Exemplo n.º 1
def clear(erase=True, all=False):
    Clears all Brian objects.
    Specifically, it stops all existing Brian objects from being collected by
    :class:`MagicNetwork` (objects created after clearing will still be collected).
    If ``erase`` is ``True`` then it will also delete all data from these objects.
    This is useful in, for example, ``ipython`` which stores persistent references
    to objects in any given session, stopping the data and memory from being freed
    up.  If ``all=True`` then all Brian objects will be cleared. See also
    if all is False:
        net = MagicNetwork(level=2)
        objs = net.groups + net.connections + net.operations
        groups, _ = magic.find_instances(NeuronGroup, all=True)
        connections, _ = magic.find_instances(Connection, all=True)
        operations, _ = magic.find_instances(NetworkOperation, all=True)
        objs = groups+connections+operations
    for o in objs:
        if erase:
            for k, v in o.__dict__.iteritems():
                object.__setattr__(o, k, None)
Exemplo n.º 2
def clear(erase=True, all=False):
    Clears all Brian objects.
    Specifically, it stops all existing Brian objects from being collected by
    :class:`MagicNetwork` (objects created after clearing will still be collected).
    If ``erase`` is ``True`` then it will also delete all data from these objects.
    This is useful in, for example, ``ipython`` which stores persistent references
    to objects in any given session, stopping the data and memory from being freed
    up.  If ``all=True`` then all Brian objects will be cleared. See also
    if all is False:
        net = MagicNetwork(level=2)
        objs = net.groups + net.connections + net.operations
        groups, _ = magic.find_instances(NeuronGroup, all=True)
        connections, _ = magic.find_instances(Connection, all=True)
        operations, _ = magic.find_instances(NetworkOperation, all=True)
        objs = groups + connections + operations
    for o in objs:
        if erase:
            for k, v in o.__dict__.iteritems():
                object.__setattr__(o, k, None)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, verbose=False, level=1):
     Set verbose=False to turn off comments.
     The level variable contains the location of the namespace.
     (groups, groupnames) = magic.find_instances(NeuronGroup)
     groups = [g for g in groups if g._owner is g]
     groupnames = [gn for g, gn in zip(groups, groupnames) if g._owner is g]
     (connections, connectionnames) = magic.find_instances(Connection)
     (operations, operationnames) = magic.find_instances(NetworkOperation)
     if verbose:
         print "[MagicNetwork] Groups:", groupnames
         print "[MagicNetwork] Connections:", connectionnames
         print "[MagicNetwork] Operations:", operationnames
     # Use set() to discard duplicates
     Network.__init__(self, list(set(groups)), list(set(connections)), list(set(operations)))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, verbose=False, level=1):
     Set verbose=False to turn off comments.
     The level variable contains the location of the namespace.
     (groups, groupnames) = magic.find_instances(NeuronGroup)
     groups = [g for g in groups if g._owner is g]
     groupnames = [gn for g, gn in zip(groups, groupnames) if g._owner is g]
     (connections, connectionnames) = magic.find_instances(Connection)
     (operations, operationnames) = magic.find_instances(NetworkOperation)
     if verbose:
         print "[MagicNetwork] Groups:", groupnames
         print "[MagicNetwork] Connections:", connectionnames
         print "[MagicNetwork] Operations:", operationnames
     # Use set() to discard duplicates
     Network.__init__(self, list(set(groups)), list(set(connections)),
Exemplo n.º 5
def hist_plot(histmon=None, **plotoptions):
    """Plot a histogram
        Plot the given histogram monitor
        Guesses which histogram monitor to use
    with argument:
        is a monitor of histogram type
    Plots only the first n-1 of n bars in the histogram, because
    the nth bar is for the interval (-,infinity).
    Any of PyLab options for bar can be given, as well as:
        set to ``True`` to run pylab's ``show()`` function
        set to ``False`` not to create a new figure with pylab's ``figure()`` function
        label for the x-axis
        label for the y-axis
        title for the plot
    if histmon is None:
        (histmons, histmonnames) = magic.find_instances(HistogramMonitorBase)
        if len(histmons) == 0:
            raise TypeError, "No histogram monitors found."
        elif len(histmons) > 1:
            log_info("brian.hist_plot", "Found more than one histogram monitor, using first one.")
        histmon = histmons[0]
    # Defaults
