Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: coil.py Projeto: napratin/nap
 def __init__(self):
   # * Create application context, passing in custom arguments, and get a logger
   argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
   #argParser.add_argument('--in', type=str, default="coil-100", help="path to directory containing input images")  # use input_source as directory; default to current directory
   argParser.add_argument('--out', type=str, default=None, help="path to output directory")  # should this be a common parameter in Context?
   argParser.add_argument('--obj', type=str, default="1,101,1", required=False, help="object ID range, right-open interval <start>,<stop>,<step> (no spaces); default: full range")
   argParser.add_argument('--view', type=str, default="0,360,5", required=False, help="view angle range in degrees, right-open interval <start>,<stop>,<step> (no spaces); default: full range")
   self.context = Context.createInstance(description="COIL-100 image dataset processor", parent_argparsers=[argParser])  # TODO how to gather arg parsers from other interested parties?
   self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
   # * Parse arguments
   self.inDir = self.context.options.input_source  # should be an absolute path to a dir with COIL images; if it is a file/camera instead, it will be used as sole input
   # TODO also accept wildcards using glob.glob()?
   self.outDir = self.context.options.out  # just for convenience
   self.outFile = None
   if self.outDir is not None:  # TODO otherwise default to some directory?
     if os.path.isdir(self.outDir):
       now = datetime.now()
       outFilepath = os.path.join(self.outDir, "{}{}{}{}{}.{}".format(self.output_file_prefix, self.output_file_sep, now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), self.output_file_sep, now.strftime('%H-%M-%S'), self.output_file_ext))
       self.logger.info("Output file: {}".format(outFilepath))
       self.outFile = open(outFilepath, 'w')  # open output file for storing features (TODO use with.. block instead in start()?)
       self.logger.warn("Invalid output directory \"{}\"; no output will be saved".format(self.outDir))
       self.outDir = None  # TODO create output directory if it doesn't exist
   self.objRange = xrange(*(int(x) for x in self.context.options.obj.split(',')))
   self.viewRange = xrange(*(int(x) for x in self.context.options.view.split(',')))
   # * Create visual system and manager
   self.context.update()  # get fresh time
   self.visSys = VisualSystem(imageSize=self.image_size, timeNow=self.context.timeNow)
   self.visMan = COILManager(self.visSys)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
   # * Create application context, passing in custom arguments, and get a logger
   argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
   argParser.add_argument('--features', type=str, default=None, help="features to look for, comma separated")
   self.context = Context.createInstance(description=self.__class__.__name__, parent_argparsers=[argParser])
   self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
   # * Parse arguments
   self.features = self.context.options.features.split(',') if (hasattr(self.context.options, 'features') and self.context.options.features is not None) else []
   self.featureWeights = dict()
   for feature in self.features:
     if ':' in feature:  # check for explicit weights, e.g. RG:0.8,BY:0.75
         featureSpec = feature.split(':')
         self.featureWeights[featureSpec[0].strip()] = float(featureSpec[1].strip())
       except Exception as e:
         self.logger.warn("Invalid feature specification '%s': %s", feature, e)
     else:  # use default weight
       self.featureWeights[feature.strip()] = default_feature_weight
   if 'rest' not in self.featureWeights:
     self.featureWeights['rest'] = default_feature_weight_rest  # explicitly specify rest, otherwise previous weights will remain
   self.logger.info("Searching with feature weights: %s", self.featureWeights)
   # * Create systems and associated managers
   self.context.update()  # get fresh time
   self.visSys = VisualSystem(imageSize=self.image_size, timeNow=self.context.timeNow, showMonitor=False)
   self.visMan = VisionManager(self.visSys, screen_background=self.screen_background)
