def test_requests_http_example(): r = requests.get('') if (r[0] != 200): lcd.print('error found during fetching with requests lib\n') else: lcd.print('test request to done\n')
def webserver_start(): global scanlist from microWebSrv import MicroWebSrv lcd.clear() lcd.setCursor(0, 0) ssid_name = "M5Stack-" + node_id[-4:] wlan_ap.config(essid=ssid_name, authmode=network.AUTH_OPEN) addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1] print('WiFi AP WebServer Start!') print('Connect to Wifi SSID:' + ssid_name) print('And connect to esp via your web browser (like') print('listening on', addr) lcd.image(0, 0, '/flash/img/1-1.jpg', type=lcd.JPG) lcd.font(lcd.FONT_DejaVu24) lcd.setTextColor(lcd.BLACK, lcd.WHITE) lcd.print('Wi-Fi SSID', 150, 145, lcd.BLACK) lcd.print(ssid_name, 125, 170, lcd.RED) webserver = MicroWebSrv(routeHandlers=routeHandlers) scanlist = wlan_sta.scan() if not while True: if len(wlan_ap.status('stations')) > 0: break time.sleep_ms(200) lcd.image(0, 0, '/flash/img/1-2.jpg', type=lcd.JPG) webserver.Start(threaded=False)
def show(self): super().show() lcd.print('Setup light from/to', lcd.CENTER, 85) self._lightSchedule = [ kippenstalConfig.getLight1From().split(':')[0], kippenstalConfig.getLight1From().split(':')[1], kippenstalConfig.getLight1To().split(':')[0], kippenstalConfig.getLight1To().split(':')[1], kippenstalConfig.getLight2From().split(':')[0], kippenstalConfig.getLight2From().split(':')[1], kippenstalConfig.getLight2To().split(':')[0], kippenstalConfig.getLight2To().split(':')[1], ] self._lightEditors = [ NumberEditor(0, self._lightSchedule[0], 0, 23, '{:02d}'), NumberEditor(1, self._lightSchedule[1], 0, 59, '{:02d}'), NumberEditor(2, self._lightSchedule[2], 0, 23, '{:02d}'), NumberEditor(3, self._lightSchedule[3], 0, 59, '{:02d}'), NumberEditor(4, self._lightSchedule[4], 0, 23, '{:02d}'), NumberEditor(5, self._lightSchedule[5], 0, 59, '{:02d}'), NumberEditor(6, self._lightSchedule[6], 0, 23, '{:02d}'), NumberEditor(7, self._lightSchedule[7], 0, 59, '{:02d}') ] lcd.setCursor(0, 125) self._print('Light 1: ', self._lightEditors[0], self._lightEditors[1], self._lightEditors[2], self._lightEditors[3]) lcd.setCursor(0, 155) self._print('Light 2: ', self._lightEditors[4], self._lightEditors[5], self._lightEditors[6], self._lightEditors[7]) self._lightEditors[0].startEditing(self)
def main_loop(): while True: try: # Ensure network is connected. # connect_wifi() now = time.time() dateStart = now - GRAPH_DURATION resp = requests.get(DATA_SOURCE + "?count=" + str(GRAPH_MAX_POINTS) + "&find[date][$gte]=" + str(dateStart)).json() current = resp[0] bg_color = get_bg_color(current["sgv"], current["date"]) lcd.clear(bg_color) lcd.font("UbuntuMono-B40.fon") lcd.setTextColor(color=BLACK, bcolor=bg_color) lcd.print( text_transform_bg(current["sgv"]) + " " + text_transform_direction(current["direction"]), lcd.CENTER, 20) draw_graph(resp, dateStart, now) print("Response is", resp[0]["sgv"]) except RuntimeError as e: print("Some error occured, retrying! -", e) time.sleep(180)
