Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_attribute_sets(self, cursor, user, context=None):
        """Get the list of attribute sets from magento for the current website's

        :param cursor: Database cursor
        :param user: ID of current user
        :param context: Application context
        :return: Tuple of attribute sets where each tuple consists of (ID, Name)
        website_obj = self.pool.get('magento.instance.website')

        if not context.get('active_id'):
            return []

        website = website_obj.browse(cursor, user, context['active_id'],
        instance = website.instance

        with magento.ProductAttributeSet(
                instance.url, instance.api_user,
                instance.api_key) as attribute_set_api:
            attribute_sets = attribute_set_api.list()

        return [(attribute_set['set_id'], attribute_set['name'])
                for attribute_set in attribute_sets]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_attribute_sets(cls):
        """Get the list of attribute sets from magento for the current channel
        :return: Tuple of attribute sets where each tuple consists of (ID,Name)
        Channel = Pool().get('sale.channel')

        if not Transaction().context.get('active_id'):
            return []

        channel = Channel(Transaction().context['active_id'])

        with magento.ProductAttributeSet(
                channel.magento_url, channel.magento_api_user,
                channel.magento_api_key) as attribute_set_api:
            attribute_sets = attribute_set_api.list()

        return [(attribute_set['set_id'], attribute_set['name'])
                for attribute_set in attribute_sets]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_attribute_sets(cls):
        """Get the list of attribute sets from magento for the current website

        :return: Tuple of attribute sets where each tuple consists of (ID,Name)
        Website = Pool().get('magento.instance.website')

        if not Transaction().context.get('active_id'):
            return []

        website = Website(Transaction().context['active_id'])
        instance = website.instance

        with magento.ProductAttributeSet(
            instance.url, instance.api_user, instance.api_key
        ) as attribute_set_api:
            attribute_sets = attribute_set_api.list()

        return [(
            attribute_set['set_id'], attribute_set['name']
        ) for attribute_set in attribute_sets]
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_attribute_sets(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):

        website = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context)
        instance = website.instance

        with magento.ProductAttributeSet(
                instance.url, instance.api_user,
                instance.api_key) as attribute_set_api:
            attribute_sets = attribute_set_api.list()

        magento_web_attr_obj = self.pool.get('magento.attributes')

        for attribute in attribute_sets:
            set_id = self.pool.get('magento.attributes').search(
                cr, uid, [('set_id', '=', attribute['set_id'])])
            if not set_id:
                    cr, uid, {
                        'set_id': attribute['set_id'],
                        'website_id': ids[0],
                        'name': attribute['name']
        return True