   # TODO: Design a better way to share systems/managers (every system has a parent/containing agent?)
   # * Export RPC calls, if enabled
   if self.context.isRPCEnabled:
     self.logger.info("Exporting RPC calls")
     rpc.refresh()  # Context is expected to have started RPC server
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, imageSize=default_image_size, timeNow=0.0):
   # * Initialize members, parameters
   self.context = Context.getInstance()
   self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
   self.logger.debug("Creating simplified Retina")  # to distinguish from other Retina versions
   self.imageSize = imageSize
   self.imageCenter = (self.imageSize[1] / 2, self.imageSize[0] / 2)
   self.timeNow = timeNow
   self.bounds = np.float32([[0.0, 0.0, 2.0], [self.imageSize[0] - 1, self.imageSize[1] - 1, 4.0]])
   self.center = (self.bounds[0] + self.bounds[1]) / 2
   self.logger.debug("Retina center: {}, image size: {}".format(self.center, self.imageSize))
   self.bipolarBlurSize = (5, 5)  # size of blurring kernel used when computing Bipolar cell response
   self.ganglionCenterSurroundKernel = np.float32(
     [ [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
       [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
       [ -1, -1,  7,  7,  7, -1, -1 ],
       [ -1, -1,  7,  9,  7, -1, -1 ],
       [ -1, -1,  7,  7,  7, -1, -1 ],
       [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
       [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ] ])
   self.ganglionCenterSurroundKernel /= np.sum(self.ganglionCenterSurroundKernel)  # normalize
   #self.logger.info("Ganglion center-surround kernel:\n{}".format(self.ganglionCenterSurroundKernel))  # [debug]
   self.ganglionKernelLevels = 4
   self.ganglionKernels = [None] * self.ganglionKernelLevels
   self.ganglionKernels[0] = self.ganglionCenterSurroundKernel
   for i in xrange(1, self.ganglionKernelLevels):
     self.ganglionKernels[i] = cv2.resize(self.ganglionKernels[i - 1], dsize=None, fx=2, fy=2)
     self.ganglionKernels[i] /= np.sum(self.ganglionKernels[i])  # normalize
   #self.logger.info("Ganglion center-surround kernel sizes ({} levels): {}".format(self.ganglionKernelLevels, ", ".join("{}".format(k.shape) for k in self.ganglionKernels)))  # [debug]
   # * Image and related members
   self.imageCenter = (self.imageSize[1] / 2, self.imageSize[0] / 2)
   self.imageShapeC3 = (self.imageSize[1], self.imageSize[0], 3)  # numpy shape for 3 channel images
   self.imageShapeC1 = (self.imageSize[1], self.imageSize[0])  # numpy shape for single channel images
   # NOTE Image shapes (h, w, 1) and (h, w) are not compatible unless we use keepdims=True for numpy operations
   self.imageTypeInt = np.uint8  # numpy dtype for integer-valued images
   self.imageTypeFloat = np.float32  # numpy dtype for real-valued images
   self.images = OrderedDict()
   # ** RGB and HSV images
   self.images['BGR'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC3, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   self.images['HSV'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC3, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   self.images['H'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   self.images['S'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   self.images['V'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   # ** Freq/hue-dependent response images for rods and different cone types
   self.imageRod = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesCone = dict()  # NOTE dict keys must match names of Cone.cone_types
   self.imagesCone['S'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesCone['M'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesCone['L'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   # ** Bipolar and Ganglion cell response images
   # TODO Add more Ganglion cell types with different receptive field properties (color-opponent cells)
   #   'RG' +Red    -Green
   #   'GR' +Green  -Red
   #   'RB' +Red    -Blue
   #   'BR' +Blue   -Red
   #   'BY' +Blue   -Yellow
   #   'YB' +Yellow -Blue
   #   'WK' +White  -Black (currently 'ON')
   #   'KW' +Black  -White (currently 'OFF')
   # NOTE: R = L cones, G = M cones, B = S cones
   self.imagesBipolar = dict()
   self.imagesBipolar['ON'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesBipolar['OFF'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesGanglion = dict()
   self.imagesGanglion['ON'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesGanglion['OFF'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   # TODO Verify why image shapes (h, w, 1) and (h, w) are not compatible (use keepdims=True for numpy operations)
   self.imagesGanglion['RG'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesGanglion['GR'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesGanglion['RB'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesGanglion['BR'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesGanglion['BY'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesGanglion['YB'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   # ** Combined response (salience) image
   self.imageSalience = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   # ** Spatial attention map with a central (covert) spotlight (currently unused; TODO move to VisualCortex? also, use np.ogrid?)
   self.imageAttention = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   cv2.circle(self.imageAttention, (self.imageSize[1] / 2, self.imageSize[0] / 2), self.imageSize[0] / 3, 1.0, cv.CV_FILLED)
   self.imageAttention = cv2.blur(self.imageAttention, (self.imageSize[0] / 4, self.imageSize[0] / 4))  # coarse blur
   # ** Output image(s)
   if self.context.options.gui:
     self.imageOut = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC3, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
Exemplo n.º 4
    # * TODO Compute feature vector of attended region
    # * Show output images if in GUI mode
    if self.context.options.gui:
      #cv2.imshow("Hue", self.images['H'])
      #cv2.imshow("Saturation", self.images['S'])
      #cv2.imshow("Value", self.images['V'])
      cv2.imshow("Rod response", self.imageRod)
      cv2.imshow("S-cone response", self.imagesCone['S'])
      cv2.imshow("M-cone response", self.imagesCone['M'])
      cv2.imshow("L-cone response", self.imagesCone['L'])
      cv2.imshow("ON Bipolar cells", self.imagesBipolar['ON'])
      cv2.imshow("OFF Bipolar cells", self.imagesBipolar['OFF'])
      #cv2.imshow("ON Ganglion cells", self.imagesGanglion['ON'])
      #cv2.imshow("OFF Ganglion cells", self.imagesGanglion['OFF'])
      for ganglionType, ganglionImage in self.imagesGanglion.iteritems():
        cv2.imshow("{} Ganglion cells".format(ganglionType), ganglionImage)
      cv2.imshow("Salience", self.imageSalience)
      # Designate a representative output image
      self.imageOut = self.imageSalience
      #_, self.imageOut = cv2.threshold(self.imageOut, 0.15, 1.0, cv2.THRESH_TOZERO)  # apply threshold to remove low-response regions
    return True, self.imageOut

if __name__ == "__main__":
  Context.createInstance(description="Test application that uses a SimplifiedProjector to run image input through a (simplified) Retina.")