def __init__(self, client_id, server, port, user=None, password=None, keepalive=300): if m5base.get_start() != 1: autoConnect(lcdShow=True) lcd.clear() else: raise ImportError('mqtt need download...') if user == '': user = None if password == '': password = None self.mqtt = MQTTClient(client_id, server, port, user, password, keepalive) self.mqtt.set_callback(self._on_data) try: self.mqtt.connect() except: lcd.clear() lcd.font(lcd.FONT_DejaVu24) lcd.setTextColor(lcd.RED) lcd.print('connect fail', lcd.CENTER, 100) self.topic_callback = {} self.mqttState = True self.ping_out_time = time.ticks_ms() + 60000
def enrolCb(): global IGNORE_FINGER IGNORE_FINGER = True clrscrn() lcd.setTextColor(lcd.RED) lcd.print("Counting\nRegistered\nUsers") finger.uart.write(b'\xf5\t\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\xf5') sleep_ms(50) pkt = while len(pkt) != 8: pkt = print(pkt) if pkt[0] != 0xf5 or pkt[1] != 0x09: clrscrn() tone(TONE_DENY) lcd.print("TRY AGAIN\n:(") sleep_ms(1000) mainScrn() usrid = pkt[3] clrscrn() lcd.setTextColor(lcd.GREEN) lcd.print("Enrol #"+str(usrid)+"\n") lcd.setTextColor(lcd.WHITE) lcd.print("Place Finger\non Sensor") finger.addUser(usrid+1, 1) while not finger.state.startswith("Add user success"): print(finger.state) sleep_ms(200) clrscrn() lcd.setTextColor(lcd.GREEN) lcd.print("Enrol Finger\n\nSUCCESS") IGNORE_FINGER = False sleep_ms(500) mainScrn()
def _print(self, cursor, editor1, editor2, editor3, separator): lcd.setCursor(cursor[0], cursor[1]) editor1.printToLcd() lcd.print(separator) editor2.printToLcd() lcd.print(separator) editor3.printToLcd()
def printResult(): lcd.clear() lcd.print('Date: ' + timestamp[0], 10, 10) lcd.print('Blue = Destination, Red = North', 10, 20) # lcd.print( # 'Location: ' + str(current_coord[0]) + ', ' + str(current_coord[1]), 10, # 30) # lcd.print("Azimuth Arg: {}".format(azimuth_arg), 10, 50) # lcd.print("Azimuth: {}".format(azimuth), 10, 70) rad = calcTargetRadian(current_coord, target_coords) # lcd.print("Rad: {}".format(rad), 10, 90) # lcd.print("Target Rad: {}".format(str((rad + azimuth) % 360)), 10, 110) lcd.lineByAngle(161, 119, 0, 120, round(azimuth), lcd.RED) lcd.lineByAngle(160, 120, 0, 120, round(azimuth), lcd.RED) lcd.lineByAngle(161, 121, 0, 120, round(azimuth), lcd.RED) lcd.lineByAngle(161, 119, 0, 120, round(rad + azimuth) % 360, lcd.BLUE) lcd.lineByAngle(160, 120, 0, 120, round(rad + azimuth) % 360, lcd.BLUE) lcd.lineByAngle(161, 121, 0, 120, round(rad + azimuth) % 360, lcd.BLUE) print('Date: ' + timestamp[0]) print('Location: ' + str(current_coord[0]) + ', ' + str(current_coord[1])) print("Azimuth Arg: {}".format(azimuth_arg)) print("Azimuth: {}".format(azimuth)) print("Rad: {}".format(rad)) print("Target Rad: {}".format(str((rad + azimuth) % 360)))
def _showText(self, timercallbackvar=None): text = self.text if len(text) > self.limit: chunk = text[self._iterator:self._iterator + self.limit] if self._delayState < self.delay: self._delayState += 1 else: self._iterator += self._itdir if self.sliding: if self._itdir == 1 and self._iterator >= (len(text) - self.limit): self._itdir *= -1 self._delayState = 0 if self._itdir == -1 and self._iterator == 0: self._itdir *= -1 self._delayState = 0 else: txtlen = len(text) if self._iterator >= txtlen - self.limit and self._iterator <= txtlen: lcd.fillRect(self.x + len(chunk) * 4, self.y, 180, self.y + 15, 0) if self._iterator > txtlen and self._iterator < self.limit + txtlen: offset = self.limit + txtlen - self._iterator chunk = ' ' * offset + text[:self._iterator - txtlen] if self._iterator >= self.limit + txtlen: self._iterator = 0 lcd.print(chunk, self.x, self.y, self.color) else: lcd.print(text, self.x, self.y, self.color)