    myopts = {"title": "", "xlabel": "Time (ms)", "ylabel": "Count", "showplot": False, "newfigure": True}
    # User options
    _take_options(myopts, plotoptions)
    if myopts["newfigure"]:
    pylab.bar(histmon.bins[:-1] / ms, histmon.count[:-1], (histmon.bins[1:] - histmon.bins[:-1]) / ms, **plotoptions)
    if myopts["showplot"]:
Exemplo n.º 6
def hist_plot(histmon=None, **plotoptions):
    """Plot a histogram
        Plot the given histogram monitor
        Guesses which histogram monitor to use
    with argument:
        is a monitor of histogram type
    Plots only the first n-1 of n bars in the histogram, because
    the nth bar is for the interval (-,infinity).
    Any of PyLab options for bar can be given, as well as:
        set to ``True`` to run pylab's ``show()`` function
        set to ``False`` not to create a new figure with pylab's ``figure()`` function
        label for the x-axis
        label for the y-axis
        title for the plot
    if histmon is None:
        (histmons, histmonnames) = magic.find_instances(HistogramMonitorBase)
        if len(histmons) == 0:
            raise TypeError, "No histogram monitors found."
        elif len(histmons) > 1:
            log_info('brian.hist_plot', "Found more than one histogram monitor, using first one.")
        histmon = histmons[0]
    # Defaults
    myopts = {"title":"", "xlabel":"Time (ms)", "ylabel":"Count", "showplot":False, 'newfigure':True }
    # User options
    _take_options(myopts, plotoptions)
    if myopts['newfigure']:
    pylab.bar(histmon.bins[:-1] / ms, histmon.count[:-1], (histmon.bins[1:] - histmon.bins[:-1]) / ms, **plotoptions)
    if myopts["showplot"]:
Exemplo n.º 7
def guess_clock(clock=None):
    Tries to guess the clock from global and local namespaces
    from the caller.
    Selects the most local clock.
    Raises an error if several clocks coexist in the same namespace.
    If a non-None clock is passed, then it is returned (simplifies the code).
    if clock:
        return clock
    # Get variables from the stack
    (clocks, clocknames) = magic.find_instances(Clock)
    if len(clocks) > 1: # several clocks: ambiguous
        # What type of error?
        raise TypeError("Clock is ambiguous. Please specify it explicitly.")
    if len(clocks) == 1:
        return clocks[0]
    # Fall back on default clock
    if exists_global_preference('defaultclock'): return get_global_preference('defaultclock')
    # No clock found
    raise TypeError("No clock found. Please define a clock.")
Exemplo n.º 8
def guess_clock(clock=None):
    Tries to guess the clock from global and local namespaces
    from the caller.
    Selects the most local clock.
    Raises an error if several clocks coexist in the same namespace.
    If a non-None clock is passed, then it is returned (simplifies the code).
    if clock:
        return clock
    # Get variables from the stack
    (clocks, clocknames) = magic.find_instances(Clock)
    if len(clocks) > 1:  # several clocks: ambiguous
        # What type of error?
        raise TypeError("Clock is ambiguous. Please specify it explicitly.")
    if len(clocks) == 1:
        return clocks[0]
    # Fall back on default clock
    if exists_global_preference('defaultclock'):
        return get_global_preference('defaultclock')
    # No clock found
    raise TypeError("No clock found. Please define a clock.")
Exemplo n.º 9
def raster_plot(*monitors, **additionalplotoptions):
    """Raster plot of a :class:`SpikeMonitor`
        Plots the spike times of the monitor
        on the x-axis, and the neuron number on the y-axis
        Plots the spike times
        for all the monitors given, with y-axis defined by placing a spike
        from neuron n of m in monitor i at position i+n/m
        Guesses the monitors to plot automagically
    Any of PyLab options for the ``plot`` command can be given, as well as:
        set to ``True`` to run pylab's ``show()`` function
        set to ``True`` to create a new figure with pylab's ``figure()`` function
        label for the x-axis
        label for the y-axis
        title for the plot    
        set to ``True`` to show a line between each monitor
        colour for group lines
        value between 0 and 1 to insert a space between
        each group on the y-axis
        Specify how often (in simulation time) you would like the plot to
        refresh. Note that this will only work if pylab is in interactive mode,
        to ensure this call the pylab ``ion()`` command.
        If you are using the ``refresh`` option above, plots are much quicker
        if you specify a fixed time window to display (e.g. the last 100ms).
        If you are using more than one realtime monitor, only one of them needs
        to issue a redraw command, therefore set this to ``False`` for all but
        one of them.

