def play_show(tune, pin=27, display=matrix.display, duration=None): from machine import Pin, PWM from utime import sleep_ms try: pwm = PWM(Pin(pin)) if duration is None: set_default(tune[0]) else: set_duration(duration) for tone in tune: tone = tone.upper() # all to upper if tone[0] not in Letter: continue if len(tone)==4: display.showstatic(tone.replace(":","")) else: display.showstatic(tone) m = midi(tone) pwm.freq(m[0]) # set frequency pwm.duty(m[1]) # set duty cycle sleep_ms(m[1]) display.clear() finally: pwm.deinit()
class Buzzer: def __init__(self, pin=Pin(33)): """ Create a new Buzzer instance @param pin: the machine.Pin on which the servo is connected """ self.pwm = PWM(pin, freq=3000) def enable(self): """ Enable the output of the buzzer """ self.pwm.resume() def disable(self): """ Disable the output of the buzzer """ self.pwm.pause() def set(self, freq): """ Set the frequency @param freq: the frequency to set """ self.pwm.duty(freq)
class Servo: def __init__(self, pin, freq=SERVO_FREQUENCY, timer=2): """ Create a new Servo instance @param pin: the machine.Pin on which the servo is connected @param freq: the frequency at which the PWM signal should be generated """ self.min_pct = SERVO_MIN_PCT self.max_pct = SERVO_MAX_PCT self.freq = freq self.pct_per_degree = (self.max_pct - self.min_pct) / float(180) self.pwm = PWM(pin, freq=freq, timer=timer) self.angle(90) def tune(self, min_pct, max_pct): self.min_pct = min_pct self.max_pct = max_pct self.pct_per_degree = (self.max_pct - self.min_pct) / float(180) def angle(self, angle=None): if angle is None: return (self.pwm.duty() - self.min_pct) / self.pct_per_degree else: if 0 <= angle <= 180: self.pwm.duty(angle * self.pct_per_degree + self.min_pct)
def stop(pin=27): from machine import Pin, PWM try: pwm = PWM(Pin(pin)) pwm.duty(0) pwm.freq(1) finally: pwm.deinit()
def pitch(freq,pin=27,tim=1000): from machine import Pin,PWM from utime import sleep_ms try: pwm=PWM(Pin(pin)) pwm.freq(freq) pwm.duty(tim) sleep_ms(tim) finally: pwm.deinit()
def pitch(self,pin=27,freq=440,tim=0): from machine import Pin,PWM from utime import sleep_ms pwm=PWM(Pin(pin)) if freq>0: pwm.freq(int(freq)) else: pwm.duty(0) if tim>0: sleep_ms(tim) pwm.deinit()
class MPythonPin(Pin): def __init__(self, pin, mode=PinMode.IN): if mode not in [PinMode.IN, PinMode.OUT, PinMode.PWM, PinMode.ANALOG]: raise TypeError("mode must be 'IN, OUT, PWM, ANALOG'") if pin == 3: raise TypeError("pin3 is used for resistance sensor") if pin == 4: raise TypeError("pin4 is used for light sensor") if pin == 10: raise TypeError("pin10 is used for sound sensor") = pins_remap_esp32[pin] if mode == PinMode.IN: super().__init__(, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) if mode == PinMode.OUT: if pin == 2: raise TypeError('pin2 only can be set "IN, ANALOG"') super().__init__(, Pin.OUT) if mode == PinMode.PWM: if pin == 2: raise TypeError('pin2 only can be set "IN, ANALOG"') self.pwm = PWM(Pin(, duty=0) if mode == PinMode.ANALOG: if pin not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10]: raise TypeError('the pin can~t be set as analog') self.adc = ADC(Pin( self.adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) self.mode = mode def read_digital(self): if not self.mode == PinMode.IN: raise TypeError('the pin is not in IN mode') return super().value() def write_digital(self, value): if not self.mode == PinMode.OUT: raise TypeError('the pin is not in OUT mode') super().value(value) def read_analog(self): if not self.mode == PinMode.ANALOG: raise TypeError('the pin is not in ANALOG mode') return def write_analog(self, duty, freq=1000): if not self.mode == PinMode.PWM: raise TypeError('the pin is not in PWM mode') self.pwm.freq(freq) self.pwm.duty(duty)
def play(tune,pin=27,duration=None): from machine import Pin,PWM from utime import sleep_ms try: pwm=PWM(Pin(pin)) if duration is None: set_default(tune[0]) else: set_duration(duration) for tone in tune: tone=tone.upper() if tone[0]not in Letter: continue m=midi(tone) pwm.freq(m[0]) pwm.duty(m[1]) sleep_ms(m[1]) finally: pwm.deinit()
class Servo: def __init__(self, pin, lower_duty=512, upper_duty=1953.5, freq=50): """ Create a new Servo instance The lower and upper duty values may be tweaked depending on the servo model being used. @param pin: the machine.Pin on which the servo is connected @param lower_duty: the lower duty value @param upper_duty: the upper duty value @param freq: the frequency at which the PWM signal should be generated """ self.pwm = PWM(pin, freq=freq) self.lower_duty = (lower_duty * freq) / 10000 self.upper_duty = (upper_duty * freq) / 10000 def set(self, pos): """ Set the position as a value between -1 and 1 the position ranges from -1 to 1 where -1 equals 0 degrees and 1 equals 180 degrees @param pos: an float between -1 and 1, both inclusive """ self.set_percentage((pos + 1) * 50) def set_angle(self, angle): """ Set the position as an angle between 0 and 180 degrees @param angle: an integer between 0 and 180 """ self.set_percentage(angle / 180) def angle(self): """ Get the servo's angle :return: the angle expressed as degrees """ return int(self.pos() * 180) def pos(self): """ Get the servo's position :return: the position of the servo as a float between 0 and 1 """ return int((self.pwm.duty() - self.lower_duty) / (self.upper_duty - self.lower_duty) * 100) / 100 def center(self): """ Set the servo to it's center position. """ self.set_percentage(0.5) def min(self): """ Set the servo to it's minimum position. """ self.set_percentage(0) def max(self): """ Set the servo to it's maximum position. """ self.set_percentage(1) def set_percentage(self, pct): """ Set the position as a percentage freq=50: cycle=1s/50=20ms=0.02: lower=0.001 upper=0.0025 @param pct: a float between 0 and 1 """ self.pwm.duty(self.lower_duty + (pct * (self.upper_duty - self.lower_duty)))
