def get_purchase_users(startDate, endDate): query = """ select up.user_id from user_product up join user u on up.user_id = join (select user_id, max(purchase_date) as last_purchase_date from user_product group by 1) x on x.user_id = up.user_id left join (SELECT user_id, min(uploaded_on) as uploaded_on from periscope.document_merged where user_id <> `uploaded_by` and type_id in (8000, 3003, 3004, 7000, 4000, 4001, 1004, 7000, 9003) group by 1 ) dm on dm.user_id = up.user_id left join partner_plan_participant ppp on ppp.user_id = up.user_id where ppp.user_id is null and u.is_lv_user = 0 and u.is_test_user = 0 and up.promo_code <> 'REPLAN100' and u.yodlee_user_id is not null and up.`purchase_category` in ('UPGRADE') and up.purchase_date > '""" + str(startDate) + """' and up.purchase_date < '""" + str(endDate) + """' """ table = lv_query.libran(query) users = table['user_id'].values return(users)
def get_accounts(users, df_list): query = """ select a.user_id, round(sum(la.curr_act_balance),0) as assets_balance, b.liabilities as liabilities_balance, count(1) as account_count, sum(case when a.container_type = 'bank' then 1 else 0 end) as bank_accounts, sum(case when a.container_type = 'stocks' then 1 else 0 end) as stocks_accounts, b.count_credits, b.count_loans as l from onboarding_account a join linked_account la on = a.linked_account_id join (select oa.user_id, round(sum(la.curr_act_balance),0) as liabilities, sum(case when la.container_type = 'credits' then 1 else 0 end) as count_credits, sum(case when la.container_type = 'loans' then 1 else 0 end) as count_loans from onboarding_account oa join linked_account la on = oa.linked_account_id where oa.container_type in ('credits','loans') and = 'S' and oa.user_id IN (%s) group by 1) b on a.user_id = b.user_id where a.container_type in ('bank','cash','stocks') and = 'S' and a.user_id IN (%s) group by 1; """ % (", ".join(map(str,users)), ", ".join(map(str,users))) linked_accounts = lv_query.libran(query) df_list.append(linked_accounts) return(df_list)
def get_call_data(users, df_list): query = """ SELECT cs.user_id, ss_complete.start_time as 'SS_call_completed', ss_scheduled.start_time as 'SS_call_scheduled', action_complete.start_time as 'Action_call_completed', action_scheduled.start_time as 'Action_call_scheduled' FROM coach_slot cs left join (select user_id, cs.start_time from coach_slot cs join user u on = cs.user_id where cs.call_status_id = 103 and cs.call_type_id = 200 and u.is_lv_user = 0 and u.is_test_user = 0 and (u.profile_access <> 'lv_employee' or u.profile_access is null) and cs.call_status_id = 103) ss_complete on ss_complete.user_id = cs.user_id left join (select user_id, max(cs.start_time) as start_time from coach_slot cs join user u on = cs.user_id where cs.call_type_id = 200 and (cs.call_status_id = 103 or cs.call_status_id = 102) and u.is_lv_user = 0 and u.is_test_user = 0 and (u.profile_access <> 'lv_employee' or u.profile_access is null) group by 1) ss_scheduled on ss_scheduled.user_id = cs.user_id left join (select user_id, cs.start_time from coach_slot cs join user u on = cs.user_id where cs.call_status_id = 103 and cs.call_type_id = 201 and u.is_lv_user = 0 and u.is_test_user = 0 and (u.profile_access <> 'lv_employee' or u.profile_access is null) and cs.call_status_id = 103) action_complete on action_complete.user_id = cs.user_id left join (select user_id, cs.start_time from coach_slot cs join user u on = cs.user_id where cs.call_type_id = 201 and (cs.call_status_id = 103 or cs.call_status_id = 102) and u.is_lv_user = 0 and u.is_test_user = 0 and (u.profile_access <> 'lv_employee' or u.profile_access is null) group by 1) action_scheduled on action_scheduled.user_id = cs.user_id where cs.user_id IN (%s) group by 1 """ % ", ".join(map(str,users)) calls = lv_query.libran(query) df_list.append(calls) return(df_list)
def get_plan(users, df_list): query = """ SELECT user_id, uploaded_on, (case when uploaded_on then 1 else 0 end) as plan_delivered from periscope.document_merged where user_id <> `uploaded_by` and type_id in (8000, 3003, 3004, 7000, 4000, 4001, 1004, 7000, 9003) and user_id IN (%s) group by 1 """ % ", ".join(map(str,users)) plan_delivered = lv_query.libran(query) df_list.append(plan_delivered) return(df_list)
def get_challenges(users, df_list=None): query = """ select c.client_id as user_id, count(*) as challenges_active, sum(case when status = 'ACHIEVED' then 1 else 0 end) as challlenges_achieved from periscope.challenge_merged c where c.status not in ('PENDING') and c.is_active = 1 and curdate() between c.start_date and c.end_date and c.client_id IN (%s) group by 1 """ % ", ".join(map(str,users)) challenges = lv_query.libran(query) df_list.append(challenges) return(df_list)