def GPSwatch(): n = 0 tm_last = 0 satellites = dict() satellites_used = dict() while True: utime.sleep_ms(100) len = gps_s.any() if len>0: b = for x in b: if 10 <= x <= 126: stat = gps.update(chr(x)) if stat: tm = gps.timestamp tm_now = (tm[0] * 3600) + (tm[1] * 60) + int(tm[2]) if (tm_now - tm_last) >= 10: n += 1 tm_last = tm_now print("{} {}:{}:{}".format(gps.date_string(), tm[0], tm[1], int(tm[2]))) str = '%.10f %c, %.10f %c' % (gps.latitude[0], gps.latitude[1], gps.longitude[0], gps.longitude[1]) print(str) lcd.clear() lcd.print(str, 10, 0) if gps.satellite_data_updated(): putSatellites(satellites, gps.satellite_data, tm_now) putSatellitesUsed(satellites_used, gps.satellites_used, tm_now) drawGrid() drawSatellites(satellites, satellites_used) if (n % 10) == 0: print("Mem free:", gc.mem_free()) gc.collect()
def disconnect(offline=OFFLINE_MODE): lcd.print("Disconnecting...", 10, 10, lcd.RED) if offline: return if not wifisetup.isconnected(): wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # create station interface # activate the interface lcd.print("done")
def reconnect(offline=OFFLINE_MODE): lcd.print("Reconnecting...", 10, 10, lcd.RED) if offline: return if not wifisetup.isconnected(): wifisetup.auto_connect() sync_rtc() lcd.print("done")
def fingerOKCb(user_id, access): global IGNORE_FINGER if IGNORE_FINGER: return GAME_RUNNING = False clrscrn() lcd.print("Welcome\nUser #"+str(user_id)) tone(TONE_DELIGHT) sleep_ms(1000) mainScrn()
def show(self): super().show() lcd.print('Setup date & time', lcd.CENTER, 85) self._initDateTimeEditors() self._print((75, 125), self._dateTimeEditors[0], self._dateTimeEditors[1], self._dateTimeEditors[2], '-') self._print((95, 165), self._dateTimeEditors[3], self._dateTimeEditors[4], self._dateTimeEditors[5], ':') self._dateTimeEditors[0].startEditing(self)
def drawGrid(): for x in range(40, 121, 40):, 120, x, lcd.DARKGREY) for x in range(0, 360, 45): lcd.lineByAngle(160, 120, 0, 120, x, lcd.DARKGREY) for x in (('N', 165, 10), ('E', 295, 115), ('S', 165, 220), ('W', 15, 115)): lcd.print(x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in (('90', 155, 108), ('60', 195, 108), ('30', 235, 108), ('0', 275, 108)): lcd.print(x[0], x[1], x[2])
def show(self): super().show() lcd.print('Setup light threshold', lcd.CENTER, 85) self._numberEditor = NumberEditor(1, kippenstalConfig.getLightThreshold(), 0, 2000, '{:04d}') self._numberEditor.printToLcdCenter(125) self._numberEditor.startEditing(self) lcd.print('Now: {}'.format(kippenstal.currentLightSensorValue), lcd.CENTER, 165)
def _tryingmine(httpClient, httpResponse,routeArgs): lcd.clear(0x000000) lcd.font('hp.fon') lcd.setCursor(0,0) lcd.print(routeArgs['message']) httpResponse.WriteResponseOk( headers = None, contentType = "text/html", contentCharset = "UTF-8", content = "OK" )
def show(self): super().show() lcd.print('Door Schedule On/Off', lcd.CENTER, 85) lcd.setCursor(160, 125) value = 'On' if kippenstalConfig.isDoorOpenerScheduleEnabled( ) else 'Off' self._stringSelector = StringSelector(value, ['On', 'Off']) self._stringSelector.printToLcd() self._stringSelector.startEditing(self)