miso=Pin(12)) oled = SH1106_SPI(128, 64, spi, dc=Pin(25), res=Pin(16), cs=Pin(15)) #显示中文 #oled.draw_chinese('我',0,0) #oled.draw_chinese('我',4,2) wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) is_heating = 0 # State heating in oled,io output,when heating set to 1 is_setpoint_flag = 0 is_countdown_flag = 0 # PWM Control,设定输出引脚,频率,占空比 heater = PWM(Pin(27)) #GPIO 27 heater.freq(1) #默认占空比0 heater.duty(0) #PID Setup #下面是自由变量,由于没定义系统会报错,所以要先定义并赋值 #参数初始化,p、i、d分别是pid参数 p = '0.00' i = '0.00' d = '0.00' #duty占空比,大部分情况下drive=duty #drive是计算出来,考虑了最大值和最小值后的值 drive = '0.0' duty = '0' duty_min = str('0') duty_max = str('1023') #控制周期,经过测试,15.5秒上升1摄氏度,1.5秒上升0.1摄氏度,如果允许误差0.2度,应该设置3秒 sleep_time = str('1.0') #Control loop interval (seconds)
class led_pwm(): # led_pwm is a basic constructor for def __init__(self, config={}): pin = config.get("pin", 0) if pin not in ( 0, 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, ): raise ValueError("pin must be 0, 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, or 15") self._pwm_device = PWM(Pin(pin, Pin.OUT), freq=500, duty=0) self.inverted = config.get("inverted", False) self.is_on = False self.val = 0 self.state = 'OFF' self.old_state = None self.type = config.get("type", "led") self.topic = config.get("state_topic", None) self.set_topic = config.get("command_topic", None) self.value(0) def __str__(self): variables = (self.is_on, self.inverted, self.val, self._pwm_device.duty()) log_str = 'is_on: {}, inverted: {}, value: {}, duty: {}' return log_str.format(*variables) def value(self, value=None): if value == None: return self.val elif 0 > value > 255: raise ValueError('value must be between 0 and 255') self.val = value if value == 0: self.is_on = False self.state = 'OFF' else: self.is_on = True self.state = 'ON' if self.inverted: pin_val = 1023 - int(round(value * 4.012)) else: pin_val = int(round(value * 4.012)) self._pwm_device.duty(pin_val) return self.val def update(self, state): if isinstance(state, str): state = state.lower() # convert value to lower case on_states = ('true', 'on', True, 1, '1') off_states = ('false', 'off', False, 0, '0') if state in on_states: self.on() elif state in off_states: def check_state(self): pass def on(self): self.value(255) def off(self): self.value(0) def toggle(self): if self.is_on: self.value(0) else: self.value(255)
from machine import Timer, PWM import time from board import board_info from fpioa_manager import * board_info = board_info() tim = Timer(Timer.TIMER0, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode=Timer.MODE_PWM) ch = PWM(tim, freq=500000, duty=50, pin=board_info.LED_G) duty = 0 dir = True while True: if dir: duty += 10 else: duty -= 10 if duty > 100: duty = 100 dir = False elif duty < 0: duty = 0 dir = True time.sleep(0.05) ch.duty(duty)
from machine import PWM # frequency ranges upto 1Hz and Duty scycle of 512 led = PWM(4, freq=1000, duty=512) # Connect your LED to D2 or GPIO4 of NodeMCU # First it starts from 0 duty cycle and ends to 510 try: for i in range(0, 511, 5): led.duty(i) print(i) # then it recides from 510 to 0 and then deinitlises the process for i in range(510, -5, -5): led.duty(i) print(i) led.deinit() # Deinitialises the process except KeyboardInterrupt: print("User ended the Program, bye...!!!!")
import common from machine import Pin, PWM from encoder import Encoder MAX_STEPS_ENCODER = 32 CLIENT_ID = 'LIGHTS' SUBTOPIC = b"%s/set/#" % CLIENT_ID PUBTOPIC_ON = b"%s/state/power" % CLIENT_ID PUBTOPIC_VALUE = b"%s/state/intensity" % CLIENT_ID light_pin = Pin(14) # D5 light_pwm = PWM(light_pin, freq=1000) light_pwm.duty(512) # 0 = 0%, 1023 = 100% sw = Pin(5, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # d1 light_intensity = 1 light_on = True def set_light(on, value): light_pwm.duty(on * value) common.publish(PUBTOPIC_ON, str(on)) common.publish(PUBTOPIC_VALUE, str(value)) def update_light(): value = light_intensity * int(1024 / MAX_STEPS_ENCODER) set_light(int(light_on), value) @common.debounce(250)
class RgbLightDriver: def __init__(self, r_pin_num, g_pin_num, b_pin_num): self.r_pwm = PWM(Pin(r_pin_num)) self.g_pwm = PWM(Pin(g_pin_num)) self.b_pwm = PWM(Pin(b_pin_num)) self.b = 0 self.c = {'r': 0, 'g': 0, 'b': 0} def on(self): self.__update() def off(self): self.r_pwm.duty(1023) self.g_pwm.duty(1023) self.b_pwm.duty(1023) def color(self, value): self.c = value self.__update() def brightness(self, value): self.b = value self.__update() def __update(self): self.r_pwm.duty( int(1023 * (1.0 - self.b * self.c['r'] / 255.0 / 255.0))) self.g_pwm.duty( int(1023 * (1.0 - self.b * self.c['g'] / 255.0 / 255.0))) self.b_pwm.duty( int(1023 * (1.0 - self.b * self.c['b'] / 255.0 / 255.0)))
from machine import PWM, Pin import time PWM_PORT = 2 PWM_FREQ = 1000 DUTY_DEFAULT = 1023 DUTY_MIN = 0 DUTY_MAX = 1023 pwm = PWM(Pin(PWM_PORT), freq=PWM_FREQ, duty=DUTY_DEFAULT) for i in range(1023): pwm.duty(1023 - i) print("duty: {}".format(1023 - i)) time.sleep_ms(10)
from machine import Pin,PWM import time p14=Pin(14) # the buzzer runs from this pin pwm14=PWM(p14) pwm14.freq(500) pwm14.duty(512) time.sleep(1) pwm14.deinit()
