def main(): try: _g.conf = Struct() args = init_args() local_import() init_config() if args.outdir: _g.conf._outdir = args.outdir else: _g.conf._outdir = _g.conf._default_outdir if args.auth: up = args.auth.split(':', 1) if len(up) == 1 or '' in up: _out.die('argument -a: bad auth format') _g.conf._user, _g.conf._pass = up if args.silent or _g.conf._no_output: # go ahead and set this so it is globally known. # there is no need for distinction at this point. _g.conf._no_output = True _g.log.addFilter(nullfilter) ret = main_loop(args.manga) except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError) as e: print() _out._('caught {} signal, exiting...'.format(type(e).__name__)) return 0 return ret
def main_loop(manga_list): global compc, compv for m in manga_list: req = _parsers.ParseRequest(m) sout, title, path = get_listing(req._name) if _g.conf._usecache and _g.conf._found_in_cache: sout = subdir_recurse(sout, path) else: sout = sout.splitlines() sout = rem_subdir_recurse(sout, path) compv, compc, allf, compfile = walk_thru_listing(req, title, sout) if req._vols and req._vols[-1] == req.ALL: del req._vols[-1] if req._chps and req._chps[-1] == req.ALL: del req._chps[-1] missv = str([v for v in req._vols if v not in compv]).strip('[]') missc = str([c for c in req._chps if c not in compc]).strip('[]') if missv: _out._("couldn't find vol(s): " + missv) if missc: _out._("couldn't find chp(s): " + missc) if any((compfile, compc, compv)): # XXX sigh... # need to append MLOC when we get a cache match. ppfx = ''.join(['https://', loc['DOMAIN']]) if _g.conf._found_in_cache: ppfx = ''.join([ppfx, loc['MLOC']]) try: stdscr = unicurses.initscr() _g.conf._stdscr = stdscr unicurses.noecho() if compfile: _out._('downloading complete archive... ', end='') _g.conf._stdscr.erase() _g.conf._stdscr.addstr(0, 0, _g.conf._stdscr.refresh() _curl.curl_to_file('/'.join([ppfx, _util.create_nwo_basename( compfile.basename), urllib .parse .quote(]),, 'HTTP') elif compv or compc: _out._('downloading volume/chapters... ', end='') for f,v,c in allf:'DL ' + f) _g.conf._stdscr.erase() _g.conf._stdscr.addstr(0, 0, 'title - {}' .format(title)) _g.conf._stdscr.addstr(1, 0, 'current - {}' .format( _g.conf._stdscr.refresh() _curl.curl_to_file('/'.join([ppfx, _util .create_nwo_basename( f.basename), urllib .parse .quote(]),, 'HTTP') except: raise finally: unicurses.nocbreak() _g.conf._stdscr.keypad(False) unicurses.echo() unicurses.endwin() print('done', file=sys.stderr) else: _out._('could not find any requested volume/chapters.') return 1 return 0
def get_listing(manga): badret = ('', '') if _g.conf._usecache: # XXX move this def match_dir(diriter, ldict): global mlow try: cdir = next(diriter) except StopIteration: for cdict in ldict: if cdict['name'].lower() == mlow: return (cdict['contents'], cdict['name']) return None for cdict in ldict: if cdict['name'] == cdir: return match_dir(diriter, cdict['contents']) else: return None jsonloc = os.path.join(_g.conf._home, '.cache', 'madodl', 'files.json') \ if not _g.conf._cachefile else _g.conf._cachefile jsondirloc = os.path.dirname(jsonloc) if not os.path.exists(jsonloc): os.makedirs(jsondirloc, 0o770, True) _curl.curl_json_list(jsonloc, True) assert os.path.exists(jsonloc) path = _util.create_nwo_path(manga) d1,d2,d3 = path.split('/') mdir = None with breaks(open(jsonloc, errors='surrogateescape')) as f: jobj = json.load(f) for o in jobj[0].get('contents'): if o['name'] == 'Manga': jobj = o['contents'] break global mlow mlow = manga.lower() mdir, title = match_dir(iter((d1,d2,d3)), jobj) or badret if not mdir: _g.log.warning("couldn't find title in JSON file. Trying " "online query.") _g.conf._found_in_cache = False raise breaks.Break _g.conf._found_in_cache = True _g.conf._cururl = 'https://{}{}{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(loc['DOMAIN'], loc['MLOC'], d1, d2, d3, title)'\n-----\n{}-----'.format(mdir)) path = '/'.join((path, title)) return (mdir, title, path) qout = search_query(manga).getvalue().decode() qp = _parsers.ParseQuery() qp.feed(qout) # FIXME: # this is a temporary workaround to # filter out non-manga results until # madokami allows for this granularity itself. qp.mresultnum = 0 qp.mresults = [] for url, r in qp.results: if r.startswith('/Manga') and r.count('/') == 5: qp.mresults.append([url,r]) qp.mresultnum += 1 if qp.mresultnum == 0: _out.die('manga not found') if qp.mresultnum > 1: print('Multiple matches found. Please choose from the ' 'selection below:\n') i = 1 for url, f in qp.mresults: print('{}: {}'.format(i, os.path.basename(f))) i += 1 print() while 1: try: ch = int(input('choice > ')) if ch in range(1, i): break print('Pick a number between 1 and {}'.format(i-1)) except ValueError: print('Invalid input.') m = qp.mresults[ch-1][0] title = os.path.basename(qp.mresults[ch-1][1]) else: m = qp.mresults[0][0] title = os.path.basename(qp.mresults[0][1]) _out._('one match found: {}'.format(title)) dirls = search_exact(m, True).getvalue().decode()'\n-----\n{}-----'.format(dirls)) return (dirls, title, m)