, ra1, dec1):
        ra0, dec0 are the coordinates of the original field
        center in radians

        ra1, dec1 are the coordinates of the new field center
        in radians

        The transform() method of this class operates by first
        applying a rotation that carries the original field center
        into the new field center.  Points are then transformed into
        a basis in which the unit vector defining the new field center
        is the x-axis.  A rotation about the x-axis is applied so that
        a point that was due north of the original field center is still
        due north of the field center at the new location.  Finally,
        points are transformed back into the original x,y,z bases.

        self._ra0 = ra0
        self._dec0 = dec0
        self._ra1 = ra1
        self._dec1 = dec1

        # find the rotation that carries the original field center
        # to the new field center
        xyz = cartesianFromSpherical(ra0, dec0)
        xyz1 = cartesianFromSpherical(ra1, dec1)
        if np.abs(1.0-np.dot(xyz, xyz1))<1.0e-10:
            self._transformation = np.identity(3, dtype=float)

        first_rotation = rotationMatrixFromVectors(xyz, xyz1)

        # create a basis set in which the unit vector
        # defining the new field center is the x axis
        xx = np.dot(first_rotation, xyz)
        rng = np.random.RandomState(99)
        mag = np.NaN
        while np.abs(mag)<1.0e-20 or np.isnan(mag):
            random_vec = rng.random_sample(3)
            comp = np.dot(random_vec, xx)
            yy = random_vec - comp*xx
            mag = np.sqrt((yy**2).sum())
            yy /= mag

        zz = np.cross(xx, yy)

        to_self_bases = np.array([xx,

        out_of_self_bases =to_self_bases.transpose()

        # Take a point due north of the original field
        # center.  Apply first_rotation to carry it to
        # the new field.  Transform it to the [xx, yy, zz]
        # bases and find the rotation about xx that will
        # make it due north of the new field center.
        # Finally, transform back to the original bases.
        d_dec = np.radians(0.1)
        north = cartesianFromSpherical(ra0,dec0+d_dec)

        north = np.dot(first_rotation, north)


        north_true = cartesianFromSpherical(ra1, dec1+d_dec)

        north = np.dot(to_self_bases, north)
        north_true = np.dot(to_self_bases, north_true)
        north = np.array([north[1], north[2]])
        north /= np.sqrt((north**2).sum())
        north_true = np.array([north_true[1], north_true[2]])
        north_true /= np.sqrt((north_true**2).sum())

        c = north_true[0]*north[0]+north_true[1]*north[1]
        s = north[0]*north_true[1]-north[1]*north_true[0]
        norm = np.sqrt(c*c+s*s)
        c = c/norm
        s = s/norm

        nprime = np.array([c*north[0]-s*north[1],

        yz_rotation = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                [0.0, c, -s],
                                [0.0, s, c]])

        second_rotation = np.dot(out_of_self_bases,

        self._transformation = np.dot(second_rotation,