class Main(HeatControl): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.wifi_led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT, value=1) # Pin2, светодиод на плате контроллера self.heat = PWM(Pin(13), freq=1000, duty=0) # Pin12, управление нагревом пола self.default_on = Pin( 14, Pin.IN) # Pin14, кнопка для сброса настроек в дефолт self.i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=400000) # Настройка шины i2c self.ds = DS18X20(OneWire(Pin(12))) # Set Temperature sensors # Дефолтные настройки, если файла config.txt не будет обнаружено в системе self.default = {} self.default['MODE'] = 'AP' # Включаем точку доступа self.default[ 'ssid'] = 'HEAT_CONTROL' # Устанавливаем имя точки доступа self.default['pass'] = '******' # Пароль для точки доступа self.default['timezone'] = 3 # Временная зона self.default[ 'DST'] = True # Разрешаем переход с летнего на зимнее время self.default[ 'SET'] = 20.0 # Установка поддерживаемой температуры в помещении self.default['DAY'] = 50 # Уменьшение мощности в дневное время в % self.default['ON'] = (0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) # Время включения обогрева 20:00 self.default['OFF'] = (0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) # Время выключения обогрева 08:00 self.default['WORK'] = 'ON' # Постоянный обогрев включен self.default['DS_K'] = -5.0 # Поправочный коэффициент для DS18B20 # Дефолтный хещ логин, пароль для web admin (root:root) self.default_web = str( b'0242c0436daa4c241ca8a793764b7dfb50c223121bb844cf49be670a3af4dd18' ) # Основные настройки системы self.config[ 'DEBUG'] = False # Режим отладки, делаем программу разговорчивой self.config['RTC_DS3231'] = 0x68 # Адрес DS3231 RTC self.config['WIFI_AP'] = ('', '', '', '') self.config['TARIFF_ZONE'] = ( (7, 0, 0), (22, 59, 59)) # Тарифнаф зона день с 7 до 22:59 self.config['DAY_ZONE'] = ( (7, 0, 0), (22, 59, 59)) # Дефолтное значение тарифной зоны день self.config['TEMP'] = 18.00 # Начальное значение темратуры в помещении self.config[ 'DUTY_MIN'] = 0 # Режим работы ПИД регулятора, минимальный предел self.config[ 'DUTY_MAX'] = 90 # Режим работы ПИД регулятора, максимальный предел, установлен в 90% # для исключения перегрева нагревателя self.config['RTC_TIME'] = (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # Дефолтное время self.config['PID_KP'] = 5 self.config['PID_KI'] = 0.1 self.config['PID_KD'] = 0.01 self.config['SETPOWER'] = 0 # Заданное значение мощности нагревателя self.config['POWER'] = 0 # Начальное значение мощности нагревателя self.config['NTP_UPDATE'] = True # Разрешаем обновление по NTP self.config['IP'] = None # Дефолтный IP адрес self.config['no_wifi'] = True # Интернет отключен(значение True) # Eсли файла config.txt не обнаружено в системе создаем его if self.exists('config.txt') == False or not self.default_on(): read_write_config(cfg=self.default) # Eсли файла root.txt нет создаем его if self.exists('root.txt') == False or not self.default_on(): read_write_root(passwd=self.default_web) # Читаем настройки из файла config.txt update_config() # Начальные настройки сети AP или ST if self.config['MODE'] == 'AP': self._ap_if = WLAN(AP_IF) self.config['WIFI'] = self._ap_if elif self.config['MODE'] == 'ST': self._sta_if = WLAN(STA_IF) self.config['WIFI'] = self._sta_if # Настройка для работы с RTC self.config['RTC']= DS3231(self.i2c, \ self.config['RTC_DS3231'], self.config['timezone'], ) #В ключаем работу с модулем RTC DS3231 self.rtc = self.config['RTC'] self.config['NOW'] = mktime(self.rtc.datetime()) # Включаем поддержку TIME ZONE self.tzone = TZONE(self.config['timezone']) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(self._heartbeat()) # Индикация подключения WiFi loop.create_task( self._collection_temp() ) # Сбор информации с температурных датчиков DS18D20 и Вычисление тарифных зон loop.create_task(self._dataupdate()) # Обновление информации и часы loop.create_task(self._start_web_app()) # Включаем WEB приложение collect() #Очищаем RAM async def _dataupdate(self): while True: # RTC Update self.config['RTC_TIME'] = self.rtc.datetime() rtc = self.config['RTC_TIME'] self.config['NOW'] = mktime(rtc) # Проверка летнего или зименего времени каждую минуту в 30с if rtc[5] == 30: self.rtc.settime('dht') # Если у нас режим подключения к точке доступа и если есть соединение, подводим часы по NTP if self.config['MODE'] == 'ST' and not self.config['no_wifi']: # Подводка часов по NTP каждые сутки в 22:00:00 if rtc[3] == 22 and rtc[4] == 5 and rtc[5] < 3 and self.config[ 'NTP_UPDATE']: self.config['NTP_UPDATE'] = False self.rtc.settime('ntp') await asyncio.sleep(1) self.config['NTP_UPDATE'] = True collect() #Очищаем RAM await asyncio.sleep(1) #Индикация подключения WiFi async def _heartbeat(self): while True: if self.config['no_wifi'] == True: self.wifi_led(not self.wifi_led() ) #Быстрое мигание, если соединение отсутствует await asyncio.sleep_ms(200) elif self.config['no_wifi'] == False: self.wifi_led(0) #Редкое мигание при подключении await asyncio.sleep_ms(50) self.wifi_led(1) await asyncio.sleep_ms(5000) else: self.wifi_led(0) #Два быстрых миганиения при AP Mode await asyncio.sleep_ms(50) self.wifi_led(1) await asyncio.sleep_ms(50) self.wifi_led(0) await asyncio.sleep_ms(50) self.wifi_led(1) await asyncio.sleep_ms(5000) # Сбор данных с DS18D20, Вычисление тарифной зоны день, Управление отоплением и логикой работы отопления async def _collection_temp(self): roms = self.ds.scan() #Создаем ПИД регулятор pid = PID(self.config['PID_KP'], self.config['PID_KI'], self.config['PID_KD'], setpoint=self.config['SET']) #Устанавливаем минимальный и максимальный предел работы регулятора