    Note that with some IDEs, interactive plotting will not work with the
    default matplotlib backend, try doing something like this at the
    beginning of your script (before importing brian)::
        import matplotlib
    You may need to experiment, try WXAgg, GTKAgg, QTAgg, TkAgg.
    if len(monitors) == 0:
        (monitors, monitornames) = magic.find_instances(SpikeMonitor)
    if len(monitors):
        # OPTIONS
        # Defaults
        myopts = {
            "title": "",
            "xlabel": "Time (ms)",
            "showplot": False,
            "showgrouplines": False,
            "spacebetweengroups": 0.0,
            "grouplinecol": "k",
            'newfigure': False,
            'refresh': None,
            'showlast': None,
            'redraw': True
        plotoptions = {'mew': 0}
        if len(monitors) == 1:
            myopts["ylabel"] = 'Neuron number'
            myopts["ylabel"] = 'Group number'
        # User options
        _take_options(myopts, additionalplotoptions)
        spacebetween = myopts['spacebetweengroups']

        class SecondTupleArray(object):
            def __init__(self, obj):
                self.obj = obj

            def __getitem__(self, i):
                return float(self.obj[i][1])

            def __len__(self):
                return len(self.obj)

        def get_plot_coords(tmin=None, tmax=None):
            allsn = []
            allst = []
            for i, m in enumerate(monitors):
                mspikes = m.spikes
                if tmin is not None and tmax is not None:
                    x = SecondTupleArray(mspikes)
                    imin = bisect.bisect_left(x, tmin)
                    imax = bisect.bisect_right(x, tmax)
                    mspikes = mspikes[imin:imax]
                if len(mspikes):
                    sn, st = array(mspikes).T
                    sn, st = array([]), array([])
                st /= ms
                if len(monitors) == 1:
                    allsn = [sn]
                    allsn.append(i + (
                        (1. - spacebetween) / float(len(m.source))) * sn)
            sn = hstack(allsn)
            st = hstack(allst)
            if len(monitors) == 1:
                nmax = len(monitors[0].source)
                nmax = len(monitors)
            return st, sn, nmax

        st, sn, nmax = get_plot_coords()
        if myopts['newfigure']:
        if myopts['refresh'] is None:
            line, = pylab.plot(st, sn, '.', **plotoptions)
            line, = pylab.plot([], [], '.', **plotoptions)
        if myopts['refresh'] is not None:
            pylab.axis(ymin=0, ymax=nmax)
            if myopts['showlast'] is not None:
                pylab.axis(xmin=-myopts['showlast'] / ms, xmax=0)
        ax = pylab.gca()
        if myopts['showgrouplines']:
            for i in range(len(monitors)):
                pylab.axhline(i, color=myopts['grouplinecol'])
                pylab.axhline(i + (1 - spacebetween),
        if myopts["showplot"]:
        if myopts['refresh'] is not None:

            def refresh_raster_plot(clk):
                if matplotlib.is_interactive():
                    if myopts['showlast'] is None:
                        st, sn, nmax = get_plot_coords()
                        ax.set_xlim(0, amax(st))
                        st, sn, nmax = get_plot_coords(
                            clk._t - float(myopts['showlast']), clk._t)
                        ax.set_xlim((clk.t - myopts['showlast']) / ms,
                                    clk.t / ms)
                    if myopts['redraw']:

Exemplo n.º 10
def raster_plot(*monitors, **additionalplotoptions):
    """Raster plot of a :class:`SpikeMonitor`
        Plots the spike times of the monitor
        on the x-axis, and the neuron number on the y-axis
        Plots the spike times
        for all the monitors given, with y-axis defined by placing a spike
        from neuron n of m in monitor i at position i+n/m
        Guesses the monitors to plot automagically
    Any of PyLab options for the ``plot`` command can be given, as well as:
        set to ``True`` to run pylab's ``show()`` function
        set to ``True`` to create a new figure with pylab's ``figure()`` function
        label for the x-axis
        label for the y-axis
        title for the plot    
        set to ``True`` to show a line between each monitor
        colour for group lines
        value between 0 and 1 to insert a space between
        each group on the y-axis
        Specify how often (in simulation time) you would like the plot to
        refresh. Note that this will only work if pylab is in interactive mode,
        to ensure this call the pylab ``ion()`` command.
        If you are using the ``refresh`` option above, plots are much quicker
        if you specify a fixed time window to display (e.g. the last 100ms).
        If you are using more than one realtime monitor, only one of them needs
        to issue a redraw command, therefore set this to ``False`` for all but
        one of them.

    Note that with some IDEs, interactive plotting will not work with the
    default matplotlib backend, try doing something like this at the
    beginning of your script (before importing brian)::
        import matplotlib
    You may need to experiment, try WXAgg, GTKAgg, QTAgg, TkAgg.
    if len(monitors) == 0:
        (monitors, monitornames) = magic.find_instances(SpikeMonitor)
    if len(monitors):
        # OPTIONS
        # Defaults
        myopts = {
            "title": "",
            "xlabel": "Time (ms)",
            "showplot": False,
            "showgrouplines": False,
            "spacebetweengroups": 0.0,
            "grouplinecol": "k",
            "newfigure": False,
            "refresh": None,
            "showlast": None,
            "redraw": True,
        plotoptions = {"mew": 0}
        if len(monitors) == 1:
            myopts["ylabel"] = "Neuron number"
            myopts["ylabel"] = "Group number"
        # User options
        _take_options(myopts, additionalplotoptions)
        spacebetween = myopts["spacebetweengroups"]

        class SecondTupleArray(object):
            def __init__(self, obj):
                self.obj = obj

            def __getitem__(self, i):
                return float(self.obj[i][1])

            def __len__(self):
                return len(self.obj)

        def get_plot_coords(tmin=None, tmax=None):
            allsn = []
            allst = []
            for i, m in enumerate(monitors):
                mspikes = m.spikes
                if tmin is not None and tmax is not None:
                    x = SecondTupleArray(mspikes)
                    imin = bisect.bisect_left(x, tmin)
                    imax = bisect.bisect_right(x, tmax)
                    mspikes = mspikes[imin:imax]
                if len(mspikes):
                    sn, st = array(mspikes).T
                    sn, st = array([]), array([])
                st /= ms
                if len(monitors) == 1:
                    allsn = [sn]
                    allsn.append(i + ((1.0 - spacebetween) / float(len(m.source))) * sn)
            sn = hstack(allsn)
            st = hstack(allst)
            if len(monitors) == 1:
                nmax = len(monitors[0].source)
                nmax = len(monitors)
            return st, sn, nmax

        st, sn, nmax = get_plot_coords()
        if myopts["newfigure"]:
        if myopts["refresh"] is None:
            line, = pylab.plot(st, sn, ".", **plotoptions)
            line, = pylab.plot([], [], ".", **plotoptions)
        if myopts["refresh"] is not None:
            pylab.axis(ymin=0, ymax=nmax)
            if myopts["showlast"] is not None:
                pylab.axis(xmin=-myopts["showlast"] / ms, xmax=0)
        ax = pylab.gca()
        if myopts["showgrouplines"]:
            for i in range(len(monitors)):
                pylab.axhline(i, color=myopts["grouplinecol"])
                pylab.axhline(i + (1 - spacebetween), color=myopts["grouplinecol"])
        if myopts["showplot"]:
        if myopts["refresh"] is not None:

            def refresh_raster_plot(clk):
                if matplotlib.is_interactive():
                    if myopts["showlast"] is None:
                        st, sn, nmax = get_plot_coords()
                        ax.set_xlim(0, amax(st))
                        st, sn, nmax = get_plot_coords(clk._t - float(myopts["showlast"]), clk._t)
                        ax.set_xlim((clk.t - myopts["showlast"]) / ms, clk.t / ms)
                    if myopts["redraw"]:
