Exemplo n.º 1
def edit_venue(venue_id):
    form = VenueForm()

    raw_venue = Venue.query.filter_by(id=venue_id).first()
    attribs = list(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith('_'), dir(raw_venue)))
    for attrib in attribs:
        if hasattr(form, attrib):
            magicattr.set(form, attrib + '.data',
                          getattr(raw_venue, attrib, ''))

    venue = vars(raw_venue)
    return render_template('forms/edit_venue.html', form=form, venue=venue)
Exemplo n.º 2
def edit_artist(artist_id):
    form = ArtistForm()

    raw_artist = Artist.query.filter_by(id=artist_id).first()
    attribs = list(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith('_'), dir(raw_artist)))
    for attrib in attribs:
        if hasattr(form, attrib):
            magicattr.set(form, attrib + '.data',
                          getattr(raw_artist, attrib, ''))

    artist = vars(raw_artist)
    return render_template('forms/edit_artist.html', form=form, artist=artist)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def SetLibConfigValue(self, name, value):
        """ libconf wrote its own version of AttrDict, which doesn't have the propper setters for certain types.
            The code here is mostly due to trial and error of what works on each type. """
        if name[-1] == ']':
            magicattr.set(self.cfg, name, value)

        pos = name.rfind('.')
        if pos >= 0:
            pos = name.rfind('.')
            prop = magicattr.get(self.cfg, name[:pos])
            prop[name[pos+1:]] = value
            self.cfg[name] = value
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_person_example():
    bob = Person(name="Bob", age=31, friends=[])
    jill = Person(name="Jill", age=29, friends=[bob])
    jack = Person(name="Jack", age=28, friends=[bob, jill])

    # Nothing new
    assert magicattr.get(bob, 'age') == 31

    # Default value (optional)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as e:
        magicattr.get(bob, 'weight')
    assert magicattr.get(bob, 'weight', default=75) == 75

    # Lists
    assert magicattr.get(jill, 'friends[0].name') == 'Bob'
    assert magicattr.get(jack, 'friends[-1].age') == 29

    # Dict lookups
    assert magicattr.get(jack, 'settings["style"]["width"]') == 200

    # Combination of lookups
    assert magicattr.get(jack, 'settings["themes"][-2]') == 'light'
    assert magicattr.get(jack, 'friends[-1].settings["themes"][1]') == 'dark'

    # Setattr
    magicattr.set(bob, 'settings["style"]["width"]', 400)
    assert magicattr.get(bob, 'settings["style"]["width"]') == 400

    # Nested objects
    magicattr.set(bob, 'friends', [jack, jill])
    assert magicattr.get(jack, 'friends[0].friends[0]') == jack

    magicattr.set(jill, 'friends[0].age', 32)
    assert bob.age == 32

    # Deletion
    magicattr.delete(jill, 'friends[0]')
    assert len(jill.friends) == 0

    magicattr.delete(jill, 'age')
    assert not hasattr(jill, 'age')

    magicattr.delete(bob, 'friends[0].age')
    assert not hasattr(jack, 'age')

    # Unsupported
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as e:
        magicattr.get(bob, 'friends[0+1]')

    # Nice try, function calls are not allowed
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        magicattr.get(bob, 'friends.pop(0)')

    # Must be an expression
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        magicattr.get(bob, 'friends = []')

    # Must be an expression
    with pytest.raises(SyntaxError):
        magicattr.get(bob, 'friends..')

    # Must be an expression
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        magicattr.get(bob, 'settings["DoesNotExist"]')

    # Must be an expression
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        magicattr.get(bob, 'friends[100]')