pid.output_limits = (self.config['DUTY_MIN'], self.config['DUTY_MAX']) #Устанавливаем поддерживаемую температуру t_room = self.config['SET'] heat = False while True: rtc = self.config['RTC_TIME'] # Вычисление тарифной зоны день, если минуты обнулились, прошел 1 час делаем проверку тарифной зоны if self.config['RTC_TIME'][ 4] == 0 and self.config['RTC_TIME'][5] < 10: delta = self.config['timezone'] - self.tzone.adj_tzone( self.config['RTC_TIME']) if delta == 1: #Если Зимняя тарифная зона вычитаем из часов delta self.config['DAY_ZONE'] = ((self.config['TARIFF_ZONE'][0][0]-delta,)\ +self.config['TARIFF_ZONE'][0][1:]),\ (self.config['TARIFF_ZONE'][1][0]-delta,)+self.config['TARIFF_ZONE'][1][1:] else: #Если Летняя тарифная зона, 'DAY_ZONE' = 'TARIFF_ZONE' self.config['DAY_ZONE'] = self.config['TARIFF_ZONE'] # Считываем показания с датчика температуры self.ds.convert_temp() await asyncio.sleep(2) self.config['TEMP'] = round( self.ds.read_temp(roms[0]) + self.default['DS_K'], 2) #Логика управления отоплением st = self.config['DAY_ZONE'][0] end = self.config['DAY_ZONE'][1] st = mktime((rtc[0], rtc[1], rtc[2], st[0], 0, 0, 0, 0)) end = mktime( (rtc[0], rtc[1], rtc[2], end[0], end[1], end[2], 0, 0)) # Если тариф дневной зоны, ограничиваем мощность нагрева на self.config['DAY']% if st < self.config['NOW'] and self.config['NOW'] < end: pid.output_limits = (self.config['DUTY_MIN'], self.config['DAY']) self.config['SETPOWER'] = self.config['DAY'] else: # Если тариф ночной зоны, разрешаем нагрев до self.config['DUTY_MAX']% pid.output_limits = (self.config['DUTY_MIN'], self.config['DUTY_MAX']) self.config['SETPOWER'] = self.config['DUTY_MAX'] if t_room != self.config['SET']: pid.set_setpoint = self.config['SET'] t_room = self.config['SET'] # Вычисляем мощность нагрева if heat: self.config['POWER'] = round( pid(self.config['TEMP']) * 10 ) # Для ШИМ необходим диапазон от 0 до 1000, умножаем мощность на 10 else: self.config['POWER'] = 0 self.heat.duty(self.config['POWER']) # Обрабатываем режимы работы контроллера if self.config['WORK'] == 'ON': # Режим поддержания температуры heat = True elif self.config['WORK'] == 'TAB': # Режим работы по рассписанию on = self.config['ON'] off = self.config['OFF'] d = rtc[2] + 1 if int(on[3]) > int(off[3]) else rtc[2] on = mktime((rtc[0], rtc[1], rtc[2], on[3], on[4], 0, 0, 0)) off = mktime((rtc[0], rtc[1], d, off[3], off[4], 0, 0, 0)) if self.config['NOW'] > on and self.config['NOW'] < off: heat = True else: heat = False elif self.config['WORK'] == 'OFF': # Обогрев выключен heat = False else: heat = False collect() #Очищаем RAM await asyncio.sleep(10) #Запуск WEB приложения async def _start_web_app(self): while True: await asyncio.sleep(5) if not self.config['no_wifi'] or self.config['MODE'] == 'AP': self.ip = self.config['WIFI'].ifconfig()[0] self.dprint('Run WebAPP...')['DEBUG'], host=self.ip, port=80) async def _run_main_loop(self): # Бесконечный цикл while True: #lt = self.config['RTC_TIME'] #try: # self.dprint('IP:', self.config['IP']) # self.dprint('Local Time:', '{:0>2d}-{:0>2d}-{:0>2d} {:0>2d}:{:0>2d}:{:0>2d}'\ # .format(lt[0], lt[1], lt[2], lt[3], lt[4], lt[5])) # self.dprint('MemFree:', '{}Kb'.format(str(round(mem_free()/1024, 2)))) # self.dprint('MemAvailab:', '{}Kb'.format(str(round(mem_alloc()/1024, 2)))) #except Exception as e: # self.dprint('Exception occurred: ', e) collect() # Очищаем RAM await asyncio.sleep(30) async def main(self): while True: try: await self.connect() #Включение WiFi и контроль соединения await self._run_main_loop() except Exception as e: self.dprint('Global communication failure: ', e) await asyncio.sleep(20)
from time import sleep from machine import Pin, PWM pwm = PWM(Pin(17, Pin.OUT), freq=50, duty=75) pwm.duty(50) # left sleep(1) pwm.duty(75) # middle sleep(1) pwm.duty(100) # right sleep(1) pwm.deinit()
from machine import Pin, PWM import time buzzer = PWM(Pin(13)) pitches = { 'C5': 523, 'D5': 587, 'E5': 659, 'F5': 698, 'G5': 784, 'A5': 880, 'B5': 988, 'S': 0 } melody = (('E5', 100), ('S', 100), ('E5', 100), ('S', 300), ('E5', 100), ('S', 300), ('C5', 100), ('S', 100), ('E5', 100), ('S', 300), ('G5', 100)) for tone, tempo in melody: if tone == 'S': buzzer.duty(0) else: buzzer.duty(900) buzzer.freq(pitches[tone]) time.sleep_ms(tempo) buzzer.deinit()
while True: if run_flag: for pos in pos_list: servo.duty(pos) await asyncio.sleep_ms(interval_ms) dist_cm = await async_measure_range() pos_actual = pos elif not run_flag: await asyncio.sleep(0) # do nothing #stop all motors first stop_all_sync() # move servo to initial position print('Move sensor to initial position...') servo.duty(75) sleep(1) #wait 1s for servo reaching initial position print('Waiting for start button...') #enable gc gc.enable() # create callback fo button: button.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=callback) # define loop loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() #create looped tasks loop.create_task(blink_led(syst_led, interval_ms=250)) loop.create_task(radar_scan(interval_ms=250))
from machine import Pin, PWM, ADC import time led = PWM(Pin(32), freq=5000) # create and configure adc = ADC(Pin(34)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) delay = 0.02 while True: value = int( * 0.25) # convert range 0-4095 to 0-1023 led.duty(value) print(value) time.sleep(delay)