def connect_wifi(shouldPrint=False): sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) print('connecting to network...') if shouldPrint: lcd.print("Connecting to " + secrets['ssid'] + "\n") sta_if.connect(secrets['ssid'], secrets['password']) while not sta_if.isconnected(): pass return sta_if
def show(self): ScreenManager.isShown(self) self._isShown = True lcd.clear(lcd.WHITE) lcd.setColor(lcd.BLACK) lcd.font(lcd.FONT_Tooney, transparent=True) lcd.print('speckbosch', lcd.CENTER, 10) lcd.font(lcd.FONT_DejaVu24, transparent=True) lcd.print('Chicken Shed Mgr {}'.format(self._getVersion()), lcd.CENTER, 45)
def connect(): station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) station.connect("nstudents", "nnnedjpwireless") while station.isconnected() == False: lcd.print(".") time.sleep(0.5) pass lcd.print("\n") lcd.println("connected") lcd.println(str(station.ifconfig()))
def drawSatellites(sats, sats_used): for k, v in sats.items(): print(k, v[0]) if v[0][0] != None and v[0][1] != None: l = int((90 - v[0][0]) / 90.0 * 120.0) lcd.lineByAngle(160, 120, 0, l, v[0][1]) x = 160 + sin(radians(v[0][1])) * l y = 120 - cos(radians(v[0][1])) * l color = lcd.GREEN if k in sats_used else lcd.RED, int(y), 4, color, color) lcd.print(str(k), int(x) + 9, int(y) - 7)
def _draw_once(self): '''最初に一度だけ描画する処理''' # 枠を表示 (デバッグ用) #lcd.rect(0, 0, self.width + 1, self.height + 1, lcd.BLACK) # 温度計の液溜め部分(正式には「球部」)の円を描画, self.circle_y, self.circle_radius, self.color, self.color) # 目盛りの間隔 (摂氏度) tick = 10 # 目盛りとグラフの隙間のピクセル数 m = 2 # 目盛りの長さ (ピクセル) l = 8 # 目盛りと軸の数字の隙間のピクセル数 m2 = 4 # フォントの設定 lcd.font(lcd.FONT_Default, color=self.axis_color, transparent=True) # TODO: ラベルを描画 label_x = self.bar_x - m - l - m2 - lcd.textWidth(self.label) label_y = self.y lcd.text(label_x, label_y, self.label) # フォントの設定 lcd.font(lcd.FONT_Default, color=self.axis_color, transparent=True) # フォントサイズ font_width, font_height = lcd.fontSize() half_font_height = int(round(font_height / 2)) min_ylabel = int(math.ceil(self.min_value / 10)) * 10 for i in range(min_ylabel, self.max_value + 1, tick): y1 = self._calc_y(i) # 目盛り (左) lcd.line(self.bar_x - m - l, y1, self.bar_x - m, y1, self.axis_color) # 目盛り (右) lcd.line(self.bar_x + self.bar_width + m, y1, self.bar_x + self.bar_width + m + l, y1, self.axis_color) # 目盛りラベル tick_label = '{}'.format(i) lcd.print(tick_label, self.bar_x - m - l - m2 - lcd.textWidth(tick_label), y1 - half_font_height, self.axis_color)
def main(): start_wifi() print('started wifi and tools') # move to lowest line on M5STACK display lcd.setCursor(0, 227) lcd.setColor(lcd.WHITE) lcd.print("RTC Clock 1") # initiate rtc print("Synchronize time from NTP server with TZ=US Central ...") rtc.ntp_sync(server="", tz="CST6CDT5,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2") # _thread.start_new_thread ("clock",watch, ())
def watch(): while True: # start position for Date if not rtc.synced(): # set color to sync status lcd.setColor(lcd.RED) else: lcd.setColor(lcd.GREEN) # lcd.setCursor(92, 227) # uncomment if you need date on display # lcd.print("Date {}".format(utime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", utime.localtime()))) # uncomment if needed # start position for time only lcd.setCursor(213, 227) # uncomment if date active (see upper lines) lcd.print(" Time {}".format(utime.strftime('%H:%M:%S', utime.localtime()))) utime.sleep(1)