Exemplo n.º 5
    #result_uint8 = cv2.normalize(result, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8U)  # normalize (issue is variable scale)
    result_uint8 = np.uint8(result * 255.0)  # scale, for display (better avoid and return None if no GUI)
    #return result_uint8, minMatch, maxMatch, minMatchLoc, maxMatchLoc  # too many returns, generalize to *best* match value and loc
    if self.method == cv2.TM_SQDIFF or self.method == cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED:
      return PatternMatch(value=minMatch, location=minMatchLoc, result=result_uint8, matcher=self)
    else:  # TM_CCORR or TM_CCOEFF
      return PatternMatch(value=maxMatch, location=maxMatchLoc, result=result_uint8, matcher=self)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
  argParser.add_argument('--zelinsky', action='store_true', help="run a Zelinsky search agent")
  argParser.add_argument('--target', default='Q', choices=('Q', 'O'), help='target symbol (Q or O)')
  argParser.add_argument('--size', dest='num_stimuli', type=int, default=5, help='display size (no. of stimuli) to expect')
  argParser.add_argument('--features', type=str, default=None, help="features to look for, comma separated")  # duplicated for VisualSearchAgent (TODO: Find a better way to unify args, parsers)
  context = Context.createInstance(description="Zelinsky search agent", parent_argparsers=[argParser])
  if context.options.zelinsky:
    if context.options.features is None:
      context.options.features = 'OFF:1.0'  # Zelinsky-specific
    ZelinksyFinder(target=context.options.target, distractors=('O' if context.options.target == 'Q' else 'Q'), numStimuli=context.options.num_stimuli).run()
  # Some example invocations
  #ZelinksyFinder(target='Q', distractors=['O'], numStimuli= 5).run()  # target: 'Q', distractor: 'O'; size:  5 [default]
  #ZelinksyFinder(target='Q', distractors=['O'], numStimuli=17).run()  # target: 'Q', distractor: 'O'; size: 17
  #ZelinksyFinder(target='O', distractors=['Q'], numStimuli= 5).run()  # target: 'O', distractor: 'Q'; size:  5
  #ZelinksyFinder(target='O', distractors=['Q'], numStimuli=17).run()  # target: 'O', distractor: 'Q'; size: 17
Exemplo n.º 6
    self.move(np.int_([-offset[0], -offset[1]]))  # move back to center
  def enableEventLogging(self, filename_prefix="ocular-events", rpc_export=False, start_server=False):
    eventFilename = "logs/{}_{}.log".format(filename_prefix, time.strftime(EventLogger.timestamp_format, time.localtime(time.time())))
    self.eventLogger = EventLogger(eventFilename, rpc_export=rpc_export, start_server=start_server)
    self.logEvents = True

  def getFocusPoint(self):
    return self.projector.focusPoint
  def getFocusOffset(self):
    return (self.projector.focusPoint[0] - self.projector.screenSize[0] / 2, self.projector.focusPoint[1] - self.projector.screenSize[1] / 2) 
  def getVelocity(self):
    return self.v

# Testing
if __name__ == "__main__":
  context = Context.createInstance(description="Ocular motion testing")
  projector = Projector()
  ocular = EmulatedOcularMotionSystem(projector)
  runner = InputRunner(projector)
  while runner.update():
    if not ocular.isMoving:
      ocular.move(np.int_([np.random.uniform(-100, 100), np.random.uniform(-100, 100)]))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, imageSize=default_image_size, timeNow=0.0):
   # * Initialize members, parameters
   self.context = Context.getInstance()
   self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
   self.imageSize = imageSize
   self.timeNow = timeNow
   self.bounds = np.float32([[0.0, 0.0, 2.0], [self.imageSize[0] - 1, self.imageSize[1] - 1, 4.0]])
   self.center = (self.bounds[0] + self.bounds[1]) / 2
   self.logger.debug("Retina center: {}, image size: {}".format(self.center, self.imageSize))
   self.rodDistribution = SymmetricLogNormal(mu=5.0, sigma=0.5, center=self.center)
   self.rodPlotColor = 'darkmagenta'
   self.coneDistribution = MultivariateNormal(mu=self.center, cov=(np.float32([1000.0, 1000.0, 1.0]) * np.identity(3, dtype=np.float32)))
   # TODO Create cone populations of different types with their respective spatial distributions (e.g. blue cones are mostly spread out)
   self.conePlotColor = 'darkgreen'
   self.conePlotColorsByType = [hsv_to_rgb(np.float32([[[coneType.hueResponse.mu / 180.0, 1.0, 1.0]]]))[0, 0] for coneType in Cone.cone_types]
   self.bipolarCellDistribution = MultivariateNormal(mu=self.center + np.float32([0.0, 0.0, 10.0]), cov=(np.float32([16000.0, 16000.0, 1.0]) * np.identity(3, dtype=np.float32)))
   self.bipolarCellPlotColor = 'orange'
   # * Image and related members
   self.imageCenter = (self.imageSize[1] / 2, self.imageSize[0] / 2)
   self.imageShapeC3 = (self.imageSize[1], self.imageSize[0], 3)  # numpy shape for 3 channel images
   self.imageShapeC1 = (self.imageSize[1], self.imageSize[0])  # numpy shape for single channel images
   # NOTE Image shapes (h, w, 1) and (h, w) are not compatible unless we use keepdims=True for numpy operations
   self.imageTypeInt = np.uint8  # numpy dtype for integer-valued images
   self.imageTypeFloat = np.float32  # numpy dtype for real-valued images
   self.images = OrderedDict()
   # ** RGB and HSV images
   self.images['BGR'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC3, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   self.images['HSV'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC3, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   self.images['H'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   self.images['S'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   self.images['V'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   # ** Freq/hue-dependent response images for rods and different cone types
   self.imageRod = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesCone = dict()  # NOTE dict keys must match names of Cone.cone_types
   self.imagesCone['S'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesCone['M'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   self.imagesCone['L'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeFloat)
   # ** Output image(s)
   self.imageOut = None
   if self.context.options.gui:
     self.imageOut = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC3, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
     self.imagesBipolar = dict()
     self.imagesBipolar['ON'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
     self.imagesBipolar['OFF'] = np.zeros(self.imageShapeC1, dtype=self.imageTypeInt)
   # * Create neuron populations
   # ** Photoreceptors
   self.rods = Population(numNeurons=self.num_rods, timeNow=self.timeNow, neuronTypes=[Rod], bounds=self.bounds, distribution=self.rodDistribution, retina=self)
   self.cones = Population(numNeurons=self.num_cones, timeNow=self.timeNow, neuronTypes=[Cone], bounds=self.bounds, distribution=self.coneDistribution, retina=self)
   self.coneTypeNames = [coneType.name for coneType in Cone.cone_types]  # mainly for plotting
   # ** Bipolar cells
   self.bipolarCells = Population(numNeurons=self.num_bipolar_cells, timeNow=self.timeNow, neuronTypes=[BipolarCell], bounds=self.bounds, distribution=self.bipolarCellDistribution, retina=self)
   # * Connect neuron populations
   growthConeDirection = self.bipolarCells.distribution.mu - self.cones.distribution.mu  # NOTE only using cone distribution center
   growthConeDirection /= np.linalg.norm(growthConeDirection, ord=2)  # need a unit vector
   self.cones.connectWith(self.bipolarCells, maxConnectionsPerNeuron=10, growthCone=GrowthCone(growthConeDirection, spreadFactor=1))
   self.rods.connectWith(self.bipolarCells, maxConnectionsPerNeuron=25, growthCone=GrowthCone(growthConeDirection, spreadFactor=1))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def setUp(self):
Exemplo n.º 9
        if keyChar == '.':
          self.testRodIdx = (self.testRodIdx + 1) % len(self.target.rods.neurons)
          self.testRod = self.target.rods.neurons[self.testRodIdx]
          self.logger.info("[>] Test rod [{}]: {}".format(self.testRodIdx, self.testRod))
        elif keyChar == ',':
          self.testRodIdx = (self.testRodIdx - 1) % len(self.target.rods.neurons)
          self.testRod = self.target.rods.neurons[self.testRodIdx]
          self.logger.info("[<] Test rod [{}]: {}".format(self.testRodIdx, self.testRod))
          return Projector.onKeyPress(self, key, keyChar)
        return True
    print "Running MonitoringProjector instance..."
    run(MonitoringProjector(Projector), description="Retina processing with monitor on a single neuron.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
  argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
  argParser.add_argument('--test', default="test_projector", help="test case to run (a test_ method in TestRetina)")
  context = Context.createInstance(parent_argparsers=[argParser])
    runner = TestRetina(context.options.test).run
    if context.options.debug:
      import pdb
  except ValueError as e:
    print "Invalid test: {}".format(e)
    print "Pick from: {}".format(", ".join(name for name, method in inspect.getmembers(TestRetina, predicate=inspect.ismethod) if name.startswith("test_")))