class Feeder(object): def __init__( self, pin_servo=None, trigger=None, echo=None, ): """ servo's minimum duty 27 """ self._open_position = None self._open_position_max = 38 self._pause_open = None self._pause_open_max = 0.8 self._close_position = 77 self._trigger = trigger self._remaining_quantity = None self._full_quantity = 1 self._empty_quantity = 25 self._distance_cm = None self._servo = PWM(Pin(pin_servo, Pin.OUT), freq=50, duty=self._close_position) if self._trigger: self._distance_trigger = Pin(trigger, Pin.OUT) self._distance_echo = Pin(echo, Pin.IN) @property def open_position(self): return float(self._open_position) @open_position.setter def open_position(self, value): self._open_position = float(value) @property def pause_open(self): return float(self._pause_open) @pause_open.setter def pause_open(self, value): self._pause_open = float(value) @property def remaining_quantity(self): """""" if not self._trigger: return str(-1) if self._distance_cm is None: return str(-1) result = self.map_range(self.distance_cm, (self._empty_quantity, self._full_quantity), (0, 100)) print('Full at %s%s.' % (result, "%")) return str(result) @remaining_quantity.setter def remaining_quantity(self, value): self._remaining_quantity = value @property def distance_cm(self): return self._distance_cm @distance_cm.setter def distance_cm(self, value): self._distance_cm = value def distance_in_cm(self): start = 0 end = 0 self._distance_trigger.on() time.sleep_us(10) while self._distance_echo.value() == 0: start = time.ticks_us() while self._distance_echo.value() == 1: end = time.ticks_us() diff = time.ticks_diff(start, end) # Calc the duration of the recieved pulse, divide the result by # 2 (round-trip) and divide it by 29 (the speed of sound is # 340 m/s and that is 29 us/cm). dist_in_cm = (diff / 2) / 29 self._distance_cm = -dist_in_cm print("Distance: %s cm." % self._distance_cm) if self._distance_cm > self._empty_quantity: self._distance_cm = self._empty_quantity return self._distance_cm def get_opening_ratio(self): """""" if not self._trigger: return self._open_position, self._pause_open dist = self.distance_in_cm() opening_ratio = self.map_range( dist, (self._empty_quantity, self._full_quantity), (self._open_position_max, self._open_position)) pause_ratio = self.map_range( dist, (self._empty_quantity, self._full_quantity), (self._pause_open, self._pause_open_max)) if pause_ratio > 2: pause_ratio = 2 return opening_ratio, pause_ratio @staticmethod def map_range(value, old_range, new_range): """""" old_range_max, old_range_min = old_range old_range = old_range[0] - old_range[1] new_range_max, new_range_min = new_range new_range = new_range[0] - new_range[1] new_value = ( (value - old_range_min) * new_range / old_range) + new_range_min return round(new_value, 2) def feed(self): """""" # open_ratio, pause_ratio = self.get_opening_ratio() open_ratio = self.open_position pause_ratio = self.pause_open print('Opening to: %i degrees.' % open_ratio) print('Pausing for: %f sec.\n' % pause_ratio) self._servo.duty(int(round(open_ratio))) time.sleep(pause_ratio) self._servo.duty(self._close_position) # print('Done feeding: %s' % self._servo.__name__) return
ie = request.find( ' ', ib) #init address of the index with ib,then find ' ' Val = request[ib + 4:ie] #get the string of ib+4 to ie in the request print("Val =", Val) led.duty(int(Val) * 100) #set the duty of led conn.send(Val) #send data else: with open('Ajax_webCtrl.html', 'r') as html: #open file 'webCtrl.htm' with readonly conn.sendall( )) #read data from 'webCtrl.htm',and send all of the data conn.sendall('\r\n') conn.close() #close file #print("Connection wth %s closed" % str(addr)) #Catch exceptions,stop program if interrupted accidentally in the 'try' try: led = PWM(Pin(2), freq=100) #create led object led.init() led.duty(0) connectWifi(SSID, PASSWORD) ajaxWebserv() except: if (s): s.close() led.deinit() wlan.disconnect()
import network wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.connect("itcollege") import sys import uwebsockets from machine import Pin, PWM led = PWM(Pin(14, mode=Pin.OUT), freq=400) # SCK LED on WeMos D1 uri = "ws://" print("Connecting to:", uri) conn = uwebsockets.connect(uri) conn.send("alive") while True: print("Reading message...") try: fin, opcode, data = conn.read_frame() except OSError: # Connection timeout or reset sys.exit() # Soft reset if data.startswith(b"duty:"): led.duty(int(data[5:])) else: print("Got unknown command:", data)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 程式說明請參閱9-22頁 """ from machine import Pin, PWM motorPin = Pin(13, Pin.OUT) MOTOR = PWM(motorPin, 1000) CLK = Pin(14, Pin.IN) DT = Pin(12, Pin.IN) power = 0 step = 10 prev = CLK.value() while True: now = CLK.value() if now != prev: if DT.value() != now: power = min(1023, power + step) else: power = max(0, power - step) print("power: " + str(power)) MOTOR.duty(power) prev = now
# # this is workaround for using L298N as 3.3V PWM # wemos d1 mini 13 : D7 # wemos d1 mini 15 : D8 # wemos d1 mini 2 : D4 # fixed on: (D7 = HIGH, D8 = LOW) # fixed off: (D7 = LOW, D8 = LOW) # duty range : 0 ~ 1023 p13 = Pin(13, Pin.OUT) p15 = Pin(15, Pin.OUT) # on # off pwm0 = PWM(Pin(2)) pwm0.duty(0) ###################################################### targetT = 195 p = Pid.Pid(targetT, {"P": 22.2, "I": 1.09, "D": 114}, 0) if __name__ == 'builtins': while 1: temperature = thermistor.getTemperature() if (temperature is None): continue targetPwm = p.update(temperature) print("[fixed : %d] Target: %.1f C | Current: %.1f C | PWM: %s %%" %
class WifiManager: AUTH_MODES = { 0: "open", 1: "WEP", 2: "WPA-PSK", 3: "WPA2-PSK", 4: "WPA/WPA2-PSK" } def __init__(self, ap_name='', ap_password='', filepath='profiles.txt', connection_max_retries=10, led_pin=2): self._filepath = filepath self._ap_name = ap_name self._ap_password = ap_password self._connection_max_retries = connection_max_retries self.wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) self.ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) self._profiles = self._read_profiles() self.led = PWM(Pin(led_pin)) self._led_off() def is_access_point_mode(self): return def is_wifi_connected(self): return def auto_connect(self, include_open=False): self._led_flash_slow() print('Attempting auto connect') if not self._profiles: print('No stored profiles, exposing AP') self.start_ap() return connected = False # start by scanning all available access points print('Scanning for networks') networks = self.access_point_scan() for ssid, bssid, channel, rssi, authmode, hidden in sorted( networks, key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=True): ssid = ssid.decode('utf-8') encrypted = authmode > 0 print("\t Found ssid: %s chan: %d rssi: %d authmode: %s" % (ssid, channel, rssi, self.AUTH_MODES.get(authmode, '?'))) if not encrypted and include_open: # it's not secured so let's try to connect connected = self.connect(ssid) else: if ssid not in self._profiles: # we don't have any profiles for this network so skipping continue connected = self.connect(ssid, self._profiles[ssid]) if connected: break if not connected: print('Failed to detect any previous networks, exposing AP') self.start_ap() def start_ap(self): self._led_off() print('Starting AP {}'.format(self._ap_name)) self.stop_wlan() # activate the interface # configure the params self.ap.config(essid=self._ap_name, password=self._ap_password) def stop_ap(self): # deactivate the interface def start_wlan(self): # activate the interface def stop_wlan(self): if self.wlan.isconnected(): self.wlan.disconnect() # deactivate the interface def connect(self, essid='', password=''): if self.wlan.isconnected(): self.disconnect() self._led_flash_fast() print('connecting to {} . . .'.format(essid)) # switch from ap to wlan mode self.start_wlan() self.wlan.connect(essid, password) # wait a few seconds to see if the connection was successful for _ in range(self._connection_max_retries * 2): if self.wlan.isconnected(): break time.sleep(0.5) print('. . .') # set the led to be on if not self.wlan.isconnected(): print('error connecting to {}'.format(essid)) # enable ap again self.start_ap() # set the led to be dim self._led_off() return False self._led_on() print('connected') self._add_new_profile(essid, password) return True def disconnect(self): print('disconnecting . . .') self.wlan.disconnect() def access_point_scan(self): self.start_wlan() # scan and return all available access points return self.wlan.scan() def _read_profiles(self): profiles = {} try: with open(self._filepath) as f: line = f.readline() if not line: # EOF return profiles ssid, password = line.strip('\n').split(";") profiles[ssid] = password except OSError: pass finally: return profiles def _add_new_profile(self, ssid, password): try: self._profiles = self._read_profiles() self._profiles[ssid] = password self._write_profiles(self._profiles) except Exception as exc: print('Error adding new profile {}'.format(exc)) def _write_profiles(self, profiles): try: print('Writing profiles') with open(self._filepath, "w") as f: for ssid, password in profiles.items(): f.write("{};{}\n".format(ssid, password)) print('Profile writing completed') except Exception as exc: print('Error writing profiles {}'.format(exc)) def _led_off(self): self.led.duty(0) self.led.freq(2000) def _led_on(self): self.led.duty(512) self.led.freq(2000) def _led_flash_slow(self): self.led.duty(512) self.led.freq(1) def _led_flash_fast(self): self.led.duty(512) self.led.freq(5)
from machine import Pin, PWM import time # externe LED zit op pin D1 (GPIO5) PinNum = 5 # pwm initialisatie pwm1 = PWM(Pin(PinNum)) pwm1.freq(60) pwm1.duty(0) step = 100 for i in range(10): # oplichten while step < 1000: pwm1.duty(step) time.sleep_ms(500) step+=100 # uitdoven while step > 0: pwm1.duty(step) time.sleep_ms(500) step-=200 # pwm resetten pwm1.deinit()
class Buzzer(): B0 = 31 C1 = 33 CS1 = 35 D1 = 37 DS1 = 39 E1 = 41 F1 = 44 FS1 = 46 G1 = 49 GS1 = 52 A1 = 55 AS1 = 58 B1 = 62 C2 = 65 CS2 = 69 D2 = 73 DS2 = 78 E2 = 82 F2 = 87 FS2 = 93 G2 = 98 GS2 = 104 A2 = 110 AS2 = 117 B2 = 123 C3 = 131 CS3 = 139 D3 = 147 DS3 = 156 E3 = 165 F3 = 175 FS3 = 185 G3 = 196 GS3 = 208 A3 = 220 AS3 = 233 B3 = 247 C4 = 262 CS4 = 277 D4 = 294 DS4 = 311 E4 = 330 F4 = 349 FS4 = 370 G4 = 392 GS4 = 415 A4 = 440 AS4 = 466 B4 = 494 C5 = 523 CS5 = 554 D5 = 587 DS5 = 622 E5 = 659 F5 = 698 FS5 = 740 G5 = 784 GS5 = 831 A5 = 880 AS5 = 932 B5 = 988 C6 = 1047 CS6 = 1109 D6 = 1175 DS6 = 1245 E6 = 1319 F6 = 1397 FS6 = 1480 G6 = 1568 GS6 = 1661 A6 = 1760 AS6 = 1865 B6 = 1976 C7 = 2093 CS7 = 2217 D7 = 2349 DS7 = 2489 E7 = 2637 F7 = 2794 FS7 = 2960 G7 = 3136 GS7 = 3322 A7 = 3520 AS7 = 3729 B7 = 3951 C8 = 4186 CS8 = 4435 D8 = 4699 DS8 = 4978 def __init__(self): self.notes = { 'cdef': [ self.C6, self.D6, self.E6, self.F6, self.G6, self.A6, self.B6, self.C7, self.D7, self.E7, self.F7, self.G7, self.A7, self.B7, self.C8, 0 ], 'mario': [ self.E7, self.E7, 0, self.E7, 0, self.C7, self.E7, 0, self.G7, 0, 0, 0, self.G6, 0, 0, 0, self.C7, 0, 0, self.G6, 0, 0, self.E6, 0, 0, self.A6, 0, self.B6, 0, self.AS6, self.A6, 0, self.G6, self.E7, 0, self.G7, self.A7, 0, self.F7, self.G7, 0, self.E7, 0, self.C7, self.D7, self.B6, 0, 0, self.C7, 0, 0, self.G6, 0, 0, self.E6, 0, 0, self.A6, 0, self.B6, 0, self.AS6, self.A6, 0, self.G6, self.E7, 0, self.G7, self.A7, 0, self.F7, self.G7, 0, self.E7, 0, self.C7, self.D7, self.B6, 0, 0 ], 'starwars': [ self.A4, 0, 0, 0, self.A4, 0, 0, 0, self.A4, 0, 0, 0, self.F4, 0, 0, self.C5, self.A4, 0, 0, 0, self.F4, 0, 0, self.C5, self.A4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.E5, 0, 0, 0, self.E5, 0, 0, 0, self.E5, 0, 0, 0, self.F5, 0, 0, self.C5, self.GS4, 0, 0, 0, self.F4, 0, 0, self.C5, self.A4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ], } def playnotes(self, title, length=150, duty=64): # Init p = Pin(27, Pin.OUT) self.pwm = PWM(p) self.pwm.duty(0) if title not in self.notes: print('unknown title: {}'.format(title)) return melody = self.notes[title] print('Play', title) for i in melody: if i == 0: self.pwm.duty(0) else: self.pwm.freq(i) self.pwm.duty(duty) time.sleep_ms(length) # deinit self.pwm.deinit()
class MPythonPin(): def __init__(self, pin, mode=PinMode.IN, pull=None): if mode not in [ PinMode.IN, PinMode.OUT, PinMode.PWM, PinMode.ANALOG, PinMode.OUT_DRAIN ]: raise TypeError("mode must be 'IN, OUT, PWM, ANALOG,OUT_DRAIN'") if pin == 4: raise TypeError("P4 is used for light sensor") if pin == 10: raise TypeError("P10 is used for sound sensor") try: = pins_remap_esp32[pin] except IndexError: raise IndexError("Out of Pin range") if mode == PinMode.IN: # if pin in [3]: # raise TypeError('IN not supported on P%d' % pin) self.Pin = Pin(, Pin.IN, pull) if mode == PinMode.OUT: if pin in [2, 3]: raise TypeError('OUT not supported on P%d' % pin) self.Pin = Pin(, Pin.OUT, pull) if mode == PinMode.OUT_DRAIN: if pin in [2, 3]: raise TypeError('OUT_DRAIN not supported on P%d' % pin) self.Pin = Pin(, Pin.OPEN_DRAIN, pull) if mode == PinMode.PWM: if pin not in [ 0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 ]: raise TypeError('PWM not supported on P%d' % pin) self.pwm = PWM(Pin(, duty=0) if mode == PinMode.ANALOG: if pin not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10]: raise TypeError('ANALOG not supported on P%d' % pin) self.adc = ADC(Pin( self.adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) self.mode = mode def irq(self, handler=None, trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING): if not self.mode == PinMode.IN: raise TypeError('the pin is not in IN mode') return self.Pin.irq(handler, trigger) def read_digital(self): if not self.mode == PinMode.IN: raise TypeError('the pin is not in IN mode') return self.Pin.value() def write_digital(self, value): if self.mode not in [PinMode.OUT, PinMode.OUT_DRAIN]: raise TypeError('the pin is not in OUT or OUT_DRAIN mode') self.Pin.value(value) def read_analog(self): if not self.mode == PinMode.ANALOG: raise TypeError('the pin is not in ANALOG mode') return def write_analog(self, duty, freq=1000): if not self.mode == PinMode.PWM: raise TypeError('the pin is not in PWM mode') self.pwm.freq(freq) self.pwm.duty(duty)
# POT: ESP32: # GND --> GND # Signal --> GPIO34 # VCC --> 3V3 # LED: ESP32: # GND add 330 Ohm --> GND # VCC --> GPIO5 from machine import Pin, PWM, ADC from time import sleep frequency = 5000 led = PWM(Pin(5), frequency) pot = ADC(Pin(34)) pot.width(ADC.WIDTH_10BIT) pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) while True: pot_value = print(pot_value) if pot_value < 15: led.duty(0) else: led.duty(pot_value) sleep(0.1)
class ServoController: _pwm_freq = 200 _tone_duty = { 'l': 342, 'm': 318, 'h': 293} _mallet_duty = { 'd': 265, 'u': 350} _servo_tone = None _servo_mallet = None def __init__(self, pin_tone, pin_mallet): self._servo_tone = PWM(Pin(pin_tone), freq=self._pwm_freq) self._servo_mallet = PWM(Pin(pin_mallet), freq=self._pwm_freq) def ring(self, tone, move=True, raise_time=0.12): if move: self.rot_tone(tone) time.sleep(0.7) self.rot_mallet('d') time.sleep(raise_time) self.rot_mallet('u') time.sleep(0.3 - raise_time) def rot_tone(self, tone): self._servo_tone.duty(self._tone_duty[tone]) time.sleep(0.05) self._servo_tone.deinit() def rot_mallet(self, state): self._servo_mallet.duty(self._mallet_duty[state]) def init(self): self._servo_tone.init() self._servo_mallet.init() def deinit(self, servo=None): if servo is None: self._servo_tone.deinit() self._servo_mallet.deinit() elif servo == 'tone': self._servo_tone.deinit() elif servo == 'mallet': self._servo_mallet.deinit() def _use_servo(fn): def inner(self): self.init() self.rot_mallet('u') fn(self) self.deinit() return inner @_use_servo def morning(self): self.ring('m') self.ring('m', move=False) self.ring('m', move=False) self.ring('h') @_use_servo def finish1(self): self.ring('m') @_use_servo def finish2(self): self.ring('h')
class PWMOut(object): """PWM output.""" def __init__(self, pin, freq=50, duty=0, verbose=False, channel=-1): if channel in [i for i in range(RMT_MAX_CHAN)]: self._chanRMT = channel self._pin = RMT(channel, pin=Pin(pin), clock_div=RMT_CLOCK_DIV) self.__setRMTDuty(duty) self._pin.loop(True) else: self._chanRMT = -1 self._pin = PWM(Pin(pin)) self._pin.init(freq=freq, duty=duty) self._verbose = verbose if self._verbose: self.__logFrequency() def deinit(self): self._pin.deinit() @property def duty_percent(self): """ duty in percent """ if self._chanRMT < 0: return self._pin.duty() / MAX_DUTY * 100 else: return self._dutyRMT / RMT_DUTY_SCALER @duty_percent.setter def duty_percent(self, value): if self._chanRMT < 0: self._pin.duty(int(min(max(0, value / 100.0 * MAX_DUTY), MAX_DUTY))) else: self.