def temp(): adc = machine.ADC(PIN) # ADコンバータのインスタンスを生成 lcd.font(font) # フォントを指定 lcd.clear() # 画面をクリア while True: t = 0 for i in range(MULTISAMPLES): t = t + / 10 # ADコンバータを読み、温度に変換 t = t / MULTISAMPLES lcd.print('\r', X0, Y0) # 表示位置以降をクリア lcd.print("%4.1f" % t, X0, Y0) # 温度を表示 time.sleep(5)
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, tick_s, tick_e, color, title, value_format): self.x = x # メーターの表示位置 self.y = y # メーターの表示位置 self.w = w # メーターの表示幅 self.h = h # メーターの表示高 self.tick_s = tick_s # 目盛の最小値 self.tick_e = tick_e # 目盛の最大値 self.title = title self.value_format = value_format # 値をテキスト表示する際のフォーマット self.center_x = x + w // 2 # 針の原点 self.center_y = y + int(h * 0.9) # 針の原点 self.prev_value = tick_s self.prev_angle = None lcd.roundrect(x, y, w, h, h // 10, lcd.BLACK, lcd.WHITE) lcd.arc(self.center_x, self.center_y, int(h * 0.67), int(h * 0.07), -50, 50, color, color) lcd.arc(self.center_x, self.center_y, int(h * 0.6), 2, -50, 50, lcd.BLACK) # 目盛の値表示用フォント設定 if self.w == win_w: lcd.font(lcd.FONT_Default, transparent=False) else: lcd.font(lcd.FONT_DefaultSmall, transparent=True) fw, fh = lcd.fontSize() tick = tick_s tick_i = (tick_e - tick_s) // 4 for r in range(-50, 51, 5): if r % 25 == 0: # 目盛の最小値から最大値を4分割して目盛値を表示 lcd.lineByAngle(self.center_x - 1, self.center_y, int(h * 0.6), int(h * 0.1), r, lcd.BLACK) lcd.lineByAngle(self.center_x, self.center_y, int(h * 0.6), int(h * 0.1), r, lcd.BLACK) tick_text = str(tick) text_width = lcd.textWidth(tick_text) lcd.print( tick_text, self.center_x + int(math.sin(math.radians(r)) * h * 0.7) - text_width // 2, self.center_y - int(math.cos(math.radians(r)) * h * 0.7) - fh, lcd.BLACK) tick += tick_i else: # 細かい目盛線を表示 lcd.lineByAngle(self.center_x, self.center_y, int(h * 0.6), int(h * 0.05), r, lcd.BLACK)
def fingerDENYCb(): global IGNORE_FINGER if IGNORE_FINGER: return GAME_RUNNING = False clrscrn() lcd.print("Unknown :(\nFinger") tone(TONE_DENY) sleep_ms(1000) clrscrn() lcd.setTextColor(lcd.MAGENTA) lcd.print("Hold button\nto skip\nthe game") sleep_ms(2000) if buttonA.isPressed(): mainScrn() else: game_start()
def update_clock(self): if self._isShown: if self._isSleeping: return elif self._lastInteraction + 120 < utime.time(): self._sleep() else: lcd.textClear(90, 85, ' ', lcd.WHITE) lcd.setCursor(105, 85) lcd.print("{}".format( utime.strftime('%H:%M:%S', utime.localtime()))) lcd.textClear(90, 115, ' ', lcd.WHITE) lcd.setCursor(112, 115) lcd.print("{} C".format(kippenstal.getTemperature()))
def minmax(): global offset global rate reg = register min_temp = 1000 max_temp = -1000 for i in range(0, 64): val = ustruct.unpack('<h', i2c.readfrom_mem(i2c_address, reg, 2))[0] tmp = getval(val) if tmp < min_temp: min_temp = tmp if max_temp < tmp: max_temp = tmp reg += 2 diff = max_temp - min_temp # add some margin diff *= 1.4 rate = len(colors) / diff offset = min_temp * 0.8 lcd.clear() lcd.print('min: ' + '{:.2f}'.format(min_temp), 0, 0) lcd.print('max: ' + '{:.2f}'.format(max_temp), 0, 10) lcd.print('rate: ' + '{:.2f}'.format(rate), 0, 20) lcd.print('offset: ' + '{:.2f}'.format(offset), 0, 30)