def get_onboarding(users, df_list): query = """ select * from ( select oei.user_id, ifnull(sum(obei.annual_income),'') as annual_income, ifnull(op.ownership,'') as home_ownership, TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, oi.birthday, curdate()) as age, (case when oi.relationship_status = 'SINGLE' then 1 else 0 end) as single , obi.feels_about_managing_finances as confidence, (case when obi.have_children = 'YES' then 1 else 0 end) as 'have_children', oei.employment_type as employment_type from onboarding_intro oi join onboarding_basics_info obi on obi.user_id = oi.user_id join onboarding_budget_employment_income obei on oi.user_id = obei.user_id join onboarding_property_info op on oi.user_id = op.user_id join onboarding_employment_info oei on oei.user_id = oi.user_id where oei.owner = 'CLIENT' and = 'S' and oei.user_id IN (%s) group by 1 ) x left join (select oei.user_id as user_id2, sum(annual_income) as partner_income, oei.employment_type as partner_employment_type from onboarding_intro oi left join onboarding_employment_info oei on oei.user_id = oi.user_id left join onboarding_budget_employment_income obei on oei.user_id = obei.user_id and = obei.employment_info_id where relationship_status <> 'SINGLE' and oei.owner = 'partner' and obei.owner='partner' group by 1) y on x.user_id = y.user_id2 """ % ", ".join(map(str,users)) onboarding = lv_query.libran(query) onboarding.drop('user_id2', inplace=True, axis=1) def full_part_time(x): if x == 'FULL_TIME' or x =='PART_TIME': return 1 else: return 0 onboarding['FT_PT_employment']= onboarding['employment_type'].apply(lambda x: full_part_time(x)) onboarding['partner_FT_PT_employment']= onboarding['partner_employment_type'].apply(lambda x: full_part_time(x)) df_list.append(onboarding) return(df_list)
def get_purchase(users, df_list): query = """ select up.user_id, last_login_on, DATEDIFF(curdate(), last_login_on) as days_since_last_login, x.last_purchase_date as last_purchase_date, DATEDIFF(curdate(), last_purchase_date) as days_since_purchase, up.expired+0 as expired, uploaded_on, DATEDIFF(curdate(), uploaded_on) as days_since_uploaded, (case when uploaded_on then 1 else 0 end) as plan_delivered, DATEDIFF(uploaded_on, purchase_date) as days_to_delivery from user_product up join user u on up.user_id = join (select user_id, max(purchase_date) as last_purchase_date from user_product group by 1) x on x.user_id = up.user_id left join (SELECT user_id, min(uploaded_on) as uploaded_on from periscope.document_merged where user_id <> `uploaded_by` and type_id in (8000, 3003, 3004, 7000, 4000, 4001, 1004, 7000, 9003) group by 1 ) dm on dm.user_id = up.user_id left join partner_plan_participant ppp on ppp.user_id = up.user_id where ppp.user_id is null and u.is_lv_user = 0 and u.is_test_user = 0 and up.promo_code <> 'REPLAN100' and u.yodlee_user_id is not null and up.`purchase_category` in ('UPGRADE') and up.user_id IN (%s) """ % ", ".join(map(str, users)) purchases = lv_query.libran(query) purchases['days_to_delivery'] = purchases['days_to_delivery'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x < 0 else x) purchases['cohort'] = purchases['last_purchase_date'].apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%s')[:7]) df_list.append(purchases) return(df_list)
def get_planner(users, df_list=None): query = """ select a.planner_id, a.user_id, b.num_clients from user_planner a join (select planner_id, count(user_id) as num_clients from user_planner upl join user u on = upl.user_id where IN (%s) group by planner_id ) b on a.planner_id = b.planner_id """ % ", ".join(map(str,users)) planner = lv_query.libran(query) df_list.append(planner) return(df_list)
# In[8]: horizontal_stack # In[9]: #these users have completed their profile query = """select u.hashed_id from onboarding_profile_status obps join user u on = obps.user_id where last_saved_point IN ("#/snapshot", "#/submission"); """ result_query = lv_query.libran(query) profile_complete = result_query profile_complete['profile_status'] = 'completed' profile_complete.columns = ['UserID', 'profile_status'] # In[10]: profile_complete # In[11]: merged_data = pd.merge(horizontal_stack,profile_complete, how='left', on=['UserID'])
# In[6]: query = """ select lvpe.key, lvpe.value, lvpe.user_id FROM lv_profile_entry lvpe JOIN user u ON = lvpe.user_id WHERE lvpe.key in ( 'is-employed-fulltime', 'employment-status') and lvpe.value in ( 'true', 'i_am_employed_full_time', 'i_am_employed_part_time','starting_a_new_job','Freelancing/Self-employed','Employed part-time', 'Employed full-time') """ result_query_last_login = lv_query.libran(query) employed_table = result_query_last_login.sort('key') #employed_table['value'].value_counts() employed_table.head() # In[7]: x_map_client = employed_table.value.str def FULL_PART_TIME_MAP_CLIENT(str): if"full-time", str): return "full-time" elif"full_time", str): return "full-time" elif"true", str):