__setRMTDuty( min(max(0, value / 100. * RMT_MAX_DUTY), RMT_MAX_DUTY)) @property def duty(self): """ duty as raw value """ if self._chanRMT < 0: return self._pin.duty() else: return self._dutyRMT @duty.setter def duty(self, value): if self._chanRMT < 0: self._pin.duty(int(value)) else: self.__setRMTDuty(value) @property def freq_Hz(self): """ frequency in [Hz] """ if self._chanRMT < 0: return self._pin.freq() else: return self._pin.source_freq() / RMT_CLOCK_DIV @freq_Hz.setter def freq_Hz(self, value): if self._chanRMT < 0: self._pin.freq(value) else: if value == 0: self._pin.loop(False) else: self._pin.loop(True) d2 = int( (self._pin.source_freq() / RMT_CLOCK_DIV) / value // 2) self._pin.write_pulses((d2, d2)) if self._verbose: self.__logFrequency() @property def max_duty(self): if self._chanRMT < 0: return MAX_DUTY else: return RMT_MAX_DUTY @property def uses_rmt(self): return self._chanRMT >= 0 def __logFrequency(self): print("PWM frequency is {0:.1f} kHz".format(self.freq_Hz / 1000)) def __setRMTDuty(self, value): self._dutyRMT = int(min(max(1, value), RMT_MAX_DUTY)) self._pin.write_pulses((self._dutyRMT, RMT_MAX_DUTY - self._dutyRMT))
import sys import utime as time import machine from machine import Pin, PWM import logging logging.setGlobal(logging.DEBUG) led = machine.Pin(5, mode=machine.Pin.OUT) print("Switching off blue led") led.value(0) pwm0 = PWM(led) # create PWM object from a pin with blue led pwm0.freq() # get current frequency pwm0.freq(50) # set frequency duty = pwm0.duty() # get current duty cycle print("Current duty:", duty) pwm0.duty() # get current duty cycle print("Setting duty to 200") pwm0.duty(200) # set duty cycle for i in range(200): pwm0.duty(i) time.sleep_ms(2) for i in range(200): pwm0.duty(200 - i) time.sleep_ms(2) #pwm2 = PWM(Pin(6), freq=500, duty=512) # create and configure in one go
def stop(self, pin=27): from machine import Pin, PWM pwm = PWM(Pin(pin)) pwm.duty(0) pwm.freq(1) pwm.deinit()
pin4.irq(handler, trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING | Pin.IRQ_FALLING) # initialize PWM pwm1 = PWM(pin1, timer=0) pwm2 = PWM(pin2, timer=0) pwm3 = PWM(pin3, timer=0) # set frequency # Note pwm1.freq() == pwm2.freq() since they use the same timer pwm1.freq(500) pwm3.freq(500) # set duty cycle (0 ... 1023) pwm1.duty(500) pwm2.duty(500) pwm3.duty(500) print("pwm1:", pwm1) print("pwm2:", pwm2) print("pwm3:", pwm3) try: # go about other business (or just take a nap) sleep(1000) finally: # release PWM circuitry for later reuse pwm1.deinit() pwm2.deinit()
# Complete project details at # Created by Rui Santos from machine import Pin, ADC, PWM from time import sleep led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) button = Pin(15, Pin.IN) #Configure ADC for ESP32 pot = ADC(Pin(34)) pot.width(ADC.WIDTH_10BIT) pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) #Configure ADC for ESP8266 #pot = ADC(0) led_pwm = PWM(Pin(4),5000) while True: button_state = button.value() led.value(button_state) pot_value = led_pwm.duty(pot_value) sleep(0.1)
from machine import Pin, PWM led = PWM(Pin(5)) led.freq(10) led.duty(100) #0 es 0% 100% es 1023
def servo_write_angle(pin,angle): pwm=PWM(Pin(pin)) pwm.duty(int(40 + 75 * angle / 180)) pwm.freq(50)
OLED_HEIGHT = 64 OLED_CYAN_TOP = 16 sta_if = network.WLAN( network.STA_IF ) True ) sta_if.connect( secrets['ssid'], secrets['wpa2'] ) while not sta_if.isconnected(): pass i2c = I2C( 0, scl=Pin( 18 ), sda=Pin( 19 ), freq=100000 ) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C( OLED_WIDTH, OLED_HEIGHT, i2c, addr=0x3c ) np = NeoPixel( Pin( 23 ), 1 ) dhts = DHT22( Pin( 16 ) ) rtc = RTC() if machine.DEEPSLEEP != machine.reset_cause() and \ machine.SOFT_RESET != machine.reset_cause(): update_time() np[0] = (0, 0, 0) np.write() buzz = PWM( Pin( 26 ) ) buzz.freq( 800 ) buzz.duty( 512 ) time.sleep_ms( 200 ) buzz.deinit()
# sends a cycle of light intensities on a triangular curve def intensityCycle(duration, resolution): for i in range(0, resolution - 1): brightness = 1023 / resolution * i # print(brightness) pwmLED.duty(round(brightness)) utime.sleep_ms(duration) for i in range(0, resolution - 1): brightness = 1023 - 1023 / resolution * i # print(brightness) pwmLED.duty(round(brightness)) utime.sleep_ms(duration) print("Changing the light intensity on the built-in LED using PWM") print("Program written for the workshop on IoT at the") print("African Internet Summit 2019") print("Copyright: U.Raich") print("Released under the Gnu Public License") led = Pin(2) pwmLED = PWM(led) pwmLED.freq(1000) # PWM at 1 kHz for i in range(0, 10): intensityCycle(20, 100) pwmLED.duty(0)
class Rodas: freqA = 900 freqB = 900 def __init__(self): ## Frequencia de trabalho do motor # O valor maximo e 1024 ## Os pinos para o Shield ESP s鑼玱 fixos # Para o motor A, esquerdo, os pinos sao: # 5 para velocidade e 0 para dire鑾借尗o self.PwmA = PWM(Pin(5), freq=1000, duty=0) self.DirA = Pin(0, Pin.OUT) # Para o motor A, esquerdo, os pinos sao: # 5 para velocidade e 0 para dire閼剧禈o self.PwmB = PWM(Pin(4), freq=1000, duty=0) self.DirB = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) # Os pinos a seguir foram ocupados # para controlar a ponte H # D1 = GPIO 5 # D2 = GPIO 4 # D3 = GPIO 0 # D4 = GPIO 2 def frente(self): #print("frente") self.PwmA.duty(1000) self.PwmB.duty(1000) def re(self): #print("re") self.PwmA.duty(1000) self.PwmB.duty(1000) self.DirA.on() self.DirB.on() def esquerda(self): #print("esquerda") self.PwmA.duty(1000) self.PwmB.duty(1000) self.DirA.on() def direita(self): #print("direita") self.PwmA.duty(1000) self.PwmB.duty(1000) self.DirB.on() def parar(self): #print("parar") self.PwmA.duty(0) self.PwmB.duty(0)